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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 14

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FACE FOURTEEN (AUK.) COUTUER HEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION hallr rate per linr per cuiiM-rutlv Wotch and Jewelry Repair I-Day frrvlcr on Jewel)y 3 nn iVfllf lU'S Hurt rlorkis. rnnl t-i-d work hy expci I rr;" "PAT O'BRYANT Main Kecoiul 10 3ck ll Plans-Estimates Art ordcrrrt for thrpr- sii linn- Minimum 1 limp JUT II up 2 times llnr JUT 3 titiifs ling lift per line ppr before Hill he Inr the 'number ft* HIP wadr. All rljmlfiPd arivrriUinf roi-v suh- mUled by per rrviriini; ruiltidr nf thr Hf.v mini he acrrmipnnlr i1 hy rash. may bp fntm thr short- Adrrrlliinft oMrrfd ln- 1 (tip one Urn i'i rorislriiriLon. ri'iiimlHlug A OR (i, LOANS OBMGATION Frank Wagner llnililors Supply Co.

th -ri'ror rpori- i MINUTE PHOTOSTATIC SEHV- nnJ "nrorrcrt Ins'rilon nf iny O'STEKS'S STCDIO. W. MAIK. ill. 12 1 rk if 'npV pn rhi n'i 1 1 i ilie ripht 10 "111 IJ Courier or reject any ad.

Notice CARD OK THANKS Tn nieniorv of mv llam H. -ji-ho rVpitK'ft t)llf July 24. 1PS2. He 7.S "til ApM) 14. wflnt to Tlif-nJt ihp and friend-: their in hHp- that Mrfts my precious 01 for arris Combine imall crips, ron- Waltrr 8 -1 rX 4 room unfurnished 4007.

back, I IO-JT Ph- Nlrol? Turn, down stairs npi trance. Ne'n' rotriup rarer W. Ky. SUt- Mr 1 4R' niUr In-n. ij h.p.

riotrti 7 pK Modern (urn eftrhnic Mr 1 or 2 people. IM2 W. St i i i r- px 1 i I 6 UbbD COMBINES 2 rm. rum. ntl fir only.

HW W. Ash. 2 Tin. furn. elp In.

Ph. .1137. turn. I 11 If you a used self- proiK'tiovi coml)inc ns first. Choose from Massoy-l Marri.s, liiferunt ional Jlarves-) In Truck Trading, Your DDUAR Goes Farther at Phillips! OIKV Dpliicrj.

'Ilifi talc nifKlel trnrk hax a nrw lUlit Onl) at Phillips Co, 'IS DOIXJK An rvlra i-lrnn tnlrk, IfltS norljf -Ton KxprfM a fjiif lin.v 1 io 'Hi CHIOV J'vIS If lonkilit: for a rlii-np I'ifktlp. ronlf 1111 and lire this (Micirolrt. N'nvv just gSIK! '17 I'X)HI) It's .1 liic Call A Clu Ti-iifk fur S.WS! f.nnr IMilllljis (or a jioort i yood rtcal more 1 'IS INT'NAI Tills If KR Trnrk Is a hcrknvi t.nreain only JSftS! Drlvf 11 '-)! FOKI) Ci.tlli Cl'K Vrni'll roily like thin ISM Kurd Custom t'lub Cnwpe: hOHler, lirw '17 NASH IVr ilrlif Ililt Vnii'll IliM Dili 1911 Nash Is a Ijin A I 'III (i 1 C'licnii If llul's u-lMl you u-nitl. Uirn Chrvrolrt hut Clinch Is II! 300 Broadway Phone 4453 TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, NOW is the time to buy a Good Used Combine Jack Robinson Implement Co. Arkoivwa 1'Une rrn.

apt. hatti llitMilef tCI'. Jollll IJCKTO ililll CllSP. I. Ph.

f. 4 rk 7 I 1 1 r- 1 i r-t- 61 IMPLEMENT paid 4 room dim, npt. Ph. 2103, 84 pV 11 4 loom unf, apl. with hot water heatrr: rlertrlr ronnpctlons.

Or 6 room npi, mpnt. Apply.7H f'hLrl N1rp 4 room unf, tor. K8S, flOOr limn, rm 1111 Clew in. Good nclghhorlirHKl Th 7 pk 86 3 rm. nnriirn.

apt. pvt hnth. nutrt- hoi water hcator Ph 7 18 8 18 Modern room fur. apt. Ph.

or 4563. 2'n oi: tf Modern apt. 3 rooms and hmh, ly decorated, pood furniture, gas rqiilp- ment. Ph. .1,773.

Simon. 521 it il. $8 up s. ftirnish- $4 up single. 114 Wt-st, Ash Ph.

2833. 8-4 ck tf mortfrn nnfurn. apt. Ph. nwni furnisher! Mrs.

3 room uiir. souri, Ph. 4656. ppartnifnt 2M 7 2P pk 106 Mis- 729 pk R5 3 rm. utilities.

Ho: run! cold wnlrr. Ph. 2fl29. Rl ck 5 Services EXPERT RKKRIC'JKHATION RKPAIR SKRVICI-: Tor qxilck. ft: service on n(r c'uu- dttlonln? remqernuon nnd apnlianrcs rsLI or 6064 BRCXFF REFBIOKRATION" CO 4 tl Bob Malonp.

ph. 2771. 7 17 ck 817 my borne. Ph, 6HT, 7JI5 pX IS CO. N.

Hi way 61 Phono 21 12 7 lil Savo Money When You Buy Sell Trade Used Furniture GUN IIAltKISON 1 SON r'UKNITURK CO. 517 Ash MAKES LIGHT OF Maria Angela Bei-Ronzoli. of Milan. Italy, can mske kid ranks as soon as she nl tier father's elcclricaUy-aperatetl children's encyclopedia. Invented by Perino ncrsonzoli, the volume answers 5000 questions by matching colored lights lo painted symbols as the child render operates a set of dials and switches.

Bergonzoli gave the only copy to his daughter when told the book would cost J40 volume to produce. Above. Muna gives lior doll a free lesson. For Sale Forred To Sell My Ubpriv and Mtii'i All for Fsfafe fionie which a a rvl rr Real ICshile for Sale: lin'oe bctlrooms, lile; 1 HrantiHil now two hfidroom lialhs automatic baRoboard 3 a Iiuinn nn Holly Si. rmll ftn allic fan, r- Il ftProl i i now i Iil tiisposat, cloi-lric dish- Ark.

1 foncrele driveway, allic fan, warier, lai'Jire ftmc and phty- i' Vhi7 Kii 1 tile kill-lion ami batli. Have ro0; ilfl(j This tliH muxiinuni PHA rcminiilmcni. EDSON (Continued from 4) hnslt- will have made ami be even and location you have R. 'Batlrr 2Sf Joiteshoro. Ark his sink tlio yanie.

i This is of course the maximum time. Men working overtime and ion second nnd third which eniiiun pny, will of course make up their loss from the strike much 1 Buy With Confidence OK USED CARS TRUCKS! IH.iO CHKVROI.KT I'owerglide 2-dnor seat covers, fresli nir healer defroster, how mileage, litaiiliful Uircli Grey finish. J'JIT CHKVKOI.KT 5-'l'assen(fcr Co bull on radio, good tires, Mack CHKVKOI.KT IAVH fine tires, ft. body wilh solid dmuly fur. KOttJ) V-8 1'ickup Sullivan-Nelson's special price MM8 CIIKVKOI.KT I'ickup reiil miiney-Niivvr, lliis (ruck runs like CIIKVKOI.KT I'ickup Truck come lo I he big paved lot on Street nil!) CHKVUOUCT 2 -Tnn I'ickup a real buy in a late mndel pickup I Many Others to Choose From EASY PAYMENT PLAN KfiMemkcr, you can nlwayj mukc i ood deal at SULLIVAN-NELSON CHEVROLET COMPANY 'Tin Bit Used Car Lot Walnut Street" 301 Walnut Phone 4578 l-lnve jiliiiost new three lv vs "'anted.

Owner le-av- liedi-noin home with three carl 1 l''or appoint incut to' tiiul drive; spp (l 'ionic, call DAVID i .17 M. way. AVith aliovo AI- KSTATK i- i.iipnai A donblf nn inrh Cotitlnpnial om For Information come to Ph. )52 renlinjt foi- 5SO per me. Also TYPEWRITERS DON EDWARDS CO.

113 W. Walnut Plenty of Parking Space ir hp(lT(n)tn homo roar (H till for lii-ick iK'ilruoni on Kentucky St. Centra! heating plant. Plastered two nnrt lialf tile batlis. ntlic fan, Venetian blinds, wall lo carpet ing, storm wiiidinva.

fluplex on rpav renting fur Slid nui. Terms, -j I''ive fuiiiii IIIIIISR with two pk Rv hail I'DT $'litO per mo. Day 3205, N'iles V. and MSTA'I'K INVKST- MRNT ph. 3633 or 248G.

CniilrnctinK Fails Military nircrnft ure now cuiuplniniiifr that the bis sliarlly Hfter (he Korean bc- tiitu is nut workuiy out. Thi.s plan originally drawn tip on in- SS ek 8 I Route, c.ohlcr, Mo i Kislcnce by many COIIKI es.srnon businoss'lie aiven a 2 h-Mlroojri. ftirtilshVcl nl I ls ck Ba( A.i. bu. coin.

Phone Inat. trnfl'T niir! 12 mr iisrrl very llitle, wl 3 or Mori. 4 2 s. SrtJlnjr on srcount of hr-Aith 1104 SO. 2m, BljtheTllle.

Aric 7,7 pV K', Lucia Gaines Furniture Co. Farm Loans Wanted Vff now tnr MUTUAL I.IFK (TO to or rffliiAure jour old tit 0 ypar trrm ai IO-A- ratp nf i( i- arnrll 35 pX There (if job, hislonil of Lif. till In piii'ts and Kiib-as-semblics would lie les.s vnlnnrable to a permanent knockout in case of bombing. with CJenet'nl Klec- i trie's LcicklaiKt, Jol CIIKIOC ccn- ler is to show the weakness I of this ulan. Tins Lochland plant supposed to practically no i manufacturing nt all.

but assem- ble parts brought in from sllb-con- Iraclwra. It hasn't worked out BS Air experts nnticipaled. Instead nf getting rid of many production problems, they have Increased. Paper work is heavier. It takes longer for ciigineerinp; changes ordered by the Air Force to drip tllroimb prims contractors lo tnb-contracl- ors.

loo. The idea was that 'plant with multiple sources of Wanted to Buy I my 7 i For Rent 1 ton tnick Caj-h. A Rt. I. Box 235 B.

OsceoU. Phone a22Ri. 7 14 pk 87 HIGHEST PRICES PAID II. ('. ioom tlFKtf lot An ft on SlrpiH srhmjl home.

(Will tor rAsh. me Trade yunr old fnrnilure for tin, wire and all kinds of 2 rm. mm. hnnw.Tm'ti umittfi i scrap melal. 2,0 pk Blytheville Iron Metal Co.

4 Wlrn for now. 1 will nisi) Inly yotii' old furnilurc. Farinors tnrms 1 fluplet 3 room Rtirl hath apt. with 1 electric hot hpnter. Phone 222H 86 or (Km.

110 K. Sycnmorf. Bl ck tf 1,2 down, balance in the Formerly Arnuld phont 2iB7. My nunloi'ii rrrru- I rh" -1 I Calliolit Ph. 2478.

102 E. 7 11 pn I -i 1 .1 vcn ill lovirl. Blylni-vlHr. Ark. 1 0 tl 1(1 11 IIWIM' I'M M'HI.

III 7H iti'rl (lump hn) nnrt liout fill 1 fjll'lll lallll. A.trntlon Cotton Oln Owners: i exlrr. skip honrns to how Ini Spray palming arc oniiipiird tn hpahs i OllP SIX I'Ooni flOUSP tlPar len G. Thompson, pilnt imir itns or anytninir von have A vvrhh i 1 1 Pqi't ph. JIM.

ck tr to he spraj-M. rh. 2359 or Manila S2K. IMmii. tid hat city llmluv rti 7 pfc 8,6 Moilcrn ronrenlpnres.

M. I.KK 1'h. wmi 720 ck 12 R'EALTESTATE 'amis Citv I' LOAN'S mn. For Rent or Lease OR LEASE lUlililillK I no 1 ed of 11 Street, nmv nccii- hy l.iherty fash Sloi-e. will lie for rent Sent.

1st. For information see I I N. R'lway A Afmilf.rie Drive- Phone In ck- tf; We will psy CA.SH for TOUT old Ko- daks, rmnern.s und lenses prtrts OSTKKM-S STUDIO. IIS Wpsl Main I'll L-k tr AVanl Id liny old lintiso Hi'iis or (idinr lyuo builtl- injrs for Phone f)GT4 i fl a.m. and 5 p.m.


H. WEBB ArUinallc Hnod Coucrclc i MrUI Sepllc Tankt Scwcr Tile Btsl We ntli fil al Slate Line rhone 8414 Agency G. HUBBARDJ (Jli'iicuf. T'h Hulilmrd Fni'nitniT Co. i v.

8 ck il 5 i M.Mleni A- i liaili IVvan Ave llanl-1 iwuDfl t'loors. flour fnriuu-e. etfr. liot hi'iUer. I This liniise is: Insurance Call "4553 For No rar vmi himMin'v "ill tw h.tpiu to ivr ynu rlicrltitp hi-- forc yon chrrk Ihc UK- encinc.

DIP br.ikrs. Hie .01 thr llihi-s likt-ly In nil a lim coiul itlra. Ilim yon can ItiMil for thr hill-: with tlit knnuletlge your rjr will ccl vim (here. fi'V I i i IT' I It I lin ron.litioii. $i8no i I.

Pollard "ill limicile anil nf rrnlcetion i FVrOfv Rm Hi: ly 2SI h. i n4 A st Notice Authorized Service 1 2 Big Lotj ot Railroad Ash Streets CHAMBLIN SALES CO! Your Friendly Stuitiakcr Dealer if -Mr. C.I. 1 a I i-in. i I'iilh.

scveeiieil in IpHrk (r.iivh, tral. hot 1 heal or. Close in on Vine. RL'simmp' I'riie Closing cost i Stay Within The Law! llrrs shllil- tor Kill, viiu'l! tii-MT snrr unless MMI Miii'it- is VVr tlir I spcpd- rlrr Inr all mukrs r.irs inrt T. SEAY MOTOR CO.

Main Pictures Of Your Vacation KK.NT A C'AJIKUA All Tvpos of ramrraj and nt R.irnej'f Barney's Drug CAMKRA Main rii.n« Television Radios REPAIRED Any Moke or Model Set 1 DAY SERVICE FREE PICKUP DELIVERY SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Day Phone: 2642 Night: 8858 No Charge For N'ight Oils FRED CALLIHAN RADIO SERVICE 110 S. 1st Bi.r(fi«TilI« Si-e or csll Private Rooms JOHNNY MARR Kenltnr 112 So. -Jrnl riiniie 1'holle '2Mfi 7 24 If i Hr.tio Rfrttr lrr bfrtroom. Ash. Ph nlrnr bath 19 pit 19 h.

1 i- i JJIKMJ. CRI1 i hftth fill 7 ii ct. nn Hrtlnioni ui Suti rn- y-'tr ikll Ph. 3H1 p.iii. pk the Peach Crop Is Short! It's Now Half Gathered We now have Freestone Peaches Wholesale or Retail BLYTHEVILLE CURB MARKET Main iS Jllytlicville Come to East Main For TheTruckDealYouWant 395 :795 FOKII Hi-Ton IAVI! with new bed, new tires, new nuint.

only CHKVKOI.KT -Ttm Trnrk with Hxlo, lirt's. 2-Ton Trnrk wild '-spool (Jootl I ires. Sine now at Iliirncr-Wilson IHSn STUDKUAKKIt nsually clean, city truck. Now only 1 CilKVHOI.KT 2-Tun SWI! (ruck is nice and so's the price! I liUS MACK 2-Ton tires, new paint. Look Iwur llii.s price lillii KOH1) i-i-Ton the liny of your life conic to ilson 1941 2 -Ton a -JI, $-JQr it's a dandy.

Come to ICast in Klylheville CMKVUOI.KT IJi-Tun new Ijed, g(H)d tires. everywhere HORNER-WlLSON 495 EAST MAIN Hock el Oltlsinoliile G.MC Trucks 205(1 I'seil Car I.ol 1'honc 6151.

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