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Lancaster New Era from Lancaster, Pennsylvania • 4

Lancaster New Erai
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TIIE NEW ERA-LANCASTElt FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1887. morrow, of all kinds oi Ladles and Misses Cloaks, l.V'Hhd 13S North Queen street. COLUMBIA NEWS. Uw ducvtlscmcnts. CKATIXG AT LANCA-TKR SKATING Park, Charlotte street and Harrisburg pike.

Sat in. lay nttoruooit ami etcnlng. Opens at 2 p. m. Adults, 15c.

Children, 10c. ltd 1051 AND SEE THE Fl.OWF.U SHOW V7 at 143 North Queen street. Plants delivered toall parts of the city tree Horn Host. The only true Mistletoe at Sell ROY Rtt'8. A fine lot of Holly.

ltd See Our 12.30 Bargain Coouter, Comprising about 150 Uttterent kinds ul Jine RusMou Wrap, Ctiochi and Plaid Jackets and Long oai moats, lor ladles, misses and chtl dren. Joseph Rau 4 former price, 84, $5. fa, and The reat Sheriff Sale price, your choice, $2.50. Lki and 13S North Queen street. cm fitfcvtiscmcnts.

VT GKEAT BARGAINS. WE HAVE lot oi xMh and tmfis in Colognes, Khm'1, ami otbur fancy novelties, which wc will cIoho out at Kreut hurpalna. hole KlorLK, tolet, Laveiui! ami ologne Wm era. In Ktchefi ami Cut GlaaH Bolt lost, Yomcm. Yigu'vn, Watch Manila, Otlor Stands.

I'ockatnookN, Cigar Chm's, Card Casca, iloUlera, oi Boxen, ft ml Waimcui'e Otwi, Ats. ilanclkcrchtet Extract Arbutus, Whlto Uuoo, White llcllotroi, Anne Bolcvn, Mary Stuart. Ac. KUAlLhl'S hunt hml Iharmacy, oimtMito Eastern MtukaU Fmilev Throat Tablets will lortify tho voice for ChriMlmnn Hinging. Brlcq, lo cents.

A DESERVEDLY POPULAR INDUSTRY latter A hou, Boiler Muttm Uorraa with Orders New Lodge 1 undiluted Narrow Jt irie from Oelng Carried Over the Dam Town Note. lcw JVfiucvtlBcmcnts. re.TE,l,A "OK To' GO TO If tlinlngtoii Delaware. Wages, oer week. Ai)lv at No, 4511 North Prmee street at once.

55 aid HI Iris HI PRESENTS. HAVE Cl-gats fiat ut In bottles triinks and bnxre, suitable tor hi istma. presents, 41 eents tier 55 Cigars. At 11 A I TOBACCO I5ii North Queen street. C5IORK INLAND ITV 4 Ft lit Tu CENT.S 0 a )m lure In cm punch.

Christinas good a spet mlty, at No. West King street. dli 7ldll M. 11. WE1DLEK.

1 TOR UENT-a TH RE STORY MILL, IN I I'equea tow nelilii. 5Q miles from Lancaster. Inquire of ll.VMEL U. GltOf dl7 5tdU landls' Grain Elevator. lucky man.

He bought a bill of goods at Mr. J. Frank Rcists grocery store, one day this week, and after he had loft the store John B. Brenner, a clerk, picked up a big wallet. Word was telephoned to the Franklin House, where Mr.

Beiler wa known to stop, but he bad gone out gone to hunt for the pocketbook, the loss of which he had by this time discovered. At noon he returned to the hotel and was told that he was wanted at Mr. Rcists at once, lie went there, and, describing the contents of the wallet, it was restored to him. It contained $150 in money, 1 notes and checks, (most of the chocks being made payable to bearer and also a valuable deed. WANT TO LOCATE IN LANCASTER.

FINANCE AND TRADE. STOCK, BON'D AND MONEY MARKETS. OYSTERS! CHRISTMAS OYSTERS! WE receii ed to-duv a fine lot ot oysters, which we can sell from 6ti cents to 85.UO per hundred, fresh opened, as we handle no tub oysters. Scud oiders In early to avoid disappointment. Law Building Restaurant, North Duke street, ltd ISRAEL KACT2, Proprietor, REAT REDUCTIONS.

QUOTATIONS AT NOON TO-DAY. 4 FTEll DECEMBER 54. IS87, THE MIL-TV lersvilte Railroad Company will drop the trip leaving Millcrsville at 7 o'clock and Lancaster at 8 211 o'clock p. m. The last car leaving Lancaster leaves at 6 o'clock p.

in. under this change. On Saturdays the late car will continue to run as usual. No cars will run ou Christmas day, (Sunday) 55th Inst. ltd pIH 31 BRANT, STRAWBERRY.

V' BLACKBERRY And CATAWBA WINE. JACOB F. MlitC AFFKR'3, No. 15 Centre Square. IVOR "rent FROM A toriiTTr 18S8, THK huge store room, No.

54 Centro Squari', now oeeiipicd by Btiraer A Sutton. For terms, K. HOSTETTER.ono ot tbo Executors, ul atch Factory. d7 tm Philadelphia. Quotations by P.eed, MeGrann 4 Bankers.

10 a.m. 1 3:13 p.m. Lehigh Valiev N. Y.

and lhila. Beading. Lehigh Navigation Hestonv llle Philadelphia and Erie Northern Central Peoples Pn-seuger Erie Second West shore Bonds Reading General Mortgages OU 81 ii 824 PEN EVENINGS. GREAT REDUOTION CSKEAT REDUCTION A ElKhL'S MIL- Uncry estaliltslnnent, Gixals thut sold lor now selling at 25 ami 50 cents. Come uml take a look ut iho gixuUt bargains ollortHl in JUumvstur.

JN TRICES OT ITOlt SALE-VERY CHEAP ON EACH A One and Two-ilorso Trend-Powers; one Moline Sulky Plow, nearly new; Steam Engines and Boilers. Steam Heating and Machine Hoik. Call on or address h.KA F. LANDIS, Lancaster, Pa. nlUUdAwU fIMIK STABLE KNOWN AS TIIE CROSS A Keys Is now open for boarding burses and on reasonable terms.

Gorat treatment will be given and also good room lor wagons In Hie dry und out oi the dust, call at the stable tor parileulsrs, rear ot Miyiler a More. U16iitdlt () A I) A I'l Kra IMl TO lew the North Duke street Green Stona Houses, can do so by calling at the fourth house from New Ntruut, ivhieh now complete and open lor inspection from 9 a.m. The QU Ftiblur lift ns strung a hold as over. Weve strongly SANTA CLAUS ffiSf Christmas only NEARING! to-morrow line away. Oift Buy.

era pushluftharil or. More Gift Things conveniently displayed tor their hurry. HANDKERCHIEFS AND MUFFLERS. Scores of dozens. See the Brocaded silk (almost yard square) Mufflers, Soft I inish, Idle, Cream and Colors, 81.25, $1.75, 5, $5.30 und $3.

Two to four ounces of silk. SottCashtuere Mufflers, Stic. GLOVES. STOCKINGS AND UNDERWEAR. Comfortable PrvseutH, ith mercury pointing downward lire loves, Beaver and other Warm Driving Gloves, Strong Buck Glovcsund Fur-Top Kid.

NECKM EAR, COLLARS AND CUFFS. Every wantaiile pattern and kind from leading makers. Fifty cent Neckwear unprecedented styles. Seventv-flve-cent Neckwear, one iu a box; a Beautiful Present. Umbrellas, Flannel Shirts, Perfumery, Rubber Coats, Dress Shirts, Cloth Brushes, Cardigans, Sustendors, Nightshirts, Pautuloous, Purses, Toilet Shirts.

Many more things Useful, Cunning and Beautiful. We've pushed the Prices Lon est, IARTIN MENS AND BOYS FURNISUIN'G GOODS AND PANTALOONS, 50 NORTH QUEEN STREET. New York Quotations ty Heed, MeGrann Bankers. 10 a.m. I p.m, 3:15 m.

Camutu PhcUIc i G.C.C. ami 51 51 Colorado Ctwl 35 Central Pacific. 34 34 34 Canada Southern 55 55 55 Chicago, t. l.ouiand Pitts Pouter and 21 Luck. and Western.

127 127 Ene SsJJ 4 New Jeracy 74 Kansas and Texas 17 IS 18 Louisville and Nashville. Hi1 Lake to Michigan Central Hh h7 Hocking aliev 2. i 25 Missouri Pacific ft!" Northern Pacific Common Northern Pacific Preferred. 4G 4 Northwest HJfi lOb- Ux New York New East Ten nesace Com lo 10 10 Omaha Oregon 3 2 21 Ontario and Western Pacific Mail 35 35 35 Richmond Terminal 22 22 22 St, Paul 71 74 75 Te.vaaand 25 rmon Pacific. 3i 5d 57 Wabash 15 Wabash Preferred.

27i 2 9 to 5 p. m. dlutidll EDWIN EBERM AN. are the times when they give themselv cs a vacation. For tha corresponding week of lust year the sales were 250 cases.

Trade la new tobacco partakes of the dullness which characterises the transactions iu old leal. A lew buyers were out daring the week, but we opine thrv ate at home again without having accomplished much. The tie-tuendous suow-lall ot last Saturday night has made travel anything but a thing ot pleasure, and the wonder is auv one eutured out. I torn several of our country exchanges wo cull the following sales. Tho Lltltz Ktcorri has these The following sales 01 c7 Havana seedleaf were made to D.

W. Gmylnll, of East Petersburg, bv tanners In the icmlty of Lexington andllutfvTlle Monroe shrelner, I acre at 25, ami Scents: Ellas Shrelner, acre at Ai cents round Henry Shrelner, acre at 25, 3 and 2 cents; William Weidraan.l acre at 51 and 2 cents Israel Haber, 1, acre at 18 aud 2 cents Ezra Kline, 1 acre at A), 2 and 2 cents: Adam Williams, 1 acre at 53, 2 and 2 cents David Suavely, 5t acres Pennsylvania seedleaf at 5 and 2 cents. "Cigar manutacturer? are busw, but are careful not to buy a pound more ot teat than their business absolutely requires, as they do not want to carry on "their books a large stock on hand at the close of the year, hen tlicv ill have to make out their annual returns." Fred. aller sold his Havana seed at 27 and 5 cents, 5' 5 acres. The Cultivator gives these facts con.

corning the situation In the Connecticut alley It is gratifying to note that the la-t acre of s7 tobacco Is down and stripped, and that the rowers are fooling quite elated over the out-00k for remunerative prices. Dealers are riding through the mud and water, aud In the mornings over frozen rough roads. They do not buy very freelv. The growers are not over-anxious to sell at any price yet otrered. There Is.

however, a set ho are bound to sell the first otter, provided it is any here near the market price. Such uu Instance Is the follow ing Two growers live less than one-tourih of a mile apart. Each raised crops of Havana seed, tine sold for 4 cents lower than the other, while the difference in the crops was. It anything, in tavor ot the lowest-prtoed lot. The one was bound to sell at the first chance be hud, while the other waited nearly four data belore selling his crop.

The crop will probably move off slowly. We do not look for a great boom, yet wc should be glad to welcome one. The boom has reached the farmers tu the Cheming alley region, as tho follow mg correspondence irotn isaldwinsvllle in the Tntxtreo Journal proves There ts no abatement in the prices being paid for tobacco in this section. Newbuvers appear and others go awav to return again. The market this eek Is efi sustained.

Prices for onr Havana, it anything, are suffer than one week ago. When such large growers and experienced purchasers as Me-. -is. 1. C.

Toll, James selleck, Harrison Lester, John H. Mtinro, and mauv others of their class, part with their holdings 01 15-7 tobacco, we are always reminded that they are receiving high prices, for they raise good leaf. It is reported that Mr. Lester sold for 17 some -stv at IS cents, Aaron Street er, of Clav, sold at 19 cents. Clay is a Hite section for growing gixtd tobacco, and many crops tu that neighborhood have been sold at 14, 1.7 and 16 cents.

But the prices generally run on an average at 14 to 15 cents. These prices prevail all over this section. The range of figures runs at from 13 to 50 cents, but It Is to be hoped that growers will not ask more than is reasonable for their crops, while high prices, running from to So cents per pound, are to lm deprecated. It would be much better tor our farmers to sell any at an average ot 14 to 15 cents than to anchor their pnees and hopes on 50-cent tobacco. High prices now prevail, but not unreasonably so; and yet, I presume, mauv of our growgra are expecting 50 cents round'for their crops.

The market is now very active, and is likely to remain so if the growers will only part with their goods at fair figures. Nearly, "if not quite, one-fourth of the crop In this section has been gurchased. Ot course, at the present rale ot nyiug, our domestic Havana leal ill not last long. The growers have, produced a very line glossy leal this vear, and a pound ot wrappers will wrap nearly one-third more cigars than the 1886 growth. The crop will also run largely to rappers say 55 to 75 per cent.

The leal ts almost as fine as Sumatran, and just as good, In my opinion. Btnghamlou, the seat ot a great cigar manufacturing industry, had an agent in Clay last week, who threw a bomb In the air in that town, htch bad the effect to saturate the atmosphere of that region with high re-sure, resulting in sales as high as 19 cents round for Havana seed." Messrs. S. Gans Son A tobaeeo brokers, of 131 Water street. New York, make the following report to Thu New Era of the sales In that market during the post week 0 eases ls4 Wisconsin 8 ltk 400 cases 1886 lsconsln Havana.

7 87 18 200 cases less Ohio IUA 9 150 cases lSH Dutch Private. 10 eases 1882-85 Pennsylvania 9 45 130 cases 18e6 Pennsylvania Private. 150 cases sundries 8758 1750 cases. SUMATRA X. Only a hand-to-mouth trade doing ta these goods, and dealers are not huring to toreo sales, knowing It would be usole-s, but they look lor a better trade after the holidays.

The sales have been 2uu bales, at prices ranging from 81.35 to 85. A Question We Can't Answer. But Probably the Board of Trade Can. The following letter, received to-day by a well-known Lancaster manufacturing firm, explains itself. We esnnot answer the question, but probably the Board of Trade can.

If so, it should be done at once Fx tout, Doc. JO. IsS; The Champion Blower and Forge Company, Lancaster, Fa. Gentlemen We are flint glass manufacturers, owning and operating a large plant. What inducements can Lancaster offer us to locate there? For further information address GLASS MANUFACTURER.

(are of H. THU KEPT. Curry Institute Building. Pittsburg, Pa. Suit for Damages.

H. Clay Brubaker, F.sq., to-day entered a suit for Josephine Seifert, widow, for herself and children of Jacob J. Seifert, late of this city, against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Seifert was a fireman on the road and on the 23d of February last, when bis train shipped at Glouloch, he got under the engine to clean out the ash pit. While in that position a rear portion of the train, which had accidentally become detached, came down tbc -grade and ran into the front part of the train and pushed the train on him.

He was so badly injured that be died three days later. It is alleged that the engine was not maimed ith a sufficient force of men. Damages are fixed at $10,000. A Pastor's Pleasant Surprise. At Millcrsville, after the Wednesday evening service, the members of the Reformed congregation visited the parsonage and gave their pastor, Rev.

Jno. P. Stein, a pleasant surprise. Anticipating his wants during the approaching holidajs, they brought to him many substantial gifts in the way of provisions and other useful articles. In addition to these gifts, they presented to him, in tlic name of the congregation, an elegant set of harness, made by Mr.

Jacob Rutt, one of the active members of the congregation. During this week, Mr. Henry Myer, in behalf of the Reformed congregation at Iloh re rstown, which is served by Mr. Stein, took advantage of the pastor's visit to this, city and conducted him to the store of Hager A Bro. and ordered bis measure to be taken for a handsome new suit of clothing.

1TOK SALE CHEAP, A DEMKABLK BU8I-t'v'S properly and resilience, situated corner ot North Queeuund rederlek at reels, tor further pat tlculius, apply to-L. D. Aston, 1 ALLAN A. II frit, las residing thereon, or to East King street. dl7 tld TONAS L.

MIN NIC 11, AUCTIONEER, LAsmaviLtK Lasi, calls Real Estate and Personal Property Sales on Reasonable Terms. Telephone connectiou ul Landtsvllio. d'ltidAw 77J estem Union rRODllE AND PROVISION WHEELWRIGHT SHOP ightund heavy work; also, a 1 atilt und Finishing Shop an old Mid well-established stand. Also, a Good Dwelling House, Garden and Stable, belonging thereto situated on the MiltersvillcTurnpIkeTabout miles trom Lum-tv-ler. I all on or address PHILIP BACSM AN.



f' Among the busiest of tlic industries of Columbia must be classed the Columbia Boiler Works, Messrs. Thomas G. Fairer Si Son, proprietors. The works were started very nearly three years ago and are situated along the Shawnee run, near the Columbia Foiling Mill. The proprietors came to town from Lancaster, where they had been in the employ of Mr.

John Best. Uoth arc skilled workmen, and, although they have a number of workmen in their employ, can bejfound daily at the works using the hammer and forge. At the present time from seventeen to twenty men are given steady employment and the sound of the hammer can constantly be heard by persons living in the vicinity of the works. By personal supervision on the part of the proprietors the Columbia Boiler Works have secured an excellent reputation for turning out a first-class quality of work. The firm have the making of all the new work and do the repairing for all the iron works in Columbia and vicinity, and also have an extensive trade in other places.

Since last summer eleven boilers have been shipped to parties in Lancaster. The workmen are kept very busy at the present time in constructing new boilers for the Columbia Iron Company. The firm have a gang of workmen employed at the Chickies furnaces, another gang are working at the Uenry Clay furnaces, and have just completed a large contract at the St. Charles furnaces, where the men had been employed since' last summer. Orders are constantly being received at the works and tho proprietors are compelled to refuse many owing to want of room.

The firm are negotiating for the purchase of the vacant land immediately in the rear of the Supplee Steam Engine works, and they contemplate erecting extensive boiler works in the near future. Air. Thomas G. Fairer is still a resident of Lancaster, and Air. William Fairer lives in Columbia.

Iustituted a New Lodge. A new lodgo has been started in town to be called Columbia Commandery, Mo. 14, Knights of the Mystic Chain. The lodge was instituted by Supremo Commander William J. Wilkinson, who installed the following officers; Captain, Itobert Oliver First Lieutenant, Samuel Morrison Second Lieutenant, II.

L. Wanbaugh; Standard Bearer, A. J. Hogcntoglcr First Sec-gcant, John Klair Second Sergeant, Harvey Shenck Council Commander, Peter H. Nciss; Recording Scribe, D.

K. Kcttew; Treasurer, E. K. tTctz Inside GuariL J. C.

Kitch Outside Guard, C. Gerfin Trustees, Robert Kilgore. Jacob Ulmer and George W. Young. A Close Call.

Three employes at the brewery of Got-icib Young bad a very exciting experience on the river on Thursday afternoon, and came very near going over the dam at this place. The-meu were on a fiat boat and were going across the river for a load of wood from tho farm of Mr. Young, in York county. The flat bad been taken to the middle of the river by the big tug boat Grant, and the men intended to let the boat drift to the other side. A very heavy wind was blowing on Thursday afternoon and the flat soon got beyond the control of the men.

The boat commenced going toward the dam and the men realized tlieiv danger. They commenced calling for help, and their cries were heard by the crew of the tug boat, and they went to the assistance of the men. The boat was very near the dam, and the tug boat had to be very careful where they went. After two ineffectual attempts, a rope was thrown to the fiat and the men towed out of danger. About six inches of water was running over the dam, and the men had a very narrow escape.

Town Notes. A masquerade ball will be held hi the Armory to-night by the Vigilant Association. It promises to be a very grand affair. A ball will be held in the Armory on Monday night, under the management of the C. M.

S. C. club. On Monday night the spectacular drama of The Mew World, will be presented in the Opera House. Miss Bella Moore will appear in The Mountain Pink in the Opera House on Wednesday evening, December 28.

Air. James Meyers is home from Princeton college for the holidays. Messrs Zeigler, managers of the Adams Express Company at this place, report the business more extensive at present than at any period during their connection with the company. The cold avc has had its effect upon the river and this hiorniug it is covered with a thin sheet of ice. KIN li 7 ou are tut iled to call and examine the stock of WATCHES, Difumoncls, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE, which we arc offering regardless of etui, to clo-e out onr business, riUlad.lphla, By Telegraph to Tbi Nw Eiu.

Flour dull ami barely steady; 5H275; extras, 2 75a Penuftylvanta family, $3 75a3 87: winter clears, ft 13: winter straights, 4 15a 4 25; Minnesota extra, clears, $4a4 2: Minnesota straights, 60: wintet patent, 4 spring patent, 24 7j5iK Bye fiou ft 40. heat but quiet; No. 2 Western red, ta vc; No. I Pennsylvania red, U5e; No. 2 Doia wav red, OtJo.

Com Mcudv.lfiii quiet; steamer, No raised, No. 3, new, 54 Oats firm, with fair demand: No. 1 white, 42a 42Lc: No 2 white, 41c; No. 3wblte, 4c; rejected, 37i3c; No. 2 mixed, 3C.

liye firm, U7e. Clover wed ft. ftstonualHy; flax, 1130 bnl per bu-bet; timothy, ft! 5ft for prime. Winter wheat bran dull, 20 7521 75 cr ton, as to quality. Provisions steady, but quiet; mess pork, tlfaKl 50; beef hams, L7 5ttls 50: city mess beef, fta9 5ft; smoked hams, lial2c; pickled hams, I0al2c; smoked shoulders, salt shoul-ders, bacon, leaUc.

Lard linn; city refined, loons n-b ers, 7a7e: prime atoam. he. Butter tcady, but quiet: Pennsylvania and western creamery, elections, 31aJ2c; firsts, 27a Bradford county and New York extras, 2 la 25c; western dairy, extras, Liaise; western factory, 2te22c, as to quality; do good to choice, Thtllc: seconds, 1-iaitic: rods, li2lc, as to ity; packing burter, Ptel5c. Eggs dull: Pennsylvania firsts, 25c: Ohio and other western firsts, 21c; Ice hou6 brands. In 2ic.

Ubiseae dull and steady; New York full cream, Ual2c; Ohio Swiss. 12al4c; Ohio flats, choice, Ualic: Ohio fair to prime, hc; Penmvivuma part kitu, 4hw. do full skims, laic. Petroleum linns refined, 7c Noou Ouotatioua of Grain and 'Provisions, Furnished by. K.

Ynud', Broker Chicago. Dec. tl Wheat. Corn. Oats Pork.

77 4s January 77 7.87 71 4HN Mav 5lLs IS.tli 8 13 Ibieolpts. rar I-nut. Wintar Wheal 3 Spring Wham 51 Corn 178 Itupperts Lager JBeer? Tapped Fresh Irotn the kvg, st my Corner Ss bsm, rear of the Uenitnl Mai ket. Flesh Buttermilk received dally. CHARLES llOSTKR.

rrms IS WORTH FAIL A in business bio who Hist prepare themselves or the struggle by a coin re at that umtvalled institution, the LANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Evening se -slumluc-dn ednc-ilnyi and Fridays. Pel) inioi mutton given by II. WFIDLER, lancaster Coimnercml College. Eanetutler, Pa.



H. Z. RHOADS, JEWELER, No. 4 WEST KING STREET, LiSCASTlB, Pa, Mill WRtllli TO THE The Mystery Explained. The mysterious package of eight cakes, found at the door of a North Prince street residence, and referred to in these columns, has been explained.

Aldermau Mc-Conomy has two sons whose duties call them away early in the morning, before breakfast has been prepared, and the Aldermans ltaker leaves a package of eight cakes or bnns four for each boy every luomiug. On the morning in question some one who had little sense thought it would be a good joke to transfer the package from the Aldermans door to that of a neighbor, and the result was the boys went off without their early lunch, that morning, and a worthy family were annoyed with tho thought that somebody wanted to poison them Fulton Hall Attractions. The reappearance of Prof. Mon is and his equine and canine show at Fulton Hall, to-night will be bailed with delight by our amusement-goers. The show is the best of its kihd ever seen in this city, and the attendance will doubtless be large.

A matinee will be given to-morrow afternoon. The Waite Comedy Company, to appear at Fulton Hall next week, is an excellent company, as can be attested by hosts of citizens who enjoyed their performances ou their last visit. They will give a matinee on Monday afternoon, when, being a holiday, they will likely have a good house. It would be well, therefore, to secure your seats. B.

MARTIN A CO. J. J. 8. Ml it Ci

ERISMAN GOLDEN. December 5.31, Is-7, at Lancaster, by the Rev. J. Max Hark, D.D., Georg W. Erisimn.

ot New Danville, to Miss Louise B. Golden, of Mount Pleasant. 8CHAT7. MILLER. December 55d, 18-7, at the parsonage of the First M.

E. church, No. 3s East Walnut street, by Rev. Joseph Taylor Gray, John 8ehatz, of Akron, Lancaster county, to Miss Addle C. Miller, of Myerstown, Lebanon county.

Pa. LIVINGSTON KCRTZ. December 5.M,lSs7, at the residence of Mr. L. Scott Kurtz, spring Garden, by Rev.

F. Smith, Thomas if! Livingston, ot Gap, to Miss Ida D. Kurtz, oi spring Garden, Pa. WEAVER LIGHT Y. December 15th, by Rev.

F. Smith, at his Charlotte street, Lancaster, Sheridan 8. Weaver to F. Lichty, both ot Terre Hill. 63 PUBLIC Appropriate to the Season, AND RETURN THANKS FOR THEIR LIBERAL TATRONAUE OF HOLIDAY GOODS.

Oats Rye Barley- Receipts iJ.ooohiad. Oil City. Crude OU EXTEND TO ALL TF YOU HAVE NOT HAD ANY WORK done at the Lancaster steam laundry within the last two weeks, have the wagon call for your Cults aud Collars and be convinced that It is doing excellent work. No hoaidy work, but elastic and pliable. Our aim Is to Improve every day and we aim doing it, and if you give us a trial you will say so.


English, Scotch and French SU 1TI.NG, of uiy own Importation, way down. TI. GERHART, FINE IMPORTING TAILOR, 83 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. mi-57 lyd Closing Prices 3:30 oclock p. m.

Wheat. Com. Oats. Fork. Larfl.

il January 77 44 HsO 7.7 i February 7i 4'Lj 7.i A MERRY CHRISTMAS Si May- S.iJi 33J4 13.45 8.10 Crude oil FPi especially to the many customers who have helped to make this the most successful season the store has ever enjoyed. THK LIVE STOCK MARKET. JUST RECEIVED TODAY A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHINA DEPAKTMENT. LADIES. FURS.

TUT-GLASS BOTTLES! THK WALKING MATCH. fiicfi. XOLT. December 21st, Is-7, at Millwav, Jonas B. Xolt, aged months and 7 days.

The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday mnrniog at 9 o'clock at Millway, and at 10 o'clock at Landis Valley, where services aud Interment will be held. BRUNER. December 51st, 1-57, at Elizabethtown. Susan Bruner, idow ot the late Peter Bruner, aged 65 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, froth the residence of her son-in-law, Jacob C.

Kret-ter, one mile west of Lltltz, on Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Interment at BruncrviUe meet lng-house at 1 30 o'clock DUACHBAR. December 1887, In this city, Albert, son of the late Henry aud Anna Drachbar, in bis 35th year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No.

34 North Plum street, on Saturday morning at 8.30 o'clock. Mass at St. Anthony's church at 9 o'clock. Interment at St. Anthony's Cemetery.

BOTTLER I Fatally Burned by Hot Fat. On Tuesday there was a butchering at the residence of Mr. James Reifsnydfcr, at Churchtown, this county, when a terrible accident occurred to Mr. Reifsuyders little three-year-old daughter. By the tilting of the cook stove a large kettle of boiling fat was upset, the contents being spilled over the child, which was standing near the stove, from its neck to its feet.

The child was frightfully burned, large pieces of the flesh coming off witli the clothing when removed. The little one lingered in terrible agony until Thursday afternoon, when it died. The accident is a most distressing one and has cast a gloom over tire neighborhood. Fell in the Square. Joseph Browns horse sliped on the Millersvillo street car track in Centre Square, this morning, and fell, and it was with great difficulty that it could be gotten on its feet.

It lay quiet so long on tile snow that it was at first thought it had been badly hurt, but such proved not to be the case. OUR ASSORTMENT OF The most c.peusive goods, conststing of Royal Worcester, Rfiyal Dresden, Doulton, Irish Bellcckand Terra Cotta. Figures have been Reduced, and a rare chance is now offered to give an elegant piece of Brlc-a-llrac lor a present nt a very moderate price. GENTS AND HOYS SUITS, OVERCOATS, BOOKS. BOOKS, A Pair ol Beautiful Cut-Glass Bottles makes a very acceptable Present to a Lady.

They are useful us well as ornamental. Wc have them at all prices and some beuuMes. Also, a full line of Perfumes and Other Fancy Goods, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. KAUFFMANS DRUG STORE, No. 50 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Lancaster.

(Five Doors North of the Postoffice.) n'5u lmdlt GENTS SMOKING JACKETS, Sew fitrertlsements. I TOR Its A LE API R8T-C ASS farm, 5k miles from Lancaster city. Terms easy. Apply at The New Era ofllce. dalmd Piles and piles.

Whatare wc todo withthem, The prices marked on them will make them melt away before Christmas arrives. Santa Claus has not been here yet. We expect him to-morrow, and when he secs tho prices he will take the lot. Dickons Largo Edition, fifteen volumes, Small Edition, fifteen volumes, $1. George Eliot's, eight volumes, $1.19.

Thackerays Works, ten volumes, 85 90. Wavcrly Novels, twelve volumes, $6.35. loo volumes Dore Bible Gallery, $1.33 a piece. Children's Books trom le. to81.5fl.

AVK YOU TRIED THE MEMBERS OF THE LI EDIT erkranz Singing Society arc requested to meet at tho Hall at 8 o'clock a. haturday, toutlcnd the funeral of their late fellow-member. Albert Drachbar. ltd ERNST ROE1IM, Secretary. CX REAT BARGAINS IN RECLINING JT PATENT ROCKING-CHAIRS, Coaches, Ladies Rocking-Chairs.

And Parlor Suits, covered with Plush and Hair-Cloth, all home-made, and which we will sell at a gteal sacrifice until January 1st, at LOUIS BERNER Practical pholsterer, ltd? No. 451 West Chesluut Street. DOLL HOSPITAL Lancaster. Fridit. Dec.

Z3. The receipts for the week ending to-day were as follows: James Stewart's Yanis Receipts. 40 cattle and hogs, bales, 'rtu cattle and SO hogs. Prices: Stockers, feeders, butchers, hogs, SJ-afl. Levi Senaenigs 1 aids: Receipts and sales, 80 cal tie and 50 hogs.

Prices: Stockers, i30a SXc: feeders, butchers, Satc; bogs, 53Z As will be -ceil by comparing this weeks report with last week's repoi there Is a slight advance again lit the price of hogs. New York. Beeves Receipts, 750 head, including 30 carloads fur citv slaughterers direct ana 13 carloads tor a beet exporter; no market for beetes; ijulet and steady tone: native steers, 83 45a." so mu common to prime, 13 70u5 50: bulls, luu A3: exports, 00 beet es, so sheep and quarters ol bei-r. To-duv's Liverpool cable quotes American refrigerator beef firmer alid higher, at 81 (jd ft. sheep and Lambs Receipts, 5,300 head.mther firmer lor good sheep: steady for lambs: sheep sold at 83 7.m5 35 inj lbs lor common to good; lambs, 3a6 00.

Hogs Receipts, 6,130 head: not much doing in live hogs, but quoted firm at f5 3nn3 75 loo fts. Chicago. Tho Jum'nat reports; tattle Receipts, 5,000 head; shipments 5.000 head; market active and I5a-hic higher; shipping steers, in .3 TO; Stockers and lenders, 85 75a3 40; cows, bulls and mixed, fllUaiJO; Texas cattle. 81 6.7:13 40. llogs 17,000 head; shipments, 6,000 head; market si rung early, closed trunk: mixed, '(') -TO; heat 83 JOao so; light, SlS5a3 25: skips, 81 AT.

1 4 Hi. 1 Sheep Receipts, -J, uuo head; shipments, l.nuo head: market stronger; natives, 8u4 West-ern, 81 Aon Texans, IZjuaJliO: lambs, JluOaSSO. IiuRalo, alllu Receipts, head: the feeling tor good to choice shipping grades is linn; common to fair, Sia3 3-5; good lo choice shipping, Il STafsO; extra steers, cows and hellers. 85 10; lal hulls, common to fair, 8-A 2 lancy, ftln3 50: stockors and lecd-ers 85 5UU Ai; milch cows, 35al5; veals, 80a7. bheep Receipts, 4,000 bead: good to choice sheen scarce and linn al815nu4 5ti; interior to fair dull at 81 A3u.l 75; Canadian, 83 IXuS 15.

Hogs Receipts, 11,10 head: maikct strong and pnees 5o better; light pigs, 87ufi 15; mixed pigs and light 3 oi keis, 3 5.7a.3 5n; selected Yen k-ers, 8'si5 60; selected medium weights, 87 Soaj 75; (nod to choice heavy, 83 h5 Hi; coarse mixed leavy ends, 81 Hu5; slugs, 8lal 55. UIttabnrg. attle Receipts, 345 head; shipments, 770 nothing doing; prime, 84 75a5 00 fair to good, 50 common to medium, 45u3 75: feeders, 81 Alai stockers, 85 5505 75: all through consignments; no tattle shipped to New lork today. Hogs Receipt-, head; shipments, 3,100 head; market active: Pniladelphlus, 85 7IU.3 75; mixed, 83.i5 Imkeis, 83 400.7 50 common lo or. 8 1 5 st.3 3e ears ot hogs shipped to I -nk today.

shis'p Receipts, 1,500 head; shipments, 1,000 head; maikct slow at ycstci day's prices; prime, 81 3ua5; bur to good, 84 L3a4 A3; common, 85 jOa.l; lainlis, 8a0. Baltimore, Reef Hlllel he market was not active and pi Ices (if lops a shade higher as to qualltv-, oilier grades unchanged; best beeves, tii'l quallty.fat1 medium, ordinary, 5u5're; most nt tin sales were from 3e to 4 teeeids( I if- betid; sales, 830 head. 1 be id sheep and lambs were 1, 970 head. Quotation. Miecp, Su3c; lambs.

4uSe, DRESSING GOWNS, HzVTS, CATS, KOHLS, UTJRS, Neckwear, Gloves, Underwear, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND THE USEFUL ARTICLES THAI MAKE ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS, ARE UNLIMITED, THK QUALITIES ARE THE BEST, WITH I CES ACKNOWLEDGED to be THE LOWEST. contains the Wounded, Maimed, Soiled and Disordered Dolls that have gone through the rush of the past two weeks. Some have survived with a slight scratch, some with a leg or two of likewise amts, and a few with their necks broken. All onascparatecouuter prices one halt and 0110-tenth regular. Interest in the Contest A Six-DajV Walk by Professionals Next Week.

The West King Street Theatre was packed last night by those interested in the big walking match, and many of these remained as spectators until 2 oclock this morning. The first day closed last night at eight oclock, when the score was as follows Resli, 02 miles Smcltz, 0(5 miles 1 lap Giauberg, 47 miles 11 laps Lawrence, 87 miles 5 laps Cogley, 04 miles Kauffman, 84 miles 2 laps. During last night Lawrence made two running dashes of 8 and 6 miles. This morning at ti o'clock the score was Resli, 100 miles 11 laps Smeltz, 73 miles Giauberg, 07 miles Lawrence, llti miles Cogley, 70 miles 1 lap Kauffman, 01 miles 13 laps. The score at 3 o'clock this afternoon was: Resli, 130 miles 1 lap: Smeltz, 107 milcsl lap Giauberg, 80 miles Lawrence, 140 miles ti laps Cogley, 80 miles Kauffman, 119 miles 22 laps.

Pedestrian George D. Noromac last night ran 5 miles in 31 minutes. Aug. Riue was given 15 laps start of him, but Noremac made bis 5 miles 13 laps ahead of him even then. To-night lie will give another exhibition.

Next week a grand 0-days go-as-you-please match will be held at the above theatre beginning on Monday and ending on It will be participated in by Geo. D. Noremac, Frank 11. Hart, I. C.

Adams and Harry Williams, professionals, and will be oieu to local pedestrians, all of whom will bo given a 30 mile start. It will be without doubt the greatest event of its kind ever held in this city. The manager, Jesse M. Foster, of Philadelphia, is now here arranging for the contest. Christmas Entertainment at Gorduuvtlle.

The Gordouvilio Union Sunday-school wil. eelebrato their Christmas anniversary on Monday evening, Dec. 20, in tho Baptist Church. This will be an enjoyable evening for Gordonville. All are uniting to make it one of tho pleasant seasons of tho year U.

K. Dculingcr, of Princeton, will address the school. The exercises of the evening will open at 7:30 oclock. Neflsvilla Suuday-Schuol. The Nefl'sville Union Sunday-school will hold its Christmas exercises, on Sunday evening.

There will be no Sudday-scbool the afternoon, Miss Amanda Landes will be presrnt and gie some of her choice selections. Music by the school orchestra and other exercises of interest will be some of the features of the ereuing STEltS! 0Y OYSTERS GREAT PIILSBOBY FLOUR? If not, try it, and lie convinced that It is the BEST FLOUR IN THE WORLD BAKES MORE BREAD, BAKES WHITER BREAD, BAKES BETTER BREAD Than Any Other Flour Manufactured. If you arc not using PILLSBURYS BEST, ask tor it. Buy no other. If your Dealer or Grocer does not have It, have him get It.

A. M. GARBER, Wholesale aud Retail Selling Agent, lid Salunga, Lancaster county. Pa. pULTON OPERA HOUSE.

RETURN OF PROF. Wondciful Company of DOGS AND PONIES BY SI'ECIAL BEQUEST. The Original and Only Company of Highly-Educutcd Dogs and Ponies in all the world will give one of the Grandest Entertainment a ever seen America, Friday and Saturday Nights, DECEMBER 53 AND 24, ith Grand Matinee on Saturday at 2 p. in. PRICES iTriia.

33 avd 35 CENTS Reserved Soatu, 3T cv'iitd. Now nit wile at Opera House office. 21 ltd TOYS, TOYS. Our 81 Salt Water Stewing Oysters for Fr tug or Trime for 4.3c. ncr quart.

The bet in the city can be had at the Baltimore oyster Depot. Nos. 551 and 553 West King street Mr. RcistB Old Grocery Store), opposite the We-t King street Rink. lld HITE A CRAW FOR D.

CPEU1AL BREWING. v(r; This departmeut has been complimented a hundred times for having the Largest Stock ot Toys in this city. Our stock of Toys is too large, which accounts for the heavy reduction made in prices. The happy faces of the little ones, likewise the big ones, show that they appreciate tho souvenirs we have given away in the China Department, Last day, to-morrow, Decern, ber 21, for the souvenirs, Dont fail to secure one. Albert Drnrhbar's Funeral, Tlic members of the old American lire company will attend the funeral of Albert Draclibar to-morrow morning, and will meet for that purpose at engine house No.

3, at eight oclock. No Bidder I resent. The Hager property, on East Grange street, to have been sold at the Grape Hotel last evening, wag not ottered owing to the fact that there were no bidders present. No Telephone Service on Mondtty. Manager Reese desires us to state that the telephone lines of the county will not be in service ou Monday, as he desires to give tlic employes a boliday.

Deed of Assignment, Gcoigo Boos and wife, of this city, have made a deed of assignment of Dr. George A. King, laiok Out foe To-Morrow, Saturday, 1 It' ember 84. Commencing at nine o'clock, sharp, to-morrow morning, we will place on sale the balance of the Largo and Elegant Stock or Ladles' and Misses Russian Circulars, Plain Check and Plaid and Stripe Newmarkets, Raglans Joseph Rau 4 Co. Former price, $13, $14, 13, $16.

The 8henlTs Sale price, your choice, 7.50. all early and avoid tho daily throngs at 1.16 and LIS North Queen strecttho Great Sheriils Hale of all kinds Ladies and Mi-ses Cloaks. Call Early To. Morrow, Saturday, December 'M. Or you 1 1 miss the greatest opportunity nt jour I He.

llow ts this tor high, ladies 1 Elc. gaut English Tailor-Made Jackuts, la both Double and Slagle-Breasted, with or without Hoods, In Plain or Fancy Checks and Stripes, made out of the Finest French, English, German Worsteds, Silk Astrachan. Kersey and Caslmere Joseph Rau 4 former price, frt, 7. Is, IS, 110,112, I6 now at the Great Slier-UTS Sale, $3.30, 11.50, $5, $9, 17, s. Remember everything at the same reduotion la pro portion.

Look out for the great crowds to moi row, 13ktuI i.jg Kortb Queen atreot. mi 1 1 We WUI Makes no dineience to us It i not our loss it was tbelr's. Look Bee those Satin-Lined, Jet-Trimmed Btlk Astrachan Wraps: former price, now 111.30, at the Great Sheri if Sale tomorrow, inland 13s North Queen street. Only for Saturday gain. A few of those Ladies' Elegant English Loudon Dye Seal Plush Wraps.

Formerprlee $30' Sheriff Sale prices, 1. p. out for crowds to-morrow at the Great 8h erur Sale to RIEKKIUS SPECIAL BREWING. TANXIIAUSEK LAGEIt VEER WILL BE ON TAP AT MY CUSTOMERS, 5.151(1 DURING THE HOLIDAYS. ytlY NOT GO TO HOFPMEIERS, AND- Buy Something Wojth Buying? A Parlor Suit, A Chamber Suit, A sideboard, Book-Case or Secretary A Library, Extension, Parlor or.

Fancy Table A Lounge, Couch, Arm Chairor Rocking uhair; A Hall Stand, Springs or Mattress, Looking or Pier Glass; Rattan or Rncd Choir, or Handsome Pictures: Blacking-Box, Commodes, Easels, Or some other Useful Article. AkA Gem Towel Roller Free, at (J FMEIERS 90 EAST KING STREET, .1. J5, MARTIN CO, CORNER OF West KiDg and PriDcc Streets, HPrifMTE STEVENS HOUSE. AstiSTia. Pa.

PHONE triVNrt.TTON Jpi'LTON orEB-V HOUSE. XMAS WEEK, DEC. 26. WAITES COMEDY COMPANY! ZOUAVE BAM) AND ORCHESTRA! KaranToiR ron tub Week; A mas Matinee Van, tho Monday Evening" Pug." Tuesday" Widow Bedotl. Wednesday Matinee French Spy." 'V edne-duy Evening Hidden Hand." Thursday Rip Van Wlnklo." Friday" French Spy.

Saturday Matinee11 Reddy, or Dan's Boy. Saturday Evening" Black Diamond." BAND CONCERT ANJ) PARADE EACH DAY AT 11 A. M. PRICES-GALLERyTT? CENTS PAUQUETTE AND CIRCLE 30 CENTS seats now on saie at Opera House offleo. 8t 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA And 318 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa.

IPUlR STORES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, DECEMBER 6. OI.IDAT BARGAINS. Elegant Violet, Lavender, I lorida and Cologne waters, In beautiful Etched ami Cut Glasz Bottles, all sizes ami nt lowest prices. A choice lot of Bisque and Terra- Itomana Figures, quaint in design; Ash Receivers, Odor ami Watch Stands, Collar and Cuff flexes, Beautiful Fairy Lamps in Bohemian ware. Ladies Work Boxes, Toilet and Manaenro Gentlemens -Sharing Cases, Whl'ks and Holders, and a largo lotot Novelties in Perfumes.

FRAILEY'8 EAST END PHARMACY, Opposite Eastern Market, Lancaster. Hot Soda. Scents. A heulthlul drink. 014 WFM td54 rigeou Shooting March.

A pigeon shooting match was bold ou Thursday afternoon at SoboenbcrgersPark which was ou by Park Adams, who killed seven out of ten birds. Michael Hnydor and John Pont, each shot six birds anil W. Wise dropped four. A Larky Man. William Beiler, living near New Holland may congratulate himself on being a very TIIE TUHACTM HVEKIT.

Laucastei, I lull Dee. 55. 1 The home market is very dull, tluly a b-w dealers repor, transactions and these all on a small scale Wo doubt whether more than full eases have been lanighl and sold, nil told. This is a I'ediietbmof nearly one-half as eompared with the transactions ot last week. This dullness, however, nt Ihls season Of the year Is nothing mi usual The tobacco men, ns a rule, are given to good llvtng and the enjoyment ot llle, and the holidays VM)TI( E.

THE ANNUAL MEETING OF 11 tho MncklioUlo of the Lancaster City Street Railway company, for the purpose of choosing a Hoard of Directors to serve for the ensuing year will beheld nt the Stevens House, this cltv, on Monday, January 9. 1888, at 7 p. nt. THOS. B.

COUt KAN, Secretary, 115157 59 31 u'i 4 6 9 1 I i-J.

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