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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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TIRED WOMEN. The JloimrtvlfV, Farmer Mud tbe TollerH of All Depression of tbe nervous system ftt tho approach of uprlofr Is a fertile of blood impurities. tired which Is the natural result of iho depressing effect of warm weather immediately after ibe invigorating cold of winter, qulek'ly dlsiap- peart when Pe ru rm In taken. are daily leatifyiog' to ils prlce- Issa General hwaltudo. dull, heavy bensatiotis, cootinual tired fi-el- with irregular appetkio, and.

Ions of Bleep. Pe-ru-na meets every indication and proves itself to be perfectly adapted to all their varied peculiarities. Pe-ru-oa invlg-- oratoj the system, rejuvenates the restores the tormal appetite and procures regular flleef This tired oat feeling- la especially true of tbe housewife In spring uied up, fagged out, jaded and weak. There are thousands of them everywhere. A few bottles of Pe-ru-ua would do them untold benefit.

As a tonic and nerve invlgorator It baa DO equal. It bullde up the nerves, it gives strength to the circulation and at once restores the appetite and dl- geatloo. No feeble woman should be Pe ru DU. A finely Illustrated pamphlet on iprlng medicines sent free by Pe ru-na Drug Manufacturing Cocupacy, Columbus, 0. For free book on.

cancer address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. TEUfiSTON UPHELD. Hawaiian Government Defends His Course While at Washington. Was Not May Not Still Confined, Prepare for on tlin Cor.L'MiiL'H, April Matthew tho who murdered Jim Walters (colored) at Snuta Fe, in July, 'was executed in the jail yard here Saturday.

Jlu made a full confession on tho st-afl'old. The drop fell at 8:00 o'clock, and he died without a his neck being broken. OroivmuJ In IMlvli. SAOWAW, April Neil Blair and William Montray were driving a wugon loaded with furniture ou tho outskirts of the city tho horses ran away, upsetting the load burying Blair underneath tho debris in a ditch of water, where he was held and slowly drowned. iluw Thin! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any of Catarrh thnt cannot be cured byHiill'1 ChturbCure.

F. J. CHENEY Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, havo known J. chf nej fcr the lost 15 years, and believe him porfectljr fconorablp li, all bu.slne.4s tranHactionn and flnan- Able to ciirrj out any obligation made by their Irm.

WKBT A TKCAX, Wholoanle Drugidsta, 0 WALDINO, KINNA.N Mittvix, Wuolesala Drug gilt Toledo, O. Hull's Cntiirrh Cure In Uiken internallr, noting dlwctlj npan toe blood and roucoax surftices of MCrT'tt-B. rtloe 75o per buttle. Sold bj Tpxtlraonlals free. 13, Francisco, April Thurstonro- tiinjod from this morning.

Soon itfter lii.s arrival hu was closctud witli Minisier Hatch. The latter oflicial. in an interview, stated that Thurston had not been recalled so far as he knew. The American minister lias not received any notification of Thurston's recall, or at least he had not intimated to the government that he had up to the time for the departure of the steamer. Tliurriton'K Course Onfended.

Minister Hatch defends Thurston's course while at Washington, and is confident that he lias not been guilty of any breach of diplomatic propriety. He stated that.Miuistcr Thurston had not been intrusted with any communications in regard to the trial of rebels, so it was cjuite impossible for him to make public any news in advance of Secretary Grcsham's advices from here. In thu matter of the cable enterprise in which it is alleged that Thurston took part, this government defends his course also and does not sec how any impropriety could If yon were about to journey to a warmer or colder climate you would make careful preparations. Besides taking a supply of warmer or cooler clothing, as the case might be, you thoughtfully select a stock of medicines as safeguards to keep you in good health. The'euros accomplished by Sarsaparilla tell Trhut it does more eloquently than any argument can be written.

Read the frank statement below: Lait spring, on accocnt of overwork and humors, I became very much run About June a scrofula bunch ap- lood we arc all about to change to a vrarmcr climate, though not of our own volition, and what is more reasonable than to take a reliable medicine to resist the debilitating effects of higher temperatures? Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine needed. It thoroughly expels, pearec on the left aido of my collar bone. It wa; very sore continually, and after a timi my lelt arm began to feel disagreeable. In a short time It pained me nearly all the time. With that tha scrofula I was in perfect misery all through the simmer.

I became bad that my friends tried to me gat to have a doc- July 4, the first Monday in. SepteraTjer known as Labor day, December 25, and such other days as the president of the United Stutes or the g-overnors in their respective states may designate as fast or thanksgiving- days or proclaim specifically as holidays. On other occasions their offices can bo closed only after permission obtained therefor from the department, to be applied for through the first assistant postmaster general. Upon holidays posr offices jnusc be opened sufficiently to moot fairly the public convenience. Mails must be made up and dispatched as on other days.

When a log-al holiday falls upon a Sunday the following Monday may be observed, unless othor- vdso specially provided for by state authority. No OIL MARKET DULL. Pittuburjrh Ex- Hood's Sarsaparilla from the blood tho impurities which have accumulated during the winter, increases the appetite and improves the digestion, drives away that tired feeling and nervousness, and gives the itrength.and rigor without wliich we cannot appreciate beautiful Spring. It is tor, but I thought I would try Hood'i Sarsaparilla. I have taken five and part of thfl ilxth and un feeling mysell again.

I have gained flesh rapidly The icrof bunch and my lameness hu all gone, and I a new Miss HATTIE M. CLAHX, Parlnnan, Maine. The Spring Medicine And the Best Blood Purifier. Traniuctlonn ou tho PITTSBURGH, April The oil market opened dull Saturday and there was no trading. The lirst quotation was S3.

20 offered, the closing price of Friday, but it soon broke toS2.17 and was offered at that figure without a bid or sale either here or at Oil City up to 10:30. The Standard made another reduction in its price for credit balances to-daj putting them down fifteen cents to S2.2S, THE NAVY. KNOWLEDGE WAITING ORDERS INA exist. In closing Mr, Hatch said: Thurston has stated any facts in re fjard to local affairs, he had a perfec riyht to do so." Not 'llutarn. Jlr.

Thurston may not return Washington, as it is understood tha he would prefer to remain here In government circles it is stated that he is here to consul with the government on various matters. If ho decides to quit his post at Washington, the position will probablj be oit'ered to W. N. Armstrong'. ANhfurd 1'iirdoiiml.

The council held a meeting on the llth when it was announced that tho government had decided to pardon V. Ashford. The coun cil was unanimously in favor of granting Mr. Ashford's pardon on condition that he luavc the country, never to return. Ashford has been suffering from an affection of the spine, which, unless he went to a different climate for treatment, must sooner or later result fatally.

Qunon Lli Still Confined. The ex-queen continues to be confined in the executive building-, and appears to bo very contented, GOLD FLOWING INTONEW YORK. Keady to Uxncucu liuohunan. SING SINO, N. April Warden Sage hns made all preparations for the execution next Monday of Dr.

Bu- ehnnun, the wife-murderer. Buchanan lias given up hope of escaping tho death chair. Ho still declares that he Ja innocent Forent Fire lu 1'emmylvniiln. LANCASTER, April forest 'tie broke out on the Welch mountains Friday near Cedar Lane, and was still burning Saturday. Over 1,000 acres of woodland have been burned over and a largo amount of valuable timber de- Won't ST.

PKTBKSBUlto, April czar kas rejected a petition which was re. tently presented to him by journalists and literary men in favor of uiodl- flcntions of the press laws. Tit Dliicovcrjr Ilia Lift. Mr. G.

Catlloueite, Beaversvllle, 111., Myi: "To Dr. King's New Discovery lowemy life. Was taken with 1 grippe and tried all the physicians fo abont, but of DO avail and wa up and (old I could not live Dr. King's New Discovery In mj itore I sent for a bo Hie and began ita uie and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three was up and about agalc. It is its weight In gold.

We won't keep store or bouse without it." Get free trial bottle at B. F. Keeping's drug store. Banker It Inillcutoi Hotter Ilunlneu Couilltloni. NEW YOBK, April afro a number of the large city banks having 1 numerous country correspondents began to receive small amounts of pold from tho latter.

This inflow has steadily increased. One of tho leading- bank presidents, in speaking of the matter, said: "I don't know how general this eastward movement of jjold is, but to my mind it indicates a little better business condition, an opening- up of industry all over the country." CHARGED WITH MURDER. Dnrrnnt to Stum) Trial for tbe Killing- of MIMH Murlttii Williams. SA-N FJIANCISCO, April Durrant, medical student and assistant Sunday school superintendent, is to stand trial for the murder of Miss Marian in Emanuel Uaptist church library, but he went back to his cell and laughed and joked with his jailers, and went to sleep Friday nitfht as though ho had no cares in tho world. Durrant is either a criminal of remarkable nerve and coolness or else he is an innocent man.

covered all his short line, the Jocal crowd began selling their long wheat and the market weakened. The price at the close was cents. The heavy trading done was of a speculative character, but none of the shorts failed to meet their losses. AN ILLINOIS TRAGEDY. A Docatur Man Shoots Divorced Wife and IllniKGlI.

DECATUB, 111, April Kramer, aged 38, son of Abrara Kramer, went to the boarding house of Mrs. Flora Moore Friday evening, armed with a revolver with every chamber full. He wanted to talk with his divorced wife, Mrs. Anna liogardus. Kramer was drunk.

Before starting for the house he bade Sol Kay and other friends good-by, but did not reveal his purpose. He found Mrs. Bogardus in an upper room and immediately began firing at her. Each of three shots took effect in her body. Then Kramer sent two bullets into lis left breast near the heart.

He died vithin an hour. Mrs. Bogardus is in a very critical state. She is handsome, aged 30, and left Kramer because of his lissipated habits. She went to St.

Louis and married Edward Bogardus, a carpenter, and then left him, return- ng to Deeatur to live with her sister, Irs. Moore. Ked CUSTOM SWINDLE CHARGED. Enclo Sam Halt! to Have Lost 81OO.OOO Through Importer O. li.

Cypher. NEW YoiiK, April extensive and surprising case of undervalua- tion of imported goods it is said has been discovered here. Through it the government is supposed to 'have lost upwards of $100,000. It is alleged 0. L.

Sypher, an importer of antique furniture, doing business at Fifth avenue and Twenty-eighth street, has been importing goods at greatly undervalued rates. This undervalua- tion, it is alleged by the customs people, covers a period of years, and was carried on through the aid and collusion of a number of officials in the appraiser's stores. THE MARKETS. Grain, Etc. CHICAGO.

April SO. and unchanged. Quotations were us follows: rtbOiijitB; straights, ai3i.ii^oO; clears, seconds, Jl.iWSa.00; low fradoi. il.OOai.S5. Spring 53.00^150; straiglils, $3 bakers', jl.SS^.Jo; low grades.

Dot'. Kyo, and higher. Cash, BDWe: May, July, active and lirm, and No. 3 Yellow. May.

July, Septenjuer, with fair trading. No. May, July, pies MO higher. No. 3.

No. 3 Whits, No 2, No, White, Sic. and scarce. No. 2 in store, 59Jj sample lots, (We; -May delivery, and in moderate quest, No'i'-t.

4S4s51o: No. 3, 49jj5io for fair to choice, and Screenings at 18.50 per ton. fairly active and prices higher. Quotations ranged at 4ia.07'/iQ 12.47'/4 (or cash regular; si2.0714® 1:135 for May, and Si2.30iaH2.CO (or July, LAKD-Vory slow and firm. Quotations ranged at SS for cash; for for July, and for September.

LIVE pound; Turkeys, 103 12Mc; Chickens. Ducks, 9.4110; Geese, per dozen, Si.UO.ti5.l)0. 10Q20WO; dairy, Packing Stock, 5it7c. quotod steady at $1.21 per gallon forUehwlacs. NBW YOHK.

April Eft and western quiet, firm. 2 red active, excited, irregular, Mjjhor. May, (J3M. June, C3Jie; July, August, 64JJ September, December, 2 dull, firmer. May, July.

51Ji4ii51Jic: September, No. NEARER THE GALLOWS. rwrnoJI'ii Condition BOHDRSTOWX, N. April There tnatcrinl chanfro in tho condition ferol JTrs. ParneH since Friday nig-ht.

fe, She is still unable to converse intclli- pifently. -Owiujy to her advanced ajo condition is regarded as beinfr crit- Shorr. In Cmc.VOo. April Georg-e C. cashier for Coe, one of the real estate investment firms in.

citj-, has been found to be short in accounts The investigation his books is not completed. TO SAVE LIFE. Japnn Fonlntl Upon A 8tipulAtlon "Will Spurt- Much Bloodnhml. WASJIINQTON, April stipulation in tho treaty of, peace between China and Japan that the who have been captured by the Japanese and others who sold supplies to the Japanese troops in their march through Manchuria and" Shantung shall not be punished by tho Chinese authorities was inspired by humane considerations. It is the custom of China to behead such of her soldiers as fall into the hands of the enemy and are afterwards returned to their country.

During several naval and land engagements upwards of 5,000 Chinese troops were captured by tho Japanese and it is to preserve their lives that the was inserted in the treaty.Tho considerations influenced the other provision relative to the purchase of supplies from Chinese sub- ects. The curious fact develops in his connection that China has not n. ingle prisoner of war belonging to Denied a Sew Cato 3Ie Apponleil. MCTN-EAPOLIS, April Judge Scagrave Smith, in a lengthy decision filed Saturday noon, denied the motion for a new trial in the murder case of Harry F. Hayward.

An appeal to the supremo court will follow. No. qulot, llrm. Muy, state, 383-IOc: western, ai'd-lOc. Firm, quiet Extra moss, S3.00iJ8.5D; tamlly, jiO.OOSI-OO.

Quiet, steady. Mess, S13.50Sl4.00. Quiet, easy. Steam- rendered, BUTTER Quiet. Western dairy.

do. creamery, now, llijiSOc: old, factory, Tiftllc; Elgins, 30c; Imitation creamery, 9(J15c. Receipts! 1,800 packages; quiot, easy. State, old, large, fancy colored, white, lOJiSillo: smull. part skims, full skims, Moderate receipts; firmer.

Western, Bank Suipnndn. BEAVER CITT, April The Fnrnas county bank failed to open its doors Friday morning. Bank Examiner Cline arrived Thursday and found the condition of the bank such that this course was thought to be the best. The hard times made it impossible to realize on paper and sufficiency of ready money could not be obtained. Liabilities are estimated at 827,000 and assets over 540,000.

Mrs. An'nn wlfo of Kx-DoputvH U. S. Mnrslml. mijrs: dollvsrcd I of TWINHIn loss Ili.inainilnutenniiJ KUh scnrcoly nnyw after nsioK 9 only two 11 FRIEND, Sent by Eiprew or )f lAil.

on rvcplpt A Book "To Mullod true. fBKAPnELD REGULATOR CO, ATLASTA, QA.1 A HEAVY LOSER, Broker rurdrldKu Drops from 8150.0OO to SiOO.OOO on Wheat in Chicago. CHICAGO, April Prirdriclye wns orced to cover his short line of wheat Friday at a big- loss. The bulls had the market in their hands for the greater part of tjfc forenoon session. Tho shorts were bled profusely and without mercy and Pardridg-e was the chief of the victims.

His loss is figured at 5150,000 to 5200,000. Ho was credited with buying 1 from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 bushels at an advance of 3 to 4 cents over what he had sold it for. The lowest price for the day -was at the opening-, 53 cents. From that it went by leaps until 59X cents was reached. When the report weni rouncl that Partridge had Find li Big 'Shortage.

TACO.MA, April investigation of the accounts of the suicide, Paul Schulze, who was general western land agent of the Northern Pacific, is slowly progressing and it is said that the shortage so far discovered amounts to glOO.OOO. Lire Stock. CHICAGO, April rather medium, only fair. Market latrly active. Price oc lower Sales ranged at for pigs; for light; for rough packing; C95 for mixed, and $4.70:25.05 for heavy packing and shipping lots.

CATTLE Market rather active; feeling steady and prices unchanged. Quotations mnsed at $5.9038.30 for choice to extra shipping Steers; for good to choice do; H9036.35 for fair to good; for common to medium do; for Butchers' Steers; for Stockors; $3.8034.75 for Feeders: for Cows; for Eelfors: for Bulls: IS 2536.75 for Texas Steers, and 82.50(1.6.50 for Veal EAGER FOR STATEHOOD. Kllluil ou Hie Same spot. S0.VKOX, April Ellen Hannah and Thomas Fury were killed on the Erie Pittsburgh division oi the Pennsylvania lines. Fury was caught on a trestle and killed.

Several hours afterward when the body had been taken home Mrs. Hannah went tc the body and pay her respects to the bereaved family. In crossing the trestle she was run down and killed on almost the same spot. Chinese "Ports upnnetl. April dispatch from Tien-Tsin to the Central Kews -says that the new ports to be opened by cates that St.

China are Euchow, Shao King, Chentu, Pekin and Kai Fong-. Islands Shaken Up. ST. YJCCCEXT, CapeVerd Islands, April earthquake shocks have been feJt throughout the Cape Verd islands. PAST guarantees the future.

It is not what we say, but what Sarsaparilla does, that tells tho RemeaV- FOOD'S CURES The Frupoial to Eitabtlih tbr State of Growl In Favor. ST. PAUL, April in favor 'of carving the state of Superior out of the three Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota counties at the head of Lake Superior is growing 1 very strong. Friday afternoon in the Minnesota senate Mr. Spencer, representing' the Duluth district, speaking- on the senate's adverse action on an appropriation for a normal school at Duluth, said, with much bitterness: "This is tho first time that I have explained my vote this session, but I wish to enter my protest against the Infamous conduct of this senate In voting down certain measures in connection with this bill, and I want to serve notice and fflve due warning, that as a result of it.

Minnesota win lose her brightest and richest dMadem. The next decade will witness a difference. I have voted for a majority of the items In ihls bill, but St. Louis county Is payinir more than her proportion and set- noihinjj out of it 1 want you to distinctly understand that within the next ten years tha northern tier of counties will not bo a part of this state." Superior has already announced itself in favor of the new state, and this declaration by Senator Spencer indi- Louis county, of Suspended ADtmatloa TUmt Offlctri Do Not T.Ike. When the ordinary citizen meets a naval officer in New York the former usually has some curiosity as to what ship the man-of-war's man belong-s to, and is often a little astonished to learn that lie belongs to none.

The idea that a sailor is always at sea, or just ashore, or about poing to sea, is strongly rooted in the public mind, and the landsman is even more astonished to learn that a naval officer may be neither at sea nor on shore duty, but unemployed. There are all sorts of reasons why men should be unemployed, and the record of every commissioned officer shows that a considerable percentage of his time was thus occupied. The naval orders from week to report this or that officer on leave, with permission to leave the United States, which means nine times out of ten that the officer in question is about to take a vacation in.Europe. Much of naval officer's time of idleness, however, is involuntary, or at least not directly sought on his part. After every cruise or tour of shore duty an officer usually has a period of waiting- orders.

This may be with a view to giving 1 him chance to catch his breath, us the phraso is in the navy, it b'eing supposed that a man's respiration on duty is a bit hurried through the exigencies of the service. Such a time of idleness may endure for ten days or for six weeks or more, but the waiting officer must never bo out of reach of orders, and must be ready, if need be, to start for his new post in twenty-four hours. Ho always keeps open his lines of communication with Washington, for a failure to respond promptly to orders may mean a court- martial, and will certainly do him harm at tho navy department. Few naval officers court a long 1 term on waiting orders, for it means reduced pay and always the haunting sense of responsibility resulting 1 from the necessity of being ready to po at once when tho summons comes. J)o positive engagement can be made twenty- four hours ahead, aud the officer roust always keep pretty close to the skirts of civilization and a telegraph office.

The department must knpw of his movements if they carry him far from his recorded address. Waiting orders are not so frequent or so long-enduring as they once were, now that the navy has begun to catch up with the size of the officers' list. But it is not always easy even now to assign a man to new duty. There are occasions, however, when an officer just relieved from a post is seized and packed off to foreign parts in forty- eight hours. If the need be really pressing 1 the assignment is accepted without grumbling, but if it seems to be something short of essential there is likely to follow a cautious protest and a strong effort to escape from it.

The trouble at the Xew York navy yard to find a captain for the chip that was to take Frederick Douglass to Hayti is historic. Mr. Douglass, by the way, was extremely popular, in the wardroom of that ship. There are in the navy, as in the army, men who are able constantly to secure pleasant posts ashore in or about Washington or New York. There is bitterness on this score in the navy, though the thing 1 hardly amounts to a scandal.

Now and then an officer's easy time is his badge of shame. There have been men that enjoyed command rank, but never went to sea, because they could not be trusted with a ship. One Brings comfort and improvement aad to personal enjoyment when nsco. The many, who live bet- than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, more promptly idapting the world's best to che needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Svrup of Figs. Ita excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- uit to the taste, tbe refreshing and truly beneficial properties of lax- stive effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevera and permanently curing constipation, has given satisfaction to millions and: Tithithe approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels wiUiout weak jrung them and it is perfectly free from avery objectionable substance.

Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists in 50c aijdf 1 bottles, but it is manufactured by the Caiifonrld Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syvup of Figs, ind being well informed, yon will Accept any substitute if A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an. ideal POMPLEXIOU I POZZONI'S Combines every element of I beauty and purity. It is beauli-1 fying, soothing, healing-, ful, and narmless, and when lightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection the face in this climate.

Inilit upon having ths gennina. IT IS FOB SAU EVERYWHERE. Da You Feel Dull tat Tirtdl Nature signals you for throw or! the accumulation of bile and if you heed not the warning, elckceee will follow. The best and most promp relief IB a few doses of Blnehart'g Pills, they will make you feel like new man; act pleasantly and leave the bowels with natural (tool. Sold by B.

F. Keesllng and Keystone drug: store. Brtr WM rick. bw CMarifc, Own a Child, ihe cried tor Cutorto. HMD me became tOm, dunr OMMlO, JTtao MM tmd CUklNO, Um Far Orw FIftr Mrs.

WlnslowV Soothing Syrup been used for over fifty by millions of motheri for their children while teething, with perfect sucoeta. It eoothes the child, softens the gumi, all pain, cures wild colic, and is the beet remedy for diarrhea. li will relieve tbe poor little sufferer Immediately. Sold by in every part of the world. Twenty-five cento a bottle.

Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winelow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Low via P'nnnyiviBia Linen also -wants to become a of the state of Superior, although, it is stated that Dnluth prefers that the new state shall be known as Vermillion or Mesaba. HOLIDAY MAIL SERVICE. The Poitmuter Gecem! Formolatei Jfew Kales Conceroluir It.

WASHINGTON-, April postmaster general has amended the postal laws and regulations "regarding' holidays. The amendment states that postmasters may observe as holidays January 1. February 22. May 30, such remained for nearly twenty years ashore, while all efforts to rid the navy of his presence were time and defeated. His ease was his shame, and nobody envied him, though his brother officers fumed because influences availed to keep him one of them lonff after his had been proved.

Y. Sun. hig-her arts of" desiarn are essentially chaste. They purify, the thoug-hts. as tragedy, according to Aristotle, purifies the gel.

The I.njti Earth. To reasonably expect are tbey who are continually Ing themselves wltn caloir el, blue pi 11. podjphrUo and other drastic Constipation can not be overcome br such violeut disturbers of tbe bowels, stomach aad liver. Tber inflict more barn than temporarily relieve. Hostener's Scomacb.

Is a and effectual substitute lor sacti hurtful drags. The effect of this medicine Is and natural, ant If not In the case of strong griping and abrupt operation. Jt larlA. drscepila, blUoomeu xlclc beedache. bearUmm, kldner trouble, rheumatism and nerrousneM are entirely and.

ptomptlj nrved by eioellwt ternedr, br On April 29th, 30th. sod 1st, the round trip rate to Indian tpolis will be one fare from ticket stations in Indiana on the Pennsylvania Lines. Reduced rate tickets will be sold account tha meeting of tbe Supreme Council Uniform of to all applicants, and will be good until May 2d, Inclusive. Children Cry for Ditcher's II you wish a pill that will leaTe the boweis with free natural stool, use Elnehart'g. Sold by B.

Kaeeling and Keystone drug store. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. If your child swelled abdomen give Binehart's Worm Lozengss. Sold by B. F.

Keeallng and Keystone druf store. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caw 1.

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