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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FACE FOUR BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS Amelia Saliba, Society Editor I'hone -Mtil Miss Frances Louise Bass Weds Earl McCall Walker at Church In Impressive ceremony solemnized Sunday, 2 p. st the First Baptist Church In Portagevllle. Miss Prances Louise Bass, daughter of Mrs, Hester P. Bass or Porthgeville and Amos Bass of St. Louis, became the bride of Earl McCall Walker of Portagevllle, formerly or Blytheville, son ol Mr.

and Mrs. Daniel Earl Walker of Blytheville. The double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. J. M.

Dameron, pastor, In the presence or a large number of guests, Including many from out ot town. 4. Vows were exchanged before an altar decorated with lioor baskets or white gladioli and fern balls, flanked by glowing white tapers In wrought Iron candelabra. The chancel tall was adorned with white asters and daisies. The family pews were marked by white cathedral tapers tied with white satin bows and the aisles were covered with white aisle cloth and Mis.

Henry Wilson and daughter, Myra June. Mi. and Mrs. J. E.

Johnston. Mr, Mrs. Curl Wallace, Miss Betty Wade, Dan H. Wai- luce. Mi.

and Mrs. Henry liuck, Mr. Slid Jack Buck and daughter, Dianne. Me. mid Mrs.

Harry Buck mid children. Lorraine nmi Danny mid Mr. and Mrs. Karl Walker, all ol JSIyiheville. u'nijfu me party wmcn was 'r Mci1 delssohn's "Wedding March." Mrs.

Dansal wore a formal rjown of white lace over taffeta fashioned pjjiycd. with a square neckline and puffed sleeves. She wore a hair arrangement of white carnations Miss Ann McElwrx of Portagcvillc i nd Miss Florence IMRhoy of I llCatci' I LilVen nilrn KfrVFirt ac hHrtriclnnirlc TTni.l. By J. B.

Fisher Jr. J. B. Fisher son of Mr. and Mrs.

J. B. Fisher, was host yesterday to the first grade pupils of Lnnge School of which he Is a member and their teacher, Miss zeth Ifnislead. The group attended motion picture In Ihe afternoon. bourn served as bridesmaids.

wore Identical gowns of talTel.i, fashioned with an off shoulder neckline, close fitting bodice and full gathered skirt. McElwea wore rose and Miss Hughey lilac with each carrying nosegays tied with matching ribbons. Tapers were lighted by Miss Mary Ellen Merrell and Miss Mnrjorle Powcl, both of Port.igevillc. Their gowns were of pink and blue tufictn each wore a hair nrrangeincnl of carnations. Blllle Jo Dlllard, who was flower girl, was dressed In a light blue taflcta formal and carried blue basket filled with red roses and sweetpeas.

The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a formal wedding gown ol white slipper satin designed with a nylon lace yoke and tight fitting bodice. The long sleeves buttoned from the elbow to (he petal point over the hand. The lull gathered skirt developed Into voluminous folds extending Into the long cathedral train. Her three quarter length veil of nylon net fell from a tiara of seed pearls. She carried white satin Btblc topped with white orchids from which fell showers of satin streamers holding sprays of lily of the Talley, Mr.

Walker served his son as best man and ushers were Amos Bass brother of the bride, and Dan Wallace, of cousin of the bridegroom. Dehnis Allan Randall served as ringbcarer. Mrs. Bass, mother of the bilde wore grey suit with black accessories and Mrs. Walker, mother o( the bridegroom, chose a brown gabardine with brown and white tccessorle.i.

Each pinned a corsage of carnations at their shoulder. Immediately following the ceremony, a reception tvas held In the tocial rooms of the church The bride's table was covered with Hostess a cloth of lace and centered with To Women's Auxiliarv three tiered wedding cake topped nitti'i'JK ujifte loppef with a miniature bride and grooi ili( en iron which hung silver bells. At eacl side of the cake were tall while loli and fern were attractively arranged in the rooms. Miss Mcrrell and Miss Poweh presided nt Ilie table. Following the reception, the couple left on a wedding trip lo New Orleans.

before returning to Portagevitlc to make their home where he is owner and operator of Walker Plumbing Co. The bride wore for traveling, a blue Glen plaid suit with navy blue and pink accessories. Her frock was complemented with an orchid corsage Out of town guests were Mrs R. Buck and Sam Buck of Poplar Mo Mr nlld T. Z.

Buck A program of nuptial music was presented by Mrs. Sybil Dansal, pi- lill'Ciay rally VjlV anlsl, and Richard Hamburgh, vo- Honoi'incr Privllic calist, both of Porlageville. Mr. IIOIK)1In rnyilis Kansburgh's selections Included. "I Love You Truly" and "Always." In- eluded In Mrs.

Dansal's selections were Promise Me" and "Lieb- estraum." The bridal chorus from Lohengrin was used as the proccs- Phyllis Curlier celebrated his sev- nth birthday Friday when his other. Mrs. Holton Canter enter- ained with a birthday party in honor. Twenty of hl.s fiie'nris at- Itic party which was held nt During the afternoon, various party games and contests were Rctie.shmenls ot cake anil 1ml drinks were served by the hostess. Woman's Council Meets With Mrs.

John McHoney The Missionary Study Group the Woman's Council of the First Christian Church met yesterday at the home of Mr John Mcllaney with Mrs J. w. Mcllaney as co- hoste.w. There were 25 members and one visitor. Sam Him present.

The meeting as presided over by tlie president, Mrs. W. D. Cobb Mrs, Lester Strubhiir gnve the devotional and chase as her Ihcme "What Do You Think of the Christ" taken from the book of Matthew. Mrs.

E. M. Terry was In charge of ihe program, "China In the Asia of Today." Sam Lum gave a nm- sionary story about "The r. Tom." others who participated on the program and their topics were, Mrs. J.

P. Garrott, "Education for Mis, joe Pride Jr. Home thai, Prayer Built" aiid Mrs" 0. Lowe, "The Significant Mi- Oloslng the program was the sliotvlng of a poster of a mission church in China with Chinese written on it and translated in English. This was made by Mis.

John Lum and children. Refreshments of Chinese lea ami a dessert course was served. Bits of News Mostly WE, THE WOMEN In Spring, Rightly Turns to Cleaning Cadet CiipUiu Bubby rjpan nr- rivod from Columbia Military Institute in Columbia, to'visit his parents, Mr. and Mr.s. T.

Ueun. He plans to return Sunday. Martin A. Tiinkle, president of Trinkle I'atnt Company at the Blytheville Ail Base, will leiive. tomorrow by plane for Biloxl to attend the Southern Zone Paint Production Club Convention which is held annually.

Mrs. Trinkle will motor him lo Memphis. Mr. anil Mrs. Frunk Chiton nre the parents a daughter born Sul- urclay night al their home.

The couple's nrst child, she has been named Sue Kllen. Mrs. Clifton Is the former Miss Bertha Stoy of I 'llnt. Mich. Billy Morgan, who Is at Fort Bragg, N.

ihe weekend here as guest of his parents' Mr. ami Mr.s. J. W. Moriiiin.

Mrs. A. O. Little. Mrs.

E-. R. Lancashire. Mrs. K.

N. McClure nnd Mrs. Gertrude Mellers spent yesterday in Memphis. Miss Mickey Russell and Miss Bcttc Dyer left today to visit with friends and relatives In Baton Rouge nud onchatoutn. La.

They plan to be away for six weeks. Mrs. Byron Morse left for Little Rock to visit with her son Byion n. Morse. Mrs.

Morse, and family She went, especially to be with her KrniKlson. John Tucker Morse who is confined to his home with measles. Cadet Perry Rotlirock arrived to spend a week here as guest of his parents. Mr. nnd Mrs.

P. C. Rothrock. Cadet Itulhrock attends C'o- Imiibla Military Institute in Columbia, Tenn. Mrs.

Cleo Langston of Meridian, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. O. O. and Mrs. C.

L. Mc- Wiiters Jr. nnd families. Mrs. Clalr Miller, Mrs.

Moxley and MIS. Bertie Johns will attend the Wayne King show lo be held al Ellis Auditorium in Mcm- ihls tomorrow. Mrs. Burks Is Hostess under a white 6 th Calva which hune stiver a Omuch met The Young Women's Auxiliary ot By Ruth Mllielt Staff Writer Today, girls, let's rally to the cau.s-c of the Ohio housewife whose husuand went to court scckine a i-eslrnitili7B order to prevent her palming of the rooms of the house. The husband claimed he didn't like the paint smell and "besides tc doesn't know to paint Jhe wife explained the house rjl so drab Just decided to "bi'lBlitcii things up." The judge In the case asked the wife to lay aside her paint brush until a domestic relations bureau investigator could make a flrstlumd inspection.

The fact that followtni! the Judge raid she was doing a very good Job nnd told her to keep on with It, Is beside Someone should have explained to the husband about lioir deep nnd passionate need about this time or year to things up" around a pla Any housewife who has been stuck a house through the long, winter months gels a yen about February or March to change til looks of her house. It might look all rtRhl to Hie husband who spends onlv a lew hours a day in It," but. I.V bound to look drab to the housewife who knows the exact size ol he spot on the carpet or Just how laded the slip covers have become how badly the walls or woodwork In need of a gleaming of paint- If He's Lucky, It's Not some husbands this seasonal yen of the wife to brighten things up Is often an expensive Indulgence, uecorators imiV be called in or the may start throwing out old lUrnllurc and replacing with 'lew. or she may decide to cnriwl lite whole house. in extreme cases, the wile may decide that the house is not even worthy or )( up ior another reason, and start nlxmt for si more I'l-obably much more expensive to live.

So It's a lucky husband whose wife satisfies her longing to briRht- en things up by tnkng a can of Piuiit and 11 paint brush in her own Uttle hands a giving her house mi Inexpensive new look. The house rn.iy be in a turmoil 'oi' a few days. Meals uiivy be sketchy while the painting' nets "one. The paint may be hard to live with. The job when finished may not look exactly professional.

But all those are minor niiiioy- anccs any husband ought to take 11 his stride. And he thank His lucky slurs he has an energetic wife who can work herself out of he winter doldrums without wiwk- UB the family budget or even put- ling him to work. night at the home of Mr.s. Paul Burks (or their business meeting Miss Jean Norman, president presided din-ins the business session, at which time plans vu-ve made to study a mission study book which will taught by Mrs. Ben- I lah Lloyd.

Following the reports by I the officers ami committees. Mrs Burks ottered the closing prayer. During the social hour, retnvih- menu were served Ijy the hostess who was by her sister Miss Luctnda Cole. and children. Virginia nurt Bu dy of Senath, Afr.

and Mrs and Thomas Bogun and children Ml- nerva and Tommie. Mr and Mrs Church Board Meets The Official Church Board of the rsl Christian Church met last ineiu at the church to discuss plans for a revival to bo held at Ihe chin rh April 3-10. The Rev. Charles Holder of Hopkinsville. father of Worth D.

Holder of Blytheville will conduct the revival of iowa will be the Coming Events Social Calendar Tlie senior young people lellow- "Jlp supper ot the First Methodist Church will be held at 7 p.m. at the church. Wednesday The Intermediate Council meeting of the First Church will meet at 7 p.m. The Vacation Church School Chine will be held at the First Methodist Cluirch bcglunin at 10 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m.

A lunch will be served at the church. the Blytheville rtook cUrtTa" he" home. Mrs. Noyes Bolme will be hostess to the L. E.

w. Club. i The Town and Country Club will be entertained at the home ot Mrs P. D. Poster.

The Chlckasaw Chapter ol the Delphian Society will meet at 10 a.m. In Noble Hotel. Mrs. w. j.

Wundcrllch will be hostess to the Wednesday club. Chapter D. P. E. o.

Sisterhood will meet at, the Rustic inn at 1 i p.m. with Mis. W. I. Demon as i hostess.

Thursday Mrs. Eel Cook will entertain the Double Four Bridge Club at her home. The Firtclis Sunday School class of the First Baptist Church will meet will, Mrs. K. Waddy for a pot-luck supper at p.

Co- host esses will be Mrs. o. Daws and Mrs I.illie Bisk. Tlie MA pic Grove Ccmclerv sociatlon will meet at the nne of Mis. Frank Webb, me ilrarn.

at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Lnngston Asliford will entertain the Octette club members Mrs. Eddie Ford will be hostess to the Avalon Bunco Club. The G.

N. B. Club will be entertained at the home of Mrs Executive Board Meets At Presbyterian Church Plans were made to conduct the annual meeting of the Women of First Presbyterian Church when the executive board met at th- church yesterday. This annual atfair will he held March 21 at the church. Reports of all officers will be given and the ofliccis lor the new church will be installed.

Plans were also discussed to conduct a trainiii" school for officers the Ijitter part of March. Seventeen board members attended the meeting which was presided over by the Mrs. floss Stevens. The devotional w.ii given by Mrs. C.

P. Rambo. Methodists to Conduct Church School Clinic A Vacation Church School Clinic for Blylheville Area will be held at the First Methodist Church tomorrow form 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The four members of the district teen who received instruction at the North Arkansas Conference Vacation Church School Clinic will instruct the workers In the four age group, using the text which was chosen by the conference.

They are. "The World About Us," kindergarten; "Outdoors in Palestine," primary. People who Lived In Jesus nnrt Come Let Us Worship." the intermediates. Lunch will he served at the church. Junior High Girls Form Junior Tri-Hl-Y Club About 20 radc girls from the Jmiior High school met at tin; Blytheville yesterday afternoon to form Junior Tri-Hl-Y Club.

The fololwing officers were elected: Suzanne Angel, president, Betty Lee Oarrott, vice-president; Becky Enetatul, secretary uml treasurer, Evelyn Bonen, program chairman and Bobby Ann Gregg, scrapbook editor. Meetings arc to be held w-ccklv at the Blytheville each Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Wesleyan Service Guild Meets with Mrs. Stewart The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church met last night nt Hie home of Mrs. Allen D.

Sicwnrl wjih Mrs. Jack Bishop as Mrs. P. D. Poster save the study and Mrs.

M. S. Edwards offered the devotional. During the business -session, three delegates were appointed to attend (tie conference meeting In Little Hock March 12-13. They vrcre Miss Hublcr, Mrs Prrd and Mrs.

Avis How- I ni'd. The linsie." refreshments of a plate. I Livestock Club. Mrs, Don Hnley entertain the Thursday Night Club her home. The T.

N. club will be culeitafn- ed at the home j( Mrt. fV Autcn. Mrs. W.

H. Pease will be hostess to the Thursday Luncheon Club. Mrs. R. p.

klrs-hnrr will entertain the Thursday clllb The club will be en- teitaincd at the home of Mrs. W. L. Homer. Mrs.

Ross Moore' will entertain the C. Club at her home. Mr.s. Russell C. Fan- will be hostess to the Friday Contract Clnb, The Friday Club will be euter- tnincd al ihc home ot Mrs.

Oscar Fondle r. Satllnby Mrs. Ocnn Atkinson will entertain with a tea from four to five at her home, honoring Mrs. J. F.

Wicnmtmn, prcsicient general of the U. D. C. NATIONAL STOCKYARDS. Ill March 000; weiphb 180 Iks up steady to 25 hicher; sow.s uneven, average about Mnedy: bulk Rood and choice 180-32(1 Ibs 21.25-50: top 21.50 paid I freely: 230-210 )bs 19.75-21.25: 270- I 3:3 ibs 19.00-20.CO; HO-J70 lb- mnstly 20.00-21.25: few to 21.50- 100130 Ibs lC.00-la.50; sows 40!) Ibs down over 400 Ibs 1S25-.

17.00: slags 12.00-H.50. i Cattle S.nnO; calves 1.300: early: Inquiry active on steers and butcher yenrlmcs: replacement interests particularly active; opening sales stniucr with several loads of medium and sootl slaughter steers 2300121011, uood heifers and mixed year- 22.50-24.00: mid lots 24.50; cniHnicm and medium 19.00-22.00; cows uneven and strong; common and medium beef cows 17.50-18.00; eanncrs and cutters 14.00-17,00. Af Tlir niyfliri-illc Hospital Langiey. city. Lee Cooter, Mo.

Mrs. Robert Tomato. Walls Hospital Oi-missed: I Mrs. JCM Greggs, Stcelc, Mo.

TH C1 meet, at the home ot Mrs Goforth. COLUMBIA GIANT RING CONTEST The weight of the Mom in the jolitalre if carau $100 COLUMBIA DIAMOND RING NAME, ADDRESS, FITZPATRICK JEWELERS 122 W. Main Phone 2728 For in spoils is For harrt wftr, or out, Spfnlarcli in realty built! Slim-k- pronf rmhinn innnln pnni-hnmu. Full brralh- ing fehlie crone ouljolr. Brown or mark.

95 Family Shoe Store 312 West Main Phone 2342 Baptist Circle Groups Hold Business Meeting Circles One and Tsvo ol the Calvary Baptist Church met yesterday at the church for their monthly meeting. The meeting opened with the singing of JMr a Thousand Tongues," followed by prayer by Mrs. U. Fombei). Mr Lucian Ga.nes, urrsitlcul, led the group In the repealing of the watchword and also conducted the bilslne.v> session.

During Hie biwlness, a number of projects were discussed nnd various rcporU given by the officers. Mrs. Darren Lunsford, circle chairrran, saie a report on Circle One and also for Circles Three raid Four Jack Attaway, secretary of Circle Two, gave a re- Mrs Fondren presented community mission reports followed by those of the auxiliaries of tha church, A committee was appointed to make plans for the husband and wife banquet to be held. Those on the committee ore Mr.s. Attaway.

Mrs. Vornoj) Bo.vd. Mr.s. Gainrs anil Mrs. Pleas Hambo.

Plans were also discussed for an all day mission stutiy program to be held March 21 in the church. Mrs. p. H. olfered the prrij-er.

Visitors at liie meeting were Mr.s. Genii Alkiiw and S. L. Letter. Susiness Meeting Held By First Baptist W.M.U.

The Women's Mi.s<nonary Union i of the Fiivji Baptist Church met yesterday al Ihe church for their regular monthly business meeting. Mr.s. W. M. Williams, president, opened (ho meeting with leading the watchword and hymn for the year.

Prayer offered by Mrs, Walter Bkliop. Flollowiir' the various rc- Miss Hazel Briinneii the derational ami as tier subjcL 1 Her scripture reaclin.j was from tlie 10th chapter of Romans. A report was given by Airs. Theodore Logrm on the newly organized W. si at Huffman, of which members of the group helped to organize.

Closing prayer was offered by Mrs. Ve.stcr Roweu. TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1949 Miss Hall Is Selected 'Sweetheart ot Sigma Pi' Mis Veva Joy Hall of Joncsboro was presented as the fenilty held at Arkansas Stale Col lege In jonesboro Mar. 4. Hull was presented by Pink B.

Pratt, Jr. on Jonc-sboro, who Is president of the Alpha-Pi Chapter of the fraternity. Members of the fraternity from Blythevitte are: Jerry Haley, Harrison. Russell Morgan, James Purncll, 1-ommy Sylvester and Autry Jr. Other members from this area are; Charles Cook of O-sceola.

John Basley of Burdette, Gene Hazel ol Monctte, Charles Watson of Kelsei- and Bob Wilmoth of Etowah Crarles Lutes ol Blytheville is a pledge this semester. For Regular Business The Altar Society of the Irmna.l ulate Conception Church met v.l terday or their business meetlnj The president presided during til 8 ld rcnorts we lv officers. Plans were discussed fo St. Patricks Day dinner to be Ihe school hall March 17 he parrish. after which the mcel was adjourned.

I Oinlinuotis Shows Box Office Opens 1 Show Sliirls 2: LISTEN TO Kl.CN a.m. 12:45 p.m 4 so n.m 'L'ticsday and Wednesday I Box Office Operu Show Sia.u 6:44 Opens Sunday 1:00,. sinrtt Ccmlinuuus ShoH-s Sat. un passes i Saturday Koxy SanaiL Tuesday and Wednesday I DOUBLE FEATURE) News i Short Subjects Contmiimis Everyday Coming Soon to the Ititz JOAN OF AUC with Irisrid Bergman ami Jose Ferrer Read Courier Ncw.s Want Ads Dramatic Diamond Values. SWEETHEARTS 15 Diamond Matched Set Unconditional 1-Year Guarantee Tops in Quality and Valoe Nationally Established Price The Columbia Diamond Ring Price Tag is for Your Protection Is your Unconditional Guaranltt of or it you not completely lol'ufltd with your FITZPATRICK'S GIANT RING CONTEST Must Be Submitted Before March 12, 7 p.m.

Official Entry Blank Columbia Diamond Ring or l.adics Kvcrsharp Ten Sot The lil of (he slone in (he solitaire is CARATS NAMK ADDRESS FITZPATRICK 121 West Main Phone 2728 'It Takes Only 3 to Open A Charge Account".

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