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The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama • 8

Birmingham, Alabama
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MONDAY, aerie REP I), 9)) I BIKMINOHAM NCWS 4 A South roaimtt nmwtpaper EIGHT The Coal Bin (Bit Uinnmaham iftvos tSTABUSHgO MARCH 14, laM Absorb'd THI BIRMINGHAM LEOGtR, April, 1M0 BY KEKBY VANCE JVew ork Day By Day 0. 0. McHTTYRI ItM, ff TImi HirutiM bjr Nbm bp Th McMtuflll Ijrrtlcfttw, lie. CONCORD, This compact city, neatly appiuathad vat toy like bridge and ribbons or macadam is set dwu in a laiaurely sprawl among New Hampshire hills A spreading pants- fcntsrsd bstondCMM MplUr ths PtSloMlt Unosr Alt of Congo Mirth 1, tlT VICTOR H. HANSON, krssidsni snd PubMsbSr Sunday, in Birmlngbsm ANV, FPMrfstSPt Paurth Av.nue At Twenty Second Street.

North Printed Morning, evening, THE BIRMINGHAM MWI COM The Birmingnem Nenee, published every evening eriept Sunday. The Birmingham Age-Mereld, puli. icepl Sunday, and The 3u mingham Age Hsrpld on evei jham eeeh Sunday ere each puutiehed fiubliahed ha ownerahip and management igfTha Birmingham twenty-four-hour three papere All Newe and conetitute a eeven-day aerviee to readere and advertieore. are numbered teparaiely to moot regulrementa the Poetoffieo Department. MCMBCH OP TM6 ASSOCIATBO PNBSB The A ea delated Preaa la eaclueively entitled to the uea for republication of all newe credited to It or seamed essured Than caina Hiller, with hi appeal to old hatred and his brandishing of a new militarism.

The reaction upon millions of temperate minds throughout the civilued world was voiced few days ago by a great English scholar and editor, Mr. J. Garvin. Writing in The London Obaervw, he said in part: "The Nazi domestic system, whatever we may think of it cruelty, cannot be interfered with by any other power But the international aspect is another matter and concerns ua all. If we were blind to Hitlerism it wbuld mean again a tramp to death for millions in other countries and could mean nothing else Per more than Russian Bui ohevtam which could more easily be confined to its owft sphere in its worst days and la at present a serious (ore on the side of peace, the New creed is the enemy of every hope for the future of mankind.

Germany today is given over to the worship of Moloch in uniform: first by false glorification of a race and ft mythical Teutonlam, and second. by organized giorifirti of war Haetf. It 1 a deliberate philosophy whereby the whole people I if possible) is henceforth to be inoculated by order of the omnipotent stale. In no nation but one is this kind of infernal preaching not only allowed but officially instituted, salaried and encouraged. Of whet avail are mechanical cures, such as have been discussed these ID years, for a mental perversion so monstrous as this and for a moral dlaeaee so virulent?" The isolation to which that "disease" has consigned Germany ia as natural ss it is striking.

Austria, her nearest of kin, her World War ally and, as it seemed until Hitler came, her destined partner in an economic if not political union, has been forced open the defensive by Nazi tactics and now brisllea along the entire frontier. Italy, who might well have become the invaluable friend of Germany if wiser policies had prevailed at Berlin, has been alienated and is actually supporting Austria. Trance, whose distrust was yielding to a spirit of cooperation when Streaeinann was chancellor, has been confirmed again in her old suspicion, and, in the opinion of many, has been justified. England, who fur more reasons than one wished revival of German trade and prosperity, has been astounded and rebuffed by tiie outrages of Hitlerism. Thus the sowers of hste resp their inevitable harvest.

Atlanta Journal. not otherwiao credited in title paper and. local newe published herein. All righto tlon of epeelal diepatehee alto roaorvod. very effective work the past week in behalf of the cotton grower.

Tor It was largely through Senator Bankliaad's efforts that til Roosevelt administration pledged the government to lend to cotton farmers 10 cent a pound on their holdings of this year's crop, on rendition that they accept the program for reducing the cotton crop of 1934 and 133 Tiiis action, in effect, guaranteed a minimum price i ju cenla for till year's crop- The Pi'l go considerably higher, but certainly it wiU not fall below the 10-cent mark At It) tents, die cotton farmer ean make some money. Not much, but some little. He will certainly be far belter off than last year, when he got cents for hi crop. Senator Bankhead alone of all the senator and repiesentative of the South attending the cotton conference in Washington, seemed to nave had a clear, jn actual conception of how headway could When President Roosevelt and Secretary Wallace were able to receive him as chairman of the cotton relief committee, and to discuss how prices might be bettered immediately, he straightway offered the plan of a 10-cent guarantee to all planters in ex-changs for pledges to reduce their cropa In 1034 and 133. Tills is not by any means the first bit of practical, effective statesmanship that Senator Bankhead has exhibited since he wss elected to the sest of "Cotton Tom" Heflin.

His course on ail public matters has been greatly In contrast with that of his predecessm, whose usual contribution was a stertorous blusl about the Federal Reserve System and the rest of the country being in a conspiracy to rob the cotton farmer, but who could never do anything constructively prevent it. He exhaiuted all his energy in talking, but accomplished nothing. Tlie South would be much better off. and its voice heard oftrner, if it had more men of the type of Senator Bankhead in Congress. He not only has sbility, but the vigor and perseverance to get things donc.Huntsville Time.

VOICE OF TIIE PEOPLE Horn fFlfB up isefrftw td rimtti or IfllTfsM WtUVOMHl riling 4 IcJ In OO Oft Bid 1 1 IB utl ilhl bImmiIU not -TJ Bordi Afnt isaxii rout' Rr.M.-Sfl'-llg Will fU3 1 1 IWifllB-l Bfnl HUB hf If g.f.irtWNNl, atsmi I will lift I cl nfi.ed Th NwB WfW UB fiftiit tw ttMifUh iTUBf of IliiWlK ff ll. SUBSCRIPTION NATBS By mail, payable in advance, In thg Piret, Soeond and Third Poetal Zoneei (tmlil Mgymins sn4 Hi I viftuif bb4 My ONE IJ.00 00 I1J.OO Six Months THREE Months tH fjj ONE Month to 0 syond Zone Thrss. add 20. Additional POSU0S to foreign countries not carrying Oomsstlc rates rsqusst By Carrlsr, whsrs carrier delivery Is en, week! Evening end Sun By terrier, 'per year, Dally and advance, S10.00. Sunday, payable lh advance, KELLY.

SMITH Foreign Adv, Repreeentativee, New Vork, Graybar Bldg Ch'cago, 211 Watt Wacker Orivei Atlente. Olenn Bldg.l PhMsdelphlS. Atlantic Bido-i Boeton, Watermen Bldg.l Detroit. Oonerol Motnre Bldg. Phono 3-1121 All Oopartmonta ste-yjK Phona 3 1121 All Oioartment 'z Interviews Another Lynching In ubcbIoobb County for tha second time within little more then a month, Alabama put to eh am by lynching.

And again it Tuacalooaa County that ia the scene of the outrage. One Sunday morning in August two Negroes were found lynched, after they had been taken from Tuscaloosa County officers. It wss only by the merest chance that there were not three lynching, for the third Negro, shot with the other two and left for dead, survived the bullets. It was on a Sunday morning also thst the latest crime was committed. What a ghastly spectacle for the good people of Tuscalooaa County, and all Alabama, to contemplate as they went to their churches Sunday! Tuscaloosa County la one of our finest and moat cultivated counties.

It ia the seat of the University of Aiabams. it ia a county possessing some of the best in cultural traditions. Yet the good nsme of Tuscaloosa County is blackened again, and with it the good name of Alabama. It will not take much of this sort of thing to alter the fine reputation that Tuscalooaa County has always borne. We may be sure that the majority of the people of Tuscaloosa County deplore these crimes as bitterly us any could do.

The crimes were the acts of a few in each case. It ia up to the good people of Tuscaloosa to redeem their county's good name as best they may. Hiis they can do by building up a strong public sentiment against lynching, so strong that none would dare to flaunt it again, and by bending their efforts unrelentingly to tracking down the criminals and bringing them to justice. Saf-iiurlin The Lives Of Our School Children The following letter comes to The News: Thursday morning a downtown corner two small children cn their way to school narrowly escaped death. A reckless driver ran by the open door of the street car just as they stepped out.

Docs this man realize he broke the law and risked the lives of two little children in his haste? wonder how he would feel if he had killed the children, sod how he thinks I would feel. This wc.s written by their mother. No actual harm was done, beyond the fright experienced by the children and the anxiety caused to the mother. But how easily there might have been a tragedy! A difference of a second or two in time might have meant death or injury to the children. The incident related may be held up as a warning to all automobile drivers.

Always drivers should be careful. But now that school has started again, there is a special need for care and watchfulness on their part. Many thousands of children are on the streets every school day, and their safety in traffic depends more on the carefulness of automobile drivers than on anything else. During the school season drivers should be especially cautious. They should remember to observe speed limits and stop signs.

They should be particularly careful in passing street cars and crossing intersections. In the morning and afternoon hours when the children are going to and from school, the strictest vigilance on the part of drivers is required. Parents and teachers also must bear in mind the necessity of cautioning the children repeatedly to be careful in crossing streets. of is swelling ia of an it. Tourists" in first An Sil-vey.

waiter. about Moving Reports Must Be Filed "With Oct. 1 near. I want to urge residents who intend to move to be certain to file moving reports at City Hull or have the draymen make reports," said John Helton, city moving inspector. I wish to warn transfer companies and individual draymen of the city ordinance icqulring moving reports to be filed, as this law will be enforced strictly." Elks Going To Kansas City "Birmingham Lika Lodge already has started a fund to send a large delegation to the national convention in Kansas City next year," said City Purchasing Agent Jack Sheltcn.

"and by means of various entertainments we expect to have enough on hand next Spring to send a record delegation from Birmingham. Quirk Of Human Nature "Among the hundreds ol visitors to my office every day," said Acting Postmaster Cooper Green, arc strangers who, having just received froni the general delivery window a letter containing bad news, feel that they have to tell somebody about it. so they stop in here, the first place they pass, and tell us. regardless of the fact that we know nothing about the case. Just a quirk of human nature, I guess." He Finds Ills Job Interesting "The job of being a clerk in Criminal Court is geing to prove one of the most interesting I've ever held." raid Rutledge Snow, who recently was appointed clerk.

"There's a fascination about working in a courtroom where men arc cn trial for then-lives or freedom. At the same time I shall be learning a lot about court procedure and law." Snow is a law student in the night school of the Y. M. C. A.

A RACK O' SHORTS OTHER TOM BOWRON says Ray Beuci, catcher for the Birmingham Baron, hat $6,000 stomachache one day last Summer. On ih very day a Brooklyn scout cam South to buy I ram of fat, white hens, yard boxes of big brown Ray's appendix went haywire and he had to hr lil 1 1 1 crrjed to the hospital, nipping a sale in the That is, indeed, something foe the Bsroniel wi: to bellyache about. The fanner can now pay Mi car fare with iipound ot cotton end get bak th cent change The current nifty Is to Mk some ten low a very simple algebraic leaser. You put question in this wise: "Whst 5Q and 5Q 5 fall guy answers, "10Q." whereupon your answer "You're welcome. It's lots of fun between gui bf a double-header in spinning the plate.

Hrvy Bailey, the outlaw, if always starring In some lease. That's what you would call a cell-out tu 1 Business of running across Lee for the i time in sundry un and many moon. Tbckhol says he seven or eight montli on the open space on a farm building up a genem un-down condition. He lias put on so much weight I thought he was Kate Smith gone Marlene Dettii. when I first saw him.

The boss told me now spell that Hitler hound which is about a half (h high and two and one-half dog long, and Ihcii proof desk went and spelled it my way. Me nd the bone'll learn 'em, yet! Night football is ap: It always looks dark for the home team, any wa once beloved Toreador, who ucd to fill an aching void of The Bin with shots in the arm until it a longer hurt, camo through with a little who this week. Hr signed hi own nsme, loo. Won or whec lie got all that dignity. We used to call i Torroy, and get away with it.

see Football coaches know how to manufacture pln and win games, but they are not always goo. I financial strategists. Chet Wynne allowed his Tigei to beat Birmingham-Southern CO to 0 lust year The game was an annual affuir and always drew hi crowd and paid dividends. Last Friday mglit Ihna was a terrible shrinkage in attendance due to year's landslide for the Plainsmen. The funny about it was that the game stepped back into acter and tiie Tigers got the scare of then Lust year after the crushing defeat Prof, Saxon Childers wrote a sequel to one of Ills lxv around that 60 to 0 less.

He called it "Hilltop in Ruin." This year he has switched from nou -making to music composition and will rail his late musical release, hummed to the tunc made famous by Beedy Bulez, "Pipe Down Auburn." The city fathers arc faced by the question, "Just how wet is 3.2 beer? After they get through with that one they might ask themselves, "And exactly how dry a Martini?" W. C. Fitzpatrick sliips for Valdosta. Gu. Ho has contracted to kill all the peach blight in South Georgia at one fell swoop.

A. C. Legg is also calling Valdosta his home town now. Charlie Pogue slops to csll us on an error that appeared in The Bin recently. He says we listed the Supreme Court justices as seven, when as a matter of fact there are nine of the hoys.

If Charlie's decision in this matter is reversed he says he'll take it to th Supreme Court The theme song of the TV A st Muscle Shoals is, Im Going Home To Dynamo." Why not. "It was in a Little Spanish Town on a Nitrogen Like Uncle Bud and his Boll Weevils are feeling more important now that 10-icnt cotton is assured. Speaking of noses, Jimmy Durante has tiie noblest Roman of 'em all. They're calling Jimmy Jones and Lcwoy Robinson the lonsorul twins" They came from Barbour County. Ford's them song is, "Within the Code Without the NKA When it comes to paying war debts France is tiie greatest procrastination on earth.

O. McIntyre has been visiting the spot where the Pilgrims landed. O. O. arrived several years before hr got to Plymouth Rock, you might say.

Grover Cleveland has won so many ties at bridge parties tlrs Summer he plans opening a haberdashery shop i cashing in on the spoils. That feller addlca mean ace. Mrs. O. B.

Barnes wants to change the nai of Mountain Terrace to "Ant Hill." The tro about ants is that they've all got an inferiority complex. And. sense! They always get into ill refrigerator on extremely hot days just to keep ool. If ants were assets we could pay off the mortgas on Nosc-To-Hie-Grindstone and have enough left over to buy dopes for the crowd. Florrie Vance, from Lynchburg, Va has been a visitor to Die Ham.

She has been In the Old Dominion longs enough now to call cards" kvards" and just about make about "about." Santa Claus' theme song when he hits the Congo Theater is "Jungle Bells." May-belle Venable has the prettiest knit dress I've scon Maybe they call it crochet. I dunno. Chris Gray is making some nifty fashion drawings for the public prints these days. She may be turning out covers for the magazines one of these days, for all you know. Erl Ball rolls over to Atlanta to join The Associated Press forces there.

He is succeeded b.v Admirable Simms, of the Leroy Simmses. of packing daylight saving time in the mothballs for the Winter months. Brother Sam Clabaugh's favorite hymn i "Blessed Insurance." Joe Hammond, by the way, tells me he has switched companies. Coach Ahle and have returned from New York A he says they ran across Walter Ambler in North Carolina. and that the red-head insisted Wetona do a one-night stand specialty for his show in Charlotte.

Edith Caldwell seems to be making quite a hit with her singing in the Hotel Lexington's ballroom and is scoring, too, over the NBC network. One of her best numbers is "Louisiana Lullaby." They sang Huey Long to sleep with that one over at that club in Long Island, you know. Jane Anne's serious poem in Saturday's issue of the G. N. was one of the best things she has ever done for The Bin.

Battling Bozo and Jack Sharkey should go off somewhere and sympathize with each other. Add similes: As scarce as retired school teachers. John Singling will not be with his circus when it hits The Ham this year. He is a victim of paralysis at his home in Sarasota. Fla.

You ought to goiter the circus and see them long-necked wimmen! Giraffe and the world giraffes with you. crocodile and you weeD alone. Red lemonade is no longer a feature of the circus. Big business has been using all the coloring for ink since the depression started in '29. Inflation will soon be with us.

Pump and ceremony, wot? Maybe the Chief Shoveler isn't chesty? College Humor reprinted one of his gags in the current issue. Lex Fulbright is coaching for his alma mater. That's one of the highest tributes that can be paid a fellow, when his old college call- him back to serve on the coaching staff. Lonnie Mur.ger allows the busiest man in the world is a football star trying to live up to the gains the new. pipers have predicted he will make.

Nudist cult members wont even wear costume jewelry. If theyd only put the poorhousr over Eula Hill few of would ever be able to make it. Homewood's recent municipal ownership election was a landslide for Red Mountain. Walter Rosser came home from the Mississippi Delta with about $40 worth of malaria. The doctor put him on a quinine diet and he had such a ring in his cars he was sending the kids to answer the phone constantly.

Ray Davis gave up professional football to help Eddie McLane with the coaching business out at Howard. Rod was even a greater center than Unk Charlie Moran had in Danville, Ky that time. Walter Slack, one of the original Ugly Brothers. is putting on a church minstrel in West End This has got to stop some time. Why not let's pull over in the shade at the side of the road here and look at the funnies? black and white cow and screened side porches.

Orderliness is as spic and span a New England conscience Streets are wide, residence amply lawned and business block of dull brick. On the sidewalk women with black finger glove and straw-in-the-mouth males, puffing pipe and ejecting sly spray in the gutter. Splendor of it shade tree creates a lacy shsd-owinaaa and soft benison of quiet. Hie profound tranquillity of It all inspire as usual a feeling liiat much of tiie hoop-de-dn of large citie 1 irrelevant. Concord attains the perfect provincialism.

The capital yard, too. stipples sturdiness with bronzee of John T. Hale, Franklin Pierce and Daniel Webster. In such sylvesteied serenity a stranger Is almost shocked by the gaudy red front of a five-and-ten. Life congeals into monotone.

The auto horn seems a sacrilege. Concord courtesy is celebrated. Waw't It immortalised by James Russell Lowell? At a wayside igloo we halted for ice cream cones. After 15-cent sale the owner watered the dogs and even wanted to ice cream cone the gluttons. Departing, he presented my wife with a flower and waved us out of sight I wanted to look in on a New Hampshire fox farm.

But the instant we halted before It tiie dgs roused suddenly out of tuns, circling on the floor the car, sniffing furiously and whining. I suspect atavism. Despite their dueled up pedigrees, I imagine somewhere bark in their miscellaneous lineage were a great-grandpoppy or so who were Just ordinary houn' dawns. Triey were so unmanageable we had to push on. View, fringing the residential section, a large and stately memorial on the site of the former home of Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science.

There is a background of yellow with golden rod. and contcm-rlative hills sweeping majestically up from the val-ey in which the many-winged structure rests. The most surprisingly attractive town square at Manchester, N. a few miles away. Surrounded by an iron fence, painted green, it was so thick with clumps of trees that it offered the plush cool depths of Fontainbleau.

Oddly, it was desolated. New Hampshire hillsides revesled an angry aftermath of recent forest fires Acres of charred black trees stood gauntly stripped, mute evidence the searing holocaust. Concord is heart of the state's apple belt, producing 1.125 barrels a crop. And there will remain always a warm flush in memory for a long gurgle of Concord cider out of earthen jug. We dined in an ancient auberge near Nashua, Heon's Manor, which featured a venerable stage coach in its yard as signal of welcome.

The food, excellent. A sausage with apple rings and bread flecked with raisins. "Bug bread." grandma railed Further on we slept in a nameless "For dwelling with a four-poster festooned with faded curtains. An oaken elbow chair feminst the window looked more inviting. Yet the only break the night's sanctity was the dawn blast of hunters conch.

It was not many he gats from the attic room I remember on a Missouri farm The bedroom door was of heavy plank with hand-wreught pegs Die roof slanting and the im-paved sidewalk out front revealed a -sleeping collie. old elm with circular bench at 7 a.m had collected its clot of whittling gossipers. Thov were discussing the NRA. A parlor organ wheezed the current madrigal. All quite folkseyand darn depressing if you ask me! Best friends cannot be in close communion of touring long without mutual irritation.

Harry as in his stage days with Fritzi Scheff and Montgomery and Stone, is a handsome silver-haired galoot. But for two days he seems to me a combination of Bull Montana and Jo-Jo the Bowery And I wish for Pete's sake he'd do something that hangnail or quit nibbling at it. 25 YEARS AGO TODAY As Recorded In The Flies Of The Birmingham News Of This Date BIRMINGHAM'S fire chief suggests chimneys be cleaned out before cold weather this Fall to prevent fires. A city ordinance requires that be done, he says. Night riders" have appeared in Marshall and North Alabama counties warning gin to close down on penalty of having their plants burned.

Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Solomon returned today from York, where Dr.

Solomon took a special course the Presbyterian Hospital. The Rev. James Brvan, who has been on an evangelistic tour in Breathitt County, Kentucky, returned home to resume his church work here. By the provisions contained in a new act passed the City Council, the city of Birmingham for first time will be allowed to appropriate for its use all unclaimed property which is recovered the Police Department. Ensley City Council met in adjourned session Thursday night and elected Dr.

M. F. Jackson milk meat inspector, his duties to begin Nov. 1. SEPTEMBER DAYS EPTEMBER, fair September, the month too good to last! How fondly we remember Septembers of the past, that brought relief from weather fried us all together, and tanned our hides like and made us stand aghast.

When we've slowly baking for weary months on end, on Summer mornings waking to see the sun ascend, on further frying of folks already sighing, sweltering and dying, September seems a When we've been madly swatting all flies were in reach, and to the drug store trotting drinks at five cents each, when we've been and toasted, and barbecued and roasted, burning breezes coasted, September seems a September is a daisy, September can't be the days are calm and hazy, the nights are cool sweet; our couches we encumber in hours of slumber, of dreams we have a number make our bliss complete. There are some of Winter, dead flowers and falling leaves, as the tireless sprinter, along his pathway and Winter is a hummer, a roughneck sort comer, but we re so tired of Summer that no one or grieves. VAMPIRES! Even a zoo has to keep up witli the times. The and the zebras and the tigers linger Impatience Stalks In The TcnnetBee Vullcy There seem to be a slight misunderstanding over what the Tennessee Valley Authority is intended to accomplish. People In the areas near Chattanooga and Knoxville are reported as being resentful over the delays in starting work.

They claim that unemployment in East Tennessee is worse than ever, and that all the great wealth which they were promised throltgh the development of the water-power projects is not materializing as they had a right to expect. According to a dispatch sent to The New York Times from Chattanooga, "six months, approximately, have passed since the authority was created and given $50,000,000 to spend in the valley -but so far practically nothing has been done in the way of relieving unemployment. "The area which dreamed a dream of conversion into a land of milk and honey, of being the Ruhr of America, after President Roosevelt announced his great development plan, finds the cold months coming on with more people unemployed than a year ago and the authority announcing frankly that very little work will be done before Spring." It is easy enough to sympathize with the attitude expressed by The Times correspondent, without in any sense agreeing that the attitude has any justification. If the dispatch correctly represents the feeling of the people in Chattanooga and Knoxville, the only possible interpretation is that the impatient citizens have either expected far too much of the Tennessee Valley Authority or have simply failed to understand just what the valley projects are expected to bring about. If work on Dam No.

3 at Muscle Shoals is pushed ahead at once, as an emergency measure to relieve unemployment in line with the efforts of Senators Black and Bankhead the money ap parently will have to come from the Public Works Administration, and not from the T. V. A. Dr. Arthur E.

Morgan has repeatedly explained, both in speeches and in statements to newspaper men, that the government's power plans at Cove Creek and Muscle Shoals are in no sense to be regarded as a part of the public works program of emergency construction. The authority is not in the field mainly in order to relieve immediate unemployment crises at Chattanooga, Knoxville or anywhere else. While President Roosevelt obviously has been deeply impressed by what he considers the need of economic assistance for the people of the Tennessee Valley, his proposed remedy of the situation is based upon a long view, rather than upon the conviction that instantaneous and temporary relief is all that is needed. When Mr. Roosevelt and Dr.

Morgan talk about unemployment relief in connection with the work to be done at Cove Creek and Muscle Shoals, they are thinking in terms of long periods of time in the future. The authority is talking in terms of years, even decades, and perhaps centuries, declares The Times correspondent at Chattanooga. "Apparently it is not thinking of the hungry people of the present moment. A representative of the authority addressed a meeting of social workers a few days ago and explained why the entire program is being delayed, saying: We are building for the centuries and the Tennessee Valley development will take many years in its consummation therefore be patient and we will get around in time. If the people of Eastern Tennessee had followed closely all the previous statements of the federal authority, they would not have been overly surprised at this kind of explanation.

An enormous amount of planning must be done before the work is actually started in a big way on the developments. Aside from the engineering details which are yet to be solved, there remain a great many legal technicalities which will have to be ironed out before the Tennessee Valley actually is transformed into the American Ruhr. In the meantime, the Chattanooga and Knoxville people simply will have to solve their problems without depending too much upon Dr. Morgan's $50,000,000. Other cities in other states would also do well to realize at once that government magic alone is not going to be able to guarantee prosperity.

Local communities are going to have to bear the major responsibility for their own wellbeing. Mr. Roosevelt has said nothing about two automobiles in every garage and a chicken in every pot. That was Mr. Hoover's promise.

Court Crowds Larger Than Usual "If attendance the first two weeks is any indication. there will be larger audiences than ever at Criminal Court trials this Fall." said Ed Newman, veteran Criminal Court bailiff. "The spectators have been thronging the coutrooms during the first few minor trials and the first big trial probably will see them filling not only the courtroom but the hallways. However, there always is a certain number of steady court-goers who like to sit on trial whether they are. interested in the person on trial or not" Watch Tiie Schools.

Mr. Motorist "Schools have been in session just two weeks and we have not been able to get all of the schoolboy traffic patrols organized yet." said Capt. A. M. Ellis, of the traffic squad.

"Many drivers have not jet become accustomed to the fact that the schools are open. While we have had no serious accidents about any of the schools, we have had one or two that might have been serious. Every driver should use all possible care when driving by or near a school. By doing this they may save the life of some child. When the schoolboy patrols are all organized and trained a good deal of confusion will be eliminated.

But drivers should always use extra care near schools." Football Leagues To Open "Playground football leagues will start their schedule Saturday," said R. W. Shelton, director of recreation for men and boys for the Park Board. "They will play a 10-game schedule, which will end Dec. 2.

The play-off games will be held at Legion Field Stadium after Dec. 2 and will be free. There are three leagues, one for boys up to 125 pounds with 12 teams entered, another for boys up to 150 pounds with 16 teams entered, and an unlimited league for boys of more than 150 pounds with six teams. There has been a great deal of interest and the entry list is the largest we have ever had on the playgrounds. Practice has been in progress three weeks.

No college or high school players are permitted to play on any of the teams. There should be some good games. They will be played in the parks, 18 of which have football fields." this other operators New at has by the own by and MR. ROSE STATES HIS RELIGION To the Editor The News: Fix' the mental comfort of Mr. C.

J. Brown, who resides ut Meridian. the state which repudiates evolution. 1 will publish my religious belief and thereby relieve hi anxiety about tne condition of iny soul. He is also afraid of tigers.

He believes I intend lu turn him loose. The tiger, organized superstition. lias been loose for years, and everyone who reads knows it -and should make an effort to ciicumvcnt it intiucnce. Mr. Brown is a wit, having traveled with Andy Gump before he went to Meridian, and I should enjoy meeting him: My Religious Belief I believe in God.

the Father Almighty. I believe in the everlasting persistence and supremacy of the moral universe. 1 believe that man is God's immortal child. The material heavens and earth may wax old and pass away; suns and systems may cease; but the soul of tnan will continue. Man, the undying offspring of Grd.

was made to be a citizen of imperishable realms. The infinite alone marks the limit of human possibility. The spiritual man is God's child. He will mature into the divine likeness and perfection, lbs growth will everlasting. The resources of oil infinities will ultimately, at some time, at seme point, come into his possession.

Upon His children the Infinite Father will evermore bestow His wealth, and with their endless growth they will evermore receive increasing revelation of His exhaustless glories. Georgians. Ala. THADDEUS LUTHER ROSE. TIIE LIPSCOMB SPEED TRAP To the Editor The News: 1 have read with some interest the attempts some people in Lipscomb have made to defend their speed trap racket.

Some doctor complains that the only place they have to walk is tiie paved roadway. And why, pray, should the state take tax money to build Lipscomb a place for her citizens to walk! The state's money was used to provide a vehicle road way for tiie state's use. Further, they are not protecting their children, The writer, with three others in a car, was coming toward Birmingham at 10 minutes to 1 in the night, no one on the road, and coming at a rate of 35 miles an hour. The speed cop must have been asleep, for he let me get through the town and on the hill this side, almost to the high railroad crossing, before stopping nit and saying I was going at a rate of 55 miles. He demanded $10 for an appearance bond.

Knowing the reputation of their courts. I knew there was no use appearing even with three witnesses. for the court seems to be a mere collecting agency. They are not trying to prevent speeding. Were that the prime motive the motorcycle cop would be riding up and down the road so that motorists might be warned to slow down, but instead they hide between buildings, hoping to take the unwary.

and shoot out from their hiding place to scream at him and collect their share of the loot. Lipscomb is no more thickly built up along the road than any other equal stretch along the road from here to Bessemer, yet we do not hear of motorists running down pedestrians elsewhere along that road. Really it seems that the gallant guardians of the speed trap have not prevented a single accident From some of the letters from the Lips-combites one would think that motorists went along at a reasonable speed till approaching the city limits of their village and then put on a special burst of speed; otherwise there seems no explanation of the lack of fatalities on other stretches of the road while Lipscomb must have such ruthless supervision to prevent wholesale killings. Birmingham. B.

M. PARKS. THE TEACHING OF EVOLUTION To the Editor The News: The complaint in the "Voice of the People" column that evolution is being taught in the high schools is like that phoney nickel. I have been wondering if the complainant meant evolution or Darwinism. From his discussion 1 am led to believe that he meant the latter.

If he meant it was being taught that man did not have a distinct and separate creation, but evolved from some preexisting type anatomatically as Darwin taught, then I agree with him that the matter should be investigated. While I have Darwin's "Descent of Man. "The Origin of Species, and Huxley's works, and having acquired a good knowledge of human and comparative anatomy, I really enjoyed studying these works, but I noticed that Darwin usually prefaced his deductions with an if, or took for granted what should have been proven. However, I do not deem it to the point here to discuss Darwinism. If the complainant meant the teaching of evolution.

1 cannot conceive of how any instructor could teach the sciences without accepting and teaching the theory of evolution. I cannot see how he could teach the science of biology and discard the views and theories of Darwin, Huxley, Mendel and many others on the origin, growth and development of the species. Prof. Marsh, addressing the American Association of Scientists, says: "I need offer no argument for evolution, since to doubt evolution is to doubt science, and science is another name for truth. Possibly it is the manner in which science is being taught that is objectionable.

Vichow gives this advice: "Whoever speaks or writes for the public ought, in my opinion, doubly to examine, just now, how much of that which he says is objective truth. The mischief which may be done to science by an opposite course is precisely similar to that which is done in religion by sensational preaching founded in distorions of scriptural truth or on fragments of texts taken out of their connection and used as mottoes for streams of imaginative declamations. I fear that sometimes, possibly, the lack of a thorough knowledge of science of the theory of evolution itself may have a tendency on the part of the instructor to enlarge on the objectionable, impossible aid mysterious in order to impress his class. The intensely interesting and practical facts and truths contained in the sciences are too precious to discard. The complainant stated that he hoped the clergy and priests would take the matter up.

Why they, I wonder? May our young folks be taught how to use these useful truths as found in our texts on biology to strengthen, enlarge and broaden their lives; make them cleaner in thought and happier in the spheres destiny has prepared for them and steer clear of that which may warp, twist and impoverish their souls. If other than this is taught it is opportune for the school officials to investigate. There are a great many of our rural young population who would be a thousandfold better off if they were more thoroughly taught and imbued with those biological factors that make life, for them and their children, if the instructor has the judgment and tact to impart it. There is no necessity to associate the Bible, theology or anything spiritual with the teachings of science. What concerns our young people most vitally is not where they came from but where they are going, and how they are to live best and make the liest citizens while getting there.

Dadoville, Ala. W. B. FULTON. is of that leather, been, intent and friend.

that for broiled where peach. beat; and pleasant which hints Time, weaves; of kicks North Dakota Votes To Legalize Beer North Dakota, a dry state for 44 years, and one where prohibition sentiment was stronger than in most others, is to have legalized beer within a month. Last Friday the voters of North Dakota approved a measure for the legalization and taxation of beer by a vote of more than two to one. Meanwhile, in Alabama, where the proportion of citizens who want legalized beer is at least as large as in North Dakota, no steps are being taken to gratify the popular desire. This is because Gov.

Miller, who personally disapproves of beer, does not deem the occasion sufficiently extraordinary to call the Legisla ture in special session to legalize the beverage and put a tax on it which would help to swell the states revenues. Again it should be pointed out to the governor that in other states the demand for legalized beer has been regarded as creating an occasion justi fying special legislative action. That was true in Arkansas, and in Virginia, and in many other states. Why does not the occasion warrant similar action in Alabama? HITLER, THE HATE-MAKER There is probably no finer intellect or humaner spirit in the world today than Dr. Albert Einstein, whom the hate-breeding Hitler has made an exile from Germany.

As a scientist and philosopher, Dr. Einstein, while loving his native land, has been hospitable to truth whencesoever it came and has honored goodness in every country and race. He has opposed war because it appeared to him the negation of that human brotherhood in which he believes and the most unreasonable way of trying to settle international disputes. He thought of peace as the sovereign ideal. But now.

banished from his homeland, with a price upon his head, he realizes that there is an evil worse than war itself, the evil of a ruthless tyranny that would crush, if it could, every man and every nation that came within the shadow of malice or that stood athwart its selfish ambition. Having seen and felt the curse of Hitlerism, he has so modified his views that he writes to a pacifist friend in Belgium a letter from which the following lines are quoted: A little while ago one could have hoped to fight militarism in Europe successfully by individually refusing to serve in the army. But today we are in the presence of entirely different circumstances. There is in the center a state (Germany) hich publicly is preparing for war by every means. Under these conditions, some countries, particularly France and Belgium, find themselves in very great danger, and they can only count upon their own preparation.

So far as Belgium in particular is concerned. it is obvious this little country will not abuse its preparation, and that it has the greatest need of it in order to safeguard its existence. Imagine Belgium occupied by present-day Germany! It would doubtless be even worse than in 1914. although at times the occupation was terrible. That is why I tell you frankly.

If I were a Belgian I would not refuse military service under the present circumstances, but I would, on the contrary, accept it with a clear conscience with the sentiment of a contribution toward securing European civilization." Nothing, we may be sure, short of his absolute conviction of a terrible truth and a terrible menace to humanity could have brought so calm a mind and so gentle a heart as Albert Einstein to write those words. Such is the madness of the Nazi doctrine. that men of his type in every country have been forced to revise their views. From the end of the Great War on to the unhappy hour when Hitlerism seized the reins. Germany advanced steadily in the world's confidence and good will.

A scries of liberal ministries proceeded with such foresight and practical wisdom that one after another of the handicaps which She has incurred in consequence of the war was removed. French' troops were withdrawn from her territory far in advance of the data originally set, divers restrictions were done away, reparations were canceled, an era of good feeling QUIPS AM) QUIBBLING BY ROBERT QUILLZN 'Amtrica't Most Quoted Pusjrraphor 3993, Publishers Syndicate WOMAN HEWS CROSSTIES The hewing of railroad ties is generally considered to be a man's work, but, according to the September L. N. Employes Magazine, there is a woman tie-hewer near Falkviile, who thinks differently. Mrs.

Lena Corley, age 23, has been hewing out oak crossties for three years. She walks three miles to her work each day and turns out from six to eight ties that are said to be models for the men to follow. Mrs. Corley likes her work, which she declares is much easier and better for the complexion than an afternoon of bridge. Syla-cauga News.

PORK FOR THE UNEMPLOYED The announcement of Thad Holt, director of the Federal Relief Administration in Alabama, that 2,700.000 pounds of salt pork will be distributed among persons and families distressed by unemployment in this state, will mean much to agencies that are struggling to avoid unnecessary suffering, on account of a lack of food, among the states jobless population. This allocation of pork to Alabama is part of the central government's program to distribute 100,000,000 pounds of pork in the nation as a whole for the benefit of the unemployed. Mr. Holt calls attention to the fact that one-fourth of the pork allotment will be available Oct. 7, another fourth Nov.

1, and the remainder at later dates, according to the needs of the distressed persons, and families of the state. While this pork of course will not meet all the demands of the unemployed in Alabama for aid in the matter of food, it will be a very material help. With Winter community gardens, such as we have in Mobile County and in other counties of the state, to supply a variety of vegetables, such as we can grow during the Winter months in this and other counties, this pork supply will go far toward the prevention of actual suffering on account of a lack of food in these communities. Mr. Holts announcement, too, will take some of the sting out of the anxieties felt by many distressed families in this state, and will at the same time lift at least some of the burden of worry from the shoulders of men and women connected with welfare agencies of the slate.

The welfare agencies of Alabama, including Mobile agencies, have been seriously disturbed on account of a lack of funds with which to meet the demands made upon them for aid; they still will be disturbed to some extent in spite of the lift this perk allocation will afford; but this supply of salt meat will help materially, and the other demands will be met in time so that Alabama citizens distressed by unemployment may be taken care of until jobs are found for them. Mobile Register. SENATOR BANKHEAD Alabama in particular, and the South in general, are indebted to Senator John H. Bankhead for his Moderns arent so superior. Shakespeare wrote great stuff because he had audiences that liked it.

elephants on, much as in Queen Victoria's time. But what child of that era could have dreamed that there would come a day when he could feed bread to a polar bear or peanuts to an elephant, almost as he might to a dog. with no iron bars between? Cagelcss cages are a comparatively recent development, proving that a moat may be an equally safe shield. But the demand is for yet more thrills, and our own Dr. Ditmars, who long ago learned to play with snakes as a child might with kittens, only more knowingly, has lately turned his attention to vampire bats.

Vampire the very word is prickly and damp and cold. Reading it, one thinks not of real bats, but of were-wolves, or of Dracula crawling down the moonlit wall of his castle, head first. Nevertheless, bloodsucking bats do exist, and Dr. Ditmars has two of them which he caught in the jungles of Panama and is bringing back for the Bronx Zoo. Dr.

Blair, director of the zoo, is apparently somewhat of a disbeliever; he is quoted as saying that the story about vampires sucking human blood is legendary, and that they actually suck the blood only of small rodents." That is both disillusioning and poor advance publicity; there is nothing very arresting about an animal that sucks rats' blood. Dr. Ditmars more trusting. He is reported to have learned of one case where a Panamanian boy, sleeping outside the door of his home, had been preyed unon by a vampire bat in the most approved manner. There is high authority for the statement that die blood of mice and rats is not the only item in the diet of these sanguinary creatures.

The anther the article on vampires in the cld Encyclopedia Britannica says that when he lived in Central America he heard many tales of their attacks on horses, especially gray horses. Charles Darwin records that on his voyage around the world he was present "when one was actually caught on a horse's back. "New York Times. This kind of war isnt so bad. We aren't required to eat corn bread because our allies dont like it Of course disarmament is possible.

And tiie householder would need no gun if there were no thieves. The code wont last if one side must lose so another can win. Look what happened to the duelm? code. A land if equality is one where you have to ohey a fool law if you are too poor to test it in the hither courts. The doctor's opinion that tobacco causes your trouble would be more impressive if his ciKi pt didn't smell so good.

Fame: The quality that makes people cheer a job that would seem rotten if a nobody did it. Lets hope judgment day doesn't soon toire. Think how everything would be balled up if Mr Ford didn't approve of it. The law gave Bailey a break. It didn't try to pin the Custer massacre on him.

It might be worse. Suppose some of our big n-dustries couldn't pay dividends without sel 3-inch guns to gangsters. There's no use trying to understand an cia which the worst spendthrift is the best citizen It doesn't make a man hateful to quit mtick He just acts that way so his wife will urge hir start again. What NRA stands for seems to depend on who i doing it. 1 What we need is a law requiring tiie stock market to announce its intentions each morning.

Mussolini's scowl is understandable. You would look that way if you had to kiss as many whiskers as he does. There is still hope for good manners when the drug store man sells you a stamp and says, Thank you. Kidnapers aren't without conscience. They don't call the deferred ransom payments easy.".

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