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The Portsmouth Herald from Portsmouth, New Hampshire • Page 1

Portsmouth, New Hampshire
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THE WEATHER I VioinHy I unsettled, light showers I and-warmer! Sunday -fair; 'I moderate I SUN AND TIDE irv 7.24 Hi a Tide 12.4S ant 1.22 pm pm VOL. XXVIH, NO. 528. PORTSMOUTH, N. SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1913.

Portsmouth Republican Merged with THE HERALD, July 1, 1902. PRICE, TWO GENTS. DR. POPE HAS Judge David Cross! and Rev. M.

R. Foshey Give Interesting Addresses. TOE flffl Ifflf DEFAULTED Probably not In of the (New. Association; 'mas organized in 1889 has there "been a more meet a the'one in Manchester in -the ehapeP of the Hanover street Congregational' church, presided by 'the'president. M'iss Hannah -Gi'Fernaldi It'-has been one of.

exceeding profit and 'attended with usual interest owing to the buildlpe' of the new JJib'ra'fy, 'Which 'the guests vis'ited at thp close ot the morning session. Mayor bharies C. -Hayes who ad- gathering at the laying of the cbrnerstana of library, gave the address Friday morning- at a'l o'clock, being by. the (president; He he is always glad to welcome any organization eocJety to the city -ofrMarjchcster, and hoped that not bo 16; years before the association wovijd deem it wise to nie'et: hero again, it lint number of haivlng elapsed since- the- last meeting of the association in this city. He furtljcr stated that hoped the meeting would(be one of profit.

That platform had two jar- ainnlere tboquets of syrlngas and mounta-in laurel. There a notl- cea'ble predominance of women tn the meeting, many of, and other interested -friends, with a few men-aside from the Judge David Cross gave an adidress tin 'Glance Backward 'and. 1 slating that seen the begljinlng apd things and telling of llbraries'ias he remembered 1 them: In his town of (Weare, Ho sa-id, "There are books, aind there are there 'nre librarians and there are librarians. A-s glance back in my 96th year I recnl-1 Did Not Appear at Exeter on Friday to Contest Alienation Suit Brought by Mr. Call Two Are Battling for Pouession of Headquarters at Eliot.

Attorney John Mitchell ot the firm of Page. -Bnrtlett Mjtchcll, counsel for Thomas 13. Call, the former lumber merchant announced on Friday Dr. LemuclVV. tho defendant In "the tion suit brought by have faultcd; Dr.

now married to, Mr Call's, former wife. The superior court ot RocU.lngham county will deslffnnlc the time of hearing tiucstio-n of damages. sued Dr. Pope at the conclusion of a series of suits sensational. In character.

The Calls occupied the old homestead on Pleasant street, subsequently purchased hy Wood- Dury Lnngdon, and presented i to the Portsmouth Cottage Hospital is a home for nurecs. Dr. Pope was socially. As a veterinary he had established a lucrative practice and he lectured both at Harvard TJn've-slty. and the New Hampshire Stale College in Durham.

Continued on Mr. Call sued for from his wife, alleging conduct injurious to health, 'immediately brought suit against Dr. Pope for alleging that D'r. Pope hod alienated the. af- fectionK i of his wife, Mrs.

Pope, now living in this city; nlso-nieU a libel far divorce against the doctor. When the two lihcls were granted. Dr. Pope and Mrs, Call were married in Massn- chusetls. 'Of tho considerable litigation a existed, but one suit now remains, a suit brought hy Mr, Call to regain furniture and brl'c-a-hrac which Mr.

Call alleges -taken hy his former wife and was not returned to him. The case of the next friends of the present Pope's uncle, which sought a return of considerable property, principally bonds and stocks, alleged to been In the possession of Mrs. Pope has been removed from tho jurisdiction shire courts. mashcBm of the New Hamp- SOME SHOW. Juvenile Wild Show Holding Forth at Chru- tian Shore.

A Wild West Show conducted by some of the boys and misses living on Shore has afforded con slderablc men-imcnt the past wce 1 for the. grownups as well as the ynung people. The parade of this juvenile aggregation was something novel and the home made fans contained fer- ocious animals as a cat, a dog and white mice. Fortunate indeed, for -the onlookers that none of these w-lld -'creatures escaped from behind their strong cage bars. AVo wore all young once, and why should not the youth of Chr'jitla-n Shore follow In the footsteps of Buffalo Bill, and P.

T. BarnumV A i and M. Tlomlck, of BrackPlt's Kye, nun-ounce the engagement of thoir daughter, Miss Mars" Blanche to Mr. Wntflon of New York City. Call.

Write or Phone. Always at Service. Geo.B.French Co. THE STORE OF QDALITr All Parcel Post Packages Prepaid. TeL 168, All Depis.

Women who emliroidery i i great of Bt'aiiii u'l Goods In our Art Uouds; Section. Here are few of the thingB tol be found: ChilUitu a Hals mid JionnetH P. nil made for embroidery, 60c eacli, Gowns stamped on Nainsook, special Mle prioeBBc. H. K.

Damask Luncheon mid Carving Cloths from 81 indies to 1'i inches wjuare, prices from 621-2c to 76, Kuli line of Columbia Yanie and all muleiiiils for fiinniner needlework. Hweet Grass BaskeU, entirely new, from 450 to tt 75 etch Fur HalSKm Pillows SOc each. Ivew Patterns in Fancy Jlucks for Towels, IScarfa, raugliiR from SOU Hftd upwards. Bpeuinl Bela, fast edge feoallops, fur collage and hotel use, at low piicee. Upeoial 18 inch Vitl yiouuciiigs for the new Allover BrasBlcru 4Bu yard.

Hedfern Corsets--A name that stands for style in Corsets. No better model abroad or at home. Jt lias all Ihe- of (Jorset goodnets. An ex- traordtuary Coiset the price of an 60 totB.UO. The modern mermaid knows that critical eyes are upon her as she risen from Her Bathing Butt must be juat iu Iliie and' cut as her ball (town pnd is as dependent for ease and grace on the Coitet beneath it.

A -Warner's nstur- lo 18.00 per pair. mm MS AND CAPS FOR THE WHOLE FAM1LT Ladies' in Black a variety of siylefc, slzen 34 to 44, tl.98 lo $7.50. Navy Blue only, and (2.08, alzvs 6, 8, 10, 12. Hulls from 11.00 to Buys' Sulti (Shewn -Ac and 60c in xlzon.

Mggest Md bcit DtMhiflft Cape this tide of BOWOB. The Greenacre controversy Is coming to a head. Two factions are but- tling for the iiossession headquarters at Eliot, ami for the right to carry on the work Inaugurated there, twenty years ago, by Sarah .1. Fanner of Porlsmonth. One faction, peaceably of course, to capture the place and the "Irade mark," as it were, for the oriental cult known as Baha- ism.

The other faction isJ In close relallon with Miss Fanner, the (ounder of Green Acre, and means to make every effort lo keep up the traditions of that spiritual enterprise, hy maintaining tlw spirit of Incluslvencss and of hospllal- ily to all types of thought. The appended letter has been scnl lo A Halm, Hie leader of Uahalsm, now in Purls. It will be noted Hint tile appeal is made to that revered man to "call off" his misguided followers, who in the name of arc trying to establish a sectarian and exclusive actlvlly at Green Acre; whereas tlie a for tiie existence of Orecu Acre lias been lo exemplify the ideal of lu'ld harmony towards all varieties of religious experience. and when, Abdul Haha's answer is received, that, too, will 1)0 given to the public by of tho press. The near friends of Miss Farmer, vho are eager lo keep Green Acre Ive In bar spirit, have announced a nccllng, open to nil who choose to come, on Sunday afternoon, June 20, ut 3-30 o'clock.

The people will guthel mdcr the pines nt Green Former Governor Waller, of Con- loetlcut, will preside and will ifivp irlcf Introductory talk. The chief speaker will be Charles Fleischer, Bunion, leader of "The Sunday Commons," which has Jusl cloned a successful second season in Boston, Fleischer lias often spoken at Oreci Acre, hut a new intercut will attncl lo Ills coming, because of Hie growlni value of his attempt to "orgunlx American life," by evolving rollgloi out of thn actual Interests and (lie ren relationships of the American people. The following Is tho copy of the let tor forwarded to A Maba: Abdul Balm Abbas, Babai Ansembl Rooms, Carn of M. lllppolyld Hnr ncy-Preyfus, Paris, France. My dear Abdul Biihn--During la summer's session at Oreeuaerc It wa my privilege Illld pleasure lo hear fro your own lips the Halmi message peace, unity and toleranee.

Jt, then fore, seems lo me that I should bu ill Ing you a wrong, were 1 to allow yt to remain In Ignorance of the (act that tho conduct of certain people culling themselves Biihal and claiminK your authority 1s doinf serious Injury In the integrity of your cause, in America. In fairness to you, who arc loo far away to know at Hrsi band certain things which arc lining done In your name so utterly ill variance i your jeiiutlful. tcnnhlnv that It Is impossible an unprejudiced person lo believe can have received your sanction, write you this letter. II Is a mutter of common report a i the effort is being made to change the jriginul purpose, of the foundation of Acre from one of universal tolerance and welcome for all seekers ifler Irulb, to a purely sectarian or- Inappropriate us the word sectarian muHt seem, applied to the followers of one, the heart of whose teaching Is the unification of all sects II has been made public as your wisli that Greenacro should be converted Into an organization purely and technically Bahal; that no one except Unhais should be allowed lo serve on tilt board of trustees; and that Ihe privilege of meeting in 'certain places hitherto open to all should bo restricted to professed' Babals. When ibis report reached Miss Farmer her Distress was so great that sh made a public statement disclalmlnK Ihc Indiscriminate use of her name am In private 'conversation with my wlfi she reiterated that upon the occasion of her visit to Akka and tho hearing your mcKsiso from your own rovorei and beloved lips, she waa filled with thankfulness for tho knowledge, tha In no small particular wquld she hav original upoi which Qreenacro wan founded, Identical were they wllUho aplrlt your teaching.

Her grief wan Intens that any mlagulded action, en-the par of those whom had believed Iru TEXT OF TARIFF MADE PUBLIC Comparison of Bill, Item by Item, Shows Reduction from Figures of Underwood Bill GRAM FROM 20--Important 1)111 represents a heavier cul from ex- reductions in the Underwood tariff iatltlB 1 rates law bill rates on iron, steel and other! a did Ihe blli.a.s it passed Ihe istal products; the addition of cattle, house some lime ago. pig iron, Angora wool and'; Tho.scnale caucus adjourned, early any other articles to the free list; an a.nd. members, silent the, afternoon increase in rates on many cotton working out private analysis of the oods and sums- silk products were' measure. Tho mucus will, reconvene chief features of the revised tariff tomorrow morning. Senate leaders 11 as it was laid before senate hollove the bill will reach Simmons, itself late next week.

Members of tin- tlnance comailllec expretwed ihe belief that (here would ivot be much revision in MUCUS and 1 administration leaders believe a all but or perhaps Ihreo senators willlako Ihe pledge binding 1 themselves to support the gonfttor Simmons, chairman, of the crats today by Chairman the finance committee. A weeks of wnrlt In which every of Ih hill hud undergone close -ruling by sub committees of the ma rlty-memliershlp i com- itteo, Ihe redrafted measure was roiiRhl i Ihe Democratic caucus iday. For two hours tho Important liangrrt were explained to Demo- and. the bill was then made'pub- c. Experts ot the committee at ncc began worli on a comprehensive uimnary of tho changes.

President VlUonJa desires as to migar 111 Jlllli nd free wool prevailed! In tho redraft Hie bill. To the list of mtirkcl asket reductions, the Underwood lilll onlalned, the senate committee, ad- many Important Hems, hi the gon ral leve) of Its rules, the Slniimmn commitlee'believes-that the caucus -will discuss the bill not longpp than li week, in a statement.of tlio rato changes! lonlght for the committee, Chairman Simmons said a as a result of the changes proposed' in Ihc IIOUHC bill 1)y the- Democratic liom of llnanco commSttee, iho rov- cjiuea of the government wtiuld be Increased approximately Ml BE PRESENT National Grange Convenes at Manchester in November Next. Preliminary arrangements for the. a a convention of the Nu- tionul Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, Jto in, beginning "November.12,' 1313, were made public, today by Drake of the State Grange. The convention will continue Hie better part of two weeks.

At the re- iiuest of the national bfllcers no excursions to dlHiant points will be arranged, but phicey of interest in the city and Immediate vicinity will bo visited by the delegates i Iheir sluy In Ihc 4 The will open 'at Hall street, on the morning of Ihe 13Hi with announcement of committees and sealing- of The annual address of the Master and reports of other national olllcers will bo made at the afternoon ssion on Hint ihiy. The. day, Thursday, the sixth igri't' i bo worked by the New Ham'pshlre State Grange. The priest of Dcineler will invest patrons outside of New liampshlre with tho sevenlh degree In time for their return to their homes j)ri afternoon trains It they so iThe sixth degree will be conferred atraili on Friday and New Hampshire patrons will be given the in cane their time liraileol. Otherwise they will Hike the degree In the ease.

Six.) iUlallon Hint you arc about, in make ormai pronouncement of her excom- iinlcatlon from amongst your fol- owerw, on two grounda: first, tliat if if her own volition she made llio pubic statement just referred lo, she Is (rue Balinl; and second, that it Is defiance of your wish thai she bus lot removed herself from the care of lor present physician, Mr. 13dward S. Cowles. Uast summer J)r. Cowletf' COMPANIONS OF FOREST Buliais should bring Rbou't lion of "your teaching and Injury your cause In Anter-lca.

Since piiMIe Mate ment rumor has been (Hit Into clr irk received your approval and blessings, and at present thorn are lialmlH his care nt your express wlHh. They are warm friends of fr, Copies, and are of Hie opinion thai yilll have made no mistake In commiMidlUB him. Miss Alice M. nuckton, whom 1 know, knows Dr. Cowles and holds him I (he hlBhiat cfileem.

Bt'CiniHii of liel large heart and clear mind her I i America for Uiihal principlei has been vital. 1 recently seen Miss and was happy to observe llio abso- lule clearness of Inn' mind and great in physical health. Whim ret placed In 15r. Cowle's care aim k-as, as you may know, violently inane, having been for two years, un- enmmiimijnt In the host asylums the country, and pronounced not improved" when removed from ICIjoan" Asylum. Her condition hat lime wax such that she.

refused lo liny clothing whatever and bud be confined in a padded cell, tinier Dr. treatment she baa Tactically recovered her heallh and or more than a year has hud no vio- ent attack. Dr. Cowles has' a de- IghtCul Banltariuin, one of tho Id manflions In I'ortsmciulil. wbere.

Miss Farmer occupies a large and room, two of her four win- the stlrtrlfte i'ng lo the Her colllcnlment In Iliese sur- Ings la nbsolule. She spealcs of you always willl loving reverence and licr oupreme wish is to lie true lo the spirit of your tenoning--(n lie worthy to be. called Mnlnil. Surely It must be thai these rumors of which I lell you proceed from those who are seeking to gratify their own nmblllouB ends, and without authority are using your name as a means, to the accomplishment of their own glorification nt the oxponBo'bf the best Interests of your cause! him come to my ears that among the most Intelligent and Influential of your followers, are many who feel that they can no lonu- cr mime themselves Habiil if others calling themselves by that same name bo allowed to degrade Greenacre to Hie plane of narrow sectarianism, ami lo bring about the excommunication of Mis Farmer, whose service to the cause of pence and unity can never be eajsured. A this be true of tho amongst Hahals thciaWolvcfi, how much greater will II be In of who like rriytfelf have Aacn yoisr from outside, fnV of hopo that It may prove a solution our mont vital world problems.

1 have 1 ftt Peterborough--Porte- moutk Repretented by Two Officers. Tim bliMinlnl cunvonllon of tho New uf llio urcKl il al (-lonlei) llin following nfficccH; (j, C. Mar- gurul Chirk Concord; O. S. C.

Mian renrel KlUKorald, (l. 1 lHc T. LyoiiH, Nnishua; CIrimrt troa.H- nr, Mrs. MarKiirpt Kt'lloy, Portsmouth; VI. EVIL Stilton, Deny; Cl, U.

A Kliuilgnn, ICxotvr; O. Dora fcJullivnn, Munclicntcr; 0. I. (1., elnnios niltmri, Chircinnnt; O. O.

Mitlvlna Peinnpho. Marlhor- 'Tilgh! rjrn nil inn r.shal, Murffarct Moiule, Vortsminith; of MPH, a Krunil InmlecH, Mrs. Mury Hlum, Kwno, Mury AiIaniH of Concord, and MlnH Alien l-usHlcr, Na.Hhuti; ricl to suprcnui convention ut Atlantic City in SH pt ember, Mra. Mary Vclnrbbrough. lerry''wns HoIcntPd Ihc the noxt convt'iilloii.

Maliio hius that It will 'widtUclatita for the.Huveiiih doKi't'L', alas.silchuapU.s will exceed Ihul. oiM', and Jlhoiic Island also htiH hutidrctls cliimorlns for the work, Mr. OfiiUe t'sllmntea th-it more than will receive the ilctrroi! i llio convention. ihe tlrsl wcok. Ihe scssioy-s including tho meinurlal service Sun- dn.v, will be hold In Hall, the lurgeHt hall in the nUte- Duriiiff tin 1 second week, the nieetlnfij will take In Jolllet a on strpct.

lleadiuarters will be!tshiM. nt Ihe Manchcatur. H'he executive commit ten IMS pra- ourreil reductions In ruHroads and hntol cxpenrtes. Keduced rates have been eight local' hotels. "If Ihe attondiincti exceeds f.OQO;' Mr.

Drntte says, ihe chamber of com- merflfl. w.ljl nrrange for 'entertainment in several towns nnd c-iUea" within a. half hour ride. The Amoskeag mills, Ihe lursrsi corporation of its i in ihe world, and other Manchester Industries will be visited. If the visiting to see liis'tpric New Hampshire, they xhnuld not neglect to Portsinovilh 1'fl d.dral anil most historic city.

THE U. S. 8. PADUCAH ARRIVES The U. S- Jit 11.30 morning from a a ino, Cuba, -after smooth ptiss.iKC- She hns been on survey duly "and men to pet back to home HUtllon.

"fiho will remain here, i udober. i of Amesibury I for under gixnIuiUes of the sh School started North Con.way,^?C. ni'osonjisro of Mr. and MrH. ijcth Hasactt of will spend days amons the Wh'iti.

Mountains, and will climb one or of them. lows looking tut toward ind over an wjiwiry June White Sale From the big list of bargains to be had during our June White'Sale we have chosen One Extra Special for Saturday's selling. WHITE CORDUROY DRESS SKIRTS, button down front with white pearl buttons. Just for Saturday, in all sizes, ceach E. Staples, Market St.

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