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Lancaster New Era from Lancaster, Pennsylvania • 1

Lancaster New Erai
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
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EW JHjRA. tmuriKiMj ium i tiik paili lolinoti uhiTLah Ono Tw Thioo Four Kivu )u (Mm Two I lm One Mouth. Two Thra Bit Utlft PIBUMIF.O ETEBI ETEXIXG EXCEPT ST.VDAT, BY WAIIFEL GEIST, Vroii Tub Xe Era. Bm.t.rim, Perm Lancaster City, 1u. TERMS: Five Dollars year; Fifty fouls a until Ten Cents a week; Single Ccpy.t wools.

HE WEEKLY NE ER AN jnititleljetl every ttiniuy morning, atst.sua year, in uJtanee. wintered at tlie Post Ottleo at Lancaster city, rtaiuBy Ivanlo, us second-class mull mutter. THE NEW ERA'S circulation is fifty percent of all the local papers mulled from Luueuslor. JOB PRINTING, In th bestatyloa. dene at reasonable prices, uad aaualactlon gauraateei, THIRD EDITION.

JUNE 1, 1880. LANCASTER, SATURDAY, NUMBER 3750. THE FLOOD AT COLUMBIA. annihilated. The Associated Press now has the only wire between New Florence and Pittsburg aud has its connection with the main circuit.

Tho details are meagre, but will be furnished at the first moment possible. TRAVEL SUSPENDED. THE PENNSYLVANIA BADLY CRIIFLED. James Mellvaine lost his balance and fell Into the raging current and was drowned. A number of bridges In the oonnty havs been swept away aud the loss In the oouuty, exclusive of the oity, is estimated at HAYTtS OAlITAL TAKEN.

APPALLING TUE SU8UUEIIANNA RISING RAPIDLY. churoh for over forty years and for thirty years of that time served as a deacon, lie waa an sxstnplary Christian aud enjoyed the universal respect of his community, Mr. llershey was twice married aud a wife and two soua survive Jacob who resides on tlie homestead farm, and Noah, who emigrated to Kansas with the colony of 1879. The funeral will take plaoe on Tuesday noxt at Cross Roads' church, near Floriu, at 9:30 a. m.

GENERAL COLUMBIA NEWS. The Wor.t Dl.mter Urn Road llaa Export-need Blue It Organization Tho Boom at Lock Haven Broken Tho Situation at llartUburg, sixty-four Ran Moored at WrllilivlU Ovr III Dam and Broken Up A Lou of Fifty Tbouaaud Dollar. Canal Boat Wreck. d. UIVl IiuV I vVUlV VII uvu THE GREATEST DISASTER IN TEE HhTORY OF TEE COUNTRY The First Train to the Rained City.

Sanq Hollow, Juno 1. At 9:30 the first train passed New Florence, bouud east. It was crowded with people from Pittsburgand places along the line ho were going to the scene of the disaster, with but little hope of finding their loved ones allvo. Rich and poor were on board the train, all thinking of but ono thing and that was, What will we see It wasaboartrond-ing sight. Mothers mourned for the children.

Husbands paced the aisles aud wrung thoir hands iu muto agony. Fathers pressed their faces against tho windows alid endeavored to see something, they knew not what, that would toll them in measure of the dreadful fato that their loved olios had met with. All along the raging Conemaugh tho train stopped ami bodies were taken on tho express car, being carried, by villagers who were out aloug the bauks. Johnsk'D, Cambria aid Cocemaugh Com-jilitclj Annihilated the operator, who have handled the tncs-sages, are preparing for the work of the day. There has been a long wrangle over the possession of a special train for the press between the rival moreing papers aud it has delayed the work of other who are anxious to get farther east.

Bodle. Found Iu Trees. Even here, so far from the washed out towns, the horror is iu our midst, Seven bodies bave been found on the shore near this town, two being io a tree a man and woman where the tide bad carried them. The oonntry people are coming into the news centres in large numbers, telling stories of the disaster along the river banks in sequestered places. The Btory of a Survivor, John MoCarthy, a carpenter, who lives iu Johnstown, reached here about four o'clock.

He left Johustown at half-past four yesterday and says the scene when ho left was indescribable. The people had been warned early in the morning to move to the high land, but they did not heed the warning, although it was repeated a number of times up to oue oclock, when the water poured into Cinder street several feet deep. Then the bouses begau rocking to aud fro and finally the force of tho ourreut carried the buildings across the streets and vacant lots and dashed them against each other, breaking them into fragments. Theso buildings were freighted with poor wretches who so shortly before had laughed at tho cry of danger. McCarthy says iu some cases ho counted as many as fifteen persons clinging to buildiDgs.

McCarthys wife was with him. Site had three sisters who lived near her. They saw lire house in which these girls lived carried away aud then they oould stand it no longer, so they hurried away. Tho husbaud feared his wife would go crazy before he could drag her away aud they left the flooded district aud went into the land along the country roads until they readied here. It is said to be next to impossible to get to Johnstown proper to-day in any manner except by row boat.

The roads are cut up so that even tho countrymen refuse to travel over them in their roughest vohicles. The only hope is to get withiu about threo miles of Johnstown by special train or by hand car. This will bd done by the Associated Press Agent withiu the next hour. Legitim Abdicate aud Uyppotite' Army Triumph. A cable dispatch has been received in London from Gen.

HyppolUo, the insure gent leader In llaytl, saying that he has defeated President Legitime, oapturod Port-au-lrluoe, the capital of that country, and proclaimed himself provisional President. Tho despatch from London wae partly corroborated by a cablegram received direct from Poit-au-Prliico, by way of Bt. Thomas, by a Arm in New York that has largo interests iu tho Haytlan capital. They say t.liuir correspondent Is to be relied on absolutely. Tlie despatch states that Legitime lias voluntarily withdrawn from tlie Presidency, but at last aooonuts was still In the capital, though no onokuow exactly where.

There was no word of au attempt to occupy lort-ait-Frinoe by llyp-politc's fores, though these forces at. last accounts were just outside tho oity, which is without proper fortlfleatlotiB and was completely at tlie mercy of ttie army of tho north. According to these geu-tlometi, who are in constant communication with Port-au-Prince, and who havo heretofore given out no Information on tlie situation, Legitime's lifo Is In no Immediate danger, as his measures have boon ordinarily mild and humane. The northerners are principally enraged at the botnbard-metit of the coast oitics of tlie north and at TlielemaquoR death. Legitime, however, is not held responsible for these bombardments, and tbe feeling for rovonge for The-lomaquo's doath has in a measure died out.

One great hope for Legitime's safety lies in the fact that though ho oapturod General Alfred Williams, one of liypHlitos Ministers, lie did not shoot him down, as Bala-mim would havo done, but kept him iu prison, and even allowed him to write let-jes to his friends. It is known that Hyp-Lhugs autt'ways disclaimed any desire to 1)6 A iu htt)'iLt I and it is thought that either BoisgraifAre aud oluaui.M-iut-point, or even some soutitiTft- no xou4s' may succeed Legltimo wiieti the next election comes. Tba RoIds Take Yin and Orer a Hundred People Burned to Death I Pittsburg. Aid for the Sull'erer. PiTTsitfRo, Juno 1.

The body of a Welsh woman, 00 years of age, was taken from the river near the suspension bridge, this city, at 10 oclock this morning. Four other bodies were seen, but owing to tho mass of wreckage which is ooming down the river they could not he recovered aud passed down tho Ohio river. A citizens meeting has been called to devLo ireaus to aid tlie sufferers of the Johustown timid. Tho Pennsylvania railroad officials have already placed cars ou Liberty street for tho purpose of receiving provisions and clothing, aud up to this hour many prominent merchants have made heavy donations. GREAT FORCE OF THE WATERS Tho Susquehanna river at Columbia la very high aud Is still on the Inorease, with evry prospect of a remarkably high river.

Tho IliKid lu tho river from abovo reached Columbia about midnight, and tho water rose rapidly, greatly increased by tho streams flow lug into tho river In this vicinity. All tho wharves along the river front aro completely covered with water, and tlie river track from Walunt street to limner's coal yard Is completely out of sight. Tlie owners of boats were at tlie river very early this morning and have placed their boats In safe places out of harm's way, A Urge number of boat houses aro almost completely submerged. Tlie snml dredging machine of T. J.

Oloppcr was anchored In Uie river aomo distance from shore, but was removed to tho coal chutes this morning, alter a few hours of very hard work. Tho river has a very threatening outlook aud from tlie very meagre reportH received from place up the river, the largest volume of water has uot yet arrived. On account of ttie Busqtudiauua river at thla place and for several miles below being of such a width, tho water has an excellent opportunity to spread and no danger is anticipated. Tho lee house along tlie river front aro almost entirely surrounded with water aud tlie ieo Is taken out for delivering purposes with considerable trouble. The tracks of tlie Columbia and Port Deposit railroad, between Columbia aud Perryvllle, were reported all rigtit lids morning.

Tills morning a very serious loss abont $50,000 occurred to Blllmeyer Bmall, of York, doing business at Wrlghtavillo. About six oclock a large fleet of alxty-tlve rafts broke loose from their fastenings along tlie Y'ork county shore, a short distance above Wrightsvillo. Tlie high water started the rafts down tlie rivor, About twenty rafts of tlie fleet lodged along piers of tlie bridge, while the einuj. Unpt, ou tlielr way down "hell slVmmi of Wrlghtavllle stated ta.elenllim. is go over the dam vo .1 CtOtHO of til tlniocatiit(vy pnu'uritlt crashing into a llmoa at the session thereu Kerr, Wet ml ami si Only Two Buildings Standing iu -Johnstown And Three in Cambria! To-morrow's Religious Servlets Shooting Match Tilt Car Movement.

At the Second Street Lutheran church the pastor, Rev. Willis B. Jllnman, will preach on Sunday morning on tlie subject, The Prospects of the Christian Religion. Subject Iu theovouing, Some Modern Portraits from the 24th chapter of Acts. Prayer meeting of the Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 o'clock.

Subject, Taught of God." Holy Communion will lo celebrated on Sunday morning In tho Methodist Episcopal church. Rev, Goo. Gaul will also mako a short sermon ou tho sacraments. ltev. K.

Ludwlck, pastor of Salome United llretheru church, will preach ou Sunday nioruing on the subject, The Glorious Exaltation of Christ," Subject for tho evening, Intemperance. The hour for holding the Sunday-school service has been changed from 1 m. to 9 a. m. Rev, O.

11, llctts, pastor of the Church of Uod, will preach on Sunday morning on tho subject. The Believers Portion. Subject In the evening, Y'ears Fleeting, Heaven Nearing, tho Christians Incentive to Zeal. Children's Day will bo observed ou Sunday morning In St. Joliu's Lutheran church.

Au Interesting pregramme has been prepared, consisting of recitations, singing, a floral contribution entitled From Cross to Crown. Tho church will be prettily decorated. No service In tho afternoon. In tho evening Rev. A.

M. Mohrkam, pastor, will deliver bis first anniversary sermou. Columbia v. Mountville. Despite tlie very heavy rain of yestorday afternoon the Mouutvillo Gun Club came Columbia to have a shooting match the Columbia Gun Club.

The clubs lutein, (cet great match on Mitlllu's Island, bill from many oolng there by tlie rain, mifurniHhad In two along tho river shore, tlie as ing the club house of tlie Columbia Club, while the traps wore placed at tho required distance ou tbe shore. The otubs had two matches, oue at double blue rocks aud one at singles. Both matches were won by tlie homo team, which entitles them to tlie championship of tho county. At the close of the match tlie mmnjior of both dubs wont to Frauolsaus'Coutiuental Hotel, where they were entertained in a royal manner. Tbe score was as follows SINOLK 111 I is.

Columbia Taylor, 11 Krueger, 14 Franolscus, 14 Crownshlelds, It Stevens, 13 Fendrich, 7. Total, 70. Mountville Crane, 10; Yolin, lfready, Kauffman, Pennypackor, 12; Loaoliy, 12. Total, 57. podiilb ns, Columbia Taylor, 6 Krueger, 8 Fran-olscus, 10 Crownshlelds, 3 Stevens, 7 Fendrich, 7.

Total 41. Mountville Crane, 2 Yokn, 0 Kready, 4 Kauffman, 8 Pennypackor, 7 Loaoliy, Total 81. A FAMILY ALMOST WIRED OUT. The Sorrowful New Sent from Cambria to a Rotative. Chicago, June 1.

Captain E. Fitzpatrick, of tho Central Police detail, has received the following dispatch from his brother, Peter, who was Chief of Police of Cambria borough, located across the river from Johustown, Pa Rose, her husband and child and my wife aud threo children were ail drowned. Some of Bobs The persons referred to in the message are Rose Brady, Captain Fitzpatrick's sister, J. Brady, the husband, Ellen Brady, daughter, Mary Fitzpatrick and her three children, two boys aud oue girl. Bob refers to another brother living there, who had nine children.

Tim most apppalliog disaster that has ever happened iu this country occurred last evening at Johnstown, this State, when the town was Hooded by the giving way of the reservoir several miles up the mountain. Full particulars have not yet been ascertaicei, but the town is known to be completely destroyed and it is believed that at least 1,200 lives 'are lost. Philadelphia, June 1. All the Indications poiut to the present trouble as being the worst ever exieriouecd by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. During the blizzard of March, 1888, the road was blockaded on the Now York Division and east of Altoona for nearly five days.

That memorable blockade waa caused by snow alone, tlie road not being damaged iu any way. The present suspension of traffic, caused by tho washing away of bridges aud viaducts, heavy landslides, long ami deep washouts and tho fall of heavy masses of rock from tho mountain sides to tho tracks below, between Altoona and Johnstown, a distance of about 40 miles, aud cast of tho former city, is expooted to last fully as long as tho snow blockade of a year ago. At tho office of tho General Manager of tho road it was slated tins morning that the new bridge across the Couemaugh river at Johnstown, which was reported to have been swept away by tho water, is still standing as firm as ever, but tho approach tlioreto, for a distance of 300 or 400 feet betweeu the station aud bridgo, has been washed out. Information received from ttiat point is very meagre. An official of the road there telegraphs that it is impossible to dosuribo tlie calamity and desoiatiou that followed it.

No particulars were given beyond this. Tho wires to Williamsport are still down. A despatch received from that city by way of Heading stated that tho lumber boom had broken at 9 oclock this morning and tho water was rushing through tlie upper end cf Tim Boom at Lock Haven About two oclock this morning word was received at Williamsport that tho boom at Lock Haven had broken aud that tho placo was overflowed. Since then no news has bceu received as to tlie condition of affairs, as the wires between Williamsport and Look Uavcu wout down immediately after tlie seuding of tho despatch and communication has not jet been restored. Where the Through Trains Are.

The positions of the east and west bound through trains on the Pennsylvania main line, as placed iu theso dispatches, last night, remains unaltered. Tho New Ymk and Chioago Limited, east bound, is still at Wilmore; Atlantic Express and Heft Shore Express are at Portage Day Express from Chicago and Mail train are at Couemaugh Philadelphia Express, east bound, from Pittsburg, is at Bolivar Junction. The three west bound trains from New York to Chicago are still at Altoona. No definite Information can bo given as to when these trains will move from tlie stations at which they are now laid up. On tho middle division, between Harrisburg aud Altoona, the line is very badly blocked, but the rain has ceased falling and tlie flood iu the Juniata is likely to decrease.

As soou as the water falls the extent of tho trouble can be ascertained and tlie prospects for running trains stated with some degree of accuracy. From Harrisburg north to Williamsport, on tho Northern Central division, the condition of the track is nearly as bad as on the middlo division and no trains will be run until the track oan be made safe. Ilo-youd Williamsport, on tlie Philadelphia and Erie branch, tlio small amount of information received is enough to show that the running of trains is out of tlie question. On the Northern Central branch, betweeu Harrisburg and Baltimore, there are several bad washouts and no trains have yet been run on that division. On the Philadelphia division, between Harrisburg and Philadelphia, tlie storm was not of sufficient violence to do any serious damage, and tlie road therefore is clear bo-tween these cities.

At ilavro-de-Grace, ttie water in the Susquehanna is reported to be very high, but no serious damage has as yet been reported. Vice President Frank Thomson, of tlie Pennsylvania Railroad Company, loft this morning on a special train for the scene of tho blockade and the efforts to clear tlie line and restore travel will be made uudor his supervision. No Definite News from Lock Haven. A dispatch received from Williamsport at one oclock this afternoon, states that tho city is flooded, and the water still rising. Up to one o'clock no news of any sort had been received from Lock Haven as to the state of affairs there and tho condition of that water-swept city is only a matter of conjoctu re.

Tbe last nows rooeived showed that tlie place was overflowed by tbe bursting of tbe lumber boom, located just above tbe eity. FRANK II. UOBLK DISAPPEARS. A Number of Persona Hnttalu Lots Through Him Tlie Property Selzeil. Frank II.

Cobio, proprietor of tho brass foundry adjoining Thomas Annes machiuo shops, ou Filbert street, has absconded, leaving behind him number of versons who sustain loss through him. The firm of Thomas Anno endorsed for him to the amount of $1,100, aud most of theso notes have been paid by thorn as matured. Cobio disappeared two weeks ago and when tho firm named loarnod this, wltieU they did a week ago, they Issued executions against him. Besides tlie notes endorsed Cobio owed them $600 for tlie ground ou which the foundry is built. A few days ago they received a letter from Coble, dated Atlaula, iu whioh he hands his foundry and stock over to thorn.

They took possession to-day. Joseph Zook, who furnished tho materials and put up tlie foundry, on Thursday, filed a claiiq against tho property for $1,084. Tho machiuo firm will not loso much, if anything, as they have the first claims against the property. CONFIRMATION OF THE DISASTER. Johimtowi) Completely AnuiliUated and at Leiut 1.300 Lives Lost.

New Florence, Juno 1. N. Kays, a Pennsylvania railroad officer, has just returned from Johnstown. Ho says -the place is annihilated, Couemaugh is wrecked and Cambria City swept away Fully 1,200 lives bave been lost. Rumor, or Further Aw ful Disaster.

New Florence, June 1. Oue hundred bodies have been recovered at Nineveh. Seventy persons are reported to have been burned to doath iu a fire at Johnstown Bridgo. Dettnite Information Not Vet obtainable. New Florence, June 1.

Sang Hollow la the nearest point to Johnstown that can be reached this morning. All telegraph communication between these two points is cut off, and' it is yet impossible to secure definite information. Ing tlie boat that It sank In a short time. Tlie steamer Wrlghtsville, owned by tho Reading Railroad Company, was jammed along tbe wharf by some of tho logs and badly strained. Tbe water along tbe Wrlghtavillo has risen over ttie tow-path, and five canal boats are lying along tlie path.

Timber and debris, of every description, are floating down the river at a very rapid rate, aud a number of men are out in boats busily engaged iu catching tbe drift wood. Nothing of any consequence lias occurred about town aa yet, but If the river continues rising, some damage might be tbe result. At Cbleklns, this afternoon, tliw water was lovei with tlie canal, lliestaml Bous saw mill is surrounded, and Chicking creek is up to the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge. It Is feared that the canal bank at Cliiukiea Rook will give away and tho water oover tho railroad tracks. Hie river is now within live feet of tlie height of, tlie tlooil of 1865, ami Is still rising rapidly.

I be greatest flood Is expected to-night. A big foroo of men has been engaged to protect the lumber. Towpath Broken Throuali llallroait Track Hubinergeil The river is rising between 2 and 8 Indies au hour, and the towpalli has been broken between Columbia and Cblckles. Tlie canal and river are one body of water. Tho water Is runnlngthrough Bruner's coal yard.

The north-track of tlie Pennsylvania railroad, at llenry Clay furnace, is THE WATERS RECEDING. Many Dead Bodies Recovered from the Flood. Refugee, from the Fated New Florence, Juno 1 Later The waters are now receding here as rapidly as they rose last night, and as the banks unoover the dead are showing up. Already nine dead bodies have been picked up within the limits of this borough since daylight. None of them have as yet been recognized.

Five of those found are womou. One iadv, probably 23 years old and rather handsome, had clasped in her arms a baby about six months old. The dead body of a young man was discovered in the brandies of a huge tree, which had been carried down the stream. The body of another woman has just been discovered in the river here. Her foot was discovered above tho surface of the water.

A rope was fastened about it, and it is now tied to a tree awaiting assistance to land it. Swept Away and Drowned. John L. Weber and bis wife, an old couple, Mike Metzgar and John Forney were rescued near here early this morning. They had teen carried from their home in Cambria city on the roof of a house.

There were seven otheis on the roof of the house when it was carried off by the an-ry waters. They were all drowned. They are unknown to Weber, they having drifted on to the roof from the iloating debris. Weber and wife were almost helpless from the exposure. They wore unable to walk when taken off the roof at this place.

They are now at the hotel here. Anxious Refugees. The banks on both sides of the river at this place are crowded with anxious watchers, and with horrifying frequency their vigils are rewarded by the discovery of a dead body. Within the last half hour three floating bodies have been recovered at this point, and hundreds of people from Johnstown and up the river towns are hurrying here in search of their friends and relatives who were swept away in last nights flood. The most intense excitement prevails lift-e.

The street corners are crowded with pale and anxious people, who tell of awlul calamity with still breath. 'Squire Bennett has charge of the dead bodies and he is having them properly cared for. They are being prepared for burial but will be held hero ft dentification. Dead Bodies In the Mud. Four boys have just come from the river bank above bore.

They say that on the opposite side a number of bodies can be seen lying in the mud. They found the body of a woman on this side. She was covered with debris, but they pulled her out. She had only a few tatters of clothes on her and the body was badly bruised. One Hundred Dead Bodies at One Point.

No news can bo received from Johnstown and it may be many hours before we can get any. it. B. Itogers, Justice of the Peace at Ninevah, has wired the Coroner at Greeusburg that one hundred dead bodies have been found at that place and he asks what to do with them. From this one can estimate that the loss of life will reach more than 1,000.

No one knows, no one can guess the sickening sight that is expected to be met by the correspondents when they arrive at the scene above. The report has just been received that persons are on an island near Nineveh, and that a man and woman are on a partly submerged tree. One Hundred People Reported Burned to Death. The report has just readied here that at least 100 people were consumed in the flames at Johnstown last night. It is said to have been an awful horror, but information cant he obtained here.

The air is filled with thrilling and most incredible stories, but none of them has as yet been confirmed. It is certain, however, that even the worst canuot be Imagined. THE HEAVY RAINFALL. Fields Flooded and Streams Overllowlng Tlielr Banks Damage to the Crops. The rainfall during this week, according to Mr.

II. C. Demuths rain gauge, was 3 10-100 inches, and the fall during Friday night was 1 55-100 incites a very unusual fall in a single night. As a consequence the streams of the county are very much swollen, aud the byroads are in wretched condition. Not only the creeks of the county are flooded, but the Susquehanna was bank-full this morning and rapidly rising.

It was full of drift, and details of its condition will be found in our Columbia letter. The damage by wind was not so great in the rural districts, on Friday afternoon and night, although mauy limbs of trees were blown off and a good doal of fruit blown down. The wheat crop, however, is badly damaged, and in some districts the young tobacco has been bo completely washed out that there will have to be replanting. Mr. liarry ltaub, of Reilly Brothers Raub, was driving on the New Holland turnpike on Friday afternoon, and says that in all tho years that he traveled as a hardware salesman, before becoming a member of the firm of Reilly Brothers Raub, he never saw so delugiug a rain.

Some fields were completely submerged nothing could be seen but a vast sheet of water. The Interruption to Travel. The telegraph service has been greatly interfered with by the storm, and the local telcphono service has also been obstructed, some of the wires in this county having been blown down. The greatest inoonvcnience, however, has been occasioned to railroad travel, and no trains from the West are expected iu Lancaster before Monday. They are selling tickets to the West at the Lancaster station, but the railroad officials warn all purchasers of tickets to western points that they may be subject to much delay and annoyance.

An ordor was received by Depot Master Hambriglit, this morning, to suspend tlie sale of tickets to all points south of Washington. Rev. Alonzo DUler at Johnstown. The fact that Rev. Alonzo Diller, son of Mr.

Isaac Diller, has charge of the Episcopal parish at Johnstown, naturally filled his friends with great alarm. An effortwas made to reach him by telegraph, but the despatch went only as far as Altoona. Ilis brothers are of the opinion that he is safe, as his wife is a daughter of one of the gentlemen connected with the Cambria Iron Works, who had great interests at stake there, that she must have known of the unsafe condition of tlie reservoir, a message of warning having been sent into the town at ono oclock in the afternoon four hours before tbe disaster and they believe Mr. Diller and his family withdrew to a place of safety. The Conestoga All Right.

Up to noon to-day the Conestoga was still within its banks, and no fears of damage are apprehended. Tho Water Works are all right, and it is not believed the water will be as high as it was tw weeks ago. A Stroke or Business. On the Niagara, which reaches Lancaster at 11 oclock in the morning, a oouplo of Philadelphia newsdealers came herewith great piles of late editions of the Philadelphia papers, which they had exclusively, and they sold like hot cakes. A Lancaster Lady at Johnstown.

Mrs. P. G. Reinhold, a daughter of Mr. Samuel Slaugh, shoemaker over Kauffmans drug store, North Queen street, lives in Johustown, with her husband and child, and her parents are almost distracted.

In Terrible Suspense. The family of Dr. Henry Yeaglcy, of this city, were in terrible suspense to-day. Dr. Yeagley has two brothers in Johnstown, and Mrs.

Yeagley has three brothers and a sister, and all of tiiese have families and yet not ono word of news oould be learned concerning tho fate of all these relatives. Nothing more dreadful could well be imagined. Weather Indications. Washington, Juno t. Indication! for thi next twenty-four hovrt, commenting at tight a.

m. to-day For Kaetim I'enneylea-ia, rain, followed on Monday by fait, eliyhtly cooler, wind becoming weiterly. The storm centre has remained almost stationary over tho Ohio valley for the past forty-eight hours, and extended yestorday from Wisconsin to the Nortli Carolina ooast, with heavy rain falling south aud west of Now York oity, and averaging from 1.50 to 2 luehes iu Ohio, Virginia, the District of Columbia and Michigan. In all other sections east of the Mississippi rain foil but was light and showery. Tlie movement of tills storm is held in oheck by a high baroinotcr extending along the nortli Atlantic coast.

Th re is alsoauother high barometer pressing on its northwestern side. Both tend to diminish the area covered by tlie storm, and at the same time greatly increase its rotary motion. As a consequence, high winds and severe local storms wore prevalent yesterday in ail sections east of tbe lakes. An unusually low temperature prevails over tlie lake region, where tbe record yesterday waa from 36 to 401, while on tbe Atlantlo ooast and west to the lakes the temperature was 70 The steep gradients are suoh as often mean mischievous winds. Another storm is moving down from Montana, and rain is beginning to fall iu that section.

Sunday should bo cool and fair. The Hydrographic Office's forecast for June is generally fair weather, with occasional gales along the transatlantic route and off tho Atlantlo coast. A Ublld's Death. John II. Y'oung, Infant child of Charles F.

Y'oung, postmaster, died ou Friday at 9:20 oclock, aged 1 year and 10 dayN. The death resulted from typhoid pneu-mouia, after an illness of three weeks. The funoral will be held on Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Services at tlie residence of the parents, corner of Second and Walnut streets. Car Movement The following number of cars wore handled during the mouth of May by the employes in the east and west yards of tlie railroad at Columbia Train.

Loaded. Empty. Total. Eastward: 1,610 48,157 579 48,736 Westward, 731 12,993 35,895 48,888 2.361 01,140 30,474 07,024 This movement shows an inorease of 763 cars over the preceding month aud an inoreaso of 5,527 oars over the corresponding month of last year. Very Dear Drink.

Mat. Watson, a notorious colored woman from the llill. was givens hearing at the offioo of 'Squire Solly last evoning, for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, on complaint of Emma Arohoy, another colored woman who has frequently been before tlie 'Squire. She was discharged upon the paymunt of oosts. Mat.

and her husband, Jim, have been In considerable trouble during the laBt few weeks anil always got in some 'Squires office. During the past throe weeks tho pair have been In trouble a number of times and have paid in flues and costa the sum of $21. Left Her Home. Amelia J. Morris, a daughter of Ephraim Morris, living in Washington borough, ran away from home yesterday, taking with her the best part of her clothing.

She is a mulatto, seventeen years old and rather large for her age. She wore a calioo dress and a gingham apion when last seeu. No cause oan be assigned for the girls sudden disappearance. Bolling Mill to Kotaino The Columbia Iron Company will make an attempt to start their rolling mill on Monday or Tuesday of next week. Notices bave been posted about town notifying the old employes that the mill will start at tbe $3.50 rate of wagos, aud that they can have their places by applying to the man-ager.

Town A strawberry festival will be held this evening in the Methodist church, by tlie Ladies Mite Bociety. A liberal patronage la expected. Chester Duller, a young son of Irwin Iluller, living on North Third street, fell from a fence yesterday and out a severe gash lu his chiu. The Columbia Base Ball Club are trying to secure a new ground at the head of Walnut street and until they oan secure them, the team will play ball in Manhoim, Lebanon and other places. Tbe club is practicing daily and play good ball.

The examinations at the public schools will oommence on Monday apd school will close for the summer vaoation on the following Friday. Mrs. Wm. Hardy left town this morning for a visit to friends in Philadelphia. Mrs.

8. Klugherz left this morning for Philadelphia, on a visit to friends. Rev. Thomas Henderson left this morning to take charge of a church at Twenty-second and Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. He was given a surprise party by his friends last night.

FIRST NEWS OF THE DISASTER. The Broken Reservoir the Largest In the Country. Braddock, June 1. The first news of the disaster was ascertained at 7:20 last evening, when the chief officials of the Pittsburg end of the main line of the Penu-Bylvanta road received their first iulorma-tion from the signal tower at Sang Hollow, west of Johnstown. At a quarter of 8 oclock a boy was rescued iu the signal tower of the railroad company.

His name is unknown, but he said that with his father, mother, brother and two sisters he was swept away in the light frame house which was their home. He was washed away from the building, but said the other members of the family were in it when it was swept over the breast of the new stone railroad bridge at Johnstown that it capsized a few seconds later aud they were all drowned, so far as he could tell. As early as 1 oclock the alarm was sent to Johnstown that there was danger from the dam. The railroad offioiais were notified and in a very short time began to carry people from the town to places of safety ou regular trains and hastily improvised rescuing trains. Superintendent Pitcairn, of the Western Division of the Pennsylvania railroad, was on his way to South Fork aud was notified of the impending trouble.

Superintendent Pitcairn promptly took charge of the railroad and of the work and began the double duty of clearing tracks and sending all possible aid to thoso iu danger. His prompt work and intelligent comprehension of the danger and his strenuous efforts to spread the alarm no doubt saved many lives. The Fatal Reservoir. In order to understand the nature of this calamity it is necessary to describe the respective locations of the reservoir and Johnstown. The reservoir lies about two aud a-half miles northeast of Johustown, aud is the site of the old reservoir, which was one of the feeders of the Pennsylvania Canal.

It is the property of a number of wealthy gentlemen iu Pittsburg, who formed themselves into the corporation, the title of which is the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club. Ibis sheet of water was formerly known as Conemaugh Lake. It is from 200 to 300 feet above the level of JohnBtown, being in the mountains. It Is abont three and a half miles long and from a mile to one and a quarter miles in width, and in some places it is 100 feet in depth. It holds more water than any other reservoir, natural or artificial, in the United States.

The lake has been quadrupled in size by artificial means, and was held in check by a dam from 700 to 1,000 feet wide. It is 90 feet in thickness at the base, and the height is 110 foet. The top has a breadth of over twenty feet. Recognizing the menace which the lake has to the region below the South Fork Club had the dam inspected once a month by the Pennsylvania railroad engineers, and their investigations showed that nothing less than some convulsion of nature would tear the barrier away and loosen the weapon of death. The steady rain of the past forty-eight hours increased the volume of water in all the small mountain streams, whioh were already swelled by the lesser rains earlier in the week.

From the best information obtained at this time it is evident that something in the nature- of a cloud-burst must bave been the culmination of the struggle of the water against the embankment. Tbe Young Feople'i Literary. On Friday evening tlie Y'oung People's Literary Booiety of Bt. Paul's Reformed church gave another of thoir delightful entertainments, which have been so successful heretofore. Tho exercises were opened with devotional services and then tlie following programme was rondorod Piano solo Miss Daisy Bmaling touor solo, Mr.

William Blaitglt; reading, Miss May Byrne; nano solo, Miss Callie Bhaeflor; vocal solo, Mr. Clayton Landis vocal quartetto, Miss Kate Shirk, Mrs. Charles Hoffmeier, and Messrs. William Slaugh and F. M.

Baur-tier; reading, Miss Helen Btahr; vocal solo, Mrs. Hunter; piano solo, Miss Marne Mowery; rcoitation, Miss Lulu Gotz; vocal duet, Mrs. Hoffmeier and Mr. Slaugh humorous reading, Mr, Harper Foreman piano solo, Miss Mowery. The programme was concluded with the repetition of tlie vocal quartetto and another boautiful tenor solo by Mr.

Clayton Landis. The whole affair was a big success, and the society returns its thanks to those who assisted in the programme and who are not members of the association, to Mr. Steve J. Owens for tho uso of the piano and in gcnoral to all who participated. The announcement was made during the evoning that tho Junior Missionary Circle of the church would givo another sociable on Tuesday evoning, June 11, in the lecture room of the church.

There will be an admission charged, and refreshments will be served to all attending. Trouble Over Horses, Messrs. Brown Ileusol, attorneys for John Harry, who lives near Petersburg, this morning issued a writ of attachment for several horses, the property of Moses Moses. In April laist Moses bought four horses from the plaiutiff, and a check on the First National Bauk, of Baltimore, was given iu payment. The chock was signod Moses Moses per E.

Moses, aud when it was sent to Baltimore it went to protest for want of a deposit. To-day Harry discovered that tlie defendant had several horses In Grossmans livery stable, and these were attached by Deputy Bherift' Levan. The plaiutiff was with the officer, and soon after tho attachment was made E. Moses called him apart and offered to settle ttie matter. Another check was given him and he doparted happy, and told the Sheriff that he would pay all the costs of the case.

Wbon he got to the office of his attorneys Harry saw that the check was signed exactly as the former oue, and as they knew its fate would he the same, the parties immediately started out to have tlie matter finally adjusted The animals had been taken to Joseph Sond-heimers stables, on Marion street, and to this place they were followed, and the attachment again made. The case was then ended by Mr. Boudhelracr, who gave bis check for $140, the amount In dispute. A Change of Base We learn that our well known townsman, Mr. H.

A. Gross, the long-time passenger agent of the Chicago, aud Northwestern Railroad, has severed his connection with that corporation which he so long, so efficiently aud so satisfactorily served, and has become the head of tho Passenger and Freight. Departments of the Lebanon and Cornwall Railroad in this State. Mr. Gross severs his ties with his old company reluctantly and oontrary to its wishes, but a number of considerations not necessary to mention have induced him to take this course.

We feel assured that Mr. Gross large experience as a railroad man will prove of great service to the new and prosperous road in whose service he has enlisted. Body Recovered. The body of the little colored boy Gillas-pie, who was drowned In Fishing Creek, was recovered on Thursday evening by some fishermen, at a point on the York county side almost directly opposite where be was drowned, the current having apparently taken the body directly across the river. Death of Isaac L.

Hershey. Isaao L. Hershey, a prominent citizen of East Donegal township, died on Friday, in his seventy-third year. Mr. Hershey was a leading member of the River Brethren THE SITUATION AT HARKISBURG.

The East End at the City Flooded and Thousands of Dollars Loss Incurred. Harrisburg, Juno 1. Tbe great rain storm has entailed a loss of thousands of dollars to the people of Harrisburg. Iu the east aud south ends of the city tho water rose above tbe banks of the Paxton creek, in several instanoes swept away bridges, and in many cases readied tlie firet-Btory of bouses.Lastnight hundreds of families were in distress and forced to leave thoir homes. Mayor Fritckay conducted tbe relief expedition, which utilized all the boats to be had, and while the rain came down in torrents he and his assistants did good work.

While thus engaged the Mayor and one of his officers narrowly escaped drowning. The Susquehanna river at this point is 18 feet above low water mark and its depth increases every hour. Independence Island is completely covered. The tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad south of here are covered by about two feet of water. Trains from the east stop here, and at this writing the probability is that it will be several hours before traffic to the west will be resumed.

Early this morning Hartmans tannery, at Tenth and State streets, was totally destroyed by fire, supposed to be of incendiary origin. The stock was insured. Advices just received from points up the river say that the beautiful fish houses owned by the Harrisbtirgers about ten miles from here were washed away, as were the Bheds and outhouses of every kind. Tbe great embankments here have caved culverts and sewers demolished and great trees laid prono. A party of newspaper men, representing New York and Philadelphia journals, came here early this morning with the expectation of reaching Johnstown.

Finding travel to the West at a stand still from this point, some of them went down the Cumberland Valley with the intention of boarding a Baltimore and Ohio train and going to the West by a circuitous route. Brady's War Views. Col. J. II.

Grover having lately returned from his European tour, he will favor Lancaster with a second course of lectures, and the exhibition of the celebrated Brady War Views at the Opera House ou June 13, 14 15, and grand matinee on Saturday afternoon, Juno 15, for the benefit of the Western M. E. church, of this city. In the Colonols European tour ho appeared before Queen Victoria, Prinoe of Wales and the nobility and gentry of Europe, and before orowded houses everywhere. Traveled Many Miles to Marry.

A marriage announcement in the New York papers headed George Jeukyn condenses a larger romance than usually culminates in marriage. The groom came from Ban Francisco to meet his bride and she sailed from England to wed him, so their joint travel to embark in matrimony was 'about 6,000 miles. Mr. George came to this country over eleven years ago and left his eighteen-year-old fianoee in England, not to see her again until the end of a 3,000 mile journey they met each other halfway to join hearts and fortunes. HORROR UPON HORRORS.

Confirmation of the Reported Holocaust. One Hundred People Roasted In Mid Flood. New Florence, June 1. now can anybody tell how many are dead? said a railroad engineer this morning. I have been at Sang Hollow with my train since 11 oclock yesterday and I have seen fully 500 persons lost in the flood.

J. W. Escb, a brave railroad employe, saved 16 lives at Nineveh. The most awful culmination of the awful night was the roasting of a hundred or more people in mid-flood. The ruin of houses, old buildings and other structures swept against the new railroad bridge at Johnstown and from an overturned stove or some such cause, the upper part of the wreckage caught fire.

There were orowds of men, women and children on the wreck and their screams were soon added to the awful chorus of horror. They were literally roasted on the flood. Soon after the fire burned itself out others were thrown against the mass. There were some fifty people in sight when the ruins suddenly parted, broke up and were swept under the bridge into the pitchy darkness. The latest news from Johnstown is that but two houses could be seen in the town.

It is also said that only three houses re main in Cambria City. The Valley Towns Annihilated. The first authentic news was from W. N. Hays, of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, who reached New Florence at 9 oclock.

He says the valley towns are Will Speak In Colombia County. Luther S. Kauffman, will leave Lancaster next week for Columbia oouuty, where he will deliver ten speeches. Last week he delivered five speeches in Northumberland oounty, and the press of that section Republican and Democratic speaks In the most complimentary terms of Mr. Kauffmans speeches.

Death of a Printer. Jonas B. Gingrich, a son of Mr. John Gingrich, County Commissioner, died this morning, from Brights disease, in the 26th year of his age. He had been an invalid for long time.

Deceased was a printer by occupation, and was employed iu The New Era job department for a considerable time, where be was much respected aud beloved by his associates. The printing not agreeing with him, he relinquished it and went into the drug business, but he was compelled to give up all business about a year ago. The funeral will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2 oclock, with services at 3 oclock at the Old Men-nonite church at Landisville. THE FLOOD AT YORK. Great Damage In the City bnt the Waters Subsiding One Man Drowned York, June 1.

The flood in the Codorus creek here reached its greatest height about six this morning, when all bridges save one were under water. Business places and residences in low sections were flooded to great extent and damage in this city alone 11 amount to $25,000. The injury to Spring Grove paper mills, near the city, is heavy. By noon the water had fallen sufficently to restore travel over nearly all the bridges. In attempting to catch some driftwood THE STORY OF A REFUGEE.

Tbs People Had Ample Warning, but Many Refused to Give Heed. New Florence, June 1. The gray morning light does not seem to show either hope or mitigation of theawful fears of the night. We are at "New Florence, 14 miles from the scene of destruction at Johnstown. It has been a hard night to everybody.

The weary, overworked newspaper men, who have been without rest and food since yesterday afternoon, and gaits Withdrawn. The suit brought by B. F. Singer against Emma Btentz, before Alderman Pinkerton, charging her with keeping a vicious dog, has been withdrawn. The suits brought before tho same Aider-man by Constable Ruth against John MoCarthy, charging him with drunkenness and disorderly conduct, assault and battery and resisting an officer, have also been withdrawn on payment of the costs.

Home to Erin. Mr. Bernard Dougherty sailed to-day from New York for Londonderry, Ireland, on the Anchor Line rur-nessia. He left the neighborhood of that oity seven years ago, when he wasabout fifteen years of age, and this Is his first visit home..

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