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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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jolm Gray's COBNEE. On new fall Roods. While ninny mer- thants arc stuck on unseasonable gootU and arc nsinp every means possible to pat them onto their easterners, John Gray eoniW to the dose of the season- In grnrnl shape and Is nlilc to'take YantnKt of Uio vnry low Eastern for cash and jrlvos Ills customers Clean new fresh ffoofe away below old earrlod over stock. nnil see the difference. DAILY JOURNAL the" (except SOTER Treasurer Oft per Annum per Month Official Paper of Oily and County.

Centered as second-clans mall-matter tti Lccansport Post Ofllce, February 8. SUNDAY. AUGUST REPUBLICAN TICKET. For I'rimldunt. WILLIAM McKlStKY of Ol.Io.

Tor GABRETT A. 11O1IAKT of For Governor, JAMK8 A MOUNT of Montgomery comity For I.leiU«-'»"" Governor, 8. HAGGAKIJ nf TIppMunoe County. For SecreUiry of State, WILLIAM OWEN of County. For Auditor of SUito, l-S of Boono Bounty.

Tor Trwmurer of Stair, J. SCHOL15 of VamlertwrB county. Attorney General, WILLIAM A.KKTCH AM of county For-Keporter ofSuprcine Conrt, OHAKLKS of llartholomew and In payment of debt, and demand that all paper currency kept at par with and redeemable BUCb coin. WE MUST INSIST UPON THIS POLICY AS ESPECIALIA' NECESSARY FOR THE PROTKC- TIO.N OF THE FAB5IERS AND LABORING CLASSES, THE FIRST HOST DEFENSELESS VICTIMS OF UNSTABLE MONEY AND A FLUCTUATING Dctnocrat'lc platform. JS02.

TUB CONVENTION. The Democratic Coiuity convoinloii ran amuck. It a wild, uiii.iHitr«ii.ble'!iK«rWitloii and did as rule what j-'ood sen-so would not have h-cl It to do. Bliss ami Chauncey Ouster were the best county oflicci-s the Dcniocrai-s have had for years. That was apimtutly a good veiison why sho'ukl be alid they were.

Atiy- tlihiK thai menut good Kovernmcnt, efficient ami liitvlllseiit wrvH-ii ucono- my pot a backset. The ticket Is a remarkably wctik oiic. It could not liavo been made weaker, since the convention endeavored to do Its worst, it is a tit ticket However, a.ud be overwhelmingly defeated. Tlie fetulers of today i.liouplit tlirtn- theft of the Populist lifeworks, was a shrewd tllttt 10 tlmo was ripe for tlio They to reallw; rhait rliey arc 'laitc by si-veral The silver is now on t.he wane. Sober seiwo ami quiet itaisou arc advancing as the silver pickets fall back 'He mountain p-isses to tai'trench itoiselves gulches for a liuf stand.

ship of the United tlie money qnestJon. -y; Instruction, of county For IHOMrSONur. Shelby county. For JiHlite. of the Appellate Court, Flint DUtriot, in The.

citizen- on E. HKNLK ..1 BuiiJi county. Third DUtrlct, COMSTOCK of Wnyne county Fonrth tJOtrJi W. HLACK, ol Marlon Fifth BlHtrlct, U. WILKY of Hi-nton ES E.

HALE. Jt is not at all probable that the next House will have a majority favorable to the free coinage of silver at a ratio, of. 10 to 1. When becomes a demonstrated fact that Wiere is no danger of this country adopting the silver standard In conducting the business of the country, prosperity will come again and, with lower taxes on the necessaries of life. every kind of business will boom again.

-Pharos editorial, March 12, '90, CHILD FOUND: A Young Woman Thought to be Adrift Here. V. MulLlkgu ol' RuiT.njrionlwas In ihe city last night looking for his tlilr- ti.L-u-ycju--old da-ughter, who left itochos- ter "Sn ln-'f way to bufwho liVd been iicaiil from. a hai-k liulwiion here '-H-n'd sWlTiVgion, and unotliei- brother has charge ol' thu between Fraukl'ort and BurllnRJoii. A was sout from the father of Hie gl-rl Jit Frankfort) lellinu of the start of Hie lady.

The tact (it 1 Her non-arrival caused un- oinilnvss. It. was develnpel that jthc girl hud been by one IwotliGr, and turned over lo tlie other rolativeiaf Burlington, and Ihtit on account of tlie bad ronds the hack to Fnuikfort had not been anil the child reuijilned at (he iiome ot the at lou. imngined that ot evils hail befallen his elilld, view of the dangers that surround young and unsophisticated innc1 r0 lleved'-at receiving news from the yo.iuig lady. THE PROGRAM.

To Tuesday Night at Wheatland Street Church. Tlio I'ollowimg program will be given Adpusit tlie Wlwatlriml M. E. Miss Oleo Barnes, elocutionist. The admission to tlie concert and entertaijimou-t.

whlcJi promises lo be excellent, will-bo 15 cents: PHOGBiH. Mini? Wtolle the Dunce On Trion Gultur Clib. Dunken, HIUM Prl Twenlr-foirth Pralm Spe sold via Hiies, August Otli and lOfli. account the liiimujil -mt-et nt 1 the League.of Ainerican Wlieelinen. "Tlio low rates will be open to i a'k'kets with return limit Including Angusl iSlli may be obtained at ticket-flHiws OL' tlie remisylvanln Lines.

For details, apply tn nearest Line Ticket Agent. Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE I'osWveljMihft lust week of the Otn Picture Giil'lwy; IS 1'or IB rakeii ami liinshed In leu minutes, min, 1 sliLiw aV the portable gallery now lorat- c'cl 111 Welter's lot oppose police lienil- iHKirturs, Ind.

Tln-typ'S curd 10 ts; 1 0 1 sirfel'iictjoii T. E- I-ar- The Tern; Hiui'te Standard, Hoop of this city, has been made Uio silver orRini of YUso Mr- Rooi al 110W tP1 lcoK i1 Wltih sjlHBTbresaU.GiirriH. Complaint ReadlDK Readmit. The Salp ot VocMSoio CUAS. y.



The Hermbllcan party la unreeerved- tj for sound money. It caused the enactment of the law providing for the of. specie payments In 1870; ilnce then every dollar has been "We are unalterably opposed every measure calculated to debase our cur- or Impair the credit of our country. We are therefore opposed to the free coinage of silver except by Inter-national agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we.plcdgc ourselves to un- -til then such gold standard must be pre- In 1802 one sheep would buy 138 pounds of sugar nt cents a or would bring Gorman's free wool one sheep wU( buy this (17V- pounds of 5V1 cents a pound, being worth Wm. Jennings Bryan said: "But I do I say, -and I aui ready to stand

anywhere, protective tariff levied to protect some particular industry wrong In principle and vicious Democrats are asked to" accept the teachings of Coxcy, Tillmini, Altgeld, Bryan and Stewart, api'lnst word of MadJsou, Lincoln, Blainc, Cnrlfelo, H1U, Harr)' sou nil the wisest, most beloved statesmen of all times. The asked to choose between It Js important he should study carcful- and deliberately. The man who advocates tha( which his experience and conviction have htm Is vicious, dishonest, and unsafe, and tries to force It on Ills fellows, not entitled to a meeting in argument wltii an honest opponent. By bis-traitor! ous course he 'forfeits his right to consideration. Music.

People'with that.Js. coaiUniiully faUittK imt, or those tliiifWvkmi, can the.falling, and g.rowlJi of using Hall's Hair Rcnewer. Round trip rate to St. Joseph, J2: to Lake MakinUuckee, Train Vandoila" station every. Sunday a.

m. at 7 BOTJNDAXY. The Mexicans Claim the United States IB Trespassing. tcDpol fine. .7.

A. Nell. Is here from Lafayette for a ,7. F. 'CriUaliaji and.

family; are at' Tcru to spond Sunday. Witz'or Monticclto was 1 iji the yesterday visiting friends. W. A. PlilHlps of Montlcelli), was in city yesterday on Mrs.

David Unger.Is here froui Wa- basli to visit relatives a-few days. 0. P. Snyder, a business ma i 'of Denver, was Ircre Kwt night on'iivslness. Mrs.

HattJe Chambers and's in 1 of Chicago, -are the guests of relatl 1 -os In tlie clt.y. Mrs, 43, Johnston, left yes el-day for a ten days'' relatives'In Rush Miss who had been vis- kins ret.Hrncd lionic I engineer Churle), Lee and fannlly from an ou'tlnp at Atlantic', our silver and paper currency be maintained at parity with -old and we Tavor all measures de. to maintain inviolably tie obli- Mtlone of the United -States and aU our 'money, whether coin or paper, at the present standard, the standard of the nations of the earth. platform. demand the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at the legal ratio of 10 to 1, without waiting for tlie aid or consent of any other nation.

We demand that the silver dollar shall be a full legal tender, equally with gold, for all debts, public aj-5 private, lav- 'such legislation as will prevent the demonetisation of any 'kind of legal ten. -fer money by private w.tlc We demand free and unlimited coln- ge of silver and gold at the presept ratio of 10 to platform, '1802. We hold to use of both £old and as the standard money of the and to the coinage of both gold silver, without discriminating cither metal or charge for mintage, but the dollar of coinage of metuls must be of equal Intrinsic exchangeable value or be adjusted The Democratic convention in Gage county, Nebraska, the county adjoining Bryan's home community, passed resolutions tlie other day denouncing Bryan as a Fopullst, and the platform of the Chicago convention as "paving the way to anarchy." Bryan's neighbors know him too well. Tlie Democratic has been as- through "international agreement or by of legislation as 'shall Insure the maintenance of the parity of the two metaU and the equal power of dollar at nil times In the mark- by a number of trials at the polls tbutTtue people do not believe In-Its policies, or In ability to apply them. assurance is needed to the work of anniUitlatlon that has been going on'for years.

Bryan is enemy and protected Industries. The people want Protection, and for op- ixwlitlon to that w.lse plan as mucJi lor his salaried espousal of the cause of the savor barons, Mr. Bryan, will be decidedly turned down. and cnlleil 1 was In the" city on The Journal, A. been at Terrc Standard, has returned to the city.

Mr. and -Mrs. Alike. Kartell have rc- nfter visit of a' week and MIW Norton recently, are Uw guests of, a 11 MISCELLANEOUS. ITEMS.

t.he period the confederation the" power to coin money vested not only in the continental congress but in the several states, many of them takinp -advantage of this to issue copper Massachusetts leg-islature has appropriated $000,000 for good ronds. The farmers of the state have watched the 'road building operations of the last two or three years ami have concluded that there is money in going ahead with the -lias just bestowed Dames on bordering tlie Arctic It will hereafter appear on the niu'p in four districts or Ungnga, Franklin. Mackenzie and Yu- lion." The four combined contain 1.421,000 square miles, or nearly seven times the -area of'the province of Ontario. the largest-life insurance corporations in New York is discharging a number ol its clerks owing to unusual dullness in its business at tli3 present time. The custom is to make changes and raise salaries in March.

It is the flrst time in the history of this company that, clerks have been discharged at this season of the year. lash was recently applied to the back of man in England who had -committed highway robbery. He knocked down a. young woman and stole her purse. Justice Doy, of the Kent assizes, expressed his disapproval of long sentences for flrst offenders.

He sentenced Ellis to a month's imprisonment nnd: 30 lashes frOJn the "cat." Yankee Notion arrived in Belfast; recently. It is a frail, nondescript-looking vessel, 20 feet, long, six feet wide, with a house amidships, and of odds and ends of lum- occupants are Cobbler Wil- 'liam 'Cottrell, of Swan's island, and his yellow dog-: Capt. Cottrell'nrop 08 8 'navigate' the Maine coast, earning- his at odd jobs of cobbling. women of the early yearn of New Netherland and ew York differed from the women settlers of Virginia and, New England. had other than those of domestic housewifery; they partook frequently of "the shrewdness and business sagacity and capacity of their Dutch husbands." Widows eeetn to have felt no hesitation 1 and experienced no difficulty In-carrying on the business affairs of their-.

partners; their ventures nnd as fearless as those of'the They traded peltries' with the Indians with marked lr; -'Perhaps'part of their profit Indian own It the tariff question Vwt- tlcd. The and of Protection at tlie earliest pos- nomont. The laws on tho subject-Is settled. up In-November. It will The man who would to 'legislate one dollar into two dollars better than tlie-nmn who-would, by law, make a dollar worth but 50 cents, and then try to pass It In payment.of 100 cents worth of debt.

The tow of supply nnd demand con- trols'everything In nature. Silver, the commodWy, Is as much fi creature of this law as the white dollar is a creature of the financial lawe the mited States. Mrs Blanker Elsie; and Ohio, are- the gueajs-ot th of Kauffman. John Jake Byers and Oluifi. nil employed at tlie Trade Palace, at Lake,..

Marlon Stevenson' of LoRnnsppit was in'tlle cltjf yesterday on with'a. building and loan'company. Mrs. aud'JIrs.;'Chicago', were entertained Friday nlgh't ,1.

Allen; of 'No. Miajnl street. They left yesterdnj; Kokomp-Dtepatcb: Harvey Gulp, the gentlemanly nifjlit clerk -at Columbian hotel, lias resigned-bte position and Bpnb to Logansport to accept a in the dmce'o'f one of. the leading tens of that city. ma'de iiiany friendsduring his" short stay In Kokomo to Miss Mariei BfaKeitlne islhe guest of her unn't, lit Loganeport.

She w-iil rcmajn'one of'the "Lyceum' TbeiVre," Meinphls, arrived ln6t''nlBht from New-lYo 1 where'lip been past two months,'iclnB "hl's 11 -He will for' a few familiarly KUCWBQi ni'a'y'ftaVe'come through the braves'-Berene confidence In. their i snperior'sagacity in. bargaining- and traffioking with the "white squaws." .1 Many physicians, according to a lec- tuie'r 'on' dietetics, are ordering thin bread arid' butter for'delicate paitents, cspetlally'those suffering from consumption and anaemia, or any who'neea to take flesh. This thin breart and butter insensibly induces persons to eatmuch more butter.than they have any It Is extraordinary, says the lecturer, how short a way a- fresh pat of butter will go if spread on a number of -thin slices of.bread. This is one advantage; and, a great one in the of'invalids, for they are thereby provided with an excellent form of the fat which 13.80 essential for their nutrition in-a way that lures them to take it without rebellion.

But-the thin bread anil butter, "has another advantage equally as very digestible and easily assiinliatcd. Fresh butter mode from creani 'is very much more digcstibh wheri'Spread upon-thin slices-of bread than tha same -amount of cream -eaten would house -for the, coming 4n.vt* visit' bis weeks. "Jack," as here- known, was. on The Jflurnal for'a number.o/.y^'fore he went to seek his Siinny Subscribe for The "But; Herbert," the said, "think of the futnre. You are and you not.fiurround me wlth'the lusurlea to whJchil.

have'been accustomed. "He would do nothing or "Does 'he play poker?" I'll' teach htm: In me, IsrUng. i and have no- fear ot the An CUlmed for Upon Which CUlrn If Bttied. Along no inconsiderable portion of its course the Rio Grande constitutes the international boundary between the United Suites and Until within, a few years the Hio Grande served the purposes of a boundary line very creditably ami satisfactorily, but recently the settlers in Colorado and New Mexico (away vip stream) have taken so much water out of the river for the purposes of irrigation liiatthe old boundary line becomes obliterated the "dry season, and this has made'so much (rouble for the Mexicans that t.lieir government claims t.he United $22,000,000 darnages. The circumstances upon which they base'Mils Heavy claim Tor damages may be briefly summed up as follows: Fi-oni t.he neighborhood of El Paso, extending about 00 miles down, the river, there is a valley about 10 miles wide, and since the river hits got into the habit of poing dry every summer it haa cut many different and widely diverging channels with the advent of flood water.

In this way the international boundary has been practically obliterated as far as this valley, 15 miles wide a-nd 90 miles long, is concerned. This has led to endlessoomplica.tdonsas to national jurisdiction, and finally to i condition of utter lawlessness. In iddi'tion to this, that or some MO years they been cul- ivatinff the lands of this valley on their of the boundary which were mad-! fertile and productive by iTrign- tion from the waters of the Kio Grande, rat since the river has been systematically and continuously robbed of its waters by the American settlers of Colorado and New Mexico just at the season when the water was needed for rrisation, this valley below El Paso become a sterile desert, absolutely for Hgricnltural purposes. They claim that the Mexicans have a irior claim to the water of the Rio Grande, ns they were using it for purposes of -Irrigation 200 years ago. but now they have bec.n robbed not only of- the water, tlie international boundary line, and, indirectly, of law nnd order in the valley referred to.

In view of all this they up a claim for $22,000.000 d-ainagee, but they also propose the terms of compromise. The proposa.1 is that the United State! should build what has lately figured the news of the day as the "international dam." This dam will ijl built) be located a.bout two and oflthaH above El Paso, where the heights.which inclose the canyon-like valley of the Rio Grande just above El Paso converge so nearlv that a dam 600 feet lone will connect "them. Thin dam, to serve the purpose for been designed, should be 600 feet long and about .0 feet high, and will, when completed, cost about 000,000. Suchadam will, it is estimated, create an immense reservoir IS miles long by four nules wide or about four times as large aa any artificial reservoir now in the existence. This will hold all the surplus water of the KIo Grande at flood time, and this accumulation not only be ample for irrigation landa in the valley below it on both aides of the boundary, but furnish supply of water sufficient to hold the channel of tte river by a moderate but continuous flow all through the dry season.

In this way the demands of the Mexicans for can be ratified, the international boundary maintained, law tuid order restored in that valley below El Paso, and the lands on the American as well as the Mexican of the valley furntehed with an ample supply of water for purposee of Express. modest 1 hat he has to color i't in order to establish its identity, called npain last evening. "I've just been dying to see you, Maud." he gushed, soon as he had got his cane through the parlor door. Maud looked him over with a unfavorable eye. "I see you have," she coldly; 'there's a lot' of it come off on your chin." And young Mr.

Cumauphen was nbashed that he didn't know what nay. But that wasn't anything Y. Recorder. Sifter. 30-W.

dry good, and elo'- Thursday morninif lor, IB BARNUM'S UONO PROCESSION How Ho Faithfully Kept fromlMi, "I was traveling T. Barnum once," said Mr. Stow, "long before the railroad shows wero in existence. traveled by wagons from town to town iu those days, halting on the'outskirtu of the town to enable the circus people to put on their show clothes am prepare for the parade. We were to show in Rmn.ll town in Pennsylvania and I had noticed 'that ft bridge over which the wagons were to pass was weak! I-sent word to Mr.

to put the rhinoceros wagon at the but he did not do so, and aa it wus odvance it broke the bridge. The show did not reach the town in time to uiak? hiueh of a parade, I Mr. Barnum 1 was'scatec in the village hotel when £in angry lot of people who were disappointed at the size erf the parade waited upon 1 told him that he wan a fraud. 'How said Mr. Barnum.

replied the spokesman foi the crowd, 'yoii advertised two miles of parade.and there was only replied Barnum, 'there one mile of parade mile of cowed fools following tt. That makes doesn't Syracuso Courier; Down OD Him. Youn'jr Mr- who has on' of the cunnlngest little eream-colorei mustaches in world, BO faint am MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. 1S50 and 1S90, the mintBoi the world consumed 9,194 tons of gold and 81,235 tons of silver, the value being 1,227,000,000 of and 793,000,000 of Biker. mastodon's skull, in a.

fine Btat of preservation, was dug tip at near the Indiana boundary, few days ago. It measured 2 feet in width and has four perfect teeth. The teeth measure about four inches by six tud one-half inches, year the English church will celebrate the 130th anniversary of tlw baptism of the first English king by St. Augustine. The dean and chapter o) Canterbury still hold land in Essex given by King Ethelbert, of Kent, which hu been, in their interrupted possession since Hawaiian congress has reoentlj in act by which every laxpayei in the islands is compelled to regfctel l.imsolf a.t the tax office, and, in addi tion to the usual entries according fc the Bertilon sjfttem of identification hall leave in the registrar's took thi mprint of his right thumb.

cables are usually im in tlie slimy bottom of thcocew jut at certain points they hang-like win jridges over deep submarine valleys, hat whales and other largeinhabitafflU of the ocean deep may become danger ous to tlie cable. Once in awhile it iatb "able that becomes dangerous to vhales. as recently shown in. an mcci dent to the western Brazilian cables British medical trust that 1 conducting a crusade against.Americw practitioners in London, recenU; jrought suit against an American, Bridgewater, alleging- that be had awfully, willfully and falsely repw sen ted "himself to be a. doctor of met cine." As Dr.

Bridgcwater was show to be the possessor of degrees from. N'ev York and Philadelphia medical college of- international reputation, the not-only tost its but.bad to pay to anafffrrefrate of nearly $4,000. recently made Europe to determine what color in soldier's uniform is the least conspict ODS to an enemy. Of ten men t-wo -wei dressed in light pray uniform, two i lark pray, two in green, two-in blue and 'two in scarlet. All tie ordered to march, off, while a group fl officers remained watching them.

Tb flrst to disappear in the landscape wi the lightgray, and next, may seeni, tlie scarlet. Then follows the dark gray, while the dark preen remained visible long 1) the others had disappeared. BECOMING POPULAR. low to the I'Mtor It is becoming a popular thing fc churches, to. give their pastors and the practice is to be commendei For most clergymen in overage bealt there is no better form ol exercise tht wheeling and they the advanUj over men who engaged in businei that they can get their exercise on tl wheel by dayligtot.

Biding after to far better than no riding at all, bi the real en joy ment of the bicyoJe-comi when one is'ablc to go out frequent) whence sun Issuing. Herein rou women have the advantages over mo men. Clergymen as a rule have difficulty in BO arranging their aflai: that they may be able to take at least short spin every fine day during the rli Ing season. One of those who have recently made the recipients of wheels is a ml who has a strong liking lor but who has thought that the could not be much enjr- UUU1U 11W UJ1TVU through the streets of a city in ordfi to reach the park and open countrS He has accordingly, in with cycling friends, been exaltnfj walking as an exercise superior wheeling. He wns, of course, much tonished at the present thrust him one evening not long since and hej now careful to explain that be never said a word against the.

bicyc As bis friends felf sure would be cnse lie has mastered the art. of whci ing with ease and it is'whispered abo his. pariah, that the end oft aeasok he will century ru For his own.part, he insists that he do Li 11 VfVlf the I' he 1 -goes'to flie country lor 1 vacation. rector of a church in a town miles from X.esv -York was great surprised week before last to recei a lor -from; his own vesti request that be iinn provide Iritpself with a bicyc order was- placed t-hat day a 'jhre'e days'latler the wheel was at hat wife tl when he brought it home he carried Into the house in his arms with mil care as If it had been a Tribune..

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