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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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True In the There is but OWE and only One rifier Prominently Eye Today and that One Is Hood's Sarsaparilla These letters tell of Wonderful Cures by Purified Blood. The -world has never seen such mar- cures accomplished by any medicine but Hood's Sarsaparilla. The secret of its success is that it is the best blood purifier ever produced. It is king over nil iorms of scrofula, rheum and all other blood diseases. It is the only medicine of which can be said: It CDKKS by making- pure, rich red blood Koad these letters: Saved Her Sight Another Wonder Performed by Hood's Sarsaparilla.

My little girl Hazel is now four years old. Two yearn ftfr she hnd the grip. After recovery her ej'cs grew inflamed and tiup- Inrntod. For over 7 months ohn had to have her eyes bandaged and utay in dnrk loom. Tho family doctor and an oculist did everything possible.

She did not improve and oven prow ivoreo. At Inst tfter months he gave us tho discouraging that the cornea of one eye was And Sight Entirely Cone. That it was doubtful if oho would over be' to soo any with tho other, ns the sight rapidly being destroyed in that also, Hood's Sarsaparilla We thought her doomed to permanent blindness. She suffered intense pain and kept her head buried iu the pillows moat of the time. If light was admitted to the room she would cry as if burned with a hot iron.

As she waa badly run down we thought before continuing the treatment we wonld try to build up her system and renew her (strength. Wo began giving her Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sho began to Improve Rapldly- and by tho time aha had finished taking the first bottle we were nblo to remove tho bandages and found that nho could bear the light and that the sight waa returning, much to our delight. Sho took several bottles and then was us well as ever. It "i now a year since, and her eyen Are Permanently Cured.

She can see perfectly, has had no signs of any further trouble and is in everyrespect perfectly healthy. Wo have great faith in Hood's garsnparilla." W. H. BUTTEB- riELD, Hastings Detroit, Mich. Salt Rheum Cured.

Three winters ago salt rheum oc on my hands and became very trouble Hcrmo, making largo sores. I saw several doctors and tried various remedies, but all Purifies The Blood failed to afford mneh relief. A few months sgo I commenced taking Hood'a Sirwpiir- and the trouble hM entirely disappeared." MBS. W. BTJSHNELL, Lyon Broolt, Oxford, New York.

Blood Poison. I became poisoned with Ivy, It would break out on me, spring and fall. I had doctors but was not relieved, It would break out into soies and pimples on me and form scabs. If it had not been lor a neighbor recommending Eood'B rilla to mo I do not think I would be alivt day I used two bottles last lall and thria his spring and it has cured me." PA.YETTE, Mishawaka, Ind. A Baby Boy Cured.

''I have used several bottles of Hood'i Sarsaparilla (or my little boy, three years of age, who has been troubled with very badly. It has entirely cured him, therefore I recommend It to all who have children suffering from eczema." MBS. PETEK A. JOHNSON, Cranbnry Station, New Jersey. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists.

six for f5. Prepared only by C. I. Hood Lowell, Mass. It aesses cnrative powers Peculiar To Itself Do not be induced to buy any other.

Insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla. Drawback In Oanhont Life. The attention of the British admiralty has been called to tho onu serious drawback the modern stud ship pos, namely, the death-like coldness the Interior walls. It is possible, deed, to warm thu ship with steam, but 1 nothing- can wurm tho skies in cold weather, and tho roan that near the unsympathetic st.ocl liable to contract rheumatism In the unconscious effort to warm by the sacrifice of his own heat. On very cold days the air ports will drop icicles, and the seaward wall of stateroom will be The UhicoTorr His Ufa.

Mr. G. Callloueite, Beaversville, 111., uya: "To Dr. King's New Discovery jwe my life. Was taken with la and tried all the physicians for about, but of no avail and was ifUen up and told I could not live.

JUvtng Dr. King's New Discovery la gtoro I sent for a bottle and began Us use and from the first dose began 10 get better, and after using: three waa up and about again. It is its weight in gold. We won't store or house without it." Get free trial bottle at B. F.

Keosling's store. How HP llroke the Ice. Many diffident persons flnd the bo- finning- of a conversation awkward, on ceremonious occasions with strnng-crs. Sometimes, how- the beginning is not half so awk- ward as what comes afterward. Ae; wrding to a story in Punch, a bashful jonng- man said" to a lady at a dinner "I've pot to take you in to Miss Travers, and I'm rather afraid you, you know.

Mrs. Jolibois tells you're very clever." Tho young naturally amused by this dis- -fpliiy of simplicity. "How "I'm not a bit clover." Tho heaved a sigh of relief, and anTwvorcd: "Well, do you know, I thought weren't." Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Scald Head, Sore Isipples, Chapped licking Piles, Burns, Frost Bites. Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. sale by druggists 25 cents per box.

TO lor in a fine healthy con- try Cady's Cc-ndition Powders, tone up the system, aid digestion, cure appetite, relieve constipation, correct disorders and destroy worms, givinc life to an old or over-worked horse. Mots per packace. For bv druggists. Mrs. M.

F. Arnold, of Indianapolis, five bottles of Lemon Laxative is perm? nently cured of Headache, Constipation. She nd- ladies to try a fif ty cent bottle: DISEASES of the blood arc cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which $fbt vitalizing, enriching, and alterative f. PURE Stvent shop Employes Strike. ST.

Lotas, April 19. 500 garment workers, employed in the various sweat shops of this city, went on strike Friday morning. They do not ask for hiffher vajrcs, but demand that their employes give them clean shops in which to work, fresh air and modern sanitary conveniences. Kubnlllon RID, April Dispatches from Havana inform tho jjovererneot that the rebellion in Cuba is tho insurgents arc badly armed and equipped. The dispatches say that if the uprising spreads further Gen.

jNIavtincx. Campos will ask for reinforcements. Thlx! Weofter OnaBundred DollarJ Reward for any cnse of Cutarrli that cannot bo cured by Hall's Cutnrrli Cure. J. CHENEY Toledo, 0.

We, the undersigned, Imvo known d'. J. Cheney for the last 10 years, and believe him perfectly honoittblel.inll business tr.insuctlons and lliiim- clully able to carry out any obligation uuidsbv their arm. WKST it TBCAS, Wholesale Drugulsts, Toledo 0 WXLDINO, KiKSAMiS MiitviN, Wholesale Drug glut, Toledo, 0. Unit's Catarrh Cnre Is bikon liiternally, acting dlroctly upon the blood nnd mucous surtncesor thei.y«tem.

I'rloe 75o per bottle. Sold by nil 1 TeSilmonlBla free. Unve filled -witn Jlexico, April A sheep herder has discovered a horrible char nel cave of Inimau remains near the village of Quechultenango. It is supposed that the remains are the ghastly souvenirs of one of tho numerous attacks made on travelers and whole caravansof freighters which have been so frecpient iu the. state of Guerrero in the past decade.

SIX Six Sloiitlii for Forcery. JS'EW YORK. April 19. Samuel S. Herzipr, well-known furrier, and a reputed member of the firm of Herzig 1 who was convicted on Wednesday last ot' forgery, was Friday morning sentenced to six years and six months in the state prison.

Bilious Colic. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic will be pleased to know tfcat prompt relief may be had by takln'p Chamberlain 1 Co ic Cholera acd Remedy. It acw quickly and can always be depended upon. In many cases tho attack may bo prevented by takiofr this remedy as soon as the first indication of the disease appears. 25 50 bottles for gale by 'P.

Dnipgisi. Pon't Spit or Smoke Your Ltds Is the truthful. title of a book about No- To Bac, the harmless, puir- anteed tobacco hubit cure that up nicotlned nerves, eliminates 'he ntootlno poUon, makes weak men sai strength, vigor and manhood You run no physical or financial risk, ae No-To-Bao is sold by B. Keesltng under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. free.

Address Ster. ttng Company New York and Cbioa Do Vour Arms About fifty men out of one hundred have the right arm stronger the left; sixteen have equal strength in both arms, and nearly thirty-four have the left arm the stronger than the right. These proportions are more evenly distributed in women. Nearly forty-seven per cent, are stronger in the right arm, and about twenty-five are stronger in tho left, while twenty- eight have arms of equal strength. In the case of the lower limbs, taking men I and women indifferently, it has been found that out of fifty subjects twenty- three had the left leg more developed, six showed the reverse, four more showed both the right limbs more developed, while in seventeen all the limbs were more or less unequal.

The strength of the whole body, as illustrated by lifting power, is about two to one in favor of men. A DEBRICK'S FALL. Kills Two Men and Seriously Injures Seven Others, Firemen at Philadelphia Crushed Un der Falling Dies of His Injuries. Frank Sbepardson, an engineer on the Southern Pacific who resides at Los Angeles, was troubljd with rheumatism for a long time. Be was treated by several physician, also visited the Hot Springs, but received no permanent relief until he used Cham berlatn'a Pain Balm.

lie says It is the beet medicine in the world for rneuma- tlsm. For Bale by B. F. Keesling, Druggist. A Thankful OH Soldier.

BELLMORK, 0., Aug. Barer Medicine Toledo, Onlo: I was a member of Gen. Gibson's O. and have been a constant sufferer rheumatism since the ciost the war. I spent hundreds of dollars in doctors' fees and medicine, but have suffered until Mr.

James Robinson, Mayor of the town, called my attention to your Dr. Bayer's Penetrating Oil. A 20-minute application of it has freed me from terrible suffering, and I feel like a Dew man. It has not appeared again. I thank you, next to God, for my cure.

Tours truly, W. E. MLLLHOUSE. Attested: JAS. RoBEvSOX, Justice of the Peace.

For sale at John Johnston's drug store, 25c. and 50c. per bottle. CHICAGO, April iron beams, comprising- tho hoisting apparatus at the Chicag-o Ship Building company's yards at South Chicago, fell Friday morning to the deck of a steel steamer in course of; construction, and on which number of men were at work. Two of the man, Patrick Harvey and Henry Blake, were instantly killed and seven others injured, two of them, John Conly and J.

J. Hand, fatally. How It The hoisting apparatus was usod in the construction of the steel steamer, the heams beine held in place above the vessel by ropes fastened to the stanchions on tho prround. During the morning- one of the ropes broke caus- Inp the remaining stays to pivo way and the heavy beams to fall on the steamer's deck. FIREMEN CRUSHED.

One Death Remit of an Early Mnrnlnff Fire at Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, April fire which, destroyed the building: occupied by the New York Biscuit company, 210 to 2H North Front street, badly damap-ed the soap n-nd candle factory of William Dreydoppel, 203 North Front street, burned a row of tenement buildings, and resulted in serious injury to five firemen, started shortly before 1 o'clock Friday morning 1 in the basement of the former establishment. An hour after the fire, began a rear wall of the building's on Craven street, small thoroughfare, fell, and five firemen were buried iu the debris. Lint of Injured. The Injured are: Wllllftm H.

Sargent, foreman of ens'-ne company No, 2 1 Injuveti about the huud and body. Will probably dlo. Kichard Morrow, believed to be fractured iind arm broken, condition sarlous. John S. Collins," injured Internally and atmlp liwcrataJ.

William K. Stureus, badly out about the haud. James MuGulffiin, a foreman, tit by a laiiias -beam und both legs crushed and head cut. One Victim of Fire Dion. Foreman William H.

Sargent died at 11 o'clock m. at the Pennsylvania hospital. The other injured firemen are reported to be doing- well. An official estimate in the afternoon of the loss, to the New York Biscuit company places tho amount at ($250,000. In addition to this the loss on'the building, which was owned by Walter G.

Wilson, is 830,000. The losses to tho Biscuit company and to Mr. Wil- Bon are covered by insurance. Hale of Indiana JJondl. IifBIANAPOUS, April on $500,000 worth of Indiana re- iunding bonds were opened and the were sold to Blake Bros.

A of New York, who bid 511,450 premium. Trumpn Seize a Train. WABASJI, April 19. Forty from Chicago took charge of Conductor Charles Koss' Big: Four train in this city and ran it into Anderson. Hone of them were arrested.

Died on a Tr.iln. April Decarthy, ot Augusta, on her way to "Detroit, died on a Wabash train here ol heart failure. Olrla and Women for Clerks. "I don't want any in my office; can't depend on them; tbey are always giving out when most reeded," sajs a business man. (Woman's Friend) cures sick and nervous headache and periodic troubles, making women strong- and reliable.

Sold by B. Keesling and Coulson Co. ASSIGNED. iRising i Breast MOTHERS' Is the greatest blessing ever offered child-bearlnR woman. I have been a midwife for many years, and in each caso where "MOTHERS' FRIEND" vaa used ii accomplished wonders and relieved much suffering.

It is the best remedy for rising of the Breast toown, and worth the price lor that alone- i MRS. it M. BMWSXMR, i Montgomery, Ala. I per Sold bT all I Book mailed tree. BRADFLELD REGULATOR CO, ATLUIU.

Qi. An Ordinance Prohibiting 1 the Cutting 1 or Removal of any Brick, Asphalt, Wooden Block or Other Improved Street Pavement. Be It ordained by tne common council of. the cltr of LogtutfMft Section l. no brick, asphalt, wooden bloc- or other Improved pavement hereafter Mil on an.v avenue or part of any street or avenue In the City of l.ogan-purt.

be cut Into, or any part thereof re moved. Tor me purpose Of lnyinKany new anlticla' or naturtl mar or for ihe purpose of laylugur conneclli.ganj service pipes with anj- wnier mains or artificial or natural eas mains, or to ake any sewer cunnec- tlons for use or or to connect with any ot or loud abutting upon tin? said street oruvenusor pun. ot any street or avenue so Improvi-d tool PHved, but (HI ol snJd new mains, n-w service pipes and sewer connections shall be Kile and ut lu advance ot said Im roved whtnthc common council "hull declare the for the Imur vemcnt or anysrreeior avenue or any part or any street or avenue with any brick, as wooden bid or other nn- Droreil pavement, any pel son or torpor Ion who sha 1 dfSlre to lay nn.T artificial or natuia! pas mains, or to and connect anj service jil with sny water mnins. or artlfl. Ul or natural gas mains or TO makr nny sewer conne in, on or under sali strtwl or avenue or uait or said street or avenue be paved, shall lav mains, und Irty and connect; said service pipes and makes sewer conniptions in advuncrot und said Impr ml pavement Is laid Sectlmii, Notulmr.1 this (trdlna-cecoufcilned stall be coiiSt'UKl 10 prrvern tht- cutting Into or if moval of Win.

ot such Improved puvemeut, upon proper application uuderibr and ordinances fain Cliy. forfthe purpose ormaklnK repairs In case or leaks, breads or other dama to any of said wnter arllCclal or as mains or or sewrt pipes which already exist In or slisJt have bten luid In street or avenue or pait of an. street or ivenre beioiv said 1m i-roved pavement Is mlo. 3 Any person or corporatlo wo. jlml en- Inio or rcmovp any part ol any sach brick, asphalt, wooden block or otner Improved street pavem-nt, In violation or of the provision- this sna'l.

for each offense, urion conviction thereof, forfeit and pai to the cl of Lo tan port dBmages In snm not lesstiianten dollars and not roomhan one hnnrtred dollars. Section 4. AH ordinances OT of In conflict with this ordinance are nerebj re 5 shall In force from after Its and publication for two weeks. w-k. In iome telly newspaper prtn ed and paollshed in the city ol Lo- tantport Attort: B.

Wnmas, City North Dakota Mllllnjc AxioctsUon FalU for a Biff Sam. FOEKS, April Xorth Dakota Milling 1 association made an Thursday afternoon through its president, Thompson, and its secretary, George F. Honey, to VV.F.Honey. of Park River, as assignee for Dakota, and A. Stephens, of Crookston, a.s assignee for Minnesota.

The direct cause of the assignment vcas an attachment levied upon the association on Thursday the Mandan Rolling Mill company in the amount of 5100,000. This was done to procure payment of a note oJ that amount given by the association throug-h the general manager, J. M. Turner. Other pressing delits of the association wore in open accounts and a S6.000 note due the First national bank of Mandan.

The head office hero will be continued by the assignee until the affairs of the association arc closed. Approximately the assets of the association will amount to 5700,000 and the liabilities $400,000. The association owns eleven mills, including 1 three in Minnesota, and leases two others. The daily capacity of tho mills operated is 4,000 barrels. A share of the product is sold in European markets.

SENSATION AT INDIANAPOLIS. Prominent Citizen Charted with Practicing Bale CrlmcK. IXDI.VNAPOI.IS, April sensation was sprung here Friday by tha arrest of Dowitt D. 2fay, EC years old, well-known, in the city and prominently connected with a larjrc business house, on a charge of practicing baso 'crimes. The police, for some tiine, have been watching a certain block in tho heart of the city, supposing that a was in operation there.

Friday morniosr throe officers burst into a room of the upper floor and a disgusting sight met their gaze. Tho apartment was handsomely furnished and occupied by a colored man. Nny refuses to talk, but the evidence seems convincing against him. Many boys have told revolting talcs of their visits to the place. Other arrests will probably follow.

PATRIOT'S DAY. Analvorwary of or Loxincton Gon- crully obHervcd BOSTON, April day, tho anniversary of the battle of Lexington, was g-euerally observed Friday, althoug-h not iu so elaborate a manner as it was last yeur. when the holiday was legally commemorated for the first time. The day was ushered iu by the ringing- of bells and tho booming of cannon, und at 11 o'clock the ride of Paul Revere was commemorated by exercises in Christ church, the auspices of the Daughters of the American Revolution. In Lexington, Concord and Acton, there were salutes, parades and athletic sports and promenade concerts in the even- Thn IiaMi Tenpleon Bnrih.

To reasonably expect relief nre tber who lire con. Inuallydoflng themselves with caloir el. bine pill, and otber drastic catharllcs. Constl- latwn not be I ermimcntly overcome l)j such violent disturbers of the bowels, stomach and Iver. They millet more harm than ttioy temporarily relieve.

Hosteller's Stomach Bitters Is a isfe fuid eflpctual substitute for snch hurtful drugs. The effect ot this medicine Is easy and natural, Is not In the rase of strong grlplnp; and abrupt iperatlou. M-lnrln. dyspepsia, biliousness flck jeodache. heartburn, kidney trouble, rheumatism and nervousness are entirely and promptly re loved by this excellent remedy, commended by physicians eveiywhere.

In Trouble With Organized Labor. The Baltimore club may have somr- trouble with the Federation of Labor before it finishes building the new grand stand. It appears that William G. O'Brien, to whom has been given the contract for the erection of the stand. has not employed union men to do the work, although it is said that he la pay- Ing the same wages that union men receive.

A number of representatives of the Federation called on Manager Hanlon and said that if union men were not employed upon the work the members of trie organization would this season boycott tre club. While Mr. Hanlon says he Is heartily in favor of the encouragement of organized la, told the committee that the been given to Mr. O'Brien club had, ni. 4o with the of the We take pleasure in recommencing Chamberlain's Coueb Remedy because it is praised by all who try it," says J.

W. Cox Son, drug-trials, field, Oreg-on, No one afflicted with a throat or lunjj trouble can use this remedy without pralelnp it. It always gives prompt relief. It is especia.1-7 valuable for colds us it lungs, makes breathing i ds expectoration. A coll ver're.

euit in pneumonia when this remedy is taken and reasonable care exercised. For eale by B. F. Keeeliog, Druggist. A.

E. K. Engineer Slmi-k Bicht Tlilnr. CHICAGO JPSCTIOK. 0:, Sept, Bajer Medicine Tolecl'.

Ohio: had contracted rheumatism in rny occupation R. engineer in 3S92, and suffered with it severely at times. I heard of your celebrated Oil, and had your agent, Dr. Miller, apply it to me. I could hard'y to the hotel to see him assistance.

It cured me in one-half honr with a few applications, and it has not returned. I make this statement hoping that others with similar afflctions will use yonr Dr. Kayer's Penetrating Oil, and that it will benefit others as it has done me. JOH5T BPTLEB, Engineer, B. O.

B. E. For sale at John Johnston's drug store and 50c. a bottle. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement sends to personal enjoyment when? used.

The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, witk- (ess expenditure, b7 more promptly- adapting the world's best products to die needs of physical being, will atteste the value to hsalth of the pure liquid- 1 principles embraced in tha- remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its in the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and truly? beneficial properties of a perfect lax- itive; effectually cleansing the dispelling colds, headaches and and permanently curing constipation. Ct has given satisfaction to millions and'? met inthithe- approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from. objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by al'i drug-- in 50c $1 bottles, but it is afucturcd by the Fig Syrup Co.

only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syvup of ind being well informed, you will cept any substitute if A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without aii ideal COMPLEXION If POWDER, II PCZZONI'S Combines every dement of beauty and purity. It is beauti- fyinp, soothing, healintr, healta- I ful, Harmless, and when lightly used is invisible. A. most delicate and desirable protection tti the face in this climate. Insist upon having tho (T IS FOR SALE ESSEBESSSESSE prifor 0nM Urt lujMUoa Xtljtot MALYDOR MFCrcoV, Uinoaitwv Do Tou Feel Dull Tired! Nature signals you for heip)to throw tf accumulation of bile and i' you jeed not the warning, sickness will 1 ollow.

The best and most promp, elief ie a few doses of RinebartV 'Ills, they will make you feel like a- iew man; act pleasantly and leave- be bowels with natural ftool. Sold B. F. Keeslicg and Keystone drug tore. rhca Babr ilek.

fit Chftotlk Child, ibe cried for me ooome cttine fo ftooo iba Children, Low via 1 On April 29ih. 30th, and May he round trip IndlaDnpolis will be one from ticket stations its ndiana on the Pennsylvania Lines. Reuuced rate tickets will be sold ac- lount the meeting of the Supreme Council Uniform K. of to all ipplicante, and will be good returning until May 2d, inclusive Children Cry for Pitcher's r- If you wish a pUltbat will leave the with fres natural stool, use llnehart's. Sold by B.

Ksealing and Keystone drug store. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. If your child tas swelled nbdomen Binehfcrt's Worm Lozenges. Sold B. F.

and Keystone drug tore. Children Cry for pitcher's Caftor 1.

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