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The North-Carolina Star from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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per aiu.uni; CbtJrrnafmtntJj. NOTICE. of kdmiuiitr granted to the -nlbeest MrV Wui, die. tit pmi bating claitis aeriur'-: rf ruin- br.oi; thfcui aatlx i tutted ihr nine prv crilt I h) -d uiUrL.eJ to ilic l'i nuke paycrnt. NDAL MINOR? -VJin'r.

Mith i.d, li 'It) Tl-F. rRKEMKN 0 TTake Orangt and Person. HF.MCMY give no' Ice to tny friends, rsprrially in O. ri iin. I Cu I Lav uticr'y rditHiMikii- STATE OP NORTH-CAROLINA.

Uj lf rjiffim Mtvtatf, Cpwrt, tmnwr, on-Urnm-A rmi C'Wus and vr pjvrr-h A PHOCliLiTlO. Vy I have this Uy b-i inforWa that tbe gonJ.y io My next bceo Bxedonfor tlK "K-cdncf the net Conrruuf the United tate lV ruidtr it expedient and necessary t'mt I K'tciiniik fr Kepretcntatirts akouid be held rrncT tuaa he iimr pn-senbed by law. NjV IllKHKFk'KE, virtu cthea-ithorivinwe res ed aa act paiscd at tl lat Session of the UtneraJ i JJTf' wrej to the pro. sera ti trasett iwmp, tuppewd to bttht Tlurd DtvUioii of the Militia of N. C.

eii ill?" -f being I'e at 4f lit; ion such is ai.d amlitt, urli air fv the views 1 nowTiare olllie subject, that I raium msclit to co- iuc my rane, 1 triads In lilv li il'une ill reflect upon raeljr biing so in. stable. JAMKS U. BOWMAN. I AVE ipp -inted John II.

Wiiberspoon, Eq rf Ortin, 100 eres-rf- on iW east side oTwlin Marsh: and jomwjf the lads of lUrxi ami ou rtcKes tmk tt Ioed to be the fwperty Cohooar- and Tin wbauc, ol Cbai'tatu. i m.v fat rtr' i r.nW toaior, who ate nxx ctea rl JL Zil "Jrl 711 by concerned. in the nJ.t "aTTu DUN. CAMERON, M.ij Oon. M'rcsxiJ, 4- thitmy Proslnmniion.

hereby pom. Third Div. C. ia i wh1 She iff or other rettieninfr of. GENERAL ORDERS.

STATE OF NOHTII-CAUOMXA. larrn 73.1. 13 Ji wn u-c several v. mlies Co nposinjf each ll'xict, to I ru' to beoiicnt-j ami kent. and Election Id far AN ACT iSed at thetlast session of the C.eiicra" 'Assembly, Mis Excellency the in Chief is prescribe the uniform of llie fie nn ai and My State of oi Scheme of the Oxford Academy Lottery.

ryf tioiM Gasititru. friimnirtua TV 3tO acre, lieu faro the pi operty tf i 500 acres jouiinr Fate paoperts, of 1 I aa.j I landv given in 1 he jvune of ttehrn Lam. cr h.outl Sercn crrtU, jouung lwuliof Jnu m-' mon Jn i 1 50 acresoti tbe Scrcn Creeks, given in "oy ft oi mi h. loOOaereaoH tlm Water of the Siiven creek, iVlr hyJJ yantKogers U.a v-- JOSIItf WIU.IAMSONBIII PHE Notes taken a the Sale tf the property of Hardy Hiidei- decC are placed in the Mi i i Itepresentauvcs to th; Congress of the United State! on Fri lay the thirtieth (3tli) day of Aprd next, ti (lie place eslabhshed bjj law in their repccuvc rmtitiei and further, to fortne pmp-ofeompaiing the Foils, on the Thursday netj aftir said Wectitxva, at Uie piacoa prescribed ly theabove recited act of the General In Testimony whereof, 1 have wused the Great Seal ol ilie Stale to be hereunto affixed, and Signed tlie sam at he City of JU-h- 6.) igh', this eleventh ly Man in Y-ar of our Lorii(. Thousand Bight Hundred and "Thirteen, and of tile hide-pvfWence oi'the Uniteil States the Thir-ty-sevenfli.

WILLIAM HAWKIXS. By His Excellency's Comrrnmd, JlfvYSPS H.SKED. J' Vcrvnry. Field Offirer of tike of this b'aie. In pursu-ant of which Vk directs thai the kjmr shall le follows.

The uniform of the General and I ir Anls-dc-t amp shall be dark blue coats, buff linings, cape and cuti. )el-Inw buttons, standing collar full to llie brt willi two 1 bat tons on each side aSoutfive iridic froii' tin- end, breasted, thn'e rows of buUor.s, ten each, ami the lows about thre inclies to button; he pocket flaps scV.lopew the edjeof 'he lining' to show four buttons under each flap partly coveivd by it, the skirts hooked over. For summer, white vest ami pantaloons with bud let in thaeana! from the hips Jon, suwarrow black leather stocks, cbapeau bras with a loop of golden lace, two golden tassels, bUck cockades with a golden eagle in the centre, black pUmps with fed tofJs, red sa.s!ies, hilted swords suspended. a belt buckled round the wiist. The.

AdiutwitXlenc-yal a red plume, two golden 1 pne of iO'JO is 20W' 1 i. lJ 10u0. 1 no 500 50U 3 do 200 6i du l(j') '20 do 20 tickets each 2uuu 0 do 50 lOuO 40 do 'jy r) iJ do 15 liuO li-'O do 10 W0 8J0 6 W'tj 1UT2 I Not two blanks LVJ26 blanks. toajjrtze. 5.00 tickits at 5 dollars each, is ucrsoti, jliiw of Kaleijru tor I hose vIm do not gjjorwrd and make payment, on or before the 1st of next, wni, we siireu.y have, cost top.y.

'T he ailairaof i me wiiic uHiiueime to iw ngva-i-na exceptions, there lor, cwibnude, vf ''ii EUJAH CLARK, Adrp'tC t.l9i:.,t: 4v F.T WEKN Halelgh laiid-r iafih. Stkllings's epaulets. -Major Genefals vith two star- on the strap of each BrigadUr1 Generals witfi one, ami the Adjutant Ueiieral with one star. 1 Aids to have the sume tinilol-rn, as the General, except they are to have white hurts with red tons and epauletta without stars the Aiutant General will wear a gold laced coat, and in every otber respect wille dressedas a brigadier (Uncial. FIELD OFFICERS OF INFANTRY.

The uniform of the Field Officers of Ir.ftnUy shall be dark bhte coats with scarlet linings and collar, white but-tincnnd to hp made, in evei-v resnect as nvescribed A House Lots for Sale ill Raleigh. IIE subscriber offers for sale the House and Lot, on Fayettevilh Street, which be hi precit orrupics as a DweHing Houseand M'ork Shop. Also Ixits lying on Salisbury, MI)owel and Davie Streets. He also wishes to sell a likely young Nejjro, about V'i or '23 years cf age, tfany person who lives in this neighbour, hood and whos accustomed to treat Negroes well None other need apply. riU be madeJcnoWn on ap.

plication to 1 THOMAS EMOND. Kileiirh, Ffb. 19,1813. $-tf. Taken up and 'Committed uiiiiii-v on iiieomiu.neiuroi, surge red nioioc) 1 Pockt Book; cutitali(ng betWueii aS aiid 30 i 0allri, Uo' or three 1, i i seph Edwards to, and one" given ry iianuijr iu oepur.awnrus.

a generous rewaidwiu be 1 give-vtany. perstWhowiU reUirn me the Pocket 'f i with its couuuts.v The cash piaz' su xi a deduction of 15 per cent Slationary irizes as fulloivt First 500 Uumks entitled to 6 doUs. each. First drawn Ticket 200 dolls Oo. 8th, Si 10th days, id uolis each.

Do on the Ulll, 14tll, 16th 8i li days, 20dotb. each, "bo. on each day from the 20-h to iie JOth inclusive, excepting the Tickets constituting Prize -0 tickets each. TliemM 'i prizes foronsist of tjie Numbers from lol to mo inclusive each '20 of the sa.J 4JJ to be one pi i.e, the first or lowest nuinljcr fir lite 20iit da.y, and so (0. gillarly ascending 10 the 39tli.

First drawn on the 40th da)-, dolls. 200 lo. 42d day, dolls. Iu0 Uo. 45th dy, dolls.

500 Do. 48 dav, dolls- 1000 Do. 50tli day, dolls, 1G00" The Malingers pre sei" the fo-cgoing Scliertie to Ihe pllb-hcin the confidence that ilol only the laudable object of the lottery, hut the groat;m..n holdout to tui-venturers, will enuie a spec-dy sale of the Tickets. 1 he projioi lion of prizes has seldom been excreded. and they Mi WM.

J. EKTLL. Waynesboro, archil 5th.1 ioli1 OTICE rr0 the Juil of Bertie county, on tlie A 15. mst. a clrroBOY.

about se- above for the General officers the cuffs to be plain with four buttons on each. The under ctoatht for both summer and winter to be like those to be worn by the Gene- rals, except their blue pantaloons will have srarlet let in the seams instead of bulF, suwarrow boots, chspeau bras with a black cockade and silVc eagle in the centre black feathers tipped with red to be worn by the Colonels, and I White tipped with red by the Major rpauh tls of silver I each Field Officer to wear one on each shouldci, swords ilvfr jrouute.d to be won with a white cross belt ahuul I three inches wide, reds and black leather stocks. 1 CAVALRY. I The Colonels and Miijors of Cavalry to wear -onts made I At thelast County Com 1 of plea and Quarter Fes "onjf pouuttfof letweaot is 1 I ventecn yrurs of age, who says he belongs to Kichard M'Leart, living neau Fiiyettevih( C- thatht formerly Belonged to lenry Cotf-n near Tarhoro" i1iom th: said M'lniHirchrtsed Hiim The owner of this M8gro oration was gfanteU tottu- subscnbu-keti the esmte cf Je .1 .1 i. r.V scpit niuir.iu.iKa.; a 10 tbesiUd; quested to prove hi a.

property, jay oliar uts and tak him nwv. And those to Whont the cstane is Indebted will tu.inv iheif' i eltums properly, authenticate i wkhi'a the time rtoftbe4' i an. so arranged that trie purchaser of single BALUYSiinUBN.Sh'ff. iO 7i pdt by an aqt of the General Assembly pa sstd in tht vtar t7 US eoncerning'wuis, and'Jgranfmg Ittttrs 'adHinustra by having the prospect 01 dniwing twent olliers, may calculate on his chance of obtaining two or three of the best prizes, for ihe trifling sum i five dollars The dniWing will commence 011 the fiiiL day of October next, and will be finished without delay. NOTICE.

ivmi on tuiesi hki i-siaics, ouierwise mey Witt be fli-bkrreir 1 of Vrs sr; ALEXANDER ROWLAND E'i ANGUS- TAYLOK.Hiv I lrabejybtitoeson.souniyf Wrji jfe 7i. B. Littlejohn, for Messrs'. Livingston and Fulton A Attorney for Steam-Boats, in the United States; ancl JLtentees Wulium KcbardSy Willi Leivis, will rtceiwu! to 'f nomas Jinn, I Sneed. I form a stock to complete aline of Steam-Boats, through 4 (J OatMUerfy U0QS Ona 5 the N.

Carolina waters, liCw.tO the E.Vplorida line, and J't 'Uy, 'ft will appoint suiuble and respectable persons thioughlhe U- Wn wiS'tt ifiu-C''-i diflerelit states to receive subscriptions, of -ich when i Kl-- V. tK if AaRLAMF due noUc. Mt "LEATHER.ST0R,Av.'i March 26, 1813'. 13 till Oct of dark blue cloth, with scarlet luiing-s and collars, the the skirts of the coats to fail six inches below the hip bone, yellow buttons, standing collar two buttons ahotrt four inches from each end, piain breasted with three rows gf buttons, the rows about three inches apart nd to contain ten buttons each Uie cuff's not 'aced, but to have on each four buttons ths skirts to tall back so as to show the hips, and on each skirt a row of four buttons. Under Cloathes for the summer and winter, im'd bootn' like those directed to be Worn by Field Officers of Infantry two golden epaulettg, black stocks, caps to bej black leather ivilh bear skin over the crown and red sash tied round the svne in a small tow behind with short ends.

Mack cockades with a fcolden eagle, and, white feathers tipped wuh A red sashes, swords to be ytllow and slung ov er the riffht shoulder in a buff colored belt about three inches vride. if'-- ARTILLERY. The Colonels and Majors of Artillery will wear uniform that presrribf Infantry officers of the same grade, except epauletts, eagles, buttons and swords, all of which will be yellow. Iftriyofthe Generdsor Field Officers hve had their uniform coats winamenttd with lace or cord, it is understood that they are not hereby fequired to cause it to be taken off. By order of the Commander in Chief.

NOTICE. Feb. 24. U-ft. last Tlourt of "PKE subscriber having ffi-difiVd at the Pleas and Quarter Sessions ir the cou com WlEHIi 5addlew, Bdot and sujii plied oh tbe most reasonable trn with )aj, ing, Harness, and Bi-idSe Leather tirain and If ax Calf I)(Kt-Legs.

Wat aftd Grain. I ups and Top i tv ct ake. WJIEREASa eertain John Stevens, cf rlkl obtain from the Le.gishr.iue of Careiina, doting waxanu uraim wpptr egro iatlier BeUpws L. atUr i Itough and liiung llidea log-And Sheep r'lani 1 their last session, a law granting to him theifxcltuuve right to navigate the wattrs ill said state with bttraivi floats held on the third Monday of February last, as udminis-trattsr witli the will annexid, of Margret trai n.dec. all persons are hereby quired to bring to him, their accounts demands koul dcnoiiunation, against ids said Testatrix, within the respective time! prescribed un act of the General Assembly xf tliC State of passed in the year 1783, entitled'" Act to amend an hct, entitled an act toncerning proving of wills and givuiUng letters of administration, and to preven: f'r.

uds in ihe management of inteslatcs, i states." Aud all per-son-i indebted to the'tesvator are desired to make payment to HAYWOOD, Adm'r. Raleigh, March 13 St sists entirely of tlie best Countr jreik. 4 llcmeiV will find it to theirinterest okll. i Orders punctually attended k- Vff- 'j ''''f TwentW DollarsvRewafdot" "(A I KOUEKTWIUJ Aij. i' of the Militia of N.

Raleigh, March 22.V jSt. 1 XV ftt4i dttVB DMHttt nPQM-A I11wKj to the manifest prejudice 01 uocert l-uitou, fcsq llie inventor, and of Robert K. Livingston, Eq. his associaie, in the patent granted tn him by the U. States for said new and useful invention.

And whereas the said John Stevens has by un.lnstru-mentin writing under his proper signature and seal, acknowledged furmaHi, fully and unequivocally, "that tlie said Jtobert Fulton is the inventor of new and useful Steam-Boats, and the first Jiat has shewn thu superiority of water wheels over all other modes of propelling Stenm. Boats, and demonstrated the relative proportions of the several parts." AnM whereas Ihe said John Stevens lud neitlier right, churn or authority from, or under the said Livingston and Fulton, tlie true and actual patentees for using and vending to others to be used within the U. States, and territories thereof the right to navigate wiph 'NOTICE. 1 nJineof JilCK, about rty yeat'B i of aireJ liir-rci 111H mH ...1 Si mhf n- VC" i Ml Notice. AT the last August term 1812 of Wayne.

County Court, the subscriber's received letters' of administration the esute of Itictiard M'Kinnie, deceased They now uite-ur ey trade atd ha ollowtd no I else for ten Jem's hack he has is" ii rom me to Undertake Work and vtwimiW' mwn v. nas iauiv lu.ji. n.t irtiriLu. nf NTnii lLatvillm. 'It 1 uoais ororieucu iy ine tu tui wit OVthc 25lhcif December last, lost on the road leading frora Thomas fiusbee's to Smitl'field a Red Morocco PocketBook, with about fifty dollars, with many valuable papers, with, my name wrote in it Any person finding the same and will deliver it to the Mihscribcr in Carteret, Reaufort county, N.

or to Thomas Ifen-flers'ih, Ualeigh, shall receive a generous reward from belcher Fuller. January Xst, 1813. 13 3 B. I have beefn iuformtd that the said book lias been found bv a gentlcmnn who was driving a waggon from ice to all persons having claims against the estate 1' unwarrantably and unjustifiably, apply for, a'nef surrtpti-'tliem forward properly authenticated within Hie ttiously and by misrebresenation ir otherWise-obta'insaid 1 1 give not i' to bring ect lie is now in iie pari'ied tiff with him abmu-oiie Run.1 tired doHars w.ldek hfcd ieied-ibr work- ftimuld e1 he apprehended, I Wish tlie mow taken from Wm, and no timeprcscribed by law, or thej- will be barred of recovery. 1 1 -L ii 1 .1 pvLun turn luiiuei uwer ue pass tie fiasl i- A'mtvf And all those indebted to the saia estate are earnestly quired to make settlement without delay JOHN M'KINNIE, 7 BAUNABAS M'KINNIE.

5 tfp the country to New-river i if so, the gentleman may a nmnswlck, Virginia, Si-jit. 10, 18,12. 42 1 I F. an yopportuuny oi cunvcjuig n. State of North-Carolina, PERSON COUNTY.

County Court of Pleas, February term, 1813 ON or aiNout the 1st of December latt, the snW.riW-Irst 'the 'following notes of hand via one for $,775 giveu E. Wome lo Mr- SylcK dated the.7ib'Scptember IkU law1 in orsjer to wrest, unuer cover iiiereoi, irom.ltiejitore said patentees the well earned Midjust reward of tlieir in-, genuity, enterpriieU labor and perseverance, and -thus made tlie state subservient (though unknowingly) to injustice which may possibly involve the patentees in tedious, troublesome and expensive suits in defending rights.from invasion by said, A'tevens, or any igiiprnht or unprincipled persons who may be seduced tojoin wjth, or upholdhim sn so nagitious an invasion qf the rights of in. divlduals- An whereas the said law passed as aforesaid by the si ate of North Carouniis not only velditbte, but absolutely void and nugatory; in as much as it is in direct hostility to the law of the United states, under which the pa-tent has been granted to the said Boliert Fulton Itok. ti. Livingston; the legislating upon nd granting of which is by the constitution exclusively wsigned to the Utiiacd tates i do threjbre, herebygive nitKe, That I will, for and iu the name of the said' patentees, prosecute all, eaviiand every "person, severally jand individually, Who shall combine or tomfpire said John Stevens, to invade the exclusive privilege and property of l.tiavaute on tne laui Original Attachnreut levied on a tract of land.

James Williamson, 2 1 Parker. tuner note given by ewd (4oore to ltay4 for HfOdated. aoout tue mioaie 01 iprii 1 nrj with 1 AH YtMt. I for He thfcreWfcrwarns all peraons trad infffor said also.thesaid Moore from navina-off the said note to any ponOist the aubsriUjer he nut sm nil IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John PaiKerOie defendant in this cause, is an injiabitajit of the state'of Tennessee it is ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks successively in die Slar. that unless tlie said defendant appear at court of pte(lf quarter sesiions, to he held for the eniiiitv aforasaid, on the Wednesday after the second Mon- FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD.

T7WpRAS ascertain James Nichols Dusick, of Guil: ford, Was apprehended in Oct last, and charged with having kidnaped nd sold wkliin UiWstatc. a fe mulatto Boy We the subscibers throug motives of human' became lail foivhs appearance a Craven Su)erior to be hJdenui thetown of flewTjern, on the 4tli Monday af-. tcr the 4th Monday irt Warch inst. whi we, were induced hy said Jlusick's assertions would appears but to our urprize' and regret, wefohndhehas lately runaway. The Sove reward will be given to any peraon tliar will appre-XeMthe said JamesNicholsRusick, commit him to.

ail or odierwise" secure no that the subsciibers get hold joj: or to anf person that will give' them or cithen Where he is so that they get him. i Jame Nicliols Busick, who may pass by the name i of James above year old, about. 5 fact "J'lJ inches higH, stout btjilt, black hair ami beard, full fa- ceil, dark eyes and a red spot in the-white of one of tbeffl, quick, is afresh, ieaJty-looking. oi4n and Wlicn uranvuie county lln. Villiam W.

'Mason. diy in and replevy or plead to issue, judgment ,4 the said patentees, or injure Or their' interests in Will oe enteseu ajjuuisi. nun. MM -(. Test, JESSE DICKINS, Opposite Robert' Store.

any unlanfiu manner or in any place or state from tlie City vJiattimore to the Florida line, Respectfully" gives Notice h. WWwdto'' exeeute all orders in i 1 nel wlih Ja JOHN D. PELACY, JOHN D. TJELACY, PVBUSUE1J v4 AND TTESSilNGEB? will beimTnediately disoalclidwllb 'V- i iVi them to every part of tl A few copies Witl If ILL on the firtf day ay next e.i. the Star Office, and hV.

the Messengers. the yttheCoiirtHoiise.m Columbus counv. tl follow. vwiniuig, is Tery api 19 sianu un uic vm ma r' TTinmnt IVrhh' Jnhn Pl-u'raerh'Ai- i Wanted to Purcrtasei 5 AN ELEGAiSAriDLK.HORSE; un WhOrtotii Vakntmi Cobb, Wiliam )lf 'etthert)ft Peter David iJlroitm and Jioberl Tkmfaon. Ut'-iyhY-i:.

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