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The State Chronicle from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Largely iu It. lkotheliqnort; i reply i tb-t A NEWSPAPER OUGHT NOT TO ADVERTISE A UVSISEHS THAT tries Are Being Started. UNDER .1 1C HAS THE The Salisbury declares in favor of the renomination. of Mr. Benj.

F.Dong as solicit or of he Eighth District because it believes him entitled to a second term and because he has beei faithful the discharge of the duties of his office. The Herald expresses the hope that Jno. W. Mauney, of Salisbury, will not be a caudidate this year. It pays him a high compliment and declares that four years bonce it will champion his claims for solicitor.

It has been rumored in this sAofmn. OF LAW. The people of Washington o. (Roanoke News.) Judge Walter Clark owns, one of the finest farms on the Roanoke river. He has put it in an improved condition, and since he has quick and direct communication with city markets by means of the Norfolk and Carolina railroad, he will engage largely in trucking.

For ropriated $300 with whinh iJ- aws are not rdr are coicclfle: Hqaor bufir rigbtis a of humaji; tiqn ofGcdVUi cure wero to French moral ALREADY PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT CANDIDATES. -1 The Chronicle Gives the Gist of Some oi the Gossip about Politics That is Heard These Days. Capt. Jno. Tipton, of the Greensboro Patriot, who was in Raleigh yesterday, tells us the negroes of "the Fifth district arq determined to have a voice ia the distribution of spoils.

They will publish at Greensboro a Weekly campaign paper in the interest of L. O. SVey to 80me Point on the W. Editor Declared to be Particeprf Cnin.inis mAny Wrong Which Advert tisinir a 1 Bad Business May Bring to Society. i 1 proposition; for the town of Wflhw Special Cor.

to State ato sabspribe $10,000 in order; to get that Hon W. M. Robbins wasl this purpose he has secured Tfrom Pennsylvania two white families, who are expert truckers, and they are now on his SiiEiBy, K. C. March 1890.Tn jl K.

K. to extend the road discussing this question the, writer hopes co Washington; The Cnnnxior cuuiuaie ior upngress, but the Statesn yille Landmark last week, says that Mr Leazar is positively the only candidate frpm Iredell. There are man farm preparing it for It will before another vear to Ha Davis whom they will support the largest truck farm, nrnhahiir well as all over the district, tu that the beautiful town of Washington of Florida. He will also inraW in raising fruit Strawberries, will ba amonff the nrodnnts 1 TTo ain ua ior congress. jJavis is principal of a school in Greensboro, and all threading negroes will: support him for Con assigDat 5 pablishcrf jtl why i 3.

As a 1- said 4 without ad' believe plied 11. That If i.rl the comminitv mistaken 5 ci-tising is rj c. 'US. Thehm -T 1 cause 2 1 -v nruuiu be mighty glad to get a chance to vote tor the old, tried and true Democratic war-horse. He is still in th uuuneciea witn Kaleigh by railroad.

A well, informed citizsn of Washington tells the Chronicle that he "i uiou una two hundred acres in grass. gress, i vigorous manhood, and 1892 isn't a Ion? vuiuks me roaa wilt be built from Wash ixoanoKe river land adapted to truckins'. BaaM way off. Lexington Ledger. ington to Wilson.

That would be the Congressional Icandidntoa a lulhllment of a 'long cherished desire It is well known fVii nr; HP iSZt a11 th countie3compriSinI rich4t will produce both: earlier and la ter in the season, not being so easily affected by frost as thfiimlanHa tne part or tne people along the pro v.M vvugi5oswuai Thus tie, of Rockingham, is in the race, and by reason of his posed line a part of which Mai. Win to esw.onsn tne following proposition, viz. That it is wrong for one to advertise a business in which he cannot, himself, innocently engage a business that is und(r the ban of divine law. As simple and as near self-evident as this proposition; seems, many newspaper overlook or disregard the truth believed to be contained therein. Ohariiti suggests that such: course proceeds fyom hastily conceived views, resulting from a failure to seriously consider tee subject.

For the benefit of any such of your readers as may honor the wrfteriby glancing at these lines, he would submit the following: The publisher virtually becomes a partner in jthe business which he advertises, For) a stipulated amount paid him out of the canital or nrofirs nf tho der surveyed about fifteen years ago udge Clark's example will be followed 1 OUllrti UUUU" lanty, will have a strone- fnllnwino. uwiu OI inc tollowing aspirants: MrB. Grady, of Duplin Col. W. J.

Green, of CumbprlanH xr- for the nomination f-r nftnnor, oy omers, We had a pleasant talk with Supt. F. paper is 1 Iyer, Moore, Hon. Chas. W.

Mc- Fifth district, Winston Sentinel. ligation t' i i A Double Track. Danville Register. II. Fries, of Roanoke Southern railroad a few days ago and was pleased to learn from him that the bridge across promote tl hi The Salisbury viammy, me present efficient incum bent, of Pender, and our own distin- lrnth declare for Hon.

John S. Henderson for Congress in the Seventh In conversation vesterd av with an on guisnea townsman, Mr. Chas. B. Aycock the Demosthenes of Eastern Torf narl that rests tl paper.

f- from any fe-r-editorials uan river near Laarrs iord is completed and the rails and cross-ties will laid gineer of the Richmond Danville corps, the Register learnpl tlmt tho ut-xh aionaay or xuesaay, and, the cars will run, across for the first time on Wed olma. We cannot tell thus, early even the comparative strength of any of these but this we say now in this, our first any basibt As ject of the survey which is now making Grower's Opponent. Randolph Herald. Col. A.

S. Holten. nf finilfrt.H than has t-hc ironi mis. city is to get a direct line of 1 i a a -w nesday. The road is graded to the W.

B. Carter plantation, where some heavy through hi roaa 10 me ooutb. In vester.iav's r.a3 advertisen? ht mention or tnis, tfcat Wayne ought to, and we believe will, present an un broken front for Mr. C. Aycock, her says he is in the rano fnr nnn03 iJ.

iresumg win nave to be done. When per mention was made of. th fact that A 1 -m this obstacle is overcome the work will tue liicnmond fc Uanville leases the the Fifth District. Col. Holten is State Senator from his district and a true and pusuea on 10 Aiaaison.

VVe are as- business, he calls attention to it, with the viev in the mind of the advertiser, at least,) of securing patronage to the He invests, as capital, in such business the material and labor required gtauuesu orator, ner unmnebmg Democrat he whose claiion voice ha hon No pi for his pa i munity, wl i columns, fc- a u-ieu uepuoiican. urea mat trains will be running into North Carolina road from Greensboro to Charlotte as a part of its main line, and as the lease will soon expire, it is now the object of the comoaov to a lino heard in every political campaign since town within sixty days. Madison Leader Col. Polk for Governor. he commtj kv.

IT i -i ue reacnea nis majority, and with his superb eloquence, has charmed and won pagett ng it before his readers, and Xs 'I vbatevr of moral suDDort of the bfisi- he eroiini 1 1-, A new company has been organized in Salisbury, composed nartlv of Nnn of its own. It is said that thn Rich (Washington Post.) (Washins-ton Trvf Ttant ins- tne nearts or listening thousands mond Danville is compelled to have The Farmer's Allian Oft has pet hi icli aA he highest nrerc I iTOiasDoro dispatch. partly of home capital, for the purpose of opening and working the granite a double track from Danvillo 'tv tho headquarters in Washiuptrin. Th The Mecklenburg Time3 ursres, n.nt South to accommodate its business and juarries of this eountv. wh S.

B. Alexander for. the Democratic deut, Mr. Polk, is a plain-spoken man, and uses very expressive English! "The Sub-Treasnrv Plan." said Mr pil- celled by any in the State, or as for that he right or fikpir 'o 1 4. No uiuti eta ll good may.

t-vicau' tc I- iue new roaa will oe built in order to give the. company a second track, as well as to make it indeoendfint. of tho nomination for Congress in the Sixth maiier, Dy any in the whole country. district in a long editorial. Wo make It Will ba known AS thf.

Sfrmrt toin the following extract from the article the farmer's" plan. It may be experimental; legislation, but nothing better has been susrerested. Tim far Granite Company, and will -work t.h North Carolina Railroad. The proposed road will sro-from Danvillo tr Marliann arts aware tnat tnero is nrMn. quarry beds of Stone Mountain, lying dice existing between tho citiz3cs of nattef t' seem.

I God speed the dav -publisher Mill advvrri a good mat may not c.r. gage in. thence to Winston and from that point to Gastonia. inst bevond Charlntt.o Tho luiuicuwiciy uu lug iiue oi iae iauKiii pect this Congress to pass the bill, and if it does not the nexfc rinnorrflQo will ir tne towns and tbe country, and whether this preihdica will eulmihate in an nn present survey is. from Danvillfl to Win.

tviicjr laiuudu ii in a state or. construction. Sufficient canitar "has 'hfon all human probabilitv. position to Capt. Alexander or not we introduced the bill by request, and is in subscribed to carry on the wdrk on a big ston, and another party of epgineers from Winston is working this way.

It issaid that the work of construction Will be SID. ailJSOoh AS lino ia nowise committed to it. Tim fWr- uo not Know, riut should such opposition SOrinsr UD it wnnlrl nn rnnd acitie. ausoury correspondent unar- Gess is involved in his giving space in his columns to its advertisement. His profits come iiom the price paid for advertising.

The nature of the capital invested and tho fact that the "amount of profit is definitely fixed do not, in theshghest degree, affect, ethically, the reality and integrity of the virtual partnership. 2. Tin publisher promotes the success of the business advertised by securing patroua: to it. He claims that and the ad verier pays him on that theory. The effort ot his work, is indicated by the word to express it advert ise, from ad and VEimsE, turn to turn the public mind to the thing advertised.

And thia is ordinarily done iu such a way as to exjite desire for it the desire that finds! expression in buying it. This is true whether the attention is directed to! the place of sale, pricend desirableness1 of dry liquors, or a lottery ticket And here seems to be some sort of SiNCTiori to the busiri(S3 implied in ad-j rertisiog it The character of the pub I usher aid his paper seems, in some sense! TIIE i Y. tary of Affricultn iotte Chronicle. i ano: mignt result in party discord. If Given Wilmington a Members'of Congress are thinking about lt.

It wiir bear the fullest i The contract for the new tobacco the citizens of the towns desire to show and when the new road will be used for the fast trains, it, hoinry tho' that they harbor no ill feline wnro warehouse for Messrs Davis Gregory, tion and discussion. It is the product of the best minds of the Nation nl Alii. What Its Businc i Chat and Opinion Special CorJNrf farmers let them all join heartily in zo oe ouut on tnei Jvingsbury property by" Mr. I W. E.

Owen, has been awarded most direct line, while the old road (around by Greensboro) will be used for heavy freights. auce." Earlv in Anril IPppsiM wit T3nl L- iuq enorc to nominate and elect Capt. Alexander. Such a course would show Washington, will ask a hearincr before the great magnanimity on their part and go C. V.

Directors in Session. to Mr. Jack Smith, of Halifax county, Va. The warehouse -will be of brick, with a handsome two story pressed brick front, surmounted by a tall bell Committee on Agriculture. Mr.

Polk is a Southern newsaner man and shmm iar to oring about an era of good feeling. The farmers would aoDreciata it. find it should by the has alK. v0 1 1 Afori properly it The Directors of the C. speaker of reputation, and is regarded would result in uniting the party and a 1 tower, It will have a floor capacity of Railroad and North State Improvement met in Greensboro Thursday and as the cornuig farnr-iV candidate for governor of North Carolina.

or at "th -confluence 75x200 i feet, with commodious offices. grana tnumpii ror uetuocraey id the next election. Friday. Much business was transacted. large storage bas3ments, sleeping ap The report showed the a flairs of fLe partraeuts for tho farmers and brick Company to be- in a prosperous and HEW HOTEL.

for horses Oxford Day. highly satisfactory Reso Iq a recent issue of the 'Railroad Rec ana co some extent, public estimation at leastto ba imported to tho. business advertised. If not, why do advertisers so greatly prefer having the merits of their wares displayed in the columns of, lutions of regret iu the death of 5Diree jlhe- Monroe Eq nrer and re-fefnng to Congressional in titers -in the Sitth district saya: "We think it is duo to Uaion county, in the approaching convention, that she should have the nomination and that the banner of thp ord, we tiud the following: One of the tor E. J.tJillv.

will be DreuaiV.d. TI-a under motst important railroads now It Will Cost $100,000 and Have 400 Koojns. Work on a new $400,000 hotel in Asheville will begin next month The construction, is running from Bruns church papers? Is it not because theyi Greensboro Workman says that the extension of the road to a connection with the Norfolk aud Western beyond Mt. Airy is beiner ranidlv tnshed forward' Democratic party should be placed in1 A 1 1 wick, throngh Stillmore, ueueve inai me neonie nave contirtpncp. in the editors of such papers, and imagine Citizen interviewed Dr.

W. C. Brown- Swainsuoro, Uenmlle, -i aandersville, Sparta, Greensboro, Athens, Jefferson, Gainesville and on to Murphy, N. C. This will bs5Se-4i-ggest paying Light miles across 3 -rail or turnpike, and pea, and bear the I al the beach.

In the evening ti ain carries business mran, snuf. Ibave his appetite bract i jthe outside of an oyste a glass of beer. A de! sure, for any body, anc.i; for boys and girls and courting couples, as jmourners aloug the strr rekch of the last swellinr breaks and scatters show Wrightsvillo and cities by the Sea, withour turmoil of the ordina to tne nanus or uavid A Covingion. As a lawyer, he is regarded and known as the equal iu the district of his age. Aii farmer, he is by nd meaus iaexp rienccd, he was born and also the branch from Mt.

Airy to thf Granite Quarries, 130 convicts being now emnloved on these linos. TV-ik- mg, of Fh ladelph a. who is raakincr 'ojr ic a yuAsi is making endorsement of their advertisers? And arrangements to build the hotel. why will the shrewd businp I Shall return ill "nhnnt n. mrifl 1 nav minri fry onona in nnAkln rrrki'i nthn fnn rr wlion r-im lif al A.

1 he said, high-toned secular paper than he lirying of tho Facto ry Branch' reached Cedar Falls and will noon be comoleted to llamstuir. it traverses the richest and most nuj. AixiLueuiuitJiy uegin worK. to bnuar hftetm or ttrAnir will for, it in one of the od- skilled workmen from the North to have thicklyj populated section of the South. Mr.

L. Banks Holt is adding twenty posite characteristics And why a sort of general supervision of the again Go all men say tbafe it is wrong for a religious or temoeranco' four feet to the south end of his cotton tho terminus of this branch. The Directors of the North State Improvement Com pauy unanimously voted a subscription of S25.000 to th p.mihil work, and employ about 150 men her mi.i mis piace. lie win also buna a The hotel will contain betwapm nnrl paper to' advertise the liquor tramc Is it not because tbev feel that there is a tower up with the addition. Room will raised on the farm and as was his father Iu-fore him, 'largely interested in i.the farmiug interest in the county.

We are that this county will sup; port Mr. Covington with ony voles, and itshs does so with the same unanimity that she did lour years no. we believe he will receive the nomination, and that i will at last; receive the recognition which we have so long deserved, The Mocfcsville Times has each a good opinion of the editor of lie Sfcatesville Landmark r.nd the State CHaovirr.K 400 rooms, instead of 200, a3 heretofore was our plan. We own thirtv nr-mj rf stock of the Greensboro Iron andiStce! Company. be made tor about tnirty-tnree more sort of implieq sanction given to the business that' outadvertises i I laud near Biltmore, with the Swannanoa runuiug at the foot of the incline, and 3.

As such baxtner in and promo The Value of ludustries. Greensboro Workman. looms. Last week two1 hundred and eight spindles were added. This mill (the Oneida) will contain, when these additions sballf have been made, two hundred and thirty-six looms and four expect to -expend at least $400,000 ip ter of trie business ho advertise 'th lore completing the work.

We expect publisheB- becomes, in morals, to some I We learned while at Hisrh Point ves- 10 complete ouiiding by the first of terday that the pay roll to wasre-sarners extent Responsible for its effect on his readers. I He becomes pauticeps crimi- next January, and possibly by the first in the different factories of r.h town that hoi wantw the Democratic party to nis in the wrong which that- business uuuiiuaie jos r. uaidwell tor Governor ana'Joscphus Daniels for Lieuteuaat may bring to society. It is a maxim of human lkw that an accessory is eauallvi groups of homes -of we i who lay aside care aud breath of bid ocean kisses Wilmington, at the coiii! North, East and North w- 4 the Cape Fear, close its 1-. meet the boatmen way" and not have high waves lower down, i' terial, which tnakes the i jof the place tar, pitch, 2 turpentine, huckleberries an, rice straw, pumpkins ai -with the more kingly article.

All are brought here to 'ill i antl bank vaults' and to kr COLORED LAW SCHOOL. Governor in 1892. Commenting on this amounted to $70,000 per month. i ur ther than this we learned that a mortgage among the citizens of the place was a rare thing, and that nearly every person owned the premises he occupied. guilty with the principal in crime.

It thousand four hundred spindles. Alamance Gleaner; The railroad" bridge at Greenville has been completed, and the trains are now running regular schedule into Green- The grading of the road is nearly, if not quite completed between here and Green valle, and work will soon be commenced laying the track. Mr. H. 1 President A.

C. Line, expects luenenaerson (j old well and truly One Colored Man Graduated Friday is a maxm 01 dmne law that the temp-1 ter as readlv deserves ouni.trtfnftnt, tlm' Night The Exercises. says: "Better let them alone. While we can imagine nothing too good for them, tbe State press needs the services of Joe Caidwell and Joe Daniels worse one who yields to his temDtation. While Last year a Law Department was ad DURHAM DOTS.

it is a maxim of common sensn that th dad to the course pf instruction at Shaw method adopted for presenting the' temotatimn dnAS nnr Tin tVnx laoof flFof than the Executiveoffice. And bpfiidei A STIRRING ADDRESS ON THE University, and Prof. John S. Leary, to have the road completed and running LL. a well-known colored member nember COLORED QUESTION.

there is more honor in publishing a paper like the Landmark and State regular scheaule to ivinston by August the morafr act or iw Sr th niaiTwlTo takes stocW of the iayetteville bar, was I i mi -ivinston Dances at the University Court otess ChTvONIule than there is in being Gov juean oi me mis is The joint s-tock tobacco factory enter- the first commencement of this depart ernor even or tne great State of North Carolina. There islnot nuit a mnnh Sells the WipVofo anH whn' Personels, Durham, March 29. A large audi ment; and last night was a great time prise is maKing very sausiactory pro advertise i money in it though, but. who ever heard gress. Bids for more than $60,000 for the young colored disciples of tempt thjj giiiy and avaricious to throw! away mAnau onrl in ence of both white and colred people worth of stock have been received, aud now it is proposed to make the capital Blackstone.

They seemed to have given their days and nights to a study of the gathered in Stokes Hall last evening to unh. or a iar neel editor working for money An editor' cannot afford to be a can eambunef. 4Ti thom law. and to have mastered its mdi stock 100,000 or Iperhaps $200,000 hear the address of the Rev. A.

J. SlblC for kHa rpstnlt. nf unrh temntation mentary intricacies. Prof. Leary, who didate for office, and if one lets Ihe Sarrlft ia Ifrno ns tn the liauor Our people should give the enterprise all possible encouragement, as it will be Chambers.

He began by stating that aaa oeen at tne oar a number ot years. traffic. IA if. fnr a Intferv man "the bee begin to buzz in his bonnet," has evidently given them thorough a crreac inine: ior pur town ana win to sell a he had been much maligned by his people all over North Carolina. Hcket than it is for a news-j he usually loses influence and his paper man on a trot to "haul a lof I Water street, the hapr abode of the grocer and merchant, has its social featu Produce Exchange is where smoke, look at the boards, heels on the tables, tell yarns, make traces, swa and enjoy social life.

They set of fellows, and a new the crowd together, as the rived cargo of molasses 1 urchins to lick the 'long sw it effervesces through the a'r -hole of tho puncheon. It is ih I ever struck for a publlo I A full house on an occasion of i has n6rer been known. Ever. Farrar, of Virginia, who diliv Light and Shadows lecture, have more than half a hon served batter. treatment; fo- enjoyed a lecture more thorc tr first to last; and if Raleigh want benefit, every man in the towD.

paper, main. t.n jxiBbruuuon. Friday night a larce hrowd tempt and influence one' lcses its power. Ed. no tnen maae extracts irom nis inter The following townships have voted to bay it 1 A i peupio anenaea tne exercises some Ought a heavier "woe" to 'bar-tender," who ''puts the subscr ptions to build a 'railroad from fall on -W The Madison Leader has a long article views, which appeared in the Chicago Herald of January 20th, and proved bottled trl Haw 1 aver via Mebane to Danville, Va.

white friends among the number. There was only one graduate. E. A his neighbor moutn, tnan reviewing the political situation in the Thompson Township, Alamance county, will cornel to the person who. puts' liis son, of North The foil nwincr 1 Yanceyville Village, IsJthe neighbor' very, clearly the truth of his statements.

He read parts of the speeches of sena moutn to ine Doine 1 wacj iae iuji Vanceyville Township, S5, 000: Melville work of lottery man in New Orleans more hu; tors Butler and Ingalls on the negro Township, $15,000: thim making a total tfui to society than that of anpr'm'an in Atlanta, who Con -i the newsj or question, and commented on them. Programe. Music. Invocation, by Rev. A.

S. Davis Mnsic. vey3 the 1 baleful influence of the former's 1 Winston Twin-City Daily: Messrs. A. He said the negroes were sitting around gan C.

Vocrler Son have contracted with ibhng concern, stamped Witi y's espectability, into the THE LOTTII Fogle for the erection, at Oration "Obi jus ibi with their hands folded, waiting for their Northern friends to help them, but 100,000 1 and is fond of eloquence and 1. rum iisiutu ix, says mat, tne contest will be closely contested and that the best men ought to be chosen and adds "Rockingham is the pivotal county. Tho election will be decided by it. No other county in the district has a certain Democratic majority half as large as ours. Col.

Settle can carry it. He built up the majority even while his brother was a candidate for Governor on the Republican ticket and he Jean do it again.) Let-thp Democrats of the old Fifth nominate David Settle as their star.dard bearer, and he will lead them to victory. He will make one of the best once, of a large three story brick store Faulkner, Carolm ia. tV' nd does not his work accomplish 'iH pathos, irryite the Judge, and on Main street, Salem The size of the Oration "The Divine Origin if they expected to ever be anything, the must work ud bv themselves. He 'tely bre mischief than that; of hla i mefor all he lacks of giving building will be 37xG0 feet Law," Edward A.

Johnson, I A. cent naid elorious tributes to Robert E. Ta and enfynient. pity confederate If two thirds 1 XI 1 A 1 I The Modern Barn Company have put North Carolina. Music.

lose The comrion pf the C. and Henry W. Grady, and said that he no gamoie inrougn ine iouist ik Lort jary would never have eoml Address and Presentation of Diploma. road has given a new feewT purposea, ai some time in tne near future, to write a historv of the fall of the mecccd in va. new saw in tne basket factory, thereby doubling the capacity.

The Company's shipments to other States arefimcreasing.3,500 sticks went to South Dr. H. M. Tuooer. lit for seeing the advertisement fcerndn the newspapers, whoj of the con besides tl Short Addresses by Prof.

Jno. S. Leary, iemselves, are responsible for xuesaay. nign 'omt Jinter their comrj representatives the district has ever had." Codfederacy. Altogether, it was a very good address, and if the negroes would follow his advice, the race problem would 'very soon solve itself.

The University bovs are nreoarine' for peneing? And when thcEternal prise, The Dean of the Faculty and Visitors Present. Music. Benediction. Judge shal VUlUiJU IUWUB U(JUg IU fested with drummers in Saw mills are at work and on the pine trees receives Ten millions is a safe calcu entire receipts. Messrs.

Woe made it a labor of love to receirrts for the vear closin 1 smite the lottery men who sold these two-thirds of their vicj ine tiockingham Rocket says that Mr. m. a. Stewart has ordered the tickets, to tims, wha who influf dances on the nights of the fourteenth win oecome 01 me puDiisners sary macumery to start a canning fac and fifteenth of April. The class day ncea tnem to buy Does any- i Mr.

R. L. Leatherwood, of Bryson City, will run in the convention for the nomination as Solicitor. Mr. Leather-wood is a bright youug lawyer of this district, ahd will make a good run in Cherokee and Haywood for the liomrnation.

We feel satisfied Mr l- jit will have a capacity of 2,000 bwSy-doarJt that Gens 100, and without counting 11 l.ii. 1. "I si Lnply sell so much snace inmv and gymnastic exercises will take place on the fifteenth.1 Tn Snnerior to dav Oflrrin oanrora Express: P. Armstrong with wfiat he pleases. I 'exercise no imcu aU improved leg placer i Uhisenhall was convicted of abducting Elois'e Chisenhall.

her little sister, and iVx uiiiiuarnage, wnich sates the fer that space and assume no egg, pouitr, ooits, sningies, got a grand total of values of The water lines, leaving off receipts, went far in advance roads. With six railroads dented i we are allowed to count thr erwood will be nominated, and if he is nominated we vill gain the victory in I Max well 1 Chambers Day Debate at Davidson Coiitsp The; Stats Chronicle has received an invitation to the Senior speaking on Chambers Day, at Davidson College, Saturday April oth. The following is the program: Speaeess: Morning, 11 o'clock. M. P.

Hair, Napoleon in Egypt; A. W. i wa RpntP.nnpd to t.hfi nenitfinfiarv for ity as to tba matter and effect vuik vi one nana about a. saw mill ertisement." The Pittsboro Record I control ponsibi of his a'i 4Won spac thnuch i eleven years, and an appeal was taken. Will.

F.dwrards and Hoble Wfirft jNoyember. Air. 13, perhaps, the strongest young iawyer in Western North Carolina. Wavnesville Womack will estah ih r.anr,; an intelligent publisher sell convicted of larceny, at id sentenced to tory there with a capacity of 2,000 cans he publication of a libel, al- id for as an advertisement? tw allow him to shift the re4 tne work-hous tor nve ana two years. "Rath of tbpjiA niijsp.s have a crpat I Does he 1 ftDOnsibflitt yeven Springs to be Improved.

(Kinston Free Press.) Aft IT A -r of its publication to the A Iff Cheatham, I will Give and not Die; J. C. Dufour, Classic Culture; D. M. great deal of excitement here.

shculder.s t)f the wnterr nen arraigned road we have as many as 2 City; and when the city stretcl across to the beach we will int ality, as well as in name, 1 Sea. There are forty to fifty 'm. all creeds and color, and the ift Methodist be the handsoi 10 completed! 8t. Andrew's Pjcl Courier. Mr.

Osborne, our State Solictor, is certainly ono of the best lawyers that has ever filled the' bar. His fine legal talent, his quick perception, his power of sifting evidence, his excellent judgment, combined with his power of ridi cule, make him the right man in the fiorhf rlnfA Tli ft district Mnnnt fin of justice for libel, would his' i 1 1 Personals. y- a. iiryan, of New Bsrne was Cay Jast week. He had just surrcuaereu coniroi 01 mai irik court plea that 1 spae to ti cepted? Mr.

J. A. Hobsrood. of your city, is pringi, where he ie writer of the libel 1 be ac- bis hotel property with us to-day. Mr.

J. S. returned from Raleigh i And VA to-day, where he has been attending a is model of architectural and its floor area, larger than shocked moral sense ohthe nity that better, in our judgment, than to re-elect, Dallas Eagle. meeting of the stockholders of tho Atlantic Hotel. his witn opera 3 wouiu.

greauv, Frierson, The Siege of J. A. Matheson, Gordon in Soudan, P. McPherson, Joan of Arc; J. M.

Pharr, Fanaticism; H. W. Smith. The Shakes perean Drama; C. N.

Wharton, The Burning. of Rome. Evening, 8 o'clock; Chas. Brenizer, Tho Fall of Feudalism; B. C.

Jefferson Davis; R. J. Cochran, Henry W. Grady; S. H.

Edmund the Fall of Constantinople; Glasgow. The Evils of Cntralizaf ion; JF. ifollinga-worth; Ths Growth of.Ileligion ia Artf fcTy-B. Johnston, In the Wake of 3dil- dAmaft thE. An4nfa11tr nrnnM nrvt wnlbi De grery lmPoved' Work "bui ldfaJ inaf days.

The 7erhauled, the rooms Pavilllona Xactive bv8.pring8 th.8nndff.mado etc in fSl? summe? houses, seats, resort will be' made ranged in circular nnl rows, Mr. R. E. Lyon went over to Oxford the publisrt--- oon jcro the above the- A this morning. Thft manv frifinds nf Fritz rjhppk.

of or comfort 13 net Well I've blast fromir h- wry lion, H13 COnSClCCC! And the Usher The Lenoir Topic says that on Tuesday of last week, when the boar, adjourned for dinner, Maj, W. A. Graham addressed a large crowd in the 'Courthouse on some of the economic qu estions ft thn daw fn wrfdph' nfnn! ar tTinrH in- i Oxford, had the pleasure of shaking his hand last evening. of a yc fir cW Thry wayftnd thoroughly SSfcS8 lk? will bewellgfnry i i tc ruiuus I hair mattrAappa tor A ft. I HPhrao atxr trVa fvi IflctiWM Trill Z) terested.

Maj. Graham a candidate 11 a ll I ton oaun; x. xj. vinecoic, j. iloman Sentinel, The Uzzz 3 U23 he reflection of their shortly be built at Moores villa, JTorth rates to Sa- lawyers attending cnarms, etc.

preme Court gross. mir- to AfeuJ jflly 1.

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