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The Daily Evening Express from Lancaster, Pennsylvania • 2

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fed css. s'ri'k'i setvs tv nri'i I'UHAIMI i hi eqnunliniiv ot temper. So highly 1 Ltt 1 A 11 A 1 11 tU clmra'teriutle let eloped in the mult, that FKOM TIIK '4MT OF OI.OUOI4. Piui.ADLi.ruH, April 2, Tliufullowingex. traet front letter reeel fed lit this city, give some Intmrtlng particular of the capture of the rebel Imttetle on Skhluway Island sura Kiom Kii ami Si mikui uranw siaiiiil, Afar- Ii VJ, RU, To-day at half part 12 signal wit made for the squadron In Warsaw Inlet to gel under way and follow the Seminole, We proceeded it'bU ituiy called him to administer Union pill" to a reliuetoty trial, he would do it with a smile so sen-ne that it very sweenies Would prod uea fermentation" on the rebel guilty conscience.

Fr kpoi rei The light lingered gentry from abroad who visited our eity yesterday, lured rather poorly. The oilteei in this city hud been early mlvid of tlm advent of a largo corps of piektna kats, and at oiiro proceeded to hem. Four the iiumlH-r who weto spot tiiei J.ANC.VN t'UlljJlTY. 1.: wkuskhimv kvkmmu. 4iiiii, i.

ini. ilfiul, tiny lit lli vo Ju mlrttcli m. The galvanism of momy tun ghp only life. The nBy revivu tint h-nt I'Ut early tlemU incvluldn, No other reatton tlma tlnhO vtere given hy the friemlu the Killnlmro' hool, While puzzling onrst-Gi-s to fiml m-hio lu-rn remunt are jtouat, a gt-itUetimn front Harrisburg lievtul tm from further liiflk'Ulty. lie MutrJ that eerlula tufiuitr of the lu-gUlature seem to have tome to 11-trrUhurg only for the purpose of getting nil npproprluilnn for the IMinboro' school, iiii-I that from tin' ijM'ubig of the Session, they Im Vc been h'j'jit boring, and bargaining to that tml If this he true, la time like these, It 1 nu.nt illsgiaei ful.

All tlio memher front thl eounty lmve aete-l lit toiiimc that their totmiituent 111 uppluu.l. 1hey wete tit flirt Milling that the Miliersville several being killed mt a titiiiilte taken ptis-iiiu-n, A huge iiiiumnt of rjaiil er captur-eel, haling 150 horse, coitnnlr try ami quurUrmuster stores, cte. Our 1 Min one killed front an evplosiott In a burning tent. The rebel folio numbered Tail Infantry and between and M() euvalry Union city an finjHirttuit railroad tenter In Teimtfaee, about thirty mile mutheurt of Island No, 10, and If thl port ran ho held by a Millieh ut fn the retreat of the rebel by land will be coin, ph tely cut off. A Fortress Monroe correspondent, (leaking of the new rcla I buttery at Sewull' Foltit, ahj Till battery cover the etitlie route cur steamer to Newport News, and you cun expect to hear of an ailui on llo-se boat lilt great fleet, if not ta.d l- of a large number of live.

The erection of this buttery, under the gun of the fort ami gunboats, lm been well known to every one liere, but the otllecr of the tty prole to las able to shell tho re-hels out in half uu hour at any lime." MOW ADVEHTIxICMHNT. Frcm-h P-xfu mery, at J. F. Long Sons. Cloak, paletots 1,4 Moitiiit fur Lsrtiri, Tin Cured by Brsadn-th's WI.

Mtll-r's lloii l-l ulimi Hull, A Gissl Ttituf to Djs with, A House for mil. IF For farther prtl4tM sw uim ttsamsnU in line of battle up tin Wilmington river very 1 pnested eutly lu llnl day were demt lud to slowly not knowing the channel well Cap- Philadelphia on the l-tun Aster train, fifteen tain (idle Icing on board the Norwich, other were tumlfi; k.d t'P nutil the it emng train eastward, wlun tie) wiientso which drew Ilia least waiter, until nnltiil their in the cni. Tim only within a mile of the bain ty, when the Nor-, depredation lommitled wa tbat ulccd yc- tth hllredn rhlcd shell hi among a party of i lerday. It wa very foitiuiate forourciiien horsnnett ne.r It. Tin.

sound seemed to stag- Ilf i i the poliee; It wa diMovereil that one, lore- ger llietit, for the Imtsemeu cut vet led id ml paUj, jj. (euder of gang of expert, win on coiifitslott and fled, die ground, billy prepared lor tlm most evteit- Proeeeding up a little further, the Norwich she oticiailoti. The gattg, lmwevfr, wa let the rebel have another shell, lu an i u. amp- wiHy hioleit hi. and the hole party ariesled i I.

i ii i. One sound ol the sbnrpel seeing that they ment that wa near tho battery, when the hole i MlU hll, Jj spirit and party lied, leaving I he battery and die whole If h.lrcw In tlm Lmoinotite Woik to solace plan dcM-iicd. Hiving them several more ihetiiselve over tlm defeat. Ufllccr linker tsf Ditofsij auk C'l io.n nv JSu.ts niik ru' Tii.mi Tin form ul ip.iuBr.t U. hstvet Hern threwtiig oat a xrrtOrf Aantir af nal4 th the sk.arl.ouie take up, DU AMUiM'IC l'IU.

eoiivi-r, If were, to the manta rtramii-i, niualBi tbetr aLsorhsulB tu no. tiun. ml, la ef swilling tif cteno-titH, knitnif tlm ofthm fcICN ATOIt UM.IKM.t of llerkliaer, a rnt salli-iwr fam id artH ttoe ef bh.ib lkn A jfer' Uurslinn. tie Unritt-J au luaterial hrli from til tireerl.Uon who Ia fait Mm to UAihuti.4 that hi ene wi kopele, lly AifrnUy Iha flmate, the Hiii.HU.- of UftAMlk. I I ll.lJt sir miln-e.

lie Ugsa their use at eace, with moan hope, far lie rimi.r.lisa.ti 4 the prlii'ite of rare. te H-re o4 mill thsai fur three lunnthe, tkta( aln-a a ttieay ae littira a Uy, hat tUay Rinkiny a rule to teke to jiutr In the meat ean-iunt limanrr tw ur A week. Thle ANOt MAg fi ty A pi-ifeet reatornttoh la health shli lt hue eoaUr.ued to title time, laid hy CIIAi. A. liKlMTXII, 11 aod rt st ll, I6J tveet Ua.tor, And by ell teeHMlnbl in mediatuee.

Mpl-tiielkw "'Khtuldisliml over a (tiiirier of a cenlurv, I VkAlblSr; Ill Away ne iiaiiaiuinl S)itii of tt Hd fherrir, ne iaiiiiniu rup of Vt ini I la ri) Normal Sir liools'tn Just l.sgislat Inn, There arc tvvg Normal School la tlm Piute cf Penns) Ivaa.u hit It liuvo Im i t( jim, (Jui tiny ha-1 other la School hlioiihl postpone it rightful claim tijHin the State f.r the pre-cut they lotto not recognized as State School, one locuteil nt tcrest to cure for lwhle the Noinml School E-liuLoro', In Trio county, ami the other, our i 0 ((f theiti earnestly objected to the great wa npptised of their wlieieidnit ami lit onee made a descent upon them and lodged them In the 1-nkup: one of tho patty only, making Id ceiue, and it tta thought 1m wa the purse-bearer. Mr, Cut lilt, ft deteelltc front Fh'dadi I-1 ouirt, coj', I mat phi. tta lit town, mid rendered valuable aid to oe.r police In their elhai to hair the piolVa-sioitah, ii a no ethh n. could bo adduced against dm partie nttesicd, llo-y wrto held until the for doutg Imd passed, niter tt lm lit lay were put oil dm train lor Philadelphia, with llieiutthe never In re sweyiiee Aw ay lie' I inn 1 lie 1 lie Hie onip, one lie, Colile, loop, I uiirl.s, old, loop, IIIimkI spiilinj-, lliutsl Spllltlilt, I ta ll.e I'l I I Coiisiaup'ioa, All Al'i'i'liuiie AUei-iione dose, right lit tho earthwork, tvt leared them out entirely, and then manned tho land, went on shore and tool; formal possession. Captain tiille planted the old dm highest rain- purt himself, mnl Acting Master Steel ran up tt ith a hot guo id of or 10 men, and planted tho old gtidirop, the glorhii's Stats mid Stripe, oil the bel liemhplarters, maid salto of musketry, at the same time carrying otf the miserable, tvorit-oiil Secession disli-elolh that Wa h) lug lu re.

visit our city, li.u of the gang Was sllpjdii-il 1 m.lrr Into tits niiiiMiliiino( ii A inn I Tlm rebel left little behind them worth tt ith two coat of dith-rent color, and nrf ilttpliculo hat 1 ouimhiiiiI Siiup ol Wild I lieriy. pound Sj rup of Wild 1 1, err) llriue-ly far I. rest Itemedy for hiaiirtly lor An'liin. IHoiii'IiIIU, Antlilne, A.ilnne, Sore 1, Nee 'I taunt, llanlaunri-, tanry hid at, iiiisiiinpttoii, r'oiisuiiipttun, uii.iime'lan. I onaumplion, I, ol 'I liru.

I n-t ttrenst, of Thrust, Ijiim end isrn.t. I II 1 1, I'OlsnN hating, but I heir cliiimi which weru slill i in IIHI' I' II. nun uu i -r i I itiur I 'lulikly relletnl, Il lisa id I nn.iiii.T.. one lor til. Ill I 1 Inruraldc tlm imui.I II lul iditsl- ownsilmul, at MilWtrilh.

The Millervilli' Si kind wa recognized a a Slate School la December, ldy.i, andtthe Ldiuboro School In January, lfll. Fateh tif there school rrertved an fmm the Stale in of $000.00 atid we Kant from Harrisburg that the present Legislature ha jtisl pitted an net git tug uimtbtr JVuO DO to the laud at Ihiitt-boro, ami refultig saytU.n; to the i lmol at Jlillerst Thl aetlon seem so retttarkuhly strange to ti, and so maulfestiy unjut, that wc could to at Crt believe It; but we bate found the It uth to be a stated. considering If our legislator had said tlu! Injustice licit lm been done to an Institution that Is an honor to the comity and to the State. We are Indeed deeply sorry that the fth-iid of the lidinlmro Si lend have jair-tti sta a course. They hate tecelved certain kindm -es from those coiunvted with the Milletsville Si hcxd that llu hate token a poor way pay.

llul what i none tiny hate stuck a Mow at the Normal State from which it may system, huuiony of tioit to It mures. Il each school organized umh rtlu but Intend to ptirue It own sflfidt course, get. ting all it tan br It If and caring nothing st-nm 1st this in ti tecoter. A 4 tUmsrkuMr Morlsllir. A omh nt front Darby relate a nmt rettmikable and ills'iesslng ease of inortahly.

There was a f.ituily siding tu nr Darby tt hit li of two brothel and threu sister, nil unmnriicd and living together; the youngest of the f.itni'y wa seventy -Itt yea: old. A f-W ttiihs a the Votltigt sister took si i 1 died; ii lew ilav litter tliUt one ol the brother ifli d. Fth ri imiinlng sister were tin siil. ami lit the same bi ll one soon died, mnl lmr dead body wa lying by the side of the only surviving sister, more than an hour before she wa discovered to bo dead. The iy follow ing the funeral of the reeond sister, the tldtd also died.

When! uu. .,,,..1 ooking over woml lire. Capt. Gille then ordered that tlm whole work should ho le. the gn at pecuniary sacrifice which the tommy their business, and if lin had not been headed oir, would im doubt have nude great havoc on 1 stroyed, a we tlid liot wish to hold it, having tie pi-ck'-ts of tho iinmlcd men on the blrect.

the member ot the lumlly were fust nlll.cted, I ojjiur Uj Tim battcrica were then Too miult credit cannot be uvvnrded to the cousin, also a maiden lady, went to tln-ir fl u(, Hih) city for tbe n.tlte vlgibinee ol.served iissUtutu-e, 1 ut Hum taken with the same i( on luH'iS the mithir day. Ami it is especially and went home Ih-r took her i 'lTy Mm olllccr Iluker, tlmt he receive tl.e thanks Fort is now among the thing that were. of the entire communiiy, lor the kumnuiry mniiner ill which be dealt with the ra-aals. place, and In a lew tint became victim to The relal bouse and private property wen t-tliet, there can never lm cither un'm-d must nmke to put duwu the rda llion that lmjHrr, or poiHj fl tlmm, and our threatened to overthrow the National Got era. Normal Si hnul system will jrote a fail- ment, all appropriations, imt al olut ly nece.

Vt. Ii pud f. el sure that Wary to kirp lu motion the wheel of govern-1 thtl cf wur Legislature have leen ment, must lc refused; and, fa p.o.iMev fr mia-ttre hi. their better judgment will condemn. Mm pulii-y, hod Irtoltd nit imjorU tilj vt would for the jMH'kcl, All in them wire kkilted lHiriin, lii.wri A.ilimt.

lusjintiuu, NiuM AhciiI, latrr, fcr, 'I I.U rrmnly is tl.e tr.iill of rsM-rleurc and dltcn.lll.-d ersciirc.if iimny )rsr. and none lm crr ul.lnlmsi a lilrh. nr inur il. M-ncd rrinitHtiim. w.mdi-rlnl rurra ht Iskca iilsrc, alter tlm luntin lime Us-ii n-ry tam Ii dlsutiUrnl.

lilt A I.TH IIK Mill HEALTH unt: at I'tiui tim; im. SWA VSK uiriuu. aniitar roit roNTieTi, i.iv, FOR IINSTII'A I ION. LIM.Il tuMI LAINT. O'l IT.

A I NT, fall IIKAIIVCIIK, kk-MALH IUMIT.AI.NTS, lull HKAIIAUIK. Nit IMU srnn tu Rite curb unln-rrsl stMurllon. Hlianesa of Vlnl.m, I'sUy, Fit, Fevers. Sh l.lvrr uuiplnlnl, Lu of Ai-liic, liillmti are cured. Feiunlc IrreRuInrltiei arc tc.iur.-d lu a henlth) conddlun.

IH. tf AVNE VKItMIFft.i:. A ure Worm an rsecllenl Omld Ruud for or slrkly children to the In, The slsivc I. prcmrl only ty lr. 8VVAVNK SON.

No. 4 l.lRl.lh street (formerly Aetrulh Mrret), the malady; la-fore she died, her mother, a lady of year old who had gone to her as-si-tuiiee, wu also tak -n shk. Thu sun of this humanely spared, but were afterward tie-1 l1' pjekpocket admitti that Ilaker, though a iH-ilcd gi uthinan, was entirely di sliarii Atroycd by the H-l soldicrj. fi.r them mid siilcd tlu ir ocniiious before Tho work on Skidawny were very well they had time to begin, aged and ullla ted mother, a physu tan in Darby, i(lI flU(,,m.(, nl, tlwy omld lute given us some trouble, to the lioue ol deuth with him. lbs wile and mother both died and were buried ami Ju-t I evident die Fort 1 loyal fight Is siill ut this moment, while writing, die ubovc wutd ringing in their car, or ele tlu-y would not he ha come that he too lm.

paid tho tribute ol Such an ignominous flight every time self-sacriflc-ing ntfectinn, und lu death rest I Comution ok Li kit. oiiku: One of our Nashville correspondent, hi letter published clsew lu re to-day, gives the gratifying Intelli-genec that Lieiii. OImt is nut only convalescing, hut that lie 1 ummig friends who will give him even' Attention In their power. Hot FeJi-ral desire mr Hilersvllh- fib mi m-t to he dieourngeJ. The same energy that lm made sihiMtl what it 1, will secure the future of the people, if not Justice from the Lstki i-Ii.

i.m ku grow very indignant an alleged fraud committed by certain in attributing abolition" sentiments Sprague, of which that gentleman is to he neither die author imr endorser. know anything about the merits of part it uhtr matter, but of tutu tiling we certain that no greater fraud can have penetrated upon the gallant patriot of Island than that of which the Int. Vi- I i Ti-i suia ty cmari.f a. hkinitsh, kauffman has la-ell removed In llm Ih.miiljd Pol Lsncs.lcr A. lUm-oaC Wiilicltcld Malby ci it ii i 1 I 1 Coiumldai AamsW Hryd, FlrHdd Mrnlrrr i The success of the achievement is great, and Ihunbright regiment, of wldcli id friend ami iiuiiaadi II.

livirmun. Mnicr.iiiici a. ft n-arc, O. llnirl, ciurryville J. C.

see a gunboat. Skhluway, well ns the channel or die Wil- ll ighbor John 11. lumbcrhn, Is steward, whom know rrrr IF, Cum, Kplirala; S. dtnNrr Tevtar, AnUvillr they Li family. Tim in seven weeks, eight jicrsoii, members of the same family, have or- la I (npl-lydaw and all the iirlneljuU Storrt la Countlr.

4r Vi, llitlahrldi; tutor and adjacrul -I-, ii tut.i,, rTil.i,.-i ti wc to be omt ol the most ctllck-ni m.ngton river, this side ofT, i now wf lbe ull fl hi the army; and this wc say on the concurrent testimony of all who have witnessed die faithful and capable manner la which he lias dis- cd, the squadron, or' the Bc tninole, hl 1 flmt hospital hi the regiment wa established yinIoo or-Rli, Mcnii.s-a lack to its l'ittshurg until tlu ir arrival at Nasi. ville. he-1 In atsaw bound. A also have an intending letter from our Wc have a rebel prisoner ot i they are in a hud i Frown 1ms stoppci uie UL-niimg oi wins- 1 ri ln 8 11 1 1 1 key, as they want the gram for bread, wlueli II0 ts in die IIopitul about a quarter of a mile will be entirely out in July. i from our camp.

I found him in an improving condition. Yesterday morning be was very Fort ruluski has not yet surrendered, hut i ii i i T-. 11. It (Which Wl died victims of the same unknow disease. The live old brothers and sister living in tho same house, were in some resicct very peculiar.

For the last thirty years none of the family passed a night I rota home. One of die bistiTs andabrothtr had not i-h, ken to each was guilty in rrprescndng 1dm as a other for twenty years, they having had a of the Sanderson School ami then foolish quarrel ab-tii um, chickens ami sad-refusing to publish the Governor's patriotic no-party letter, which would have sit die base forever at rest in the mind of those hy the InU Wyawr' ndsrepiesentations. have not seen the extracts alluded to, and do not know whether they are or not but wc Lave seen the senti dcily death ramo upon them without notice and carried them into eternity, to appear fore the righteous Judge, with the petty hate still rankling in tiieir muls. The brothers also Lad quarreled and bad imt exchang'd words with eat other lor twelve years until II Alt. VI 11 EN 11.

not utter one ord of complaint. We know, Indeed, that our Normal S. hool crippled by a large debt but tlpe-e ho manage It alfulrs are patriots, and would submit without a murmur. Hut when the legislature can be made to grunt, by what Influence we know not, a large sum of money to an institution that ha scarce ly ln en organized year, luii done no. thing for the State, and wlrat is orst, has not shown that it can do anything; and to withhold, at the same time, all supiort from another Institution older and similar in kind, and hich is acknowledged on all hand to have accomplished a good work for popular education, we must denounce such partial legislation ns most unjust and ungenerous.

Let us compare the two institutions with regard to their claims upon tl.e State In length of time organized. The Millers-ville School was organized in ls'dl but liad virtually been doing the same work for die four preceding years. The first appropriation granted the school was in 1S01. The Edin-boro school was organized In lkil, and itn-mediately sent persons to Harrisburg to ak for an appropriation. In amount of service to the Stnte.

The Mil-Icrsville school has educated a large number of teachers. At lea-t one thousand persons now teaching our Common Schools have been atudents ot this school. Its graduates are occupying prominent positions in Grammar and High Schools. Teachers from this school are found in nearly every county in the Commonwealth. Their influence is felt everywhere.

The Edinhoro school lias educated but a very few teachers, and these are confined almost wholly to the county of Eric. In conformity to the provisions of the law. The 3Iillersville school has in every respect complied with the Normal School law. Its buildings, We the supjMirt State. ITik over papers to Gov.

said that ore been Hhodc tjrnrtr partisan calumny misled We therefore genuine ments own thrice, honesty This to-day 1 diode again letter, persists a sense his a couple its furniture and apparatus, its tliin no tuorc anplwusant and uusafe ftlntlcinea. For nni-li-nnunt and drnr'-ri dl-cnwii, iimi 8 k.XTHALT UCUIU, Which hat) dwIimI Hi cnilorcm-rt o( tha trnont pro-mlncal physician tn tin- Watted Mates, sad Is nu o(-ft-rrd to Mtflictrd Immunity, as a crrtala cur ir the fuliowinx discsscs ami symptoms, rosultln (rum die- essra nnd abuse of the Irlssry or Sexual OrRsns. Oracrnl debility, kl'-nlsl and Ihyslc-J tx prouilea. Imbecility, Dctcrmlantl.m o( Aloud to the Hcnd, Confnsi-il Ideas, Hysteria, t.cnrr.xl Irritability, Restlessness nnd Sleeplessness at Night. Absence of Musculnr k.ltlcieary, Dyspepsia, Kumclat ion, ptn.rly and his cum was considered cry eriti-! Apietite.

Low SplHt, cal. I consider now out of danger lie 'WAU0 lm ronitoi table quarters ami every attendance And. la fact, all the concomitants of a Nervous ttn-J which the place aflord. lie is weak but in l'h'stvd s'Meof the system. I.F.TTKK FROM must do so before long, us the batteries Intended for its bombardment arc nearly completed.

of Governor written over his sign manucl, and we published tlu-m calling upon the btlSdijsntsr to show its and bvc of truth by doing likewise. it has not done, and that paper stands ns the vilest cahiniinntor of the great Island pntriot and true democrat. We ask the editor to publish Gov. Sprague's or brand if as a fraud if he dare If lie in the refusal of so reasonable and request, the public will lie justified in inferring that Mayor Sanderson is as destitute of a of pt rsonul justice and love of truth ns paper lias long been of political honesty. Parson Buov.

slow We publish to-day of speeches delivered in Cincinnati by distinguished patriot of East Tennessee, courses of study, and its faculty, are such ns No one will fail to rend them. By the way, the law requires. If this were now true of the we notice that the sham-democrats of the Yal-Edinhoro school, it would not be asking die landighain school, in the Ohio Legislature, naiAL or the Asm J-tiissi Nsshrllle, Utli, lsoJ. Doubtless ere this, the speech of (iovernor Johnston been teh graphed and published in die North, uml read by thon-ands of loyal men. Touppleciuteilyou should have heard It mu Him Iiuu-m i-u jcunon-i-iucius, uu-i I- n-iniftv ever usi-d Yes 8 DoaltlTecarc for diseases the mere reading of it will give voti no idea hat all the rebel Torres in the 3 est are order- nion army now guarding certain forlihcu- Nature.

1 'i Contains no Mim-rnl, bo IUlssm, no Mercury. (inly ten Dills to be taken to rltcct a cure. They are entirely veRi-tnblo, karlnR so smell nor say i unpleasant l-iste. and will not In any way Injure Ike ilnmiK-h or bowels of the must delicate, i Cures in from two lo four days, nnd recent cases in twenty-lour hours. 1repared by graduate of tbe University of I'ennsylvnaia, one or tbe most eminent Doctors nud thrmtsta of the present day.

VTe asoure the public, upon rood fit Lt and positive groan-ls, that esc package of tbe SAMARITAN'S GIFT Will cure any case In from two tn four days. No exposure, no trouble, no rhaiiRe whatever. These are facts demonstrated every day and shown la the great demand this remedy has attained, that It now takes the (treater part of the manufacturers' time to keep a supply. Let those who have despaired of ycttim- cured, or who ham been gorged with Balsam bopavla or Mercury, nt once try the SAMARITAN'S GIFT. Price Mule imckaces, Female pack secs, ft.

I. Sent by mad Inn plain envelope by DES.MONDA. Proprietors, Hox 161, Phil Post-Ollice. Sold by CHAKLKS A. HK1.NTISH, No.

13, E-AST LANCASTER. Sold by J. H. EATON, 25 South PhU. mar3-lyd EsPThe Siager Sewing Machines Great Reduction in Prices! SlNOCHS ARB THE BEST II ANCKACTITHISQ AND Family Machines in the Instructions free of charge send for A copy Sirrgcr fc Co.s Gniette.

Mr. J. K. SMALING, Local Agent, Lancaster, Branch House of M. SINGER jc5 Ikwly 610 Philadelphia.

C2T Those exposed to BHious attacks caused by miasma, as well as those already Buttering from them, and particularly those convalescent, should at once have recourse to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial nnd Blood Houovntor. It is a pure healthy tonic Cordial, and will nt once be felt In all parts of the system, exhilarating and permanently building It up, Gen-1 IIxktino: The B.iftnian Journal, of Clearfield, says: Hutting was brought toil stand about the middle of last week on account of low water, tlie weather having set in cold enough to prevent the snow from inching sulli-cientto keep up the streams. Several inches of snow fell on Friday, which melted a great deal, hut there is still enough lying in the woods bitterly attacked and voted against a resolution to invite Mr. Brownlow to address die Legislature.

This i jut what might have been expected of these secret sympathizers with treason, who always have ten words of denunciation to utter against tluir political opponents for every one against the traitors in arms more jubilation for a party victory than for the capture of a rebel fort or the route of a rebel army. Their custom heretofore has bcecn to cover up their sympathies for the re hellion by a pretended fear for Slavery, und by charging that every earnest man in the war is an abolitionist; hut now they throw off disguise, and freely display their malignity toward a Southern man, because lie took his life in his hand and resisted Sccesssion and rebellion in Ins own State a man who has devoted life, property nnd family to the nion, and who has suffered indescribable persecutions from the Secessionists for his loyalty. Need there he any doubt on which side such partisans stand, at heart, in this war? to make a good rafting flood the weather lie- sn! thus not only cure, but render the constitution iii-ing favorable. On Tuesday morning the is ioi xzii i uuir i vulnerable to the further progress of disesse, as well as prevent those uew developments to ln a which, weukenetl condition, we are so liable. See advertisement In another column.

fcb2mdkw ground was frozen hard, and continued quite cold during tlie day. their enthusiasm. And as the Governor pictured his sufferings fi-r the glorious which lie was engaged, soul and manner in which his family were per-eruted Pope and a few other United States officers the huir-laedth scapes of those most dear to bv the rebels, and defining tbe position of Gen. him it was enough to make those who were Buell's forces. really Union in feelintr, curse the day und gen-1 eratioa that gave birth to the vile serpents who LOCAL INTELLIGENCES, lead tl ie column of Recession.

To-day I had tl.e pleasute of an introduction 1 Cowit.imf.ntbtoGex. Nkoi.kys Buiuadk to his l.xcclhncy. His manners are exceed-j The Nashville correspondent of the Louisville ingly plain; and so easy does he make you feel in his i-tesenee, that strange is need feel under no restraint to introduce themselves to this distinguished Ameiiean citizen. On Sunday last, in company with some fellow officers, I jtaid visit to the Hospital of the 7'Jtli Begiimait, to see your correspondent Ben, wlio is in charge of his friends, ol Ilambriglits Hegiment. 1 am glad to say that everything is done for him that can be done to make him feel comfortable, lie is attended by the best physicians, and the best nurse that we can get and 1 have no doubt when he recovers, which I am satisfied will he very i shortly', lie will give die 7Hth credit for doing all in their power that cun lie done to make him comfortable, and paying every attention to his wants.

The building used by us for a Hospital, was once tlie residence of Judge Humphrey, a notorious Secessionist, und Supreme Judge of this district; und who lu made himself notorious by ordering the execution of two Union bridge burners. His library, tbe only furniture that was left in the house at the time of its evacuation, 1ms been disposed of by the boys of die different regiments, and what was formerly a magnificent law library, 1ms been reduced to a very few' books. Our Brigade 1ms been detached from Gen. eral McCooks division, and we are now an independent Brigade, nnd tbe opinion has been expressed tlmt we are to stay here, us Provost Guard. The 7-Slh Pennsylvania and oSth Indiana have been ordered forward, und that looks very much as though should he scattered.

General Buell and body guard left Nashville to-day. We may, therefore, expect work for the boys before long. To-day' a squad of prisoners were taking the fresh air. A more miserable looking set of men I have never seen than they were. They looked as though they hail been starved into disease.

And it lias been well said by the citizens here that their troops did not look as rugged as ours a truth that is easily established by comparing tbe two classes of men. For tbe last two weeks we have received but two copies of the Expnss tbe cause of this failure we can not imagine. Eveiy day our Postmaster promises us a mail, but as often are we doomed to disappointment. 'When they do come we shall have reading matter enough for the next month. The health of the regiment is improving every' day.

No deaths have occurred in camp for some time past. The weather here is pleasant. Having visited Nashville to-day on regimental business, a decided change for the better was noticed in the city. Like Phoenix, it has risen from its ashes and once more shows signs of new life and prosperity. New business houses ate constantly opening here.

The women are showing themselves to the Y'ankees and occasionally do not hesitate to turn up their noses at Uncle Sam's boys or its they call us aukees and abolitionists, ii. from the manner in which he has curried out the general order of General Buell to respect tlie rights of private property, nnd lienee bis popularity with the people of this vicinity. A gentleman named Johnston told me tlmt eral Negleys brigade imd encamped for a week near bis house, and when lie lett no signs of the eneampment married lbe beauty of his farm. The General is not predisposed to remain in statu quo but it is not improbable that the wishes of the citizens and not his own desires will be acceded to. Ladies who makes mouths and cast vituperation from their pretty lips will have to learn to behave themselves or keep in doors.

The General is not such a ladies man as to stand all the insults which the sidewalk near the postoflicc, two splendidly diecsed l-ulies followed bv a dirtv slnvenlv (lltssui lames, lolloweu oyauiny blovcnij, and black negro wench, approached him. As they passed him they put their hankcrchiefs to their noses and gracefully drew their skirts fair re- bels cast upon our men. These insults are of vat ious styles, and one which appeals to have been very studied is said to have been offered to Gen. T. L.

Crittenden. The story is told that as Crittenden was standing on tlie command at Nashville, have sent a guard after the ladies, who would have had orders to follow them home, allow them to enter it, and then stand guard at the door, pei milting no egress until the ladies promised to behave themselves, lie has just such quiet aiul summary ways of proceeding in such cases. The ladies give a great deal of trouble here. One old gentleman begged his daughters to leave town, and insisted there was danger when our troops took possession, but tbe ladies have not been induced to depart. This correspondent has a just estimate of Geu.

Negleys character. He is just the man to manage such shesussionists as find pleasure in iusulting civil patriots in uniform and he will do it too in a style which will make tlie rebel xantippes feel ashamed of themselves until they have sincerely repented of their folly. Although the General is one of the best-natured men the world, with as kind a heart as ever beat, he is as firm as a rock, und never Legislature for $.,000 to compb te its necessary appliances," its buildings, furniture, np- paratus, especially since this was the very purpose for which tbe $5,000 was asked a year ago. This course of conduct is calculated to excite the suspicion that the Edinhoro school is not now and never was fairly entitled to he recognized ns a State Normal School. Some authority ought to investigate the matter.

We have read the debate in the House in order to find any reason for such unjust discrimination. It appears that 31 r. Armstrong, and perhaps others, considered that $fl 00.00 to pay interest ou debt given to one school was an equivalent for ,000 given to the other to make it efficient. But it was forgotten that the $21,000 of debt at the Millersvillo school was incurred in procuring those appliances so much need at Edinhoro. The authorities of the Millers vide school contracted the debt under the apprehenwn, mistaken it seem that the law required them to he had before the recognition of the school.

TLe authorities of the Edinhoro school could mortgage its property and borrow money now to procure them. They live in a aukee country, however, and are using their wits to sonic purpose in obtaining the money from the State. IIow they could delude intelligent men with such an argument is the mystery. Another position taken was that the Millers-ville school is in a prosperous condition, and therefore docs not need an appropriation. This is true as regards prosperity, anil we are proud of it but we are well advised in saying that these schools, however prosperous, working according to the provisions of the present Normal School law, can never be self-supporting.

This fact was stated to the members of the Legislature. On the other hand, with respect to the Edinhoro school, Mr. Vincent, speaking of course by authority, since he comes from the county of Erie, said, It is lying a dead expendituic, utterly worthless to the surrounding community, who might be henefitted by it, if it were put in an efficient working condition. Which is the most deserving, a school from which, according to the same gentleman, the community are already receiving ail the benefits they can receive, or one which incapacity, had management, want of energy, or some other reason, has rendered utterly worthless If our wise legislators expect Woods Hair Restorative: We have never known any other medicine win as targe a share ut public conlidence In so short a time as this has done It has not been more than a y-ar since we first heard of it, and it now stands at the head of all remedies of tlie kind. We have never used any of it ourselves, having Imd no occasion, as our crown of glory not only an yet retains Rb original color, but gets more so but some of our friends have, and we have never were not served will understand tlie reason 1 to fail in restoring the hair to its original I w.e advise such as are becoming prematurely gray, to give the Restorative a trial.

Chettor (IH.) VV inadvertently located the companies of i Herald. sold by all goo Druggists. (ieb2indXw (-'aids. Wise and Waltmun, last evening, in' Colonel AVynkoons cavairv reirimcnt. I say Kead the Testimonials in favor of Dr.

changed their residences, are particularly re-1 quested to give notice to our carriers where they desire their papers to be left. A failure to do this, as we hud requested, caused a great deal of unnecessary contusion and uncertainty in delivering papers last evening. Those who From Island No. 10, we have the intelligence that tlie rebels have erected an entrenched camp on the bend of the Mississippi, directly opposite our gunboats, an embankment having been thrown up along tbe shore for a distance of half a mile. Several of their bat-te ies, are visible, hut many others being masked, we have no means of ascertaining their effectiveness.

The entrenchments extend from the centre of the bend to the upper extremity of the Island, and arc constantly being fortified. Our mortars were fired at intervals of fifteen minutes yesterday and the day before, the shells all being thrown on the Island. What effect, if any, has been produced by them is unknown. The rebel do not deign to answer, except by an occasional shot at the transports. We have no news from New Madrid, save that filing has been heard in that direction.

We learn from Cairo, that Colonel Buford, with several Onion regiments, started from near Island No. 10, with a detachment of cavalry and artillery from Hickman, under Col. liege, made a descent upon Union City, and, after a forced march of thirty miles, fell upon a rebel encampment at seven oclock in Markleya Family Medicines, published on the fourth page of this rmuer no30 IHbU. Coyle. On April 1st, in this city, Margaret, daughter of James and Ann Coyle, aged 6 months and 11 dajs.

Tlie funeral will take place from the residence of the parents, No. 29 East on 1 hursday afternoon, at 2 oclock. The relatives nnd friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend, without further notice. Ocns. On the 2nd in this city, Mrs.

Emaline Ochs, wife of Henry Ochs, in 33d year of her age. The friends and relatives of tlie family are respectfully invited to attend tlie funeral, from the residenoe of her husband in East on Friday afternoon nt 2 oclock, without further notice. Hoffman. In tills city, March 31st, John son of Daniel and Gatharino lioli man, in the 17th year ol his age. Tlie friends and relatives of the family arc invited to attend tlie funeral of deceased, from the residence of his parents in to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, nt 3 oclock.

Bkf.nem an. uni the evening of the 1st Marian K. daughter of X. K. and Marian ifreucmun, in the 17th y-ar ol her age.

Tlie funeral will take place on Friday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock, her friends, and those of the family, arc respectfully invited to attend. ment. It is supposed they will both he as- but at last field, Ten-ver Morgan. Household Markets. Lancaster, April 3.

Butter was in ilemnn-1 lit fartr) 20o (jv lh Eggs -W 1 2c (, doz I.ard 8c lb Veal by tho quarter 4(n)Go lb Pork (U- lb for Whole ilogs; Potatoes abundant nt WJiWluc l-v bushel for good and prime qualities a few Shad per railroad were held at $1.25 ii pair, and Herring at 30c doz Oats $1.10 bag of 3 bushels. Hoarseness Brown's Brum-hint Troches: These eoueb ami voiee Lozenges, wliieh wc advertised a lew weeks ag, are superior, lor relieving hoarseness, to anything that we are acquainted with We have tried them during the past winter, mid make tills statement gratuitously, for the bcnelitof the ministry Central Christian Herald, Cincinnati. 3' Sold by JOHN F. LONG SONS, Druggists. No 5 North Queen-st.

S3T A Remedy for Hard Times, where peo pie have been throws out of buainegs, and poeseM some little meanB or enml) Incomes, is to MARK THEMSELVES A HOME. See Advertisement Ln another column of the Settlement of Vineland. dec2-3nid the morning. They dispersed the entire force, stationed there under Clay King, both cavalry ,000 to bring back life to a body so nearly and infantry. They fled in every direction,.

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