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Newport Daily News from Newport, Rhode Island • Page 1

Newport, Rhode Island
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Weather Data Wednesday Sim KIttt 5:17 Sett 8:14 Tides high 2:11 A.M. 2:11 P.M. Low 7:53 A.M. P.M. Temperatures law 51.

high Local Forecast Occasional rain Wednesday murnlng. (jullo so cuol Wednesday. (Detailed Report on Page I) ESTABLISHED 1846 VOL. 119--NO. 74 TUESDAY, JUNK 2, 19G4 16 PAGES SKVKN CENTS JUST WAITING Not a voter was in sight and all three voting machines stand idle as polling officials wait and dial at Sheffield School Ihis r.cxn.

Kvcn though Hie third and fourth districts of tlie Second Ward had been combined here, there was little voting business. (Daily News Photo) Special Vote Lawyers To Test Legality Of i i Turnout Is On Debt-Free Mount Hope Bridge Light Here U.S. Aim: To Halt Reds In S.E. Asia, Says LBJ stale's right to collect specifying that it would become 1 Jamestown Bridge," Oiappcll 25 reporters in his office, de- WASHINGTON (AP) Pres- dent Johnson said today lhe aim of Honolulu talks on southeast Asia is to promote the "el- iciency and effectiveness" of American moves to stem the Communist tide in that part of lie work). Johnson said the future of all of southeast Asia is at slake in jtos and South Viet Nam.

It is not just jungle warfare but a struggle for freedom on nil fronts, he said in a state- nent rend to a news conter- uice. It was the President's irst meeting with reporters ince May 9. Citing peace as the aim pi American policy, Johnson said he United Slates will "keep ts word" to help lhe people ol South Viet Nam maintain their reedom. In this connection, he formei D. Eiscnhow- president oi i 1954 spelling out American policy.

"It was a good letlcr then and its a good letter now," he said. Johnson, who met with some bility that reconnaissance melh-lmunlsts. ods might be revised from lime to time. -When asked to comment on'said. Iho possibility that Ally.

Gen. Ko- n( a a notl bert F. Kennedy might seek the Democralic senale nomination in New York, said that's a mailer for Kennedy and the people of New York to decide. --Declared that the economy 1 He said military authorities It is 0 ho war are using the equipment they wc wl seek peace," lie best. And he said it is only said point ivc" bioughl (error fo peasants ami! 01 machinery.

lor flaws lo crop up i ignored agreement to promote shihility. Tlie President was questioned In his announcements, Johnson also said he had sent a congratulatory message about reports that some Ameri-'lo Lai Bahadur Shastri, the new can military equipment being.Primc minister of India. forecast of a al output this 3 billion nation- year will be "realized or bettered." He also said "no inflation is in Newport's vote, as in olher communities in the area, was communities very light this morning in the nects. special election acting on seven. 1 Paul M.

Chappell. referendums. moulii attorney, said lhat he and Bridge Authority- ml li Anthony R. Berretto. Bristol: A bridge spokesman said today appeared in Ihe through.

Tlie reaction of bridge them to the police for action, lasked to pay lolls on the new first few hours after the polls lofficials is expected to bring thcj Chappell explained to Ihe Daily bridge that will be erected par- opened, (matter before the Superior today tiial the proposed allel to Washinglon Bridge. He The weather was cloudy and i probably in Newport. should not be construed as felt that Jit. Hope Bridge nou root wilh a nossibUitv of rain explained to the Daily.his opposition to the Newport should come in the same free COOl, ttlln a POS510.III\ 01 a i I JMrlTM Mm T.rm,ilTM a forecast. The Newport i 11! tentxm lhat the slate, when was almost double lhat at noon toug (he fn)m Ule action Bay wllich lhe Turnpike category.

vote, being taken solely on the con-; Authority hopes to erect and npcr- Francis G. Dwyer, Turnpike i il i i nirl ftf rfll'onlltic fnnm A i tn it ale wilh file aki of revenues from Jit. Hope Bridge. in the city primary election last interests in a statute 1 "I am in favor ol the Newport- July. Citywide, 435 had registered their vote, P.S compared with 216 T) 1 A al the same time in the primary LOllllCll LlllS 2 last year.

The ward totals today and last. July- compare as follows: First' Ward 102, 55; Second Ward 37, 53; Third Ward, 113, 52; Asks School Board To Parley The Council last night, total was onlv 16 votes behind the, alH a the 1963 primary; cl! ecl on It $12,233 more from the chines for Hie finance department also voted to Invite manager with the brought from the the Information new machines, city that and All the votin- machines were Schoo J- CommiUcc to attrition, Iwo less cm- bay span. Tlie legislature di: All me macmnes were g. 30 tomorrow night when specifv. however, that toll operating smoothly.

Only ore de-; win te taken ployes possibly three would be C0uldn ncrc ased. lay was reported and that was, UD Mavo amblv said he nt dc in.the department, wi mTDr also nl ou Mayor Hambly said he due to early morning coffee. Tins cm sce no reas0 for meeting was at the Elks Home polling: vv the School Committee, inasmuch as lhe Council cannot place about 7:30 this morning. The machines went dead. A ut specific items, machine inspector was called A cons iderable part from the Canvassing We arc keeping telligence officials.

if lolls con- However, when Johnson was bridge is debt as kei a bout a weekend statement by Rep. Melvin R. Laird, 1 that the American government has laid plans for earning the Vietnamese war into Ihe northern part of that country. Johnson replied: "I know of no plans that have been On other topics, Johnson: --Emphasized that the United States intends to maintain aerial surveillance of Cuba, although he left open the possi- Authority chaimian, said today that the slate was wilhin its rights to change the bridge statute by legislative action. The General Assembly a year passed a bill permitting the Turnpike Authority lo take oyer the bridge and to conlinue charging lolls after it became debt free.

his sigbt." -Reilerated that Congress will "pass a good bill" in Ihe civil rights field. --Announced that the balance of payments deficit in the five months of the year is running at $500 million to $GOO mil-! lion compared with to 53.6 billion average for Ihe last six years. Tlie improvement in the balance of payments plus heavy Soviet sales of gold added $97 million to American gold slocks firct five months of the he said. Johnson said Ihal at his broak- Soulh Viel Nam--notably helicopters- is obsolete. Johnson replied Ihal he has no worry "about the quality of I i a people to decide.

But he equipment or (he quality of Ihc'said his relationship with Shas- men handling il." i "has been good." He declined lo say whether he was pleased wilh (he selection, saying lhat is a a for lhe meeting congressional phasizcd lea for debt limit of $324 billion. Democratic leaders, he em- Ihe adminislration's a lemporary nalional Policy Makers Weighing Moves In Asian Crisis HONOLULU CAP) Amcr-icnce are planning military ican policy makers, in the final ladvenlurcs that will sink them hours of 'their secret strategy "ever deeper info the quagmire lalks, were occupied today with (he Question of what more the United States must do to prop up Southeast Asia against intensified Communist pressure. of aggression in South Viet Radio Peking also charged Hint "troops of the United Stales, Thailand and South Viet The two-day meeting alrcady' a puppet regime are just was selling off political rever-1 wailiii to invade Laos." It said United States had worked plans to bomb Laotian Iterations in eleclion-conscious Washington. But asnenihlrd The temporaiy celling of S315 diplomalic and military author- due tn drop to S303 bil-jiiics at Pacific I June 30. Johnson said quarters appear illlion is ion on hat wouldn't be high enough be- ause the debt itself is expected lotal 5311.8 billion on that.

day. "The debt limit is not magic formula for promoting economy Command head- appeared to ignore--at least officially--everything but Ihe subjects al hand. Efforts to solve the Southeast the out cites." "U.S. official circles are planning to the war to the Viet Nam Democratic Repub- i said the broadcast, quot- Asia crisis began Monday with a more-Hian nine-hour session In government, he said, adding jn a oav guarded room, moved to a private beach for a working lunch i and closed back behind locked that frugality must he achieved through appropriations and light management. In discussing Southeast Asia, Johnson contrasted American policies with Ihose of the Com- ing an article in Ihe official People's Daily of Peking.

California Is Voting Today In Barry, Rocky SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Cal, fomTa" Republicans "choose belt was further specified by ttt ccn Barrv Goldwater and Net thc legislature, Dwyer said, that' lhe toll could be used for tcsl borings, engineer and 'other studies leading towards the con struction of Ihe new id tolls others relieved for oilier work. said. In the finance budget, 5125 the office and lie discovered that fuses' water department budget, which had blown out when someonelfjoes not affect the tax rate be- plugged In a coffee maker. jcause the department operates Jamestown reported 54 voting on ils own revenue. Its budget up until noon.

At Middletowniis separate from the citys op- Town Hall, covering Middlctown's ratln budget, first two districts, 67 had Arthur J. Whaley, representa- Ko figures were available of the American Fcdera- Berkeley-Peckham School, which tion of State, County and Mil- was the polling place for thclnicipal Employes. AFL-CIO. rep- other two districts, or from the water department Portsmouth Recrcalion Center, employes on this budget, where Portsmouth voters were! He said his remarks were based on salaries after one year's experience under the merit ordinance. Tlie employes object to the 20-year spread casting their ballots, Newport voters had questions facing them on ballot.

They were Ihe their state also brought oul thai Jone of President Kennedy's last No jobs would be lost, acts ass si natjon was to sign a bill pased by Congress permitting continuance of the right to take lolls on Jit. Hope Bridge. Such legislation is required on bridges crossing navigable streams, Dwyer said. Berrello said yesterday that he and Chappell would seek a 'was cut from equipment maintenance, because of new machines. Under capital equipment, $190 was cut from the welfare department, for chairs and desks, as Ihe state will pay for these.

son A. Rockefeller today in a last-in-the-nation primary that may decide the kind of "Repubr lican th party will nominate for president in July. A turbulent finish climaxed the campaign for S6 pledged delegates in a showdown between the professed conservatism of liie Arizona senator and the moderate credo of the New York governor. It's a winncr-takc-all affair, with no write-ins permitted. Balmy weather, quickening interest in the presidential race and a fierce, party-splitting bat- party elements supporting Salinger in a power struggle.

Salinger has played heavily on his close ties wilh the lale President John F. Kennedy in bucking a well-established stale figure who polled the highest vote of any candidate in winning reelection The top Democrat). Geoi'gc lywood who has been aclive in Republican affairs for years; I.e land Kaiser, San Francisco in doors. That same schedule was in force today with most of (he of- India Names I remier NEW DEUil, India (AP) India's ruling Congress party mild-mannered Lai Ba- lliic1il1 Shaslri by acclamation ficials, including Secretary of Slale Dean Rusk, who and Secretary of Defense ert S. McNamarn, who planned cuccnrr Ht 0 Primo to fly home to Washington a i ud final adjournamcnt about dusfc.

nwk for ofa None of (ho conferees would! c( i i Socialist India. disclose what directions their meelings wene taking. II ap- learerl likely a details cf any recommendations will he vealcd only afler approval President Johnson. "Socialism is our objective," Shaslri said shortly after Conre-; by i parly members of Parali- nient named him their leader, designation which aufumatic- carried nomination as Political reaction to the minister, came from Rep. Melvin R.j post Juslrialist, Or Fred Hall, nrsl Beach attonicy who once was! governor ol Kansas.

Winding up his appeal Mion gives tip what he termed inlse premises that belong in 8 1 15 11 1 in-l i iXeh Under i a departmentMeclaralory judgment on (he is- capilal equipment, $6,000 was sue. He said he and Chappell eliminated. This had been rec-jintcndtkl to file jointly for Ihe: onimcnded for validators The Bristol cily Go i dwa i cr and Rockefeller iTirl. i-TM-ricfni-c- fVin f.i 1 1 1 1, "Will" closnl Iheir pounding drive Mou- dav night with final salvos as 'discordant as th rival Mclorj- ana a nerce, pai muumg up ins iippiMi i tie for the Democratic senatorial voles, Rockefeller said lhe pros- lre( nominalion were 'expected toiidenlial primary "will decide! Rusk, bring out nearly 70 per cent of lhe state's 4 million Democratic voters and 2.9 million Republi- said executive Southeast As OI approach as recalled death last week and isakl of Mrs. Gandhi: "Her con- "jliuucd associate wilh us will asked about cash registers.

However, the cityisolicitor said it would be easier manager and finance director explained lhat it would be the firsl of the year before it was decided for him to turn back from Ihe after pay toll man it would be for whether Ihe new Dennis F. Shea suggeslcd thai ever, said he intends fo drive they were needed in Chappell coming from Ihe Ports- program. Councilman mouth side. Chappell, how- they lie purchased from nnex- balances in accounts at nattot. iney were ine Mint i receive too nav "aianccs in highway bond issues and that lime if needed.

vncalionnl school bond issue, office building bond is- rues, exlension of Ihe state's Industrial Building Authority lo expand ils guarantees, Cliff Walk restoration bond V.HII compensatory tin Issue, and the bill lhat would 0 inanc i permit designating specific riav Eivm bu is i i TM an vation, insleatl of dislricls as now provided in the law'. This last queslion ballots only. was on Newport ilhis lieing the only city requiring such a long period. He also complained about Ihe holiday pay procedure. Under the merit 'rdinance the men are not paid they svork on a holiday, but nc off.

rorn- withini days, wilfi an extension for another 30 days if necessary. Thereafter Ihey should bo paid if Ihey do not pel tlie day off. Democrat, was unsuccessful in i A police department request Action brought before Ihe slate through. predictions. Goldwater, disputing stale wide polls which tabbed Rockefeller lo repeat his Jlay 15 Oregon victory, told an airport rally in Los Angeles: "We're goin, lo has for a radio-walkie-tnlkie (Contlmiod on Pann 2) ap-iSupreme Court earlier this yea lo halt transfer of bridge oper- alien to Ihe Turnpike Authority.

It docs not work tiiat way, said. he For 3d Epidemic ABERDEEN', Scotland (AP) BrilCeSi Some of (he men have wailed 00 days for (he make-up day off. he said, or have been given, wilh no choice, a day off in thc middle of Ihe week or al some lime Ihey do not want il. lie --Tlv cily of Alwrdcen braced recalled Ihe Council's promise todav for possiWe third --it ordinance Big Names In Folk Music To Appear In Festival Here The second annual Newport Folk Festival lo he held by the Newport Frocbody Folk Foundation Park Julv 23 2G peared here last summer; the Morning Star Hall Singers from win. I've never been so confident." Rockefeller, who finished two terminals away at Ihe sprawling airport, avoided any predictions.

But his supporters remained optiinislic that he ivould win--and win fairly big. Police called for help when Rockefeller landed alter a 12 cily. 1.500 mile aerial tour, it wliich lie conlinucd to assail his opponent's polilical views as ex Iremist. About half the 1.000 persons ii Ihe future of th, parly." The New York governor said he offered "a constructive, forward-looking and responsible. tentative to lhe Democratic ad- policy juf us." Ilr welcomed the support of Finance Minister Mori Republican charge, declined comment.

The' a jj Dcsai. his opponent who assembled Cabinet officers, am-iyielded afler a determined fivc- bassadors and military leaders ijfay succession have been instructed by Ihci "i 0 ln lo review itn American, a mfidcnce in th 0 country Asia a i i will liave an impact on the ministration now in power." make suggestions for ils future outside world also," Shastri Goldwater, said, offered i 'a narrow doctrinaire exlrcm-l There were growing indica- Sliaslri sniri parly's ism--outside the mainstream ofl'ions lhat military moves weremicdiate task is lo fight India's American polilical jbeing charted lo show enemies--jwverly mid Tlie Arizona senator, in lurn. complained that Rot-kefellcr munist insurgents lhe nileil-unemployiiienl." States means business. Limited 1 country must remain fo misqu'ite mililaiy pressures have and il is important we I do wish thnli'ipplicd in the past--notably in realize our grave rcsnonsibili- Thailand in 19ii2--willi tcmjo-lirs loward lhe betterment of rary success. jour he declared.

"Tlie Increased U.S. military acliv-lcconomie. issues are most vital me." adding, Ihp opposition had leen a little more sensible." Rockefeller, in lhe Soulli Carolina Sea 1 welcoming crowd npnrnrct Cionlwater supporters wno promises to be as successful i ral McDowell, a powerful i KX)C) not more so Ihan Ihal produccdjcmuitiy blues singer, and lasl year. Not only i many of lhe same big names In the field of folk music, such as Joan Bacz, Peter, Paul nnd Mary, wife. The Saturday nigtit performance will open wilh tlie IHuc Ridge Mountain Dancers per- Rockefeller's asscrtioi his (hat lhe lms lakcn "an impulsive and irresponsibli In its typhoid epidemic.

Theodore Hikol. Peie Seeger, 1111 old time clogging would get a cut in pay. llow-lliob Dylan and Judy Collins, Iwjslep done (o lhe strains of Already 22'! persons have been he said, citing instances. for this summer's per-jmounlain slringband. Headlincrs stricken and woman lias some men are receiving died.

Another 17 cases' moncj1 are in crowded hospitals and reports of infection are turning up in olher parts of the country. The original outbreak in Ihis Icss'formancc, but an even wickr following will be Pelcr, Paul of lhe folk field will hc and Judy Collins, balla seaside cily of blamed on a can 1SG.OOO was of defective Cily Manager than al last year's high- Ihai paid holidays for SO men would cost alwut 575,000 which the cily cannot afford. Afler dis. ly successful event. A new feature Ihis year festival i lie a Thursday night concussion, Ihe waler deparlmonljrert devnled entirely to Iradi budget was continued, pending a lo he reached by beef sold in a supormar-iU'haloy and the city manager.

kel. The victims spread Ihe disease to neighbors. Today could be crucial in lhe fight lo confine Ihe disease said cily health officer, Dr. Ian Jlac- Quecn. "If Ihcre is a third wave--a WT should know alioui (he middle of the week- -then mailers will lie very serious," he said Slxiy-fcur cases were i music.

It will include fiddling and Gaelic language songs (if language Movn Scotia, music from French Canada and Southern Appalachian and Oxark iiisliumi'iital and vocal traditions and a panorama of Negro music primitive spirituals and blues and jug band music. The Sunday anci 1 will offer night a varied pro- Weisbrod is preparng some amendmenls to the merit ordi nance which will meci some of Whaley's wishes. An altcmpt lo slrike out 2- way radios for Ihe public, works department was lost. Council' a Kdward K. Oakley favored two-way radios for the and police departments as they are sent Mich well-known singers emergency departments, but did Cash and Ihe rn lsh lhl(Iy Roil deer, and Ilieixlorc lernallonally knowii actor stand" on the use of nuclear weapons.

'Hie lonc-awailcd decision Republican voters will come aft cr 7 a.m.-lo-7 p.m. haltoling-- 8 p.m. In four counlics--In precincts. Goldwater will await the re- In- lums in las Angeles, Rockefell In New York folk singer. Others arc the Os- liorne Brothers, hluegrass wlz- aixls; Ihe Slaple Singes of (Gospel Dave Van Ronk and Ills jug band wilh Sam Charters, and Fuller, folk composer and one-man hand.

gram. Appearing will lie the famed Odolla; Mississippi John Hurl, re discovered blues mlladccr who apiicared year; liob Dylan, liie Arcns to watch: Ix)s Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties, bulwark of California's predominant voting strength, San Kranclsco and ils populous neighlwrs, anil lhe asvicultura 1 central valley. Democrats had a choice to last young! the make, loo, on whelhcr to liond llieir ID I national convention votes to opposing Males headed Gov. Kdmiinil G. Brown nnd IjOS Angeles Mayor Samuel liolh arc in- was (he biggest one-day liscj the epidemic broke out days ago.

Aberdeen remained under siege, with schools and entertainment spols closed and Irade half denrl. People have lieen warned not to enter or leave the cily. not see why the public works Milchell Trio. Also featured Ihal 1 department needed such equip-night will bo two Hawaiian per- Friday concert will pre- val; cv Hi, Ciint i nf I aiid Tommy Makem, jxiwcr- Irish songsters; Judy Hod- crick, most promising new on Cn( C( formers Kaupena Wong and No- ahead, with no need of conllnu ous ronlact wlh Ihe employes. Weisbrod said It wns a case of saving man hours and blues Hoys interprelevs of blue- proving lhe efficiency of lhe the singing Walson Kam- cxprment of the blues; group of southern Freedom Singers; the Kentucky Colonels, West Koerner, Hay and Const bltiegrass band rooled in slwuld be elnni Mahoo; Phil Ochs, lopical Glover, young urban singers; lhe Grcenbrlar pa rim en I Illy, featuring Doc Wnlson, coutv I A dlscussiOii of business ma-try giillar virtuoso who np Iradition; Pete just re- luming from a rnuml-llic-world lour, and a group nf Sacred Hnrp Singers whose hymn- singing style reaches back beyond the J8ih ccnliiry, formally pledged to President Johnson.

Tlie real Democratic battle In volved nn ncrlminious clash lic- Iwccn Pierre Salinger, press secretary lo two presidents, and Slrilp Controller Alan Cranston for the parly nomination for ail- Ing Sen. Clnir Knglc's seal. The race pilled Krown, oi'- ganlzed Inlior nml Ihe Demo- club movement, behind Cranston, Kgalnsl Assembly Speaker M. Umuh, Ally. I.

Gen. Sianiey Mosk and other the week, appealed to Iho "I like Ike" fans by declaring bis views fil D. Kisenlmwer's definilion of spnnsible Republican. Goldwaler pointed lo hower's denial Monday that he! ily in Snulhr-asl Asia could lakejfor us a number of courses including India is "faced lodav wilh a jel rcconnaisance flights crisis." Shaslri conlinucd. Yc Communisl North Viet Nam ovjand must "follow in his (is'ch- carrier task force cruisingji-u'sl foolstens." oulsidp Norlli Vielnaiiiesej If this rcflccls Shaslri's for- Mcrrilorial waters close enough pign policy, it will mean a con- Iried to read lhe scnalor cxil of lhe Republican party, lie said it confirmed Ihe former prosi- (Continued on Page -I) to he seen from shore.

TOKYO (AP) Red China said today "American overlords" at Ihe Honolulu confcr- linu.ifion of iionaliKtimenl under Iwh'ch Ii'din accepts economic and military aid from both (Continued on Page J) NKHKU'S Bahadur Shaslri. rij-lil, Inlks i Kumaraswiiml Knmaraj tn New Delhi lodiiy nfier India's ruliiiK Congress Parly named Shastri by ncclnmalion lo succeed Uie laic Prime Minister Nehnt. Kamaraj Is president of the Paity. (A) Wlfcphoto vla'caWc from New Delhi).

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