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Wilmington Journal from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 3

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

il i i r. 4 rvi.4 'ft LATHST Drsertea1 Villages. S-4. -r OUt! IRAVELINalcOBnESrONDENT. wa.

be iy.ths icttaloa to thass cf Adtaoe aad Jjonl." I i Total popaUlioa cf CrtTta eotxnty 20,031. Tin Richmond Telrxsnwajn that lToa. Bea. WcoJ- of New York, ia larwtlag largely ia Virginia laada. Hi owns $70,.

COO ia one of tho tido-waUr coaatie. lis Is also investing ia North Carolina land. 7obx ku eeaed upon the Western North Carolina llxilrod, west of Aabc-ville, and all the contractors hire either departed with their force, or are idle, and the Company ia without foadi to paj thexa. Wz leara that a barbecue aad jubilee, ia honor of the DexaocratioaadConaerratire victorv ia tho State, cornea oil at Iteration, Joliaitoa coaatj, on Friday, the 7th iaat Several speaker! are expected, aad there will bs a general turn-out of the people. Sat 1ho Slatcsvflla Ancrican: G.

WikiAms and Jobr W. Redman, brothera-in-Law. residing tho upper portion of Iredell, had a difficult aboat soma matter, Ust week, when Williams shot Redman to as to endanger Lis life. Williams haa been lodged in jail at ibis place, to await the i Condition Oi me wtaaacj tamo. We srahsrrr.

to leiraf aaje the War- rentoa Gjzez, that CoL Lb Edward, of Oxford, will contest the right of Robert W. Lisiitcr to a scat i a the Senate that in all human probibilitbo will do ao withsueccs. We bear that -Mr. Lassitcr received noriv ooo hundred illegal votes, as can be proved. Me.

A O. IJkown, a high! respected cit zca of Yancey coanty, waa stabbed and killed ca the 20ih ulL, at RurnsTille. ia tbat coanty, by a rain named Mont Ray. llrowu was a Democrat and IUy waa a of -tbe Uoldcn stripe. The ranr- dercr waa cot arrested at laat account! There bid been a dispute on political Tns StJtni backs down from its statement that the Ka-Klax were riding ia Cwdl coanty.

Tho SiamVird is setticg a bad precedent for its own guidance, and we beg ittr pic; and thi consequences. Slioald it en-ilt-arr to correct all of its fals aa-scrtioni daring the pist two jcrs it woald have room for tioWing cb dmics tbo next eix except, a Governor rrocumtiou cr taa. LiriiRAurv Tow.vius tue Roaxoke axd Tab Uivrn Aoaicrx.TVat. Societt. The Treasurer of thia Association a few lajs recturcd a cbeck for $100 from John Robinson.

tha President of tbe Keabard 1 Roancke Railroad aad the Raj Line cf ritearaers. as a gift from tbat gentleman towards aiding the completion of tbc lir Ground of the Society. Tbe Society will appreciate this liberality. In this connection, wo woald state tbat Fremont, tbe Superintendent of 1 efthscenraa Calbcno aristocracy Is aU'il ocwrrici at falda, to eonsider tbe Infanbfnty Ths rraixiaas gaised some advaatags hear rpemon ytiltrday, which opens the place to taem. They bombarded rpemoa for eacne time.

Tbe UoUlee and Frane Tlrienra fought braveir tm were csaale to stan the enemy's artmery. i raxLcU army wl-ch, is now ia Algeria, tmfrierlrrg'nXOO, demands a raeall to resist the 1 i Oct i. Tha Parialaae having ordered ao prisoners to be takea beea use they eoncame FrssaLaw oomtaaadera have 'ordered bo priaoners to be Uaea. v. AHvillace arooad Bats' have beea destroyed by the laleearmoaada.

1 Tbe navlgaliea of the Baltie will donbtlsas be safe before tbe steamers starting from America rrlve. -i Tnoraa, Oct i The Aaatriaa Oovarnmeat agaia disclaims any aaaiety aboet Taiasfan deeigos upon DaaabiaB priocipalities. i FoaTAnxaLKiir. Ool- A dstaokmsot or ssvsral hoadred strong, attacked the Fraae Tirenas, bear here to day, ad were haodaomely repulsed. Ths Prus sians retreated towards Chad. OlSsial The saanifasto, dated WUhelmshohe aad sigaed by Kapoleoa, i enknown here and is donbtlese apocryphal, Toras, Oct. 6. Tbe battle of tbe 4th, near Chateau GafHiard, a prodactioa of important results. The Prussians were defeated and their positions taken by the Frenek, which eotapelled the Prussians to evacuate Pi tbtviera. The Prussians abandoned Pitbiviers so hastily that they left many cattle and much forage.

I LeanoH, Oet. 9, Late Paris advices report znaeh plundering. Tbe railways and highways jweet ef Paris have been miaed, aod will be exploded aa tbe Prussians m. i Beanvais, forty-ooe miiee north of Patii, has baea made a great viotaabztg etitio i by tbe Frotsiaas.

Preparations for the bombardment of Paris is nearly oom plated. Beanregard'e presence in Frasoe is denied. Hamburg, Oct. 6. The steamers of tho Hamburg and American lines are need for the detention of French pria oners.

rrem WtMblsigtesi. Washxkotow, Oct. A regiment of Irish volunteers are forming at berbourg. Men for tbe regiment are leaving both Ireland aad England daily. authoritatively denied.

Armed citizens compose tbe police. People dine abroad and drive about as though the Pruad siana were in Berlin. The army of Lyons on the first was reported to be composed of4a hundred thousand men, fully armed and equipped. The nay. of tbe Loire, between Tours and Bourges, at the same date was reported to be a hundred and fifty thousand Enormous quantities of arms snd millions of pounds of powder have been shipped from English ports to the French.

sTrona OrjrczsxATi, Oct. 6. There was a large meeting held here last night, the Sontbera delegates participating. Resolutions were unanimously adopted ia favor of free wharfage. If issomrl.

8t. Louis, Oct. 6. The Tsmperanoe Convention 'voted against tbe prohibitory laws and special temperanoe candidates for office. Tbe report 'that thirty-five miners were burled ths Caaeyville Coal Mines, is a hoax.

aTeralgsa Ismaary, WASHXXaTOV, Oct. 4i Bismarck replies to Favre that preliminary notice of the bombardment of Pari a would be un-miUtery. Bismarck insists tbat Pros si an terms Favre for armistice were moderate. Ceadltlom or Gcaeral At. K.

Ie. Oct. 4. CoL Chriatlan, Jnat from Lexington, reports that on the evening of tbe 28th of Beptember Oeneral Lee, after presiding over an naaaually large meeting of the Faculty of Washington College, attended a protracted and exciting meeting of the Ysatryof ths Epiaoopal Churoh. On returning to his residence be fainted from the extraordinary fatigue, was placed In where be has remained, under the advioe of his physicians.

He has had no symptons of apoplexy or paralysis or a torpor, bat has had the fall use of bis bodily powers and speaks as occasion requires. His physicians confidently expect bis recovery In a day or so. On Monday at noon he was ebeerfaL and his family and physicians are confident of his speedy restoration. Cob Christian Isft General Lee's bonee at 12 o'clock yesterday. Tbe above is reliable.

Iffew Yerla llarket. Nrw Toax, Oct. 6 Noon. Blocks vary quiet. Gold llif.

Money 4 to 5 cent, premium. Sterling Exchange long, 109 abort, 1091. Jlve-twenties of 'C2 1121. Flour sniet and firm. Wheat dull.

Corn quiet and firm. Mess Pork dull at 125 60. Lard quiet. Cotton quiet but strong Uplands 16 cents; Orleans 16 cents. Sales of 100 bales.

Spirits Turpentine is held firmly at 40 eenta. Bosin firmer strained 12 05. Freights firm. Srinrrs Tcbtecxtsx We have been favored by Cob Wm. Is.

DeRoeset, of Messrs. DeRoaset with the following tabular statement of exports, of Spirits Turpentine at this port for the quarter endincr 30th September. 1870, a a com pared with tame for 1869: -ooMPABATrra BTATCtfrxr of sruuxa ttjs. AT WILHUIGTOS, x. FOB tub quaexxb svprjro bxftxxbzb 30th, 1870.

as N. no 25 SI lows 1 Peruvian -Gnand, 32 Paciflc do. Guano, 70; Patapsoodo. $C5; rucBDix ao. 53 navassa uuano, tuo Wilcox.

Gibbe A Go's Manipulated do. $70 Ooe's Superpbosphate of lime, S60 Banb's Raw Bone G0; Whitelooks Cerealizer J70 Chesapeake Phoephate, 60 JJster BrosT 8apf-phosphate of Lime Raw JJon Sa-perphoephate. 170; lodi ManO'acturinK Co. Pure Bone48; do da double refined PoudreOe S30; do do phosphate Lime 1 6 1 Berber fc Batza 1 Wilson's 'Snrerphoaphate pound Acid Phosphate of Lime 43 Land, Piaster 1 18 ail Dtoa of 2.000 lhaHP! i j- XLcra xs without material change' since 'our last. The market is fully "supplied with all arrades of Northern and Western brands, and we qnote a moderate demand: for jobbing lots.

See table for store rates. State breads are in luht stocV, but snmeient for the meagre demand. We quote at $7 25 $7 60 for superfine 5i Fran MuBeJs are rather soaxee, aud a I f.Ut demand No receipts, and cargo: price is nominal at SC 9 From store we quote as selling: at $6 for pise, and 19 roar oak barrels. The Gobs imarket; rales about the same ae last reported. No late receipts, and we are therefore without cargo sales, which we quote ae nominal at 90 cents tU is a fair atock in dealers hands, and we notion merer ly a retail demand, wbicb im beins: supplied from in quantities to suit, at SI 1043 $1 15.

fox mixed, and SI 20 baebel highest price in clading! sacks. OATa-8upplyio dealers beads very rood, and demand lizht. betl from a tore at 6570 cents Are in light stock, and only amaU iots eommer hr. We quote by the -quantity at $1 15S1 25 baehel for Oow. Rica Cleanis in moderate request for retailers' purposes, and scaroely ot on We quote Carolina at 89 cents Hat Is In light stock, and a fair demand ex-iaU.

Beceired for tbe week only about 160 bales, which sold from wbsrf at St. 15 for Northern, aad 40 100 lbs for Eastern. 4- Lm a 1 ia fir stock, and demand moderate. Sells from store at St 20 for inferior, and St 35 SI 40 eask for fresh Rockland. Ltjunaa Nothing of moHat doing, snd mar- aei xuny snppuea xne rouo wing are the rates oouunea oy me cny nuus: t- Fine Steam Sawed Lumber Carqo rales per 1.000 feei.

Ordinary assortment Cuba cargqes, 118 00 19 00 xiayu cargoes, 18 00 00 00 Foil cargoes wide Boards 20 00 a 22 00 flooring boards, rough 22 00 23 00 Phip Stuff 23 00 24 00 aeajs, aoyy 2Q 00 22 00 Prime River 18 00 20 0J MoLasexs Is in light enquiry, and raarfeet iiriy supplied. Bee tblo for etore rates, i fjs enquired lor, ana tue oici crop has all been worked off Nominal at $2 75 ousnei ror prime and extra. Pot AT0E8 Sweet arc comiog to market freely, and seU from carts at 8000 cents 'bushel. irteli are in good etock. aud market dnll fiell irom wnarr at 2 and from store at S3 25 $: 50 btl.

irOUiiTBT is in demand, and market roarlv oupy.ieu. quuie uvb onicxens at zorgaj cente, I tTTtwvn fmrlj of A I 7 Kl a -J trr. i ft iwuu ioum cwu, iu Bizti. iriiovxsiosa The Bacon market rules very firm for North Carolina, and urices are ashada er. A good demand exists, and there ia scarce ly any on maraet.

one or two small lota received, and we quote sales at 2122 cents for nog round, ana 2324 cents i for hamB. as in quality, i Wettern is in fair supply, and prices if anytmng are a suaae lower, xnere is a moder ate business aomg frcm store at the-following quotations: Smoked 15 16 cents for shoulders, 1818J cents for sides, and lfc23 cents for hamB: ary saiiea, ivaio cants lor shoulders, and 17 18 cants for sides, as in quantity. Lard Market fairly supplied with Northern, and demand mainly for retail lots. Small. Bales from store at 152l cents 15.

according to onalitv. Pobk Northern is in moderate stock, and omy a smaii ousmess aoing irom store at quotations given ia. table. Salt Is in fair demand for small lots, and the market is moderate'y supplied. Sales are being made from store and wharf at SI 50 for American, and SI 60S1 55 sack for Liverpool! ground.

buingles sto demand for shipment, and mar ket dulL Small boat loads sre selling at $3S3 50 for. Common, and S4S6 for Contract. Time in Is without material change. The demand for mill purposes is limited, and the market is rather dull. Receipts meagro.

and onlv small sales have taken place at figures given in table. Wood Is in moderate receipt, and sells bv tbe boat load at $2 60S2 75 for pine, $2 75 $3 for aah, and S3 25S3 60 i cord for oak. FaxiGHTs Market firm to coastwise ports. and prices are a Bhade higher. Vessels are scarce and wanted, and there is a fair quantity of produce awaiting shipment See table for laat prices paid.

Kate i Krelgbt. Per Steamer. Per Sailing Vessel, io Naw Yomt. Crude Turpentine per bbi. SO 00 so 60 00 45 0 00 00 5C 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 Spirits Turpentine, A per lb.

00 00 00 0 00 00 gs 1 1 00 0 so 45 0 50 Cotton per Dale. busli. 1 00 75 15 io lo Pea To Philadbxphia. i 10 Crude Turpentine per bbL 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0C9 0 0 00 00 50 50 1 00 50 2 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 oo oo 0 oo oo 42 48 80 43 Tar Spirits Tarpentlne, Kosrn. per hale Cotton per bale.

lb 0 7o Pea 10 12 6 00 00 00 8 00 00 00 TO BALTiaORE. Crude Turpentine per bbL 000 00 0 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 ,00 00 0 45 0 oo 0 oo ce 00 00 so 6 00 0 4 0 49 Tar, Spirits Turpentine 0 45 90 0 75 43 V. CO 6 0 45 2 03 10 bale pea a 1. caan. .4...

00 To Boston. Crude Turpentine per bbL Tar SpiritaTurpentine, 0 00 0 65 0 65 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 0 00 1 00 65 Cotton, per lb.) Pea Nuts. bush, Lumber 00 00 a i2 00 00 10 00 00 DIED. An tho CH, irtmt- XT kTTTf. il.nnVlii.

Jill tUW lllj VU WIO VliA. tUVI UMUgUfcJfc Walter and Hannah Jfnrlong, aged years. Ths funeral will take place at 104 o'clock this (Friday) morning, from fit. Thomas' Church. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend.

At bis residenoe, in Franklin county, on tbe 17th of September. BENJAMIN JUifiL. lilNO, in the 45th year or bis age. In Caroline county, on Monday. October I siaijViMa u.

uaauuisx, wue 01 vr. won-1 At 8oott's HilL October 2d. LUKE SYDNEY. youngest sou of O. W.

and Margaret Blculammy, the fifth year of his age. Sweetly winning in all ma ways, complacent through all his life, endowed with gifts beyond years, he was like an ever-gushing joy to bis parents and relatives, to his friends a source of wonder and delight. Called to that heavenly world, for which his pure spirit so well fitted him, the voice that made gladness on earth now makes melody in Heaven. LOST. 0Ko THE 23d OF- BEPTEMBER, on his way home from Whiteville Court, the sabacriber lost a large POCKET-BOOK containing a large nunooer of notes, amounting to about and although many or them are worthless, tne suoseriDer win liberally reward the finder by returning the same him, at his residence, Arkeliae, Columbus some convenient place where he may get it.


U. GIN- GEAR. ''it -tfh; COTTON SCREWS AND PRESSES, TURPENTINE gTITiTfl, And all kinds of Castings and, llachinory madt and repaired, i Also; Packing aad Belt- Ing, Wood Houlding, Brackets, Kewell Poets. BUir Bail- r-ic lag, AB4 oi the latest mh 25 of -i la driving from Eaarbruck to Me(z. says an English correspondent, on tho 14th of September, we were much astonished to observe all the deserted villages as von near Hetz.

Where all the people bavo flown to God only knows. There Is scarce ly a vestige of a peasant to be seen anyf where. The villages for the moat part are occupied by the landwehr, who are daily now coming to the front We passed1 in-namerablo wagons of provisions and cattle, drirea along the road the great Prussian army, now well into the heart of France. A great many, handsome private resit dences art being built in the suburbs of Memphis. 'I 'V-V'-i Mlclajrjon tFbolesAle Prices Current.

Bxzswax. 30 32 00 0 on From atoreO 00 1 35 ZloLAssss. trallo Cuba, bhds.3 12 do iVi Baaawa Bp'U each. tnd 15 2 75 New 3 75 3 00 TaUow. 18 20 19 55 icragar nouse.vj (eg wt i-do SO 1 CS a.

i i n. aa Adamantine. 17 Sperm. 60 (si Ooitzz. a Trap, uuis.mXJ iq i Navax.

Stores, Turpentine 280 fta Virgin new 0 00 2 85 ITehow dip.0 O0 2 31 Java: SO 35 26 20 23 23 Bio 17)3 Bt. Domio.2j a 00 1 35 Oottoh, Ord.toMidgl2 Btriet Tar. Sbbl.O O0 25 14i Tar.inordrO 00 1 60 15 St 30 34 35 10 1 2S Fitch, City 0 OO 2 25 OoTToa Baoomo. Gunny, ff yd 30 Dundee 00 32 Doable Ano'tSS 3 75 4 60- ao Ho. 60 3 50 do No.

2 .1 60 1 80 do No. 3. 0 00 1 35 Spirits Turpentine, 7 CO S51 uoair sixain 20 0 DoazsTiOB, iNATLS.ti Cut 5 TO 5 0 One, gallon, BheeUng. ..0 00 3 00 ff yard. VfOS 60 Fbathxbs, 13 40 1 60 MachineTV.l 73 2 00 .40 2 75 25 2 75.

Frsx, bbL, Mackerel, POTATOXS. SweeLbushO 75 1 00 No.i...J oo 3U ou No. 2... 00 00 O00 00 No. 3.

00 00 00 00 man, tbJ3 oo a ou PaoviszoNS. N. CBacoTi 6 00 9 00 22 24 la 9 24) Hfrrinjr. 00 9 00 N.C.roe. 0 00 12 50 I do ett, 8 00 Q10 GO Oo gross.

7 00 red 3 00 18 II) Qoz.ronud.i20 21 (cmoiri). Dry Cod, 0 44 10 Ftvoca, Northern 24 .18 38V 7 00 00 Buperrlne. fl 25 Fine 5 50 5 75 Kx. Super 6 25 0 6 60 NOBTB I 8 GO 8 50 Superfine. 7 00 7 25 Glue, 10 20 Grain Caos.

28 30 16 (Dry KalUd.) Middlings. 1713 Shoulders. 1 .1415 20 doNorth'rnl5 21 Butter, C. CO SO do Kortu'rn S3 45 116 17 Goako, Peruvian, Per ton. 82 60 35 00 Pona, Northern, bbi Citv Mesa 2 i 00 29 00 GaAnr, bushel, Corn 1 10 a Oats.

50 Peas, Cow.l 25 Thin 00 00 00 00 1 20 Co 130 oo oo oo 00 27 00 aaxT. Alum. uerM Bice, rough 1 75 7 Hides, Green .5 3 Dry li Hat, 100 Eastern. 1 35 1 15 Iaoff, Enlisn.ae8'd8 2 00 baa 2buah.l 60 2 00 9 7 13 Liverpool, sack, cargo oo from tore. 0,00 1 60 50 0 CO HUGAB, 3 1 i i 60 25 10 10 10 12 131 Porto Bico.JIS 11 14 ,14 A ,15 14i 15 American, rof.O American, sheer.

9 Crushod. 1151 lti Soap, 15. i 513 i 8wede 10 8 Hoop, ton. loo ooano 00 Sanranas, M.t uontract 50 LiQUoas, (dom.) Common .,2 75 3 50' a 25 Staves, Ml Bourbon ..2 00 00 w.o. bbi oo 00 30 oo N.

Bum 2 00 3 00 R.O.hhd00 00 00 00 Gin 4 00 7 00 Ttjcbeb. M. .4 00 9 00 Shipping. 10 00 10 53 do Apple a 75 (4 a do Peach 3 00 3 60 aniLorme 7 oo fa a vu Mill Fair. 6 00 7 00 Ltjvbeb, (River, Mill, inferior to 00 17 00 ord.

i ou ft iu Wide do .12 00 14 00 0 It Scantling 19 00 12 00 BE VIEW OF TBS WILMINGTON. MABKETS FOB THS WEEK ENDING 'THURSDAY, October 6, 1870. Tcbpxstiki. During tbe week just dosed we have no chang to report in the market for this article. There has existed a steady demand for distilling purposes, and all brought in has been taken at 12 85 for soft, and $1 S5 tor new hard, bbL of 280 Jtt'.

Beceipts hare been meagre for the week, footing up only 823 which sold Bbls. Boft. Friday. 77 35... 175.....

2 35 78 2 35 Mew Hard. 35 1 1 35 1 35 2 35 4 1 35 Wednesdayiib 2 85.... 2 3Sm 44 1 35 140.... 2 35.... 1 35 Errarrs TtraraimHK Since the c'ose bf our re view on Thursday laat the market lor this arti cle has ruled quite steady.

Cn Priday the mar ket opened at 35 eents, but afterwards sales were made at 334 cents for Southern and 36 cents for Y. Dackases. at which ngures saies nave oeen made each day, and all offered found purchasers. Arrivals continue very light, and there is little or stock remaining in first hands T7e quote sales for tbe weea as follows Friday ...109 casks at 35 cents gallon. Do 107 Do 20 Saturday 28 Monday 141 Tuesday 76 Do 151 .152 Thursday 100 36 11 tt 11 1 fi it tt 354 354 351 t'; 11 S6 85J 854 11 a.

packages, Bosrx We have nothing new to report in this article for tbe week. The dullness reported in onr last has continued in the market for all grades, and only small sales have taken place, nhlp room is still soarce, and this fact has tended mainly to keep buyers out of market. In the absence of transactions and shipments of any consequence, the stock in first hands has accumulated somewhat, though etill only moderate. Sales as follows: Priday. 41 bbls.

at $3 for low Pale; Saturday 245 bbls. at $1 80 85 for extra No. 2, 11 90S2 for low No. 1. S3 for No.

1. and $3 25 for low Pale Monday. 856 bbls. at SI 35 for strained, and $2 25 2 60 for No. 1 Tuesday, 311 bbls.

at $1 60 for No. 2, 12 $3 50 for Pale; Wednesday, 636 bbls. at tl 35 for strained, SI 60 for No: 2, $2 50 3 for No. 1, S3 25 for low Pa'e, and S3 50 for Pale Thursday, 75 bbls: at SI 35 for strained all 280 lbs. 1 Taa Haa ruled lees firmer since- our last, and the price has declined 25 cents closing with a light enquiry from shippers.

Beceipts light, and for the week are cniy 443 with sales as follows 27 bbls. at St CO, 75 do. at St 40, and 3it do. at SI 25 bbi closing at lowest figure. BAaaixs The market' continues to bo well supplied with empty spirit barrels, and rules dull.

Scarcely any demand exists, and only small sales are being made from wharf at the following range of quotations: Second band country at S2 15t2 20 as they run, $2 30t2 40 for selected, and Si C02 75 for new; New York, S2 75 for second hand, and S3 for DaxawAX. Small lots coming in, and find at 304232 cents GaTXLi Are being brought to market rather slowly, but thsre is a fair stock ia tbe hands of botchers, and onlv a light demand exists. We quote on the hoof at 7'J cents lb. net, as in quality. Cheep are rather scarce and seU upon receipt at $2 503 50 each, i Cobs Is in foil supply, and: demand only -moderate.

From the mills we quote as seuingat SI 25 buaheL- CoTToa. For this article the market generally ruled quiet during the early part of the week under review, aad the quotations eurrens up to the close of Tuesday's business show a decline of cent on those given ia our last. On Wednesday, however, under more favorable advioe from abroad, tbe market was firmer, and the decline above noted waa regained cloaing with a fair enquiry, and about ail offered having changed bands The week's sales are as follows 1 at 11, 1 at li. 1 13. Jl 31 at 185, 1 at 13J.

422 at 14, 4 at Hi, 203 at isx. t. ao si aat eents. We quote tbe market as closing firm at 12 eents for ordinary. 13 cntaIoraxd ordinary, 14J eents for low middling, and Hi cents, for middling.

Ixom Bxmtm A5D Ties for Cotton, of the most approved patterns, are ia moderate stock, and; sell from store at 51 7 cents as in fluaa-- tlty and quality lr Poos Are ia rather better supply, and ara, seUtng at 2325 cents Fxarruxxas Only a small stock of all descriptions at present, but snmeient to meet the timUM demand. We quo to from store; as fol 1 I of I so, in his to or I BY TELEGRAPH. WAR IN EUROPE! PJtXrAHATIOSa rilOOILCJSIIO TOQ TAB OJWlBDaKJT FABI1. THE PARISIANS DETERUINnX i rnxjs.Oci., Tb follsvieg Is a synopals of Elamartl'j cir eslar: Tavra's reprcMaUUoua of what pasaai at the latarrisw may cot have bea iaUaUanally wrong. The coareraaUon waa tost', aad many qaaatkns were discussed.

Bismarck did not say that ths aew Hoaalle dlatrkt would esttaialy te protaci. so, aa4 that Arroadisaemcnts, Saarbrsckaa, Chaiaaa 8aliaa. Eaarseauad, eta. and Taion-vm would be demandad by the FroaaUoa, bat be took paioe to say that this -might net be aQ ttf Urritory cxaeted. Tavre aid 'atraaboarf wm lbs ky to tbe hoaae," not eiplalnioff waetb-er he soeaat tbe Oennaa or French berate.

larre, ia a pr trio as eorreepondeoee. said bewaswiUlrir to pay ae the price of peaee all the raoaey Fraaee bad, bat refaaed toliitan toaoy territorial tar reader, lie added if each a cesaioa was aa iiv diapestlble reqolrement of the rnuaiaa Decotla-Uoo, It was uaeless, as It tavolvel Fraaee in dia-boaor. Siamsrck ramiaded Favre that they ware term a each as Fraaee bad forced on Italyand ex acted from Gtnnaay even without a previona war, aad tbat Ibe boner of France wae not keener than that of other people. Favre da-clioed to reoofolze trecedeaU or see bow Utile the kenor of Franoe wae concerned with the ter ritortal tbefta of Louis tbe RepaVlo or tbe first Empire. Ths question of an arm La lice was only diaeoaeed at Ferrierea.

Tbe statement, therefore, tbat I bad fated an afxsietice at tbe preeedinfr interview falae It was agreed at Ferrierea tbat aa armiitice be pjanLle if France wnald give rraaaia caaraotee acaioet delay aod aainat daatroy-leg edTaataeee of position, fche had earned in wartbeao Kaaranteis, iocladed ia the retention of fertreetee oa lbs lines rfeommonicalioos, and haadicg OTer tbe fortifications of Tarie pending the in commandinj the forts near. 1 wbrud haTLteo Impoeaible for Tras ia allow Tutit free intercoarae with tbe conn- try, aa it might tbaa bare received supplies aud rein 'or cement. Favre 'refaeed the terms, but nromlaed to couaalt bis cclieagaes in Paris. The programme which be carried back included aa armistice of fifteen to. twenty days to permit the asaerabhog of Conatitaeiit Assembly the maintenance cf the Military Status before Parlt tbe continuation of hostilities under certain limitations; the -nrrendor of Strasbnrg, Tool and Bitcbe.

Tbe rcfata! of tbees terms mast convince man-kid 1 that tbe French Government believe that their acceptance wonld produce peace, which waa cot dcairo! by them. Toras, Oct 4. Genera! Cbandroa will command tbe fifteenth corps, now organizing here aad at Boorges. The Garde Mobile received1 G.0C0 Cbaaseports to-dy The rnxaaian force which recently crossed tbe BJjiae, near Mnboase, has arrived at Cbaioman. A rrnssiaa detachment was driven ontofAr-tcnay yesterday.

A movemont it evidently on foot to attack Tours. Ia TJrittainy tbe clergy are taxing; active measares for national defence. The same is the east extensively throughout Bonlhern France. The Governmeot is thus greatly strengthened. Accounts from parts of France show that tbe sharpshooters are seriously annoying the enemy.

Tbe postal service continues very irregular and nneertafn. Many corps of Garde Mobiles are arriving here for the purpose of being armed with chaaeepota. tbe Government having a targe supply. Advices have been received here that the Prussians are concentrating at Tool for a movement on Loyns. Energctio measares are progreaaiag to defend Lyons.

Tha employes ia the ToatofSce Department are absolved from military duty. Borxsr, Tbe Prussians are ia fores at Mantes-aur- Marne. They have also approached BaUebofa. Bteaux, Oct. 6.

Affairs at Streabarg resumed their crlinery coarse so promptly that it is diSenlt to realize the late events, BAAacaccxrjr, Oct. if. Sortiee from MaU are made every day, but without important results, the French always being driven back with loas. Baziine still adheres to tbe Emperor. Tbe garrison are constantly sending up alloc na.

A large cavalry brigade haa gone to Tours. Far La is aurroundod by trenches, rifle pits, barricades and other temporary defences. Tbe villas and cottages in the suburbs bavs loop-bolea for rifica. BzxoAaD, Oct. 5.

A sharp fight took place at Obembon yesterday, ho re soli given. Losnox, Oct. fi. There bae been a serious engtgement in ths forest ef Fontaincblean, near Chailly, yes to rday. Tte Telegraph has nsmeroaa despatches relative to the reported death of Gen.

Moltio. The Ehtor In commenting expreasee tbe opinion tbat tha lead coda wbfch passed Chalons and Toul ooatained Moltke's body. Tbe Foreign Legation has left Tours. Its des tin alien ia enknown. A special dispatch from London to tbe New York Telegram says that Berlin dispatches slate that a large number of citizens have petitioned the Kin not to txDoee bis life at the aeige.

The King replies that hs wall not return till tbe Is over. Couriers between tbe English and Bnaaian gov ernments pass dairy. Man am, Oct. 5. nnaral anion a succeeds Delthodae in Cuba.

Oct, No eerioae eorafement haa oocarred near Taxis other than those already described. Tha dailv loarnals here' notice the manifesto of Kspaoo, lately pabhabed In London. Tbe antboriliee here have not yet been ap- oriaed of tbe fact that the manifesto is most probably a forgery. It is reported to-day that there is fighting go ing 6a near Orleans. A dispatch from Belfast says that the Frano Ti tears have been defeated by a detachment of the new rrnaaian army, which recently crossed the Bhlne near Colmer.

Dl-oatcbee tendiesr farther to establish ths death of General Moitke are published to-day. It is reported that tbe Frano Tire ores recently blew cp and destroyed the railway for a long distance near Sarerne, and tbat rnuaiaa communications are badly inlerapled ia consequence. Lata, a member of ths committee oa XeUoaal defence, aad a delegate of the Government has beea arrested by the Mobile Guard at Beaaacon. Tho nature ot the charges prof erred against bim are unknown. MAXan, Oct.

5. The vonito baa spread to the city cf Alcaote. Tbe citizens an leavtcg the town. Ola zagas resignation as Minister to Fraaee has been formally accepted. Heavy rains have fallea ia ValeaoU reoeatly, aad the atraams are swollen to unusual height Much damage bae been done.

Loxnojr, Oct. 5. Itisbelleved that agland and Baesie axe ao-tirsly engaged in negotiating aa armJstioe. Beports are enrrtnt that win be laccrpcrated with Fruaia, The Grand at to '1 CliETZIiAND, OHIO. "Editors.

Journal beauties of this have been written by JBajard Taylor, who after wandering oer the whole world, came to the conclusion that Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio, TJ. S. was the most splendid street in existence. How can "a less practiced hand attempt to write of it. Look at the map of the United States; or better if you have a large map' of the Northern place your finger' about midway between the east and west ends of Xiake Erie, on the'sito of Cleveland.

The south shore is al most a straight lin for fifty miles each way -from the entrance, and the entrance itself is but a little creek not wider than Market street, Wihniogtonl The Steamers and other vessels crowd np it for about two' miles on tho'left or ea3t and a mile, or more on the west branch. "No vessels lie in the Lake, and there 'is, no pier along the shore. The breakers roll on a smooth sandy beach, as they do on the banks at Wrightsville, and there is almost always the long, heaving, restless, swell of the seavAt times, however, it would rival Waccamaw with its quiet glassineas. ThB Lake Is vver 200 miles long; 60 wide and averages about 350 feel in depth, "being the shallowest of the great American chain of lakes. But we commenced to speak of the river.

When a Southron says "Cherokee," or "TuFca-loosa," 1'Chattahooche," or "Pee Dee there is a sweet liquidity about the sound, which is musical, bnt when you ask Clevelander, tbe name of his river, com- posing his harbour, he replies "Ki hog an" and you are surprised when you find him spelling it Cuyahoga, for according to our pronunciation it would sound sweetly on the ear, bat tho harsh gntterals of the Northern Indians are followed here; The Cayahoga thon is the harbour of Cleve land, a city into which' vessels bf all con ceivable sizes and shapes crowd, from the decked canal barge to the largest barges and passenger steamers. Turning round is the difficulty, and it 'is overcome in this way: where the two branches of the stream nmte it is. nearly one hundred yards wide. So a steamer coming1 in will run half her lengtn up one branch, lay her side against the pointy make fast, back water and waip rouna; going trio rest oi iier roato stern foremost. This city is said to contain over 100,000 inhabitants, and is extending its limits daily.

Tho situation ia elevated, the streets, have been laid out wide and straight, i public squares have been provided, trees and greensward planted, spaces left in front of residences, and it really appears that taste and an eye to summer-comforts must have prevailed with tho "ditv fathers" when the city was matte a no more delightful placo can be foiind on the lakes than Cleveland. The Hotels' aro large and airy, not exorbi- a a iani in prices, ana an aoouc are polite and accommoaating. we are an tne 'vvedaeii House," which is trying the experiment of a first olass? hotel beins: carried on at two A VTT i and a half dollars per" day, and whereas at four dollars a former party failod, with an average custom of fifty persons now the proprietors-are getting rich with au aver age custom nearly five of hundreds, running up to Hundred some days. Herein is wisdom, true mercantile wisdom, so seldom found in hotel keepers. From, the coltonade of the Weddell the view no and down Superior street is one of animated business activity and gay pleasure.

The census reveals the fact that three thousand four hundred and fifty-five pleasure oarri ages are kept in Cleveland. Grand turnouts, some of them are 'not excelled by the "drive" of I Central Park, New York. From this 1 place our i route lies Northwest diagonally! across the Lake and np the Detroit river to the. city of tne same name. The method of travel is by a line of fine passenger steamers, fit to put to sea in any weather.

As is the policy of the railroads in these days and wmcn suits tne convenience 01 traveiers-thero is a large union passenger depot un der the hill at the edge of the lake. Yonr idea (the prevailing one) here is room. Looking up Superior street from the Wed- ceil Jtiouse, you see, a "lew blocks oil, a monument erected to the memory of Com modore Perry. It stands in the centre of the public square, where the principal streets cross it, and is composed of marble, with a double life-size statue of Perry on the top. It has the usual naval' emblems, and no doubt the likeness is very correct put me iaea wmcn senses tne uninitiated is that the artist took some huge Western raftsman as a and seized the moment when he was in the act of throwing a grapevine ashore to make fast his drifting raft, as the auspicious one for his pose.

Be sides we aranot apt to sea. a Commodore of the United States navy on the quarter deck with a huge pair of fisherman's boots on. i- Altogether Cleveland is pleasant, and will repay a visit. We leave to-night, and so bid you adieu by subscribing ourselves Princes must be plentiful in Japan, 1. rj 1 -i iadcirjc: from tho number that come to this country to be educated.

Mill Gearuit.ShaftingX Pulleys' 7Q01E H(IM0 eept 17 802-eodwly-ch SIXTf-FIFE FIRST PRIZE MEDA AWARDED. 1 THE GBE1T SOUTH-'' era Piano Manufactory, Wm. Knabe Co-, man ufacturers of Grand, Square and Upright Piano Fortes, Baltimore, Md. 72ts'e Instruments have been before i he public fur nearly Thirty Years, and nnon their excellence alone attainet tid-ut-purchased pre-eminence, which pronouncet 1 them unequalled. i Their Tone combines great power, sweetness and fine singing quality, as well as great purity Intonation and Sweetness throughout tha entire scale, Their Touch is pliant and elastic, and entire', free from the stillness found in many Pianos.

In Workmansbij) They are unequalled, using none but the very best fcEASONED MATERIAL, tbe large capital employed in our business enabling ns to keep continually an immense, stock of lumber, on nana. ay All our Square Pianos have our Now Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. 43 We would call special attention to our late improvements in Grand Pianos and Square Grands, patented August 14, 1866, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been -ui-rt I -'-I -vi Every Piano fully warranted fovflve years. We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholesak Agency for. the most celebrated Parlor Organs and Melodeons.

which we offer, wholesale and Retail, at lowest factorr tmees. WM. KMAiJiS Baltimore, aid. apt 17 303-deod-ir6m-ch a This celebrated medicine has won a deservedly high reputation as an alleviator of linand a preserver of health. It has become a household remedy, from the fact that -it gives immediate and permanent relief.

It is a purely vegetable preparation, made from the beet and rtest materials, safe to keep and to nee ia awry family. It is recommended by physicians tr 1 rexsons of all classes, and to-day, after a atUe trial of thirty years the average life of manit stands unrivalled snd unexcelled, spreading its usefulness OTer the wide Its large and in creasing sale afford positive evidence of -its en- daring fame. We do not deem tteesary to say much in its fa tor. as one small lot Lis will do more to convince you of its riUcicy tbaa 43 the advertisements in the world, ire i erne fair trial and you would not bo wilhoatltTor tea times its ooat. --r JKT Directions accompany each Bold by Druggists.

i Price S3 eta, OO sad 1 per Bottle. sept '10 238-lmddtw GETTINOt MliilllinXa -3 ESSAY3 OB YOUNG. 21N, 03 Evils, and tbe propriety or Impropriety of get. ung married, with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimonial happiness. Bent free, in sealed envelopes: Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Jlox Philadelphia, Tt 1 eept 17 S01-3mdAw-ch PROCLAMATION By nis Excellency the GoTernor of North Carolina Executive DarABTanutT or W.

aaxiian, uct. aa, X870, WHEREAS, I have received Information that a vacancy exists In the Senate of North Carolina, occasioned by the death of A. Galloway, who was chosen at the regular election in Angust, 1870, as one of the Senators to represent the 13th Senatorial District, composed of ths Counties of New Hanover and Brunawlok Now, therefore, W. W. Hornxir, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do issue this my Proclamation, in accordance with the Constitution and the law, commanding the Sheriffs of New Hanover and Brunswick Counties to open polls and hold an election to fill said vacancy, on Thursday, tbe 10th day of November, 1870 said election to be conducted in allreapects in accordance with Done at our City or Baleigh, this the 3d II.

s.J day of Oocober, 1870. and in the year of -T. the Independence of the United States the ninety-fltth. i 1 Wi W. H0LDEN, GoTernoj.

By the? Governor Jon B. NEAinaax, Private. Beoretarr, 4 oct 5 i f-lUwte George Pago Oo.l i i it-1 (NO, 5 N.i SOHBOEBES Manufacturers of PORTABLE AND STATIONARY i STEAM ENGINES BOlttERS, PATENT IMPROVED; PORTABLE; rcl" Circular Saw Mills, Gangi Mulay and Sasfi Saw Mills, i GRI8T MILLS, TIMBER WHEELS, SniNQLE MACHINES, Dealers in Circular Savs, Belting, and Mill supplies generally, and mann- facturer's agents for Leflfel's Celebrated Turbine Water WheeL and cvory description of -Wood' Working 1 Agricultural Engines a specialty. 1 ay jSend for descriptive Catalogues and -Price Lists. sept 17 302 deodAwly-Ch' Valuable Real Estate and City Prop- erty ror sale.

BY VIRTUE OF A. DECREE of the Superior Court of New Hanover oounty, the subscrib er, as UQmnusaioner appointed ror that purpoee, will offer for sale on THURSDAY, the 8d day of November, 1870, at tbe uourt House la Wilmington, the following valuable pronertr. situated, in the city of Wilmington; to wit: That valuable WHARF PROPERTY, known as the "Flanner Wharf," near the Wilmington Weldon Railroad, fronting on the river 133 feet, and running back to the une of the.proposed extension of North water street. 221 feet on the south side and 204 feet on the tiorth side, with tbe privilege of the use ef the proposed street and of extending the wharf west into the river TWO LOTS oa the east line of the proposed street, running eaat 117 feet to Nutt street, front-1 ing on said street 66 feet each. I 1 tr ONE BRICK BUILDING (two stories) contain-' ing three stores, each about 21 ifeei wide, fronting on Nutt street, tha lot running back east RflfaAt'fi inches.

Adjoining tbe same on the South, fronting on1 Nutt street, SEVEN LOTS, four fronting 20 feet 4 inobee. and three 2G feet 5 all running back 80 feet 6 inches. That desirable BRICK RESIDENCE7 on front street, adjoining the W.4W.B. R. office, containing 13 rooms, and brick kitckhen on the let, which fronts 66 feet on Front street and runs west 86 feet 6 inches.

The LOT adjoining the dwelling house, front ing on Front street 60 feet, and running west 80 ieecomcnes. 1 The DOUBLE TENEMENT TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, adjoining the above vacant lot. The lot on which tbe same is situated fronts 654 feet on Front street and runs westAno feet 0 inches. Also that vorv valuable LOT OF LAND, aitna- ted on Point Peter, fronting on both ibranchts of the Cape Fear River, admirably suited fPC. a saw mill or coal depot.

Containing by estimation six and one-half acres. The above sale is made for partition -among the heirs of the late Bennett Flanner, and oilers great inducements to persons who may desire to invest in real estate in a commanding part of ths city. t'r Terms or sale One-tenth cash; the balance on a credit of six. twelve and! eighteen mentis from date of sale; purchasers to pay for deeds. ana scamps.

CHARLES FLANNER, Commlssioneal 4 oct 2 dStawAwtr- 4 At. A. VAUSKSTOCll'S WHY IS IT THAT SO. MANY OIULDRtN die under the age of five years That a large proportion of children die under that age. has long bean a subject of remark, and' without satisfactory cause ascertained, it is oertauu, Also it is known that worms exist In the hu man system from its earliest infancy; therefore parents, especially mothers, who are more eon stantly with their children, cannot be too Observ- ing of the first symptoms 0 worms; for so surely.

SAFELt AND CJlTAair' removed from the most dziioati txr Arrs, by the timely use of "i A. ITAIISRIiTnrK'a V.mlhi.. it is perzeouy nannies, contains no zierczrv. being a pueeiiY veoetablh boiipoanriorri'! And may be administered with the UTUOST SAFETY TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGESV Worm Confections, mado more for ths purpota of pleasing the palate than of overcoming tha -dieeaea, have been manufactured all "over "tta? oountry but their short lease of life is nearly ez hausted, and B. H.

Fahnestooh's Vcrmifugs eoa- tinues to grow In favor dally. Should occasion requrre you to purchase B. i -Fahnestoeka's vermifuge, be partioularly eareftl to see that the initials are B. A. This is the.

tide that has been so ICWOWS SUf CK And purchasers must insist on bavingit, if they 1 do not wish to have aa imitation forced upon SClivyARTZ UASLETTs" 1 roaxxur B. A FAHNESTOCK'S BON OO.w i i sou norarxToas. -l: -5. Cl-a'e ai-awiy-ehl' deo ALL KINDS OF JfOD JTOBKrii XTEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY, v. EXECUTED AT THS JOURNAL 077102, i -I 1' 1 tho Wilmington and Wcldoa Railroad, has rendered tbo Society tho most efficient aid, as under bu liberality towards it tbe work upon tbo groands has bc-ca pushed forward with each greater rapidity.

Weldoa JWirs. A Ram At. PoLmaax Coiirs to Geixt. SheriJJ. C.

Griffith, of Casvell coanty, North Carolina, yesterday morning laid before Governor Walker a requisition from Governor Ilotdea, for John Lawsod, held in the custody cf the jailor of Richmond, as a fngitivA from jostica from tbat State. Governor Walker promptly ordered the delivery of agitiro to Sheriff Griffith, who was soon oa his way to Caswell with bim. It will bo remembered that John, xs bo was a heavy Radical politician, was one night daring tbe summer caagbt coavejing bacon, without permission, from a white citizen's meat bouse to his own dcraiciliary abode that in consequence of this. North Carolina being no longer a healthy "place for biu, bo left for parts unknown. Farther, that some time ia Angust he had a letter written from Richmond to bis wife, in which it was stated thit John Lawson, her husband, Laving gotten into a difficulty with tho captaia of one of the Acquia Creek aad Washingtoa steamboats, was knocked overboard by him and drowned.

John thonght this waa a good trick, but white people arc not ao easily fooled and the re alt was detectives soon had John within the walls of the city jail. We expect before long to hear that Joha has gotten to Raleigh, cot as a member of the Legislature, aa be once expected, but as inmate of the State penitentiary. Richmond Tex Synod of North Carolina, raoehi in Rx'ergh today. The Charlotte Dcmccrttt says: Wo heard several merchants' remark last week that they had never known trade in Charlotte to open so briskly and so early. Moro cot-toa was sold hero in September than in the tame month for any previous year.

Tub Conservatives of Wake coanty are to asemblo in Convention oa Saturday, the loth inat, for the purpoee of nominating a candidate for tho next House, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of II. A. I lodge. The tnftajs: 'In this State there are papers that are courteous and honorable, whose editors are men of journalists. Rat these editors and pareis are cot ia Raleigh or Wilmington." Poor Ss.TnJ.znt: wo verily fear that aa exchange with tho press of the two cities haa seriously demoralized it.

ArroirnioTi. Got. "Holder, by and with tho advise of the Council of State, haa made the following appointments oa the Eastera Division of tho Western North Carolina Railroad. DiEXcrots. Calvia J.

Cowlea, J. W. Cowman. James L. Henry, O.

Caadler, Tod R. Caldwell, la. S. Corpeairg. W.

1L Howerton, and J. J. Mott, State R. Caldwell. W.

W. Rollins was appointed State Proxy on tbe Westera Diviuon of the Western North Carolina, rice O. W. Gaha-gm, deceased. Swtfartf.

Jcdoe R. R. G'ixiaic, Representative elect to Congress from tbe Fourth District, is sick and confined to his bed. CoLonxxv PacTix cr ErxiECOirxi We talked with several of the colored people of Edge co me, while in that coanty last week. Wo met some colored men there from Orange; they said the difficulty with tho Orange farmers was, they did cot work ccoagh, cor make ccoagh compoiL Harry Dancy was oca of the marshals cf the grand procession it Rocky Mount.

IIe is ind as and is! making money. Ncah Mconey, another colored man, will make this jcar three hundred barrels of corn aad fifty bales of cotton. James Bell; the flag bearer at tbe great Conservative meeting at Tucker Hall, ia 1SC3, is prospering well. Wright Jenkins, oolored, is called the bank," became he baa money to lend. All tbee colored mca are pro pe ring because they are industrious, and they are rot found sapporticg the men cor the ijitcra that have oppressed the tax-pajer and squandered the facds of the State, Raleigh Sentinel We learn that Maj.

Blair, formerly uf the Yarboroaga Honse, ia Raleigh, having beea disappointed ia his contemplated arraegtraects for a hotel at another point. Las concluded to remain ia Raleigh for the preaent and open the Exchange liotcl, oa llilUboro street, FATxrrxTxxxz. has received SCO bales of cctioa darisg tho pv 1 3-55 2 xxraarxD srg Data. J0u "SO, Jily 4,100 14.CJ1 4,656 5,875 1870.........

aOS 10,210 4,655 6,13 Increase. 403 268 Decrease 7,600 1S.771 10,469 1670... 81945 4.7c? Iaereaee 688 i ili Decrease 3,755 257 5.680 ISepUmber 6, 1ASO0 1433 13,155 7,403 8,471 4,333 6,762 M9 -iii a900 I'lAi Decrease L829 6.S33 1870, Rtoeka Acril laL. tJXA S.Stl 8315 28,777 83,102 8323 77JU 57,127 ,779 SeoeiTed from April 1st, to Jane Bettrrd from July lakto Ceptem ber ssin. Hi.

Total supply for Exported Coastwise 232 Tor alra 47.186 Export Ooastwiea 3338 Tor-' eixa Biocks October.

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