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The North-Carolina Star from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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-L- .11 li; Vol. III. RALEIGH, JULY 19r isil; No. 529. A fiXK NOTES llSSb? LIST OF LETTERS following- bribed oonhe BanW the-f sUmiwiing ia Co It of June 161L Cant tow Allen, Akxander Ailanis.

Crcea vrmgcui. in iiuirn, titcKxea unUcr two nBUiHiii jat, Br tho- i I KXKDXlUO, JO. TO. tL CO. IK YH COMD STf Of th z-w HOVSX HEXT Bkiow ooTtmwo! orricx.

ruic tukik bol- Ft AHSLBrATABI. HALFlEAXiT I U- stKot rarxn caxtx. aviscair- irXNiRECIITKD If AIL tUt POST-y ASTtRI. KaMLS. o.uerenc cover, scaled up and directed to iiend ia niaadclpLia, were put intotbe post ofTwVtkis pLic at tw difiermt Utne.

fat the Month rf M.rr-h I PR 0 CLA 5 1 ATI ON tJjf th Covtrnour of tie tfMrtA 1 Wimn AS ty an invest t-lca at i of JcrciT uh GadJy.iit Ariagti Couis't, the luurth day of the present Kiofith, bLre A Lockart, Coroner therccft poa the view of dy of Joltn May, thea'and tlrr) lying; It rp pearl that certUif tikfterd I'dr Cruvjurds 1.. the aald County," fcloliioutly, Vcluntui 1., and cf I th bubsenbeni One Uie covers eotrtainino. Ui half vv iae person ro wnera uirtcieo, out ewer containing the er balTefl has twt yet been ADVERTISEMENTS. muucijjun JVVj a. )mmoC 100, 4at 1B06, pne4 Thomas "WiC'mf One a.116 100, No- IT, date 1W, Leiwx One ditto tCC Ko.

40, date 180Ji- 8i-ed lno. It hi poaaible air overaipht mauce alorethought, did tiis Large gun, A Jacob Bledsoe, Jan. LU Banks, Banly Bu Uillik B. Mj iUry urtis, O.arlea Coplin, Mark Cooke, Thorn ttw.jufi, Bnant Collins, Joseph Jt4w Cbnch, Woodson Ckroutoos, Mark Cbristiany L'riaa CoUiaa, stich and Cook, Ami Chapman. 4 JJ.

iu U.i.! a 'A'Uev i Monsieur 8. Dance, Lewis P.ri.1, 4in Pavia, jpoaUian DaVjun- Ralph Dond, Edward Mrs. lUuiy Malicha llinton, jun. Thomas HowiVd, Btnjwnin Hupsond, Uerod HoWing-toiH 8arh tlollowty, Asbury Harpandeing, William liar ry, iUim Huiln, John Howard, Zacbarutb HuUand Jamiuxt II'huki, Katlutuiel Ilciulerion. J.

Satliamd Jiev Mr." Jwr. alary, fohftsttm, Jal.a 'JT. Benj. ih King, ltjcharvmg, Charles If, nemwrW 2 1-' Judge Lowrie, Lewis "Lashlec, Catty Lowrie, Capt Jehu Lowrey) Walter Leake, John Lyon, Judith Ijd. M.

AWxaader Martin, Allen Moblei-. 2. John Martin. i Upon and IJBQM try -t ooMIm S.V inst wuit lorty or tiity shot, whicSi rtctTd the left part of tho belty of 5 said JoLa tnado tnbrta! woun vihcrc' he inr and that the said tri.i.hal 1 ad it being further trprc 1 tL- i wine u.e poer ftflces Ijetwixt jttiit and lbaadfipi)i Any inforroamm rdativa to said huif fwrtli tkuftkiuU received bf. JtiKN GARRETS0X, K.

Cailin. June 24, jan. tout Is a mtLd main, and a mall nice aCitch taft 4 thebair is rubbed off fromeach t.iuc'r. is ttiii-U waa mm rual ji a a n. i State of North Carolina.

snouiucr-iateiy iy collar i other holed mark- buut bins a vu in tolerable good order, round' bodied nd, I a handsome horte." Aay -Intel Ugwce of him win i iiifull received, and brought to I will rewind lite person bringing hia ULcndly. J. EJeigh July 11, J81L xnauian nej, jo'iu Way, iimotny McPbfrtfT Joseph iCrwood, iMartin ft all, John Nichols; Tho Couii of Pleas in4 Quarter Sessioni, May Ttttsat ISlt Hubert The Heirs of Saml. Lot. d.M I State and ihat from Uie, Wr fiuenc1of TC Zrv appre headed he will ts without n3ktiltyi Smith, Govcmottr cf pursuant to an act of the at Raleigh, on the 6' by ofier reward of tv to auch persori ot said Richard Fair I c' 'er 1 sheriiTof Arin t.

mas Neckley. J. tfamea Petera, James Perry, John Irearce. William PowelLAUey Powelk. Valuable Lands for Sale.

1 Tf appearinsr to the'sathfuction of iirm.t.. W.l HW donck Love and Rnfwrt I fQ. Joseph Quiivb. ft Jifi Raines Hochelle; Mrs. lilly lttmlin.

William blade, Jamca Somei viUc. John Elawsoh. BOOT seven hundred acres on both nT WTC.twa of the Uritl of i 1 KirhUid teck, in the Soohfie of Wake and Frank. an" re not Joiin Shearen, Airs. Penelope Speight, Jaa.

Stinton. 1 Ti AumstuA Turner or TJtlevi Judiro J. L. Tar. La, well adapted totheculture ofCom, Wheat, lolaeco iTbin th.

UftleM ri Hemp, on which is a tarpe and convenient fltfeWnr 1 dryi? lertn 1 otterout Tbe siUwtion is hi an! Jiuaffirai entcKd tfsant. wk! I wdl vearture to sa a. rood watJu atT fS Vf Court cause th 41 v.The afore cribed to xn feet high, n'lrrrv 4'f t. 1 successively iu th4 tti rorui Carolina uitvc is aiso a rooa mill seal on toe -1 uul fcr tiey I 8tar. Teat, Eliha Vtle.

i tulktl Jordan Varham, a William Wynne, Ewel WaUa, John Whithead, Solomon Willowby, Pataey Warren, JesM Weatnerspoon, William White, -N. B. AU Letter remMnUur tluee months after advertis i tnd. A further description is useless, as it is not rolled any one Will purchase without sceinjr the phec terms apply to the subscriber living on the premises. JONATHAN DAVIS.

Ve County, 2d July 1311. 2b-tf. STRAYED ed, Witt be forwarded to the Gcliend Post Office. 3 Lis l.a.Lt tu c) -Glvrnv. vmjl.z- i r.t Uu ijihd.

-of ion. SMITH. Raleigh, 1st Jly 1811. NOTICfU A WAY rom the subscriber living in Italcigh, on Saturday, Uie 2S)th nit- a light BAY HOUSE, about 4 feet 10 inches high, had lost one ot his. hind hoes, and perhaps tho other by this time, as they ere much A LIST-OFf LANDS r- To ff tddor the TaXc.

of. 1809 BK'ADVERTISEMENTS. Of "rtodsahi rights late of tlillaboroug'b, con lined Jo an 1 Charter 3imi of '1 Orn;" Icr by the Cj'u 1 1 said Countv, at a JemaleEirucationa, nun 01 tr saia uonrt on ute 100 acres fiyen in by Jacob 'Vy. 32? acre riven in ir? on nrk l-liad seVend small sad- die marks, amongst which ia one lately hurt 1 he has aK so the aDDearanct 1 tlavimr 1 i urth Monday of May Usti lie thervfore repulm all jp wuii i iTar Kiwr at Pook's fbrd. uvnj coiiar marts on bis sliouldera.

An nMsu lis acres given ia by ttjul' on Little Iliver and Dumas'. Crefk. persons having demands against t)ie d. ccasea ta make tlitia known to the subscriber Within the i by Liw, or they will kaiTcd. JAMES CJKLD, 10, 181 2fr-o'.

I JO proper i.ioca none ana deliver turn to me or secure bim tlat I may get him again shall ccire ample satisfactloa of 1 i 1WBEUT RUTMEHFOBD." Kaleigh July Kf-tfiv, r.h Alien, dec. given ill A-orriat, lvhig on by Neddy Pennington, Grassy 7JU acres not enven tug Joshua Carter and Cuiberhuuse. State of North-Carolina, a entered on the stray Book of Chatham County, TWO HOUSES, one a bay alxftit li serf Harris and IW fburteen mkI an half hand bih, -ouppeerd yvitvt C-njaniiiih, Linrhes Creek, adjoin. i I. 4 uCJuhn Harris, adjoining Fanny "ilii'im Lewis, giveit in by 4mu k.

i l.uu, tying on Peedee I Hi rtry Ledbeiher lj'-li oa Tow 1 ii, the Town of Al. 5, and la, tho property ALSO-, EDGECOMBE COUNTY- -4- Cotirfc cf Tla! and quartet Sessions, May term, ig'lt 1 1, i 4 t- i -T Cli0B FartiUoa. iiru of 1 k- F.JwurdOaiiintM'd. J' IT appearing to the saUifiiction of the Court tint VTriirhi Qatlui is hot a rewlent of thia Stat-J 7 atR-5 erCreev, Ax Town i i I lentia); i Ni! us of Tito in us Cat ''aua. ordered Uiat publication be made in tlia Ualeigh Star for iX weeks, that unless the said Wright Oatlin do appear at thf nptt Term nfthla i.

1 3-4 acre Lot ih n.idlo, Adjoimn? the Main and Water Street, vi property of Joseph Yates, kiWi'lr be-ton to Juiiica It Bu k. The above luul and LoU to be sold at the Court House in the Ton of ileuderaon, on the 30th day of August nexu. has Jump ihaf' or Li right thiffh, xJued The other a awn heiifht, with a blasn faca, about si year valued at 35 doi-lirs Both lAi-ses had bells on. Tlie owner is desired prove property, pay churget and take tJem away 1 -f CHAKLE4 LUTl-EHUt Dry Creek, Chatham County, Juno 32, 1811. 2S3t YANCY AND BRANSON, TNFOKM their fiiends and the Publick, that they Lave formed a copartnership, and have just received trout Philadelphia a handsome supply -iS my GOODS AAD GJtOCMlilBS, to the Slock of Goods formerly purchased by Cbem from William Shaw, form A -complete and elegant Assortment, which thry oiler twt sale at the corner on r'ay-cUeville Street, near the Market House, in Hnkigh.oatlie Tnt reasonable terms for Cash, or on a thort CredtHo punctual customers.

X. B. A constant supply will he p'. 'V STERLING rANCn; warrenton; 'V i 1" 'v 1 GfeVednesaythe 26th inst. ane'xnunatic6ftheptt.

pila at thia beminary commeucvd, it Was attended br a numerous and highly respectable audience who exn sed in flattering terms tlnr npprobation of the i in w.liich the young Lau.cs acquitted themselves. 1 twnourable John Taylor, one at the Judges t-f Sa preme Courti Alexander Falconer, Esq and Mr Wil'i Crawford, principal of the Male Academy, The two first diys were occupied in a strict a of the several claaat-a Jn PjH-liing, lieudinjr. lirann, Paraing, Geography, Astronomy, cwrf ih and Terrestial iiistmy and Uie l-ieuth The copy book yere ite.l, 1 Vl nrof tu.itw- n-ii, tj-- the pupils had bte ircd. 1 he iaaes tilostur and i i ir Miss Adjni of were read the who at the ti exer cises, delivered to the yn Udies, in bt-half of himself and the gentlemen alio pieaidedf and eloqnent and iitu prewive address, etpres-sing his aatUlUctiou at the accu ttts manner in which they had acquitted themselves The morning of the tliird day apprortriated to a Must -cal performance by the pupils of Mr, Millar, who displays ed their profic'wncv. The number of pupiii exceeding ninety appeared blooming in.

health, and state with plewure, that there has notbeu an instance of seri, ou wdmpositioii the session. presant capatioua building thougli, peasant and commodious, will be rmder-ed roore so vacation. Tie exeitista cf the school Will recommence oil Vonday the 18th of July car ly application will ensure the admission of a few. The ntu pils will coutmOe to n-ceive instruction in all the branches, above mentioned, Drawing and Needle work inclusive. Miller will netesaarily be absent for ome time, two gentlemen Well recommended as teachers of Mush.

pi-awing artd Painting have been brovided, wha will attend during Mr. Ma absence. 8nch testimonies as have 'heretofore appeared, we haU not future, lay before the publick, trusting that the credit of the institution is sufficiently and cofr. -scious that diminution of assiduity, on our part, will reiu der it lesa deserving of patroimge. Terms for and Tuition; (fusick; DrawYni- and French exct ptcd) 105 per annum, payable halfvcaN ly advance.

(jrj- young Lady must be f.u with a pair of Counterpane and Towels. JACOB MOUDECAI. BENJAMIN MICCiysolS'. 5 Montgomery County, June 20th, 1811. i neia at tne umit House in TarbortMigh, on the fotlk Mouday inAueuit aext, and put in his answer, the fetiUrt wUl be Ukeh pro confuaku and beard ejtpatte as to him.

NOTICE IS HEREBY CI VEnT" Tt all persons whom it Aiay cbncern( THAT from and after this Advertisement all prrsoni who shall apply to Solomon Jerdou (a If iijro Doctor slave belonging to me) to rebe them of their diancs will be-considered indebted to me Cor his charges. If his charge are too high the person complaining, by apply In? roe, can have them reduced And I consider mvsrif bound and do obligate myself he answerable for Lis good behaviour. TUOMA3 JRKK1S8. Gi'anville county, January 4, 1811, 2-tf Stijte, of North-Carolina, OBANGE COtTiTY. f- i Ji, JnlylsUlBlU tourt of Plena ana Quarter Suasions May Thomas Rhode t.

0rigmal AtUehmenL Levied Sto. David Alitchel tT appearing to the of the Court that Da-J rid Mitchel the defendant in thia Suit is not an inhabitant of tins State--ttis therefore oitfercd that State of ORANGE. COUNTt. ofplesi an4 Qaarter1 SesslloMi layTeitti'lgll Conrt aid David Mitcht'l ppear within the three first davs of Frederick erick TP. Orlgml-Attachment Levied, be.

.4. ') miciicav iHiiiww iieau iw mue, jiiagment tv ttamt will be entered up agahiat blm--And that the Clerk of thia Conrt cause this UrdsrtO be nublislied tluwe wk Wilson Dlount, leant, IT appearing pi the satisfaction of the Cour That WU son Blouni, the Uefemlant in this Cause, is not an Inha auccessively the Star. bitant of this 8tat.It irtherefore ordered' that unless be, day of next Month, the shoppf lhct. William Atuimsoii, deceaaed, all the Medicine, shnji ftirnite, rooks and' Cat instruments of the said dca-aaed coiiistiiigof asry general assortment of fresh and chosen Medicine, slxtp tiirnitttre, with a variety of valuable Medical be If not finished on the first day, the sale will continue from day to day Until sold; Months credit will be given purchasers giving note with approved seenrityfo the Ex JOHN WASHINGTON, ExT. July 3rd, 2-3w.

the said' Wilson Blount appear within. 'the three first iuy of next plead to issue, judgment by de. fault be bntered up against himAnd tluit the Clerk of jWArrentonj'Jutie 30, 18iL, t- 29-tvtks' tins court eause tliti uruer to be publuhca tnree weeks successively hi, tlie 1 -n Valuable. Lands for Sale if f7 nPHE Subscriber offers for Sale 1000 acres, of Land lying oft both Bide of Richland Creek, iu th tioun-ty of Franklin well adaptid to Culture of Coin. Wheat, Hevfip, and Tobacco, on which stands a pew and excel-lent arist Mill, and as well watered at any of in the state, there is a tolerable etod Dwtllinr Honar.

ui.rl rrO all the fair sex that want information. Know that NOTICE. iivca academy, about the fift of June last there come into thi.s county a man with a Mary Sitchel 'tioelltl hm jiama "ter and they resided a LroUicr other out houses- Also a valuable, orchard of nrinm HE uuseriher paving been appointed by tlie CottiH JL ty Court of Edgecombei Administrator on the Estate Tammcrii ineet'uiir of Ttustees, they resolved ttocommeaee the eHyco Academy Lot- Uuitnce O'Bryan late of the Town of Tai-bo. kinds, of fruit For t- apply to the subscriber Or John Davis, Jun. DUKE W.

DAVIS. JTranklin County, July 2nd. lOHs 1" 84f. notice; J1U1CI HVIIKVl IIVI auva riitmi bulls Tliom'ai Bouldltf. It is expect ry And till persons Indebted to said Estate ar? requested 1811, ftniS iubsoriber having qualified at July term 1 JL Lenoir County Court, as Executor to the last i .1...

1- 1. 11. 1 1 19 mate unuicuiau: ubvuichu said Alary ami tltrt beaue'd and btisrded maa and ifc for about Un then he Uft htr and come into that part of the toiuity. in 1 lived, in Company Ahraham.Ahulud.Uho recommen8iidtlie said lltm-ter to life a man uf hotKiur and gofxl charaiHer, and hepaid his addresses to me and after a bhott rourUo 1 mai ried with him without the consent of my frieiMUiw)tJng after our marriage 1 thai his name Waa Uw terbuDavid Miller, and. that ha bad four wives all of Stem -ahve, Uowevet niedhis having more thantwCw -and one of them hyvd" at fishing Cretk in this county by womh hadfiitir or nvechildien lie lived with me iil tt)c first of October then ruhnipg ih djpht to everv one that would U-uut him and finding my situauW becoming such wot'ld render me inrapible or Inn, ny longer he tent'oierubroad wv huairieas-and in my ah- stnts he stole meal bag and packed up his dud all tny clothes exce pt what I had on and abaconrd to paita He mny easily be known he is about" hie, foot eight inches high has a down hang look' swarthy coiniihx- ion and la a lazy indolent pilfering, il'tterate luw brrd IcU and Testament of Dpet.

William Andeisoti, di Li aavfl, gives Notice all persons having just claims against said Estate to exhibit them properly attested Within the lima June 1, 18ii. thost? genllcmeti have, or, may receive Tickets ell and do not return tbim bf that, time, Will Account for ti price thereof iu cah. Trustees flatter them-elvci tliat tha.ienttbtent and all inentojearmn and virtue (particularly when tliey recollfictlie'Weat wm in the distructjon of the late JHyco Academy by hnil.lint' iscontract limited by law otherwise they will be barredof recovery NOTICE' IS HEREBY GIVES fur, the first floor xnd walla of which are to be of brick, tt of forwardness,) will Ana an tnose mueDq to said estate are hereby called on to make iwmediaU jJlment, as the concerns of tliis estate will not Justriyimtwlgence. JWtNASUlXGTON.ExV, 28-3w. r.ot onlvthrmwlves.

but eticouratre tfthtrs to oecme au- a 'hat on saiuroay ine irio jnaipjit, nij wuevAmcua A Baldwin left my liouse'aud board without cause I do hereby orwarn any persons from giving hef any tired it with any expectation of my paying any debt she msy contract afW one o'clock this evemng. U'Mtlltl HAtTtWtW' venturers iu this Lottery Fe Lotteries oi Die same mag. ud present- proiptcts equal benefit iU Htt kfrice of Twketa only three dollars-Highest prU 1 I OR low is a trade butTitver woikts til cumpcUed" "WiIMSONV 8TOTUS. RttiM Cklumbu County; Saturday, 2 1811. 27-tf J' by hunger audi; a fiddler and nma about from place had TffR SECOND VOLUME, OF liGL'OAZ) VOLUME OF 1 on when runaway an nld hl i.

An rhn rim utiinu ini Klaiaa knoi a lowest 6, and two blanks a pn "-y known integrity of die mahsgers warrants justice to my be- hud bf any of the Trustees at most of Die Stores and fotOflicc Person and i'-- trotter. v.jtrnifiY5,rci;k. '4 iv ''THF''t2'rATt stole JLiJLiJlJy 1 jl AUKiJ WV Neatly bound and Lettered. bens gtockinnaud bo Tonh this office jy rm.KveM "cJl! tOU SALIi AT louse', Caswrll County June 9ih, 1L11. 28 eor4t' 'in.

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