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Weekly Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 4

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

v. V' i ft- -4 A. fJJi 13i JVezioe River? THE. THOROUGH-BRED RACE HORSE, 4 Cotton Seed Oil Wwli. TheSubacribers have jiistrcceivptl sv a -HnTR8 PETERS VE (Better 'than martg Imported.) Sired by the old' A- the North, and for sale by the Subscriber; -4, i i wn in mf in -1 WiGEBLEyANTUBlLIOUSl abctbe pleasure of announcing to the of athi Office, in tb Cityr A if renrf tmhit of Jrttk u' AaTl.nYkVEPTICaPlLL.

merican by old Sir Archie-will -be exhibited at Hillsborough' bit the OfPIIfS fine bred son 41 of Old SirArchyi will eoyer Mares this" Season, Which has my Stable 14 miles' N. an order-of the Preside ofthe Literary Fund of Kortw Carolina, a competent ENGINEER to intend the braining, of -ilie Swamp Lands if tif" State, will he fejmplQyecL Applications satisfactory references, are requested, as erlv as possible, i. i EDWARD B. DUDLEY, President of the Board. pHRisToraxC.

JU-trtzl 4 lb 6w (jjr-Th Nation al Inte lligence and N. York Evening Starj will publish once a week, for forwiiVdS.aCe to the Register office, Comprising with those pretioasly on hand the r-largest Stock stfcese invaluable Medicines, ever offered in thia Market beaide maoyar-tides usually kept in Apothecary Shop I Amoof area Are the following line Barberry Bark 1 anaareHhaanyJ per.nhvol;en dls appointed in not being able to obtain this valuable Medicine But now all reasonable demands can be supplied. -'1' It'h useless to-cdmment pn-theefiicaey of the Pills: WhereveT they are are rapidly coming into uej and afTorda a convincing proof of their merits tirely of vegetable matter; and honestly promise no more.tha they faithfully perform. Perhaps no article of the kind has ever been offered the Public which ft more universally approved, or more justly entitled to public, patronage; l')p. p.

educated under the most eminentAmerican atwi Eufpoean Medicfal Pro-fessorsr and practised his profession, many years Hemlock i cdo tone to Hie sysiem without the injurious effects of Mercury 7 Vecretabla Cough Sy- skunk Cabbage do dol Barbery rup a safe and effi do Prickly tAn i White pond Lilly 4 2d Monday in Slarch; and will commence his Spring Season on that dy, at Thirty the Season Forty Dollars taansuro Foal, and Twenty Dollars a leap. Fifty Cents to the Groom for every Mare placed with the Horse. The Season will expire on the 1st July next. For Pedigree and Performances, see handbills. J.

M. R. W. WILLIAMS. Danville, March.

17. 20 4w Insolvents Notice. MR. ELIJAH YOUNG Take notice, that at the next Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Wake, I shall avail myself of the benefits of an Act of Assembly, passed in 1822, for the relief of honest debtors; when you may attend, jf you thick proper. JT Jesse johnson.

Raleigh, March 9. 1837. Finjfi. Bitter Boot Golden Seal cacious 'tor Influenza Coughs, and all affections of the Luitgs 4 East of Raleigh, 27 N. West of Smithfield, ana l8S.

WestofLouisbarg; at the lowmnce of 10 50 the Season, and 16 50 to Insure. Pasturage gratis Mares grain-fed at 25 cents perday. Tor further particulars, Hand 1,1 CHARACTER is a beautiful Sorrej, 5 feet 3 inches high of great strength and fine action i and is said by; those that have seen botli, to be a handsomer horse than America Eclipse. His Colts are large and likely, nd are doing themselves great credit on th Turf. PEDIGREE, Character was got by the justly celebrated Old Sir Archy his dam by the imported Druid grandam the famous Old Mark Anihony hts great grandam by the imported OldfJolly Roger, out uf a thoroughbred Race mjre.

N. B. Character will be for sale atfthe end of the Season. SETHjJONES. tTellow.

Dock HiflVrent climates, consiaers ihuiscu wcii in of inveterute tiatut-e Vegtable" Rheumatic Slippery Elm Bitter Sweet clivers sn ie mass's Four doors South of Williams, Haywood Co'i qualified to judge of the 1 i.pse. Pleurisy Root Drug Store North Carolinai raionow fulf antticompiete operation. In addition to the works first erect-edi theyj have added greatly to their machinery, which is now capable of makingiTWENTY THOUSfAND GALLONS or OIL per annum. The Southern market can now be supphed with a first rate Lamp and Paint Oil. The Cotton Seed Oil has been known and used with great success in Virginia and farther for the last seven year and pronounced one of the best PaJnt Oils inOw in existence.

The Oil possesses a heavy body, and a painted with it jvill last one'tbird longer than one painted with Linseed, Oil. A single word will satisfy the most' fastididus on this The Linseed Oil possesses a light bpdy, and wood being porous, it absorbs the Oil and leaves the lead to wasfh off by rains not 'so; with the Cotton iSeed Oil, which possesses a heavy body and a proportion of mucilage, which, when mixed with lead, forms a solid and substantial coat thnt will stand the Summer's sun and Win ter's storms. As a Lamp Oil, it has no equal, and is free frorri that disagreeable which arises from Fish Oil. The Cotton Seed Oil gives brilliant light and will burn! twenty per cent longer than the best Sperm. This fact has been ascertained by the Subscribers, and willtmly need trying to satisfy those yiho are in want of.

Lamp or Paint Oil. 1 The following direction is'to be observed in using the Cotton Seed Oil as a Paint; Oil To every gallon ot Oil, add half a pound of Li-tharge, and mix well. OIL can be had at the Oil Workup on application to either of the Subscribers in Raleigh. All orders from the country, promptly attended to. i W.

F. CLARK, I W. H. MEAD. Raleigh, Feb.

17, 1837. i 15 ayeltwUe Street, Ifaleigh, N. C. Gravel Root Birth jHoarkound Unicorn Hoot lanament a remeay great power and efficacy VegeUble Tonic Pow-dera Vegetable Diaphoretic Powders- a timely dose of which, on going to bed, fjcne-: rallr checks JLnfluen-za, Colds and Fever Vegetable Cholera Sy run, which never fail Subscribers, having associated tliem-m selves in Tailoringwill, in future, transact business uftder the 1'irm of XlTCllFOUD 4 OLlVKR. This connection has been formei! I with the view of extending our business andi; Boneaet Dandelion Pipsissawa Pomona, Wake County, i 21 tf front my Stable, on TTiTAS taken March 30, 1837.

If Fridav niirht the 17th inst. Cobrh Powders-an Grey Horse, eight or nine years old this Spring, (I suppose) blind in the left eve, (I believe) and has a to regulate the bow els and produce nei vnnt nn th. urt side tif hi Jaw bone, near the for the belter accommodation of our customers. We shall at all times keep on hand a coo-plete assortment of Goods in our line, adapted to the taste of both old and young, and hope by attention to business and a constant dtstr( to please, to? secUre that patronage heretofore so liberally extended to us individually. Our customers-rniy depend upon being served in tlie sne.

style by us as. before we entered into excellent article Cum Myrrh Balaam Fir IxtraCt Batternnt Byrup do Oil Cloves Peppermint -Essence 1 do thy. action, "in the worst cases Prepared by Joseph priestly Peters, M. D. at his Institution for the ctire of obstinate diseases, by means of vegetable.

remedies, No, .129 Uberty street, NewrYork Inventor and sole-Proprietor." Each box contains forty 50 Cents. VJ M. A. F. HARRISON, -General Agent.

7 For sale, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. "Raleigh. N. B. Druggists and Country Merchants can be supplied at New-York prices.

COTTON SEED, ri-AX SEED, AIVD Snuflowcr Seed, Bought by the Subscribers. Fifteen Cents a Bushel ill be given for the first named, dejiv ered at the Neuse River Oil Works, or Ten Cents a Bushel at the Gin. Two Dollars a Bushel for Sunflower Seed, and the highest Market price for Flax Seed also for the Castor Bean. W. F.

CIJARK, W. II. MEAD. Raleigh. Feb.

17. 03 Star. i Commission and Forwarding STORE. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLjNA. Granville County.

Court of Equity Spring 1837. Susan F. Thillips, Jlgaimt' Nelson Philfips and John P. Lf may. Bill for Alimony.

IT appearing to the Court, that the Defendant, Nelson Phillips, is not an inhabitant of ctot hut Tih bevond the jurisdiction chin, occasioned by a kick when a Colt. Said Horse is about five feet high, and paces remarkably well. I expect he is taken on towards the West or South. A liberal Reward will -be Compound Raspberry Syrup a safe plea sant remedy for Chil Oil Spearmint given for his resjoration, or for such intormaUon as will enable me to get him again. dren, or Adults, in cases of bowel aftec lions, and a specific I nr r.ourt It is therefore, on motion of the business together, viz that of each one's pm tending to his own customers, it it be preftrrtdpll! by the customer.

We have ia our employ first, rate North err workmen and are prepared to execute all orl'li ders in our line in a style not interior to aji5q Tailors, North or South of Uie Fotomac. A Li QCf Star. r. fr the Cholera of In-, I Onunsel. ordered that publication ssence Oil Goldenrod P6J Winter Green lissence do Pennyroyal CancerPlaiater; Witch Ilazel-Icaret Balmony Ko.

6. a iaoenbr arti- fancy' -Peach bloom Syrup a mild laxative for chil D. Wake County, Feb. 21, 1837. (jj From circumstances which have come to light, there is no doubt that said Horse was carried off by a man named BARTHOLOMEW FULLER.

Said Fuller is quite a young man, and very The sum of FIFTY DOLLAKS will be paid for hs arrest and apprehension, a41or the delivery of the Horse. 1 D. B. S. promises avail we respectlully request; i a call from our customers and the iiub.l dren, and carries off cle, neatly put up in sT be made for six successive week In the Raleigh Register, a newspaper printed and published at the Seat of the Government of this State, and aluo in the Hillsborough Recorder, for the said Nelson Phillips to appear at the Court to be held at the Town of Oxford on the first Mondav of September next and plead, answer, or demur to the Plaintiff 's Bill, or else the said bill will be taken pr confetsdmd heard ex pfirte, I as to Witness, Thomjs Clerk and Master.

of said Court, at Office, the first Mon. lie generally. Our Stock consists in part ofthe followinj articles: Sup. Blue 'Soav rials 'W till Bed RaspberiryHLeaves 2d 3d, Prepara JLOOK THIS W. WILLKING.

of the Firm of E. WILLKINGS CO. having entered in CLOTHS. TURNER HJDIIESS tiotis Lobelia Archangel Virrina Snakeroot Wake Robin I Ginseng Kr-Vegetable Anodyne day of March, A. D.

1837. AVE for sale, at the NorthCarolina Book Worms Jewell's celebrated Li- ache-'5 Do do for Fever Do do for Diarrhea 1 Do do for Pain in the back, breast or side Do do for Coughs and 1 Colds Do do for Fever and Ague- Do do for Rheumatism Do do Cerate; for Piles Do: do Extract of Sor-V' rel for Cancers Watson's Tooth-Ache Alkali Do India Rubber Paste Store, the following new and interesting i Droptt it tranquilUH 1HU, U. J.l I 1 LitiJ UiiW, U. SI. qJ The Hillsborough Recorder; trill insert the above for six successive weeks, and forward his account to the Clerk Master, i 21 ea the system and in-j to copartnership with ROBERT BELDEN, the busines of the old Firm will be conducted by them under the Firm of- i WI1LKIMGS BSI.DEJM, At the same Store corner of Hay and Maxwell Streets.

They will pay personal attention to forwarding Goods to the interior of the State, and receive Cotton and other produce on storage, and will Bl FORthe Cure of almost every variety ol Tunc tional disorder of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Spleen such as heart burn, acid eructations, nausea, head-ach, pain -and distention of the Stomach and bowels, incipient di Black Green It: fie do. Bottle do. Brown Dahlia and Roman Purple Sup. Blue Black Zebra Stripe and Plaid Co. Double Cord Light Drab ark do.

Sup, Blaqk Velvet Fig. do. Plaid do. Do Satin i duces sleep; witnont the poisonous effects of Opium -Single Double Veretable Balsam ofl Milled. Life i to purify the uiooa anu cracucaic arrhea, colic, flatulence, habitual costivenesg, loss of appetite, sick head-ach, tiea tickness, 8tc.

hi. They are a safe and comfortable aperient for Females during Pregnancy and subsequent confinement, relieving- sickness at the scrofulous and other which renders Shoes9 taints, ctt taneoas diseases Vegetable Anti-spas effect sales or ship as directed. Fayetteville, Aug. 15,1835. Up tf.

Practice of Medicine, AND Medicines for Siilp. stomach, head-ach, heart burn and many of the incidental nervous affections. Literary men. modtc -Tincturo-an VESTINGS. Works Further Disclosures by Maria Monk Holt's Missionary Anecdotes Thornton's Prayers and Commentaries Memoirs of the Rev.

John Stanford, D-Clerical Manners and Hab'Ks by Samuel Miller, D. D. Pilgrim's Progress fine Edition, 50 Cuts Watson's Miscellaneous Tracts Death's Doings New Manual Memoirs of Nevins Christian's Cabinet Pastor's Testimony I Rutherford's Letters Gaston's Collection Bates' Divine Attributes Daily Scripture Headings Pneumatologia, or a Discourse concerning the Holy Scriptures by John Owen, D.D. Hannah Moore's Complete Works 7 vole Chalmers' Natural Theology, 2 vols Do Christian Revelation, 1 do. The way to do Good by Jacob Abbott.

Raleigh, March 29, 1837. Fig, unfailing remedy for Spasnu. Fiti; do. Brocade Valencia or Boots impervioHs to Water and adds to their beauty and du-rabiUty The Vegetable ElUir, for Dyspepsia, Liver Disease, NervousaAf-fectioiis, --and. those proceeding from Indigestion a remedy of great value to Females.

Vegetable Anti-Bilious Elixir aad Pills for Buff with I a handsome assortment of carrying off morbid if READY MADE CLOTHING, made up offresiir; matter, emulgingthe STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Granville County. Court of Equity Spring Term, 1837. Petition for sale of Land. John R. Hicks and others, James D.

Wood, Martha Henry and wife Selrna, Eleanor Murray James T. Hicks and wife Jane, and John Craig, an infant under the age of 21 years. IT appearing to the Courtj that all the Defendants are non-residents of this State, and reside beyond the jurisdiction of the Court It is therefore, on motion of the' Plaintiffs' Counsel, ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks, in the Ralefeh Register, a newspaper printed andpublished at the Seat of the Government of this State, jfdr the said Defendants to appear at the Coujrtlto be held at the Town of Oxford on the firjit Monday of September next, and plead, answer or demur to the Plaintiffs' Bill, or else the said bill will be taken pro eonfesso and heard ex parte, as to them. 'i Witness, Thomas B. Littlejohn, Clerk and Master of said Court, at Office, the first Monday, of March, A.

D. 1887. 21 THO. B. L1TTLEJQHN, C.

M. E. Valuable Land and ITIills, FOR SALE. I liver and pancreas ec inducing healthy ae cretions and giviag Students and most other persons of sedentary habits find them very convenient. Those, who indulge too freely in the pleasures ofthe Table, findspeedy relief fromt he sense of oppression and distention which follow, by.

taking the Pills. As a Dinner Pill they are invaluable. Those who are drinking Mineral Waters and particularly those from Southern; climates and Ague and Fever districts, will find; them a valuable! adjunct. Those who are exposed to the vicissitudes of weather, on voyages or journeys, can tike them at all times with perfect safety. In full doses, they are a highly efficacious and safe Aiiti-Bilious Medicine.

Thy seldom or never produce sickness at the stomach or- gri- Si Their efficacy strongly attested by Certifi cates'from the following gentlemen, viz Bishop Ives, Rev. Dr. McPheeters, iRev. G. W.

DR. HOWARD'S Medical Works, 3 vols, aad bis Rights. These should be in the hands of every Botanie Physician, and every Family that wishes health without expensive Doctor's imported Goods, upder the immediate inipec-t; tion of one of the. Subscribers! wnich wi sold viry low for cash or approved credit. AlstfW a fine supply of Hosiery, Linen and CoUwfcf ShirtsL Silk under Shirisf Linen Collars ami -fg Boson is, RufB and plain Gum-elastic Suspend-ers, ClloyesTandln fact every thing any similar Establishmeni.

Clothes trade up as usual, where the cloths 3 found, and warranted to fit, or no charge. Qi 6t ders from a distance thankfully received promptly attended to We take this metlisci of returning our thinks individually to our mTifw merous customers, and hope by assiduity ti r5 merit future i favors- Jtlj JAMES LITCHFORD. THOS. M. OLIVER, gj February 7 12 ffc Bank of THE Subscriber has purchased Dr.

MINNIS's Medical Establishment, and Urgely added to it, and has commenced the Practice of Phytic in this City and hopes to deserve and receive a portion of the public patronage. His Office is opposite the well known Hotel near the Court-House where fresh and genuine Medicines, of the most approved kinds and in considerable variety such as Thompson's and Howard's and Jewett's and Dyott's, and many of those usually found in the Shops, will be kept for sale- -together with Thompson's and Howard's Botanical Rightstnn6 Books of Instruction in Medicine and Midwifery. As there no longer remains a doubt that the most formidable, aswell as the ordinary diseases of our country, are arrested and cured by the simple and safe remedial agents of the lm- proved Botanical System, and with a certainty and readiness, hitherto unknown in this or any other country and in many instances, when every other plan oftre.atment hail utterly failed and the sufferer given over to die, as beyond the reach of human aid the Subscriber intends in his own practice, never to depart from that System, except in cases of manifest necessity. His charges will be moderate, and all calls promptly attended to, with unremitting attention. 1 JOS.

B. H1NTON. Freeman, Rev. B.T. Blake, Uov.

Iredell, Hon. bills. DR. HERSEY'S Woman's Friend, 1 vol. Eve- ry married Woman should own this book.

The THOJJSONLAN RECORDER a Medical Periodical of spirit and ability, in which the rapidly miiliiplyirig triumphs of the great Botanical Medical reformation of the present day, over itubbero and selfish dogmas and the poisons of the schools and over disease i and are written as with sunbeams. JOS. B. IN TON. Raleigh; March 20.

20 Henry Potter, Hon. G. E. Badger, Hon. Rich ard Hmes, Thos.

P. Deverenx, Esq. Professor Anderson, Wm. Hill, Esq. Secretary of State, S.

Mhoon, Esq. late Treasurer, Jas. Grant, Esq. late Comptroller, W. U.

Gates, Esq. of the Register, Capt. Guion, Guion's Hotel, Dr. R. Bond, Dr.

E. Crosby, Dr. J. Y. Young, Jahcaht 2, 1837.

5 BY VIRTUE of a Decree of Granville Court of Equity, I will offer at Public' Sale, in the Town of Oxford, on Tuesday, the 2d May next, A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, Belonging to the Estate of th late! John Nuttall, deceased, containing about ONE THOUSAND ReV.IF. L. Hawks, occ. Ample directions ac the annual Meeting of theStockhelders Notice. STRAYED from tb Subscriber, a asvi a company each Box.

IK ijL the Bank of Newbern, held this day, jf that a final dividend of all the nfltiA Tli-nTt rfr'lnrfil-nn first Mnndav il I 1 nese rnisare ior saie, Dy appointment in almost every Town in the United States, and STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Granville County. February Court, A. D. 1837-Petition for Distribution. William Dickerson, VI.

Dennis T. Paschall, Adm'r of Thomas Dicker-son, dee'd, Deb rick Clopton and wife Nancy, Wm. King and wife Susan, John Johnson, Jordan Johnson, and Johnson, children of Jesse Johnson and wife Elizabeth, Samuel ghamel and wife Jenny, Briiton Duke and wife Sally, and Dudley P. liowze and wife Keziah. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that process has been served upon the said Dennis T.

Paschall, and that all the other Defendants reside beyond the jurisdiction of this Court 1 It is therefore, ordered, that publics-tion be made for six weeks successively in the Raleigh Register, for the said Defendants to appear before the Xouit of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Granville, at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Monday in May next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to said petition 1 otherwise the same will be taken pro eonfetto as to them, and the prayer of the Petitioner granted. James M. Wigfiins, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, in Oxford, the fiVt Monday in February, A. D. 1837.

JAS. M. WIGGINS, Clk. on unnay me instant, a Sorrel MARE, 5 years old, this Raleigh, Feb. 8, 14 tf Spring, has a blaze in her face, Wholesale and Retail by the Subscribers, to whom applications may be made for Agencies.

THOMAS L. JUMP, Gen.Agent. Rabigh, N. 1. door weel of the Pretbylerian Church, and the hair ilmmt nlirlv off produced by the scratches o.iu arc wa raised in Orange county, and orouz-ht to Lenoir hv fh nv.

Ur. ACRES, whereon Col. James Nuttall lately resided. This Land lies on Tar River, about eight miles from the Town of Oxford has on it a comfortable Dwelling House and Out a family, and a valuable Saw MilJ and Grist Mdl, and abounds with Pine and other Timber. Persons desiring to purchase, are invitee! to view the premises before the day of sale, TERMS OF A credit of one, two, three and four years, She was seen last Sunday, op the road to Ra- STATE OF, NORTH CAROLINA.

Chatham County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, A. D. 1837, Stephen Petty, Adm'r. Heirs of John Petty, dee'd.

Petition for sale of Negroes. Novembernext And. that all holders of tbtif Notes of said Bank, and all persons si claims of any ktnd whatsoever, against it, earnestly requested by public notice, to PIJ sent the same." for: payment to the Merchants Bank of Newbern, ojr before the SHid fiwff. day of November next, otherwise they will barred. Vp By order of the Stockholders, 10 3m JOHN W.

GUION, Casb'f JOB jPRIWTIWcT nS igu, ana no doubt, making her wav to O-range. Any pers-in taking said Mare, so that I get ber again, shall be liberally reward- v. BRIGHT HARDEE. Kmston, March 29. 21 insert.

STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Chatham Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1 February Term, 1837J Martha Petty vt. Heirs at Law of John Petty, dee'd. Petition fof Dower. TN this case, it apperintr to the satisfaction in equal instalments, wiibinterest on the whole, after the first year, to be secured by bond with approved security. 1 ffc EXKCUTSB AT THIS OFFICE FOB Witli Neatness and Despatch THU.

B. UMLiUUnPit a Oxford, March 22, 1837. 20-ts. S50rOO0 CATOAL. tkM YKBS Ce's.


JtlsJEMJYDRMJM HOTTER 3m it iiofthe Court, that Thomas Petty, William Petty, Joseph Petty, Ambrose Petty, Tapley Peity, Sally Petty, Henry Pickard and wife Nancy, John Mainor, Jesse Mainor, James Mainor, Elizabeth Mainor and William Mainor, are inhabitants of another State It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Rat leigh Register for six weeks, commanding them personally to be appear oefofe the Justices of said Couit, at the Court House in Pittsbbrb' on the 2d Monday 'in May n'ext, then and there to plead, answer, or demur, or the petition will be taken pro eonfesso, and heard ex-pafte as to them. Thomas Ragland, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 2d Monday in February, A. D. 1837V 1 18 Teat. THO'S RAGLAND, C.

C. CLASS FOR183T. The Schooners 'CAROLINE and To be drawn at Alexandria, D. Cow Saturday, Feathers i I i A KCi BS," of 0ose Feathers, are wanted jP- yutfae Subscribers, for which, if good ana aew, thejr wUI pay at the rate 30 cents per pound, CALEB NICHOLS 1 Steamer JVILMINQTON and TOW JiOJTl IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Thamas Petty, William Petty, Joseph Petty, Ambrose Petty, Tapley Petty, Sally Petty, Henry Fickard aiKl wife Nancy, John Mainor, Jesse Maihor, James Mainor and William' Mainor, are inhabitants of another State It is therefore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh Register, commanding them to be and appear before the Justices of our said Court, on the 2d Monday in May next, at the Court House in Pittsborougb, then and, there to plead, answer, or demur, oj the: petition (as to ttem) wfill be taken pro eonfesso and heard ex parte. 'I Witness, Thomas Ragland, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 2d Monday in February, A.

D. 1837, Test. -THO'S RAGLAND, C. C. Raleigh, March IS, 1837.

19 Apru i2. iB37. 4,0003,0002,500. SO Prizes of fl.OOO 50 do S00 SO do I 300, Tkiket $10 Half 5 Quarter 2 50 Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets 1140 Do. do 25 Half fl- Will take measurement Goods at New-York deliver them at Fayetteville, at the established rates, free of all other charges.

feavy Goods will be taken as above specifier except that they will at times, when the rirj-is very low, be subject to storage and labor stbring, whichrwe trust will be seldom requires as" the Steamer and Tow Boats are of the ne IVotice to Farmers. Steamer Cotton Plant. 1N addition to my'fsrmer Stoek I have just it- STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Granville County, February Court, A. D.

1817. Petition for Distribution. William Dickerson, vs. Dennis T. Paschall, Adm'r- of John Dickerson, dee'd, Debrick Clopton and wife Nancy, Wm.

King and wife Susan, John Johnson, Jordan Johnson, and Johnson, children ol Jesse Johnson and wife Elizabeth, Samuel Shamel and wife Janny, Britton Duke and wife Sally, and Dudley P. Howie ana wife Keziah. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that process has bean served upon the said Dennis T. Paschall, and that all the other Defendants reside beyond the jurisdiction of this Court It is therefore, ordered, that publication be made for six weeks successively in the Raleigh Register, for the said defendants to appear before the Court of Pleas and Quarter be held for the County of Granville, at the Court House in Oxford, on the first Monday in May next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said petition otherwise the same will be taken pr conftaio, and the prayer of the Petitioner granted. Witness, James M.

Wiggins, Clerk of our said Court, at Oflroe in Oxford, the first Monday in February, A. D. 1837. 20 6t JAB. M.

WIGGINS, Clk. 03" Groceries, TViiiesj, IJqaorg, Ac X.ceivedil-a Tons of Nova-Scotia PLA8. TER PARIS, the best kind for manure and est COnSiruCltOlI UU 'ul "ugui-ui waui 4 The Goods at the owner's risk, the amc ibjtt. Do. this is the time to apply Vi Rich Land never do 25 Qu'r do 15 in the hands of forwarding merchants.

Tails to yield a plentiful harvest a plenty Treight payable on delivery at FsyeitevlK' mia State JLottery, una kind' of manure and it will supersede lhe necessity of a long trip to the West, to look i fo rich Land. Call on ihe Subscriber, three All persons shipping Goods by the aboyeiuxt will please hand list of the: Goods shipped For the. benefit of the Mechanical Benevolent "I Society of Norfolk, tHofa soutn of the Market House, FayeueviHe. Hallett so as to advise me. JOHN E.

PATTERSON. STATE OF NOUTH-CAUOUNA. Chatham Countjr. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, A. D.

1837. Brit tain Hatley and Redding! Hatley, i vs. I William Williams and others. Caveat of William Hatley Will. WILLIAM DOUG ALL, Propriety fllHE new Steamer COTTON PLANTS in connection with suitable Toi 'Boats, will commence operating on the Cape Fear- RU'er V.

B. FreahTHOMASON iE IZZn A37. WILLKINGS Sc BELD EN, atantlv on band. 0 Be rawn at Alexandria, Y. on Saturday, A-emts at Favettevil- the 29th of April, 1837.

August 18, 1836. 43tf I re i vt I OFNORTHAROUNA. County. i. fleaJi.aiid'auarter Sessiont.

iv Msrch Term, V. I HenrTrllksea-John D. Amis, 'h-J; f'V Original Attachment levied on Land. it; appearing, to the- satisfaction IN this case, of the Cou CouH, that WiIliamrHatlev: iJSjfiNLbt. in Raleigh, shortly.

January 28, 1837. wtih nauey. jwarK Hatley, Aaron fjur-tia iand wiferNancv: Steohen Moore. Starka appearing tohe satisfactionf the rw Moire, Thomas Sears and wife Elizabeth Jted- Atnat John Amis, the Defendant in this ease, is not an inhabitant of thia State It To lovers of good Butter THE Subscriber, having taken the Stand, Fayetteville. Street, latelv arog Holloway and wife Jane.Sherwood Hat lev.

in fifteen or twenty days. The Proprietor: is now constructing on the River bank a cbmmo dip us Warehouse. where Goods and Merchandize, to and from -the Interior may be stored, free of charges and in comparative safety from the dangerof Fire. Such fixtures will be connected with the WarebousW as to land Goods in without incurring the expence drayage, -The XSotton Pla nt is tirely new," with a draff of water a-dapted to the River navigation, and offers to the Public the surest and most convenient mode ndlMerchandiie will be received aud forwarded at the customary rates; by-- t-- DOTLE O'HANLON, AgenaWynwngtqn.N. THQ3.

SANDFORD CO. Agents at Fayetteville, C. March 10, 183r. VO ueieiore proerea the Court, that publication he made in the Raleieh Ranater f- A.v. J.Hatley,Hardy Luper and! wile Nancy, Mary Hatley, Matilda G.

W. hand a iijvciivi keeping on reneral assortment of CRopvuipo CAPITAL PRIZES. ,000 2,30 1 50 Prizes of 1,000 50 do 150 50 do-- I-. 200 Ticket 10 Half 5-Quarter 2 50 Certificatea of Packages of 25 Whole 1 1 130 Do. do 25 Half do 65 do 25 Qu'r do 32 50 OCj For Tickets and Shares or Certificates of Packages in the -above Splendid Lotteries, BGresorrU Co.

I r' MahagerV flq-Ordert from a distance by maU. prompt: Ijr attended to, and 4ba 5wV TONS-OF OlLjCAKEi for sale big AAJ SabscrUjers a first rate article for M' woUfying the jid John D. Ami to aanear at Hatley ajnd TiJditha Hatley, are ihhabitauts of uui tu at aaiu tsuri 10 oe held for the another State It is therefore pruered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Ra Cows and StocV generally.5 Fifty the Cake) contain as much nutriment as a MeaifC-r leigh Register, notifying them, personally to WINES, LIQUORS, and other articles usually' found in such an Establishment. -He is determined to use bis best endeavors iMipn to all who may favor him with their custom; will be furnished Dst that can be had; and PRIVATE ROOMS fitted Lvp, for of Gentlemen, who mar deaire it. N.

O. BLAKE. uuniy oi iMoneampton, at the Court Hauie in the Town of Jackson, the first Monday in June next i then and there to plead to issue, or judgment will be entered up against him or. cpno for the Plaintiff'a the Land Tn ondemned subject to the same; JXtint "ws. derki of oor said 5c tb first Monday of March 1837, the Subscribers in Raleigh i where ever ynaiion wiii-oe cneariuiiy i iv -r method of using iti De i ana, appear oeiore ine ot our said Courts at the Court House in Pittsbordugh, on jthe second Monday in May next, and make themselves parties if they think proper; Witness, Thomas Ragland, Clerk of our said Qffice, the 2vd Mondayipf February, A.

ID. 1837 THOS RAGLAND C. 0. 6. F.

0r H. MEAD, itn UentM toe. at om Raleigh. Feb. 1JV April 193r.

21 tf TOR SALE "AT THlSlOFFlCE. -1.

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