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Newport Daily News from Newport, Rhode Island • Page 2

Newport, Rhode Island
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ftiB Newport Daily News uid the Newport Journal. Newport RilLy published everj after- uocu, (UuucUyi eiwjitwl,) at tLe Newi bglldlog, 137 1 street, by Flluuo, Tin Newport JoGrfcsllsjJubHjbftdBttbfliiiEeofflce reij Stttudij coctafci of the matter In tbp JccluJlug editorial thutoploof the Mfrtfc, lllorir; akVtud it out tjooJ story, lUe Uteit uarkttt, i of (he and general. The Journal a large, 33 colaum ppfr, oontiliij large amount of reading matter that li veluatteto lu towu rcountry who rfwlre a good Newport bni vbo do not like a dtllj from city. Jirery orelihM lo Ihft once it SUBSCRIPTION BATES. The Dallj Newi, Kper unon, or J'J cenli i wMk, pijable to curler.

will be cent to any iDtheUnltedbtatM, poalage paid, ayear. Ad'awunt of GOcenti Ii when tho wnout II pild SIBIOTLTIN ADTAXCZ, terra i arfl inTirUtte, ADYXBTISINQ BATES. Ordinary id rerUMffifuti, a iqaue, for the flrit each eonllcicince. Ten MDM or IBM, in IbLj type, male a iqcire. AdverlUe oieolalii reading ciitlfr, are chained for, at 40 pei extra, arid are anbject to editorial rtrltlcn.

A dltcont on ratee li Allowed on alt adveriUe- LoeuU ordered Intheditly for one vec-L or longer Knnenl aotlceaWceuta each. Tear); adrertlEerBirr (Iinlted Lo their inimediatebuslnrti and are allowed twenty flvechingoaa year, Tbo of tlu Kewi and Joarcatbflnir necessarily iJIitinct, ad. rerlEiemeut Iciierted lu both paperi will reuh eu. tirtlj different SfK of roadera, Aa further meat for to use both (he Newa aud Journal, a liberal dEacount ou the rklca li uutte, FBJNTINQ, Oouuecled wltti the IB a Urge acd wellap Job printing office, Allordcra for woti lutbli rttteul will be promptly filled, and al retoiiabli i Tbepatronage of the publtoli reipectfnllj WEDNE3DA1', JANUARY 7, 18SO. Uuatia id (jettiufj readj to fight somebody.

Tba Pawtuekel people are urging Hon. A. H. Little-field, of Lincoln, for tlie Govetnor- The aggregate of building investments in 1'roridecce for 1870 are estimated nt 2:11,000. We made arrADgemenls for official grapliio newa from Maine, today, hut up to going to press nothing lud been received.

J. Llojd llaigh lias beeu admitted to tail i a It is believed ILe forged acceptances will amount to Tbere has been another death from tho Turner Hull fire, in New York, making more victims of the celluloid explosion who hive died. An inrmeuBe number of persona ittcndc-d the a of liisbop Uareu at Maiden 55 terday. The oration was delivered bv Bishop Foster. The New York Legislature organized vee- Urday, Gen.

George. H. Sbarpe ueiagelected Speaker of the Assembly. Gov. Cornell's message, saya the linnncial affairs of tbe fltate ari satiffaclorv.

Yesterday WBS tbe Christmas of tho Greek Church, according to tbo 0. S. catendnr, and not less than ro.OOO.OCO of our fellow beings in UuEsin, Turkey, Greece, llungorj, Bulgaria, and in smaller numbers elsewhere celbbrated the day. Major Doyle in his annual message Bays that the net debt of the cily is The Major says slio: bouda nud notea of the citj cf Providence sell in the rconay markets second to but one city in the conntry, and that Iho neighboring city of Boston. 11 The refusal of the Supreme Court to take ihe lega! tscdtr oat i i order is construed in favor of a i a i i tko present atatua of tbe greenback, and, as it is believed that Congress will absolutely re- fusa to tamper with tho currency, more confidence prevails among merchants and buiincsa men.

The meeting reported elsewhere in Mail of the colored emigrants from certain Soulh ern states provided for renewed efforts in behalf of those who are exposed to suffering and want. AU appeal ia made to Iho cbarit able for aid both iu money and clothing and it is hoped there will be a libernl response. An official announcement appears in another column. And so the deadlock in tho City Council is happily broken. have no opinion to express aa to the.

merits of tha coalendini; fictions, and should have been equally pleased whether linen or cotton hose were bonght for the use of the Department. It ii cerlain that the safety of tho city re quirt the purchase and nil good citizens will be glad that it is to be madn without further delay. Thero wai ranch excitement in Maine yes terdiy. The plies for cclion today, on the of the legislature, were kept secret by both patties. It is btlisved by tha Repnblicans refusing to act, the Derao- will not be, able to secure a IPOA! quo- ram of 1C.

The Governor removed tbe gnira from the State House, nt the demand of tho Republicans. It ia reported that tbe ilorgan syndicate for the purchase, of Kevr York Central slock will avail themselves of their option to take additional ten millions st 120. Thisp-jr- will bring tte aggregate of slock up to Hereafter "Willju will not be the only man to be consulted in the management of that road, though be still ovrns more Inan lulf the stock. i7B The new American Union Tclcjra ptny hn leasodllhe baiMitg No. l.T, way, fotxerly occupied by the Home Company, where- tho French Company will alto have ils office, premises are now Siting up on tn exi tad ehbortte scale.

The American will ready for business in thongh it his recently been that it would not open its lines to until next summer. rpb Coiu- Iroad- Inanr- Cable Tht-s. tensive Union few sported Ihe public President of Peru wan a passenger on Andes, which nrrived ia Now Tork, yesterday, on his to Europe. He ii accompanied by aevorr.l Peruvian r.avol 1'rerlo embarked rwcroily nt CalJso, under nn itssumed name, aud Bays his rultsioii was decided ujron nt Iho last t'iomeul and that on account of tiro esoiU- ble character of the Lima populace, tiro Oalj- iuet judged it better for him lo depart qultt- Ho olaiuin to be goiug ono or more- now iron-dads. The last number of tho Engineering nud iulug Jourrjp.l lurishes on I i tn.

view of (he coal trade of Iho Uuiled Stoics for The flfjurcs presented In tho tables which accompany Ihe article furnish an Illustration of tbo reluming prosperity of the country. Tho lolal production of au- tbrncilo coal from the mines of I'emnylvn. nia in 1871! was tons in 1S7H it wap loos ii. IS77 it was COO IOHB in it was ID.GOD.UOO. The court of inquiry to iuvcitigate tbe caeoof Cleiierol Gouverneur KemWo reu met at deparliriout hcedriuattern on Ooveruor'ii Island yesteidty, but did nolli- ing eiccpt organize.

TLD ia com- posod of (Jouortil General Aiigur and Colotjet Tower, i a McMillinu as iiecorder. It was ori iijirlly culled lo urcc-t on December 11. It is a i i but a court of inquiry-, convened at the request of General Warren, nnd i i to upon tho question of his conduct nt tho battle of Five Forbn in Virginia on April 1, ISM. It costs a great deal lo run city government and pfiy ibn bills for improvements nnd repnirs. 'i'lro reports eay Now York city expended over thirty million dollars last year in municipal This is a princely sum, aod enough lo sink any other city in tiro Union.

Nearly ono-lliird of the nboio named eipeuditurea for interest on tho citj Eorno three cud quarter million dollars were for cducetional purposes nnd nearly fis million dollars for cbnrileblo and criminal icstilutioug. Nothing could impress upon ua tbe a i of our chief metropolis more tban Ihrs vast ei- for ordinary eipeuses for ono year. Tho opening of the new year a good time for our merchants nnd manufacturers to begin reform in (heir modes of adver. Using. They havo been lu tho habit of sending expensive circulars through Ih mail which in addition lo tbcir cost include a charge for before tliey reach their destinmioB.

Aud Iho worst of it is this course of proctcdiug generally results in no good cither to tho advertiser or Ibo persoi lo llio circular is oddrccsed. If a man simply wnnti to throw money this is a good wny lo do it, far circulars bavo so multiplied of late years that qcarcely anybody reads them and they usually finJ tl.cir way lo (be fire or waste paper basket i beicK cpc-ncd. Tho u-giiirnaie way to advertise is lurough tho newspapers --inoro people are reached iii this way luan in any other, nnd there is on air of respectability in card in a reputable journal ttist ia lost iu the now dishonored I Uos- tou Courier. In speaking of Gov. Tan Siindfn declination of Ibo Kussian mission the New York Sun fsjs.

"Wo nvail ourselves of occa. sion lo Bay we entirely dissent from the dcclririe, so muoli pressed of lale, that our principal foreign ministers should bo paid higher salaries. Wo do not send govern, mental agents abroad lo contend in rivalry or show i tbo ministers of monarches which wrest large sums from tht-iroppresSEd subjects by odious and enforced Insation. Many a tich candy mnker or pill luanulac- tnrer in Iho shade tbe President of the United States--when we havo 1'ieti- i ostentatious display. Kbould we on that account raise- tho President's salary quarter of million, EO that ho rany out-do fools in gew-gaws? Why, nny more, should we competo with otter governments in making displays by foreign ministers? The whole thing is childish nnd barbariau.

Governor Van Zindt is an estimable gentleman; be is sensible in preferring Newport to St. Petersburg; but the reason be urges--the insufficiency of tho salary--is unbecoming ft plain iiepubiicnn." Tho Providence Trees predicts i an "it" the success of the Democratic parly in Iho next Presidential election. i "If it selects conseivativo statesman like Mr. Bayard as its bearer and enters tbo canvass upon a broad nnd constitutional platform; if it prevent all Garcelonian tiick- cry, all cipher rascalities, ell truckling to tho wild spirit ol i nnd disorder in tbe South; if it lays so brond and equitable a plalform thut every loyal man can approve i if it shall follow Bayard in hii efforts for an currency in gold and piker and give a full indorsement to the old Jncksoninu nnd Uentonian visws of finance, divorcing Iho of the government bank- Ing proper; if it will demand pledge itself lo cany out that reform in tho civil service of tbe counlry called for by people nnd opposed by tbo stalwarts in control of the. Grant movement, it will sweep tho coanlry." In Kiyine this the Frew is, of courfs, simply joking.

To s-jp. poso tbo Democratic purly doing all that ispot forth In nutrt in old principles and practices nnd become a now creature, vhicb is impossible. Wo fully agree with tbt Press that if tho parly becomes so psre that "every loyal man can approve it," as it has support also of what was the disloyal element, its candidate will be unanimously elected. That "if" ii little word but in this caso it is a Iramendoui one. TUB IRISH A 01TA TIOX.

now going on is difficult lo tell. It will probably result in little or no good to Irish peasantry, thus far for it has pfe. ftntcd no tangible propositions for i lief, has been peculiarity of similar in tho past that they been abundant in words but barren of tcsnlia. A i would be difficult to Ifll juat what is proposed by Mr. Parnell Rr.d his friends.

That serious difficulties tihl is ool lu be donhtfd. For instance, Ireland is overstocked willr peopla. No ualter what land Kjslem it ndopls, the island cunirol be. Belt, supporting nnlesn it prodnceH moro Ihnn it does present. Ireland nil toH, including lakes, hlgliwaya nnd want, Innds, conlalns 20,819,840 acres for livo LOGA1 A A I aud half million people, or lew a fcrrr acred for every I i i a Of i i a land it contains betwceir tivu rrnd Ihreo r.urerf for every inhnbilr.ut.

lu prirtitivo aad purely i i i I'ouuliy this is wholly insufficient, even if tlio people hold their lauds lu fee-simple. In reality Ireland owned by comparatively fnv 1st Ibe land lo a nix iWisnud Tho Irish troubles do not el! como a to complaiuod of, Unit so ucb of lhr Jnud iion-ncd abroad, llroiigli is undoubtedly a oi 1 tiro orcrrpifd nud tiy the people i.l cheap retrial, urnm-rago out 'ires per ii certainly r.s low as in be expected. Bat to ghc. FOSHO i.t^-ir of tbo eilerit lo ivbk-h tho land is owned bv Jen- who do not reside In tbo country, wo present tho following liol of the- most prom- who i landlords WillitM I i or i a of i i i i of r-'amynt i i ---Icf A a a tcrlot VriHlvUrilTord Ir. 'Jirl tif Dnuravcn No.

of ci iXrj 2l.CO:j riiO-0 Htm 3 0 lif.0'0 ll.Ull A null re t. XII.UW 31.000 Jalo (i IBO.M II.WH 13.1UO 1:1.000 I I I 1UOI) id ooo 4 Ul I lr'yo This is ct-rlnitily nn uufnvoroblo nud Ibo ijucslion comes up ts to how tbe difficulty is lo be rciiiFdioi). Certainly not by tiihorr in Kuropa or A i a not hy mobs imd tiots. lucre is Hills or no hope of sucsoss by revolution. Tho Iliitish jjovernmeirl can nnd will irmln- tain Ibo flrrpremacy of Iho Irr.r, and will pro.

tool aud defend these Inud owners in the of their lawfully required prop- erl.v. To succeed lu liDtlednu Iheir cor.ditiou Iho Idib must not depend wholly oj Ihe cirltivalion cf tba hrul for a livelihood. There 13 uot land enough for Ibem no mat- tor who owns r(. The American people could rrot all livo hy f.irminr;. nor IMH nny other.

must bo diTersirkd industry. Hut for soino reason tbe Irish Imve never tnfcotr kindly to other pursuits than tiro cullivntion of tiro Inul. They oro not famous for rnercnulilo enterprises, shipbuilding, commerce or manufacturing. In fact they havo shown strong aversion if nol opposition to Ihesj pursuits, nnd do nol oven i their own privileges. It been oilcmpteil "S'li! scd ngniu to establish lorjjo cotton factories in Ireland, but uniformly i success.

Englnci! is prepared to invest a hundred million dollars in productive Irish enterprises, but capital is uniformly discouraged and endangered. That agitation cau- not change this Is clear enough, ilr. Par- Hell popular i I isish ttca-jse Le discovered a novel tuothod of annojiug nud olistrncting the house of commons, tml still moro bccnusa ho invented Ihe brilliant ad- vics to a lo pay shopkeepers, who earn from livo to fitly per cent, in a and to pay tho who earn from ono to fivo per reduction or nothing a a lint that is no remedy it is a temporary makeshift, which is sure io plungo the inland into deeper distress. Wo should Bay lhat the Irish leaders can besl i relief lo their peoplo by liming their i i in new direction; by teacbir.n them cngago in olhor pursuits a a i and by preserving quiet nnd obedience lo law in all their borders. Kevolulion is im- powibb.

Agitation will not bring bread to Ihe hungry nor clothing to Iho naked, nnd if it could, it vfould only moko them a nation of beggars. Ireland must Iw redeemed, must bo clevmod, and havo wrongs righled. To secure (his tho reform must begin with her own people nud result in rnoro guiierid education of Iho masses. That edu- c-iliou must ho more- secular aud practical, and leis ecclesiastical than it now is. A system of education like that of our common schools would dc moro lor Ireland than all the speeches that csn be mado either at homo or abroad.

Hero is room fnr a genuine work in tho elevation and im. Ihe Irish nalion. I i a plo who havo produced some of Iho besl scholars nnd nrntors L-unmt to f.imo, nnd capable of the highest civilization, nnd yet race where tho masses nt homo inako litllo or 110 progress. Tor this thero must bo a suflrcient reason, nnd tho friends of tho Green should Beck it out nnd npply the remedy. Wo wish Mr.

Parcell nnd his co-laborers nlrar.jlnnt success, but nre irresistibly led to tbo conclusion that I i labors will not bo eminently successful until Ibey aro in Ibo direction indicated. Reform proceed from i i nnd not from i Iho body of the people. OI.F.ANINOS AND GOSSIP. 'ilierc aro over a thousand sludonls at Vale i year. doll mining has begun on land orned by W.

of Wtst Hartford, Conn. The total number of deaths at Providence in was mere Iban in nny one year before. The debt of Providence, on Iho rf Sejterniisr, 1S73, lo which an incrsBpe of 0 in i last Dvo yfnrs. Tho Fum spent on Itie pub- lie ccbool-! last year amounted lo SIM.l'S:!, is less Ibsn tbo previous year. Messrs.

a McKonzio hsvo con- (raclcd for steamer, to be buill at tiro yard of Ocotfie Orci-nmsn at Myslic, Conn. I dimensions are as follows: Length, Hi fcc-t; biendlli, 2i dpptb, feet iMi. i is lo be propeller built, nnd is deigned ni freight and boil Providence, Newport nnd Dlnck Mand. T. S.

Grcenmon is Ibo otvnnr. Tbe New lierUord Cily Council bas re-elected Frank A. Millikcn, city solicitor Fred- trick Macy, chief ennlnccr: Angnslns A sue! I'liny R., sssUtiirl en- ginepis; John A. I.ce, superintendet of ilreels and John F.

Mcetlon, aupcrinlend- ent of street lights. In honor nf tho unanimous re election of Chief Mncy, the ire department pnradcd tbe dly i torcbep, mil- 8to nnd illuminations. An 11- ceplion WBS held lit lira Cer.lrnl Uouie. AOVEHTISEMl'KTS NEW TODAY. JcUi Cnsnejr, a i i 4 A.

I'rKcotl Dsktr-To J'. J. lo IHr.1. For title--Oti Slock. Ujuluni--Watcliro.

I.My Cltrt--Xcli--e to Ili'illlrvTai Iillle. ogouy Is ail over. --Tlio aro i a --Tho tevcuuo cutter Kauiuel Dexter wan i near New Voik on Monday. --Tho Woman Suffrage meetiug called for last evening was not largely tilleuded. -Our Herman friends liarl very enjoyn- i hie trjll nl Harmony a hit ovening.

I --Tliero VVQH como lively i a i be- 7 nud 8 o'clock lust evenimx iu llio vi. clnily of Iho City Hall. --The a the contract for casino hail been awarded cannol bo traced lo auy aulborily. --Tho ftcv. I 1 II.

at Iho noonday prjjer meeling tcday and tho service was of en interesting characler. --Mr. Daniel Mimchcster, brother of tho late Sheriff MancbeBler, died at (ho residence of his father, in Portsmouth, yesterday. --The boat-! of tho Fall lliver lino are a i all Iho passengers whioh they can accommodate, Tbo freight brisluess is all can ho desired. --Mr.

ami Mrs. Gcorgo I'eahody Wclmoro nro ct Muenclilngcr'e. They have received cordial welcorao from i friends since tlre-y returned from Europe. --Mato Waller N. Smith, of Iho Torpedo Slntion, leaves lown tonight for fi three weeks' vacation, a furlough for that time a i been granted.hlm.

--Tiro plumbers of this viciuily must ho llioroughly convinced naluro nnd Iho horiBchotdorfl nro irr a deep consniracv tn rob Ihem, for such a i as this Ihey say was never seen before. --Tho funeral of Mrs. It. R. Hazard was solemnized yesterday afternoon.

Tho Rev. K. H. officiated. Tho obsequies wero largely a among tho mournors beinc Hin Excellency Governor Van Zandt.

--Mr. Daniel Sullivan, Iho Irish comedian, a native of Newport, is In towu. IIo hos juat closed successful a of three iu Philadelphia nnd will appear in Providenco nest week, after which he will go West. --Tbe FC.irlet fever still continues in Ibe- family of Dr. fCbilrl.

At present Child, tho nurses and three younger children aro ill wilh tbo disease, but most of tho cases aro light, imd nil ore in fair wny toward recovery. --John J. (iould, of New York but for- msrly of MWdletown, died iu New York, yesterday, at i residence of his sislcr. Ho was brother of Wm. J.

Gould, whn wp.s killed by New York rough about yean ago, nnd it is said nover recovered from Iho shock occasioned by bit brother'e death. --A Klnngo but tni3 unbrella slory wns told yesterday lo iho effect Ihe relaler his unlive and returning flfler an nb- senceof yenra Iho coveted nrli- cle wna found juBt where it Imd beeu left. Tho mnn, whoso veracily is undoubted, iTots not locnto tho in Newport. a tablo for tiro Hoard of Alder, men has been pkccd in position and wni used for Iho Orst (imo last evening. It hni been placed in tho centre of tho chamber and Ihe plalform npon which Iho SInvor's dcBlt snd chair rested hns been i-emoved.

The Mayor's choir ie at the head of table end tho members around ono common honrd." This is great improvement. --A meeting of iho committee nppointed to Folicit nid for Ihe colored peoplo emigrating lo Ihe Wett held at Iho Mayors office yesterday afternoon. Mr. T. M.

Seabury, in view of tho illness of tho treasurer, Mr. Renjamin Mumford, was chosen nssist- nnl His Honor, Mayor Rnniick, Rev. Mr. Vnn Home, Mr. T.

M. Scabury nud Mr. P. J. (Jnlvin were preeent.

It was decided lo runke nn active canvass for clothing and lo aid tbo object. Tho situallon was fully discussed nnd Ihe meeting, no doubt, will bo productive of good. Si.tfiHT rooming fire was discovered in tho dwelling house of Col. Wm. R.

Swnu on Barney street. It had caught from a grato, i from tho hack, ranking wny Ihrough tho Bido of tho house nnd ruoning up. I a hy the neighbors wilhout a general alarm, but waa pretty narrow escape. THE MHiiiurjiiAN- This evening tho famous Hool-y and Em. crson'a Fifty Company will bo in tho Operix Ilnusn rind all who lito a will tnjoy Ihe entertainment.

Manager Smith, of Fall River, brings Iho company hero-which is gnarnnleo of its excellence. Tbo enlerlninrncnc is announced ns one of refinement or.o a the elilo of Boston ruo pleased to honor. Billy Emer. fionlhogrcnt fkelcli nrtist will appear in bis celebrated of "Motiarly 1 Melriopotilan Police, piiteen happy children from iiio South, twelve clog dancers, eioht end men and triple qiiarlelto aro in Ihe ntlractions. The tlrcrt parade today wns very fine.

CITY COUNCIL. At the meeting of tho City Council lust orening all the wero present cs- cept Councilman Darker, who in New York. Hills lo tbe nmoiint of were ordered paid from the several'appro- prinlions. In accordance with revert of the Finance Conrmiltet, of Im wero refunded to Mary rhebo liulh A. and Hannah A.

Hazard, lire Cily Trcas. urer reported a hnlnnco of of the iucamo of ibo jndah Tooro Miniiletial Fund, and the report -KM ordered nicated to Ihe General Assembly. It was votod tint any purplus lucomo from this shall be invested in II. S. I Hoard of Firervarda WAS ordered to report to i i i Fit Us neil meeting a debited account of Ibo expenditure 8 of iho Fire Dtpurlmenl for t'je past ssven i separate account of tho eipenies of Ihe fire alarm telegraph.

Tho Council voluil tlml Ihe Overt tho Poor Bhnll attend the mcoling.i of nl the Charity Organization Society, nnd nUo relief only to applicant concerning be lus bMiFfarlory oridc-nco i oli- taiaed tilber through i of Ilia Ko- ''ii-ty or from Bomo other reliable Bourco. I Lose question wos i dis. pntc.l of by jussaso of a resolution cliuf! the i Fire Department 10 dire-ct i i delay Ibe Hoard of Fire- wards lu purclias.i fec-t of hoso and the tMUry i-onpliiigd, of such kiisil and man- a i i i Jioard of I-'iKwnnN nball Baited nud r.Japlid lo I wauls of the a pro. vided tbe c-xpinse hlrnll not exceed Co-jirL-ilmi-uAlbro, Wilbur, Wnlerj, rind Jliirdick voled for tbo rctio- i liacbeller, IVIflmui, Sherman, ami President i voted against it. Tho Council also voted I special comm i i consibliug of i Honor, lire Mayor, Aklcrianii Hull, i i a tbo commillee 011 Cily Property, i.udC'ouneilmsnSbormon, of 1'irs Com- rniltcfi, obtain plans and estimates for building tbo f-r: on liiijijo and i tbom to Council.

Colonel Klienuiin d.jclint-d to serve, Councilmcn Albro was elector! in his sloart. 'I bo usual batch of Etrett.lantern peliliona received, nnd all petitioned for lart momh WCTO ordered erected. Tbe Highway i reported on the proposi- liou of S. H. Honey, a for Commercial a rc-fc-rence to Ihe sevTcr nuisance, by tbo oc- iM-planc3 of tbe deed of a roadway, feet wide, lo Iho head of tbo a underneath which a new Fewer c-oirld bo i doing away i tbo one along tho south side.

In return tbo city ia to deed to Mr. J. N. A. Grhwold all ils claim In any of tbo wharf properly.

The wholo milter was laid on Ibe table- in the of a Gordon liennt-U for permission to build a sewer from tho estate across lltllevuo n.venuo, tho casito lot, and Ibe Frecbudy In.od, to empty into tbo Middleton avcnuo sower, was referred lo tho Highway Committee wllb power to act. A resolution wss passed that tlso Mayor and Councilman Sherman bo special committi to report Rome phn for iucreasirc Iho In. como of Ifce Frecbody land. Petitions for crosswalks on Uroadwav at Hay View avenue nnd near Friendship street were referred to tbo Highway Committee. Tlio las on was rcmilted to James Uolrin.

A nnruerously n'gncd petition to extc-ud South llaplist sfrcel to i was referred lo lb- Highway Comnjilteo. A i i to bnve tbo bell in Ibo Emmanuel Church i tbo tiro alurul referred to Iho Fire Department Committee. Tlic i a roi.iliii. to cemetery vaults and ibi entombing of bodies pistil as be-fore with an amendment chnng. ing Ibo length of time body can bo placed in a i special permission 72 hours to ttn d.iyri.

A liquor license wr.s refused Jere F. Sullivan, anil L. C. Douo- bue's petition for ,1 liquor license was ordered posted. The council adjourned until tbo first Tuesday i in February.

RiisrNT, IT OK the sleep of the Oth Sun, Cold Moon, G. S. tha following chiefs wero raised up in Weenat Slussitt Tribe, No. I. O.

K. to occupy their respective stump.i for Ibo ensuing six moons, by acting D. fi. John Henry Tilley Sachem C. Durdick.

S. W. Oxx. J. W.

Perkins. a II. Taylor. C. ol Hull.

K. of --John Hi-nry Tilley. T. A PORTSMOUTH. 1XRTA1.T.AT10X.

On Thursday evening, Jan. tho following officers of Oakland No. I. O. of 0.

for the en- (arm were installed by D. D. Grand Master John D. Cornell: N. Manchester.

V. J. Rirker. 11. villiiim M.

Sisson. A. Sisson. P. Arcbin Sisson.

Warden--Johr T. Rrown. Con. Georeo A. Urown.

1. (i. --John G. Darke-r. 0.

Peckham. P. I). C. Main.

Trnslees -Peleg L. TbnrMon, Henjanrin Wyalt and Josiah 0. Clifford. Fin-tnco Pecklmm, John T. Brown nnd Edward A.

CopgMlmll. The installation was followed by a turkey supper aod daucrv FAKNELL'S Iord Dunraven has written a letter oa tbo subject of Parnell's mission tn tho Uniltd Hosnys: Mr. Pncneil's objects, ns gathered from speeches nn interview published in Iho New York Herald, are to prevent tho inhabitants of Ircl.lnd from a i lo keep them from emigrating and In transfer certain Ihe soil of Ireland from Ihoso who are in possession of it to who aro not. It is bsd Ihing that people itbould starve, and tho principal objection tn tbo Parnellile program is, that if carried out it would produce largo a ofstfitvalion. are several remedies valion jicssrblo or probable, most of which are highly improper.

Thero is but ono Tercedy in tho we of Ireland, and lhat is emigration. Of all Ihe qnack cures for hard limes, tto pxtenl Parnell pill is the simplest and most dcMcriojs in It of the rnmsims hard np don't piy your debts. Pay jour rent it is convenient to do to, Inrl if it is inconvenient to do FO do i and you cannot bo com- pell-rl In pny i can you bo turned cut." Hotibery on such a would, of course, bo hard a i arrd Ihcro would bo some sense ia tho idea that tho Irish tcnarrt farmers were devoid of til moral feeling, hut they arc not. Il in obvi. ous lhal if Ice a farmers no rent tbey wonl-d belter ofT for a lilllo lime, in tho FACDO way Hint would bo bolter off if they did not pay for their clothfs or for the provisions they purchase but Iheir liability to pay rent bo avoided only hj overturn of Iho fociftl of the United Kingdom, or by some kind i i up snfllriont io purchase the fefl fih'iple of Ireland.

In which case, and if il should lie proved necessary for tbe general public good thnt Ibe gorernroenl would beJQStined in encouraging, nnd if neces5n- ry compelling, land owners to their properly to occupants and sultlers thereof, or llio the first plan is r-ost ble. It preposlirous lo anpposo tlul, injaBllee lo lue prcsoul ii'A-irers, pnvcul ucc r- pant-i could purclia'u tbcir lioldinsa if money advanced Ibera, even on llio moit if they could, It is obviously a tbcy can uot pay their rontu, see-ing that Ibey'wouM bavo to pay a Jtrgt-r I a tbe oiifjimd rent every year i lire period ol time eay thlrly.tivo years, In which ivould bavo to pay olf the loan advanced 'by IV for Ibo putcbaw of lei.d by forcing ll.o vr.l-iii of 1 Itvel. 'I bo upi-Ldiun Lu carried but no f.r,.o-Jirt nf diuay, uf n(j. i Fkill he-rr-dilary i i i com. blued wou.d criiblc auy ouu 1.

out such tt (jigdiitio cnnrrot "bear" to lb ,1 i yet. MISS lioFFKi: Jiolli te. itiulucll'eo aro i i l.ul i tom rnakc-s nccesi-iry nt a i i bcljjiuftl use however, bo dccidi-d by i effect upuu tbo sytloar of porcorrs usiirg tbem. Tc-a generally a feeling of criectfulne-sf m.d ck-jruc-vi of mit-J, Borne-times (ic-'ouipjuiod by i i i i it also retards dcslrucli.o or tlm cbange of tim in foo-l into healthy and wi-lLnourisUc-J blond. For Ibis roesorr it should be in tho rnoiuing wben forces uv at their lowe-si ebb aud bc-dy all tbo i it can derivo from food.

It i-; during sleep (hit the i a forcsa i from Iho i i i of tbo food consumed i i lav. For Ibo a rt-Dltn a is tcry bsd for children, whose be.rlies need all lire uourisbinc-nl which feed cr.n supply. If lea in properly mado it may be u-ed by- robust ndiilla nt Ibo midoViy ami eveniuc; meils i injury to ll.e general healtb. Tea c.iu hc-sl bs by pulling (be required ly.

lulf mi ounce, or Ibreo limping len- i a le-apot, wbich lias been icalcled out with boiling waler, in about a nf the a i of writer intended for uso, letting it slaud about five miuulos i boiling, Ibeu adding tbe- rest of Ibe boilinc; wnler and using infusion nt once. Coffee ia best wben bought ialbobc-anand freshly ronste-d or warmed before grinding and using. A very good bre-atfsst coffee can bo mado by ruing about two ounces, or four i a i tablespoons of finely coffee to each quart of boiling water. A the coffee is made it should not boil, bul tbnuld Ftand where it will keep bot, without boiling, about ten minutes, until Fettled. The cffec.t of boiling upon tea or coffeo is the- extraction of lannic acid ami tbe dis-i- paticn of tlie delicate oil which gives Ihe bo much in the-so bevc-rage-s.

i of tannic ncH upon thb i used wilh ten or coffee i-; in harden i albumen i nu indrcestibJo Butistr-nce-: it also a tbe- i l-isto of both ten and coffee. KOOK8! TL-: i i 0 will- r.evtr,. rAdii a by (I. n.

ijy i a i i A l.r I eo-ltcl 'I lit t' LJ W. of liar, Ij Kvm-U from SAI.V I)V OHAH. E. HAMMETT, Thames Street. Special Notice 250GOOflWflITE ENVELOPES FOR40CI TOOLS CAl'S, I COM- KOTK, OCTAVO KOTK.

I A Ulli'Alf LAJIi, IKISII l-'rerrch arrrt Paper icltfe Cards Envelopesin Boxes. f.l:Cc..'r-j:tiiK-r.l of al VVA.KD'S, are particularly sorry Ccn. eide- could not tea bis way clear to accept the iniFKion. K'issh bas never sent to i country a i of whisison a could compare i hip, even on tho faca of a Cirar.d Biiko. Tost.

Dr. Wm. IIulcLinson. of Providence, II. bears high testimony to ths v.ili:e of Pond's Eitract.

In an nb-tmct oi a clinic deccribini; some surgical crjer.i'.ions. removing Ulct-r-. i at tbi Hospital, Nassau. lieforo Ibo ilcdical facully of NVssan. (Medical and Surgical Hricf, Pr.

Hulchin.on Bjya be dressed witb "Poud's Extract, wbich hiis beerr found tbt best altei- such I'ond's EM- tract is speeially recomuiende-d for all Inflammations and Ileuiorrhnge-s. from whatever cause (JUILTY OF WJtOXK. Somo persons hnvc a fashion of coufiisJL'f; eicellent remfdiw i tba lurgu of "patent me.lioini'B," and in this they are, guilty of a wrons. There are somo ailver- tised remedies fully worih all Ibnt is asked for and cue at least know of- Hop Bitters. Tbe writer has bad occasion to USQ the.

Bitters in just such a climate as we hnva most of ths year in Hay Cily. and has al. ways found tbem to be first class nnd reliable, doing all that is claimed for them -I Tribune. IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. ntuM I I A or i i i i i A I A I I A i A I I XOi: A A I i i I ji. i i I Itr. (icr.tli Wsn. F. C. 1 juf.Vi.w i-ic.

I i i i i i i i i i i i 1 CLEVEfiAKD BEOTITRIS, AM3ASY, K. Y. MILL'S Liquid Amandine! --ron Dhsppei! a Tun, I i i i i i i and a a i i I i i THIS AXD FAVOKITE PHEPAKAT10X IS UKKQUALLED. W.iiranitil to CTJIP wcrjt cTisprOi CJEdi, or Iht- mc.nrj wUll.e rcfcoJc-il.

I'ltEPAltED OSf.T BV CASWELL, 3IASSKY is 0, OASWELL, MASSEY CO'H Hum and Quinine FOR THE HAIR. Prevents lie Hair Iran falling, Gleaoiine anil iDnpraiiDelii (fee Scalp, IONIC AND STIMULATIKG TO THE GROWTH OF A I HcaJ. nnd ix a unit lu Go LH7 A COIC. I ST. An-.) nriMdwAjr, cor.

strcol, i irrnTir, (tree-, 7, POWDER Al'-olniely pirif. Tait- from n-tpo clrlfs worM. Xo cltior IKQ light r'aky hot brfidi, i i i Cm lo oitoa bj i Ihf rviulllnj Irora hfivy rood. WConrntoMtoi pnrtly iiovctr.mrnt Er. Sold b.T lUOrccerp, In n.iFiKo rowDp.ii Yorv.

JUST ICBCEIVED I I AT TMi; St, Nicholas Store, A i i INVOICI; nj- rnosr. WILLOW DOLL CARRIAGES, Standing Work Baskets. sciioor.s.-vr tunch Bags, VTIiiiiEg to for elLer fo arrire in January, wo ont rn'-ent Btn -k of Holiday Goods! siill Lore Prices Mm. m.l our over. It .7 (o I-'cV.

St. PJicholas Store, 135 THAMES ST, Wifurxoioi-, D.O.. 7-r jr. TODAY'd I I A I Tor Xcw snrt rho lli.Mlo il, norlh wjr.ilf, wf.vtlfr, or BCOW i I I KlMK alf.l Jf. 9 p.

H. A a CljsiiT tn '43 :1.T.-:ni ralun? rq ii arc-jiiTi: cr rain flurirc the lUy 0.2l^.-h I I I A 7 A A 3.1,! of wln-l, frora noon ycftcnlay io ncoa WM. 3lCOlM.tT.HAT, U. A I i A i i i A uitOKROw. crnufisnAY) fc! rs.

cf lUy ra. h. m. 1 5 6 a A 4 d. 3t P.

i 3 i A. lor 11 M. 1 1 -J A I I I I I M. I I IK A I 7 2T P.M. AMnF.RMiS-Ialhlr.ciir, 7 1 i a An- l-mnl (icp of I h'n I A I Xeir lifdford, SiJi irstftjwiy, MM TR I Nw IMford, Fab T.

CTunilvrj.ln, fl ttitllnt txt t- i i i i (Bker, OOTThELL BLOCK, thru doorl loilh of he poitoffics. RccMtact. SO llrcft, l.tir Umtcro'itreet,'i?.

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