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Altoona Tribune from Altoona, Pennsylvania • Page 9

Altoona Tribunei
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Alteon Tribune, Thursday Morning, May 18, 1939 dewrlbed 11 followt: to wilt Beginning tt 1 point on the Xorthrsut.rn aid of Eighteenth atiect Eighty SO) feet SouthrMt from the Sootlieattorn twenty (130) feet to Bella ttre.t and Hie plice of beginning. Being lot No. 34 in Mttttrn 1 Kxteiulon of Giyt-port Borough, 11 plotted by Into Kiidtr on March 5, 190, Having thereon erei-ted a two-iloiy trim dwelling houte, 1 ud Millvtll Road. South Forty-aix ivii drgre Fifvy-tt minute Kt Fortv (40) fet to poiat: thenc South Forty-three t4S degree Fi i) miaul Wett Ninety io (1 point: thence North Forty-ix (4't degree Fifty-five 55 nun-ute Wetl Forty 140) fet to point: thenc North Forty-three t4S) degree! Fiv 15) minutet El NiBcly tW feet to place of beginning. Contain- SHERIFF'S SALE Or VALl'ARLE REAL ESTATE By tlrta aaadry writ F1rt Faeiat Vdilai I ai Ik l'M ef ALSO ALU thtt orttia on half lot or pit of irouad lylat tad bint tituai la tht City of Alioona.

County of Rltir tnd Slat of Pnn-ylvanit. tad froatlat taty-flv i2 ft. mor or Tom. oa th Southattra aid of Sixth Avau. and xndinc haok ia lnfth or dVpih.

tt va width, on hundred tnd twnty tl ft to tn lly and biBf tht Wttra oat-half of th Socoad Lot Rttt from Kfttl Sirt, tad hin prni kaowa tnd aunibrd tt No. Kail Sixth Anu. AltcKnt. Pt. For titl Dd Book Vol.

4U pm K. Ttka ia xulloa tt tuit of Th Rt-ataVial Buildiaf tnd Leva a Amo ciatioa. i JOH.V H. HEMPHILL lilt Wtl Ur ll anu an x.i of th plot of Lo.Lit 111 rwtr. and bin prmif No, vj Miltvill Hoed Altoona.

renntyiyan frame dwelling how n. Koau Aiiooaa. r-rnnaj-nania. rivi ra ig atory twin I knows prftiuiva No. Vt Millvilt Road.

Altooina. PBBaylvBi D4 Rook Velum HI. Tka in Kutioa at auit of Horn nr4' iVrDorilion a Corpor- tnd Stat of Pxaniylvanit, boundtd tad dtoribd it follow: Comiutnriaf at a polat on th north! tid of Broad Ally, whtr th tam latrtct with th aouth-wi tid of Thirtltlh 8lrt: thno la a aouthwtrly dlreotloa. tloni aaid tlly. fifty AO) ft to point on lin of Lot No.

Twlr (lji In Block Nin tl la 84Vtka of th pita of th Town of Allfhay; thnr aloai tm In a northwtrly direction, thirty. nin tJt ft to a pi'lnt: thnc northtiat ptrallrl. with Broad Alley fifty tSOt ft to pomt oa th touthwett tid of Thirtieth Street thno along th liat ma-tioned lrt, toutht thlrty-nia feet to point to th pit? of blnnia Bin tht rear or allay of th ftral lot outhwt of hlrtith Street on th aouthftat ld of Wal C1itnut Avmi. Being th rear or alley pvirtlon of Lot Xo, Elrn ill) In Blook Nin itl ia Section on th plan of th town of Allegheny, now part of th City of Altoona. which plaa it recorded in th o8ir for th recording of dd in Rtir County in Peed Booh Vol.

H. P( HAVING thereon rected JS Mory frtm dwelling hou known Xo. fTl Thirtieth Street. For title Peed recorded Ia Dd Book Vol. aM.

ptg S. Ttktn In xvutton it tuit of Slat Id of Lora ArfBU. aouth lht-B dtr. wt two tl) lt to th plao of bfiaaln(. ALSO.

All thtt ctrtain plt or parvl of Itnd. mutt la th City of Altooat. In th County of BSair tnd Sltt of Paaylvtaia. btlnf th rtr or jlriy portion of Lot Number riftra 1S la Block Tta tlOI. In th Plot or Pita of IJyiwn.

8c-tioa Oa tU; taid pl or parr I of land biar boundod tad dt'rittd at follows; Rfinnln tl a point oa tht divialon lia htwa Lott Xunibrr Fifta tlM tad Sixtoa d) In Blook Ta (10) taald polat blni north nty-tw drt, at on hundred fir (1C ft from th hn of Colrid Avaul; thBo, north tTaty-two dfra. jt twaty-Av (31 ft to point oa Ha of Lot Xumbr thao. tlon lia of Lou Vumbri tad 7. la Blo-k 10. north i(htta dr.

trtBty tnd ya-tatht iTtVTl ft to poiBt oa Hat of Lot Numbr 14; thtnc. tloaf lin of Lot Xunihr 14. aouth rntv. two dfrt. wmI tarrnty-flv t24 ft to point: thnc.

tlonc th r-nitiBiac portlBB of Lot Numbrr IS, In Block 10. aouth ithtn dr. ait yrnty tnd tfvtn.ttntht i70T ft to point, th p'ao of bflBBln. Tkn In xcutktn tt tuit of Thorn-at J. Btldrif.

Adminittrttor d. b. a. t. of th Etttt of Joph richtr dcad.

now for th ut of J. Fttr alok. uoodlB AdmlB-utrator. D. B.

X. C. T. A. of Etttt of Jtph Fichtatr, dvaad.

J. F. MECK Id All th mht. titl and (nttri of Albrt liuairara with aotir to a.omo Vuairara tnd kttritret Qnt-trart. hit wif, Trre trnaatt.

Fttrt Ftcitt Xo. Jub Trm, 195S. la tnd to til thtt rerttia lot or at lBtrunn'Btality oi in uinan, Eidon) Stat of Amoru. dvB, hit wif. ''1B T.

All th rijtht titl tad laurt of Mr RUa MtloBfy. rvfadnt. nth roiio to Marv H. and ni Iahll il. Albrnht.

Trr TBnl. Firi Ftcita No. Jua Trai. "in aad to ALL that" crl.iB lot or Wafr Bd T.J ihty-thr tad flT-tnth i J'Wff L.Vvtf.v't i northatrn lia FEtjINMM. oa th Wett id of Strt thae aloni tht Ks outhtra Ua of mk! TwVfth lot No.

J3: thBC ha of M.d a Raid lUti Abu Siuth IS drt i i Fifty tt to in -or-Br of lot No. S3S thno tt riuht to Htd Avau IB tloat ha of lot No. 131 ijhty-fiy ft. to poiat. Ihfm tt ri( ht angle North 1 d-j f.d.v feet to -w ltt tasi rltu Kaiiwerd along line of Mld NJk cighty-fiv (So) feet to th p.

to of bmaiBn HaviB (ram thrva r-td iwo-lory douM itwainc (iou. FOR titl in d'frndaalt Dd Fvk. Vi. pad Jis. tad Pd Book.

VeU 21. 40. Taka ia st'uttoa at tuit of Buildint and Ia Auovittioa No. 3 of Tyrva Fa HICKS A NEWUX ah lit-- i iiiiv anu inirriwi Fic.i No. J4 June Term.

lnd jgoFaddeB of eighty tad ainety-two hundredth i)I) Ia tnd to ALL thtt certain a- ft to a poiat oa the toutheutera ha lot or pieve of grouad with th i a of lot bow or of Willitra J. building tnd improtenient thereoa i Kelly theac aorth ti degree no erevie.l tituai lying and Bg in I minute et a ditttao of twenty-the City of Ait.vaa County of B.tirie-ght aad huBdredth and State of bounded ft to point: north tnd dcribd, follow to wit ts degree 54 minute wi. along FRONTING twenty-fire i3l feet 'ib of lot bow or late of William oa th North' of Crawford i John P. Hany an.i Mary Aeau. btwa Firet aad Lloyd I E.

Lilt, i d'Ctar of ixty iSOl ft Street. nd extend ng btok ia length I to pvmt on th outheatern line or dpth of M.i. width ib North- I of Twelfth AvBue. th plac of BE- d'oa one hundred and.otNMNG ameteea iU9i fet to ib ulev Be-1 HAMNG thereoa erected two ma nr nan inr lot Eat of Firt Street on th Northwest of Crawford ing in -vumwwrriy na.i or in Avrnue. ana winf lamrrrra Crawford A-au.

Aitoont Ft tc- to the method of numrrtng 1 ho': ia City of A. toon the am property ml 'o whu-h be.m ta Ptn'el B. by dd of Joph H. Vo-K-adr tnd f. dated tht 30th day of V.av.

l.Xi. anl of revord a air County Dd B-vk Vol. Tl. pas tnd beia th am property th ft to bvirj ia Pane! Shoeafe.t tnd Aant wife a tentnr by ntireti by dd of Paid R.

Ferry dt'ed th dav of Novm- br. 193U tad reoorded a Couatv Ped Vol. pate Aad the taid Aana shoenfeit having did on the dav of Jan- ua-v. tit to said p-ri' be- ani td ia Pan el B. Shoenfeit by right of Tka ia executioa at tuit of Ciin M.Mtna BANKS Kl'RTZ i.

Ail th right, till tad interval of Linda Holland with boiic to Aaron N.ob. laoh M. -n terr taant Nei- Frl No. 4 Jub Trm. 1J19.

In tad to ALL thtt ert htlf lot of ground t.tuated on Walnut strt ib uie Borough ef Hollidi- i bury vounty tnd Mite foraid HTn" mvr or oa 4 I rMa Plea el I mtii iiHiri la r5.v Meat. H.llidebarg, Friday. June 9. 1939 O'clock A. H.

I. All th riht till and lalcreet Pf Wtiltm Griffith and Wla M. GrtAith. hi wife Fir! Facia No. Jun Term, In aad to ALL tht certain lot or piec of grvuBd ml.

lying nd bem in th Townthip of Lon. now part of th City of Altoona. Couatv of Bair and Mate of Faa-tvUania and Bumbr4 lo t3 in Bioik It. th pln or ptot of 1Uwb. S-lioB I.

Bu-h Mild or' p'ot i wordvd io th vtu- th Roordr of Wd for Blair Couatv in Plot Book No. 1 31. Mid lot boias d.ritvd f'lio. Punt oa th i(t of Colrtdi Avau. on hua-drd tlW ft ffom t'i' ornr of Colrid)S nd Whiltir A-n.

thnc Aioac li of UH Ot tl fiftv-on J1 Wt vn BUBdrd ad fifly-ihl and eht tatK (l.v to P-ont ob Iin of Lot Numr-r tlv thB a.onit lin of lot f.v nd iv ouio il" dr vBty- fix and (i-t-atn nt tvn of l.o (75 5 feet to Lot Numbr Thr thB of U't Nunibr Thr (J North (ftHa -l Kt oa huadrd and and t'Bth ft a point on Colrtdt Avbu lhnv th Wtr id of Cnd Avnu North dr Titt atv-i ft to a iviat. th of Hav.BC thr-on ritd a ft am known and Avbu nd a -r tirui'. r'4 Fock Vo'ii-. Tsi! Ttk'n in iU of H-vii pnn' Loan Corporation of P. m.

surrrx Alt t1- risht tui a-l John F-fc'hr Jr and Maud L. hi w.f Fir. No 44 Jun Trm, In and to VLL that rta pi or p-vl of 'and with th bui'dma and throB rtd. ua'. at in tii of If Couatv of i anl Sia- of frontir f't.

oa th r.d-- of a 3tt ad tnd.r. ba thrfn nt of ut-form width a of oa hurdrd and twntv 'UV' ft to a R.undl on tV E-t hy lot n- or forn'-r of XI. Ornr a IB Nd Fook 13. Fc ca Sv'uth by an is, hv prop-tv of Snuth B' Robert C. Nih and th In' h'lBC til i th hoi.

th th of R.hrt Sh: aa1 on th N-rh hy sa P'M Str: H-irr hrOB "rvtd a two tnd oa-ha stjrv fran hou ooa-tt-BTt rTi and Smr bob til d- N. Pin Lxmont rd Fk li Tn 'utiva at uit of Hon' rni Loan of D. C. KOROAX J. SHEEDT 1 cf W.

Weto tit! and inlr. and B.tach V. h. wife. rri No.

44 Jan Term. IJ-'S. In tad to AT.T."!?k oerta.a piy or rri. of iail lying tad being ta th Towr.jh cf Logan. Count of B'air aad of Keiind'd tnd d-- rib' i a fCow.

Each oa th South 'd of iSD ft aad fxfBlet back a leRgth or fptft. a width, cne rind-ed twenty fet to ta th and fvund lo: X-thw' frm Walton Avbj and kr. wa a. Lc) On i'.) and Two B'-va in tn aa cf John of Aitocn. Ft Having theroa tei a two r.g hou j.k Wi.T St" Pag iW Ttn a tcM'i'n rt of Home Lean of Wth- P.

MOR'JAX J. SHEEDY 4 A ght. and cf Oar: Ea Fr a kaowa Crt- F-Bt IBd Mary Nii: Fkr. hi wife Ft' ti X-3 31 Jua Trra It tr.d to ALL that irta.a lot or of grounl ia City of Couatv if Bar anl g-at of PaB ivaa.a. boB4d ind dorib-d a B-i na ag at poiat oa ih W-; ef i'l'h atb Two Hunei aad Fifty NrtwaTd from of th wt Eighth Avau tni th North i of Twat igvh -hi tha-- tt ng-t ag On Hub-d-d (t to an thnc by Vim Northward ii to a po.a:- tha at Mht tr.g! EaJtwird 0r.

twriy r.Jft ft to E.ghth th) to-ng ad T. th) axbii Southward Twaty-fi 3.5' ft ti pit cf b-g fining CoEtt.a ng Thr Tho'ind )Wi -u- ft and t.i half of a igkay Seof.oa and prew 31 gih Aau Hav-irg tr.roB I tw tad fra-r F-e t-t: Td Bk Vol'irn Fl aaa ta ae- ution tt uit of Hon. Loan crpo ration'! of imtM of PAUL SMITH 5 All the tnd intereft of Mr. Jna P. Fo-hy.

Fei Fioiii Xo. 13 Jua Term. Ia tnd ALL that crt.n Wt or p-o of gr-und it'uf tad lying in th of na County of Bar ft of PBnlttB: boUBd'd and d-rtbd f'i-w Bg po'rt oa th Wirn of i'h Avftu htwa TBty- gVh and Tw-nty-ainth tt I diaar rf iTSl f-t Southward from ih Southt'rn EaJte-ly rtti H'i4-4 mi4 Twett'v iiai fi tn rortt.r cf xta Atenu aad Twenty-e-ghth theao tt ntht ag to xth W--. ward a of On Hundred aad Twenty .130) ft to an illey: thB-e tl-ag alley direc. tin 35i ft tn a point: I 1 i Rtit tid of Fourth 4tli) Avenue, On HuBdred aad Tweaty tlJOi feet Soulhwaid from th tntieotton of th Ratt tid of IVurth (4th) Avenue tnd tht South tid of Thirtieth i 30th I Street; thnc it tight tnglea Ktt- wtrd Oa Hundrea ana Twenty ,11.111 feet to in alley; thenc by tame Southward Sikty-firt iM fret to point; thenc it right angle Wel- rd on Hundred and Twenty tuu) fret to Fourth Avenue; thence by 11111(1 Northward Slxly-flv ttVM f.t Hi plao ot beginning: containing Seventy-eight Hundred l7.800) iquire feet.

(Subject to th amt condition ind building reitticttont, it exitt by virtu of prior Instrument, deed or conveytnc.i.) Hiving thertn erected two tnd one-half ttory brick-caaed dwelling houte known at Xo. VXV5 rourth Avenue nd brick gtitg. Vol. SM. Ptg SM, tnd Vol.

MO Page For chain of titl te ieed Book J91. Tiken In execution tt tuit of Stat. Cipitil Satingi tnd Loan A.o-ititon. SWARTZ R. C.

HABBRSTROH 3d. All th. right, till tnd Interett of Miry G. Bartley ind Charlet 8. Bartley hlr huabind.

Mortgagor ind Retl Owntr. with notice to Paul H. Satlerfleld tnd Hilda 8tterfleld, hia wife, Ttrr Tentnt. Fieri raciit No, 17 June Ttrm, 1MB). Ia tnd to All thtt certain lot or piece of ground tituttt on the Southeastern tide of Twenty-eighth iJSthl Avenue between XiBth (th tnd Tnth (10th) Street.

In th. City of Aitoont. County of Rltir tad Stat, of fenntyl- vania. Bing more particularly bound- 4 tnd dcnbd 11 (olloai: Commencing tt point on the Southeatt rn ndi of Twenty-eighth t3Sth Av enue, vnicn point on Hundred Thltty-en tnd trren-tentht 1 1ST. 71 fret Southvettvtrd from the point of Intersection of tht Soutlteittern prop erty line of Twenty-eighth (3ih) Av enue ith th Southwestern property me or MBtn ttni street; tnnr in Southetern direction, tlnr.c th Southentern tid of Twenty-eighth tatni Avenue.

aixtnr. of Thirty- tlx (3) feet to 1 point on lin of Lot Xo. II. Block thnc In I SouthetMern direction, along line of Mid Lot II. On hundred Nineteen tnd Two-tenth ill 3) feet to a pub lic alley; thenc in a Northetern direction along th Northweatern id of itid alley.

1 diatance of Thrty-nx (. teet tn 1 point on line nr uot No. 14. Block then-e In 1 Northwettern direction, tlong line of Mid Lot No. 14.

a dittanc of One Hundred Xineteen tnd Three-tenth ill) feet to a point on the South- eatern id of Twenty-eighth i3Sth) Avenue and plice of beginning Said lot being known and designated an lt Xo. 15. In Block on ih plan 01 ftirview Terrace. 111a out April 34 12S. for Fiy tnd Gwin by H.

Gwin. ttld plot being of record In the Recorder Office in tnd for Blur Count in Plot Book Vol. $. Pg. 37.

Subiect to th Mme exception, rvttion ind condition exit l'i virtue of prior lntrument. deed Or conveytnre. Htvmg thereon erected two und one-htlf ttory frame dwelng Hiue known tt Xo. Twente-eighth Avenue. For rhtin of titl.

tee Pd Book Vol Pg 110 Tiken in execution tt tuit nf State Capital Saving, and Loan Aoeiation. J. ft SWARTZ ROBERT C. HABERSTROH 37. All the right, title md Interett ot Joteph F.

Ctttidy and Mtrgaret itMifiy. omerwiee Known at roi-ephine M. Ctttidy. hi wife. ieri rtcitt o.

Jun Term 13. Ia and to All thtt certain Diect of Itnd. ttuat in Stndy Run Plot, in the Townthip of Login. County of Blur tnd Sttte of Pennylviait bounded tnd decribd 1 follow BEGINNING at a point on thi Wct tide of Stndy Run Road leading irom Tyrvn to Aitoont. it uvint nxty-tvo 3) feet ditttnt from th nivition lin between lot No.

S3 tnd in Saady Run Plot: thnce South 0 dgret 33 minut Wett, ont hundred twnty (130i fi to a point nn line nr Itnd now or lite of Nor thnr in a wenerly direction along land three hundred thirty iwi feet to point: thence 40 degreet 3 minute Ett on hundred twenty (1301 feet to tnd now or lite of Lytle: thenc in an eaitern direc lion tlong tnd Itnd three hundred thirty (3301 feet to 1 point ob the weet tide nf Stady Run Road ind p.a nf beginning. BEING the aouth Mventy (70) feet of lot No. S3 aad the Xorthern fifty V) ft portion nf lot Xo. 33 in itid pun a of record in P'ot Fok. Vol.

4 54. at alto In Plot Book Vol. 5. pag 11. HA ING thereon erected a two ttnnr frame dwelling hnu Ttken in execution it tuit nf Ctth-nlle Knight nf St.

George, a Corporation of Pitttburg Penntvlvama Al'STIX SVLUVAX LEONARD M. BOEHM 3S All th right, titl. and int.rett ef J. Btnkt Kuril. Fl.n Fieiat Xo.

Jun Term, 18. In ind to All thtt certain tract of Itnd in Allegheny Townthip. Blur County. Ptaatylviali, bounded ind detenbed at followt: Beginning at 1 pott en th vett ide of whit It knows 1 Broad Street Rotd tnd being the corner nf Itnd owned by D. S.

tnd Annie M. Kerr; thenc tlong Mid Itnd nf D. 3. tnd Annie M. Kerr north de-gret SO mtnuttt wtt 33 perch te pott: tlong Itnd of C.

S.I-witg touth 27 degree wett 99 perchet tn a pott; thenc. alnng lind of Peter Cnehrtn aad B. Toung touth degree eit 307 perchei to a pott oa th north tide ot th ifortiid Broad Street Rotd: thenc. tlong the ttld mid on th wettern tide thereof north 45 degree em IS perchei to pott ind pi tee of beginning. Conttlning 7 arret bt th tam.

mor or let. Being th am property th title tn hlrh becim tetd Btnkt Kurti. by deed nf Jnhn Plowman tnd wife, dtted November It, 13. tnd recorded in Dd Book. Vol.

3H, Plge 441 ALSO all thoe certain Inti nr piec nf ground iltuit in th Townthip of Frinkitnwn. County nf Bliir and Stat ef Pnntylvtnii, dMcrtbed it follow: Beginning it a point nn Evergreen Street 141 1 feet frem the northet corner of Larch ind Evergreen Street: thenc in 1 outhwttrly direction a dltttnc nf 7 feet to 1 eixt.en foot illey; thenc in a northerly direction tlong ttld illey a dlettnce nf I44 feet to 1 twenty font illey; thence In in utterly direction tlong Mid illey a dlftinr of Ul.t feet to the property line of Evergreen Stre.t; thenc in I eoutherlv directioa along Evergreen Strict 1 dlttince ef ih reet a point ind place of beginning. Being lot Not. 10. 11 tnd 13 nn pltn ef lott titutt In Ant Hill, Frinkitown Townihlp, Bitlr County.

Penn.ylvanii. ind iurv.y.d and lild out by Chrlt T. Brown. Mtrrh 27, 11.1. ind th ttme being a guhdlvl- tinn nf lot Net it and 19 In tht Pltn or lylvia Kllll lurviyed by Luden H.nry.

Title became eeitad In Binkl Kurtg by ded or conrid Wendreth. limit, dtted July 10. 1IM and r. nrdd in Dd Bnnk. Vel.

3M. Ptg 97 1 Taken In executlnn It tuit nf J. Sank Kurtg Exutnr nf the Lett Will ind Te.timtnt ef Jennie S. Kurti. dod.

CHARLFJ M. KURTZ All the right, till tnd lnlrt nf Agn.a L. Rutt.ll. widow nf Harry KUif.ll. cld.

syiril E. jnnea, daughter. Margaret J. RutMll. Kith trim Rull ind Elliaheth Ruttell, itt.rt of Harry Rune dctid Miry F.

Rutiell. Oeorg F. Rutt.ll nd H.nry H. widow ind torn of Oeorg Ruttell, 1 decetd brother ef Htrry Ruaeeil, decid: being til th trr temnit. heir and legal repre.entttlvei of Hirry Rimt.ll, who died inteatit rebruiry is.

i34, 1 iiiiaen wi Aiinnni, niair uuniy, Penneylvinli. original mnrtggnr, tnd J. R. Lupfer and Mr, J. R.

Lupflr, 'tenant In potieealon. Ley. Fi. 77 June Term. 139.

tn ind to certtln part nf Int or piece nf ntuited in th City nf altnnna a Cnuniv nf Blair md 1 Sttt 1,. Bounded tnd Beginning at a point on the lid ot 3evnih (7) Avenue thenc outhtt along the Noitlieaitcrn tide of itid Eighteenth (Hi Street FVrty 140) feet to a point on 1 public Al'cy thenc norlheiat along the North-1 wettern aid of taid Alley Fifty UO) tt to 1 point on land ot Frank McGuire, thence Northwett ilong Ut land of Frank McGulie FVrly (40) feet to a point on land of Mil Llxxie M. Keetey. thenc along aaid Itnd of Mi. unic m.

K.etey toiitnweii Fifty i.Vi) feet to point on the Northetern aide of Eighteenth tlS) Street tnd plao of beginning. Hiving leot.d 1 hereon a modern two ttory brick cated dwelling hou and numbered 110 Eighteenth tlS) Street ac-cording to the manner of numbering houiei In th City ot Alioona. Taken In execution it lull of Jacob Singermtn. to the 111 of Walter Stngemtin. duly tttlgnid to Ce nt singermtn tnd no to the ut of Waltr 8lngrmin.

Adminittrttor of tht Ettttt ot Cell Siniermin, de- ceated. SCHEEUNE, SMITH A LEOPOLD 3D. All th right, title ind tnfereit of Emory A. Piehl. Fieri Ftciit Xo.

7 Jun Term, 1SS. In and lo ALL thoae two certtln lott of ground tttuatt In th Village of Cltyaburg. in th Townthip of Grenflld in the County ot Bliir tnd Sttl of Pnnylvanla being hounded and deicribed more fully at followt: Xo. 1. All thtt certain lot of ground being numbered FIVE In th general town plot, fronting on the wett tlong the tttte highway running between Hoiiinayaourg tnd Bedford tixty-lix i) feet to line of lot or Abram Burket.

thence on th North by lot of wine one hundred forty-eight ind one htlf illai,) feet btrk to an al ley: tnence on eatt by taid iiiev tlx-ty-ix (Ml feet to lot formerly of John Bechtel heir, thence on outh by tm nn hundred forty- eight tnd one htlf feet to the iittt aignway tnd pure or beginning. Xo. 3. All that certain lot of ground being numbered FOUR In the genertl town plot, beginning it 1 pott on the road leading from Hollidaytburg to dtdford tnd it renter of lott No. 4 tnd No.

A thenr bv tiid road South It deg. Wett. nxty-tix (Ml feet to corner ef lot No. thenc by aid lot No. 73 dg.

Eatt one hundred forty-eight tnd on htlf il4s) feet to an alley; thence Xorth bv taid illey It deg. Eitt aixty-nx i) feet to lot No. 8: thnc by lot Xo. Xorth 73 deg. Wett on hundred forty-eight tnd on htlf fret ili.) rt to a pott tnd plice ot beginning.

Said premi hiving thereon erect ed in eight room dwelling houte with ill modem improvement! ind necet try outbuilding. Taken In execution It tuit of F.dwird Hair, now to ue ot Mabel Hair Carver. SCHEEUXE, SMITH A LEOPOLP 31. All the right, titl. ind interett of Lewi MrXeith ind Emma Neieh.

hit wife. Defendant! with notice tn A. H. Letxler tnd W. Gulbranton.

Terr Tenant. Fieri Facial Xo. 71 June Term, 13. In and to ALL that certain lot or piece ot ground with the building erected thereon, titutte in the City of Altoona (formerly the Borough of Juniata) County nf Rltir tnd Stile nf Penntylvinii, fronting Twenty-Ar (3S) feet on th. Southeatt tide of Eighth (tthl Avenue and extending back nf tqual width One Hundred and Twenty (130) feet to in illey; being the N'ortheiM one-half of Lot Xo.

IS Block "9" of Loudon 1 Extemion to Junuti. Bounded on the Nnrthettt by Lot No. 14: on the Northwett by Eighth (Ithi Arenu nn the South-wt by nthr bait nf Lot Xo. IS. and on th Southeatt hy ttld illey.

Reing known it premi Nn. Eighth Avenue. Junitti. Altnont. Pi.

Having therenn erected a two ttory frame dwelling houte. Taken in execution at tuit of Alliance Building and Loin Anocii-tion ot Altoona. Pi CHESTER B. WRAT S3. All the right, title and Interett of Thomu L.

Jone tnd Chloe Mty Jon, hi wife. Defendtnl. Firi Fietit Xo. 51 June Trm, 139 In ind to ALL thot certain lot! nr piece nf ground litmt tn th City of Altnom. County of Bliir tnd Statt ef Penntylvania.

bounded ind described a. followa: BEGIXXIXG it the Southern corner nf th Intersection of Twenty-eighth Street ind Broid Avenue ometime the Southeatiern corner nf Broad Avenue ind Twenty-eighth Street): thenc. Southward along th. Southeattern id of Broad Avenue. a ttanr of Mventy-Av feet to 1 point: thence it right angle Eatt- ard of oual wiflth.

on hundred twenty (1301 fet to in iily: thenr bv md illey Northward emy-Ave 17M fe.t to Twenty-eigntn trei; thenc by Twnty-ighth Street Westward One hundred twenty (130) feet to the point and place of beginning, containing Nlni thoutand innOI feet, and known nn the City Plot a number 3101. 303 and 3105 Broad Avenue. The Mid herein before decribl retl ettue hiving thereon erected 1 three atory brick dwelling houte. a oa atnry brick and remeat garage ind other Improvement Ttken in execution tt uu ni Catholic Kmghti of St. George.

Pltin- tltT. AUSTIN SULLIVAN LEONARD M. BOEHM S3 All the right, tllle tnd Int.rett nf Joteph P. Ferry; Jtmet V. Ferry: wary E.

wnerry ind Bimuei wDier Wherry, her hutbtnd; Margaret Kel ly, widow; ind Jnieph P. Ferry. Executor ind Lgtie nf the Ettatt nf Miln B. Ferry mortgagor tnd reil owner with notice tn Dr. Mariyn W.

Miller and Mn. Catherine Gndy. terra tenmti. Levari Facii No. 84, Jun Term, 139.

In tnd tn All thit certtln lot or pic nf ground tituat. lying and being In th City nf Altnona. County nf Flair tnd State nf Ptnniylvmii. fronting nn th Northwett tide nf Thirteenth Avenue between Twelfth tnd Thirteenth Stret a width nr fifty ISO) feet, and extending hick it the uniform width, a dittinc of on hundred and twtnty (130) ft tn in allay, and being known ind dtlgnitd 11 Lot Nn, IS in Blnck "EE" In tht 0nnl Pltn nf the City nf Aitoont. ind being known ind numbered la 1334 end 1331 Thirteenth Avenue.

Aitoont. Pennylvtnlt. Htrlng thereon erected 1 three itery brick iptrtm.nt building, 1 two and nn half ttory fram dwelling, a two ttory fram. double dwelling houte; ind on the reir of 1331 Thirteenth a two ttory frtm dwelling tnd Urge Glrtge building. For chain nf title te Deed Book Vol urn 318, Plge 347.

Ttken In execution it tuit of Mountain Clty.Trutt Company, Now fnr mt of Th Pint National Bink of Altnnna, Ouirditn JOHN J. HABERSTROH R. C. HABERSTROH 14. All the right, titl ind intlrtlt nf Wllliim P.

Wlnteri. with nntlc to Adam Wintrl. terr. tenant. Fieri Fieltt No.

4 Jun Ttrm, 1939. In and to ALL THAT CERTAIN pier nr parrel nf land, iltuit In tht Rorough nf Oiyipnrt. now Borough nf Hollidyhiirg, County nf Bliir and Stat nf Penntylvania, hounded and described ta fnllnwi' Beginning at a nnt on the northerly tide nf Rett Street, it the comer or lot ennveyea lo Chirlet B. Brut, now C. ind M.

Bow.rtox; thenc from lild given point ilong th northerly ild nr Bent airet. in an ettieriy airec tlnn, thlriy-nln (M) feet to pott at the corn.r of land now or 'formerly of Ivan Arford: thence in a north-eaaterlv direction along lind nnw or formerly of Mtlrolm D. Norton, 111. one hundred and twenty 130) more or lt. to in alley; thenc long tnutherty tid of ald alley, In wirly direction, forty-een ind nne-hlf (47'4) feet te Int nnw nr formerly nf A.

ind M. Bower- ox: then' along tht emrerly tid nf the Int nf aid ftnwariox. In lotjtherly direction, oni hundred and Taken in execution at tuit uf Moun tain City Tniit company, by Special I'epiity seoreiary ot Maiming, now for ue of The Fir I National Bank of Aitoont, Pa Guardian of Roy Jerome Relghtrd, Paul A. Rtlglmd, Miry Keigliird, Annabel Relghtrd Punn ind Annabel Relghtrd Dunn In her own right, (J. Q.

PATTERSON 35 All the right, till ind Interett ot Churl Kurla. Fieri ricli Xo, 17 Jun Term, In tnd lo All thtt certtin piec of ground attune, lying and being In he City ot Aitoont, formerly of th Township of Logan, County of Blair, ind State of Ptnntylvanla, bounded ind detcrlbed louowt; Beginning it the intenectlon ot 13th Street tnd Jeflerion Avenue: thence along center line uf 13th ttrcet 4 degreet 11 minute Eatt SOS feet to renter lin of Maditon Avenue; thenc along center lin. ot Maditon Avenue South 48 degree 3 111 in ill at 4o.07 fett tn cenltr line of 131h ttreet; thence ilong renter lint of 13th Strttt North 45 degrM 11 minute Wett SOS feet lo center line of Jtfferton Avenue; thenc. North along center line of Jffrton Avenut 41 minute Eat 4007 feet to place of beginning. Containing 3 311 arret See plot book 4.

page 1181 1 Hiving thereon erected a ont-htlf itery frame cottage, containing ill modern For rhtin of titl tee Peed Book 310. ptge 473. Taken in execution tt ault of A. A. Wtidley.

WARFEL F. B. WARFEL tt All th right, title and ef Milton E. Updike. Fieri Facia No, SS June Term, 139.

In tnd tn ALL thtl certain lot nf ground attune, lying tnd being in the Kirat Ward of the Borough of Tyrone, formerly ot the Townhip nf Snyder. In the County of Bitlr ind Stit of Penniylitnii, bounded ind deicribed It followt: Beginning on the Northern aide of Pirk Avenue tForty) at the corner of lot Xo. IS. no owned by Ctrl Gtrbirk: thence wettwirdly along aaid Park Avenut 40 teet to the lint of lot Xo II now owned by Ed. Nnwlin, northwardly along line of lot No.

II 130 teet to Garden Alley: tnd thence by line equal to and pirallel with the flrtt two lmet to tht plice of beginning Being lot Xo. S3 in Block 37 ot the Bhippen Firm. For rhtin nf titl. te Deed Book Vol. S37.

page 313 Tiken in execution at luit of Georgt Fither. FRANK B. WARFEL J7. All th right, title and interest of Mtry E. Btker.

that Mary E. Baker Wit. Original Mortgagor, lite of the City of Aitoont. decraaed. and W.

Wite. Surviving Widower. Mil. M. M.

Miller. Mr. Con Treet. Mr Maude Mt Mullen. B.

Edgar Baker and Sidney Baker. Ill nf full Ige md H. O. Xickoli. Guirdltn ad Litem of John Robrt Baker.

1 minor child, alt heir tt lw nf the taid Mtry E. Biker, ilia Mary E. Baker Wine, deceated. Terr Tenant. Real Owner and Levtrt Kaciat 9 Jun 1939.

In ind to All thit certnn meaiuage tnd half lot or pier, of ground titutt. lying tnd bing in th City of Altoona. County of Blair, tnd Sttt of Penntylvania. fronting twenty-rtve (35) ft nn th Northttrly eld of Sixth ilth) avenue and xtending hack therefrom, at a uniform width ef twenty-Av (35) feet In a North-wetterly direction, along the South-wetterly line nf Firtt Ml Street, th diflanre nf on hundred twenty tl30) feet to an lley. being the Art nr corner half of the firet lot South westerly irom rtrtt tlli street.

Having therenn erected a twn tnd nne-ha'f ttory frame dwelling houte. alto 1 twn car garage, known and numbered 100 Sixth Avenue. Altoona. Pnnylvania. Tkn in execution at luit nf Home Owneri- Loan Cnrpnntion nf Withington, D.

C. M. J. SHEEDT St. All the right, title and inttreit of J.

Ralph Detwiler. Fieri Facia No. June Term. 1939. In and to ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piec of lind in the Borough nf William! ut; County nf Blair, ind State ot Penntylvamt, be ginning it a pott corner of Alley tnd High Street tnd thence along High Street on road from Wllliimtburg to Mirtiniburg.

penntylvania. touth nr- ty-Av (55) degree writ one hundred ind eight (101) feet to 1 poit corner of lind of th eatitt of John K. Nef7 etttte and thence tlong the Neff Itnd north Afty-eight (511 degree wett thr hundred and tweaty-aeven (337) feet tn a. pott comer of Methoditt Cemetery Int ind thence ilong Mid cemetery Int North thirty i30) degree at on hundred on. (101) feet tn 1 po.t corner nn alley, and thence down the nrtt tid nr and niey touth Afty-eight i.M) degree eitt three hundred tixty-tlght (3KS) feet tn th.

place of beginning, rontiining 35.047 tqutre feet. Hiving thereon erected 1 twn ttory brick dwelling hnute. 1 liable tnd other outbuild Being the tim. premi. the title In which heime vetted In the Hid Ralph Detwiler iknnwn at J.

R. Detwiler In deed) preeent grantor by deed nf Georgia VinDevinder Fiy nd Charle R. Fiy, her huabind, dated March 2S. 1918. and reenrded in Deed Rook Vnl.

Pge 3d. reference tn which being had will more fully and it Urge tppeir. ALSO. ll that certain pier nr parrel nf land tituat In the Borough nf Wllllimahurg beginning it a point it th corn or pmperty nr tn gnntnr it th end nf twenty-Av (251 font Illey; thence In I wett.rly direction alnng th line nf th grantor nd the M. E.

Cemetery to a point nn th Nor BottenAeld prnperty a dutanee of two hundred Afty-Mcen 1337) fe.t. thenc in a di-reetinn along th. Mid property nn hundred tvnty (170) ft tn a enr-ner; thnc in an eatterly direction alnng th Nnr BottenAeld property long whit wit formerly the Old Neff Orchard diatince nf fnur hundred twenty (430) feet tn High Street: thnr In northeailerntv dlretlonv alnng High Stret a dlalanc nf twenty (30) feet tn 1 point tn th comer nf the Hnmer Treete property: thence in 1 weterty dlrectlnn along the Hnmer Treee prnp.rty a dlttanre ef one hundred forty-nne (141) feet tn pott, thence continuing In a weit.rlv direction alnng the end nf aid alley a diatance nf twenty-Ava I2S) feet to 1 point, tnd thenc in a northernlv direction tlong ttld alley tn th plf of beginning 1 dl.tim-a nf one hundred tevenly-aix (171) feet, Alan If th ld alley heretofnre referred to be opened at either end, It hi in npen.d at a uniform width nf not let! thin twelr (13) feet, th balance to part by thit conveyance tn Detwilar. party ef the teennd pirt, prei.nt grantor. Having thron erected frame pnultry hoiiMi.

Being the premltee th till tn which hem vetted In Rlnh Detwllr, knnwn nd written In dd R. Detwiler. nrent grantor, deed of Berth E. Tar and Wlllltm M. Fy, her hiiahand, dted Mrh '0.

131. tnd reenrded In Deed Rnnk VH, 3M Pag 474. reference in which heme hd will mor fullv and at large anneir. Fnn reclltl nf title Mnrtgifl Bonk. Vnl, HI.

131, Tkn In executlnn it tuit nf John H. Latent. J. KLEP8ER TERMS OF 8ALE Th! price or turn at which th property ihll truck oft muit paid at th tlm oL th aale or tuch other arrangement a will be approved, other! th property will Immediately put up for tall and told tgiln at th expene. nd rink of the Pron to whom It wm ttruck of, nd who In ret nf doflclency al turn retale, thall make gmd ih ttme In Court by cnnArm-tlnn unit, the money la actually paid '9 J.

SUMMERS. ShtrlS of Blair County Wa.aut St-t and bvk p. 7 width at right angle to aid 91 'tt a dtaac of ISO feet more or! CHARLES R. MALLERT 13 All th rtcht. titl and iatrt of Rowll T.

Eldoa talto writta tnd Styrt 8. El- Vri Facia M-41 Juat Tm, 1 la tod to All that rrttia pio or parvl of Itnd lyin tnd bin( titutt in tht City of Aitoont. County of Blair tad Sltt of naiylvaaia. (Kuaai anu aronia a louowt; B''B distant of thirty-niB 31 ft to point oa th outhwtrn lia of lot bow or It'. of alary E.

Liat: thar aouth 3 dr minut duttao of forty-two tnd fly-tBth ft ThV win mt on th north- ot bow or of Eitti. ihnc aouth ts minut wt Afteen tnd Miy en on huadredth tli.SU feet to ibbo omn nrt bo at tac of niniy iSO! ii io oinr iana or kowh ana Nvri s. Eldon: thac aioec hn of othrr had of tid Rowll T. tnd Jjiyr don. aouth drt no minute wt a ditttno of (lfty-two tnd nin-tnth iUi ft to point on Ua of Und low or lit of lo lhno north 34 drt j.

nuif! wrsi a a ot Bin ad two-tBth t3l ft to point: a Irani DUMQinC Ua tor Putl- tad dwe l'ng kn-wn Xoa. IS15 Twelfth Areau. tad I rracn BunaiBg ua for buti- i iiia rorn'ret gartt For titl fld of Jo. dfed Feb 1 1 anna Kelly reoorded in red B.vk Vol. JS.

p-ie 5T4. to T. Eidon. on of th parti h-to: alo dd of Pr. Homr C.

Miller aad wife, dated Nov. IT. lJi. rvrdd ia Peed Book Vol. 3J.

page 15. Pr. RoiweK T. Eldoa. one of the p-tie h'reto: deed of Ro- W'l r1 "ZZTt.

TW4 Ci x-J I. pag M. to Marguerite P'ny', ded of Martuerit FeBvl ing'e dated Mi 3J. 1JT ia Ped Book Vol' 31. page i it r.wrti i.

tao Sayrt Eidoa hn wife, partie hereto: deed of Roel! T. El- doa tad d'd Oct. 31. r-ronied ta Pd Book Vol SST, page 3.M to Marguerite R. peaivl: aad deed of R.

Peni. tiagl. dated ft 31. 137. roordd Pd B-k Vol.

SST. page to Ro.e. T. E.don and Sayrt Eldoa. hi fe.

partie hereto. Se lo quitclaim dd of Martha W. Bndr tad hibtad dttd Mar. 33. 13.

"wea ia nook vol. pag 10 to T. EldoB tnd Sayn S. EidoB. h.

par. ie hereto TakeB in exontinn it tuit of State Capita: Sir.nga and Loan Aor ttion. Corporttion oriaaned under the v.vrspuniicn organiaen Law, of th Commonweilth P'BB" hai er 1 5 m4 ln'rM ut ,0 HtTr WT JJJJf- Tr' I 1 Fulu N- Jun Tnn. 18,1 t0 certt.B lot of round Borough of Juniata Loa air i County. frcatir.g Thirt i on 'n ef i tourtn street Tenth Avenu.

between Fourth Street Fifth Strt. and extend. ng back Oae Huad-ed aad Fiftea illM ft to I y- biBg lot No. 3 ia Blork i -3? on th haag d.ib th jun'tia nea.ty con-ptay aad th riot. urxya tad nlottd l- M.

Pehat nd rvord4 tn the ofTt f.r the re-ordiag of ded Bounded on th Southt by fnth AvBu: S-juthwwt by tn illey: -n mat tne Luntv or Xortaweat by aa allev and VMhu mt by Lot Xo. 3 ork 2S Biag a 1 ptrx or th nrr. tract of Itnd th i ia the i'r Comptay by wi Comptay by VM of iiiiiiti i vn i wul'tm Loudoa decaed. dated April 31, lyj rfl 141 Pig (91 reord of Blair i0 uaty Hirty 5UM8" Catra! Trjt Tru' of Jumttt J' 1 taa recorded is Pd Book Vol. ia la the pre.nt mortgagor, ot by deed of th Ontrtl Trut Com-Paly.

Truite. atd May 110 Bd to rcordd TtkB iB exc-ution it tuit of Prntideat Trut Company, of Phil-ide ph tnd Mary C. Dudley Ex- rmori or tn Latt will tnd Tett- rnBt Aani Crawford deo4 MECK T. l. All th nxht till kA i.i.

rf." unt aerm. la tnd to All that lot or of itad. with th building n-l urprjrement the-eon erected titu' Ib the City of in th. County Sf 8ut of PnylrtBH. -in.

anun.r.y pirt lyjt Num- a-'B HI IB BIO" Ten (10) II i. I-iyiB. Sutton On il). which t.d plot or p'tn rT7Z.x cff r' of R- Vi'I VI yTCGI IB HIP I I 111 Plot Bock Number J. Said P'" id It dcrlbd it Beginning it a pviit fet iom the aorth.Vt nuntrel thirty (IMi feet to 1 point oa Logan Avtnu: thenc I Jr'5h fMt Pvlh'.

th i PmnlBg Hiring theroa T-i-o a iwj ory onci dwelling-houi md being deaigntted pr.m- Xumbr JU Lrgn Arenu. Liyt-wn Altooat. P'nnivltanli. ALSO. All that certain plo nr ptr-i of Itnd.

itut In City of A'tooat in th. County of B'tir tnd S'tt nf Pnnnvtnlt. hing th n-nhriv two 3 fr of Lot Xumb.r E'ght () in Bk Tea ilO) in ih P'ot or Pun of Leyiwen, Sctlon On Ml: a pio or pirel of und hung bounded tnd dnbd folio: Beginning it point on th north-t lid of Logan etent-three iJJ) ft northwirdly from th northet corner nf Login Anu tnd Rrovnlng Arenu: thence. north teventy-tvo dgr. wt ea hundred thirty (Ik)) ft tn a point na lin of l)t Nuniber II; thtr tlong tin of Lota Number.

II and IS, la Block Number 10. aorth eighteen degree. two ft to point. rornr nf Lot Number 1 lhnc long I'n of Lot Number 7 nuth Tnt-to dgr. at en hun dred thirty f.

Ha. of Loin Area ut. long Ut it i jE I i 1 I Ctpittl String tnd Loan Allocution. JOHN H. HEMPHILL J.

0. SWARTZ 31 All the right, titl tnd int.rett ot Eltiibeth Lung.r, Fieri Ficitt No. 7S Jun Ttrm, IPS. In tnd to ill that certain lot or piec. of Itnd, with th building tnd improvement erected thereon ntuttt.

lying tnd being In th Citv of Aitoont. County of Rltir tnd Sttt of Feaatytvtaii, bounded ad described at followt: BEGINNING it 1 polat oa th. touthvett tide of Withingtoa Arcane, formerly Dry Gap Rotd, and point beiBg oa line dividing VfW'jr herein onyed and property no or late of Joeph Wthl; thence north-weatwardly. along taid Withington Areaue. fifty iSO) feet, more or l.

to line of Itnd of Eettllt Yon; formerly Mirtin Runyon: thence la 1 touthern direction along line of Itad of'a Ton. oat huadred tnd tweaty OXD feet, more or leat. to ia alley: theac iuthwtwirdly, tloBg taid V.lty. twenty-Bine t3) ft, more or let. to pott ob Itad no or formerly of tbov mentioned Joteph Wihl: thine northittrd-ly.

tlong hat of Itnd no or lit of above mentioned Joaenh Whl one hundred tnd twenty 1J0 feet, more or leet to Washington Arenu. th plic of beglnaiag, HAVING thereiB erected 1 two md one-half ttory frtm duplex dwell. Ing houee known at No. 101 'ith-ington tvenu. For titl ae Peed r-cordl In Peed Book Vol.

4'lg pig 1SJ. Ttken In execution it luit of 4tat Capitil String tnd Loan At.ociatton. J. HEMPHILL J. O.

SWARTI 33 All th. right, titl. ind inierevt of Mtry 0 Bartley. md Charlet S. Btrtl.y.

her hutbmd Mortgtgor and Real Owner with notice to mine Beebe md Margaret I Beebe. bit lf Terr Tenant. raciti No. Jun Term Ia tad to All that certain oae-htlf ioi or piece or grouBd with th. building tad improvement thereoa erected.

vmg tad being titutt in the City of Altoona County of B'tir. tnd Stu. of PnnylTinia, bounded aoa pea rollo: rn-nung iweniy-nre (i teef on th Southetttra tide of Arenu Itlki know at Ett Bell Avenue) be. teen F1rt and Lloyd Street, tnd -xienoing Pick. tt even width.

I dittiare of On Hundred feet to ib illey; being the Eattera pi iair nrtr-foot lot or grouBd Southwe.t from Llovd Street ob the Southeast d. 0f Bell Avnu. known at Lot Xo Five (5) In nwa on pan or lot ltld out tor ta. j. Buck by Frar being aeillntted a.

N'n. Bll Avenue, according to the num bering of premi in th City of fl a. Hiring tnerwn rxtd I two tnd "n-ntir nory mm dw.llmr hou. known a Xo 13S Ett Bell Avenue. For Chain of Title p4 Book Vol SM.

Pag 311. Tkn in xcutioB it mil nf Sttt vapiiu siBg. tnd Loin Annclitinn SWARTZ ROBERT C. HABERSTKOH All th rght. title ind lntrt or iixrii n.

Louder tad F.rthi Louder, hit wife. Mortgagor ind i-i vwner. Fieri rtcitt No. IS June Term, 149 In ind tn All that certain ent-hilf lot or piece of lind tutt. on th.

poutneattera tide of Fifth Avenue between Twenty-n n'h Street nd Thirtieth Street in 'he Sixth Wtrd nf Anooni rtty. in Bitlr County md Jttt of F.nntylTinu containing in f-nnt nr breadth am th. ...4 Twenty-five feet md extending back therefrom in length nr nf th ttme brdth. Southeattwtrdly On Hundred ta Twenty 1120 ft to ia tnd being th. Southwt-rn OB-hilf of th.

coBd lot South- 01 Mia Tw.ntv-ntnth Strt. Biag alto th Sith.trn oae-htlf 01 ioi Nine 19) Bock Seventeen il7) tit th ni. gh.ay Seotinn B. laid out by th. heir nf Ella Baker.

deceed. md r-orn-a in wiir county Plot Book Nn 1. naie at Hiving thereon erected a. two ind nne.hiif tnry frtm. dwelling hnut.

knon i No. 307 Fifth Avenue v. -Ihli'1 ef D1 Vol SM. Pg( 14. Tlken ia xcutinn it tuit nf Stat.

vapitu saving! md Lntn Ancition J. SWARTZ R. C. HABERSTROH 34. All the right, title and Interett nf Jnhn C.

Ritchey ind Lillian Mortgagor tnd wwnr. nn nntie tn J. ff Blitt tnd rtnreiM BJatt, hit wife, iiT. lenantt. Filrl Firm Ne.

4 Term imi. ia ana 10 A 1 tnat certain hair ml in in- 117 01 Aitoont. county nf Blair tnd State of P.nnijivaJt,. -ounijij na aetcrtBta tt Beginning at a pnint nn th South utrn Ha nf Seventh Arenu. no tint on Hundred and Trntv.fir I34) ft N8rtht nf the Eiitn corner ef Snth Arenu and Twelfth Street, ind txtending thence, tlong in- line or Keren' A nue.

In Xertheatri Hiri (ma 1 d'ttinc of Tnty-flr i3S) fiit to a Foini; mine in a Bnuthitori direction, on Hn ptrtllel itn Twlfth street, a dlettnce of On Hundred Twenty l) fet to a point on th nn nr fmh a taiittw thenc along th Xorthw.ttern lint or 11m public aiiy, ln a South teni direction a dilttnet of Teniy-f)T (34) ft to 1 point: in directum a ai.ttnc or on Hundred Twenty (130) feet t0 a Bcint on th South-ttitrn lin nf rnth Anu. th piic nt Beginning. Heine th North ttm hlf nf Lot Nn. Fir. (S) In nine nn tn general plan nf thtt pan 01 in city nr Altoona an bing th Xortheiitern hilf nf th third flfty.fnot lot Nnrthet nf Tlfth trt on th Snuthiitrn lid ef Svnth Avenue Htrlng therenn rcttd three lory frm dwelling houte known Nn 1117 Seventh Arenu.

ind tltn a brick garage. For rhtin of titl Dd Bonk Vol. Plge 17 Taken In xcutirn it lull nf Slat Ctpittl Stringi ind Lntn Aienriitinn. J. 0.

SWARTZ R. C. HABERSTROH tt All the right, till and Interett ef Chi rlet Roller, Mortgagor tnd Real 0ar. with notice tn Chirlet L. Roller.

tad Mirtha J. Koiler, hit wife, ind Oeorg H. Wright and Miry L. Wright, hlr wife, Terr Tentntt. Fieri ricit No.

14-H Jun. Term, 1M. Ta and 10 All thai certtln lt nr pier nf ground with th building ind lmprovmnta therenn er-td. tituat in th City of Altnt.nt, Penn-lylvinu iCoiumbit Pirk), bounded and d.Krtb.d follow piv of trvuad tituat. lyin tad being in th City of Altoona.

(form- erly ToBBip of LogiB'. county of Blur tad Sttt of PraatvUtait. bouad'd aad doribd ti follow, to wit: FtonttBf fifty J0) on th outhatrn tid of Bal Avnu btwa Thirty-aiBth tad Fortinh Strett. tad xtndiB( btok. atone th tid of aaid Thirty-ninth tt in foual width, a d.tttao of oat huadrd twnty (130) ft to ta tlly.

BiB( lot Xo. 8ra IB ruock tour 141 oa th Map of J. Dnipy Extratioa to South Aitoont. which map it rrordd in th off- for th recording of dd ia ana tor B.tir Ft il Plot Book Xo. 1.

pat its. HAVING throa trerud two tad ttory briok-td dwllia( hou kaowa tt No. JfOl Frtlt t-au. For titl Pd r-rdd ia Dd B.k Vol. SST Pt l.

Ttka in xcutma tt witit of 8tai Ctpittl StriBfi tad Loan Ataocntioa. JOHN H. HEMPHILL J. 0 SWARTE 17. All th right, till tad Interetl Thoma.

Gerald Short tnd Ann, Jane Short, hi wife. Fin Tana Vm aa aarf Trm. 13B. Ifl tad to ill that certaia pier or parrel of Itnd lying tnd being lUmt in th City of Aitoont. County of Blur aid Stat of boundd and dcribd I followt: BEGIXXIXG It i point oa th outhatra line of Fifteenth Avau diattnt tereaty t70l feet aorthent of th eajt corner of Fifteenth Aenu tad Tweaty-ihird Street, tnd theBce.

along th nutheaitra lin of Fifteenth Anu'. in I north-eatrB direction. ditaac of thirty ii feet to a point, then In a outhtrn direction, oa a line Nnllei with Tnty-thlrd Street, a of ob hundred twenty tlJO) fet to a point oa th northiretrn line of public illey; theac tlong the lorthwe ttern line of public tliey. in i -'uthtem direction. diettnc of thirty tJOi feet poiat: thnc ia a aorthtra direction diinc of on hundred tnty tll ft to a poiat oa th outhnterB lin of Fifteenth A'-nu.

th of beginning. Bnt th northatra th-rty i ft of Lot Xn. Six In Block in Ih plan of CtmwI1 i Extennon of Altoona. which piB i revorded amoig th rerordi Bliir CVuBty ia Ped Fx Vol. J.

pag TJ. and in Or-phaio' Ourt Pnckt I. pag HAVING threoB rertd two and llrt-V hrii-ka-l mmA Ism tdmg dwelling houe. known and rftnth rv(i roordd in Pd noo oi. jk pag m.

Taken etKution at tint of -ii Ctpittl String tnd Loin Attoriat-nn. JOHN HEMPHILL J. G. SWARTZ All th right, titi tad lBtrt cf Cart tmr. eri Fi'iai Xo.

71-71 Jua Trm. lf ia tag to a I thtt certaia or Frri or Parrel of lying tad being ntutt th City of A.toona" Couaty of tnd Stat of PeaniylTiait. bounded and dVnbed a follow: BEGINNING at th vim of Fourth Street and Bil Avenu ad extending theme tlong th outhttera line of Bll Artnu In northntrn direction i dittnr tweaty-tit (3d) feet to point: thenc in i touthetttera oa a In Brlli irh r.Mink ii- d.ttano At on ktififlpil i-irp- iyvi fet to i point on th nrthtra lin or public altty: hence along the aoethetera line of Mid public ley. ia i touthwtern directioa i dittin of twenty-ix iMi ft to point oa th aorthatrn line of rourtn trl: thenc tlong th. north.tern lin of Fourth Stre.t.

In Borthwera directioa. tjioinr of ob huBdred tweaty (ll to the ttern eornr of Bell Arnu ind fourth Strt. th of beginning Betag th. Bortion ahoy riearniMwl Lot Xo. Thiren ill) Ib Block on th.

pltn of Sliymaa ind Crtwford. hkh tid p'tn I recorded tmnng th rcord of Blair County la Plot Rook Xo. 1. pig tad It being th portion ibo deribd of th flrt lot norfhit ef Fourth Street oa th liithut aid of Fll Arenu. HAVIXO thereon erected i two tore toltd b'tck building ud for oiiim ma dwelling know ti Xo.

rnr Pd roHd ia E4 Vl. JW). ptg 4 Taken in execution it uit of Stat Opiul String and Loin Aitocit'lon. JOHN HEMPHILL J. O.

SWARTE Jt AH th. right, titl. and lntret Harry w. Loo, md Edith lAif ner( FaciM Na 71 Jun Trm. IMS.

P'c ptrcl of Und. lying tnd being tttu- in th Cite of Altoon. formarlv Tinhip ef Lcgtn. County ef Blair ind S'lt of P.nntvlrtnlt. bounded tnd devnbtd folio: BEGINNING it th north corner of Areaue ind Firet Street ind extending thenr.

along th. northvett.m line ef Twenty. enth Arenue, in a northeftern direction, a ditunc of forty (40 feet te a point: thence la a north-western direction, oa a lin parallel with Firtt Street, dittinc of one hundred ilOOt feet polnft th.Bce Ib a ruthMtrn direction, on a Hn. prill with TBtjr.vnth Anu. a dittinc nf forty (40) feet to a poiat on th n.irtheaitem line nf Firet Street: thnr along the north-ttni tin nf Firtt gtrt.

tn tnuthMtrn direction, a dittinc of on hundred ilOOt ft to point. th plc of beginning Being th ftret lot et of Firt Street na th northwtetera id of Tnty.arnih Areaue. trenrdlng tn th plan of E. Granna Suhdiriiinn. prepared from hv L.

Owin hy Byard A Long, Rglfred Engineer, Mirch II 111 recorded Mtrrh Hi, 131. HAVING therenn rtrted a te and ttory fram dwelling hou. knovn No. 100 EaK Twenty iTnth Arenu. For titl.

Dd Recorded la Deed Book Vol. 40 pag. 4l Taken la execution it tuit of Stat Ctpittl Sarin ind Loin Anclatloa. JOHN If. HEMPHILL J.

0. SWARTZ 30 All th right, titl ind later! of W. Dougherty. Fieri Ficiat Nn. 74 Jun Term.

1M In ind to ill thtt certain pirt nf I or eic nf ground titutt in th City ef Altooat, County ef Bitlr to ta alley tnd biag th tt ht of lot number 3 ia th plot or plaa of aa borough bouafd oa th py of Thoma Rocney. Wiiliam R. A Roonev tad Mr. Long aw BrotB'rliB cn th wt hy Dipnr no F1ard Frank, oa th aorth by wa'aut Street tad on th outh aaid ailev. Kav-ng thra -ec'ed a two aai ttory brt.

dwelliRg hiue containing eight room mod- noue roBttiaing ight room mod- e-a promeit tad othr out- build. sg Fjr lam of nt Pd Hook oi pig exeruuoa at tun of Mark r. warfel .0 All th -ght ind intert of Edwt-d Foriht. Clar F. Forht.

K-aneth F.rht tad Ethel F-rht. Fi-n Ftota Nj. JO Jua Term. In tnd to ALL thtt TovBtiia of or iaaa tituat. in the i air and the Sttt.

of ni k' ooriou a roi.o. tt pmi ib pubiK rotd tntn tad Mr Sn Kyle tliar tlocg the cafr la of -he a public rjil juth 1 d'g-" ad miajf et 10 prthe to pi line oi ot :irt.i A. Tiurh acuta agre li minute et pr, to pot on ua of itad of Ji.T.e Funk thn w-th and cf ta.d Jame Fuak no-th dgr- prh to a pot tha aorta d'gre 4S miaute. et 35 pr.he t0 a p. rorner of oi vtiQ jiitii runk heir tnd id A jrh.

anaa Had tad Mr Strth J. Kyle: thnt With 'mnA ap7 B.uw aad Kvl. -i a. Perch.e i mlf: them- ra.n prori to pot the place of be inn timing 10 acre Taken tn execution tt tuit of fhio-i P'anaylMnit Joint Stock Land Bank of nd now for u. of fntoa it1, w.

Blnk ef a. I. niM IL 11 th. ut'. ii.

a.i the r.gtt. tit. and intereet Low. f. a 1-iD Term.

ha ui B-! of 'xh mm. i I i i 1 1 Stat cf P.nnYv,a:i frcating r. i. ty-fir fA on Fifth Areau wa Th'rd of. nd Fourth Stret tad xtead'n vi T' i ll: Lot bok Ib ingth or depth a dat.a".

'I. of c. hundred tnd taty tl) JI.7 )r-lhl P'nt: ft to tn lev. Rem th. I tb" north tnty-to dgre.t.

of th i. th Wtra lin of Sfh Atbu ef th City of Aitoont Htring there- 4inn' d. LogtB Are-thne North along t. rectd twi torr frtm. dwell- Bu'- "h'en degree, ff th ptnt and Pitoe of he.

g-naing htg lie Lot 7 Blork 4 th plot AHgfcny. roor4J Plot Rook Volume I. Pit 41 Hing threon a di! ng hoa known ind numKr.4 g.gth Av- ni Aitoom. Pi i TakB In x'utinn tt uit of H-m Owar Loin Corporation InttrumemtJity of Stat, of ArrefV. PAUL SMITH i I of rr3 rg ho.u known tnd" numbre4 a I3T Fifh Avnu Altoona Pa 137 roe title i rci)rdd In air rUnty Dd Book Vol.

M0, Pag. 3a. Taken in exwutlon it tuit of Th. Mnunttin City Lota and Siring Aa- JOHN K. HEMPHILL A I th right titl ind lnir.t of Thoma (i Mor ind Leoni M.

n' 'ft Fieia Xo. a Jun. Term, In tad to ALL thtt eertiln lot or per of ground lying aad being itutte in the Cty of Altooaa. County of Bitlr tad Sttt of Pnnylrtnit. bounded and dcribd folio: to wit: Fronting tnty-fi IV,) ft oa th Southrtm id of Sixth idihl Arnue anl extending hack in length or depth of en id'h.

on hundred and tnty (130) fet to in lly. tnd hing th Et'n on half of the Firet Lot of Ktii Strel. Having thron rtd to 3) ttory frtm dw.iMnt knoB and numh'4 tt y. Bn guth Atbu. Altoona.

All th right, titl tad lnt-rt of Gilbert MrtJotigh tVlbrl T. Cough tnd T.1U brother tnd itr. Fieri Facia No. 43 Jua Trm. la aad to ALL that rentm lot or plc of ground titutt in th City of Altoona County of Blur tnd Sttt of Pnnyhnt.

beginning tt pjmt on th etd of Viil-itl Road 304 3 Eaitward from th ln'rction of th South Sid of Mtllvtll Road Th Et tid of Oak; iha coauniuac abag I.

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