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The North-Carolina Star from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 1

Raleigh, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1Tr i Vol. II. RALEIGH, NOVEMBER 15, 1810, No. 46. FASHIONABLE I NEW, AND Literary Advancement.

SEVEN THOUSAND 'Way gained for the small Sum of FOUR DOLLARS! jEvyKi uY. JUST FROM ALAROE Assortment of tlie nicest JEWELEY and Wstchesf selected by the Subscriber, and paid for with the best Cash. This will enable hint to sell very low for cash or approved paper. The KWELR consists of Pearl, Topax and Cornelian Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Hinirs Bracelets and CLupt. NEWTON ACADEMY LOTTERY.

Ja PU1LI1U1D XVEBT THUftSDAY, THO- va. sat co. ia Tarn sscosu sTonr or thi aaw rousi.kbxt bxlow CHK OOVXBJtOIl'ft officii fbice th DOI-tAAi ra vsscm, rAi able halt tbablt ia ad-T4tcmiAtm tria te cxxtx. bbbscmj jIOXS EE.CEITEO BT ALL THK rOST-M ASTCKS. ADVERTISEMENTS.

State of Nortli-Carolirit, fprt Quarter Stuioni, OtfrberTerm, 1810. Murley Origittd attashmenV 1 1. B. CabraL Levied, fee. 1 JOHN C.

RUSSELL, At the sin 'A the EAGLE TAVERN, LooiiBDXC, Frarklim CouaTT, i Lockets with tnourninr and fancy pieces Cornelian set Watch Keys and seals, elegant Watch Chains, sleeve but' torn, looUi ptcki, Blc our excellent rokl watcbes, ne Repeater and four small ditto. Three dozen rood" silver do. ime Alarm Watch. RESPECTFULLY irives notice that he keep. imUi douse exclusively for the entrrtainnient and aroom- mfwljtinn rS mnfrt Trallirfl.

lti tiA4i well nm. SILVER WAKE. Large' Soup Ladle, 8poons, Desert and Tea do Sugar Twigs SU 8lovla, ladies' i wWied with Urruors. and his stables abundantly stored with a a 0 sr, xj i a i 5ooo -2ooo -looo 5ooo i looo 2ooo looo looo 1 looo Jlooo IPnzeaf j550O0i- I Sooo 1 AOO0 4oo $, 9m; So loo 5 2a lo 1, 2 5 775 Tickets at 4 dollars each n.iopi aiia ociwo ww, iu.iu,, wi, mircr ana Monre. He ha erected a Carnage-tlonse fbrthe protec- douhle Gilt Spectacle Cases, Magnrfvin tilanes and Sun tionof carnages; Ice.

And pledges himself to spare no pains IT Appearing to the Court that the defendant J.B. Cabral ianjt a resident in thit Bute Therefore it it ordered to ensure sauslacUon, Louisburr, October 22d 1810. 43-lm, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May 23d, 1810. that publication be made of this suit, for three weeks auc-tssivcly in the St as, printed in Raleigh, fur the defendant to appeur at the next Ctnitt to be held for said county on the lecond Monday of January next, and defend said suit, or judgment will be entered against him. A Copy from the KU- TOD: ROBINSON, C.

C. C. Otfbcr Slhtl: JOHN KOI3EK STUAHT Glasses, Goggle byes, Pencil Cases Paste and Plain Silver Knee-Buckles, Stock do Tooth and Ear Picks, Sil. ver Thimbles, Cygar Tubes, Hooks and Eyes for Cloaks, Sleeve Buttons, ke. Best Steel and tiilt Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, fcc, (Q" The highest price iq cash given for old Gold or Silver.

The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a ge-nerni public for past favours and hopes for a continuance: A1I favours and orders in his line shall be strictly Attended to. SCOTT. Raleigh Mm. 8. 1810.

45Mw. B. A boy about 14 years of sge, of respccuble family will be take as an apprentice, if apyiicat ion is mad1 early. J. 8.

tXTTTEREASin conformity with the provisions made by lAk.iNrttwb,w Part of the above prizes determinable as follows. The first drawn blank on the 1st 2nd 3rd 4ih 5th 6th 7th -and 8th days are entitled to g5oeacl The first drawn do. on the 9U 10th Uth 12th do loo do Tlie first drawn do. on the 13th and 14lhdo. 2to da The first drawn do.

on the Uth do. do And the last drawn ticket whether blank or prise 5ooo 'do Five hundred Tickets to be drawn on ea. of the first law fiw the reimbursement of the Exchanged Six Per Cfui. Stck, created by the second section of the set, end tied, "An act, supplementary to the act, entitled an act making provision tor the redemption or the whole of the public debt of the United passed on the 1 1th day of February, H7, it has been determined by the Commis S.atc of Tennessee. I Davidton Circuit Court September Term, 1810.

Daniel and Archibald Grace, v. Polly A- Hunt, heiress of fourtetnd-ys and seven hundred and fifty on the 15th fc last day. Prixes payable 60 days after the completion of the draw- ing, by the managers, who hold themselves responsible subject to a deduction of 16 per cent. Ail prizes not demanded within 13 months after draw- ing, will be considered relinquished for the benefit aflho institutions. The above Lottery is nuthorixed by an act of the Legislating of North Carolina, for tlie purpose of enablinsr tlio Oaisimal Bill.

sioner of the Sinking Fund, that the residue of the Principal of said Stock should be reimbursed on the first day ot January next Public Notice is therefore given to the Proprietors of the Certificates of Exchanged Six Pa Cswt. rocx, created by the act aforesaid, that the principal of the whole amount of said stock not heretofore reimbursed, will, on surrender of ilia tertibeates, be paid the first day of an nary, 181, to the, respective stockholders, or their legal representatives, or attomies duly IBjvt jwt receive frm 'r-Trk a wry Genwrtd Jmvrh jiRD-VARE, quek.n glass ware, PAINTS fit GROCERIES. THEY 1fm it unnecessary to make a pompom enumr-ration of every article, but will just mention that they fore amongst- tiieir assortment, Elegant bran Andirons with Shovels iid Tonga -U Wtch tiiem, Coclico Tea Trav in nesu complete, Indian Candle Shades, VeUnU Tea" Pots, China in sets, Torpedo Bounets, Ladies' Patent Kid' Shoes," Gentlemen's leather do silver and brass mounted Silk Umbreilaa, gold and silver leaf Venitiait rsd, Spanish- white, Xiltte, Pumice stone. Rotten do. Shell 1m, Prushiaii blue, Turkey Umber.

Vermillion, Yellow, I-cthrage and Capal Varnish, Sand paper, Paint trusties, Camir hair Pencils and Sash tools. Gunpow-kr and lyson London particular; Tenciiff and Sher Anderson Hunt, dee'd. TillS day came the complainants by their counsel, and it appearin? to the satisfaction of the court that the Trustees of the Ntwtoir Acadbmt Wf" the town of constituted, either at tqe reasury or at tr.c Loan otbee Defendant Polly A. Hunt, is an inhabitant of the State of where the stock tlius to. be-reimbursed, may thea stand Asbeville; to compleat the necessary buildings belong ing fiarth Carolina, whereby the process pt tnis Court cannot We served on her.

It- is therefore, on the motion cf the credited th proprietors thereof. to the same And also to establish a Female Academy the townof AshevUle. at.l imnlBinAntii- Orrfiel that nuhlicatinn itA forthwith 1 It is further made known for the iniormation of the pAr- Which two objects the Trustees and Managers Batter made three times in a paper called the Star, published in i ties concerned, that no ransfers of certificates of Exchang-th r.ltv of Halp'urh. in State North Carolina, com- ed Six Per Cent. Stock fiom the booksof the Treamiry.or themselves will" be a sufficient inducement, independent -J a "II 1 11 9 -1 ofthe flattering prospeci held outinthe above SCHL ME, manding the said Defendant to appear here on the second oi any wjmiiiwsioiicr oi Loans, win oe aiiowca aiier uie i i i -i, first dav 6f December next i and that the interest on the in March and the said complainant's Monday next, answer to influence all zetdous tnends to usetai institutions vo come liberal purchasers of tickets And they deem "it whole amount of said stock will cease and determine on the day preceding the day hereby fixed for the reimburse- unnecessary to expatiate largely in contrasting the advan- bill, otherwise tlie same will be taken fur confessed agaiust her- A Copy Testa a M'GAVOCK, Clerk.

ment thereof. ALBEUT GALIJII'IN, tages these it'Stitutions may Lave (if well supported with. ry Winr Nutmeijs, Allspice, Race and ground Ginger, Fi; blue and Starch, Salt petre and roll Brimstone, Loaf i and Brown Suar, ist Spunish Cysars and Busket Salt. All of which will be sold low lor Cash or to those that make it point to pay punctually once year. Tin eon- siwie to ifive the highest price' in Cah for Tobacco and Gotton at their Store in Tai'boroufrh.

1 Nov, 8, lSlo. Xecretmry the Vretuvrf. Mav 23. 2SfJ. friends) over most other seminaries or.

a. is ww very generally knowa tliat Aslieville is one of the most healthy situations on. this conlinent-and ljing in FOR SALE. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. neighbourhood ot uie warm springs, ana on uie main from thence, (as well as from the Western to the Southern States)is more generally resorted to by the bcK characters of both sexes during Summer and Autumn, (for the bene RUNAWAY from the Subscriber the 5th of September last, a net WAS COMMITTED A Plantation lying aboiit ree miles to the East of Hillsborough' Containing 650 acres of land of a good quality There is on the premises an elevated and beauti-iul situation for liouse.a good orchard which seldom fails, and' an excellent meadow.

Alxnit one hundred acres of fit of health Jthan almost any otner piaco in uie oumuviu section of tlie Union And being also a place where board gi man named Emanuel, formerly the property of Thomas Lanier, T'O the Goal of Burke County, Horth Carolina, on the 24th of Supteniber, and Tuition are had on very moderate terms Vi here tu near Louisburr. He is about 5 feet I will the foundation of sound the. land are cleared. The above tract will be sold on a credit of six, twelve and ehrhteen months, payable by e- 8 or 9 inches high, stout made, is of together with their Educations, and receivo qital indtidments. Apply to William iltares, in Wil 181l, three African ftegroeii, two fcl-lows and one Wench, The older fclk)W himself JOHN, and is about 26 yew 'of age, yallowish toinplexion, near six feet high the other lellow, who calls r.

1 '7 tha visits of their mends to ana trom uie warm opnua advantages united bear evident testimony of us lure lecin, nas a ooiu iixts, speaas i ail mington, or tlie subscriber in ltiusuorouRn. JAMES WEBB. Hillsborough, 1810. 44-3w. quick and with great

1 nt Auh villi. as a scat for LtteraTV Insti- will give the reward to any Ull tutions--And therefore on these, selfvident grounds, hmelf SAJI, is about 2i vears of site, person who will deliver the said Negroe to me or coiifina dark complcxioiu about five feet eizlit respectfully solicit Lue public pauonage. i ItlVlllVIVPS inches llitril. The Wiiiirh. culls liif-i-lf him in any jail so that I get him agaia.

D. W. DAVTS. Franklin Oct, 59, 1010. 44 4L GEO.

SWA1NE MNE kNCE, TTOS, V5 State of North-Carolina, SUKRY COUNTY. Conrt of Ploos and quarter Sessions, May Term, 1810. CEO NEWTON, I BETSEY, dart complexion, 20 years old, 5 tect three inches liigb. John has his country, marks on his tempU s. They alt that they belong to Maj.

Bowers, of Newberry South Carolina. The, owner is required to cmne and prove his. opcrty, pay charges, ar.u. take GOOD LAND FOR SALE. The Heirs of Sural Petition for distributive v.

of the said Ertate, -J ANDREW EUWIN.j cr TickeU for Sale at the Star Office, and at most dt The Kitnte of said deceased. 3 filed at Nov. term 1610. Uiem away. Wish to sell a valuable tract of Land containing five A said August Terra 1310, It is ordered by the Court hundred acres, on a credit of wie, two or three years, Morgantou V- C- Oct.

20, 1810, 45 Sw pd- Lthe post oflic-s in North and South Carolina. on which is a new and excellent l.nst Mill, with open ground sufficient to work 6 or hands to advantage, and i eouil in fertility to any in the upper count ry. The water -A. that six weeks puolic nouce be given hy auverusc-ment in the Star, for Bartlett Greenwood to come in and answer the petioiters petition, otherwise the petition will be taken pro concsso against hire. JO.

WILLIAMS, Clk. fiuri-yCeunfy, 15th Oct. 1810. 43-iw. FEMALE EDUCATION, l.

WarrentOn; isvervgood. HUMS w. UAY13 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE CLOSE OF THE DRAWING 'y Franklin County, 29rA Oct. 18 10.

44 At. A PARTNER WANTED. OF THE CAPE-FEAR LOTTERY. rCBUCK Examination, ofthe Pupils of this Semi-nary, will on Wednesday, the 5lh of Ile- BOARDING IJOUSE. No.

4G89. being the first drawn ticket after 10,000, if I AM desirous of entering into copartnership with soma person, in any healthy part of the. State, in a decent THE Subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the pub entitled to 6,000 dollars. cmucrnext letnenoji ol Female Education are invited, and the Parent and Guardians of tlie Young Ladies art respectfully solicited to attend judge for themselves tf tlie progress made by their Children and -Wards. The Uxercises will ajrain commence on the second Mcn-dav iil January, under tfie tame pircepton, that have hi JL lie, and particularly to those who have favoured him with their custom.

He informs the Members ofthe Ge Tavern. I could furnish two or three hands besides my I self and if necessary, two or three hundred For neral Assembly, and those who may have occasion to visit further particulars enquire of the subscriber, eight milns Prise of g500 No. 7053. Prize 200 So. Prixes of 100 Nos.

8542 9C6. V- Prizes of 50 1U754 2246 2051 2237 7364. M.aC 20 Nos. 10919 7234 810 10272 1921 9643 north of Hillsborough. BOBKltT A.

the City of Ilaleigh, that he still keeps a uoaruing-nouse at the Cross Keys, within seventy-five yards ofthe Slate- Oranire, Sept 22, 1810. 40 7t House, on the Wcstsioc. He has improved his buildings since the last Assembly, and has also rented a convenient house of Mrs. Wayne, so that he will be able to accommodate thirty or tliirty-five Members, and still have spare 1317 395 3CU 378 5534 8885 9669 69823984 7191 2192 7191, V'' Prixes of lO-Nos. 1650 9736 7436,4112 6071 4778 ft4W 584310638 169542996616 2245427610716540 1501 NOTICE.

therto' conducted this school. Additional brandies of Science will be taught, of which timeiv notice will be given I JACOB M0KDECAI. Warrenton, Nov. 2d 1810. 45-3w.

NEW STORE. i i THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Citizens of this vicinity and the public generally, tliat he has just received from New-Yoi and is opening in the Store House formerly occupied by General Bryant Whit rooms tor transient customers who may ne so gooa as to call on him. His stables are good and well provided with 2125 10173 4bo ouia uo auj A943 3746 5718 10573 6478 ,5296 5815 1455 10269 1352 5696 1643 6816 7093 10631 2u85 1601 1053 5775 2719 1 A Petition will be presented to Uie next General Assembly of this CommonAvealth, praying that an Act similar to Die one passed by the Vide of Virginia, may be provender. Every attention will be, paid and his exertions passed, to allow the Dismal swamp Canal inmpuny to in 1Q121'9626 1763 12J 7304SI889I1S WW oaus suju o-j-k, 21fio 8452 4714 628S 1663 614 1046i 43269096 5510 9GCJ used to give satisiactioa to at! vno inay units proper to board With him. JOSIAH D1LLIARD.

2fnWfS.Ort.24, 181o. 4 3 crease the rates ot on on uie liaiuu wuen nninneu. 38 tniA Sept.ll,18ia field, a very general assortment oi' GOODS, consisting of Fifty Dollars Reward. 9833 8092 333 6024 9872 5415 3344 8645 4399 5929 9C9L, 10704 9549 9984 10632 819 7608. c.

PtesofgS-Nos. 7961 400 82S2' 6147 8905 41.13 -10153 6997270258337294 6150 7549 32S9 81 10u7OJ172, 43J5 10153-2321 2223 9463 108. 6008 4266 9053 10753..,. 160 3497 411 10882 10633 6731 1420,6125 10699 6121 every article in the Mercantile ime i wlin li He ofllsri forfhteon very moderate terras, fur Cash of on a short Credit, where punctuality can be relied nn W. W.

HOPKINS. Fmithficld, October 30, 18t0. 45 8w. N. U.

I sIwU have SALT and MOLASSES up as soon as the water in Netwe ltiver will permit JUST PUBLISHED HENDERSON'S STAR ALMANACK, For 1811. RAN-AWAY th Subscriber on the 11th of September, 1809, a Mulatto fellow named JIM. He QS 5949 1063 1 7l otxto 2eio is lnrre and likely, about five 4n TVIH Almanack contains, besides the Astronomical eleven inches higli, and aged thirty. 10870 1256 19 5j7 Soiio ioo nu 2443 8867 59 A 8175 83S130SS7020 33H7 2972 23 6.13. 38677923 6591 2101 8368 1C010509098U9 10177 1521320 1272 218 4405 4934 21.S6 763 9469 8607 171-9097 10591 mi li 6S30 535 10291, 9991 257 2879 9836 9o63 HORSES FED.

five. 1 li face is overrun with marks A Calculations, a great variety of useful and entertain- matter which Las been selected with care: It is sold ofthe Small Pox, and on one side of THE rr.iles of Raleif h.lis proyUltd (food st and plenty to fled with and fct'd tile" Member's horses during the seninif t'f ni nose tne ngni siae i oeueve; ftl 40peri000, saperw, pcrgross, i (5713 4433 623V 32 lOtoo ooj laej iujuoimjiuu tereis a scar nccsioitcd by tlie half gross, 75 cents per dozen, or ten cents by the elil 154173737234 1726 81566037 6796877510717 4560 When ran-away tram me ne csrrie publisher, in Kaleigli, Henry tsianson, tayeucyiue.uaseu i S95q ioi39 J952 79J 47U.J svn 7 kick of a horse Jim can read and write and I ex- Maitrath. dmmirton. fluids and Atves, itiiuMeruKit, iros oijg 58.10 947U'Uo72 Juoa 01 ay 11,. i.l t.imarlf Tnr a free 1 susnccthe- atmhou KimmmL Granville.

William Burt, Daniel OQ, r.o vikh rj A483 G974 30 7347 2543 10378 30: L- tvilmlnnrton. hiivimrconnectioiia tberc.w Any Mcimond. 'Tarborouirh. G. Shober, Salem: A.

Graham, 11403 50S3 10348 80 6781 1207 1C72 56 w. 0 EOIIC lining il Vi -iti this Iwv into my possession shall Saiigburv. Robert Lindsay, Guiiford, and by Various other. PCT30li io tli? Ar.stmiilv," alti-mion shall -Iw paid to Vlie luimrs left uiuler his cre, but l.w wiirnot be liuidc for, srciiieir.s or cscafits lie has fwjl tli5' Member's luirnes fr several years, and l.iss lisctlxj irbilctit tohyppento Hie horses taken Vy him. lie will attend hi Ualtish on the day Uie txp-Clud.

"W1LU3 45 2W. 38 8 W733 40S3 7T7 667. 9228 1011 7412 10492 4813 7705 7308 I07 1084 4053.8492 10033 5873 261 5787 4136 3041 4259 47f 9583 8551 3M2 5434 6856 3t Mil 1 fii Mi 8325 96S5 6J12 7906 9316 1092 730 77TS 57bjV receive Fifty Dollars, and Twenty-Five If he is secured MeroliawU throughout th i ri. in any jail. i lo, 131o.

ROBERT CLARK. l-r r.T CASH WANTED! 54 6165 VUJi 0013. I WILl an give ppsnession thi 1st dry of Febru- i JLL THOSE WHO ARE IXDESTED TO TIE SUBSCRIBER, Are requeued to r.iakt, immediate payment. HENRY Raleigh, dugutt 20A Anson County, March 15, liilO 13-12m. THE It ETURNS'h'is sincere thanks to the publick in gen Vral fr Past livwirs, and winhes to inform them that he has tmidfi an addition of a number of good rwimsto his houtie and from tlie ample provision that he has made, flatters himself that can accommodate twenty five or thirty Boarders tlfc ensuing Session of the General Aiuir.blv..Thosc who think proper lo call on htm my ex vy next, t-re laud bent tue own 01 J-aytttevillc, on'.r river.

The tbove Jijr.d isinS li'. tts. one t( ICV of 200 and ctia 320 acres it is A 'Mottday tie third dVy of recewner will commence. the i'iiiinnttal eXminntion of the students cf the-Fiantliu Academy On this evening of Ttiesday.lhe lat daV.tlie younif gentlemen of the Academy wdl parlonn hA Velebrutcd Cheap for tbi. smiiad thjit person will purcha'ae itlfmt firs view ing me tiiiiii, a turtlier ot it 1 therefore uh-tii Uimeecs.siiry.i J'or tiitlicr particular apply to Ute, Bub- living at Warrvnton, (letters fio'st imi.l.) A.N pect to find rooms and accommodations equal to any.

t- james hears, SALE' AT.TPE STAlt OIFICE. SALE AT.TnESTAliprFItEj aaTW.Wi tSlo. -vft (itna.J FOB 1 'WaRCTtou,.

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