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Muskogee Daily Phoenix and Times-Democrat from Muskogee, Oklahoma • 5

Muskogee, Oklahoma
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MORNING OCTOBER 21 1903 MORNING OCTOBER 21 3 MUSKOGEE PHOENIX WEDNESD RD ME LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS 1in010Pteto0sPs0tiPof i I MUSKOGEE' PHOENIX WEDNESDAY 1 fou LE LOCAL GENERAL NEWS I I LNoino oa LETTER LIST MEWIMMPAROMWl GOOD THONGS A oi (t1) Leti 60 0 TgioNGs A old Tat) uses of litleok 4stp" Many fatuities bay the misfortune to include otto mounter a Ito perhaps (rout sumo cotigettiliti defect la mit trust-witty let Hwy halo to give blut up and hoping aft its gt wit ftot digit titer to soother titat be will yot Irani his bosom they keep ott finding chttnivs for Win to throw sway To raitto such pertmot is simply- to Cis bought from a hick bo must tall To protect Lis reputation is simply to furuisit snit wss to dim-vivo hoover trusts hint The sooner tio gots down to the level Ito boloitas in the better for him-elf his friends and society licit) him on but uot itis board not dont find him a jot) where ho colt betray cow titielico Keep him out of the imortiouse Ruth out of pail if istosible hut most of all kovp him out of tuisilla by tusking evrious mischief inaccossittio to hint To put a defoctive irresponsible loan a Ito le toted to ems) anti comforts of life into envial and commerviol I competition with porthole of his own soelsl grade is to invite disaster Let bite be knit if ito Ss kitown at all for allot lie is anti thereby roluintike the risk involvoil iu hie We have listed for a few dayb only some choice' cottage prop- vrty the East side new houses close in good neighbol hood in for I he next ten days we will giveanyone desiring a home a bargain The property is well located nice lots and Iles between Spaulding Institute and the businesspirt of the city The houses iontain from 4 to (I rooms and range in price from WO to $2600 If your means are limited come to us -and we will show you how to become your own landlord If you wa9t to secure one of the eight cottagea above nien tioned call at our ollice at 900 11 THAT'S ALL I AI THAT'S ALL I Ai 1 rTi IIELL111011AUSEpo FJ IIELI 4 LEADING FANCY GROCER 103 North Second Street PHONE lig I Bee 11rinille forwsll paper He hindle for wall paper Nice tat lamb for sale at Alloy tiros Nies bat 40)1 14 sale at Alley 'Moe "A Thoroughbred Trawl" is like all other thoroughbreds the real article Neimson's (Woeful the elite eating house of Muskogee 000'1 dsy and night Forall kinds of firewood t411 up No IV Prompt delivery II laloult it Com pan Or Term retitled has reopened an ince in the rimilue et hie old stood Illti Malu iamb 211 to A inati's heart is rest bed through his stomachs Neltuann's cats will hit the spot every tune We never dose Give us a call and be happily couvinced A Thoroughbred Tramp" will bang out Ai the opera boom Weduesday night Bettor eve him Prices 23 and 60 Mlle Woe Edith Marsh a graduate of Harold VOn MACk Witt teaches the lisky tuethod of piano tomtit: Studio SOU Welt Oktuntgive Ave For a good meal go to Nelioann's Cafe Excellent cuoltiog by a corps I est erienced chefs Polite and atteutive waiters Open day and night City Loans Wanted: Also loans on good farm lands lhe Deming Invest went company Rooms and 6 Old Homestead Building Muskogee Use Kern's Best tioft Wheat Flour or tor lighthreed use Perrot Herd Wheat Flour Sold only et the Muncie Grocery Cu IMEEMMIPIIIIIMINOMPFMNIMMMPIPIt 44 044 iblb eop KIRSCHBAUM KINNEY JACKSON HELLO I 94 Hand-made Suits and Overcoats McCLURE KNOX AGENCY 104 BROADWAY you going? Go leave your gripor parpels at the Fourth Story Peanut Stand The following het of teams remain in tratiogee poetoffice Ott If not ceilled for in ton days will be forwarded to the Dead Letter orticr When vas ing for emus say "ativelliaett libroks Liu Barna George Igetiy Jubit Barkiir 'JAI Blase Dr itetelt Itolatitt A Bosley Ben Boynton Brooke Jolla Brown Elise 11 Brown George Brown bill 11nria Chapel Batuuel eleveleint Cobb Eli Comp Mies Jeribill Clvws Davis Jou Davies Easton Ellery Mrs Alinitt Fair Jos Foster Thomism Franklin George kV Frisaterste Mrs Goodwin Joe Graham Ci Grayson Dan (Iriffin Jim 1) (Morton Fred Utility Charley Hall Hall Miss Ake Harris it 1C414 Harnett litany ilea Henry Harlon Mose Harsh IloitwaY Williets) Holmes) Mottle Howell Gent Iliamphreys Janson Chao Johneon Grace JohnsonMiesMary Roth Johnson Mn Llulah Junto Mn Caine Jones Hugh Jones Jim 'tonsil Mrs Virgie Hodson Mary Kenette Construe Kingsbury t) lion Co Kinney Louie Letton Little Mn Mamie Littleton John Lowder 11 Kahan Miss Vera Matney It cAges Pegs MoCusker James McDsnielGrenville McDaniel Dr 11 McDonald Miss MeKelley Anna Wien Mrs Millen Miss Dons Millivolt Elbert May Mena John Millie Sion Miller Mettle Misitourt Valley Mills Herbert Land Co (2) Moore Mrs Lillis)) Moors Ales (11) Moore John II Morgan Mrs Hattie Morgan Mack Murrell Henry Nieuseyors Win Parker Moses Parrs Mrs Ben Powell netta Queen tieo Ronson Muse Lulw Keeder Mrs May Ritter Edwin Robison Mies Au Lobson Miss Hat- gusts is Roberts Miss NanRobesumn Jack ey Robertson Ruby SwIth Bibith Borah Mrs bebastian Spencer Mn Stuart Mantes Lydia Taylor Roy Tavior Mies Min Thome nie Taylor Robert ti Trout Lieu (2) Tyner Miss tem Walker Walker Mary Waehington It 1A'esley Johnson 11 Vt hosier limbers Wiggins Wm Witt Matto) Wiilionis Florence Williams Dona Williams Wolfe Dilasy Mr Worthen) Beth kVoolsey it Wright Hon Allen Wyatt Young Martin Tolassi Vittorio IL ESTES Postmaster Muukogee I fie lb Ogg 00041 400 714040141044 414411414144111 114144144041441 11111440410 Ike are Taelts They guy: what say they? Let Bola say" maid Bishop Berkeley Who are tite "they" thus so IMldly apootrophisedi Ve may nay with ono of the father "I knor when you do not atilt me but bow difficult it is to get nearer! '4" all have thee inyaterioue "they on Our lips and yet we cannot define them Yet though we cannot define "they" partly Wynne there are no many of thou and partly Wein none of the great eletuental things like time love death and sleep are capable of definition vie can still know and say a great deal about "they" "They" la Dolly Winthrop's mouth meant Providence "I wouldn't speak III this world" she will accustomed to gay "seeing them as put us In It know' beat" In her sense It la of COWIN rarely used though the plaug litres "as good as they make 'cm" recalls IL Still "they" het generally a slightly mysterious ignificance- When we Rey It we anode to seme power we cannot define or to the ineomprehenalhie element In $ome set of London Spertator HILL PORTER' BROKERS Take the elevator up FIVE CENTS COTTON GRAIN STOCKS BONDS cc NAOMI Co Fill the ioner man with good things at Noniano's cafe sod tCOLSUriallit Prompt tionrictit Mid evrything the best is our motto all the Stoic Loans made on farm kande and city property in the Creek Nation The Deming investment Co Rooms 5 and 6 Old tiomeisfead building Tiunkogee I Richard Klog architect will sketch out your idea of a residence lif store and eistitnate the cost of same free of charge Write or call al 104 Old Iltinicstead building Empiwi 4 v1 i1 1 a i REAL ESTATE MEMBERS: New York Cotton Exchange New Orleans Cotton EmilInge Chicago Itoitrit of Trade ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Liverr01 I7otton Associatimh Direct private wires to lending I New Live See them for bargline in Real Estate Business and Residence Property We can please you and make you money List yciur property with US KA get quick sales We want some vacant lois We 'idiotic your rental proporty close atifloion if plAcad in our bands Phone No MUSKOGEE I T2191 Main St FORT SMITH ARK 17 Sixth St OFF1C OF Clam Ming soidap In the west of Ireland the majority of marriages take place iwtweeti Christmas and Lent -a great number of them on Shrove Tumidity In the county of Limerick it is customary On the drat Sunday to Lent for the beeholore and spinster who have allowod the ftiottval to ppm without pairing to mark tech othiir on the back with a piece of chalk or with a chalked stick The marks of distinction ere not rigidly confined to eligible portion but are often bestowed upon boye and girls without regard to thoir original signilicamee It la awiertial that the custom pre-'ails in othor agricultural diatricla ID Inland (hal the Omitting mostly geel on when the people aro going to or frau church 611(1 that in towns where It I carried on to a very great extent the footpath arts vildle at night with poWdrred clialk-1Amtion Telegraph Ir 0 A 111 1 i g-it 0 0 113 14 MAIN ST MESSONEE I IA I HOLBROOK THE ROBERTSON TUDEI01 THE EAST SID DRUGGIST 11411 jinn reeelFed nete line Of Station ery and school supplied 1 111 I I I) I Aei Everything new anti fresh blirtPDHITIAllt a tDClIIi Ty nos wavIrlossall I ovine PI 111 1 1 DAY IOR NIGHT l'hollo No) NI 1)v trioso Old litnallimb 1101v It interesting to recall In connection with railway accident that ouly a few years bark any inatrument which by ambient was the Immediate cause of lose of human life became in English inw is became forfeit to the crown to be devoted to pious purposes Thia law applios to locomotive but in course of time coroners juries Instead of claiming the forfeit Intl hied a flm In the yeat 18:04 a loeomotive on the Liverpool and lidaneheater tIut which by etplotting canoed the death of lin engineer and fireman was tined t-10 while the fol lowing year another Pngt no on the same line was fined il400 Begs to itnnounce that desired permission to bid ton photograph work from the Indian Territory at the World's Fair was refused because no one frtim Muskogee would be ettnsidered The work Or this studio has been one of the most potent agencies in "promoting" the town The studio although refused an cpport unity even to compete for the nd in Territory exhibit will endeavor to make a creditable display in the Photographic Art Building of the Vorld's Fair and wql appreciate such patronage and assistance on the part of its friends as will make the disphi) up to Muskogees standard the BEST Moak) Nu 03 south Fourth At l'hout No t77 The inure you cling to and secrite your dollars the more you may The only way to have more money to um is to earn more Anti the best to earn more unitise is fip attend Croom's Cutu ruercial College Judge Raymond held short melons of court Monday and yestertley clearing up lie WAN aud owls left over from the Imo just ended lie will leaVis for We woka the last of the week whore he will open court ow Monday Crisp bright now comedy strong specialties anti a real tramp role that is the real article1 are some of the qualifications of "A Thoroughbred hirstor which comes to the opera house Vetineetlay night Prices z5 and 40 cents WI are In the market with ready money to loan on good business blocks desirable residences and the (arm lands purchased lice Deming Investment Co Rooms and 6 Old Homestead building Muskogee Single statehood convention MvAlester I I ()etcher 25 Licw rates will lie made by the Railway for this occasion front all Indian 1erri tory stations I kkets on otitis October 25 limited to return October 27 lit Katy's" agent for particulars Nothing is more deceitful in appear ance than a young 111113 or I oung two man a ho trim to be tip to date without a knowledge of business Ile "upitodem" Attend Croton's Commercial College for bookkeeping shorthand typewrititig tolegrephy and penmenshit) Individual instruction Poisitions guaranteed With moot theatre goers a tramp role II p-pular but one seldom sera a good play with a intuit) role au the central figure In this rekpect "A Thorough bred Tramp" diger' The pierce te de eidedly sating end the part of the tramp unusually good At the opera boom Vetilleellity night Prices Zri anti 50 cent Parry in Ardmore The Hearst party will artvo in Artb more Nome time this forenoon sett et tcatl it arrangemccts tire tit ing ttrra ng ed for the C1310flOi41rtletil The follow ing telegram was received by the l'hoe nil yesterday: "'learnt l'arty (Warta thirty bourt ALIYiew delviiiikion not to con" Wort Wednesday" SIDNEY SUGGS The city of Ardmore has been deco rated bottr of their guest and the stay of the party in Ardmore will bt one continual round of pipafuro Thle First Itogiment of the ferritory will act as military peort to the party through the citY LotlitY THE MODEL BARBER SHOP AND BATH HOUSE 1 I LI II lil 16 a Thit only upto dim) baths In th city anti bathe Wi cis tioiloy shower attachments Mersa lossoo IJisring beitTy dOWIlimUr Of raki an Irish termer sent his boy to a distant Betel to bring home a horse Bowe time pistoled end the messenger returned without the horse 01 send ye tor the horse ye gainoclit Is your heed le your brogues? Little Boy (drenched to the WO-- Sure be was tittintl)tt tu shelter as dry as ye loike he kneels more than the two ot us A LESSON TO YOU y' Lies in the statement that while ir flyc North Main Street ED110110S011 IIOUSE Hot on t7irrek Land i will you a colti plots utscrip11 toy trotet It litott itt 14tototo covertng fully as to it tor rC16 rAwinel quality tot ma summit logqi Inoti anot nottoulI bitot him Info' toughly consorruitot witlt tlot 14111413 thy Creek NAtiou tiailbtotott000 i4tistraliterd Gott' revrithefil torwttrd VitifeSS MO litbOtilliV1110 1 twoi luit ti (t)14 II wo do not do cheap electrical vork wa do high its electrical work l'Aleaply in 41miparison wit competitora in the same line for I he reason that we tiny in largo quantities and ire Matistied leas profit It will kpay you to get our estimate on any wiring or fixtures you have In mind NO 322 COL 3110 AND DENISON ST I 00 and $125 strictly first-clans in all tleintrtnietilm We enter to Commercial Meth rionells an Prospoete "WItait'a yoh tallierr Disked Aunt Car Aloha "thme butane" answered l'icksninny Jim "Ile staid you might es well all de fire atehted an' peel de taters rob a Ono iltPW toilion ow" "hum! Which 41I1 he take wit 'Im de gun or de dalik lantern?" Ion Star Notice to ituti Moo Members of NI ueltogre Tri IP No 7 aro rogulytted to be proment A the twig wam tonigh tepee IttelL Vieltirg chichi will be welcomed LINTON Sodom) I 4 BELLIS THE PLUSHER MRS EDMONOSONPop 410 SECOND ST PHONE 173 Aloldinnoom0100010 ort 1 st t- orik iIrtt A I 4104 -ort -ozozio-? 0- 014- gte hil A A 16 --4 t- 4 NW I rim 11 li 40111211 JI 1 it A 1 1 i 1 4 1 il '-'17'-'-''' t' i) -tit triotio 1I' 1 1 1 4-131Ze -0 4 4 A-: 'Z'll me I I 4 ON 4 Nit 2i 1 A TEXAS WONDER mak mot ilk ik ak Ilk AK Mt MINOAN 1 AFTER THE ACCIDEIII Haire Great I)1ue0ves7 One smell bottle oil the Times Woe A rreessellosarir liteatours hit bowilerdo doctor? If you hove I few minutes to spore I lob you would e0i00 over to my bouts snd chloroform my youngest boy lir is th matter with the Ind? Mr Ids nudity! 'routs to tomb ids Pamir rue is pirsty of lime Int custom-plosion Artetva is useless Vse ans instr against accidents at Ire Ihrv tt at If yOU are On Boast' 14411v display menial artutiss at once as 4ii Lemurs Approved The tioffey I (ialloy Company hie again bests ucceseful In getting oil leases approved by the etkretary of the Interior Two were received by it In Alias inspector yesterday that had beets approved by Hamner' iliteheock They ere on the allotments of Eliza beiti Bewley mid Johanna Dean over In the Red Fork thorn''' The Gaiiey people Are meet ins with splendid ocesios in the Red Fork tlistrictiwelve payinat wills hair ing airealy been brought in They will sewage fifty barrels each tin' day ft116 sasSaS a a ea 46 a 0 41 '11 4 Architects 1 i I WWW WWWWWW A Plans and Orifications A der fiall'a ()real Diaeollory cure' all kidney and bladder troubloo ratuoves gravel curie diatmola polio moos weak and bony rlowinattlo mod oil mos ularstioa of the kidnoya ono bladflor fl KPOtt totOn IA vollOnt fel( Ist'i bladdor trouble on eloldryn If nOt wild by your drologost his geld b) on rot too of 1 One bouts le too months' treat moot 1)r Ernest Haiti nianufActurer 11' boa edli 81 14outa Mo blood for lostitoonlate Sold by all droggona and Wagner Bros Co ACCIDENT POLICY WITH E0110NOS --TP 7- A 4- onadabout lag CHIrtalii (explaining Faith I hetiglit tido little powther from the Karribboo islanders an I manure you wan dbrop flared on the tongue of I Eat hi enough to kill Um strongest want Viret ni tmaI Hank ho sell ukor 41 1IL cwt( tibitteed II fhittriehord ea 'Wei rit droldrote 11 Of ze awl Pawnees blot Is A I fw coomsPoNDIPeca soLttotsio ill roro mad sod Third Fie Ord 11 troilsootaort 414 st IRO ha 14 Nit MI hlki WI lit 101 IP Pi illt 111 II IMMEIMEIMINIMPIP Oa The Muskogee Employment Agency A tieing Looking wish I bad rich tither" "Why 'Then rd hate some tzetiwo tot be Ng no worthless" Clettiond mut tlaslex Istrange Accident John Paterson an enginear on Ilia liock licand while cleaning hid angina 311o1b41a7 nimbi wail fatally injurad in a strange manner lie was leaning against the guiding pin on bis angina when without any warning another engine twerft anatulit him with such foiro the coupling pin ondraly piaread his body tie will dia the cl body AMES WAI k-FIT llelp fLI riiiIied prolliptIv of all Lint's () pouth 14111111yr 1141w 11:44 Cult on or address I Road This Abilene Tetoo th I WM 1)r Hail St Louts: Oro oulTerrot two years with and hindtlor trnut000 anti nno bolt bottle if 'tit Tessa Wunder Hail's (Stoat )mcorory curo41 tutt ontirely and I dicer lolly rocoutmenti II to att Yours truly CEO HAYDEN ti: Muskogee Employment Agency Agency CITY SCAVENGER Office 315 Elgin Avenue TRIGG'S STORE Fortune bee often been blamed toe Matinees but torten la net ea WIWI as men Baffle TYSON Manager Phone No Subscribe tor the Ilioents Set.

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