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The Democrat-American from Sallisaw, Oklahoma • 2

Sallisaw, Oklahoma
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sbwbm THURSDAY OCTOBER 28 1937 THE DEMOCRAT AMERICAN SALLISAW OKLAHOMA Awi'rintn foMtehed Thursdays at Sallisaw Oklahoma CLARK Editor and Lessee ESTABLISHED 1907 A GIANT TORTOISE POUND SOIL COPH 1937 BY NEA SERVICE INC LU to nighr DREADED six nt CO 9 QlAlty TO YOU? DtKNBAILt GASOLINE cabi Mrs Mrs Shall We Plow Straight meeting OR THINK STRAIGHT and and Hall pastor HOMER SMITH Oaks goin: I at home Once it is gone it doesn't come back Boys are hereby BUT We inaaee Preservation Projects Sallisaw State Bank Thr iftnnmit Amrrirnn HERE 15 DN1J ntsTiat been days the Nazarene the 100 mark spent Stew in the District Court of entitled The Prudential Company of America a 1937 until paid and said action including fee and the taxes due upon said real estate Okla racing Adminlstra of Rhuba the Northeast of the North of Section 1 "Did you know that by actual measurement more than 20 of the rainfall runs off a field planted in straight rows up and down hill whereas a field listed on the contour loses only a little mere than 1 of the same two and a half inch rain? And that more than three tons of good rich top soil is carried away by this surplus runoff whereas the soil stays on the field with the water if the plowing has been designed to keep it there SOOO WAintvv The practice of planting cotton in straight rows is partly responsible for your having to abandon that south forty of pointed out Ernest Teffort one of the more progressive farmers in this vicinity rye Patterson Attorneys for Plaintiff said In cor MOONT rainier NOW EET HIGH ONCE WAS OVER 16000 EET IN HEIGHT BEORE VOLCAN IC ACTIVITY BLEW don't have to go to college to understand spoke up someone else NOTICE SALE Notice is given that on the 15th day of November 1937 at 2:00 o'clock at the front door of the court house at Sallisaw in Sequoyah County Okla homa the undersigned sheriff of said go a they de 1 also and and hereinabove described executors administra trustees and assigns remote of Pollie Holt Polly Holt deceased Holt afterwards Vann Emmett Vann de which each took or were en to take therein Plaintiff al that Pollie Holt also known as Holt died intestate a widow NEXT COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE HOMER SMITH BARN RIDAY NOVEMBER 5TH see that oldest boy of Dave Plowman's is bock from the Agricultural College remarked a coming share cropper to a group of men gath ered in front of the bank last Saturday going there for about three years now when he ought to be home helping his dad and I bet be can't plow a straighter rrw of cotton than my 10 year old Jeny can right A ARM IS A GOOD INVESTMENT ONLY WHEN IT IS PROPERLY HANDLED OCR UTUBE DEPENDS NOT ON THE CBOP8 PRODUCED THIS SEASON BUT ON THE CAPACITY THE SOIL TO PRODUCE AGAIN NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE ROST LANDIS and KOHN Chicago New York Atlanta St Loula Detroit San rancisco Loa Angles Seattle and Dallas CHURCH THE NAZARENE OCT the ser AULDA ROSSON Court Clerk Concrete slabs are an efficient cheap means of controlling erosion in ditches according to Horace Harper A and College soils specialist immediate and remote of i Holt afterward Vann and of Pollie Holt as Polly Holt deceased replied Ernest is just one way of learning how to keep our soil popcorn SO Wc both Lose! (Pub in Democrat American Oct 14 21 28 Nov 4 11 1937) Mrs Grace Reager music teacher with her pupils will furnish two solos Sunday evening Come and hear this rendition Remember Rally Day Sunday Nov 7th at the Church of Will you help us make on that date? Rev TRY Itch Ointment 40c and 75c Drug Store Careful SUBSCRIPTION RATES Year within Sequoyah County in $150 Year outside Sequoyah County in $250 Oklahoma Consumers' tax law re Lis mineral grant and the rights of each and all of the other defendants in this cause and all persons claiming under them since the filing of the pe tition in this suit Salo will be made pursuant to an order of sale issued upon a judgment entered in the District Court of Se quoyah County Oklahoma on Decem i her 27 1932 in suit No 6166 wherein John Redmond is plaintiff and Jennie Horn et al are defendants to satisfy said judgment in the sum of $214612 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per annum from August 11 1930 $20000 attorney's fee and the costs in the sum of $6500 and costs accruing and costs of sale Witness my hand this 12th day of October 1937 CHARLEY HUTCHENS Sheriff of Sequoyah County Oklahoma your advertisement here and peo ple know or care a rap whether von are selling real estate peanuts or Mrs Silas Crutchfield Mrs John Crutchfield and daughter Mavis June and Daisy Crutchfield spent awhile Sunday afternoon withMi and John Allen avorite Prcs caused my appetite to improve ami I felt fine New size tabs 50c liquid $1 $135 Duy touay or your neignuorhood druggist your advertisement were in this space as many people would read it as are reading this Hanson 'r Mr Mrsloyd Leigh and children spent Sunday with Mr Mrs JW Timmerman of Watts Mrs Pearl Brackett was the guest of her sister Sunday Miss Edna Perry Mr Jake Keck spent Satu day night with his parents Mr and Mrs Harm Keck of Keston Okla Mi Ralph Morris of McAlaster spent the week end with his folks here Mr and Claud Mathies spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs Nicholson Everyone in this community was I sorry to heap of the death of Mrs John Taylor Mrs Earl Payne and two children spent Saturday night with her mother Mrs Mayme Harp (Pub in Democrat American Oct 28 Nov 4 11 18 25 1937) NOTICE SHERIS SALE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to aji order of sale issued out of the office of County No 7182 County surande poration plaintiff vs Zoc A Watts I Mildred Watts Mary Watts Morgan Russell Morgan Helen Virginia Clift Charles Clift Mildred Watts Ex ecutrix of the Last Will and Testament of Thos Watts deceased The Un known Heirs Executors Administra tors Devisees Trustees and Assigns of Thos Watts deceased Tetley Walter Mann Geo A Belt The Unknown Heirs Executors Adminis trators Devisees Trustees and Assigns of Tailman deceased and McDqnald Patton and Blackard Trustees of Paw Paw Oil and Gas Company a dissolved corporation George Bryant Maude Bryant rank Oxford Delia Oxford Harold Stubblefield Mildred Shermer Irene Ellis The Unknown Heirs Executors Administrators Devisees Trustees and Assigns of rances Morlan deceased defendants I will on Monday the 29th day of November 1937 at the hour of ten o'clock A at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Sallisaw in said County and State offer for sale and will sell to the high est bidder for cash at public auction without appraisement according to law the following described real estate situated in Sequoyah County State of OKianoma to wit: The Sou'll of and the North '7 of the Southeast Township 10 North Range 26 East of the Indian Meridian to satisfy a certain judgment and de cree of foreclosure of a leal estate mortgage rendered in said action on IhA 2fith ftav nf Arvril a am IdVUi LI vinLi rTM 5 piwmuii me jriuueiiuai insurance 'rniYin'inv rr A wsavU a I Ml KA41IV14V2 Uvl I JUi 1 and against said defendants Zoe A Watts and Mildred Watts Executrix cf the Last Will and Testament of Thos Watts deceased for the sum of $795532 together with interest there on at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from April 12 for all costs of $60000 attorney and delinquent Dated at Sallisaw Sequoyah Coun ty Oklahoma this the 27th day of October 1937 CHARLEY HUTCHENS Sheriff of Sequoyah County Oklahoma rye Patterson and Earl Bohannon Attorneys for Plaintiff over an pell ord Sunday dams acres 225000000 AAAV BE OUND ANNOUNCEMENT OR You are especially invited' to vices of the church Sunday School 10 a Preaching at 11 a 6:30 Preaching at 7:30 Wednesday evening prayer 7:30 Society Thursday after Close grazing and intensive cultiva 2:30 tion are the secrets of Johnson grass eradication advises Gernert agronomist at the Oklahoma A College their interest in said estates that the title of plaintiff therein should beforever quieted and' you and each of you forever barred and perpetually en joined from hereafter asserting or setting up any right title interest or estate therein contrary and adverse to the interest of plaintiff and for such other and proper relief as to the Court seems just and proper Dated this the 20th day of October A 1937 7ms Curious World erguson MOTHER NATURE worked wisely when she made the tortoise to travel in slow gear especially since she had constructed him in such a manner that he cannot get up when turned on his back Quick moving creatures frequently fall on their backs and such a mishap might prove fatal for the tortoise NEXT: What per eent of the students entering universitiesnd colleges this fall will drop out before spring? Mountain View Miss Margaret Price who is attending school at Conners spent the week end With he a parents Mr and MrsMack Price Mrs Pearl Blalack and daughter Sttaebath spent Sat in ort Smith Mr and Mrs Charley Edwards of Ma ble City spent the week end at the bokne of her paaents Mr and Mrs WX McClanahan Oeraldine Ellis is on the sick list ttMi week but better at this writeing Bnei body in this community was Tory aorry to loose Mr and Vernle Owen who left last week for Texas Mr Mrs Wess Ellis and Childreneat Sunday with Jess Dunn and Mnday night with Gearldine Ellis and best bidder without appraisement of the defendant Lester under all that certain real estate in Sequo yah County Oklahoma to wit: South 20 acres and Northeast 983 acres of Lot One and South 20 acres and Northwest 990 acres of Lot Two of Section Six Township Eleven North Range Twenty three East of I containing 5973 acres more or less McCoyt Willie Davis of Brent visited his ibrother and family Mr and Mrs Cecil Davis of this place Mr and Mrs Orbie McCoy of Shiloh visited Sunday with Mr par ents of this place Wc were all sorry to hear of the death of Julia Ann Stewart also Mrs Alice Taylor Mrs Ida Maynard has been on the sick list for the past few days Alva McCcmbs is also ill Little Mary Ann Bethany has on the sick list for the last few Norbin Woodrow Sid Bethanj' and rank Gann and Cecil Allen left Tues day for Anadarka where they will pick cotton awhile Mr and Mrs Woodrow Munsie of Tulsa are spending a few days with his sister and family Mr and Mrs Bl Jackson of this place your independent BE SQUARE dealer we speak with authority We have everything it takes to turn out a first class job to give you the best service available for your car Our interest in you is the friendly relationship be tween two neighbors We are in business for ourselves Your car receives our best personal attention The petroleum products and car accessories we sell bear the name BARNS DALL a reputable name in the oil industry for 77 years! We hope you will agree that BARNS DALL and your BE SQUARE service man are both 1st IN PRESTIGE! Seven Oaks Rev Andrew Tune from Watts filled hk regular appointment st Seven this week end The ladies of this place are to sponsor a party riday Bight Miss Pluma Peters spent Sunday vrith Mr and Mrs Bob Jennings of JkalUsaW Mr and Mrs John Coleman and children of ort Smith and Eugene BMtolt were the Saturday night guests ft Mr and Mrs Bumie Chuculate I Mn Prank Barnes and children were Bunday dinner guests of Mr and Grady Peters Owen Taylor who is attending col Je at Warner spent the week end the home of his mother Mrs Janice Tartar Mrs Manuel Peters spent Sundaywtth Mrs Luke Thomas Mttle Miss rances Coleman from JBrt Smith spent last week with Mr' mA Mrs Bumie Calculate Miss Mae Houser entertained with candy breaking Thursday night BVcryone reported a nice time Lenora Kinsey from Miller' Ndge spent Thursday night with her Iaadmother Mrs Georgia rizzle Velma Griffiths Beatrice Mckbum Anna Lee Peters and Iva WMH attended the singing convention Sunday afternoon I I don't very often read enough strain my eyes an awful lot but I do try to kinda half way keep up with politics And the reason I like to read something now and then on politics is because it is most always good comedy And if you like jokes you will long ways to finl places while are better than in our Capital And1 you will read where one net member is us to lay off dr plantin' so and solve the production farm problem And ther cabinet member he is mell here and thee fur more water to give us new end bigger crops So it is hard to savvy how any far mer can plant less and also plant more at the fhme time and it looks as if the fellers sponsorin' these great plants they maybe never meant for anybody to take 'em too serious in the first place And anybody so it is quite a good joke on like lookin' under the shell no pea and the other feller has our two bits or is maybe re eelcted Yours with the low down JO SERRA BURROW Dislributor Sallisaw Oklahoma MIDDLE LIE Mrs White of 711 Cherokee St Mus kf'Rce middle life I had no appetite and was nerv ous and had terrible headaches and hack aches associated with functional disturbances I took Dr 'ription as a tonic and it provided however that said premises! snail nrst be olicred lor sale suoject to taxes and tax sales and the rights of the defendant Lester under his mineral deed and will be sold in the event that said premises so of fered for sale shall bring a sum suf ficient to pay the judg ment with interest fee and costs but in the event that said prem ises so offered for sale shall not bring a sum sufficient to pay the judgment with interest attorney's fee and costs then said premises shall be offered for sale and sold subject only Roy rye and A Little to the taxes assessed against said real Attorneys for the Plaintiff motor oils WW AWAfJPAM determining by name and individual county will offer for sale and sell for estate and tax sales and free clear io'entity the person or persons who cash at public auction to the highest and discharged of and from the rights took or were entitled to take any in terest in the lands as heirs tors devisees immediate and also known as and of Jennie deceased and of ceased' and the proportionate part or parts titled leges Polly leaving surviving her as her sole and only heirs her children Diana Holt now Diana Bark also known as Nancy Bark Sarah Holt now Sarah Smith Lizzie Bird also known as Eliza Bird and Jennie Holt afterwards Vann and that Jennie Holt afterwards Vann died intestate leaving as her sole and' only heirs her husband Richard Vann also known as Vann and her son Emmett Vann and that Emmett Vann died intestate single without issue leaving as his sole and only heir bis father Richard Vann also known as Vann and no other heirs and One advance One advance fTb quire that newspaper publishers collect 2 cent tax upon subscription sales You MU please therefore remit the additional fam of 2 cehts for each dollar which is contained in your remittance) The Democrat American is a consolidation the Sequoyah County Democrat Sailisaw American Muldrow Sun and Vian Press Th liability of The Democrat American Aftd of its publishers for any error in any advertisement is limited to the cost of such advertisement THE LOW DOW ii roni HICKORY GROVE ministrators trustees devisees and assigns immediate and remote of said deceased persons and Ida Durfee and Celia Calderwood and Celia Calderwood aa trix of the estate Calderwood deceased You and each of you notified that you have been sued In the District Court of Sequoyah Coun ty State of Oklahoma in an action numbered 7350 wherein Pulliam is plaintiff and Diana Holt now Diana Bark also known as Nancy Bark and others are defendants and that you must answer the petit Rai of plaintiff filed herein on or before the 1st day of December A 1937 or the same will be taken as true and judgment rendered for plaintiff quieting his title in the following described real estate situate in the County of Sequoyah State of Oklahoma to wit: of of NEU and NU of NEU of NW'i and NU of NWU of NEU and SE4 of NWU of NEU and EU of SWU of NEU of Sec 13 Township 12 North Range 22 East And for further judgment judicially Seauoyah County Democrat entered at the XWtoffice at Vian Sequoyah County Okla Bocna under Act of March 2 1879 as second flrr matter Entered as second class matter Atgnst 21 1914 at the postoffice at Salli ggw Oklahoma under Act of March 2 1879 Sallisaw American entered at Sallisa Oklahoma as second class matter at Sallisaw Oklahoma May 31 1929 tools machinery and equipment to gjthrr with the name of this paper are by the East Oklahoma Publishing Company but Clark is lessee thereof the said East Oklahoma Publishing Company is not liable for any debts or ob 5ations incurred by or on behalf of this japar during the term of said lease nor oneeount of any damages growing out of any jNraonal injuries sustained in the operation gf its plant nor on account of any libel by loaaon of any printed matter printed orblished in this paper nor on account of slanderous word spoken Tfc Democrat American invites communi cations for publication when subject is of gMMral interest and if letter is not abusive OK of personal nature But all such comma Creations must bear signature not Aocessarily for publication but as indicat ion of good faith Saide Mr and Mrs Art Davis and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Allen and children Eugene Kefley spent Saturday with Bill Crutchfield Mrs Tom Powell and' children Sunday evening with Mrs Bige art Mrs Bige father last week with her Mavis June Crutchfield spent Sat uiday night with her grandparents nd Mrs Crutchfield Mr and Mrs Maynard and family1 tended the baptising at Sanders the Court Clerk of Sequoyah State of Oklahoma in case tliat all of said hejrs have conveyed (Pub tn Democrat American Oct 21 28 and Nov 4 1937) NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Case No 7350 The State of Oklahoma: To the Heirs Executors Adminis trators Trustees Devisees and As signs Jennie ceased known of Emmett Vann deceased the unknown heirs executors ministrators trustees devisees CANNOT RIGHT IT5E7U7 ONCE IT HAS ALLHNJ ON ITS BACK 7' IfWBw I o' Mk 1 99 1 11 iiuinMnrrif I I I 0 0.

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