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Muskogee Phoenix from Muskogee, Oklahoma • 4

Muskogee Phoenixi
Muskogee, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I I 0 1 i I1 A i 'f- 4 1 1 1 Li 11 IA tzl 1 A 4 kal I i i a A 111 LI i 14 14 (N 46 LA 41 Cs '4101014 11 prices thfl vi1 1 meet ail correspondencv Do all kinds of Book Job and Commercial Printing in th e'atest best manner at finpetition Sole Territory dealers in Remington Standard r11ypewriters and Supplies competitic BROWN'S COURTIIIP FIRLSIDE Ururubs i'ACE IN 1111: 1 rr wd 4 fl a 1-t ryera i wh a I 1a (1-Pt alta tV Alaa) sta tar wolk 11V ir fl Itte oftrr tRa ri I tt baa ht if 014-10W tiatt 04 etloti tu v41 Ibilbr11 boy' it 14 rt be Ibi-4 c4 wood dobd To I It LtA etLi SIM Lar Lb0 Tr' it to o1 v-000 t-11 taic eAbi3O It atItif II kr It Vrt -ortt py or11 --4nhbrilLtbtr11 lhs jviostio ein tult know whom 11111 11r hIC pitrt41 110 girl I TtiiL' non ationi that Wood And the 411tt Viial3A16 L41410 tiWin NV ben ht4e IqNs i iv 1 IdQum know hurt hwavon way int To noito in in i IT when shos away Then frw ytrs of wtonig an strits $ivon nnoleitiv ankt tho Ointv Ittay Pisa getil So4r11 AM' I0Mt Is rito When 11110 sway Whai ue -1101 whvin 1 in with her then I know That twabvert IS nhining i nt sync Thnt Iift i sliv11 DM IojJ linkling tfl ittli 11411 aim 11to purpose tbort to viula nitt Nut (11 I doubt Ititorti 11A011n Thnl --N I CN AM) LAND AAiu A lAith tstamls la- sail to have oossA look V4 soiWs tell LAI 010 lli 101V Lee Of L'ola 10000 Tog A Hunt IA ty far the brat sou inted (Weal Lail an arse of 31tsooocoiquaro mime vs lib a lOeillt dela) thtou fathoms tho tuid lik0 Klifrbe lillktWl) alkr leysd If shoveled the l'actile ocean would till Orie kk4W- otith (1 It tootsuct shIt) to (14) tolt44ioti Work sling 1ri4io miles of tantre line lu the Psiget mound righni Is soots to be put to eolondssiost by tho Epimeopultalill Tacoom Prior Simmer says that if we 1'04(011 the average depth of the ocemits sit threo ii1i there would be layer of salt tio Vet thick 111 theit- tOtolOil hold' the waters of ell suddenly evaporate WWI It area Of 11500otes0 stpitsre miles )uo i mean depth swooning to Mr Murray of te over Lossi fathoms Thin Is estiumicK1 fcw a 'Any isuaullicient numpo Lag of 1101111411n01 3'in1110 (wean cover e7000000 (4 the IPO4100C011 WORN) Wiled WiliCh oonsposse the smith's surfects auti tho Atlentio 'covers )11000ntin TIOIS the10 two Ceettlill eomprirsc more than hall the entire Urea of the globe -ENE INDUSTRIAL WORLD Tug Japeneme now Iltiale tensile racquets and mune of them ere hay ported Into the United Statets Lest year Australia produced gold to tho value of 131tesio00 eseeses of any other country Tilt world Ude1 goid rIe114solt year was Utt201400 en Increase of about 12501100o over the previous year it atrilses of miners In Eng11 laud and Scotland are said to be rapids ly developing the coal production of Indic Tunrassis frogs a week are brought Into the buffalo mar4etwhskre the legs are frozen end distributed over the country coffee crop of tql)4 Its st 12roon4in 1s k-s he largest in the an-mils of the tratteeit14e4g)000 in ein3ePAI 't)t thu onntnnuptioll True south produced ipe1e07a03 worth of lumber lis IHIJO '1'0 make tide out plits117s4 were operated and 71060 hands employed The proiliset 10 testi wise worth elsintmon It mons thin doubled in tell yearn Is 'Victoria Australia tobn000 been-InieNtihstelly retsea an an imp-til1 Went It le now proposed tO grow It on a nointnerehil nestle 'rho lewd 1mA le that of tho Virginia or tIonneetiout variety am the Havana tobiwtto Is not liardrenough for the eltilinto Richard lirown Lad lived a Lachti lor for forty yrars end iliclared Lis intention of continuing in tho fitattl for the remainder of Lis greatl to tho haus faction of hk relatives tho I linkles ith whom Lo resided for tie It known Undo Richard vas worth a cool ludfmillion sod the Ilinkles were Lis only living relations Hopeful as poor human nature is of longevity litr and scarcely expected (4 survive their cousin who Wat4 their junior by ten years but Adelaido and Roso and Charles and 'Washington might la proleihility be Ids heirs and to this end the piarnts labored Uncle Richard had tho boat room In tba houso the best chair the 1110ht par tioular consideration Ills adios were deferred to and his advioo teloa 41 (ovary ockvieloa Matter-a progressed inoothly until it was habit and not hypoerisy which made Cousin Itirlaird actually master of the Lai however ik day at hut which sot the whole household ia commotion bliss Amanda Dove had been in vited to spend a week with tho Ilinkles and Miss Dove being a stranger Waa to wait at tho depot Until some ono cam for her la a carriage Tho Ilinkles resided somti miles out of town and had not oo copied their rcaldlice for many months so thut peolle were not always promrly directed by the neighbors It was decided that Mr Hinkle should escort bliss Dove but before the day of her arrival dawmA lousiness had NONA that gentleman to Boston l'Ioreover Mrs Hinkle had the influena and tho two boys were at boardingschool No one was to be found todrivo and neither Roso or Adelaide could handlo the reins "Weed" said Mrs Hinkle "It would he shocking treatment for the girl I must ask Cousin Richard" not do it" said Ailetaltle "tit eourso not" said Rota) Mrs Hinkle kihook her head "I fear- he -will not" eh said and mounted the stairs to Cousin Richard's "Aro you busy 'Richard?" "Not tit down" said Mottelor Drown A GRITTY CAT Vitas Kills in Eagle and Takes It Home Chat It Via I Cat bonate Lawrence county WOO Lill a cat tl at 14 a king of It kind Ilesides being ft good menace this rt mark- atie feline is death bt mountain rats Law Its and other small game tmt long ttgo bringing Lome bs realit of Ito proweso a large jack ralt)it Put the moat mutt itablo Meth-III in the eat's history haplo'ned a rev days ago WW1 an encounter with fullgrot bird of freedom and pusay was the victor The eat was bittiog on 4 pile of quarts patiently awaitIng tho reappearaace of a chipmunk which bot a moment before It had (diesel into a bole when suddenly the alty above the-cut became etarkened and an ominous wish as If from a rapidly moving body fell upon puttay'a ear The it aprang (aide with a motion Kt rapid that the eye could scarecly follow It and in the Owe it had ocenplod but a moment Wore Ittolt1 111 full -grow tt bald eagle Its plumage ruined and thirsting for blood Poesy had sand atol acceptotl the gauge of battle and le le9M 111110 Vain it takes to toll it "moukey and parrot" ilea) was being reenacted It was a desperate struggle and although pussy was pretty badly beratched by the eagle's talons it when taking tho initiative in the fight secured 4 do- tided ativantagehaving lauded on the eagle's back For a kw Moments the air was tilltal with fur Lunt feathers anti the ground was all torn up but pussy held on and in a il1101-t tino succeeded IR biting through tho awk of Its antagonist The steugJes of the eagle grew weeher and weaker aed soon ceased altogether and pussy exhausted by tho ilolent exertions and sore from lei-tunas WIWI- by tht kiigtoi talons rotted tor a moment then as calm us though eitting on a rug before the kitchen hearth wont carefully over the ruffled fur tootle its' toilet and seizing the body of tho vanquitthed antagonist drew It with much dillicultr to the home of Its Laying It at the traftter'a feet the eat purred Its malefaction and In thie way boasted of tho tory The aembat wag wItnemed by a number of people everyone Of whom Plt11114440i1 Ii dvidre to boy the eta but Me Wlawell says he would not Pen it for tho best mine la the Black Ella The eagle measured sit feet four Inches from the tip of one wink' to that of the other--fit Paul Pioneer Press It L- a id ti 'Y It It L4 111 r- lo 0 )- (1 le Ls lin 41 01 'a The Lileadeat of AIL The spring brinks day" bre every browse ltl iolet Awl summer 044141 With tob-1q4 The pinks tea reee thueL Alla golden Itelne A with tittrw A gift oe fruit brawyri Vet alsodarat day et it Iry av heard Inter hav Tle tIttaiittutas do be hrietmaa day I num 4 in his trunto anew --Iktioit rti3O I 1 I A I 1: 1 I I 1 LA 1 1 1 4 A ir 4 I i i 2 A she would Mil the Nee uf her future la the gless but limier uo eiroutestAlici'A TAW! she to turn around for that would break the Severel gtris trtsi It1 ach one tiolornuly (let hired that she Lad been a taco in the glees and then violet A ditto's urn 11 suppose she'll ore that follow ilopties" muttered George as Arline sweet to get a light for the cendle Juet at this moment Katie tnoeston rushed up to George anti said: "DP quick run up the back stairs and look ever bhou14r when she reaches the top Hurry up now (It $hell BM you" George Lehltated but a monaent anti then olieyed ilo reached tho (talk top floor anti then groped his a ay to the head of the front stairs There he paused "Supis set" thimglit Le "Mut ttli bloull give her a fright from Mob $iet never could roetiver Shall 1 do it?" Ile had docideti 111 the negative altnn be heard Arline coming elowly up the stairs Up one flight 6110 Citt110 una tlicti on up the Dell Very slow work it was anti George etmiti hoar his heart thumping entity 111 11140 came on hut a kw etere remitted fur her and then George bent over and almost touched her shoulder with his chin Arline sighed in a pleased sort el way end then without turning commeneed Ler downward trip Ile rushed down the back stairs and when Arline Phillips reached the lower floor George WIte leatAtIg agalnet the TA trying ta look unconcerned but tally eueceeding In looting as If he had committed petit larceny and been caught in the art Miss Phillips was besieged with questions "Whew had she eticn?" "Did he look natural?" "Juet tell UN ids first name or eVen the color of ids refused but said that he was a very niee young mom George tied Arline did not ride home- that 141itjut i tlitty- Were walk leg along be told the story that Bo 'long had troubled him and bhe with just the proper amount of dif(Wove bald: "Yes" Tito took 'place with the begiunieg of the new year just two mouths after A1I Hallows Eve mut Ue George Edinonds tho proudest man in New York sulked down the ulele he saw Miss Fehnottettut look-leg at hint from the rorner of her eye tied its ho puesed ber seat he bowed and murmured: "Thaelos" Once in the carriage with Arline George grew grave "A Hip e- he said have a question to esk end a secret Jo tell you Didn't IttinOWPli night influence you a little in accepting me?" After a monwet hhe atiswered with reluetatice: "Yes" "Well Arline" he said "I stood ut the of th-e'stairs anti looked over your shoulder thut night Now don't get ungry" he continued as flaked tieeteeelltsystothief to her 1141'0 She n'InithiedS11011t 111110 (MO Could count ten and then said with a little 'aught "Why 141)1141 I he angry when it was I who told Katie Etimonston tot Huntl you ttp the bat Even-log ben Straisburgi 3ingubir Club 'An origitiel idea in the way Of clubs has been comeit ed in Strobe-burg Gertnaoy A number of people 11) thitt Ilty are soil to have formed thenuul yes into a society wilt tse principal rule requires that Nell member shall make the aseeet of the cathedrat spire at lewd (woe a dey Ths el oh I thlIA Comply hcbmt vety entittoil St russhurgerm tua eestegerungsvet The word is certainly eu admiraid one if as tnay be presumed It has been designed tor prommelatioe by members during the tweet pri i 1' A t'holottua Lottery Tilly Janette woo moldon of moot Intrentiont 1rn 'INtIO mole the benne of 911161 wen In pootooa (loop to hut And the like lots n4 odlo of bet' 1i-own-toting As to the ono oho toyed the beet otiold to4 make up ber mind Tom Willits be hod bortolt and jam' Darbt be beekvl own ad tI lii plehir and Thu Itokiii- hod iooltit Oorue tortoni' woe poet ett4 twit 11114u1 was quite And there were twenty thltent whom she Monett shout um elk 'Mu oil had oft beaought bor on their Ituotel None end wod And nbo to 'newer pot to orb woe tunou elined tit told And yet when wl Ruing on lilt knee Upon the floor It seemed to hot the other wen) the ones the bmod tho more She bothered ttnti 6119 bothered ail the soloing slipped sway it941 601114 oho onWerP41 ye to non to tu0 pIfl auswored When alublonly notoro tanw Into bor bonny heal 111 thet4h6 01 IN blOh her anima! to the right one thloht he soIdshe iodied them all to Irlolt her tirben Christmos dor in room' An on marl-rho for 'orb win a numbered ear4 won found And on a tree wore envolopoe fur oil bet many boduz Oul of tiwin hld Mao there they bold bora 5 m4 to it wee elHebei by thin moat Ingentime plun Who was to be the f000ro ono of all tbe lor olon And Ito Wee proven troll by trott moot 1104 thrlotinot troo That they took Id Un Vibe Ant ohcrrod t'e3t lots a lottery ibtanr IJ lItown found himself 110 CIO0 tc) any youog holy sat Lis cousin' lit fore Do wits at fully coolttttd pet somehow ho Ititcti It: Dow pretty idle a as Ito thought Ti told to tho dilettanti the storio hit had been threatening tor hours iturht at tory noteetitt when I IiiolidOr 1110 fulall it iniputith to tun tactiler tho left rOsti Or the right led home-aril and the horse vt as strait' of lightning Mhts Dovewits afraid of lightwing also She gave a littlo acrennt and clung tot Datittolor Ilro 11'N Itichclor Drown looked Clown at her was such a soft plump hand "I'll take vitro of you" flash of lightning is roar of thunder an attempt On the Part of tho itors to run him thicholor Drown looked terriiled Ile cast glance nhout him Near tho rtsol was a parsonage eonnected with Its churt by a garden tell you what we'll do" Ito sea "Well ask for shelter until tho storm itt'over A clergyman ought to be Christian enough to take us in" And driving to the gate totsisted bliss Dove totalight As he did so two hired mon rushed out and began to attend to the horse and "Akio and un old Indy und gentioman appearNI upon the steps "So glad you're early enough to escape tho worst of tho Storm" tiltid the gen demon "Do cOmo In" said tho old lady "We were expecting on such an oocusiou pooplo always keep thelr appointmen tsII II1Vhat on earth does sho moan?" thought Bachelor Drown "But it's very kind of them" end so while the ohl lady hurritsi Miss Dove away to dry lair things Ito sat with tho old clergyman In tho parlor "Do you feel at all nervous bk?" Kitt the eld gentleman finer It patiso IN() thank you" "Most men do sir" "Yes lightnIng Is a nervons sort of thing" "I did not allude to the storm" "Indetsl Or" to the approaching erre minty" "Eh?" "In your note you know you told me that you were too nervous to Mend beton) tho wind() congrogation Mr Artimlee 'Meet Quote' Atter JUL Why it tees that Gang(' Emiemomele vij) EaLl hceu ro ee the uerv leet in fteeimell emtele Lied the beet beetr at tellege could not OUD I nt tp rouragii emenmell propeee to lite el A dine ati a "nye cry ht it wee eo Ito coeld mit do It eieorge errived ut his twenty' year yob lout felling a vietitti to utly feminitio feemallattosm row kta holly In love and that littla blonle Arline Philliee wmcmi the ettly ician vi Ito could ip htj pm-timelier rompleine The tittle wits Halloween tinct eergo was to belie Arlitto tea party at thn Louse of a Jeletel Ile knew all of tite old Halloween getups told decided that to eight of ull eleimes was the time lot him to rimitke the plunge If lie ever were to do so fle bitesi lu front of his mirror purveyed himself and wondered how It was that a six foot man with the theertillited looking chin thet could not propese to a little girl who steed five feet nothing In her highItetmled boots "I talloween Is the thee" be said as be turned fmm the glass "and settle It to night forever" JI got Into the cab that bad been waltieg ter him and ordered the driver to go to time home) of Arline-- hie Arline ho hop" il would be before the eight was over Mies Phillips received George with the careless almoet si3terly which Is ail much of a sot back to lovers as a decided cohluese would be He would have MO it had she a little more distant with him Ai It was already late they went at once to the houee whore time party was ta be and were rerrirrd at the door by Miss Hato Ednionsten their Lofitess Miss Illinenston a little girl with a freckled face' and red heir whom no one could call pretty but whom all culled tray i ve received there Kt the door and told them to hastem et the- gams were already la prow res In tho parlor was a large crowd of pew men and women busily en paged In the sport of divitig for up- plea la this sport as every one knows a lot of apples it bowleg the Elaine of a man are placed in a tub of water and the girls try to catvit thin in their teeth Tho name on the apple Is sure to he the name of tho future husband of the young woman who divee There was another tub filled with tipples In which there were the names of gide bitt that watt for the an en quently of oomparatively little Interest There was much diving much laughter and much diegust when It was found that carefully curled hair WWI owing to the water hanging down before tho eyes et the owners straight aud stilt mit no one cares about hair at a Halloween party and so the disguitt was ellort lived indeed At heat 4 tattoo Arline's turn to dive am-L11411a th4c erowl of girls were busy drtizging her to the tub George "'Autunite elippmel Into It five apples each hearing his -own name Ho thought that ehould Arline get an apple with his name oil It oho would then expect the proptsal that 141 wai murdering up 11114 courago to malt Arline leaned over the tub mei bit lit an apple but It floated away from her and she tried again but with 110 better BUCCM5 than before Sho was perkilatent however and in about fi vo flu I ii tt'S ripplog and triumphant oho atood up with tho apple fast between her teeth An Inspection revettleti the Not het the apple boric inetead of the Patna of George Edmonds tho mono of Frederick Hopkins This lloplt ins was a (hipper little fellow who all the girl said was "nice" and Imo sat In the corner and smiled a 'huge smile when he heiird timo fair Arline road his name To niulte worse the festive Frederick had been a frequeut vieltor at Phillipte bowie and Ooorgo hal often been jettiomi of tho attention she paid him The oveuing wore on anti poor George was in evident agony over the feet titut Arlitto had fiet clove tilin for a partner in any of time ganiee and had On the contrury taken the dapper I lopk ins more than once George wished for some Colo that young Hopkins was playing full belek to his end on rival fm lotted' teauate "ok- wouldn't I down he muttered but fortunetely for Hop kiwi It was Hulioween and not Thank9giving day and that young gen tlemun wouldn't have played football anyway it was too neigh litinight struck "tho witching 1 1 0 (1 I a a a a 0 I in61 tr tit to Ar tAto I III '1 -COURT DLCItIONS IIK first conviction tinder a yea law in tdreiron bus Just sent a 1111111 LO penitentittey for a year for adultevy A MotrAstattnAs charged with stealing an timbrella in Caletitta-Aven eenbowed to three Wveitte vigoroug 1311- rrimmtlient Tux supreme outlet of Indiana has fytate 41t thut i man does not commit larceny hi taking the gotnim of his wife A Sroa sax haa Just been mulcted In son because of the fall of an acrobat from is lofty trepere It Wfin ittt the aerobia who got the moni ey but the man in the audience he fell on lir an Itailun law every circus which does not perform every act promised in the printed programme or which misleads the means of pictures Is liable to a tine Of five hundred aollir fur elle') arkiihe tostuonotts Erinunne Ceuta totdreswd the final aession of the convention of the 1111111MM wietIva lit favor of introdueinir the a hipping-post Into the state of New York to be used es pecielly in the punishment of those who are cruel to children wmmpmn ttt1 'ok 1 I HE WAS "THE GENLRAL" Out the Mtbn Did Not know the Name of Their Commander Tho men of the light division In the Crimea always spoke of Sir George us "the general" as was th )end IN still thorigh in a lesser dtgree the habit of moLlinte 4t possibly from not knowing the name of the immediate leader This Ignoranee cost Sir George ono pound sterling during the worst orthe winter Ile had seized the opportunity of meeting Lord Ilagian to urge the desirability of showing himself more frequently In the ramps "What good will It do?" "Obl 'twill cheer the men up: Why mlr numbers of my men don't knOw your name" "Dot they don't know your name thorgtil" "Every man In the light division knows my name" "I'll bet you ono pound literlinkl the first ono) we ask (hien riot" "lame" said Sir Goorge and they rode to the right division camp "Come herr my man Who am IV' "You're the general sir" "Ilat my name?" "You're the general sir" and Othirig more could tat elicited from him Sir tirorge Drown paid up On the spelt No one who roliv him ride straight towai-d tho foe without an Indication tluit he WWI In any danger Is likely to forget the animating effeot of him iwal ing 1111 thti Fortnightly Review I A Matdatt's Lament I'd like to choke the fellow who Inventive' ttleity ladwagoritdoorodrtneauslestiont 'amps the id Tor now the people ell belles" tles thing aro lievaaaity And they have haulatted kinglets' for ever-L ort) I'd like to tett hint 'hut up In the strongost penitentiary Tor dealing a poor' maidens suck a "Igloo" blow Boosting that now Invention of this hatutal nopsteroth erititury On souse oveeitone isn't bs tuentsirsr easy --(Iowa-Sew You turn the thingunslossb and tovery 4111111meg tratatattaa And loans' the maiden and bet beau IA bliyitienwitxn11 And Maiden who wit' Sit with nett In aPtal darkness banishes All titutelitY Intl ILLhb tongue of in aade4 room A dint religious light 1t adds to the felicity Of two within who've hesrle the genus of true lag grow And Men wilt venture Many a pure and propos" eocenturitY 4 Tbeyd not unitise the light Wag turned away-4own-4ots hustle" that baturni liCiltaoll MUM abottal ant again st wit youthful lovere-it's bustling shame And I hrsve sot a bit of doubt be slogine with ferocity sa think how very eaatly he bee blockod ous paint ree pictured hint ea oars with Whom true IVY a la4p(antibia Ile itatily d1111-tuanojar sort of oltaps I knee And toyer sparked a pretty girl IthOtis pouting lila Worn Imaaanin As avonillt When the lamp was turned4- away -410st-44w -Cipt Josh Crawford In Truth "You me set how III 11 am" said tion In church and preferred a quiet Mrs Hinkle "I cun hardly hold wNliling at my Immo" up my heath ION drive and Bachelor Brown stared at him in Mr Ilinklo IM away and the boy astonishment The truth dt1WDed tiR) tilid no on can handle the riyina upon him and there la poor Miss Dove at the "You expeetod depot by this time" Ito RUM "'Maria" said the oh i bachelor "Oh you lire quite young enough "young 1dteR my littlo enntilna ex- sir" maid the innocent clergyman ceptcd are tuy abomlnalion :1 A nd 111104 say the young Indy nix never had anything to do with 'cm peurs a very charming pron" and I never will No dOUlit bho's Bachelor Brown Mt himmell eapablo of seeing herself hero' blush Mrs I Midi retreated "Should you think she'd make a "Ono ought to make twine sued- good wife?" be asked lice tor a friend" paid Adoluldo "Undoubtedly" "Pll tell him sho's a ehlid al- And just then Mims Dove entered ways good to ebIldren" the room looking angelic Bachelor "It will never do" said Ilin Brown drew her kle "I fell never forgive you" "I have something to any to you But Adelaldo ran up to' bet VOUS- MIss Dove" he Raid In's Hwy Lind burst ts- with an et- "Dear ma What is it?" sho eeedingly theatrical laugh askod "What a ittlatakel" sho said "and "They'vo made a mIstako" said how stuphi of them all You think the bachelor "They think we---wc Amanda is a young lady don't you?" they expect 8-0 sn't Ole?" ask ed the hachelor yot ci ydoou "As if a child of nine yours could her' said Adelaido Poor little INIk0 Dove-thing" "Yes" said tiachelor Ilrown "Poor littlo thing Indeed" Ram' "Now It would be very awkward tc the old bachelor hurrying on Ana like you so much coat and hat "I Iletta too 14 hy didn't you like me too AA lei you mention it?" him do "Do xi hat Mr Brown?" leanwhilo Bachelor Drown drttve to tho depot It was a long drive 113 over It r01141 but Ito kept on bis "Of course not What would the way very cheerfully Ito a-us ex 'tinkles say?" trem ely fond of children Ito had Thy be dlightod even in Ids Matte put a paper of It woula Lwow MI" candy in lit3 pocket When on "Well" bald Bachelor diroWn reaching tho depot ho saw no sign "that's my fault Intl they know of a eltildho grew alarmed Ito ran odd au dear" Ids lingers through bis hair anti Four hours after the Ilinkles heard I eeped Into the ladies' waiting room the light wngon drive to the door Only a full-grown young lady hitt and rushed out to greet Amanda there and Ito retreated Tito col "We've beon Ito alarmed" maid itred woman who wulted in the Mrs Ilinklo npartment canto out of her nook as "Such a storm" mid Bose she saw him nnel lie 11(1rtgq01 her: Mere ynu trightemd?" asked "Novo you seen it littio girl wait Adelaide lug for some one?" But Amanda said nothing "No sir" said the woman littolo Richard too shrunk back "Thero was two came down but its though he WIAM ittraltd of some-they've been took" thing dear!" said Bachelor Brown 11 cm Amantia" bo said 1ioj th00 Do aLtraka it's a "Not you tell Amaada little Miss Dom Please mitke in- "What Is thero to tell?" asked quiries" Mrs Hinkle As to uttered these ivorda tho And 'Cousin Pichard answered loll grown young lady Iii tit0 Wait' sheeplAIY: Ing-roont 104 AC411 IA) 1111M1 ViOlen Ive'vo IS'en get ly tool to arko Bog married" "I'm Ikliss Dove" slot bald "find I It was the Lilly explanation eyer iXtlled SoM0 one from Ilin- offered The lilt-Odes never compreliended it It wits always a mighty 'I-- I beg your pardon" Ito began niystcry to them anti though thoy expected to find a little ItI a ero voluso la their" congrat I I- twits and always (sat Ituuna tho two "I cogi-tit-end" said the rung of friends tho half iiin which lady don't mind In the leost" might Lava born litosol or Ado-'In this your trunk it-tt Mottle hula Bachelor Brown in a hurry tind Fhe always declared lu soernt "Yes" said the lady lot Iting faintly cirelee that "she vim perfoctdown ly sure Uncle Rh hard roarrtod 'out In chureh nnd preferred a quiet wodding at my houso" Bachelor Brown stared at him in astonishment The truth dawned upon him "You expected young coo pl Ito Buhl "Oh you are quite young enough sir" maid the innocont clergyman "And I must tilt young Indy apt intuits a tvery charming person" Iluchelor Ilrown folt himself blush "Should you think she'd make a gots wife?" he asked "Undoubtedly" And just then Mims Dove entered tho room looking angelic Bachelor Drown 41row her asido "I have somothIng to say to you blIss Dove" Ito said "Dear ma Whut is it?" sho askod "Titity'vo mode a mistako" said the bachelor "They think we--we they expect 8-11 young couple you I(110W "Oh dear do they?" whIspered 'Niko Dove "Yes" bald ILICIICIOr Itrown "Now it would be very awkward to explain And like you so much Couldn't you like mo too and let him do "Do What Mr Brown?" "Marry us" "Of course not What would tho Ilinkles say?" "They'd be dellghted" "But it woula 0 oda" "wen" said Bachelor IlroWn "that's my fault an1 they know I'm odd my dear" Fotir hours after the II inkles hoard the light attigon drive to the door rtislit4 011t 10 gre0t "Wo'vo bettn Ito alarmed" said Mrs "Such a storm" 'mid Rosa Mere you frightentsl?" tusked Adelaide Dot Amanda said nothing nude Richard too shrunk back its though he WIA9 tifraid of Somotilitia 'IT II 'cm Amanda" bo said "Not you hem" said Amaada "What Is thero to tell?" asked Mrs Hinkle And Cloilintli answered only wlvo Itecn get: Dna married" It was the tnly explanation eyer offered The I lin les never comprehended it It was Ida ays it mighty niystery to them anti though they -1 lave you SCN1 time girt wait: ittletetite lug for some one?" nit Amanda said nothing "Ntt sky' said iho woman Voile Richard too shrunk buck "There Wni two Canal (10Wn but its though he was afraid of they've been took" thing dear!" said Bachelor Brown "Tt 11 'cm Amanda" bo sold 1 1 tiire'y Do IbLtAke it's a "NOI y011 tell Alniklada little Miss Dove I'lease make In- "What Is there to tell?" asked quiries" Mrs Hinkle he uttered three words the Alla Cilin5111 Ritluirti answered full grown young holy in the Wait' tAteeitiAtir ing-roont its seen Io blush violent- tt Nt hi (--(Tily we'vo iwen got ly iota to take Mot married "I'm Miss Dove" she bald "and I It was the tidy explanation eyer expelled Porn(' one from Mr IN- offered The Ilinkles ileVercoutpre- tile's" 'ended it It was tilt apt a mighty ''Is- I 141 your pardon' he began Mystery to atom anti though they expeettsl to tind it little kirl-- acre profuse itt thir" congrut tilde I- I- lions awl always eontittued tho best "I conga-0)4'nd" said Me rang of friends the half million which lady 1 dont mind tu the least" have been Ittatel oi- Ado- "In your trunk Innninr Intle's rattler troubled Mrs hula Itiaholor Ileown in a hurry anti Fhn always declared tu forret "Yes" said the lady 14)-king fatnily circleoU that "slat was perfect- down ly sure 'Uncle Rh bard taarriod 'out OBSERVATIONS "Sittemt as it le" nal' a man "I iltlYtT thought of It myself until election night and that is that one can 'get through almost any crowil comfortably by follow Mg in tho wake of a carriage or a ei met ear" Tim London t-ipeetator tells Of a I ittle On Inhaling the perfume of some wild flower itelaimeili 1 h'w passionately entente! It lei" 'Ilia Speotator defend the um) of the word butellful as bcieg ea legitiniato am painful hurtful helpful Dii litimtvtrwit of Chicago nrgeo venter care In the running of 'I he nervous that accompanies tho running of elevator sit rapid speed smithe danger to people of week heart beeatese tho sudden jar In topping awl alert Mg A proftwoor urges the imcoortigementiit stamp-collecting amosg children Ile says it clevrtival the c444r o'onto and C13111114 the 'nw'rP I oliservanon beentiso the eyea learn to deteet resemble lieeti kliti I ITCEVIIII1411 and gives a familiarity with geogritplileal twines that stimulate au leterest in gm 11- mph )61410 I' i i i I -f 4 4 ti I 1 i 1 r''- ti 1111 titt i 1 iiito -it IL! 41 1 i list no 'i I i i 4 111 4 1 A I i I 1 Chit i 4: 0 1 OE I I 1 HI Sc Outs of the See Another type of warhIllp 14 to be addea to the Ilultish havy In the "fleet crulsere" ordered for next year It I vost of a million dollars apleeo They RI0 11111)1101 aeventy fet tt length forty la breadth lilt a draft of sixteen feet thuir engines intel develop ten thou-hand horee power: and a Fpeell wenty tat) knots The armament III tonsist of quirk Ilring awl whim tiliti VIC tdiPittl torpodova only 114 thcy are Intendoll mainly for scouting Hitting the Notes ItIbh bilati Aro thy latoet tti1n4 out In the nonmat lona' Palo A 'harp ellooler of the name 61 rardon nroi Itronorktuathoon 'rho moor ntirhr I wont to hs4 Itot Sol to oloop for tny poor norol 140 111r4 'trio a Ittowt awful knanaLunidoton i th000lit of this and then of Ibid of ont on4 olti Vlach tows with set I fear sky Ionia halt run to foto Lsonlootiondn Nowt 1 nolo the bane tond note pot r- )1004 (4 a to sa swots soot Aro 1sn that sit of ninon It Prq II I WOO! I Thor 'ty tiowots I trtea to api' I wilt words bare two sul wh no I 0 tio oor brats 1 cshoot twit Will words here tom Gut' 1 tweie cemot tto -00t teit Assl Pit' Faith l'Ono of the most remarkable Iltmeg Of faith I Inivti ever slam" said a well ktioan physician revent'Oh ly "oecurred alien I was a littillent In 1'11146411in I had a patient an Irishman a ho had is broken leg Wiwi) the plaster bandage was roAs moved and a lighter Oita put In its plare I noticed that ono of the pins wen In a lilt great difficulty attd I could not tinderstaAel It A wet afterviard In removing this Oa I found that it Lad stuck hard and fast and I ass forced to remove ii with forceps What WnS my Ishment on on examination to ilua that thn pin Lad been run through tho Akin twlee lusti ad of through the eluth Is ct'lly Pat' Pakt I 'dhln't you know that pin wits sticking la Your 'To 14 allure I did' replied Pat And in a few moments ths two of spite to punieh Adelaide tot Atka "but 17ud ghit lyLonut ur tov kedgue your wvre driving Iowa! il tho Ill ilties' 4 tttt itlio played upon Country seafi NcTur had 124101or tlit rit 4 Izutal ------a- 4 1r QUEER YARNS" A Ntw Youk nn rViStrivil fA) liaT6 litty-three rettlemenken At olio flue reortilly la iv den the he tilNe49tered AT one tline the heille tf velloinoue eerie-Tan were CO4 ili Oi I Into utter L-lug mixed vilth tt hoe reinediee burred un eteleterd reedielno A iimit "by Rh A heii1 i ni INKly rvbem1Ing that Of all Alli1tAr" WU? rucvhtly en to reI off 11rt White tie It weighed one 81111 htlf 1011114k A outlive tu Ray ceollitt Mo Is rumly thlit two vk rtha two lin tem I tiorne1 The lern "inn lit the enette'm tell And the reptile eeed it so Attam Its wis As tile tirmyr ikhe a tstru theAel ly It in likely thet ho maw to maitrl 'nuke while he wee turvier the Itifitivuoi (it VIC 11114 It a Leti1 a rk1 INKly ribert3- till ni itiktAr" wiiii rucvlt Alf ort XV WU Vim it ini a liti lt inuitlls Its eoli I is or titst two ttha alto lin lirn itn itt II shi tin tet)tito u1 it e11 AS tile tarilier ialiell occasintilly It In like- awl to coMirl hnitkit 1 linlot $11 (it hour when raves giro forth their Int the inotol lnr tt set of bens dead" And now was the tittle for The hail iu striling the bar sounds the final told positive test A girl i a note Dud the shots follow each toolt a candle tu one Laud anti lu the i other In such rttpid succession and plhor a jr44ing glass and M' 401 WIth Bur trCuracy that Pardon is It was 'ests4140 (if shooting any 'khas tt the top Wlit Is (spill Colt 11111 whert 1 IA I i 10 Lila tiVrt Ci 1101 A hi mut 1 cibutwtwitL I Wil pa John Stillit 10 Wt (MI A I4 1 Ito tnbeit tollvirg Lui7 Vt r(kino steep! st Ilte411 itot to rmst me taw same or luf ar 44 (Lt le try be I it- kat4 IVI 111014 cd sill shers twc IA do tha ri vrr kli 1nit7 A to mut i coulLot win I Irti le ith14 SMIth Wbei tibl at A V4 1 tha inbeit tolltyllg 1t7 1 111 vt roMIN sleep! at LaAkt It tau itut to rrmt me Sii Lioi tame or Su aro4 (Lis to try to it- itt4 ttosil Ir 1 41v I i it I 11' Il ''i 44 4 L1 0-4 I.

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