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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 18

Logansport, Indiana
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State Supreme Court Decides a Suit Relating to a Police Commission rKUMERATHOT OF CEI3US. Makes Void tbe Whole BaHlness, Jnclmllnc the Governor's Sane Man Declared Insane, But Later the Wroiic Rl Grain Exchange Failure at NoChildren Burned at TTeddo Itecord of the State. Indianapolis. Jan. The supreme court yesterday reversed the judgment In the suit brought by the city of Huntington against Simon T.

Cast and three others, to enjoin the latter from acting as a board of metropolitan police, to position they had been appointed by the governor, under the law passed by the last legislature providing for the appointment of such boards in cities havlnjr a population of 10,000 inhabitants. The complaint charged that Hunting-ton has less than that number of inhabitants, but that Cast, who was mayor of the city, took a pretended census, In which he included persons Jiving outside the corporate limits of the city, and refused to report the census "to the city council or to file it in the city clerk's office, but burned the sheets of paper on which the enumeration was made. Census Won CeiiHUs at All. And that he reported the result of his census to the governor, showing the city of Hunting-ton to contain more than 10,000 inhabitants, though it really contained less, and thereby secured the appointment of the police board. In an opinion prepared by Chief Justice Howard the court holds that such a census as that described In the complaint is no census at all, saying that the census to be taken by the mayor under the statute was to be an official enrollment of the people in the city, which enrollment would be a public document, to be preserved In the archives of the city, where it might be subject to the Inspection of all those Interested; and must contain not only the sum total, but an official list oC the names "of all the inhabitants.

Not Kntltled to the Offices. The court says that no question as to the right of the governor to make the appointment is presented by the case, since he acted, and rightfully so, under the statement as to population, certified to him by the mayor. But that if the mayor's certificate was not on a legal census, as charged, then the appointment of the appellees wag void. It is also held that the appellees could be enjoined from taking possession of the offices, to which they were not entitled. The case is sent back for further proceedings court.

SASE MAN INSANE. Judge Mattlnon Makes a Rule to Prevent Such Happening. Evansville, Jan. In the circuit court here Judge Mattison has issued an order that hereafter no in- Inquest shall be held by any commission without the court having first investigated the case. This action of the court was made necessary by the following unusual happening: About two weeks Louis J.

Waldschmidt, young man, came to the city from the country, where he had to visit his brother-in-law. William Nichtern, a member of the fire department. The young man went on a spree, was arrested, fined for drunkenness, a.nd while In the lock-up made an attempt at suicide. Insanity proceedings were then instituted, and the youns man was declared to be of unsound mind. He then instituted habeas corpus proceedings and asserted that his brother- in-law and sister had, for selfish motives, caused him to be declared in- aane.

Judge Mattison heard the case. Nichtern swore that it was his wife, Waldsctimidt's sister, who had signed the affidavit on the strength of which the inquest was held. There was plenty of testimony to prove the young man's sanity. He hlmsolf stated that Nichtern had caused him to give up his place in the country and come to the city, as he, Nichtern. would assist him In procuring a position on the flre department.

The verdict of the insanity commission was declared null and void. FAILtKK 0V A GRAIN EXCHANGE. Richmond Concern Temporarily Closed for Want of Cash. Richmond, Jan. Some excitement was causod in business circles here yesterday over the temporary closing of the Richmond Grain Exchange, which Is an agency of O'Dell 22 Carey building.

Cincinnati. The exc'hanse has beer, doing a big business, and included a number of business men among Us patrons. TJ. Hibberd, of this city, is local manager. On Tuesi- day night at of business a statement showed that the local exchange had S4.000 in deposits with O'Dell Co.

On that day deals were closed which netted the local dealers about $2.000. The check did not come Wednesday, as anticipated. A representative of company arrived, however, and refusec to deliver over the S2.000 without $S33 dut- O'Dell Co. by the local exchange was first paid. This Hibberd unable to do on the moment, although his patrons would have made the amoun! had they known Curing the fight Putnam knocked Booten down with a club, and Cross then stabbed him with a butcher knife.

Indiana Bivortrn Business. Indianapolis. Jan. Indiana bureau of statistics, for the first time In the history of the state, has compiled accurate information in reference to ihi: divorce business of the state courts. A bulletin just issued that within the last year there were marriages in the state ajid 3,080 divorces, or one divorce for every ten mrriagTS.

The laxity of the divorce laws of the state tas been the subject of comment for years, and it is prcba- bie that the showing made by the bulletin may result in legislation by the next general She to Her Hustiand. Crawfordsville. Jan. 7. Last week Miss Gordon, of Ladoga, eloped with Thomas Brann and was married I to him.

Xow her relatives announce that they have figuratively buried her. and that she has completely passed out of their lives forever. Effort was made after the marriage to induce Mrs. Brann to leave her husband, her brother offering her $2.000 in cash if she would renounce him and return to her relatives, who are Hebrews. Shu refused.

Children Were Burnwl, Vei'dersburgr, Jan. burn- Ins of the Yeddo school building Wednesday created much excitement account of the fear of loss of life. The two children who were thought to have been cremated escaped from the building when the alarm of flre was sounded, and no note of them was taken until their parents began making inquiries. The children went immediately home, where they were finally found by their frightened parents. Window Glass Factories to Resume.

Anderson, Jan. tomorrow night 15,000 skilled window glass workmen, who have been out since last July, will be at work here. The strike has beeen one of the longest in the history of American glass making. The men gained ID per cent, advance over last year's wage. Fell In a Fit and Killed Her Baue.

Fort Wayne, Jan. Mrs. Owen Falls, of Mlddltetown, Marion township, this county, fell in an epileptic fit while carrying her baby. She prostrate on her infant son and before assistance could arrive the baby was smothered to death. Child Blinded with Carbolic Acid.

El-wood, Jan. Hinds' 5-year-old daughter poured carbolic acid into the baby's eyes, destroying he sight and causing the baby proba- ly fatal injury. ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELLS. his Louis Man Wasn't That "Floater," but Slay lie Legally Dead. St.

Louis, Jan. September a loateil "Uoater" was taken from the ver taken to the morgue. At the me George Vv'ells, living on South roadway, was missing from his home, nd his wife and daughter were left Imosi: destitute. Mrs. Wells was sick nd irt bed, but her 14-year-old daugh- er called at the morgue and identified IP "Heater" as the dead body of her athei.

Mrs. Wells was nearly killed shock when she was informed, he body was buried in the potter's eld. Wednesday there came a knock at he door of the Wells' home and in Wells alive and.well. He said had been working- in Illinois. vas told of his supposed funeral, greatly worried.

He egal advice to find up it Yesterday matters were in a tanglet condition, but 'the patrons exoneratt Hibberd from blame. The exchange closed to business, and the dealers havi employed attorneys to investigate. Two Men on Trial for Murder, Princeton. Jan. Cros: and Benjamin Putnam have been placet on trial for tine murder of Booten.

and 100 witnesses are here testify in the case. The principals live in the Wabash river bottoms. The mur of Valentine Booten. or "Bud Booten, as he was known, occurred 01 the 4th of October at daybreak. Cr-os and Booten quarreled over a horse th night before, and the next; Cross and Putnam met Booten in fron his cabin and the trouble was re newed, Putnam taking part JBootMi had -won the feficctions of ni A BLACKJLJOFS SKIN.

A SEW TEAB'8 ADVEXTCP-E IS ALGIERS BT TBED A- OBEE. 1S3T. by the The besc shooting in Algiers may be bad about New Year's, and if one Stan out early in January, armed -with a per- mis de legal permit to a good guide and an Arab stallion he can bag partridge, snipe and woodcock galore and in certain districts chance a crack at a panther, perhaps.a lion. There is more or less of good hunting throughout the "Tell," between the coast range and the sea, but the cream of it is to be found in the province of Coestandae, not far from the great desert and among the foothills of the Aures mountains. In this province resides a mixed race of people, with the blood of ancient Byzantines, and Vandals in their veins and boasting the most stalwart meu and the handsomest women in all Africa, perhaps in the world.

While even the Bedouins, those fierce sons of the desert, have been subdued by the French and are now governed by cadis appointed by the conquerors, these north African Vandals have maintained saptaui from his reverie. he joined in. "Oui, vive la veuve!" We primed his glass anew, and he begaa his tale of adventure: was about 15 years ago. I was then newly appointed to this post, and. being a young man, full of fire and nerves, my blood was boiling over with a desire to fighc and also, perhaps, with desire of another sort, and so of course, being young and ardent and there being no cither damsels here than the fair Vanclalese, it fell out that one of them captured my heart, or at lease my inclination.

"She was (you have seen the type and know it to be' beautiful in a wild, bar- bari.3 way) a handsome, spirited woman, and the fame of her beauty was wide throughout the region from here to Tunis. Why she favored me was not clear to me then because my countrymen were not liked at that time, and she had been sought in marriage some of the richest sheiks and cadis her people. Still, she appeared to ova me in a savage, uncontrollable ashion, and the greater portion of rny jay was spent in purchasing for her hoise gewgaws and golden ornaments he women of her tribe are so inordinately fond of. I was surely in her toils, her most willing, even abject, slave, for she bad ascinatedmeand I thought I loved her. 'erhaps I did love her.

Truly my pas and for the sake ion was strong, keeping her love an exclusive possession had fought three dnels with sword nd spear before I had reigned three nonths as her lord. My last opponent, a fine young Arab. I mortally wounded hough I had not so intended, but his was fierce, and he was so rash and eadstrong I had to meet him on the p'oinc of my lance. He fell from his lorse, and as I bent over to raise him he gasped out: "Think not I am the asfc The real favorite of Fatima is Ab dul Said. He has sworn to.kill you.

Beware of him." Then the blood poured rom his month and he died. I did not mind fighting with Abdu Said, whom I knew by sight, but he was a slippery rascal, who always avoided an open encounter, and I soon aware that he was awaiting a good opportunity for sticking me in the Thus matters stood ac the opea- of the winter of 1882. The height SHE WOUND HER BARE. ROUND AKMS ABOUT MT NECK. their freedom and their ancient village rights.

Among them even now falconry, that rare sport; of the middle ages, is pursued with visor, though only the He and consulted whether he is le- al ly dead barred from his rights a citizen. Thelitrn ill 'Frisco Burned. San Francisco. Jan. The Columbia heal re wa? gutted by flre last evening nd is a total loss.

The fire was Ined to theatre building. No one Injured. TUe Weather We Nay Kxpect, WaiihiuRton. Jan. are the weather indications for twenty-four hours rom p.

m. yesterdav: For Indiana und Hli- is-Fair weather, followed by loudiness: variable winds, becoming sonth- rly. For Lower Partly cloudy weather: probably cooler in northern portinn; to fresh northwesterly winds. For Up- Partly cloudy weather: colder: resh westerly winds. For Gen- rail;" fair woathor: light southwesterly winds.

'or Partly cloudy weather; touthwest- rly 'innds. THE MARKETS. Cliicapo GnUu and Produce. Chicago. Jan.

6. Following were the quotations on the oaircl of Trade today: iry opened SSH-c, closed May. opened 90c, closed July, opened closed SIVic. closed May. opened 2S'ic.

closed July, opened 29'sL 1 closed 30'ic. opened 23c, closed opened closed nominal-. May, opened and closed $9.23. opened S477V-. closed May, opened, closed S4.S5.

Produce: Butter creamery. per tb: extra dairy. ISo: fresh 60c per per ro; chickens, ducks. Potatoes Northwestern. bu.

Sweet Illinois. ..0 bbl. Chicaso L1 Stock. Chicago, Jan. 6.

Estimated receipt for the day. 44 1100- quality good: left over about 1500: market fairly active; opened strong, but later became, weak, with nrces 5c lower; sales ranged at SS.lOft S.5f, for pigs. i for light. J3-40 S3 45 for mugh pat-king, tor mixed and Jli.JOig3.6TU for heavy pack- and shipping lots. Estimated receipts tor the day.

S.OOo: quality very fair: market rather active or, snipping and local account; best o-glUc higher:" other lots steady. Quotations Wi' feeders, Sl.90Sf3.SO cows. SC.60Sr-4.sO neu- bulls, oxen and stags. Texas steers, and veal calves. Sheep and Larobs-Est bated receipts for the day, 12,000 qual- Itv good: market rather active: feelinp film: prices quotations, ranged it westerns, SS.lO@4...i nutives.

and Gi-ain. Milwaukee. Jan. 6. No, 1 northern, 91c: Mo.

2 spring. May, Corn No, 27c, No. 1, 47c. high caste chiefs are allowed to indulge in it. Coming dowu from Constantiue, that famous city of the early Cbristiau bishops of Africa, four cf us, all Americans, dropped off at Guelma, once the stamping ground of Gerard tho bion Killer, Hardly 40 years have elapsed since this intrepid Frenchman, Cecils Jules Basile Gerard, au officer of the Algerian army of occupation, single handed, scores of lions in this very district.

The king of boasts even now occasionally ranges the hills and ravages the herds and flocks of this section. Tie is seen just often enough to give a spice of adventure to the pursuit of smaller game and to send a nervous chill up aud down one's spine when he hears ar unusual rumpus in the woods. And this brings me around to my story We had put in a good day's shooting aud were gathered at the little inn, halt cafe and half foudouk, comparing notes and awaiting impatiently the coming of our dinner. TUB proprietor of this "hotel de J'oasis" had once lived in New Orleans aud was more than de lighted to eutertaia his erstwhile eouu trymen who had come to shoot far from the laud he loved so well and where he had spent the days of his rollicking youth, aud so he served us with th best he had. It was with the consciousness taa we had in prospective a dinner which could not be duplicated between Goel ma and Paris and with a most bouiiti ful supply of crude material in reserv that we sent for the commander of civ irregular spahis stationed at this point And that he appreciated fully the cour tesy and the dinner we discovered long before the cloth was removed aud th cigars aud bvonghl in.

How coul he serve us mos: acceptably, he asked Why, we answered, by telling us story, of course, some tale of adventure of s'kirmish with Bedouins, moonligh meetings with African lions or some thing of that sort. We had often hear that tbe life of a spahis commander was full of adventure and trusted his had been no exception. "No, messieurs," he replied thought- fnlly, even sadly, "I have not been spared adventure. Tis true I have interrupted many a nizzia, have chanced upon some few lioias. Indeed 1 have met the iion of Gueima." I After i-iiis brief siaceinent, made in a low tone, as if communing with himself, the captain of the spahis leaned his head upon one baud and remained for a space lost in reverie.

We then noticed, showing through the close cropped hair of his head, a long, semiluuar scar, which seemed to glow with the intensity of his emotions, and at sight of it we all clutched at the idea that in some manner this reminder of a terrible wound was connected with our friend's experience with the lions. None of us, however, dared ask the question that might elicit a solution of the mystery, bat we had hopes, for. though this veteran of many wars was by nature discreet reticent, yet our were the very best to be had in Algiers, and we did not spare any efforts to have him drink them. Under ordinary circumstances you couldn't have drawn a story out of him with a corkscrew, but this New Year's dinner not an ordimiry occasion, and the champagne that followed the last portion of woodcock on toast was the finest the Widow Clicquot ever sent out from bereaves. "Long live the widow!" we all ejaculated with fervor, which awoke oar of girded my saber about me, loosened my revolvers in my belt and crept; toward 'Che rock behind which my spahl md been crouching.

The man followed me tremblingly and unwillingly, poor fellow, but bis companion luckily ran the other way. I had nearly reached the rock when, suddenly leaping out of the gloom beyond, came lie form of tbe beast we were hunting and landed directly in front of me. his enormous head, he emitted a roar that seemed to split the I'was for the moment transfixed, my spaln began to crawl back on the trail. 1 quickly recovered myself, however, and for tho life of me, though 1 knew my lifo at stake, I could not resist taking a shot at tho terrible beast towering above me there, his nose the air To tell the truth, thero was nothing elso to do, as running away would he us dangerous as lying still lor the lion cun overtake at running anything but tlio swiftest stallion. So 1 pouitL'd the muzzle of my carbine straight uc hU throat aud drove a bulU't mto him.

Tho effect was star- tliugly iustiiutiuiMOus, (or almost without d'eis'iiui? ro crouch for the spnng the lion launched himself directly into the air. AH li" passed over me I spud another bullet into his belly, but he kept on mid laiidwl flat upon my spahi. crushing him to the ground. The poor wretch cried out in smothered tones for help, and 1 had not tho heart to run away and leave him there without ac least an attempt at rescue. So I.

crept forward, intending to press tho carbine against the 1'iou's heart and kill him on the spot. 1 reached his side and thrust out the weapon, but as 1 fired the rag ing beast reached out a paw ancl swept it across my head, tearing the scalp away and leaving a flap of it hanging over my forehead- 1 was blinded by the streaming bliooc and became unconscious before I could of the hunting season was near, ihristmas week I prepared to and oil have a foray in the fields. My mistress observed my preparations without comment, but when finally, just as 1 was ready to be off, I asked her what I should bring back from the hunt worthy of her acceptance she brightened up and showed enuine interest in the affair. 'There is one thing 1 desire of all things on earth," she said, speaking slowly and steadily, "but it is something you dare not attempt." 'Dare not?" I asked, with a show of indignation. "Have I ever shown fear of danger since you knew me? But why 'dare' not? What is there to fear?" She shrugged her shoulders, smiled an inscrutable smile, and turning away her head so that I could not look into her eyes she said, "I have proved to you fear not man, but what I desire is guarded by one whom all men fear." "Name itl" I cried.

"Yonshall have it, though fiends aud devils guarded it, my beloved!" She wound her bare, round arms about my neck and whispered in my ear, "Bring me, then, tho skin of the black lion of Guelma. Behind that ridge, my can see it without leaving your a broad plateau known as the Lions' drag my man from his perilous position- When 1 regained my senses, it was to find the surviving spahi by my side and the forest illumined by tbe rising eun. The lion, he told me, though probably wounded unto death, bad dragged his comrade away into the wood, whither he had not dared to follow him. he had placed, my scalp in po sitiou and bandaged it, the flow of blood being already stanched, 1 insisted upon following up the trail, and, as 1 ex pected, we foxmd the lion and his vie tim just within the forest verge, both dead, the man mutilated beyond all rec oanition. Following my directions, mj spahi stripped the lion of his skin anc placed it across the horse which had borne our dead comrade to the fata spot.

1 sent a detachment to bury th soldier later, but hastened with my tro phy to the fort, where my wound wa soon dressed, and the skin became th PIMPLY FACES Pimples, blotchce, blackheads, red, ronjth.olly, muuiy rtrin, itc.him;, scalp. dry, Ihln. railing halt, aud baby pMrented br Cr-ricuKA SOAP, tho moel effective purify- Ijff and beautifying wap in the -world, -well (uticura 1. -MI throurtmi! -Mid. I), C.

IB.IOU. Oj' to Skin," BLOOD HUMORS llT Catt LANDED DIRECTiT IN' FRONT OF ME. Pleasure grounds. There roamed the kings of the plain and the forest, and conspicuous of them all was the great black lion of Guelma. 1 had of ten heard of him.

His fame was widespread, for he had killed more than a score of Arabs within the twelvemonth past. There was something in her manner that piqued me, bun before I unwound her arms from about my neck 1 pressed a fervent kiss upon her lips and then said: "Very well. Yon shall have what you desire. Two days hence at this hour I shall bring it to you. She remained silent, but looked, ac me incredulously, and this vesed me so that I strode away without another word.

Within the hour I was on my way across the plain with two trusty spahis attendant and mounted upon a white Arabian noted for his fleetness, It was a moonlit night, but cloudy. Along, about 3 ia the morning one of my men, who was watching, stretched on the slope of a rock, his long gun pointed toward the forest beyond. thought he saw a great form creeping through the underbrush and heard soft though heavy footsteps. He drew back and crept to the spot where I was sleeping, my head on my saddle, and touched ine with the bnct of his gun, 1 was awake and erect in an instant. "Master.

he whispered, "the lion he comes!" Hearing nothing, I was about to chide center of a wondering throng of ver. grateful Arabs. The French commander hid his in his hands. When he looked up, ther was in his eyes an expression of hate The crescentic scar was crimson. "No." be replied to our eager, ques tioning looks, "Fatima did not get the skin of the black lion of "Why did she not get them? Oh, she had eloped with Abdul Said!" INDIRECT FERTILIZATION.

Which Available the Natural Supply of Existing Plant Food. In spice of all that has beeti said and written about direct and indirect fertilization there still exists a surprising amount of ignorance. The work of the experiment stations and prominent agriculturists have brought out the facts in this line so plainly that it is a comparatively simple matter 'or any farmer to understand this subject without any trouble. The subject is treated as follows in The Progressive South: By direct fertilization is meant the application of certain fertilizer materials which in themselves furnish needed nourishment to the growing crop. The plant foods in whish most soils are deficient and which it is customary to apply in the form of commercial fertilizers are phosphoric acid, potash and nitrogen.

Every farmer ought to get familiar with these terms and to learn from what sources they are derived and how they should be applied to the best advantage. It is true that the average soil will contain a certain amount of phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash respectively, but it frequently happens that these ingredients are not in a condition to be taken up at once by the growing crops, and hence it pays to put them on in the form of fertilizers. By indirect fertilization is meant the application of certain materials to the soil, like salt, lime or plaster, which in themselves do not furnish any of the three essential ingredients mentioned, but by their stimulating action on the soil re'nder available some of the natural supply of plant food existing there. It will be readily seen, of course, that their action is indirect; hence the term "indirect fertilizing." Probably on no crop has this indirect fertilizing been more extensively practiced than on clover. Many have noticed the effect of a dose of plaster upon clover.

The truth of the matter is, that tbe plaster in itself did not serve as plant food for the clover, released. some plaEt food in the soil, notably potash, which the clover at once assimilated to good advantage. It was also experienced by many of tbe game farmers that in time it became difficult to get a catch of clover on these lands. -The cause of this was that the Mrs. James O'Donnell and SOB fobn have returned from a brief Tlslt with relatives at Anderson.

How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars case of Catarrh that cannot be cured ky anil's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY 0. we, the undersljmed, bave Vnown f.

J. Cheney tor tne last 15 years, ana belierc kia perfectly honorable in ail business tlonis and financially able to carry ob- tions made by their firm. TBHAX. Wholesale Druggists, AijaiNO, A MABTIK, Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrb Cure Is taken lug directly upon the blood oous surfaces ol ike system.

75c bottle. Sold by all free. Hall'8 Family Pills are tbe best. Mrs. Boyer of LaPorte has been declared insane ancl will be committed to Longcllfl for treatment.

Great Triumph. Inttant relief and acpumHnent cure kTeat remedy. Otto's Cure for lung and Why will irritate your Ikroat and lungs with a hacking couRh when W. B. Forter, corner Fourth and Market streets, agent, will furniab you a free sample bottle 9f this guaranteed remedy? Its success is derfuj, ag your druggist will tell you.

free. Large bottle 50c and 25c. Mrs. Robert KStter, of Troy, is tbe guest of Mrs. F.

M. Williamson, of east High street. Rheumatic Cured in Oty. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism ralgia radically cures in 1 to if JW, action upon the system is mysterious It removes at once and the disease immediately disappeari. 'Jtfce- nrst dose ureatiy benefits.

75 Sold by W. H. port. Joe Gulp has purchased his old barber shop and store at arable's feed- yard, on Sixth street. Rheumatism Is due to lactic in the blood.

Hood's neutralizes the acid and completely cures the aches and pains of rheumatism. Be sure to get Hood's. Hood's pills are easf to take, easy to operate. Cure Indigestion, bilious ness. 25c.

Eev. O. S. Hadley went to Bo- Chester yesterday to conduct a of revival meetings. Glad The specific for dyspepsia, liver conplBtat rheumatism, costivtness, general debility, ia Bacon's Celery KJngJ for the Net-res.

(treat herbaJ tonic stimulates the organs, regulates tbe liver and rettorct system to vigorouejbealtb and energies. plesfree. Large packages 50c and HoM only by W. H. Porter, corner Ptourtli uul ket streets.

Notice of Election. The annual meeting of the share holders of Tbe City National Bank of Logansport, Indiana, for the election of nine directors for the ensuing year, will be held at their office on Tuesday, January 1898, from ten o'clock a. m. to four o'clock p. m.

F. R. Fowler, cashier. for his fears when the air was rent by a roar that shook the earth as though all the thunderclaps of heaven had united in one grand outburst. Yes, the Yery earth trembled, and I am afraid 1 did also, but I reached for my carbine a repeater of very large bore natural supply of plant food in tbe soil had been exhausted, and since the plaster in itself, as already stated, did not ftumish any of tbe three essential plant food ingredients they had to be restored from some other soufce before the clover grow as before.

The shrewd farmer at; once sees that it ia far more economicsd to keep up tbe natural supply of plant food in his soil than to allow it to become exhausted by continuous cropping withoot any renewal. McCoy's New European Hotel COR. CLARK AND VAI BDREh CHICAGO. i FIRE PROOF. One block from C.

H. t. F. S. tc.

M. S. Improvements costing' $75,000.00 just been completed, and tbe bouse offers eviry convenience to be found in hotel, including hot and cold water, electric light ind steam heat-in every room. Rxies 75 cents pet day and upwards. First class restaurant in connection.


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