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Wilmington Journal from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 1

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ti' V. 1 a a 1 1 I i WJLMINGT0N3. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21; 1861 OXII12X3 QZT ADVEUTlSiaa, Per Squar of 10 iin or lew cah in One iquara, 1 J. i a do. 2 i ai Do do 3 4 c4i? Do.

Do. Do. do. 11 A Aa A. UWhi I VI uvi uv.

i do. weekly, MVI do. Do. do. 12 AM fi JKaAdvertiaement orApreA tn hA itntinned on thn charged S7i cent per square for each flngertfon after the fli wuciunouMHjj, rtueoung npon pnvai caaraot i caa, nnder Ayr otaopMaTAMCKa, be admitted.

fellow citizens to represent ns In matters Involving as tbv do oar rights, honor, lives aod Independence North Ctr-' oliniana, the Hen. W. 8. Ashe and Robert H. Cowan, Eqo i' Mesolved 2d, That whilst the former la irresisubly ohV umiaeaw ua ujr jreura Taiuauia nervjcc, utcieuh ion (o cessfnPexperience in both State and Federal legislate and has associated in his character thf rareqaalities wL peculiarly mark him as the man for thie post in the Istftr we recoenize at ones ther centleman una th achnlar.

at1 distingnuihed for unequivocal honor arid accomplished J. ities is clear and diaorlminatinflr in fddrment. and has evinced an nnfaltering devotion to the fair fame and interests of his countryknd therefori equally, deserves highest esteem and confidence, i i 3d, That thoueh our Dreftrehce ba ss aires expressed. Still We Will firmlv mirnirti anv nihr tmn men whom the Convention may place before the people I II the County. 4 jfesolved 4th; That the Chairman appoint two delegate, himself thall represent thhtPlstrict ia ihe Com I wm-vm anw i.

teodtred to the Chairman and Secretary for theptompt sq satisfactory manner in which they have discharged tbelr dj 2 ties. A Mesolced That a cony of th.4 proceeding be fa warded to the WiJm ngtpa Jooinal wl.h the rqn that they be published. In accordance with the 4th resolution th Chairman pointed Messrs. O. Fenneil.

J. Corbett. Dr. J. B.

sa i mouou. aciournea. i JAMES KERR, Chslrmao, j. iayloh, e.cretAry. i Remarks W.

IIuuipkrrvL of J7pon the following Bill to al er UieOonsliluiion, intrt I aucea oy Mr. wiedeoe, it ake. A BILL TO ALTER THE CONS1TUTION. Whereas the government of North Carolina' affords na protectionto all the citizens, and every snecis of DtODn in the State; justice demands that every species ot propatJ ij Biiuuiu us' BUDjcvk iv i(UM lftXU)D I Or US Support the government and Whereas, Under the present Cons! tution, as generally construed, the General Astembly hi no power to tax slave property equally with land and otH er property, in proportion to xat protection it eniojs Whereas, Clause 2nd; Section lit, Artiole 4tn, of- thf amended Constitution provides thaWhe General AascmbU' may alter the same' in the manner therein prescribed there) Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly Of thi State of North Carolina, and it is -hereby enacted bu tut 1 auuioriiy or Vie same, That the 3rd Section of the 4c5 Article of the amended Constitution be amended to read at follows That all fiee white males oiler the age of twent v3 one years, andvunder the age of forly-flve years, shall be subject to an equal capitation tax, and no other white per sn stall be subject to such tax.

iCEc. jseujuriner eriaaea. Thai the Jree colored inhabitants of this State shall be subject to such capitatloi f- Bec. 3. Be it further enacted, lhat property ia slaves shall be equally subject to taxation with every other pe cies oi property, anu snail be taxed as but not hlghef than-land, according to valued 1.

Mr. uieasoe epose at lengtn in ravor of he b-H. 1 Mr. Humphrey said he would not follow the Senator frotk Wake, in bis argument, although theie were many poinfj in it to which he could not agtee. He was opposed to thi nassaee of the bill in its t-resent shane.

and for the Durm, i of perfecting it so 4ht he could Bupport It, he had somti amendments which he would offer and would read them trt the Senate as a part of his remarks, order that his objecfl He was opposed to thi might be more tuny, understood. preamble to the Dm and could not vo for It; it maxima which he did not' think tru seemed to con; template the taxation of every species of property equally wnen in his opinion mere were classes property and mann' interests which not be taxed at all besides, passed with the bill it could not ho inc rporated in the Con i Btitution; and as it ia not essential to the passage of the bill f. he honed that the Senator would acre to strike it otit. I lo the second Bection which reads at follows "lhat al the free negroes of this State shall be Isnbjec't tospchCapl tation or other tax as the General Assembly mjiy impose, he would move to add the folio wins I the General Assembly shall have unlimited to remove from the State all the free negroes and to chand and determine the status of those who remain and to eu ii i r. nil .,,.1, r.

Biuuiiuuni 4u nicujuto.iu ttiu iiK9 uegroca as in inei; wisdom they may deem expedient sndl I Mr. Humphrey said that hi had darlog tnelait session the Legislature and also thirf session, Jiatrodaced bills, tli object of whicb, were to remove the fcee negroes Irom Uif State or, in case they choose to remain, to permit them tu? select their masters and become -lave. Hisobjcct was uoh to oppress thisvhnforturjate class of otlr popuUiion, nbrl rt hB; introduced ithnaA Ititlft nf 1.1 nwn 1 wa.X framed and introduced in accordance lwiih tho prater of s' f( :Um.7 IaT. 7.7r: X.CZLt? in their midst, and that justice to th isebve as well sstal the'slaves requhed their removal. The be but two classes of our populaiio who should be equals having equal 'thought there ij white- peonliit hghts and.

privileKei! and entitled to equal protectlon-under the Cosstituiion an4 the other, the colored, who should be sel TAR. that ia nhnnhl all ha atuvua tquau among thtin-- The Judiciary Committee of last scsfion robortcd tha hni i- to be unconstitutional, and the same rciport npon a similar i uiu una uccu iuauo iuib Boaaiou. nitre were seycrdi sp plications before the Legislature for special legialation luj permit certain free negroes to lenslavel themselves, he had. offered a resolution which hJ been adopted by the Senate' requiring the committee on free negrols to report a gener al law for-that the committee reported a bll which had been: referred to the judiciary committee uia mtj uuvuuntiuuuuBI. VI VIJ(F amendment was to give to the General Assembly unlimited; power over the subject of free.pegroc Mr.

Bledsoe feaid had no objectioa tq the smendtrent, Mr. Humphrey then said he I ad one offer, viz strike out the tfeird Bection thcr lamendnjent ti I- liu'h fnl. lows: i That property In Blaves Bball be equally ihtject to taxa.S tion with every other species of prOpenjjL and shall be Uxed'r as hih if not higher than land, according to value," and insert 1 The slaves shall eanallv with land lie tiifect ia taza. tion and shall not be taxed higher thati land, whether per capita ot ad i The amendments would have to Jto voted on aeparstely and therefore to begin with the first he; moved to fctrike Out the preamble, i He would add' that the amendments were offered in good faith, and-if adopted he would vote for tho bill. i- Mr.

Stubbs moved to amend the motion of Mr. nompbrey by striking out the remainder of the bill and inncrt hi Li which provides for a Convention of the peoplq to alter the COEBtitntion. i i Mr. Dockery rose not for the purticbe of detaldiur- the! Senate but for the purpose of cpngraiulationaa Loth sides j' seemed to agree to pass some bill to adfrpt tho principle cf ad valorem taxation upon all property. The only difficulty now appeared to" be who shonld claim Itho paterbity of tho" 1 i proposition, for the Senators fromMartln, Onslow and Wake were all in favor of the piinclple of ad valortm taxation.

I Ul A4UU1iU1CJ DBlVI Ai VAAV tL CfJAiVA IIVIU 1AJ UHU about to put him wrong upon the record the Senator had" entirely misapprehended his position, it he thought that Le was in favor ot adopting the principle of ad valor em tion npon every species of property, He was not swaie that he -had said anything which Justified the fcienator In clas-' sing him with those who advocate thata doctrine. He was opposed to it; no unilorm and rule, of taxation would be just there should be seme; dwcriminatioLs and some exemptions and that was. the. position he, while canvassing last summer. Articles' of luxury could i and should bear a higher tax than articles of -necessity.

Billiard tables, bowling saloons, carriages and the like should i i. i ing ntensils and the like should be exempt from taxation. Labor, egriculture and the industrial pursuits of the people of the State should be foetered.and encouraged by leglnla-tion and not embarrassed by taxation! Thgr Senator was also mistaken in classing him with tLosf who desired to tax every species of properly. j-. That was the position of tho party to jwhich the Bcnator from.

liichmond belonged in the late campaign; that propo-ti sition Mr. H. he then opposedi hie was opposed it now, and Bhould continue to oppose it. I I Hia last amendment proposed to amead'lh Constitution! of the.State bo as to confer npon the General Asembly the power to tax Blaves equally wtih land. Hd -waa willing and would so vote that the Constitution should be- amended inr that particular he would not stop to argue th qaetion whether or ho slaves did not already bear a due proportion of the burde.ns of the government that was net now a prac- tical question; already evil bad been ths result of the anl-j tation of this question In.

the political ampaiga; he dis- claimed any imputation as to the motive vf Senators aod others, but the inevitable tendency of that agitation was to'-arrav one class of our people against the! other. Why. what L- appeals would be made in the next cstipaignf The dis- turned condition oi mis country qui oi cue sgitauon of this question an appropriation of adney to furnuh arms 2 to ihe people of the State to put them nson a war. footiog 7 bad been made the present session, and we had already been. threatened therefore this propeity should, pay -a Should this agiution continue, and these -appeals bev made, the very institution itself will be eodatgt red.

i- Mr. Humphrey wished to settle thia matter, and settle Jt 1 here and without stopping to consider whether or no slaves should be taxed higher, he would rather; submit, to the ad- aiuonai taxation man to the agitation or tnta question ta another political The following resolutions have been ottered in the South- ern Congress, and referred. i h' Resolved, That until otherwise provided, the several cfl- rtid with the collection of curftoma in tlie ever4l of the Confederacy be, and the siibe axe hereby con Resolved. That the Committee on Foreign A Calrs be re-' auested to inquire into the propriety and necessity, as soon the President is inaugurated, of sendint Commissioner the goverment of the United States. i' The Bouthern Congreaa iaBecret Seaaidn on the 12th inst.

adopted Jhe fodoiring 1 Resolved, That this government takes Under Its charge all anestions and difflcnltiea now existinor between Sovereign i. oUtes of thia Confederacy and the UnitedUtea, relating to occupation of the Forts, Arsenals, Navy (Yards, and other Dublin establishment, and that ther President of this Congress ia directed to communicate this! resolntloQ to tht 1 I ii him ail leilers'on business must addressed. rr EJitor. I PRICE, Associate guxur. Terms of SmbacrlpUon.

SO 6 00 I Person sending us fire new subscnb ers. a advance Inscription, ($1 50,) will re Sxth cpy gratis far 4. accbm- receive the 29th of wi" have their papers discontinue t1-: of te time paid' for. All former subsc ilaair trt in! on expi- subscribers can 09 mU. if the desire to do sol ouuc? FrSessicnaraDd Easiness, 5f Tit WILLIAM BART, IJntTC-rT AND SUPERINTENDENT.

Jk will ariiiti Desists nd Specifications for Public and i :i.4ino- nh full Wctintl workinz Drawings, Svs shatf combine constructional Bolidty, convenience of and beauty of form and color, with economy. $ifnnui54bose intending to bnild, with a knowledge of ranee, arrangement, and cost of all improvements mar wich to make. 1 L-fike'thi door South of GriwoId's Hotel. ptc -IQSM'U V1 CLARK; 1 UltHNGltKV, nOMMlPIOX AND MKRCHAAN. 1 in imt flnttptr.

Ctniiii find IfdXT. J. i Yimrn Wirr fcratrr W11.KIXOTOX, i C. consianments of Cotton, nsrwaron. Timber Ac.

REFER TO I B. Savage; Cashier Bank pe. John l'awbon, Wil. Branch Bink of do do. W.

Cashier Branch Bank Cape i ear, Raleigh, do: Nov. 15 'J OKO- ALUEUMA5I, XCPEOTOR OF XAVAL I WILillNGrON, ceat l.T.Ulderman's Store. i prompt attention paid to Doziness, ana 3 d1ck 9. patronage f. frdm tia gentry friends.

i T. II. JlfKOY I T-Watei Street, Wilmlngtonj N. C. UT-W ate i 6 AV, II.

ALLEX, nOMMISSION'lIERCHAST, i II i 1 X. C. Prompt personal attention given to consignments of Na til Stores, Cotton, or other Country Produce for sale.or April 23t.l8S0. 19G-1w 35-tf v- li. c.

XSrECTOR QT NAVAL STORES, ii WiLMredTOs, NVTJ. -A gbare of the patronage in above line is respectfully solicited. Pfmpt personal attention will be given to all or to his care. April 2tp. 35-ly C.


Willard's fertore. Entrance corner of Princes aid Water Streets. jUrcb 9. jVes stokkt. Alex.

Oldham. i STOKLEY OI.DIIAM. EALFjRS IN GRAIN, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. Prompt ttentiqn given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, 2a- ad othjer C'onntry 21 KVJ i'rouace. 17 I fcUBurx.A.N PlaN, I.

I I CITY OF KW YOKE. SIVOLK U003I 3D CESW PKlt UAV. i -City- jUtf Square, corner of Frankfort atreet, (Opposite City Hall.) lie.iL, as.they may be ordered ra the spaciou? Re'ec tory. AUf iC 13 A A kJlAU 17 auu Koonia attached to the v. E.

IJM arc of Haitian a and Iluckmvn, who say tn FRENCLI, Not. 1, 1R0O. i- Proprietor. 10-ly I. -r YALKER MEAUES.

AND APOTHECARY, "i No. 45 MakketStkekt. A stick of Medicines, Paints, Window Eiliru-Les, Paint Brusees, Toilet Soaps Fancy Articles, LiDilretU's garden Seeds, ic, constantly on hand. TLe attention of Physicians, is especially called to tho itoct of Medicines, which are warranted as being pure. Xovembej 'ij.


E. Corner Mitket i I WrLMINGTON', N. C. tA.Qrders from our friend wi.l receive prompt attention. fcty 31, 4U-n c.

iolvogt: Tt PH OLSTERER AND PAPER HANGER, J'i UOKNEil rSIXCESS AND KONT DTKtilTs, i Wll UIVCTflV i- I cps altravs on hand and manufactures to rder any aria the UPHOLSTERING LINE also, a large asort- tide mefr. of. PAPER HANGINGS, cotfce. iV. llth, LSo3 1 which arc put np at short 11 I WILLIAM J- tPECTOr-OF NAVAL SIORES, 5 J- Wilmington, N.

C. te patronage )f hi country. friends, and all other jagageit in the Turpentine' business. futiicei opposite 47, North Water street. Nov.

24tl l'J. ly 'EOVVIN A. IS-Kllil, COMMISSION MERCHANT, -i Wilmington, N. C. OTers hrs Services to Planters as Factor or Agent for the aloof Cott6n wJl give his personal attefction to the sale cfCyttn.

-I 1 HA Cora'ijaission for 'Belling Cotton will be 50 cents per no additional charge wLl be toade. Cotton forwarded to Xew York Tor 10 cents per bale. 0t. 4th, VS39. i T.

ICSXITU JOHN MCLACHIN. 4 Si i 1ITII MtLACRIS, pftilMISSION'AND FOH WARDING MERCHANTS, i Wilmington, C. ketek to has DaItin, Mayor. p. lUiiL, Prtsident Branch Back State N.

C. 7ih, WJ. i I tf 'l'itOJIAS V. PLAYEK, rI'ECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, Wilmington, N. C.

Vf in M. Mclnnis' Store, North Water Street. September tf9. l.tiO -ly KUWAUI) i rWHKISSlON MERCHANr, No. 6 Soath Water Street, Wilmington, Aug.

12th.T33. N. C. 50-tf JAJIKSO-UOWUKV, i.Vi t-t 1UK Ur A A A STORES, Piilii ii 3i-tf. Wilmington, N.

ALFRED pPECTOR OF NAVAL STORES, N. C. vrrj give prompt attention to all business in Lia line. Fb. 17th.

TbtiO. 25-ly 'i WILLIAM 11. LIPPlVr. TrrEOLEULE AND RETaTL DROOCIST, and Dealer in 1 Paints. Oils.

DreStnCs. Window Glass, Garden Seeds, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, 4c. Ac, corner pf Front and immediately opposite Shaw's old stand Wilming JltSK.PH 1.. ItKK.V. ASTRACTOR AND BULLDER, respectfully informs the Public that he is-prepared to take contracts in his line "waess, He keeps constantly on Li, Cexent, "nra, lLAaTKaiN8 Haix Philadelphia Press Baicr, Fire t.

tf i B. To Distillers of Turpentine, he is prepared to put Wills at the shortest notice May 20 37-ly. ii W. II. Mr It Alt COJ Cl EMISSION MERCHANTS, corner Princess and Water Cashier Iiank Cape Fear, Wilmington; N.C i onn AlciUe, ITes Bans Wilmington, do.

do. VfX. Davi, Cashier Branch B'k Cape Fear, Xashf 44 44 44 ,4 44 Salem, do. GrecSc, President of Bank Cheraw, 8. C.

Oct 17 AV. HOSE, I U5PENB-3 AND CONTRACTOB, A Jane 12j ILMCNSTON, N. C. ii NOTICE. A PERSONS WHATSOEVER, are hereby forewarned Aeainst trespassing upon any of my laaiJ in the coun-.

nfXpw fl KlaHn nr.nnn!i rnttlr.rr timber. 't-kjaz nft a ,1.1 rfT I KV.T wiH nv nthfr kind of Jeedii hogs, ranging stock, hunting 4or wna nogs i-uiyii nogs, as uie i uii. rigut ui iuduw wuiuoeu- i azainst, any person cr persons trespassing in the a--or any other ways 'whatsoever. ELISHA J. ANDER3.

2ith, 1861. I I 22-3m "He 'rrilL JONES' HOTEL i I SUBSCRIBER weuld respectfully informjiia friends the pablic, that he has purchased the lease and fnr-the ijQNES HOTEL ia: Philadelphia The Hotel 'entirely -refitted and newly furnished last Spring, im-" hA Bt, adaiona wUl be put in this monthi bo that the old Jell known Jones Hotel will be second to none in the 5. a home for the men cf business or pleasure. Charges ad every exertion will be made to merit a fuare of patronage. 1 I AARON GaGK aisth, 180 7.

166-lm 30-ly. -iVT-- Dr WILL; D. SOMERS, H.AVTSG PREPARED HIMSELF TO MEET THE VA-nous exigencies of his profession, and permanently lo-lejT J' Lillington, N. tenders hia services to the village and surrounding country, and hopes, by discharge of the duties of his vocation, to kodence and patronage of the pablic. uoQLodWhen not eaJS'agi oiScei JOrP086 left with Mesira.

Blninenthal wffl beproinpt "I B. to VOL. 17. Schools. CLASSICAL, ASn BIATIIKMATICAL.

SCHOOL I MORGAN TON. C. mHE FUBSCRIBER continues his fUlntfLt 5 JLt1 to afford Hoys a th rough sieaJ "iiimny, preparatory to enteiicg the v1 V'KU PM Mountain ville. rn th line of wie it. jr.


WcCLAHMY, Pkincipal. i MOOPiE, Assistant. riMIE SPRING 8F.BSION ct this Inttilnlion will 'opn on JhJ'9day 2lst of February. The course of instruction will be designed prepare indents for College, or for tie practicril dntie of life. The Military.

Department will be under he direction xf a gentleman oi experience and abil- f' TEEMSTER SKSSION OF 20 WEEKS Tnition in Elementary 00 hher. 1250 Languages and higher i 15 0 Board from to $8 per month No deduction except in case of protracted illness. Students Coming by the Wilmington and Weldon Rail RCad will stop at Magnolia, from which place they can get a convey-'ance. For farther particulars address the Principal at Har-rell'sStore, New Hanover countv, N. C.

February 14. 25-6w FIl ANKLISkflESlI FIC 6i MI LIT A RY INSTITUTE. (MALE AND FEMALE.) DUPLIN COUNTY, NORTH TJARlfLINA. THE SIXTH SfeiMI-ANNUAL SESSIONS of this Institution commences Tuesday, January 15th. 1861, and continues twenty weeks.

It is well supplied with Arms, Apparatus, Gymnasium, Ac. The Musical and Ornamental Deparlment is under the charge; of' Miss Nellie F. Cate, as heretofore. Terms $10, $15 and $20 per Sepfion. Board $9 per month.

including' washing and fuel. Instruction iBgiven in the various Scientific, Classical and Mathematical Branches. No txtras except in Ornamental Department. For catalogues addreRs CLAUDIUS B. DENSON, Principal, Mt.

Olive P. Wayne N. C. Jan. 10.


DICKSON MALLARD, AsH. riHE next Session "of this School will begin on the 3d of JL September, 1SC0. TERMS PER SESSION: Board, including every thing, per month, $8 0) to 10 00 Tuition in Branches, 12 50 in higher Eng'ish, 16 00 in Languages and higher tfhematics 2100 Contingent 100 Deductions made at the option of the Principal. I3th. 160.

47-tf Lesral Notices. NOTICE. ORDERED, that a Special Term of the Superior Court of Law be held tor the County of Duplin, at the Couri House in Kenansville, on the third Monday in A. 1861, and that publication be made in the Wilmington Journal notifying suitors and witnesses in all civil cases to attend. Copy from tfce record.

HENRY E. KORNEGAY, Clerk. February 1861. 24-tf Si TATE OF KORTII CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. County Court, December Term, 18C9.

Joseph R. Blossom, vs. Original Attachment. John Bedford. 1 rilHIS CAUSE coming on for argument, and being argned, it Is ordered by the Court, that a conditional judgment be entered against the Defendaut, for the sum of one Hun dred and Eiht Dollars And it appearing to the Batisfac tion ot the Court, tnat tee deienaant is a non-resident it is theretore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Wilmington Journal, for six week, notifying, said de fendant to appear at the next term of the Court of Please and Quarter Sessions, to behrtd at the Court House in Wil mington; on the second Monday of March, A.

D. lbbl, then and there to plead, answer or demur, or judgment nnal by delauit will be taken against him, and the property levied npon be col to satialy 8 debt and costs. Teste. SAM'L K. BUNTING, Clerk.

Jan. 31, 1SG1 23-6w i Pr. adv. 62 STATE OF NOUTH COCNTY OF NEW HANOVER. County Court, December Term, 1SC0.

O. G. Tarsley or v. Original Attachment. SHdeaT.

Porter, HHIS cause coming on'for argument, and being' argued, I it ia'ordered by the Court that a conditional judgment be entered aeamst the Defendant for the sum of inree Hundred and Ninety-tive 39-100 Dollars. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendant i a oou- residenti It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Wilmington Journal for six weeks, notifying said Defendant to appear at the next term- of the Court of- Pleas and Quarter Sessicn, to be held at the Court House in, Wilmington, on the second Monday ot March, A. 1861, then and there to plead, answer or demur, or iudzment final by default will betaken against him, and the Drruertv levied npon be sold to satisfy FlaintiiFs debt and costs. Teste, SAM'L. R.

BUNTING, Clerk. Jan. 31, 1861 23-Gw Pr. adv. $3 62 STATE OF NOUTII CAROLINA, I NEW HANOVER COCNTY.

WHEREAS, Information hath this day been made to us, James Garrason and F. U. Bell, two acting Justices of the Peace, in nd for said county, upon the oath of James P. Moore, that Peter, a slave, of dark complexion-, medium size five feet five or six inches high, ratner good looKing, and aged about. twenty years, the property of said James P.

Moore, has runaway and lies out, supposed to be lurking about the county, in Long creek. Lower iiacK liiver ana Upper Black River districts, committing acts of elony and other misdeeds These, therefore, are to command the said Peter, in the name of the SUte of North Carolina, to surrender himself forthwith to his said masteii, or some other nerson and we do hereby order this proclamation to be published at the Court House door, and-two other public places in New Hanover county and we warn said slave if he doen not immediately surrender himself as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for any person to take him dead alive, without accusation or impeachment of any: crime whatsoever. Given under our hands and seals, this id day of August, A. 1SG0. JAS.

GARRASON, J. (Seal.j .1 F. H. BELL. J.

(Seal I WILL GIVE A REWARD OF TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS for the delivery of the said PETER to me at mv Plantation alive, or Fifty dollars for his: head. Aug. 9, I860 50-tf jas. r. aiwuttc.

Wanted. NEGROES. NEGROES WANTED. GENTLEMEN, vour old customers are yet in mark et. All vou who-have NEGROES for would do well 40 give us a call, or address POWELL Mc ARTHUR, Clinton, N- C.

L. A. Powell. J. A.

McAbthcr. July 12, 1860 46-ly HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR NEGROES. THE SUBSCRIBER is in the market, and win pay the highest cash prices for AEVROES oi. any age suitable lor tne ooumern maraeu STEVeVs. Clinton, Empson N.

June 21, 1860. 43-ly i ROCK. SPRING HOTEL. MARY S. McCALEB, Phopeietbess.

OLD STAND. Bjrf THE SUBSCRIBES takes this method of returning Ytf her sincere 1 thanks to her numerous friends for the r'lii liberal patronage her house has received for the past few years, and would respectiuiiy lniorm tne puono i.u she ia prepared to accommodate Boarders either Transient or Regular on the most liberal terms. -H hinir nitnated on the. South aide of Chestnut ati-wt Kainr Frnnt. ia in ft convenient location to business.

Hr taKi win at all times be found amply provided with the best the market affords. Her rooms are kept in the best possible manner, rendering eyerjreomfort and convenience to ner guest in her power. i i A continuance of public xatronage ia respectfully solicited. MABY S. McCALEB.

December I860 dtf. 4 NOTICBT--. WE TAJihi THIS METHOD or lniormmgme 4 Jail finished, and are now prepared 1 to tase chaige of all Negt oes sent to our care. We pay aa mgn prices as times will afford. Strict attention paid to Negroes put in our care for, sale, but no advances made until times get Always put your Negroes; where they will get BARD EN PETERSON.

C. BABPEK, -Jan. 3d, 1861. PETERSON. i 19-tf THE UNDERSIGNED having been elected Inspector of Naval fitoi-PH.

hArh anlicits a share of public patron age, and promises that he will give prompt attention to business entrusted to his hands. "LJt i 1 HENDERSON; Wilmirigton. N. 14th. 1860 29-ly NOTICE aHE SUPPLY MILL, Brunswick m.

o.f is uowm operation, at which can be obtained, any of the follow ing Lumber, viz: Pine, cypress. juniper, uaa, au w.u Hickory. Orders for any of the above filled and sent any point desired, from Fiorjda to ajMvhoT, fX 1 NO. 26. A.

For the Jonrr al. Met tins: In iSamuenn County. At a meeting in the Court House in Clinton, on fat or day, tne ytn oay oi eDruary, on the occasion ot raising a seces sion. Flag, the citizens first assembled in front of the Court Hoot-e, where the lag, a beantifol one, with a red ground, on which was a lone tar, representing the Southera Con federacy, together a full-grown pine, already boxed. ine design is a pretty one, ana wen executed by a native artist, i ine nag was rioea wun ine appropriate ceremonies, and then, an enthusiastic meeting was called in the Court House, and on motion of Allmand A.

McKoy, ereii reverson was caneu uib cnair, ana Henry Moore. ana nines a. oizzeu, were requtrsieu 10 act as secretaries. The chairman 4hen announced the object of the meeting. A.

A. McKoy, then moved that the chairman appoint a commitiep of hve-to prepare resolutions lor tne consideration of the meeting, which was carried and thereupon the chairman appointed the following persons viz Allmand A. McKoy, B. 4. hesnntt, Franklin J.

Faison, John vann, and Wm. rrier, J-sqs. Dnring the absence of tha committee; loud and repeated calls ere made for Duncan J. Dfc vane, Esq. Mr.

Devane being responded in a well-timed effort, exposing the fallacies into which the leaders of the self styled Union party had lailen. itn nis logical deductions, eloquent appeals and forcible conclusions, he brought conviction heme to the hearts' of his hearers, convincing them that he was no 1 .1 I vmiuaiy Bjieater, niiu inai ma lueme was one oi no iriiiiug import. His arguments plain and te ling, his manner ear nest end impressive, and. his good sense apparent in all be Said, he swayed his audience at his will, and carried convic tion home to the hearts of those who heard him WoulQ that truth had in all places euch an advocate At the conclusion ot Mr. ievane a speech, tne committee returned and reported tbrongh'A.

A. McKoy, the owing preamble and resolutions We. a portion of the people of the county of Samoson. in a public meeticg aeserii bled, having patiently awaited the action of a tardy Legislature, and seeing no bore of any compromise satisfactory to us, we do hereby again express our firm adherence to the doctrine of secession, and believe that interests, are by destiny united iwitB our -Bisters "of the Southern States, and in their troubles and trials they have oiir warmest sympathies and would to God that as a State we could now take our stand by them, and shoulder to shoulder resist the tide of fanatical coercion which threat ens to meet them with hostih? forces upon their, own soil, and to desecrate their homes and firesides with the ruthless hand of civil war. Therefore, be it I Resolved 1st, That we believe it onr duty as freemen to cast our lot with the sister States who have severed their-connection with a government (whose whole power and strength has been perverted and turned, against the South,) and we do hereby declare to the world that we believe our only salvation to be in the exercise -of the right ot secession, and the resistance' of coercion.

Resolved, 2d, That we call upon the freemen of Sampson to. resist the march of Northern aggression with the same firm deteimination that they did the oppressions of the British government feeling that it is as much a disgrace to serve Northern fanatics as it was to conch Bubmiobively 'St the feet of the English lion. liesoivea, aa, that we must and will send secession dele gates to' represent ns in the Convention of North Carolina. Resolved. 4th, That the course pursued by.some leading journals of North Carolina has brought disgrace npon the state, and given aid-and comfort to the Black Republicans, and thereby anvited further aggression on the part of the North), and closed their hearts to every thing like a friendly ind equitable adjustment of pending difficulties.

Jitsoivea, oihr mat we approve of the course or Oov. Ellis and of our representative ia Hon. Warren Winslo and that we could not. blame him if he were' to cease to attend, in the halls of Congtess, as legislation in a free country is to be carried on while the streets of the national capitol j'esound with martial music and bristle' with bayonets. Resolved.

6 h. That we are out end out for a Southern Coniederacy. i Jiesoioed. 7th. lhat a military company- ought to be ormed in the county of Sampson, and that we earnestly recommend to the Magistrates of the cennty of Sampson an appropriation to arm inch company, and that a majority of them lay a tax sufficient to purchase arms of the most approved and effective kind; I 7 T.

i il i rt jicsuictu, oiu. ioa.1 we nan oouinern nag, ana seea DtKler its protection that security which has been denied un der the Stars and Stnpes. The resolutions were 'adopted amid acclamations of an dause, without a dissentiLg voice. After the adoption tf the resolutions. Allmaud A.

McKoy, being, loudly called for, responded in his usual forcible and eloquent style. He clearly demonstrated that the policy and doctrines ot the Black- Republican party, it submitted to. would iiltnnatelv lekd to the abolition n( slnverv irv the States where cow exista. He showed beyond doubt that the non-slaveholder was interested in the institution as much as the slaveholder, and portrayed in the most vivid colors the sad results that would follow its abolition. If the edi- do not undertake to.

report his whole speech olespeech. It wasa njost capital effort, and was frequently interropted by bursts of, applause. 1 1 On motion of Dr Thomas Bunting, it was Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in all the States Rights papers of-NorHi and that the Secretaries furnish a. copy to-theWilmington Journal asking ihe publication tneretf, with the request that the other papers copy the same. i i EVERETT PETERSON, Chairman.

HENRY MOORE, i JAS. A. BlZZLE, Secretaries. For the Journal. Public M-eU In WhUevlUe.

I la pursuance of an Act of the (Jeneral ABWmbly cf the Ptate, providing for an election to be held on the 2th to fleet deiagates to a State Convention to take into con- eideration our federal Relations, the citizens of Columbus County assembled ait Xhe Gort House, in White on the 10th and on motion of Mr. J. B. Stanlv. A.

I. was canea teethe unair, and Lir. c. i. wjche and VY, Jasper Stanly were requested to act as Secretaries The Chairmantben requested Mr.

Georgs to state the oriect ot the meeting, which he did in a tew briet remarks On motionof F. George, the Chairman was requested, to appoint a Committee, ot three; from each district to draft Resolutions, and nominate a suitable candidate for the action or the meeting, committee. Waiteville District R. Wooten, A. F.

Powell J. Pridgen. ug Hill District MessrSi Richard' F. Mar low, Joma an Gore and W. J.

Stanly. I i 1 Fair Dlvff District essrs. Jno. ell and L). ruggs.

Rogue Dislrui ti Messrs. C. fl. J. Smith and J.

W. House. latum' District Isham Williamson; Harris Coleman and VV. W. Bunn.

i Lee's District Whi. K. Gore, D. P. Beach and Stephen M.

Pierc. iT Gum Svcamp District Messrs. J. H. Stanly, Ed ward Todd and Caleb Spivey.

The Committee having retired, ll. u. Holmes, was called upon, came forward, and in a short but patriotic and forcible speech ettertamed the audience, taking strong g'-cunds immediate ciion in severirg the ties that bind North -Carolina to the General Government, as the only means cf pi otecung State against dishonor, disgrace and being absorbed into a itiacK tiepuDlican- Administra tion proving in the main the right of Secession when the rights of a Sovereign State have been compromitted or dis regarded by the majority. The speech of Mr. Holmes was warm'y received, and we are pleased to cay had a happy effect noon the citizens of Columbus.

The Committee having returned, submitted the following preamble and Kesolutions i. i WrjEhEAS, The election of Abraham Lincoln to the PresI dency of the United States, has caused much dissatisfaction among the people, he being pledged to principles which we believe to be destructive to the rights and honor of the South, and inasmuch as onr State Legislature has called a Convention of our people to consider our federal Relations therefore. i i Resolved, That we believe the interest and hohorof NoVth Carolina demands that t-he should be identified with the 'i 4 'I Resolved, hat we are in favor or a complete co-opera tion amomr the Southern States. Resolved, That we view the organization of the Southern Confederacy as the only means ot. Baving the South from danger.

Resolved, That we recommend Richard Wooten as a can didate for Columbus county. i On motion, the report of the committee was unanimously received, and a committee of three, consisting ot Messrs F. George, J. C. Pridgen and Gore, were appointed to inform Mr.

Wooten of his nomination. 1 i The committee having done so, Mr. Wooten came forward, and, in a few brief remarks, acKnowiecging his gratelu for the honor conferred, accepted the nomination declared himself a loyal citizen, being devoted to and iden tified with the interests Of his State--eer ready to raise his voice and his arm in defence ornis state's cherished rTghts, and that no act ot ma ever cast a Oiur upon the escutcheon of the fair fame and bright name of the Old North State. Mr. Wooten closed by declaring himself a secession ist, and that secession was the only nope for North Caro lina." 1 There appearing no ottef business, on motion, the meet ing adjourtea sine axe.

a. i. iui.u, Voairmaa. W. Jasper Staklt, I tarie.

Dr. C. G. Wyche. becretariC8, For the Journal.

Metliig at Upper Black Rtvfr. At a meeting of the citizens of Upper Black River D. trictf on motion, James Kerr was called to the Chair, and W. Taylor requested to act as Secretary, i The meeting being thus organized, on motion, Messrs. Lewi Hlgbsgrith, Dr.

I. M. Heavy and J. Faison were appointed a commit- tee to prepare business for its consideration, who, through Whereas By virtue a proclamation or the uovemor North Carolina, an election is to be held on the 28th inst. determine whether or not the people of this State shall assemble a Convention of delegates from its several coun- tie, to effect, if possible, an honorable adjustment of ex isting difficulties between the States, but especially to decide what action will best preserve the honor and promote the interests of the people of thia State and whereas, a Oonntv Convention ia to be held, at Wnmintrton on the Mia to select suitable persona to represent New Hanover County in said Convention therefore, I Mesotvea uit xnat we same aa oar aeciaeu cnoico oux I as to the For Sale and to Let.

FOR SALE. 1 A FINE PAIR OF PLANTATION MULES. wfcii-nronej ii i. disposed ot at private tale prfrvions to Tuetdayi of, March Conrt, they will then fee soia at pcbiic: suftion in the town of wmmington. 4.

I DAVID E. BUNTING. I 25-ts Feb. 15, Ihi LANDS KOUiSALEl IM BRINMUICK COUKTV. A VINO MORE LANDS thinl can woik toanyadvan- tge, lem desirous to sell at a great sacrifice.

1420 situated to two miles of the. W. M. B. 22 mileH from Wilmirgton, at $2 60- per Here about 100 acsesof ahich is-under cultivation over 100 acres of good wa-mp Laud- drained.

Any quantity of the best Shell Marl may -be had oni the place. Also, some Turpeo tine, ood. Oak, Cypress, Afch, Hickory, and Poplar. ir the alcove Lands do not smti will eellJ immediately on the VY. A 22.

miles from Wilmington, 1100 acres of LAna, npon which is the best blue shell marl, some Turpentine boves cat last winterJ ten to fifteen hundred cords of pine wood may be sold I If desired all of the above I.anda would be; sold. An examination will convince any or that these Landn are offered for less than one-ha'f their i One-third cash; will be required negro property or to wn lots would- be taken in exchange for the balance, or good endorsed notes with interest, payable in one and two years. Possession 1 will be given of either or both places immediately, if sold' before tfce first of April, but not disposed of by that lime, possession will not be given until January next, The Lands might be turned to some Email settlements. will sell in smaller quantity and have two other tracts I would sel). These Lands are well adapted to the growth of CornjCottoB and Potatoes, and are easily improved.

I Any person wishing to examine the premises, will get a ticket to Bj rdnville, on SM. R. R. 1 Any inquiry addressed io Byrdsville Brunswick county, N. concerning saidsldnds, will be promptly an swered ll C.

J. BYRD. January 10th CI 20 lA FOR SALE. aIHE SUBSCRIBERS have on hand a STILL which they desire to sell. It is ueaiiy hew.

having been run only one year in size it will hold fifteen baneJsjand is complete in all its fixtures. We wifll self it on six months' time by giving good City acceptance. Apply to: Eoux A Fer-nandina, or toj F. M. Myrell.

Steamboat Agent. Savannah, to the subscribers! i (TEMPLE Nov. 1, I860. 10-tf i 1 Waldo, Fla. i 1- VALUABLE SWAMPj LAMS FOR SALE.

fw THE SUBSCRIBER having determined to go South, jSfea ofi'ers for sale his entire. possesion of; LANDS in New Hanover county, 30 miles from Wilmington, aod one mile from the Cape Fear River, irf Caintuck District, there being'about 360 acres in all, of which 35 acres are drained and cleared, and in of cultivation there being about 200 acres -more! to jclear, al heavy growth Swamp Land, being a portion of the well-known i JUNIPER AND BEAR SWAMPS, and the balance UPLAND. The Swamp ia well adapted to, th Coin, Peas. Potatoes and fticev Oh the; Plantation ia a very good DWELLING HOUSE nearly new, and all necessary oat-bouses, and a good Well of Water. Th place is pleasantly located, and as healthy as any in the State.

Also, another tract immediately ou the Cape Fear lltiver, containing 152 acres, about 2-miles from the aiove plantation all fenced for the purpose of a Pasture. There! is about 40fi acres cleared and weil adapted to Corn, Ptas, Pamkins, Ac. Also, there is any quantity of OAK AND ASH WOOD handy to the river, which tan, with lmle'lanor, into money. Any person wishing to settle himself valuable and pleas antly located, a place as any in thisoountry-j-in a good neigh- Dortood wowld do well to call soon, as 1 am euie the place is too. well known to remain on hand Apply to the subscriber onithe premise, or address Arthur Bourdeaux, Caintuck P.

New Hanover coubty, N. 0. April 19, 1860 34-tf i ARTHUR BOURDEAUX. V'-. LAN OS l-OR ALE.

THE' SU BSCRIBER offers fpi sale .2,500 ACRbS OF LAND, situated South of and immediately on the Wilmingtun aud Manchester Rail Road, 22 to 24 miles from Wilmington. Their advantages in regard to health, soil, timber, summer and winter range for stock, with the natural advantages and small expense of draining, cannot be excelled 10 the State. Uiavmg more land than I can use I aoa offering them at a lower price per acre than any in this section. These lands; are Ipronounced by judges to be fine cotton lands, Persoiis wishing torexamiue the said lands wiil pleae addiefcs nie aiWestbrdoks Post Office, county, C.J stating the" time will be at Maxwell's Uepol; on sari road, and -will meet them there and show thorn the Those wishing to know anything concerning them before visiting write (end I will answer them inimRiliAtflv. J.

A. ROBESON. Ashwood, Bla.den Count-, N. 24, 1860. 1 27 tf READ.

I-liEAD 1 1 READ: I IMMENSE redaction in prices: at Ithegreat Souther 1 Sky G.tlJery, immediately oyer Neff, and next door to the Adams' Express Office on-Front, below Market Street, iWilmington, N. C-M Pictures 50 cifnts in large cases, warranted as good as any heretofore taken lor one, cjollar. I Ladies and Gentlemen are most respectfully invited to call and judge for themselvesl Pictures made in the most inv proved and highly finished style of the ert. BLACKBURN. Operator.

Jan. 24th, 161 117 2t 23-1 At-It ICC LI URAL I S. IHE SUBSCRIBER! respectfully informs the public that he ha rented the biiok warehouse of E. P. Hail, and has it nv Btoied with everv ivaiiety of PLOUGHS AND FLO Cu ll CASTINGS, CORN 8 II EL EU BTRA Cli TIER Si CANAL BAltRO WS, GRINDSTONES, SUO VELS, SPADES, HOES, which we are sel-ing at lower prices than they can be purchased elsewhere.

i are receiving, weekly, large supp ies of Ploughs stamped the names of the best makers; and our ar ran cements lor procQriug them from the mAnufactories en able us to sell them at prices that wll defy- competition. JAMES WILSON, Harness, Trunk, Saddlery, Leather fc Oil Establishment No. 5 Market street. Jan. 161.

I For the Journal. Meeting Rildge. The citizens of Taylor's Brfdge.Disfrict rhjet on the 9th of eoiuary, oy appoiuimeuii, 10 orgauize.uieir omnieer kjuus- pany. Alter the election Of officers and transaction of oth? er business, it was proposed to hold a meeting to appoint delegates to a CouuTy -should ope be heldyj to and for other objects. I 1 t.

i On motion, P. ftlurphy was cal'ed to the Chair, and Dr. G. Wt Moaeley R. Mcrphy appointed Secretaues.

The Chairman explained the object ol, the meeting. Resoited. That we anplove the preanible'and resolu t.iona adooted at-a mettietr of the Caoe Fear Minute Meu. held iu ilmingtoh qu he31st ahI that we 'feel it our doty to urge moreiprompt ana linmeaiaie otaie action in regard to a Conveniionl; and that we would willingly co operate with our fellow citizens. to hold an election tor del elates to a State Convention at an earlier period than.that designated by the act of the XcgislijKure of iur State, were it practicable at this tirxe do so 1 The Chairman dissentiijg.

Resolved, lhat Richard -Parish, -Dr. C. T. Murphy, R.J Murphy. C.

R. Vanni? A. C. Johnson, G. Herring, and Bryant Merrit be appointed Relegates to a County Conven i -i V- 7 On motion, the Chairman and Dr.

G. VV. Mosely were ad ded to the list. i -5 I Resolved, That we rcommend to the County Convent on Dr.Thos. Buntmgana vvm.

lievane, xisq i lor delegates to the "State Convention tot this County-, i Resolved, That. the Editors of the Wilmington Journal be reaaested to pablish.the proceedings ot this meet'ng, and that other papers copy. i P. MURPHY, Chairman. R.

T. MCRPfiY, 1 4 Dr. G. W. MoselEy For the Journal.

At a meeting held i at Lillirgton, on Saturday, Feb. 9th, 1861, on motion, Wm. H. Thomson was called to the Chair, and Owen Fenneil, Jr.i, was requested to act as Secretary. Chairman explained the object of the meeting to be the appointment of delegates to represent Long Creek Dis tiict in a County Convention, to be held in Wilmington, to nominate delegates tor the state conventions On motion.

Jas. Garrason, 'Aaron Lamb and Hardy L. Fennel were appointed delegatesl "Dr. Will. D.

Somers and the Chairman as alternates i--On motion, it was unanimously 1 Resolved, To instruct our delegates to voto for only such as are known to be In favor of secession Ordered, That a copy these proceedings be sent to the Wilmington Journal and Wilmington Herald, with a request tO pOOllSn. i i On motion, the meeting adjourned. i i WMi, H. -THOMSON, Chairman. O.

Fekxill, Secretary. Tribute orReipert. it At a called meeting Hiram Lodge, -No. 03. Feb.

14th, 186 1, -the following preamble andjesolutions were adopted Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in! the wise dis-oensation of His providence, to remove "from bur midst and from the midst of a large circle of friends and relations our esteemed friend and brother, Eli Underwood therefore, Resolved, That while. we bow. in -humble submission to the will of Him who doeth all things Well, we deeply deplore the los we have sustained in the death of brother Undei- Resolved. That we are admonished by this dispensation of providence that we too are' mortal, and that it is wisdom on our part to make the needed preparation for the eventful hour of death. Resolved.

That we deeply sympathise with the widow and children of our departed brother in the great loss they have sustained, and pray that they may realize that God is indeed A Father of. the fatherless and a judge of the widow' Resolved. That we wear -tne usual badge! of mourning thirtv davs. and that a copy. of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and to the Wilmington Journal and Biblical uecoraer ior puuucauotu- -1 H.L.

HOBBS. Committee. Hi WHITE. J. of to Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, MRS.

WINSLOW. An experienced Nurse and SVTTiatft Phvafotnn attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP. ily. TOJt EN TEETHING, wincn greatly facilitates the nrncena of teething hv af ening the gums, reducing all inflammation will allay A LL I SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. uepena upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves.

and RKLIEF AND We have pat up HEAL TO YOUR INFANTS. and sold this article for over ten years. and CAN SAY, IN what we have never anvother medicine FAILED, IN A BIN-TO h'FECT A used. Never did we CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, been able; to say of WIN SLOWS SOOTHING 61 KI P. i JSEVF.R HA: IT OLE INSTANCE, CUBE, when timely know an instance of is by any one who used it.

On jthe'rcociiry, all are delighted with its operations, and ttpeaa in oi eommendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter 4 WHAT WE DO KNOW," after ten years' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE ERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant ia snfl'ering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or minutes after the syrup is administered. I This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF Ii not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and: energy to the whole It will almost instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COA.IC and overcome con-not epeedily reme-We believe it the REMEDY IN THPJ of DYSENTERY vulsions, i died, end in death. BEST AND SUREST WORLD, in all cases AND DIARRUQ3A FOR CHILDREN TEETHING IN CHILDREN, whether other cause: We would it arises from teething, Or any say to every motner who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaint' DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be SURE yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used.

Full directions for using will accompany each bottte. None panuine unless the fac-simile of CULTI3 New-York, ia on the outside wrapper. i Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal Ollirc, 13 Cedar Ktreet, N. i PRICE ONLY CENTS PER Sold in Wilmington N.

by WALKER MEARES. Feb. 25th. 186fi l47-3m 27 ly i PAINTS PAINTS. URE WHITE LEAD Snow White Zinc; 1 White Gloa Zinc Liiseed Oil, Varnish, Patent Dryers, Ac.

For sale whole sale and retail, hv W. ti. LIPPITT, h'r. "homift. PAINTS AND OILS.

1 A AAA LBS- White Lead lU.UUU 5,000 lbs. Pure White Zinc UUU 1U3 A Ul Vf Lll J1UUY AAA 111 1143 500 lbs. Silver Paint in Oil; 50 bbls. dry asHorfd 10 5 6 5 5 2 300 lbs. aim Spanish Brown Venetian Red Yellow Ochre Linseed Oil; Lard Oil; i Best Sperm Oil Chrome Green, in oil and dry Yellow, mAul and dry I.I For sale wholesale and retail, by W.

H. LIPPITT, Oct. 2 5-tf Druggist Chemist Rewards. $150 A It RUSAWAV i FROM THE SUBSCRIBERS on last VatTay knight, the following Beproes, viz PETER, frL- L1S JONES and A VEN1 A.i Peter is very stout bum, weighs about VJ: pounds, i. about 5 feet 11 inches high, about 2o years old he formerly belonged to Mr.

IN. b. Nixon, of New Hanover county. Ellis is about 21 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, jet black, and weighs about 175 pounds -he formerly belonged about Newbern, N. where his wife now lives, but mars recently to Mr.

C. Chadwiek, of Brunswick county, who owns his brother. Lavenia is a very stout woman, weighs about 150 pounds, 20 years old, and formerly belonged to Mr. J. M.

Fenneil, of Sampson county. Any per-On takiDg up either, or all 'of the above negroes and returning them to the subscribers in ilmmgton, or confining them in so that we can get them, will receive fifty-dollars lor each, or one lmur red anttntty tor an ot them. BAhDEN PETERSON. Jan. 14, 1860.

i 108-Im 21-tf. SIO REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, about three months since, a negro woman named BRIDGETT. She walks lame, but quick, of dark complection, low built, aged aouut 35 or 40 She is supposed to be lurking on the Sound, in the neighborhood of Wrightsville. The above reward will be paid for her confinement in Wilmington Jail, or for her to the sabacriber.

i niTITi.iTTiv TkIT 4 :1 An aaamonai iewaru oi i tiyi i 1 1 iuLua no mu be paid for information that will lead to the. conviction of any person harboring said negro. AUg. 16U. 4J-U J.

1.JLlW. General Notices. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE "UNDERSIGN ED have entered into Co-Partnership in the town of Wilmington, N. under the firm and style of SOUTUERLAN COLEMAN, for the purpose of buying and Belling NEGRO where the highest cash prices will be paid.

They also have a house in Mobile, Alabama, where they will receive and sell Slaves on commission. Liberal advan ces made upon Slaves left with them for sale. 17. J. nouiiiritiUAiiL'.

JAMES COLEMAN. Augn-t. 1st. 1R59. 2-tf PLOUGH FACTOR B.

Tf JltnT hom'nrf rtartirr1 riia Vtnai'nofiQ fmm ft fliir riaee Factory to a PLOUGH FACTOUY, respectiuiiy infoims the citizens of Sampson and the adjoining Counties, that he expects to manufacture and keep constantly on hand the moat comnlste and suitable eelection of the latest and most, aooroved styles of entirely new IMPROVED PLOUG made oi steei or iron, suitauie 10 tnuereui, buub buu iuc un-ferent changes of ploughing that may be required. These rlouc hs consist of sweeps, hollow and solid also various 1 A 1. Jif sizes of Shovels, double or turning OULD BOARD COTTON or POTATOE SCKAPEii. Also, new ground andBobsoil PLOUGHS. All of these plough hoes are used upon three stocks, which may be changed by means of boits to suit every farmer's convenience.

I will also sell State or County Rights, or District or Farm Rights. Orders thank fully received and promptly attended to. All letters ad- d.essedto. k. uuuu, at uiuwu, y.

Jan 24tb, 1861. I tO-PARTNEUhliiP. fTIHE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a co-part- BROWN, for the purpose of oonducting a Wholesale and Retail Drv Goods business in Wilmington, N. tt. McINTIRE, JNO.

BROWN. Sept. ICth, 1860 WE talr the lihertv of calling public attention to our no tice of Co-partnership above. We shall cpen, on or about th iat nf ortnhpi next, at 30 Market Street, next door to Brown Anderson's Jewelry establishment, an entirely of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which have been selected with great care expressly forhis mar ket, and which will be ottered at tne lowest possiDie rates for cash and to prompt paving customers, We respectfully solicit a snare oi puouc patronage, we aTiati pnrionvnr at all times to render satisfaction to tnose who patronize ns. I Orders promptly ana laitmmiy execu R.

M. McIntisb, the past five years with Hedrick Jno. ceOwn, late oi nvenansvuie. Sept. 21st, 1S60 -I'-- V- -I 6-tf MtLu OWNERS, i THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that we, undersigned, have seen the performance of a new Water Wheel, invented hv fianro-P-w.

Armatronir. ot couniy, iV. Ak grinds a bushel of good meal in 3 minutes' ana seconas, with seven feet 5 inches of water, and Saves half the; water with comparison of other wheels. or1Krn 1 JOHN BARDEN. I H.LAMB.


W. SMITH. Dec 12th; Further Darticulars relative to the above wheel, can be learned: by application to, or addressing the subscriber at Dobbinsviile Post Office, Sampson county, N. C. ur.o.

w. AtimaiKyw. I860. 17-3m ALS wv VlLlUNGTON.t FOUNDRV AND MAClllN Hi aiiutr. FBONt STREET, (BELOW MARKET STREET,) 1 Wilmington, N.

C. A- HART C. BAILEY, PBOPBTETOBSy BASS AND TRON CASTINGS, nnisnea or nnnnisnea, new Machinery made and put up old Machinery over hauled all kinds of Patterns, urnaoneniai niu Areiuwuu-rai will supplj Drafts of all kinds of Machinery, and Mill Work generally. 4- AH wort warranted to oe as repreeuia. um w- spectfally Also urpenune a una ana vyp pwnwiui i November 1th, 1869 H-lj.

4 I I Governors of the Sovereign Slatei of thii Confederacy. t' i 17-tf Deo. 33, 1859. -in 4 4 1 I.

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