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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 20

Logansport, Indiana
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FBIDAY JAN. 7,1898. 1DITOR8 PBOPEBTORB. 8IJBSCEIPTION Dully cento; per year tUK yeiir.trtoty In advance. Knterod the I-ogansport.

I clMS mall matter, as provided by law. DEMOCRATIC DISTRICT CONVENTION To the Domocratii of tbe Eleventh CongresH- onal District: Pursuant to the order of the Democratic state central committee, the delegates to the district convention are called to meet In the city of Pern on Tuesday, January lltb, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. for the purpose of selecting one member of tbe state central committee for said district the ensuing two years. Thebusls of representation in said convention, as fixed by aald committee, will be one delegate for each 200 votes or traction of 100 or over cast for the head Of the Bryan electoral ticket. A general Invitation is extended to the Democrats of the district to attend this The delegates to said convention will be selected in ench county on or before January 8th, 1898, by county or township meetings, according to local custom and upon the call of the of the several counties.

S. E. COOK, Chairman Congressional Com. Huntington, Dec. 18, 1897.

SPAIN verge of collapse In a financial way. The Cuban war drained that na'bion to the dregs. Millions of money and thousands of lives have been sacrificed and the war IB no nearer an end than at the beginning. HANNA'S hopes are somewhat re- ftved bp the arrival of Oalvin 3. Brice at Columbus.

It is believed that Brlce would rather see Hanna back to the senate than some other Kepubllcan of less monopolistic tendencies. IT seems fit and proper that the great "sound money" party which won a victory in 1896 with boodle and by fraud, coercion and intimidation avoid the question on which, it waged the campaign devote its time and attention to an effort to overthrow the civil service law. Congress seems wholly Indifferent to the currency question. It was quick to pass a law designed to fatten the trusts and the protected corporations. It Is now attempting to make places 'or tbe spoilsmen.

Carl Schuiz, whose ipeecbes did more to advance cause of the gold conspirators than MjthiDg that was done in the line of speech making, Is denounced as corrupt man who espouses a cause for a price. The conflicting elements that joined together under the ban- of Washington since McKlnley's nanguration waiting for something to "turn np." These expectants not "sound money" the less but office holding The gold Conspirators, the real head of the sound money movement, eaire nothing for the offices. They seek to control legislation and to secure the enactment of such laws as will bind this country irrevocably to the single gold standard. They imagine chat the army of office seekers now clamoring for recognition made great sacrifices from pure devotion to the cause of "sound money." They are mistaken. Even the corporations that exerted such a powerful Influence through the Ignoble methods of coercion and intimidation In behalf of the cause of "sound money," were promised official positions during the campaign, and McKinley has already made good Mark Banna's promises.

They secured their reward. But the great army of office seekers find that there are no rewards for them unless the civil service law is overthrown. When, therefore, Charley Landis makes a demand for the wholesale discharge of such Democrats as have obtained positions in the public service under the civil service law, he strikes a responsive chord In those whose hearts have been made sick by hope long deterred. Armenian Propagandists. A flood of light is thrown on the real cause of the Armenian massacres in one of Dr.

Hepworth's Herald letters. The cause of this horrible theological killing is not religious at but political, as has been the case iii every instance of a so called religions -war in either Europe or Asia from the time of the crusades to the present day. Here is the bare truth: For many years England has been ostentatiously pitying the persecuted Armenian Christians in the Turk's dominions. Armenians are scattered all over Asia Minor. But they are in the minority everywhere.

In Kurdistan, for instance, there are 50,000 Armenians, civilians all. In Kurdistan there are, on the other hand, 3,000,000 Kurds, many of them drilled soldiers, thoroughly desperate fighters and the best cavalrymen in the Turkish army. This is about the proportion of Turk and Armenian generally. Nevertheless Buj 'land continues to Longest Street Car What vrill be for a time at least the longest street car ronte in the United States is tinder process of construction, in. Ohio.

It is an electric irpad which will unlize the ordinary public highways from Cleveland 'to Cincinnati, thus bisecting the state. The line be 262 miles long. Its object is td gei; the way passenger and freight traffic between villages through wbloh it paiises. Many of these, have not at present railroad facilities of any kind. It will also pass by farms, enabling the agriculturist to stop the airs at his own door and load upon them his grain and live stock, conveying it thcs to market.

Thei line will pass through 14 counties on the route from Cleveland to Cincinnati. The projectors expect to do a great business in conveying excursion parties, and in this they will not be disappointed. Special excursion cars of she double deck or two story pattern are provided, fitted with, smoking rooms amd accommodations similar to a parlor car on long distance trains. There will be special freight cars and trains. The motor attached to each car will be small, of merely 25 horsepower, but it will be sufficient, and the cars will run at very short intervals.

They will be operated on the trolley plan and will make an average speed of 35 miles an hour. The possibilities open to a road like this are hardly to be estimated. It will connect directly with large business centers sparsely settled districts that will wake as from a Eip Van Winkle sleep. It will scatter population from the largest cities and populate suburban country districts. The small expense at which such a line can be operated will enable it to charge low rates.

That of itself will be a boon. For summer tourists there could not be invented a pleasanter mode of travel than this, doing away as it does with, steam, smoke cinders and much dust. The only wonder is that nobody thought of such a long distance street car line before. Overcoat $1.60 re propose 'to usethe papers to Announce SPECIAL OFFERINGS. Our a line will keep right up to the highest standard, also continue the FhEE DISTRIBUTION OF CHINA WARE.

Special Announcement No. 1. $1.50 for Men's Black Twilled Cheviott Overcoat, worth $3. $1 00 tor Overcoat. for Reefers, Storm Collars.

for 34, 3d best S3 and 1.75. DON'T DELA i. The 1st worth a ew ere's a good for Turninq am to swear off going anywhere and everywhere for my SHOES and RUBBERS and from now on Ml trade with the New Otto Shoe Clothing Co. It is satisfactory to know that our trado relations with Canada are on the whole satisfactory, in spite of the attempt of editors on both sides of the lino to stir up hard feeling, heaven why. Canada bad last year a much heavier trade with us than with Great Britain.

It is well to bear in connection with this that Can- George W. Sin alley, au American hose life for the past years has bVrii ne struggle to make himself over iniu fake Englishman, was invited by tho ourtesy of the England society in rooklyu to partake oi its auijual pil- rim father dinner. The courtesy was a istaken one, as the event proved, malley got upon his legs, to speak iu ue British fashion, and began abu.siug is own country roundly. His rc-nurk hat the only thing which had averted ar between us and Gleat Britain ai he time of Cleveland's message on euexuelau question was "the frk-ml- lip and common sense of the English was a small sample of all the est of the Smalley diatribe against this epublicand the glorification of Britain, ear, powerful and just Britain. Every merican heart is grateful to Senator Hawley for the significant and patrione ds with which he squelched die malley snobbery: "I regret; that my riend Mr.

Suialley misunderstands the ouutry in which he was bom. His ouie is no longer iu New England, but old England. He belongs over therp nd ought to stay there." neror Mark Banna can again. never unite THE board of ajjriculture, at its at Indianapolis this week, discussed the question of why country boys are leaving the farms to engage in other pursuits. It is a well known fact that for past years farming has not paid.

The farmer who employs help cannot afford to pay more than 50 cents per day and beard for a good band. That has been the ruling price for the past five years. As seiison of employment does not last over six months In the year, the s.mbiWous farmer boys look about for something better. Manual labor in the open air mates tihsm strong and healthy and flts ttaem for most any kind ot manual labor. They seek employment on railways and In Other pursuits that require steadiness hardihood.

It Is likelythat half the men employed cm our railways came from the farm. They likewise drift to the shops and factories where employment Is found the year round. In the end, however, the young man whti sticks to the tarm, becomes a renter, and, finally an owner of a 40 or SO acre farm, will perhaps find himself best situated as the shadows of life lengthen. express in words anil wind her sympathy for the oppressed Armenians. No dotibt tbo.y are oppressed.

"In London, in Puris and in Berlin," says Dr. Hepworth, "there are certain Armenian hotbeds." At this safe distance Armenian propagandists stir tip their countrymen at home to revolt. The propagandists get their livins and a good one by it. They lead the revolting people to believe that England will lay hold if they "begin the rebellion and help them get free of the Turk. That England never does, never will do, bin still the safe Armenians in Europe stir up the Armenians in Asia Minor to shoot and knife Turkish officials.

The result is that Turkish soldiers fall upon the rebels and put them and their families to death without mercy. Here is an interview with a captive Armenian: "It was not possiWe for you," said my 'riend, ''even in your blindest moments to suppose vou conld be succnssful." We nevur dreamed of success," was the reply. "But by your folly you have caused hundreds of innocent people to bo murdered in cold We could do the same thing over again, was tho response. And whyV" Because though we are not strong in ourselves we are strous in the sympathy of Europe. Whnt we cannot do Europe can do and we believe will do if her sympathy is sufficiently enlisted.

In a way the sacrifice of the Armenian populace to the snvago lury of the Turks is the shortest roud we cim take. If we can make Europe fight our battles for we shall achieve suowss." ada ha'sfgiven to the United States better reciprocal trade arrangements sbe has to Great Britain itself. Duties on British goods imported into Canada are 4 per cent higher than 'on American goods entering the Dominion. Spain still whines that filibustering expeditions continue to leave United States ports for Cuba. Well, why do not Spanish cruisers stop them from landing in Cuba then? With a half de- ient navy and half decent vigilance Spain would keep the Cuban coast so uarded that no little schooner could run in and unload.

The United States has the whole coast from the bay of Fundy down to the Mexican border to guard. Spain has only the line drawn, around" the shores of an island not large as an average state of the Union. What is Spain herself abort? Indiana, that seat of enlightenment nd civilization, is glorying in the fact hat "Kid" McCoy, the man who whipped in the last prizefight, was born In fact, jusc at this moment she eenas prouder of being the mother state Kid" McCoy than of James Whit- Riley. Keep This in Mind. "Let all Republicans fight to keep greenbacks In circulation, aad to get rid of slavery to gold men, who are trying to drive out of use the sliver money of the wage-earners of the Chandler of New Hampshire.

We observe that another minister has been preaching concerning the growing wickedness of the times. When a person begins to conclude the world is not so good as ic used to be, it is a sign of one thing he is growing old. It is a sign that the preacher has no faith at all iu his own religion. What such a man wants is to shake himself np, go out and work by the day awhile at choppine wood or some other active physical labor, or take a course iu dieting, athletics and to get out of his old ruts of thought. A hustling, lively journey would be good for him, one that shook him up and let the voice of tie world into his ears.

Then he would find there are as much generosity and gentleness, as much purity, heroism and high endeavor as there ever vrera It may be that certain conventional views of conduct and propriety are not the game as they were he was young, but whut of that? Fashions of dress are not the same as they were. Oh, no! Let him shake himself up and look about him, and he will find that he it is who is deteriorating, not the It is of first importance that the Alaskan Indians should in all ways bo conciliated and treated fairly by and others in their country. If their good will is gained, they will be of great help to white people developing the country. The Indians themselves do not care for the gold, or they have had much of it long ago, but if they should become irritated against us by being cheated or ill treated by those who do want the gold it is in their power to make things extremely unpleasant for us. Booker T.

Washington, principal of the Normal and Industrial institute for the education of colored studersts a. Tuskegee, announces that $50 sent to him will pay for the schooling of a young man or woman for one year. When the student receives sufficient ed ucation, he or she will be sent to tin counties in Alabama in which the great; est number of illiterate colored children are and will establish schools amon them. Here is opportunity to do mnch good for the comparatively small snm of $50. The recent opening of valuable mine in the west and northwest will give a stimulus to industrial enterprises geueir allv in the country and relieve the gorgi cf money in the older cities.

Profitable Hope for the ftitfcful. Charley Laodls made his maiden epeecto In congreis yesterday. He made a strong appeal for the despondent office seekers whom the civil service law debars from the enjoyment of toe fruits of the great sound money" victory. Charley's pathetic appeal for the "lean nnd hungry shonto;" Drought teara to of many eipscUnt office seekers who teen tiramplng the afreets CSfle has had a cabinet crisis. Austria's cabinet has been thrown down in the past likejrise Italy's, President Pierola of Venezuela is having trouble with his cabinet, and the French Uncle Samuel's president and cabinet are jogging on together at the old stand in the most harmonious manner.

Cabinet flurries do jpt distorts the gtrrem- mentof the ItisaneTi- deooe of sound heads and-aotmd uerfm investments will be and manufacturing found in mining throughout tb Rocky mountain region. These vri.i draw from the east millions of dollars which will be applied for mutual ad vantage to the investors and to th thrifty and industrious western who use it. Crossed or tangled electric -wires are responsible for nrach damage by fire cently. It vas this that cangeidrthe Col iseum blaze in Chicago. Thosei who per mit ignorant ortnien either to con structor stretch or to have charge" of thein after they are made aint stretched are guilty of nothing less than a 11 present to its readers a faithful pictorial le world's most interesting and important NEWS THAT BECOMES HISTORY D.

HovclU national Politics i in 1 political events of our coun- trv. It treat of the sonal and eco- Social and Economic, queslim SfMd of llle dcvc i opm nl Questions i oj the middle west. special corre- I nduttrial Enterprise i spondent in the Rlondiltc rcRion will trace Art and Literature the story ot the great gold discoveries. LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES Two long serialswili appear during the year, contributed by authors ot inter- THE SO cuTEn national lame, and will be illustrated, i FR.IXK K.STOCKTOA' I Owen Witter These and a score of equally prominent I Howard Pyfe writers will contribute shon stories to the John Kendrick Bungs i WRHKI.V in 1898, nuking the paper espe- Mary E. Wllkins cially rich in fiction.

Other featuresare the DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES THIS BUSY WORLD FOREIGN NOTES By S. By POUI.TUff KIGELOft LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR SPORT By JLSXOT.D WHITE SyCASFARJFUIT.fET A SPORTING PILGRIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD In theinterest of theWp.F,KLY,Caspar Whitney is on his wayaraund the -vorld. He will visit Siam in search of big game, making his principal hunt from Bangkok. He will visit 1 ndia and then proceed to Europe to prepare articles on the sports of Germany and France. IQc.

a copy (send'for frcr prospectus). Subscription a year. in United States, Canada, and SIciico. Address HAKPEK BIIOTHEKS, Publishers, New Tork City Carl F. R.

StoClCtDR Henry James TO CCRE UEEVODS DYSPEPSIA, To Gain Flesb, to Sleep Well, to Know What Appetite and Good Digestion Means, Make a Test of Stuart's Dyspepsifi Tablets. interesting Experience of an apolis Gentleman. Indian- No trouble la more common or more misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia. People having it tbink that their nerves are to blame and National Fishery Congress. Tins Dtirioiial fishery congress ac T.inipa, as iiulii'tiii'd in tin; ca.ll of the governor of Florida, is to ronskk-r iho menus ro niiiin- tciin in'Toasy cf the supply uf lish in the rivers, hikes and cosrul wsiU-ts of the country, Llie relations of It-gislauoii and to the euoiioinie nVheries.

Jicia) fish the interosis uf the angler, a liy casting tournament, untl thu oriiiiniziitimi of an international linhery association, having for its purpose the promotion ot friendly relations and the interchange of iil'-as anjonjr those interested in fishing and fish fultural jimtrcrs in various purls of the world. New Boat Tor Coruell. Georjrc K. Worcester Ijoinbuild- awarded a contract; to construct a cedar shell for the Cornell crew, i'lie shell will lie feet in length and the width will depend on the weight of the crew that will row in it. A cedar shell bus never been used before by Cornell in a -uce.

The perkm who plains is alvrays lazy and generally life and to the individual with royal are surprised that they are not cured by nerve medicine and spring remedies; the real seat of the mischief is ost sight of; the stomach is the or- to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not any pain whatever In the stomach, nor perhaps any of the usual ymptoms of stomach weakness. Nervous dyspepsia shows Itself not in'the iitomach so much as In nearly every organ; in. some cases the heart palpitates and is irregular; in others ihe kidneys are affected; in others the bowels are constipated, with Headaches: still others are troubled with loss of flesh and appetite, with iccumulatton of gas, sour risings and heartburn. Mr.

A. W. Sharper, of No. 61 Prospect street, Indianapolis, writes as follows: motive of pure gratitude prompts me to write these few lines regarding the new and valuable medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I have been a sufferer from nervous dyspepsia for the last four years; have used various patent medicines and other remedies without any favorable result.

They sometimes gave temporary relief until the effects of the medicine wore oft. I attributed tshis to my sedentary habits, being a bookkeeper with little physical exercise, bat I am glad to state that the tablets have overcome all these obstacles, for I have gained in flesh, ileep better aad am better in every way. The above is written not for notoriety, but is bsised on actual fact." Respectfully yours, A W. SHAKFEE, 61 Prospect Indianapolis, Ind. It is safe to say that Stnart'3 Dyspepsia Tablets will cure any stomach weakness or disease except cancer of stomach.

They cure soar stomach, gas, loss of flesh and appetite, sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn, constipation and. headache. Stead for Tiflnable little on stomach diseases by addressing Stuart Manhall, Mich. fnll ABBREVIATED TELEGRAMS. Colonel T.

G. Lawler will be appointed postmaster of Rockford, Ills. The i-nances? are thsgt the St. Louis base ball franchise will be sold by Von der Ahe very soon. President McKinley is looking to the northwest for a civil service commissioner to succeed Commissioner Rice.

At Adelaide. Australia, on Nov. 10. the temperature in the shade reached 106 degrees, and in the sun 164 degrees. A.

Massachusetts knitting company is looking up a site at De Pare. with the intention of locating in that town. I The last, payment to the government i by the Union Pacific reorganization i for the Union Pacific rail- has been made. An is said-to have secured options on all but one of the i American glass manufacturing plants i east ot the Alleghenies. I Leonard Hutchins.

of Black River Falls. Wis has been arrested on a charge of affections of the wife of Ormond Heath. George Yerger, a former resident of Chicago, but a native of Mississippi, has recently had a. war aaim of $40,000 allowed by the 'department of claims at Washington. The latest report from Washington is that Charles Page Bryan will be made minister to Turkey in the place of Dr.

James B. Angell. of Michigan, who will be sent to China. Mrs. Juiia Leard.

a white woman, was murdered by a Seminole Indian, four miles east of Maud. O. T. The crime was committed in the presence of the woman's children. Representative Boutell, of Chicago, has introduced in congress a bill appropriating $250,000 for a gunboat on the upper lakes, to take Sie pia.ce of the United States steamer Michigan.

A warrant is out at West Superior, for the arrest of T. A. Cassiflay. young man charged with removing from William Ford's lumber camp at Poplar. money and securities aggregating $1.800.

President William Harper, of Chi- Universitr of Chicago, js DOW president also of Rush Medical college. Chicago. He was chosen after the terms of affiliation of the college with the university bad been accepted. "Kid" arphy.H.noted Chicago gamnter of the "shell was shot, the "shellworker" variety; was shot dead and FranJc. "Dickey," JDeaa and Martin Donahoe werei "hot, probably fatally, quarrel In a Chi.

cago saloon. The Detective Wins Yes, the detective won, and the story of how he did it one of the most exciting ever 1 told. You can read it in It is entitled. A Conflict of Evidence It was written by Ottolengui, the author of An Artist in Crime," and of the strongest writers of detective stories liviag. We have purchased the for this thrilling tale and the trst chapters -will soon appear- The new pymilasiam of Columbia, university will cost $500.000.

The building will include thu esercise hall, a handball a room for boxing and wrestling, and a swimming and rowing tank, which, will, it is'said, he cbe best equipjxsd in world. The exercise hall is 170 feet long, 130 feet broad and 35 feet high. Suspended. 22 feet above the floor is a running crack, 12 fees broad, which extends all around the building, making nine laps to the mile. From this track will be hong all tbtfheavy flying apparatus, and directly underneath, along the wall, will bear- ranged the pulley and other fixed: machines In this way 100 feet of cletf space will be left in the njiddla of the hall may be used for class work or exhibitions.

Around this space, suspended" on a trolley, is the ot bMeboU cage, which can be drawn back out ot way when noc in use. In the bMement, below the gymnasium proper, is the awirn- ming tank, semicircular in shape, with diameter of 100 feet and a- depth ranging from 5 to 10 feet. The water in the took will be illmninated by electric protected by glasd, which ue placed on. the bottom. Thin tank will atao tued- by the crew for Indoor training.

Inspector of tbe police, will to, oar prodncljtf.

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