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The Portsmouth Herald from Portsmouth, New Hampshire • Page 5

Portsmouth, New Hampshire
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COMPARE Thete Special Cut with the So Called Offered Eliewhere. I Trunklop "Bursoii" Hose, SOc value. pr I -Infants' Cashmerelle Hose, 39c value 29c pr I 39c Hose 29c pr I. Plain and Handkerchiefs. ea Envelope Chemjse aL 98c and $1.25 of fine, quality cotton (rimmed) I 29 and i 50 Silk Camisoles; Straight Vests.

sizes and perfect) Si ..75 Umbrella' values Hi i $1.25. New Fall Neckwear nf SOc, 75c, $1.00 I --Colgate's Toilet Soap, 3 cak'esJn box. Peroxide 13ath and Pure Gasi'ilc Soaps .2 for'25c Every pair of Lace and Marquisette Curtains from our rcgular.stoc kas follows: Curtains, $2.25 Curtains, i 75 Curtains, $3.50 Curtains, $2.49 29c a i Materials. yd. 22c Curiaiir Materials.

yd. 35c and 5pc a i Materials. yd. $2.25 aiu'l $2.98 House Dresses and Wrappers. COMPARE THE PORTSMOUTH HERALD.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1518. "tent, for the-conditions under which I sre Identical with this of I the other, armies. Uurlris'lhe formative period'of American army In France the men were to keep fairly clean--out? fairly--but with (ha of the year's activity tttey were set upon the same fooling as their nllles. "Df i Ihc vermin of the, trenches, Iho chief pest- Is the louse. He Is unescapnblo and over present.

"The primary reason Is a (he men SOUHE1SMEAI STROWHEABT AT FORT STARK iStroiiKhrart, tho noted Indian Scout, apjjcaied at Y. M. A. at l-'ort Stai-k, New evening to the dolltihl of tlie enlisted men. many of whom had heard him 'havo only 'Intermlllent opportunities on his previous visit.

He talked for to ThcortllcaHyof course an hour and a nuarler lo Ms aolUier- Ihc imn of nil armies ato Waned and' audlcnw, mainly on, customs dried and newly untlercloihod once and of the Indla.M and all HH- a fcrtnlilil. -i Sometimes Had-eyed liMicrt marked interest. A his ojillmlsts a their a talk he uuered lo answer questions and a and varied those a a I "Rvon If a were possible the ed of him. One soMler asked Sirens-' would not disposed of' Ho heart to i the Indian war whoop, out tills ho felt lie could not do' and be loyal Ills sovernnwiil. Ho then explained to the audience glnce- Ihe los: Custcr battle the government tiaJu a treaty with tho Indiana, anil a that the Indian was never to be allowed to fc'Jre Hie war whoop or go on the- war path again; nor have thrf war daneo or wear a a i cloje of Strongheart'si talk he was warmly npptauiled and had It been twice ho would have had iho closest'attention of his audience.

Tonight ho. appears on tho U. S. S. Spiithery.

Next week he will entertain enllb-ted jn the'lioslon district. I A WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS COOTIES PEST Of SOLDIER'S LIFE would mnna to cling In overlooked fold of a blanket or under Ihc collar of overcoat. And by and by romance would hesln In Jila blood, ami he would inert lads' louso and sot housekeeping. Whereupon a wholo cltyful of.young- lings would (he unfortunate who playea tho part of an host would go back moments of uneasiness i the day nnd his hours. of sleeplessness of night." EDITH STOREY In the Startling 6-Reel Feature The Legion of Death MILDRED HARRIS In the Big Jewel Special The Doctor and The Woman ITS A GREAT BIG TRIPLE BILL WITH VAUDEVILLE PERSONALS recovering NAVY YARD NOTES OJCB of CrJppo Tho navy at Uoslon on Tuesday reported J3 new crujcn of and ono a i the largest, i of east-u for.

In af- every one of tho now'crises In- vt-aHgulIun they new- com era or mcmljcri of the new 'etuJ- CITI corim. The death was of a rallur who WHH U-IIIK trraUd at dome. I Tlic Hi-my rerorlcrl no new nnd I no dciilhu nmont; Iho U.LroaboiilG lUar Admlrnl Sjjencer H. Wooil cum nKiuiHnff Hit J-'liiil Naval i tniHors muat give proper JTI- (u ofTlct-rs. Hereafter officers wJll asccrliiJn a of at! men who frill to mime, and al lllcrty Icnvex wll be until iho men 1 properly lo a ir the matter la nor i a corrected.

pocket book u-itli bliit i conutJnfiiK navy yard pass lottern, etc. J-'jinlcr Jje rc- Wiirdcd hy Jc-uvlng nt HcraM office, waitress arfd man IJfl.wnlnEr'H (Jrill. If n'iO Thty Salute Reed th. Wint IS THE WAR OVER? Is time YET for Uncle Sam to turn over and a No-Decidedly No! The Dcparlincnl sends oul a call to New England lo i i 1,220 men io (rained in (wo niouiJis (ii) California), for commissions as Second 1 Jeulenanls I (he Army. Jf this to you, Lieut G.

U. S. at the. Mayor's Office, City Hall, Portsmouth, N. without delay, the School begins December 1st.

Office 8 to 12 a. 1 to 5, 6 to 8 p. m. Seven Days a Week. In u'coriununtcnllod Ihe N'atEonal Ucuffniphlc society, Herljcrt Corey Llic story of grcnteal veat of iho HOldfer'a llfo In Vrancc--Ihe coolEe.

A jKirt of. hiH communication' Is iHHiictl as the following war ECOE- raphy i I 'The soldiers of jiest as The Kicncli I of 'tolos' and (he tell of They know it Is a Ihcy arc Infested, I'ul effect of yenrs of civilian training They feel, aU reason, Iliat there Is bhamcful In i slate. Tlicy try to assume a i i they do not fed, and call the tilings 'pant and 'sunin squirrels' and HiJcak of 'reading i "This In not a pleasant recital, If ono thinks In civilian terms of the louse un loathsome and suspects thuL men who suffer from, this ptague arc In some way to blame. At the very It cannot be pleasant. But Klncn my own people hav come into the war, and because know them best and talk their Ji guage, I havo Txjguri lo realize" the courage that Is needed lo bea tills plague i whining-.

"Many a man has tote that to be under fire would be a i If he conld be clean. Mnd and tnlrs and hunger, and cohl can be borm with r-ijuliiimUv, the louse carries tKe sutrtfestlon of degradation. Yet that loo, is sustained bravely. ''I have known only one man to cry because of the a surgeon once told me. 'That man went Into No- Man's I-a tid on reconnaissance at night In as commonplace fnsliioa us though lie wore taking the tram: for the a 1 'I don't mind Iho nights on guard In the front trench, 1 many say, 'bc- usc the nights are cold nnd 1 are quid.

But I dcrad tlie coming of the day, when I must back I my dugout and try to slcc-p and a 1 shall have (o He irtd feel 'them' crawl. They' become i all of (Tic men, in the advance arens arc lousy, according 1 to document a Is accepted as: au- Miontativc, It Is impossibly to tell proportion of the men'. In -the ml nloiiK (he lines of coimmml- i and In ots are infested. "It Is probable that the Frclich nrinlea suffer lo a like ex- WHEN TONGUE IS COATED your Hvpr Is tqrpltl nnci-ls nffccllnff your stomach nnd bowels. To ruuae llvt-r, IhD little, imrv-ly vesc- inble.

nnd I i i a sntlstactory Hooti's PltK They relieve constipation, nil liver ills; Do not Irritate nor crlpe. Trice of druggists I or C. J. Jlood Mrs. Joseph I'hllbrlck from a serious Illness.

A. Jones and Family jmsaed Monday ariil Tuesday In lioslon. M. lioblnsbn nml ilauuh(er I'eckcr o( nrookllnc are licre to closo home. In Rye.

Mr. a a George of Koye's Cornei- are latlohs on (he birth of Mrs. Tlromas Perry has closed tier summer home at I'ortsmouth Harbor, returned to Boston for tho' winter. .1. II.

Sushmlo a-aif this city where he Is employed lo hla home Jn Concord owlng to the Illness of "his w'lfe- and children. a. Adam ilcMoehemont' of -Middle Is vlsiliiig her uncle, Cnplain' lames M. Kurfee. keeper of NObble Light.

York lleuch. Cllnloii Hurkc of Providence. K. I. passing a week as tlie Ills a Captain Janies M.

Burke of Nubble I.IBIM. York Ueach. Mrs. Grace I lira. Helen V.

lloyi and Mm. Flichard B. were in Dover yesterday a ing the a a stsulon of tho I'yUilan Slstern. The family of Jame.i Dwj-cr who liavt- resided I i fj Ihc li years, have residence In Klifrc Mr. Dwyer has I stationed in connection Vllh internal revenue work.

Jtalpli a. Stoddaid who is In cliarge Camp i office. Is Improvlnu from the Influenzti. This new, will be pleasing the lances of Mr. StoddanI In this city, where lie was as.ilgneil some weeks ago.

Mrs. LcHtcr of Klorldo, mho was called here by (he Illness of her huslxinil, nn enlisted man at the yard, lias taken a In Ills city. Crumb JH NDiv ntr from imcumonlii and able lo -Edward Ames has recently, been tasslng a feir days In Concord. 'Mr. and Mrs.

Willlnm pimbar and ainlly if Jpswlch. have taken' up their residence In Mils city. Mr. Dunbar having a position at one of tic ship yard." Two Southern Singing GirU SHAW BEATTY That Comedy Singing and RROWM'FRANCIS HAVE ORGANIZED FOR UNITED DRIVE Tlie oC the working force (6 be. cinployed in raising IorU-' a i War Work tiecn completed.

The campaign slnrts November 11th and ends on Xoveixber and Iny that tfme an erioruelio canvass "'III be made to secure i i ro- 'lulrcd. This win be applied to the war of the several organizations and will uo raised one WB drive Instead of, IIB In past, carry-. Int' out. I i i a drives for different organizations. The Committee for this i Is as follows IV.

Randall. D. V. IJorthwick. representing V.

M. c. I -Miss a a S. Klmball. representing W.

C. Rev. D. A. Sullivan, rep- Wentlng K.

of Jlr. Ralph Slod- dord representing a Com- i a a I-'ernald rep- resenllnt; Library Asvoclmlon; Louis Shapiro representing Jewish ncllef; Capt. i i a T. Ijiwrencc represenl- I Imr Salvation A C. E.

Downton I for Atlanlli: J. P. Con- ner for It. ShaUiick U. D.

Fer for Nnvy Yard; I I H. Tlllon Morley liiitton Mfg. Col. H. C.

Taylor for Gale Shoe A. Hel- tle'n faj- ItockinKhurn -r. J. Cater, U. L.

Costello, L. W. Kivald, W. Hartford. Albert Hlslop n.

C. P.iola, B. C. Mat- tliew.i, H. D.

McDonaugh. O. I'ey- str. K. II.

riaker, John G. Sweetser. TO OUR THOUSANDS READERS ASSIGNED TO THE METHODIST A I Deaconess Smith has recently from the and Is the guest Rev. Hollln S. Tutllc iind family at Itlle Harbor road.

Deaconess i na teen sent here to assist the ivut'tor work of the parish, specially to alii In t'lio nllstcd men. The Hern has been overtaxed with advertising to such an extent a It has bpen oliligoii to curtail its news features. It b.qs been obliged to refuse a i for i In I ci-owilrrt condition It asks (he I gence of Us renilers. We are trying to sunply Hpnce ns called for by both political pnrlic.i. liut we certainly must refuse to crowd out nny more news than It is possible to prei-ent.

BOXERS A I TOWN Oiver.s find liussen nncl Wood nnc! Trpinbla-, some of the i A. C. inert this evening culled a the I office this a noon: live Porlsniontli I i i for the people all the time--Tho Herald. tbe a i uf boostln TONIGHT AND' TOMORROW I PEIRCE HALL TONIGHT AND' TOMORROW DANCING ON THE BEST FLOOR IN NEW ENGLAND SP-EOA1 MUSIC Something Doing Every Minute ALL NEW EXCLUSIVE PICTURES FRANK KEENAN in I 'THE LONG CHANCE" Other Big Friday and Saturday Another Bi DANCE WITH PICTURES. POLITICAL AOVERTISMENT.

POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT, Boost Portsmouth Over The Top For Governorship The mill) who is trying lo defeat Porlsinoulli's candidate for Governor advertises himself in our own city as the "People's Lawyer." Poftsinoiilh's a i a gave up. an equally.good law business when the to become a "WAR WORKER" and "THU SOLDIER 'BOYS' FRIEND." The opposition candidate has practiced law every i i i political campaign began, and therefore no war-work service a lie talk about. He, a good criminal lawyer, tries to abuse' our candidate and our fine old city. The fact a lie his "law indicates a he expects to continue i a not expect to be Governor. Watch the of his "agents" among us.

Wouldn't it look better for I hem to boost a Portsmouth man. It fight. Let "go to it." VOTE JFQR CANDIDATE, COL. JOHN H. BARTLETT E.L GUPT1LL, Chairman, Republican City Committee.

Great Smart Tailored SUITES Skirts, and At Money-Saving Large stock (6 select froiji-- some are samples, no two' ilike. Come today ydiir. suit or.coal, arid -you save money, as all wool be scarce'and. higher later, The Siegel Store 57 Market St. The Store of Quality for the OLYMPIA! ALICE BRADY in ORDEAL OF ROSETTA "ROARING LIONS ON THE MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" Fox Sunshine Comedy: GLADYS LESLIE IN "THE LITTLE RUNAWAY' Men's Underwear Values In Ihc piping clays of a in Ihe bil- i a right i of underwear is essenlial.

In men's and hoys' undergarments (his slore is more than broad-minded-nol one i bill many' lines to sclccl' froi.n, and rightly Beiiig men's i a men want. Here are some of ilio well knoM'ii linss: Carter's. 1 Glas bury, Conloocook;,' Bradford; Cheat CoU Weather! Union Suits N. H. BEANE CO.

5 Congrew 22 High St..

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