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Newport Daily News from Newport, Rhode Island • Page 8

Newport, Rhode Island
Issue Date:
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The Eddy Refrigerator. Fifty-two anil styles. The best refrigeritor because the most economical, lasting longef than any and using less ice. BOLE AGENT, W. K.



Kindiing Wood to Muy part of the barrela (or ooe ilnllar. It is nice, dry. clean P'TM wood, -it (rum cleiin kiln-dried roreat trccfl. Ituwure of kindliiih'8 made (com old toru IjuMdiiitfR; It ia moro or less decayed mid hurborfl bed l)UR3 nntu and riist-HSt- KTtna. It i3 Mid very cheap, but in MIP fnd may be vnry dear.

Leave your order at 69 to 78 iilll street. lewporUoal Co, i Coal of Lykcns Valley, Lorbcrry Red Ash, Siisquchanna White Ash. Abram Almy, Proprietor. NEWPORT Illuminating Co, ic i i Electric Pow. KISSIDMNCJSS AND STOKES FDKNlHlllilD li'OK iilLJflOTEIGlTI AT LOWEST HATES.

Electric Supplies, Fixtures and Shades. 4.49 to 455 Thames Street, NEWl'OUT. K. 1. What to Choose for a Bride II olteu i queitlnn.

Our Sterling 311- vi-r IB ever ready wilh BUjgeitlonj tlixl l.uve tliu merit ot k-inn in tume. We have very pretty colonial tea net (4 pirns) al f20: 1 iloz. Sterling- Tea i.aille and Suiinr MIWOII, In only Mi-rlini; "on lion liloz Sterling KnlvM. In case, 43, mid loll ol other roml.lnntionft. HERRMANN'S, Kill A STIiKBT.

Burliiiganic Carry, Island Asparagus, California Cherries, Norfolk Strawberries, Soft Crabs. K1X10ST STUCK Steimvay, Galiler, I a a Slaiularcl and Singer Spccinl iiuluciMiR'tits to cash buyers. of pianos a specially. Shocl miisic tiiusioal i i a i i i a i plionograplis. We a over records ill stock.

Have I'cceiveil SOOthis week. PIANOLA recitals uvory day. Barney's Music Store, A STREET. Celery. CELERY SALAD, UEUClOfS WITH CVI.I) MKATW.

Fraits ifl Slass. Cherries, 1 1 vUlkll dwiniliKi F. P. Garrettson 10 20 WASUUifclTON SQUARE. "Summer Use," A FINE A I OP COALS SUCH A3 Lorberry," I1EO A3UE3.

"Lyken's Valley," DEEP JIED ASHES. "Sus.quehanna," FREE BURNING WHITE ASIIES. AT Perry Brothers. STRICKEN SUDDENLY. Charles Acton Ives Expires While Riding a Bicycle.

Fiomineut as a Lawyer, Oitizeii and iu Social Oiroles. Yi-sit-rdny tin- mi-r. all.UK Thames slrcft wi-iv to hour Unit f'hlirii-rt 'Kill fiilk'ii from Iris liiryrli-, ill-nil, m-ur l' (lp IIVIMIIH- mi TliimiM slrii-l. -Mr. I vi-s Inn ii IVw im.mi-ill* Ill-fun- liud 11 ti-iuliim liusinww I lie slivrl, "ml iiuuiy si-ciiiK him i i down hitt-ii nil 'his hr.nnd ils mis ntli-nnird I i l.i I hi- ''I" 1 a link- i.u I I i llollllinl Mini Ui-lirboi-n sm-Hs lie met Howard, win) remarked, jokingly: Ives, thirl.

I i a i linrbi- I you." To Iliis Ins responded, in same i i "III try lo mil. for i I don't I i i tll'iM'i- is nilleli il'imfl-l'." Tliese were doiilftlMS the words lie n'llered. He wiis i-idiiiK iil'ins in life a direful, ru'thi-r nlnw, iiiaimcr, i when irlioiu even -wii'li Ihe i side i'C Lee UVI-IHII-, liis wheel lii'Kiul to a i his hody ns llrongli he had no eoutrol i.f himself. He. however, held his seat, and -Ilie liieyelp llie sidewalk.

inlenilini; to reai-h his fence a the (tn. works and Sternly hinrsi-lr. 'Phi' wheel never reneiicd -tin; iViu-e, i i i i i "I I' 1 1 inches 'liteii. Mr. Ives pitched a mill fell in the iiruimil.

'liis forehead just ft-niv. Two men grini: home i i i a few feel him. and went his assistamv. Tlii-n- were a few short irasiis, ami llien all was Olliers a i and l-'iirenian a of Wi.rlis had (lie lifeless hody a l.i the where i poss'ilile A man was sent I'll -Mr. Ives's wheel to slllninoii Dr.

Sanhorn. and word was lelel'lnnied central otlice lo send a doctor ill I I I Word was also sent lo Si. i i i i and Keilily responded, only i i Ives Dr. Kclieliok i a a i anil sellled all donbls liy dedal-mi; lli'at i a i liad preceiled his arrival. Dr.

slionly al'ler arrived, i i i i also hri-n i i i i doelors a i a disease was i eanse uf a i a vii.leni iinlieiitnl liy the apiiearance of 1he and face and the body. Tl crrise i i i i i the wheel 1iad ll'-t i a a for it less i a was iteet'ssary lo a at ordi a pace. 'Phe a a was called lo lake 1hc body lo IvesV bom I Kvcrcll. slivel, whilhel- Dr. Kcllelick 10 i i i Mrs.

Ivi-s. The i a i i wvro iipanicd by Foreman a (Miiccr I). .1. Buckley and C. M.

Kirwiu, who liad been il.iiiiK ilie.v could 1t. resiiscitale dead a I i inc he simply had a lit a a i i spell. I a i Dr. Kenelicl; arrived tlu-y Id not believe a death had so suddenly ealleil a a apparently in the enjoyment of a and i i i i i At the i a Ives fell the aspiialt I'aveiiienl was dry. t.liere was no one near him mi llie slret'l.

Jilni i were nil the sidewalk, so iha.l Ihose saw llie a a i a i ride had all mlobslmoled view of atl a i happened. While i appeared to some I a Ives tried reach The t'clliv lo rims to 11 for support, llie men who look him lip i he had losl control ofllis wheel, I a he was dead before he the sidewalk, and ilurl shock his wl I striicU Ihe curb shook his body from saddle. They asm- i spectators a he fell litfhll.v au-ainst Ihe fence, and a i the fall was in no way for his death. Ives was in Brooklyn. November lS.Mi.:lliil ivceiviil his academic education in a a a New York, and Holy Cross Collide.

He was an as- sislanl in i Tidied Slates eoasl. survey for seven years. About -H years ap' lie came lo Nowpoi'l i i hi-" inollier and studied law ill Ihe ulllee i i a I'. Sheilield. lieim! a i i i i In Ihe bar in 1SS1 he was idelilitied i i the inovenien'l in sup- of t'lrover Cleveland for the Presi- dcncv and was elected In Ihe sli.le lu'Jnn; us ttpmocniL in ISUO.sei'vlng one and ibehiK 'u ineinlipr of Ihe house cumniillee on i a Kinee lime had m.t nelive In parly politics, iill'lioiiKh liml eounsel for Hie iniinli-ipiil Iwiffiii- In week- ins an iiijiiiii-liini llie eily hwr more a llie a aiilliuriiiwl by Ihe vole of laxp'ayers in Ihe eon- anil i i nf Ihe new eily linll, and WHS ei.nnsel for the Plffli Wnftl Ilnprovenienl.

Assoei.i 1 Ion in Ihe ri'i'unliiiR Hie about Ihe en-ek id Ihe a a street district, i was a member of Ihe port. Hnsiness Men's Association, Ihe Xi-irpurl Kea'dinj; Uoolil, Newpnri flolf Club, anil of St. Joseph's Church. seven years afrn he married Miss Bessie Hum of San Anioiiio, Texas, and both he and Mrs. Ives had been hiii-r- esicd in social life of i As a lawyer Ives was very methodical in his work.

ihoroiiKh and pains- in his investigation of Ihe cases which he was riijriiKeil. cxalllininjr minillesl delails and i in- i i a of every a i a A Ihe bar he was and always coililenlis in Ihe examiira'lion of witnesses, and while keen iln every point a Would he of a.ssisltance in (he conduct of his ease Was always ready lo a point made amiinsl. him. I Ids rtlllce work Ihe same methodical precision "was benefit to his client's, and he had aeiplireil a practice and position i was recognized on all sides. Ill i a life Mr.

Ives was a COIIKOU- inl ciMiipanii'li, aii conversationalist, and keeping himself well in- roi-med of Ihe evenls of Ihe day wtl-s nl- wa.v.s ready to add something of value to the knowledge of whom ho Ullkl-d. He was i i i in his convictions: anil did mil i a to expre.s^ his preferences in- dislikes, bill wits always courteous in his position in an niriimenl. In his home he was airrec- nble a i and i i i he enl a i i but lit i had a wide circle friends. He was of an a i a and kept, himself in I a i i i i by lienliji- flll ontiloor exercise at all seasons of the year, lo every Mini (he impression than, he was a lype of viKorons manhood. To the comnmniily in which he had lived, therefore, his a was a.

severe s-hoi-k. commit i i nut of a clear sky lo those who had known i i and had hei-n connected i him. in his irriifessional and business life. Mr. Ivcs was a ready writer, and had freiiiieiilly contributed Ihe columns uf, News arlides on i InpU-s of Ihe day.

in a i a and local in i were sliow.n the same exactness of a i and same thoroughness in development of his a thill, char his work. I I A I I Hit' i i.f Mil 1 News: Kiii-t-ly has a deiHh been greater sliuc'k ao our i i i i -than was llrtit of iVeslcrday afliTiioon. TKs rail, sinewy ligurc and healtli- aiipeiirancc save lo those who met him casually from day TO day no of weakness disease. He was in his otlice and upon Ihe i I as usual i day, a a i hi his ordinary duties, made a i i 'his iisso'eiates a Ihe bar and with others -for fill lire, sit its close left Ir.s ollice Ids recreation, and in a i i i i i i llie end had come. Il is i I llie a bill, so I'lun is llie veil i separates us fro'lll i unseen.

Ives was iimloiib'litlly ill Ihe inidsl of a career, wh'icli was tile result of his i i i h. liis clients and his a i i His i was keen and a a i iinil in a ways well suited itu his professional work. He was a student of law. svas iHligent, and very a and in Ihe performance of his diilles. i experience al- l-eadv aelplired.

ill tile prillur of Ills men- a il is nut to he doubled a i Ihe pasl Inn foreshadowed a laru-er success in Ihe had he lived. I.Ike every jrood he was leijili- nuUely 'interested 'in pilT.lie affairs and well and -whii coniparaiive fre- for ihc press on a general inli-n-sl. Mr. Ives was a man of and rclinclllenl, and had a high of honor and of personal iiitivrrily. hi his a his profession and entire i lias sutTcred a loss.

Newport. May 17. LOCAL BllllSFS. i are preparing for its next, i Mr. roller I'almer.

The sleel wurk i.n 'the comity a i is a i a and Ihc arc a work. The lire a a had a i "picnic'- sunn a II yeslerday. Canse- a rusted shlllil ill box "iTJ, wllidi was scon replaccil. A Deplileh, son of W. A Dcplitch.

who hn.s been seriously ill of pneumonia, is convalescing and considered onl of daniter. --Orders have been received from New Yuri; to stop work on the new IK.I., Held i some i.f ihc club members can come here jrive directions iv.u'anlin.u' llie --T. 1'. Crowley is lo Iinild pi. r.

UW feel lon.u-. W'hitall al his place on Washington S'treef, and also repair the pier al Dr. Siorer's place, which was in -Mr. Scth Low's a near Castle i is also lo In- repaired by -Hie same eontraclor. --A.

II. nml Dunham of Hoston, AY. Molt of I'liilailelphia. l.e,uiard Wilson of Wash'inifton. C.

T.raiic nf ludianaiwlis. Heivndt of New York and (teori-v A. I a a and I'. Klsbree of Providence are nt Perry House. --Mr.

W. A. Senna, formerly head clerk at the Perry House, has been cii- in his former his dnlii-s yesterday. Ouriii); llie he was a clerk nl Clarendon Hold, (irccn Cove SprinRs, 'Pla. Mr.

Senna has not 'been before for anil a a years. --Dr. V. Mott -Francis officiated Sim- day as lay rea'der at 'St. 1'eler's Chnivh, Narrairtiiise'll Pier, Dr.

who is in chai'Ke. beiiis ill. Dr. Francis is in charse missionary work of i Proh-sJanl Kpiscopal church on Priiileiice Uland. A chapel holdini; UK) people will be i there the cominff summer.

BAKINO POWDER PURE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ROVAL 6AKIHQ POWOEfl HEg YORK. AWAY FROM HOME, TOO. KewportB Lcse to Tauuton, for the Tiist 'Time Abroad. Al Tiiiiiiinii- -Tun 1-: A I i At I i i i i i 1 i i i Minii-lii'Sli-r. II.

A I i i i i Noil- Knglunil Taimloii -I Kltrblnini I'uwlurbfl UnK-kluu SI mid tvr i-t. I.ibl. WIIH. :i.t. Hroeklon ill I'liHitnckcl Till.III.Ml Neivpoi-l i i 1.1.--Tin 1 Incul leillil del'ell'lill Neu-porl I i by of 11.The visitors' pi'leher very llli.x|i.|iily ilinl ffiive i i i i i nniny on balls.

'Pile I'ejitnre id' the cntell by I i who II hoi liner IVoiii Itni-riir-i i 1 iriiilnraler exeellen'-i Cor I'he home The score: T.U'NTUX. i I. VuiiBlil. I. I I Hill-nil,

liiiib', Drii.kvval.-i-, I i i i c. llalh.i;l.f-r. i. 3. r.

Manila. 21... Siroh. -27 1:1 Iniiiiiiis, 1 2 il -I il 7 I II II -2 1 II 1 II 0 1 1-- i i i Shii-w. liil Sli.k-n l.aSM-lirillll '1.

Vunulil. Cmvi), loll'i. -J. IAWK. CallUKln-r U. I'irsl lain? on tails I Illnsniiili'. Driukwalor. i i pili-lml l.alis--i:ralir, lotli 1 -1; l.y llinsninn-. .1. ill Wilil i i i i wuli-r.

i i i i i i Tiine-'JIi. ffllni. 'Alli-ml- anrr, I i i If. il'iirtlnuil, very wild lodny, w'hile Mel.cod kept flu; 'IrilK well I'lirlliinil its jllllnc -close i i i mill in the first i of the i 'the virfHors tied tin- Km- 1'iiiilfiiiil i.wo men were given bases on bails, advanced hy Slllll- and I drove in llie liy a irnmuil hit to 1-lricli. The -wsis die so fill- id' Ihe season.

A i i a -loll. Score: IniiiilL'S, 1 -2 -I II 7 -I II II '2 II II II 1--T Mil IT. a (I .1 I I II II 1-li I i I i Id. I i ATnncliesier. and a i a mid Lake.

ClIllllii-lilW. II; I'Mfehlilll-K, i i i the HoA'on College piteher. was a piizxli- -lo -till! Filclibnrs -bm's loday. i i tin: home iti-iim 1i1r Ilni-siii- hard Dinner Sets. A few English printed dinner sets, gold band, of 130 pieces, of excellent a i which are offered at $15 a set.



BOWEN, H. BOONR, Agwit. Telephone 20T-H. Soap! Soap! Soap! This u-Mlc will soap for loss linn il cohls iii.iniir.ipuini il. will pay you to lav in a'-: slocK, as soap improved in ijllal- ily l.y kivpins.

Positively nnt lo Hie Iraite-llfsl Soap, 111 liars for llavis-K OM Sap. 1" liars for lire Soul'. 1 bars for LTK-. Willi nvc-ry il lure of Sonp IHJTTKlt-lV llu- quality of llnlll-r. il for tlian yi'ii pay for jrooils.

Kfics--It you .110 liMiililrtl to KOI Fresh Kug3, our Keirs conk- from Hie Urin ilaily. SOMK SI'KfMAI, I'Oll 'I'HIS Fanry Maini- Corn, i-mi. 1 ran ran Stc-ak Salmon, can. Corn Bn-l, i-iui Soup. SILIJW.

pi-r r.ii.: Soil.v Onu-Ui'lM, PIT Common IKT Iti.llll.l IA-IIIIMI 1-rarkiTJ, ix-r (ton! 1'i-as, fall, Stanilir.l 'I'omatot-s. usinlli- for pi-r can. llniml IV-ai-lm. IfK- ilolil llnst I'owiU-r, kiiije liotllo of I'tckliiJ, I'll 1 A. 1JU AM 1S1 TllAJIICS S'l'llliKT.

a i In il. 'hllMnK tin- IVatni'i' smile. Inn'iiiKs, 1 -I Ciinibridm', 1 li 0 i I (I (i 1 x-11 1 I II 1-1; l-'Mwilmrg. I'Mirliliurg, i i i i i a i i llai-sar and Il is i-riuirii-il i i i n-as in mm hist nielli and siiid a In- i i i i i i in s'l'iilid h.v his aKi-i'i-iiii-nt 'In Xi-ivpiirl, a i wils mil Lo iiili'-n-sl in -tin- Kami's playi'd unt uC inivn 'lias tiiiiiini-r I I I I I In- (iiiiniiiiK, as iisnal hnl- ic-iin siM-v'u-i- M-i'iiis -in fail In i in 'tin- New KiiKland Lwigni- mis. M'lii' Ni'ws has 'himl In g''l i i i i i.r i 1 -lull sn fur tln- assni-ialiiins has failrd In ai-l llli- i I I i-'Olll' Ill'd.

HO I I I A I I I I Tin' sin-i'lilli i i i i i i i i pililiiin nf IVl- liM.niM's Diwi-lin-y is Dili. liaililsDiili! volliliio nl' l.lltXI IKigt's, i i i is anil i-iinipri-lioiisivi'. I I is i a i ili-siiiiicil In a gniili' fur inli'llii-'iMit wi-ll ilin-i-li'il ailviM-lis- in i i i i I i a piirpuso lias as snppli'iiii-iitary In ils ili- ivi-lni-y sazill-li'i'i- ui-i's nf sn.pi 1 iiii'l fuliH-ss. pri'si'iils a a i i i a i liiisimws us il. wi-i-i', nf nViM- tmviis a i i-ilii-s.

Ilii-ir i i a i a i a a i i i i i i i-niintii's lln-y ivro IntiiU'il i i i i i a i if Ilii'y i i i i from I ni'al'i-sl iilili.H-l- a i plai-i'. Ilii' l-aill-nails Iniu-lliilK Illi-lli. Ihi'ir fai-ilitii-s liy wali-l-. ihi'ir wati'r lin-lr prim-ipal lin- li-ls ami luniks iiiiiiM-alcs Ihi'ir pi-nun- pal imlustrii's. ihi- iiiiiiilii'i- nf omplnyi-il in i'ai-li.

a i Ilio a a paymi'lits. i i i i i a special feiilinvs, SIR-IL as si-lmnls. mill i-i'Mil'ls, Hie lel'l-i- lin-1- liml i i a i i i I'm- whicli Ilii-y are iraile ci-iilivs, a i i a slali-s i clianu-KT. n-lu-lliei- agi-ieiilliiriil. inaiiiiractiii-iiis m- Iraile ei-nlivs.

'J'n emu- ph-te ilie iisi-rillness nf Kin 11 a snm-y. a railiiiail map nl' i-ai-li stair- is giveii. Tlu-si- l-nim- alplia- lielicall.v miller eai-li a lii-ail. a i miller i-adi Inwn lioail is givi-ii a list nl' ils Im-al alsn in a i a i i a oriler. iO.IKHI papors are Mills ili'si-riheil.

anil nu'vc class papers aj-e ratcil si-pa-l-ali'ly. Tile svf.lom nf ciiriilalinn ratings js in L-liarai-li-r i i Hie plan, nf Hie ri'sl of Ihe n-iil-li. In afl'nnl t.he fullest a i hi'st i i i i i i i a i i i pnssihle. lOai-h pnlilislier is pi'rniitti-il to si-nil in lliw nu'ii j-lIiih-inenL a i Ihe wny he il. is hy a elassilii-alinll.

A SIX-WASTED SCHOONER. The buililiut' ol si.x-iua«tei] schooner ia now assured. Captain, C. Crowley a uiauagios owner of tliu Crowley lleet, will bnilil this vessel lit once. The Crowley fleet c'l- Jolin B.

PrescoU, a. llve-inastcr, the largest schooner in the u-oi-ld; the gi-eat four-master, Heury W. Cramp, anil four-masters Stigamore ami Mount Hope. These yeflbcls have all been very suncepsfal. Tin-new six-master i lie MIO feet on the keel, feet over all and -12(1 from eml In spanker boom to end of jibbimm.

She will i-arry tons ot eoal, and with ordinary fortune will pay larsre dividends. of this now marine wonder i be about The shares have all been subscribed, been talieu up i i a rush. The six-master will he built by II. M. Bean of Caiuden, who launched the B.

I'rescott last January. She will be completed in Ii)00. AUCTION SALES. Oy Auctioneer. At a Thursilay, May tS, at 10 o'clock.

LAiiriK i.ii'f 01-' Sheets, Blankets, Ouilts, 2,000 pounds Copper, I I A I TAIII.KS. SIII-'AK, A I A TKKSSKS. A I i KDTS, KXTHXSI11N TAHI.KS, riDii Impivlu 1 WfiliifSilay. Ily, IliirltiiKliaiii, A i i i At Aijiiithieck Hall, Tlnirsclay, May iS, at 11 o'clock. One Dublin Cart, I Set Double Harness, I Single Harness, Ladies' Sllllilli-s, -I SiKldlcs, nil niiiile.

Auction Sale. Tin-: SAii.mi.vr cAititu: AND anil all Hi- lln-n'tn. M-ill IIP I'uMif A i i i 1.11 winlii il.1.- Mliarf. I hi' IKIJI iimv ii), i i al 111 A. I.

Hy of A.lininirilra- THOMAS itrui.ixi:iiAM, OCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXODOOOO Special Sale for Saturday OF FLOWERS at 25c. Tnhin I I I I Square, Opposite Slate A Full Assortment of Spring. Goods. MOURNING GOODS A SPECIALTY. G.

H. KIR3Y, 86 Broadway. Pattern Hals. N. MASON, 111 CT.AUKK STRKKT.

Prisoners and Captives, By Henry Seton Morrinian, the Afghan Wedlock, by Winter. The Maternity of Harriott Wicken. Thou and tjie Other Olio. by Amelia Barr. A Double Thread, by Miss Fowler.

The Fight for the Dominion. by Cay Parker. 8IMON HART, 202Thames Street, SlHTi-'SriO)' I C. K. I Carr's List of New Books.

MAY 17. Tl.e "Julia A i ulliinn "A I A I I 1)1 AI.ITV." l.iiuliiw, Till: A A i liy Hi-nrj- I I A I I I I A i IX I I AKCnr. l.y 1,.,.. i i II. 'II1I-: A I I A i I.J' lliln.l.l Till-: or TIM: A I l.y M.

u. -j I I TAI.MS, A i Iln.wn. TTII: UK TIII: CIIVKNAXT, l.y .1. l.ii-ni TIM: I A I l.y Mary K. I I I A l.y Hi-h-u A I I I I OK SAX l-ialil: Xo.liv GeorgeH.Carr.DailyNeV/sBuildiiig, MISS QPITZ, (If Di-peilfii iiinl New York, ivn-nlly ll.illl (iirm.l!iy.

HiTVldM Instructress in Piano. Ccriiian I i i i i in I'iuno ill Hit- I i i i luiiKiuiK'' il ilcsiriMl. Cliilili-fii'ri i ol Claikc -shci'i. Id-fcis in furnii-r J( rou-: in N''w Ynrk. Alfred Gr.

Langley, PRIVATE TUTOR. Piano Instruction and Aoroiniianying. SolumI Stri-et. Call from 1:30 to 3 I', Newport Business College. Students received at any time.

Apuly to M. STEED, Prb. and Pro 't. 1899 Victor id TiBtorii BICYCLES. Newport Bicycle Agency, IKS A STIIEKT.

EDWARD GRIFFITH, Prop'r. LAPPIN'S 145 Thames Street. AT A SI We have received about twenty-five dozen dresses just like this picture or cut, from 4 to years, that we wii! sell at 59c. It is of good percale, pretty patterns in pinks and with insertion, ruffle front and back; a little gem at this OI.U! I.IXK OF Shirt Icail in Iliis line i.

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