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The Weekly Standard from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 i r3l FROM THE NORTH CAROLINIAN. by private ncti di tqtSM the world, Republican appdlatl REPUPLTCAN 'MEfcTlNG IN MONT- a-C "Pushed? JZ payablhalf-Tf early 1ns adyancel but it KJt tuTlMAaiA' 1. We find the in NpW soi zine ciuzcbs oiMaot gomery county.afterHrefuaingjto caH themby jbat name when representing id the Legislature of North is-an imnudent alterant iprK, wnir, or a recent aiseorerv relations to ty under jGefl JpKs'sdaMniriiof ani SlOV.OOO.fn'amounL 1 "1'. 3 County, 10th89. Alter a few-da vs hre.viocis-notkek nnmKr hisjiat on tfiepToffleinmrage, ande xadd; "Dunderand.blixen 1 some tarn Yankee's cut off bote de ends Of mine jtopes and putilem Yere der tuvfei himself ybnt find 'emiV.

Y. Whiff. TH5 STAa ASD-KOBTB CAROLINA GAZETTE. RANDOLPH MACON COLLEGE. tne Mecklenburg Peclaration' of Independence? failing to give nbtice p1fhl3 desire to dis A(BG EO ATE Lb88E8.VO18ilS,60.

4 which' fully" exonerates Mr. Jefferson from the exmratioii tf ih-te -te-'hioK1 to. deceive, an4 dictate to the freemed hi- this aid. wiB-be astered th'avinor charge 'so frertuentlyPof iat" year's1 brbught af MialsSce.8 RecciVers 'Public 1 sqred.apeAya.ndiljifti fapeafiioatiuuedatihe 11 1 OPtioaof.lbe Editor, until ordered ta. Le j.i' Bb da forirtiesi the.Democraiiolepublican citizens of met at the Court ttquse, in I 1 iH When the meeting Organized' Oh motion oTbotnaa TeBiliason, Esq.

by calling Farquhar Martin 4b tnrcbairS aDioiniinD. J-ssf strumenLaeveraJ str-iki6froicMenci tlrati-ht Pveni.rigiu,s.epwMt )o ranK.amon. country which vvp. will neveT -recognize or toler ate while we believe jnteiligent rten capable of seJf governmenW and, that shaping them; ifti caucus, and voting them in, iheirJ place in ithe Legislature, bug to satisfy; them.jwithout at- I buto paper will "be $6,7.0000. Disbursing officers, ipcludng Pay? and phrase Demg pointed butn his immortal country per, and in that which preceded it from the pa- were -present Ht.

fhe late commencement, and take trkus of, bovenentienedx jiTbeccu- Pe80f la expressing the high degree of gratifi sation was so plausible, that cati which, in eonamon with a rery large and Annual loss from blithe above sources, $18. tempting to legitimate or ratify them without the -V-. i i i uneaing your- etiinr, wfll be itiserted t'm for dollar B. -Covihgton and Coir Weill Ntcbolson, Sec thenieetin was exnlain- The banknominal losses were much iandtWeaty-five eenis for each Subsequent iascr-. tiou 5 those of greatet lensth in prpportioa.

jlf. the friends were often somewhat stago-ered by Hi boti 'CRpccwuie asscwuiageoi vraners, we experienrea from the nrscoverV of Mr 'Force, it soehSs thftt on the occasion. The exercises were of a tefin- ed in ah ablelucidjmd appropriate mauerrbv the chair nurtiDer of lnsertidna be not marked oh them. theV greater than the above sums under Monroe's and John QL Adams' Administratiohs by Depo- inenious rogaerv interbolated the nassaffes in ed werated mord and intellectual character win tuuuuucv uuiu uruereu qui. On motion of R.

McLennan, Esq. to annoint well calculated to produce the most jagreeahle ex site'BankS that failed, and by others that failed. Cwestioia for the purpose of injuring the fair fame knowledge, or coosest oithe one hundredth part of our freej pcpobtlon- Resolved, hat (juiable, and patriotic Republican Senators in Hon. Bedford Brown and Robert Strangeriiave excited anew our esteem, by-rescuing in so signal; a manner, the. Sacred doctrines of instruction in our State, from hands who refused to incunthat responsibility, indispensable in all human inter- a committee of even, to "draft a preamble and -whose bills the officers nf" Government had "on of the sage of Monticello, who had nevef seen Court'AdctttUementkiiA Sheriffs Sates, will Jbe charged ttnfy-ice pertsent.

Higher thati'the rates. aim td citeme nt in the minds of the auditors, and to leave on them a highly favorable impression of the intellectual improvements df the students, and of hand depreciated.1 But all ha ve been since paid, or neard pl pe Mecklenburg Declaration at the time that pq thg part pf ihe Unitaed States was except the A deduction Tf will be made to ihose who adfertise'bv the yeart1-' the ability, zeal arid assiduity of the Faculty. the losses by Banks under Madison's Ad written and adopted: ministration, were by taking depreciated Da per. Ma: JiFFERsdi several aomeotiue oraitons maniiesjeo a deptn ot renec- course to ask, or expect, compliance, and 'shave Letters to the Editor' must come" Tree of they are, estimated low from that cause, at i postal 0t they may not he 'attended to. years past, the-fame of Thomas Jefferson anu rrcn, wereueiiw wun a iorce, been assaired wfth a charge'' of piagiarism in 1 thaiwo'? nave done honor to much 6ldr heads.

5.000,000. Most, if not all these bank failures hannened the uraft of the Declafaonnf; Independence-! 1 ihecrderol exercise which The-, accusation is in substance that he cop ed llXt. uuuiau CV" while the United States Bank was in 'operatipn. The above does not include i ldsses from the Mecklenburg Declarationissued ih ITOai rticamona; Stales Bank itself, bv nbtpavrnff full dividends Mecklenburg, N. C.

on the 20th of April, 1774, I uesdav, June 18. Cmorc than a year before the Declaration by Con- mn 1 presentaiive several year, and by seizing on Whets for dam-agest Out of one hundred and fourteen Collec resolutions expressive Of the yiewa of this meeting, the chair appointed, Fd ward McCalluan, Alexander McKay, Martin. Esq. Thos Tomlinsop, Esq. Doctor Neill Mc-Call um, Jaroes Xr'fe, and Roderick McLennan, Esqsaid cOmmfttee after retiring for sorae time, reporjed the following through E.

M. Me Galium, Esq, chairman, of th.e committee, -all of which were iead separately and, passed unaniraonsly. Whereas, The institutions under which we happily live, secure to us, nol only the high and exalted privilege of exercising our free and untrammelled suffrage in the choice of our rujers, but also that of assembling ourselves, to express our opinions on those measures which long have and now do, govern and protect us, and which we wish to transmit unimpaired into the hands of posterity, Therejore Resolved, That the Hon. Martin Van Buren, President of the United States, his able cabinet, and the Republican Members of Congress, are entitled to our gratitude and fu ressA several stnkfng passages and senti- auiuiuwu, vy mu. i ments, aad especially the concluding pledge of OI 0 tors, only eighty are indebted to any considerable amount, and the other-thirty have paid; or secu red, or the sums are very small.

But as a ba our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." ay vomux, ui o. Mr. Jefferson, in repelling this charge denied Patriotism, by L- ClOpton, of aOM THE K.StVTEJCL1r NEW ER AKt AMERICAN COtTtrER. Jndepiidiit Treasnry. This great proposition the most important, certainly, to the permanent prosperity and republicanism of the country thai has ever been sug- fortunately reserved -as the, grao4 te6t question of the next presidential election; It.will tri um pharVtly sustain any Administration which is clearly 'pledged arid, faithfully devoted' to its So thoroughly are the people convinced of itS'YUal importance, that it would carry a' Federal ioto power, i by -any chance aucK party tould have been iuduced to originate and'urgeit: and merely as a mailer or politicnl expediency we doubt not that even they woultf instantly advocate it, if it were not that ah such Declaration as that of Mecklen- lance stood unsettled, it most be reported by the 4.

Peculiar motives to intellectual exertion in bug was ever issued at all. In this he was mis-1 public officers. Of sixty to seventy Receivers, a- gainst whom balances exist, near half of the offi taken. The Mecklenburg Declaration was ac ces have been established within the last ten years, tually framed and issued on the 20th nf April, the U. States, by W.

L. Ligon, of S. Ca rolina. 5. Importance ofthe Uoion, by J.

F. Dowdell, of 6. The moral tendency of Intellectual culture. 1774 more than a year before the Declaration and twenty to thirty of these defaults are small debts, or or paid. Of the two hundred enuiled themselves to oar, confidence and support, by theif Uberaluy.jaod disioterestedneas manifest the confidence reposed in the Republicanism of our citizens by throwing the ratification or rejection of their course into ihe hands o(all the freemen of North Caaolina.

Resolved, That we will at the ballot box and elsewhere, employ all laudable means to prevent our beloved State incurring the infamy of passing said "Rayner," or any olher resolutions under any name whatsoever, which have for. their object the riveting -a censure of official perjury on that distinguished Southern patriot, Andrew Jackson, before the Senate of the United States and the world, after he has retired to private life, at the age of seventy-five years; fifty of which have been spent in the most laborious public service, and most of it in arduous struggles to elevate Southern interests. Resolved, That the old Whig flag, which to long and so gallantly waved over our heads in the dark days of the revolution, is still in oor custody, and that the modern cloak lately najmed after it, under which the old Federalists, high-toned. Tariff men, Abolitionists, Conservatives, Neutralists, Clay men, Harrison mem: Webster men, and all other disappointed and disaffected politicians (not excepting even the "no psrty" to' hide their real principles; has too rmny stripes of too varied hues to bear any affinity to the plain Republican fabric, worn by our ancestors in '76. of Congress but Mr.

Jefferson bad probably never seen or heard of it when he drafted the Edward Wadsworth, of North Carolina thousand dollars, estimated as a loss from 1829 In the evening, addresses were, delivered be document. Peter Force, Esq. 7, it is after deducting all butVne or two tures upport, for the ability and patriotism evinced already the tower of strength of the present Ad- of Washington," in pursuing his antiquarian re cases of any magnitude. The rest will probably searches, has discovered a North Carolina p- be in the end collected, and not Jeave over that ministration and the Democracy. 1 hey would abandon their opposition to it, -with as much cool sum, if so much, lost.

More money actually has per, printed six weeks after the' Mecklenburg impudence as they abandoned their ferocious op- Declaration, and containing that disputed docu been collected in one of the years under General posi'ion to the Special Deposite bystem, tempo Jackson, from sales of lands, than in any eight or fore the two Literary Societies, in their Halls, by the Rev. H. G. Leigh, and the Hon. Mr.

Drom-gdole, of which were spoken of in the highest terms of commendation. We had the pleasure of hearing ihe former, and can truly say, that it has never been our good fortune to listen to a more pithy, instructive, or impressive address. The Halls of; the societies are handsomely aud comfortably fitted and each has a large and well selected Library, ranly adopted by Gen. Jackson as a transition ment but not the passages which Mr. Jefferson is accused of copying from it.

These must therefore have been stolen from the National by their devotion to those principles, which engrossed the active and business portion of the lives of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Jack-son "and others, in rescuingour State institutions, commerce, and foreign and domestic exchanges, from the thraldom in which our abuse of the blessings ofthe credit system has plunged us, at a time when the dying grasp of that cruel, and prolific mother of monopoly and corruption (the late Bank df the United States) hung like a ten years of any of his predecessors. Hence the step from a National Bank, and to counteract the ratio or proportion of losses is small under him Declaration at some subsequent period by some otherwise. destructive effect of Bibdle's twenty million contraction. They would he as vocifer Whole number and amount of Merchants Bonds for Duties, unpaid when due, and probably lost. busy-body, and engrafted upon its Mecklenburg namepake.

he evidence is conslusive. both that ous for it, as they now ar for the very Deposite i .1 3 i Wednesday, June 19. there was a primary Declaration at Mecklenburg, iney men aenounceu. Bui anf Iridepeident National Treasory being is eight thousand in number, and near" six millions five hundred thousand dollars in amount: and of these, six million dollars were not under General Jackson's Administration, except those ana that Mr. Jenerson borrowed nothing from it.

deadly incubus upon our commerce and exchanges, and even upon our cotton and other produce. iy A nk.i u- the ravonie measure of the Democracy; tne ed As the accusation against him was a serious one. iiwoira, i uai we iiearmv concur witn tne eralistsare'of course opposing it bv every art and and has been so ihorougly refuted, we trust those falling due about the time of the suspension of 1. Inaugural Address, by J. VV.

Harey, Prof, of Nat. Philosophy and Chemistry, 2. Latiu Oration, "De Officii functione," by C. F. Burnly, Louisia, Va.

3. The influence ot a free Government on the mind, by W. H. Batte, of Greenville, Va. Resolved, 1 hat our knowledge of the devotion of William A.

Morris. to the cardinal friends of that "measure of deliverance and liberty," the Independent Treasury System, which who have aided to give it currency will be etmal- specie payments, so ol tne number ot Disburs ly ready to spread the refutation. mg officers in default at least 2,300 were before if established on a firm basis, as a permanent law desperate effort they can devise. Latterly their chief weapon has oeeo the defalcations of some of the Government office-holders, hie they have the extraordinary assurance to contrast with those of the Banks. The Globe fairly captures this 1829.

and only about 40 between that and 1837; ofthe nation, will make our public -funds inde DR. DYOTT CONVICTED. Dr. Dyott, whose trial for fraudulent insolven pendent ot all banks, or any other corporations. and ol the wnole amount, 94.2oO,UUU, all was earlier fxcept about $100,000.

The aggregate or power on earth, except Congress, who are the cy has been going on in Philadelphia, for a month strong hold of the enemy with the following.syn- of the losses since 1789, is supposed to be, after immediate representatives of all the people of past, is about changing his place of residence. principles of Republicanism, hia hostility to that ideraV system of sectional legislation, which has caused us much alarm, distrust nnd injury to our beloved country and our confidence in his talents and patriotism, to represent oor District with usefulness to his constituents, and honor to himself; entitle bim to our support at the approaching election for a seat in the next Congress of the United States. Resolved, That we approve of the plan of holding a District Convention, in the town of Rock these United States, whose properly the public The jury in his case, came into Court on Satur 4 On Emigration, by T. H. Garnett, of Buckingham, Va.

6. Virtue and Intelligence the foundation of individual excellence and national prosperity, by J. F. Smith, of South Carolina. 6.

Conferring Degrees, by Prof. Duncan. 7. On Diligence and its rewards, with the Valedictory, by A. W.

Jones, of Franklin county, North Carolina. every fair -allowance, over $18,000,000. Yet, under Gen. Jackson's Administration, though optKal view. ofJ.he Josses sustained by the defalcations of Banks and Government officers.

Ii is complted from the records and re funds are, and not that of bank directors or stock holders. lasting eight years instead of four, and attended day last, aboul three o'clock, after an absence of three hours, nd returned a verdict of otfilTY on all the counts in the indictment. The followin with great collections of revenue, and especially Resolved, That the establishment of a Nation ports of the Treasury Departmenf, and should be published in every'republican paper in the Union. It should be observed, moreover, that the official al Bank much greater from lands than any others, the whole losses were only $900,000, instead of $3, Of discount and Deposite, are the different counts set forth in the indictment. First That he did collude and con- trivo aitb ruia Joftn -t--r i 1 -in defalcations occurred under system in whicli ingham.

on the lHth msi ar.d that thic mmhim Fhe graduates were, J. F. Askew, of Georgia, f. vu opcaAing uy SICK ueSrar nij 000,000, the average proportion to each eight vears' They were less than one-lbird of the numerous ranches, and made the depository of pwTwi nr uejcgmes tu uiieuu a iu von venuon. The Chair appointed the following Charles VV.

Dyott, for the concealment of a paftland the gentlemen by whom addresses were de "the Sab-Treasuries with leg" were under no lepal neaalty or serious restraint to prevent their all our national pecuhfary resources will place losses under other. Administrations, on an ave Henry. M. Tomlinson, Esq. Howell Harris, E.q.

oi nis estaie ana enects, town: iYierrnanuise, iirered on Wedneseay as above, stated- usins them whenever they might become dispos rage. The present officers of the College are, S. C. a financial lever in a single hand, (irresponsible to any department of Government,) one touch of Many of these immense losses since 1789, as Capt. D.

Munroe, Alex'r Kirk, Esq. D. Chis-liolm, Esq. Malcolm Munroe, Esq. Kinnitb McLenna Esq.

Eli Harris, Esq. Is'bam Hix- GarlAnd, Chairman and Prof, of Mathematics; D. Duncan, Prof, of Languages; Rev. E. D.

ed. Under the proposed Treasury system, the legs of such Sub-Trea surer uld not Inner rnhuoh or mmfele enouffh to secure their which, whether prompted by motives of interest I. consisting ot groceries, viz tuu nests ot tea dry goods, viz: 5,000 yards' of domestic goods, hardware and other articles. to the Jurors aforesaid unknown, oPgreat value, to wit: of th va well as several others in 1820, in the sale of the nublic lands on credit, are to be attributed to the or ambition, can trample on those-sacred revered Sims, Prof. English Literature; J.

W. Hardy, rights ofthe States, (in which we much confide) escapeSfrom ignominious punishment in a State ill-regulated credit system for duties and landsj Esq. Capt. Doct. Neill McCallum, Culpepper R.

YVatkins, Col. Neill Nichojson, Ed. McCallum, Esq, Doct. Jesse B. Covington.

by giving foreign and domestic exchanges, the lue of one hundred thousand dollars, thereby ex- Prof. Nat. Philosophy und Chemistry E. A pectinga future benefit to himself, and expecting Blanch, Tutor; all of whom are said" to be em prison and to the facilities and temptations to specula lion and losses by indiscreet bank credits. Al of our State Banks, property, produce, and Total lasses to the Government under each, dif to defraud Bowers Lober, and others, inentlr qualified for the duties of their respective notes It.

Un motion of Capt, Nathan Carter, the Chair .11 a value to suit us purposes, from the loca- PnTt-K T'Kol )no A'tA mit infant I uul I happened under the United States Bank and Pet ferent Administration, by Collectors, man was added to the delegation. Yi h.l. i UUVVOV M. lUlhrll. I OlrtLiWllO.

defraud his creditors aforesaid, convey to a cer- There are about eighty students, amonff whom 'l01 ine Pr'nc Pa' loLine verL uoru! 5 Bank systems Receivers, Merchants' Bonds for Duties, and the remotest State, besides, having the custody On motion of Yancy B. Howell, Resolved, That" a copy of the proceedings of tain John B. Dyott and Charles W. Dyott, for the most perfect harmony and good order pre- oi our Liovernment tunas, can (by susnenamg Toryism. Those were lories, who in our re the use ot himselt, thereby expecting a future vails: and as they have a full Preparatory School, Disbursing Officers.

Washington's j.dministration 1789 to 1797. Banks--None: few bn'nks in existence. this meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretaries, and transmitted to ihe Editors of "The payments at the pleasure of the directors) benefit to himself, 'part of his estate and effects, the number will no doubt be considerably increas- to wit (as in first count) of the value of $50, ed in the course of another year. change their character after being deposited by collecting officers, before disbursed. Colleetdrsof Duties, including Attorneys, Mnr volution sided with England against our own country because they preferred a monarchy to our republican institutions.

Tories are in favor of a union of Church and State and are friendly to controling establishments of all kinds par uuu, etc; A Uentenary Meeting, preparatory to the cete- shals; B13.000. Collectors, ten or twelv Resolved, That the abundant facilities enjoyed Third Count. (Same as first count) ex- bration ofthe one hundredth anniversary of Me- defaulters, but all paid or secured, except thre at this time by all classes of our citizens, in car cept that it charges him with coll'iding for the tbodism, was held in the College Chapel, on concealment of goods, value $50,000, with Thd- Tuesday afternoon, which was attended by a on serv small sums. ticularly monopolies, and such as tend to build up North Carolinian" and "The North Carolina Standard," with a request thutthey and all other Editors in this Slate, friendly to the dissemination of republican truth, publish them. On motion of Win.

McCallum. Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting are due to its officer. F. MARTIN, Chairman. N.

Nicholson, J. B. Govinoton. Secretaries, aristocracy: they arealways anti republican. mas W.

Dyott, Jr. laree concourse of ladies and gentlemen. Elo- rying on trade with the whole world has convinced the most sceptical that our exports, imports, and State Banks are amply sufficient for business as well as Government that nothing but a great i emulator' ran hinder our local With these facts and principles, in view, it is Fourth Count. Charges him with convey- nuent and impressive oddressess Were delivered easily known who aretories, or who are imbued ng goods, value $20,000, to T. VV.

Dyott, Jr. by the Rev. Messrs. Burton, Smith, and Early; with the spirit of toryism. Fifth Count.

Colluding with Michael B. and a subscription raised in behalf of the lnstuo- institutions from a favorable introduction abroad, when based on a real metalic, and not a fictitious Dyott, for the concealment ot Merchandise, tools, tions of the Church amounting to near two thou hxtures, implements ot trade, stock, goods and sand dollars. ABOLITIONISM. it neve.r be forgotten, that the federalists in battels, then and there being in a certain Ulass Works and premises called the Dyottville Glass From the Louisiana Advertiser, June 13, our last Legislature, made common cause with capital; and that every State Legislature possesses the wisdom and prudence, and their citizens the means to establish such institutions suit: ed' to their1 external, as well as internal wants, the Abolitionists. The able and unanswerable Works, in said eounty, of great value, to wit LATE AND IMPORTANT FROM.

MEXICO, $30,000. Captain Kenney, of the schooner Emblem, ar- report against abolitionism, made by Mr. Brown, ol the Senate, and a majority of his democratic whether great or small. Receivers of Public Lands None in existence' or established. Jems Adams'.

Administration 1797 to 1801. Bauks-r-None. Collectors of '-Duties, including Attorneys, $0,000,, Collectors not settled seven, and "three Qr. four more very small. Receivers of Panlic Lands None.

Thomas Jeffersons" Administration 1801 to 1809. "Banks'-NoheV Collectors of "Duties, including Attorneys, Marshals, $200,000 ColU-ctorsfnlneteen failed, besides small sums from others due; some paid or Sfcured. Receivers of Pub'ic LwJsFw in existence. James Madison's Admin1tratiojt--1S09 to 1817. Banks Five millions of dollars in depreciated paper taken.

No bank defaults, except by a suspension of specie payments in'1814-'15r-'l0. Collectors of Daties. including Attorneys, Mar Sixth' Count. Colluding with Wm. Wells, rived yesterday from Matamoras, states that on Resolved, That whilst we repose full confi friends, on fhe committee, was voted out by a for the concealment of the sum of $840 in money, the 4th inst.

(two. days previous to his departure) dence in the wisdom, enterprise, and other re strict party vote all the federalists voting wun seventh vount. v-onveyiQg 10 juitn J-'y- 5UU Uumancne inaians auacuea me Mexican sources of southern Agriculturists, to secure to ourselves all the blessings of a free and direct ott. household furniture, then and there being in residents on the North side of the river Kio he abolitionists. Not a federal paper tn me State has dared to mention that report.

Grande killed about thirty of them and plunder- the dwelling house at the North East corner of trade with all natrons, invited thereto by the FROM THE NORTH CARCLlMlAH. 1 REPUBLICAN DISTRICT CONVENTION. Agreeably (a Delegates from every county in this as-sembled in the Court House in th town of Rockingham, on Thursday the 3ih(l jfune, S39. The Convention was calfeafp order by Walter F. Leak, Eq: of Richmond Cntyupoo whose motion Thomas L.

a delegate from Cumberland, was elected PresidepiMessrs; John Morrison, of Moore', and William B. Cole, of Richmond, were elected1 Vice Presidents and Hampton BrHafmmortds, of Anson, andt Edward MacColfum, of Montgomery Vere elcK ed Secretaries. On motion of Walter F. Leak, Esq" committee of th ree Were a ppointed to' report the names" of the Delegates in attendance. The following Nev Haven Register.

Delaware, Second and Race streets in said city, ea anu aesiroyeu every iuev i-umu iay men oitiuibii tiroo ui iijc- iiitvi vijjij" wabcta iviiau our of great value, to wit: of the value of $1000. nuflUd Oil .1 II tn fY HA iv? a irinin iktltlt i'nlinntirn knt ini'nitl. board the Emblem, also in v-u; "''v oraru Take care of the rich, and the rich will take EtGHTH Did fraudulently conceal, A passenger on tqus protective tariff system, which, has so long merchandise, Of the value of 850,000 care of the poor, as Daniel Webster said in the ua. -driven us to bow to New York brokers and sionof the city of Durango the capital of the hcibtSt id A.o6r frts for most of our exports, (general Senate. Take care of the rich, and the rich will take Ninth Count.

Fraudulently concealing (as shals. Scc. Colloctors, fourttren failed. care of the poor." echoed the merchants of New 8ih count) of the value of $3000,000, not in firtrf' hurt sacured. otate or mat name, anu wwu w.

wend foreign exchanges, lo the boilding and was marching on ZacatecaS, about 200 miles nianufatttQrift and beT distant from the former place. mong our more politic at tne North, at rhe whole interior was in armsagamst the tfae nse of S0utbern; Agriculture and eom- merchandise, hut in money. York, when they poinea over iae Receivers of Public Linds One in default Tenth Count. Fraudulently concealing, in A.Gentle Hint. An uncle left in his money, of the value of $100,000.

only a feVin existendeV Jaiies Bfcwiot's AnaiNiATRATioN 1817 to 1825 guvcMime.u, nuu ii waa. merce, under the plausible pretence of furnishing gentlemen were appointed faid committee, viz i V7o IT I A'. n7.i..L tVh? i will eleven silver spoons to his nephew adding, Eleventh Count. raudulently conceal custamente woum nave 10 quu ma biauuii near tomeeithe t-nnts of the Government; Banks $800,000. 1 A bout thirty of the banks ing, in money, of the value of If I have not left bin the dozen, ne knows tne minpico, aimjrwmi ima.ui.

nUimu fa authors' striving at the same time to make uuusuij iu irijuuru lueiuuuwin? Leieffates in debtin 1338j baVpve? ont; hundred failed in The extent or tne sentence mat me law au reason i ne raci was, tue nepuew, um, aumc as being in uttendancei ras was still in possession tne government roortifor iri the National Treasury, by diverting party! Consisting of about 1000 men, who, fl: 'k I thorizes, is beljeved to be but three years: and time before, stolen it from his Anson -ir-Hampton B. Hamniohd, N. it is not. likely that he, will obtain less. Co nse- stead of reioicing at the death of General Me- Li LnitmtA nTn ni A-Ii WVn-ni Collectors of Duties, iaclMding AUorneys, Mar shals, $230.000.

Collectors 14, some in de fWiilf. nnrt secured. gan, Joel -ryson, W. Cole, Dr. Watkins.

Vi i-o-ot-i'e. Ari eminent' modern writer queotly, the Uoctor wil nave to remove nisquar- Jia, so disgusted with the viiiainynQcru- if tbat of dMribution as well into John Ingram, William P. Johnson, Hiirrell, Dr. Ef Sinclair, James L. Terrv.

Xahn hntifnllv s-avs The foundation of domestic ters from the new and beauniui castie moya- eity of Santa Anna, that it was supposea iney isnrotected as ours Receivers' of Public Lands Teh defaulters, rt rmmrinAmttje Ofifn Ml ISTimfirif nil I umiiU fkaiVfieolAsnfVA Iri thti fataraf I. nninMs i a faith in' the virtue of woman the inni5Mi iu ym riwuri wno DOUnty. and extra a gant a ppropna- QL McPhersfon, S. C. Lindsay, and L.

Moore. Bush Hill where his df wil not, per haps, De case oF an attack, whicb: war daily expected, tions 'fo; J0Cal works of Internal Improvement uirwB r-1 noraij a nyoari, ij. Joaker, GiHis. and Arthur Melvin: 1 in the- integrity of man; th loundatioA of all So1 agreeable, as that vvhicn ne ooiamea vvnust a Mexican passenger on the it laugnea at tne (ne Qngral Government combined with the amounting to 811,000. Jofls QciNcv Aoxis' AiJTininsTRATiON 1825 to 1829.

Banks Five failed amount $270,000. Colb ctors df Duties, includins: Attorneys, Mar livinor on the money obtained from the industri idea ot the government party entertaining even Af mnnmA no.Vf,r8'0f the ate happiness, temp oral, or eternal, reuance on wi McCldm MaoreiJohit Morrison' Mafcom M. fuei" ous people of Philadelphia rand where he will. goodness of God. a hope of ever being able to take possession of Tjnjted States Bank in the favored region, to the Tampico.

end that those combined evils may not be entailed shall, Three dtfaulters, amounting to $95, and John M. DV Ray. i The, Paukling Clarion NieHT-HowEijro. per hips, be enabled to form some idea or jaoor, by. being furnUhed with employment at sawing stone or picking Hi case should be a RobesohR: Fuller, A.

Watson, and llew .000. ot that to vv are BIGOTRY. onus and our children, we will use every right ti- i Tf- cnn of ieft us as freemen: to' avert the elevation of that Rfceivers of Public Lands Eight defaulters; is Thompson15 bv the' name ofthe "Bingo Club" and oin McAlisfet.Seh'r; F.T. Iair." the meeting of the Catholics, thus personified thrice rejected political aspirant Henry Clay to warning to ail swindlers, particularly tnose wno carry their heads so high, which they are ena-; of their music it discourseth thus; Euclid Everett, William1 B. Cfele Plasarii M.

amount, $60,000. i Aircw Jacxos's Administration rl829 to 1837 Banks Five failed- amount $42,000. Qh uo na-wt anA hiVitj. ta rutmg siauon, a iue zeai anu sum iiiam.u Powell, Alexander Sblw. ArW.

ModdOohn Music hath charms the savage, Melt a rock and split a cabbage." no heari, and cannot feel when she moves, it hy him in bis efforts to, keep the yoke just as is with wrath hen she pauses, it is in toin heavy as we would beir it, ever since his disci-' i-s i i. a John Quincv Adams, at a nominal 1 Collectors of Duties, inclMdingf AUbrneys, Mar-SU $200,000.: bled to do by detrauomg tne muusinoua uuu poor as there is now reason to indulge the hope that justice will in future be meted out to all such characters, whether they are men of wealth or the. very scum of civilized society. j. vovingion, jonn u.

ut. otancel, 8. C. Covin gtobrCbainp Terry fecBJfcho son, William Smith. Tr aihd WaltW'Faki" i teumtir if voung ladies woiild en Receivers of Public Lands Seventeen, but per vjiou is a uemon uer cuiuinuuiuu ia ucaw r-.

JT, -her vengeance is '( eternity her. decalogue has.been atnply efficient to exciteto vigU-is wHttenirhebloodor her victims-and if she nt watchfulness any people, against whosein- Courage youhg: raefl of the A their good A 4 a a- it terest inev nave Deirayea wno nave nw wigw MerchantsBonds foe fall URisiNii; Euiwi si 'ii- omvc, stous iar inwiiieiu iu uri nnciui rf ood renutation is better xsapitai than a fine coat intr due. jollv tar. who bad just returned homo afrern long uponkkindfed rock, to whet her vulture fang ten his musing to enittoy Keeping a.ooi aminst ih rnnse 6f Abolitionism, until the bat- in almost any kind-of business, except wowng a Dtabursing including Paymasters cruise, employed a carltnani known about the foT keener ra1ihe, aiid replume hefwiri ring ior a ii. tie was fought-and the victory won his late re fashionable; Parsers.

town as Dutch Yacub, to carry hia baggage from more sanguinary desolation. Vm'mI ika on in tA Ki rnin nr Kn-ffCA A (lfT I i n. 1 1 1 On motidrr of Mr. Leakv' fU 4 Resolved Tiibi a committee consisting of one Delegate, from each jCOurtfy be appointeqVid Report reMluiionseVpressiyfV the. sense? this on "the objects for which Ussem bled; Jhn80nDan-; iel Baker, Edward McColium, Alexander Watson nnd M.

Blue weieirobfoMd, -'v; On motion, the President the Convention' was added to the Committee; 1Wi The Con vention then adjourned until 2 o'clock. quiem over the slain cause to the contrary, not Merchants' Bonds for Duties-MDf these five To the Ladies: piliyour nodding as soon j' At.t. FoflrV Dav. A corresnondent ofthe withstanding to si i 1 1 ions a re dated before- Gen. Jackson's out of the pot, into coiawaierauu Resolved, That the late attempt of thai portidn as every ining wus siuweu uu iu mo 1 1 faction.

Jack Seated himself 6n the tppofhis chest, Mobile Advertiser, observes -If you have any a KnTiV the cuHosity to' know the origin of All Fool Day AdminlSITaiiOU, dnu uranv ueiauiis iu uuiu her nn bonds unpaid before, ofthe Federal authors of those- ambiguous "re li 1 1 1 riot adhere to the bag. Western KWP, Why. Mess-yotir -They say rHad ies i.a. iiK' nfir to the Sth chanter and I9th verse ot. the Officers, including "Paymnsters, quests weu Known as ne rtesoiu eiTUS UI IIIC cairitfUD lukouci.

iiiti I 1 1.. -T 1" i KaA AlUnlk'l Parser8r the previous Administrations lions, wno wrote, reau ana were tne pnneipa ritrort nt tni sinnmno" nince ar.nn niiemnieu 10 uuun. ui imiu table, Nwpori Ar Sp, hwi 1 til it is on to 1829, there yet remains reported on toe upoKs.

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