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The Breese Journal from Breese, Illinois • 1

Breese, Illinois
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1 I "Clinton County's Bluest and Best Newspaper" VOL, III, 39 BREESE, CLINTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923 $K50 PEli "YEA. 4 .4 4 4 FR'EUND AND BOj STATE TO COMBINE BIRTHDAY PARTY AND WEDDING ANNIVEKSRY DELMAR TAKE PRLJE WALJ2 AND nr rrrp i nirrn ''v. BOY ACQDENTLY SHOT. SUNDAY DIES AT ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL Daw gircn by Breese Athletic Club -1 I Lantl Saturday Night i Grea Success Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Coers given prho Party Their Home Last Saturday Nighjt ur-, 5 I i TiSING SIGNBOARDS i Any persons having knowledge pf any social eventa or ryj happenings of general interest to the readers of 1 kf this papor are requeued to inform Mifjs-Addie X' Wilken of same, or to communicate direct I with Journal Office, Phone 108. Tiit-danc4 given by.

Athletic Club''at the Contdi: uiding Sif as Only May Allowed East St. Louig Uoy lhot in Leg When Companion. Gun la Acci-dently Discharged A number of friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs J. C.

Coera gatnered at the Coots' home last. Saturday night and sprung a very successful surprise party on the couple. Ths luflt: Saturday i nigntrdreVH a.rctowft' In Future to Prevent Confusion and was 'considered a great Mrs. HoltkatnD returnral -Eugene Drumraond. 12 year old son -A was The broad highways of Illinois, es- ccasnion waa tho 27th anniversary Thursday evening after spending a of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Drumnwnd of their marriage and also Mrs. CoelM the prize--wailtz, Wmt' lew days with relatives and friend's eciaiiy those under state control Mu. Ferd Fladcr Jr. ha "recurned from Detroit, Michigan," whers visiJtcd for several weeksi, with her sons, liobt-if "and Alvin FladaV.

Mrs. Dr. I Boggy and daughter Qleo went to Trenton-Thursday to birthday. A-very enjoyable evening rreund nd her son, Delmajr, of.this in Aviston. bo forever free' from tho un.

ghtly give ragged dges to so many of the throughfares isister: if the plans of spend the or t46 North 2Cth Street, East St. Louis, died at the St. Joseph's Hospital in this city Tuesday afternoon from a wound received while rabbit hunting. The Drummond boy, Clyde Murray and his son and Fred Wills of East St. Louis, motored to a faro -mis spent and all reported a fine time.

Mra Coers received many-beautatul b'irthday presents. The entire immediate family of Mr. and Mrs. Coeri iwas present, this" being 'significant eince all are grown and it is seldom that an entire famiy of grown-ups have the-pleasure of being together Mr. Elmer Schuette.went to E.

St. Louis. Thursday morning. Theodore Bokel went to Oarlyl Thursday" morning on The JClub, had -apnoonced if wuld give a priae of $3.00 to the couple judged to. bo, the best waltzer at the dance.

Thet judges were Mr. Becker of Trenton, Mr Bit-tenberg of Ffogfiownnd Fred Schoen-berg of Breese. At 11:00 o'clock, the judges "selected five couples -from the crowd" on i floor was cleared for them to show their ability as Waltzers. Those selected, were' Alvis'Hillen and Mrs. and- Mist by Governor Small and going forward nnder the Highway-Djviion of the Department of Public Works 'and Buildings are fully Cooperation of every city and village in Illinois through which a state road has been built or surveyed, is being several miles north of Breese" Sunday morning for the purpose of hunting Mr.aAdM?SnTedHochler' of Col-InsviOe, are spending a few days with relatives and friends.

Mrs. Grunz spent Friday in St. Louis on business. Mr. Dhien of East St.

Louis, fcpenc Thursday here on busness. Pete Heyer and Leo Blake spent Wednesday evening in GerrnatouTi with friends. Miss Vernon to ier home in St Louis Thursday evenmg after spending a few days here on business." jMra. Chas. and daughter Alvina, are visiting with relatives and friends in St.

sought to more completely carry out at one time. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Robben, Mr.

and Mrs. E. J. rtes-hinsky and daughter Margavct, Mr. and Mr Mike Thlen, Miss Leoha Schmidt, Miss Anna Frank, Me Ben Frank, Fred Rhode, LeRoy Doyle, Andy Frank, Dick Frank, Mr.

Hy. HOSPITAL NEWS i Surpcal Oases--, Mrs. Walter. Beckemeyer of Becke-mleyer, came to, the hospital Monday. Mrs.

Chas. Harter 6f cainc and Mrs. Harry Geo, and Mra. AI- bert HirV Delmar and Mrs. Wm.

Freund. -One at'. a time the this policy of eliminating cortfusion and beautifying the highways. 'Mu-- micipalities are being asked to keep the right of way lof estate roads through the 'corporate' limits frea of rcouples'rwere calli from the floor hy to the) hosptal Tuesday and was oper-1 ated on the following dayi Hbffinger of, Trenton, Henrietta Coers, Oiver Coera, Julius, doers and Bessie Weshinsky. signs other tnan those erected cy the.

rabbit They left their car at a farm house and after killing a few rabbits, one of the boys went to the house, got the car and went down the road tto pick up the remaind3r of thoparty. Before getting Into the car Clyde Murray shot a snake and called to the others to look ct In turning around Will's pump gun was discharged, the-eritire load of fine shot entering the left leg of the' Drumond boy who was standing baek of him and one aide. Eugene was- placed in the aytomo-. bile and rushed to" the -office of Dr. Bechtold in this city, who took him to St.

Joseph's Hospital where an x-ray, picture was taken of the wound. A few of the shot had 'passed entirety thejuilges until, 'only one couple waa feftMrs Fxeund and 'They wereT thcrr announced a the best state lor the sate guidance of Mrs. Gerhard Beckemeyer, came thd hospital. Monday "and was. operated the next day.

were awarded the prize. INFANT DAUGHTER OF MW. FoDowing the rule, which has been AND MRS. RAKERS DIES vaf effect in Illinois for irtore. than two years the state of Connecticut recent Medical Cases Tfie A jMetic -Clnub has.

expressed its appreciation" of support -was givefl and Raa promised other: entertainment of equal. interest in the near ly enacted a law forbidding the erec- Agne Pvelyn, Ithe three weeks old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rakers, died at their home west of this city last Friday. Death ''was A law will go into effect in Minnesota Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Schmidt are spending a few days with relatives and friend in Madison. Mrs. Schoenefeld and son John, called on friends in St. Louis Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Joe Geei'3 visited wWi and friends in East St." Lou 13 Saturday tnd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Meinkdth spcat Sat.

nrday-M: Sunday with Mrvand Mr Fred Paiker- ''-v-7 Rev. Er Eilfcs returned to his home In St. Louis after visiting a few days with relatives and friends. LOCALS Mr. Charles Perkes left for St.

Louis Thursday evening on a pleasure trip. l.V Miss Gertrude Rohr-f roni Becke-rheyer, came-" to -the) hospital on Noy-ember- 9th. i Miss-, Theresa, Schmidt of "Aviston, December, 1, which prohibits billboards acd other advertising? on state, Caused by pneumonia. Funeral ser through the leg but rnore than one vices were held from St. Augustine's QUAIL AND THREE RABBITS' i OVER 60 DOLLARS hundred were still in the lad' thigh.

ways and provides that "those1 now fiVie hln ft Vox Ifil-mi rlnum twasi brobght to the hospital on Woy- Church Monday morning the Reverend Father Kercher officiating. Interment was in St. Dominic's cemetery, There was very little chance or re-covery" and, as a last resort, the limb ember wiU 'sunwcaUxI Tuesday irflonrner, Despite the gallant efforts made srave th3 boys' life he passed away Those' leaving the hospital arer Mr. Edward of SI Rose, ST. AUdy'STlNE PARISH GIV- -ING SOt JAL ON THANKSCIVINO "Illinois" has I ten the pioneer among states fn No or advertising.

Kiatter have been mited on the of Tvay- of state highways duryig the adminisration of Governor SmalL Early in his pro-. gram of road building which haa at-. Tuesday afternoon. The body was left November 8th. He had been op erated for Herniotomy, but is now taken to East Louis Tuesday eve nir.g.

f-Kid" Doyle, wteltttjrweight boxeq: of this city who has won for, obtained a draw, in every fight in which he has indulged in America, laster less than a round in' a bout with gamefwar-dens Friday. was, knocked cold by a punch to the pocket book in Justice, courts a few minutes later, the encounter costing him.f 50 and costs. Doyle was. arrested while at work at Moffat's mine Friday morning after Jack Becker, ofEvansville, and feeling very well. 5 Mr.

John who was oper FREESE GETS BEAT BY: Mr. Andrew Kreider went Tto Louis on a pleasure Jtrip. Mr. Louis Kreider went to St. Lotiis Thursday Mrs.

"Anthony Lakenberger Sr. and daughter Blanche," went to St Friday "ttornftrgts da -some shoppings The St Augustinea Parish give a social at the St Augustine's "School Hall in Thviiksgivii da, Thursday, NovsmS. i JJ. th They have arranged for a havlijr semrisd a bowl-in 'alley for those who wish to work up ah appetite" and prepared to serre A VERY FAST TEAM ated on, is good, leaving the hospital Monday. Mrs.

Wallace Beckemeyer of Becke- The Trenton Champions motored to departed' from the'4sjiital': II. of Wateflddvdistrie a not luncn. to tne nunger, attention throughput the country, the Governpii eathe logic of preserving the right of way for the state with the result that Illinois has hundreds mak.djiJtfyiyfWf grass trimmed to a lawn like nicely and un-. marred Joy- the' unsightly -which are so. often seen in neighbor- ing commonwealths.

Any sign boards which ape seen Friday night and defeated tho Breese Basket Ball Associationjby a -Tuesday feeling fine, after having her tonsils removed. Mrs. Anthony Lakenberger Jr. went to St. Louis Friday morning to io some shonnme.

score of 43 to 8. Hoyt considered a game wardens, made a. raid on his home and found one -quaiU rabbit's and one duck. -Tho gatne Various other amusements have ueen arranged for and a good time is a-jsired. Music'' for the occassion will Sunday, being professional; basket ball player, was ihe star of gajne, making more be furnished by the Breese "Band.

wardens had' heard complaints that Doyle was hsntmg without a license than 25 pqints of their 43, while Metz The proceedswill go on the building 41. TT1 4 A-i-V- fund for-the new church. made the rest of them. Breese made 3 field goals and two penalty-shots, and he had-jno-. tjespectf or open season on Jgkme.

ang vuq iwui, ihci the uniform gnide 'and Warning 'thki to-Sparta Thursday eVen- a satistactory condition. "Those who. are still in the hospital Mrs.F Mahlandt of Beckemeyer, is able to st up and walk around. Miss, Grace BartLj of Huey, is de-is able to sit up and walk around. It is thought that she will be abBe to go home soon.

1 RAY KRODEL TAKEN TO ST. Pitts making all of them except Hugo Wirsching making one field goal. Referee Schoenberg. Cheer leader Edith Dorries. LOUIS ON LIQUOR CHARGE ing; and while was at wor Friday," secured search warrants and hit.

ranK voera went ot. ixuia Friday morning. Miss Hilda Mete went to St. Louis Frday mornng. Mrs.

Henry Schleuter and two children went to St. Loui3 Friday morning." Miss Theresa Bruening went to St. Louis Friday morning to spend a lew days with relatives. Mrs. Louis Zinschlag went to 'iTen-ton Friday to spend the day.

Mrs. CecU Bartle and daughter Mabel came from Huey Friday morning. signs erected by the state are tr the right of way. I- s-Colonel R.t Miller, Director of Public Works and Buildings in speaking of thaofforts being made by ths Highway Division'1' to eliminate the made a rai4 on his hem Upon finding the three rabbife )the auail. a charge of kiHing ganle -out Ray Krodet was arrested by' a federal agent Wednesday moming and taken td' East St.

Louts. He was Miss Deleihia Beckemeyejr will ba of season was lodged against fashioned sInnboarA" nbinted but charged with the illegal sale of intoxi-liqora. He gave bond for $2000 and and' his arrest-. followed. Doyle the advantages of the policy, secured a permit to hunt but nad understand" he said "that Conectjf never called i clrk' oc j.

a Jaw which prohibits Kcense -afterr the hcenae adyertSsing on the fright of way of a blanks werfe( f-feceived Doyle Sam Jstateiroad. The; law of the, easrem returned to Breese that evening. Krodel, who formerly'Vas'lStoprietor of the Manhattan Bar, was arrested able Jto go homo soon as she is able to sit up an walk around Ben Schjueter of Breese, recovering fairly ellr'. i Mrs. Ben Athner of-.

Ne Baden is doing fine. Mrsi Geora'flrEeldmano'ff Aviston FERD SI'GER HAS BLOOD POISON IN LEFT HAND Ferd K- f-or, nla left hii'iil tha'early part of this week nr.d as lie did' not coneider the cut as i ho did not attend to it. ijn set an he unable to use that hand very.much. The hand is being for by Dr. Bechtold, and Mr'SK2erissatisfied that it will be 0.

K. in ix few dayc. Mr. Charles Tattoo came xrom Beckemeyer Friday to spend the uay. Mrs.

Jasper "Patton-. came from Beckemeyer Friday to spend the day i. r. i i nniiT I it. il to oparva iivm uhsum 1 state put Dan upon a practice wntcu on July 2nd and fined for violating the prohibition act.

(He announced that he was through with the salooi. busincisathen and sold hisi place of a ylttar ago and bing an alien isbarr. with relatives and friends. has not been; permitted Ilhno! ed "from obtaining" license hunt is in a favorable condition. Mrs.

James Patton of Beckemeyer, TKe gam' wardens told the News- spent Friday in Brees. business. Since that time Krodel haa been living over the soft drink parlor Miss Arf Crause came from Car- SURPRISE PARTY Plaindealer. Saturday tnat a nuouwr of violations- of the game laws are beinr reported the. vieinityv'f lyle Friday to spend the day.

which he formerly owned, but has not daJ: Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire re been connected with the establisa- 'Sparta and that'mo're arresta will Hei turned home Monday evening from ment. A surprise party "was giver, at the. home of Mrs.

Alphonse'litunethun in honor of 'Mrs. ImmethunV2si birtft- Posey Where they had been visiting a few days, with "Mr. "and Mrs. Seth Crocker and family. V.

during the present "Poster' advertising is allowed in soma states and the "-result" is very confusing to the traveling pub5ie. It meaning of a danger sign jit a- railroad crossing a Side road -ora cqss oad. when the official signs are" confused with commercial "In addition to the danger and inconvenience caused byi right' of way, advertising, it detracts-from if it does not -entirely destroy the natural beauty of the country CTTipti vmi linfl thft hitrhwavs with Tios- made unless the violations are- tns- firrK and amounted to. $60.40. -j- "-i News-Plaindealer.

The evening was spenf tuaying FORD COUPE STOLEN AT TRENTON Mr and Mris. Chas. Baker, daughter Vii to the extent of aooat $20,000 was inflicted On the Christian Home Orphanage, at Council Bluffs, Iowa by floods from excessive laws and cloudbursts on the nights of September 28 and 29. Every building at this great-institution was damaged, the heating, lighting and power plants rendered for several days, and the stoe rooma in the son Charles and Miss Genell Five Hundred. Refreshment- were served at 10 o'clock by Mrs.

John Os-terman and Itrtmethun. Those present were: Mrs. John Osterman, ur .1 11 If TT A 1923 model Ford Coupe, belonging to Herman IRSnn. nf Juannr. Tn.

Walker motored to Effingham and PIGEONS OWNED BY. LOCAL MEN-WIN RIBBONS AT SHOW Indiana, was stolen' from in front of i Edfwo0 1 IXLrS. VY Iff. 1I1UC1.HHH, i Mr. and Mrs J.

Schwarz motored teh. residence of his brothejr-in-law, son, Mra li. JVlauricn.Mrs. oea- irdJVUicf'Vrics tftll to St Louis Tuesday. ei' in the southern part Tiirnio Vieeon rpepaax awav the clean cut of city sorrn, v-'SvTv.

Mrs uciu 7 the -pleasure rtM1 Show which was tored to St Louis j.uesday. daughter uio K'Rke ana Thursday night, supposedly about 1 tnr Mrs. Mr Ned Barrington came from Cj o'clock m. The family were ud Hv Saturday and Sunday r' -a' in the show.olL birth lyle-Tuesday evening on business. JMrs.

and daughter Tmmethun many workedwonders in wJJuig to tte beauty, of Kir state 1 result is noticeable even to the s.est i upon -A Gucsti of the buildings were flooded and thousands', of. dollars worth of euppiles wined. This- is the. worst catastro-" phe- that has ever befallen this work, and comes as a serious1 blow "when the institution was already struggling to free itself of 'institar. tion is non-sectarian, receives orphan and destitute children from all parts of listening to thhe CSo until after midnight and tho car" was stolen jome-time after that.

"The Coupe prao- ticallv a new orml bearrnc InilmriA f-came Tuesday evening from HueH see Mrs, Bartle's daughter Grace, BIRTHDAY PARTY country. to Lf men an let and Erwin Mahland i Ijlptedly by tourisU pan.g thro Siwidav and tools i The goal men ana nas vr" ems license No. 320-360, he engine num. in th hospitaL Jw.i7.o- R.12.1 272. Mr TTM r.l Miss Loris Beckemeyer came returning hoe: with at the home ol the country arid is supported entirely familv have been vinitin hm the wecKemeyer luesoay evening to be worth fttnving for and 1 bUk-v everyone will be glad to cooperate.

of 1 aw TTo.i in her sister Delefchia, who is in few -wppku and Mr. TIsii. ws in by the voluntary contributions and Mrs. Cnanes. anu vir.

ArMi.Mr9, It.N appealing to DON'T FOT the habit of parking his car infront hospital. i of the house each evenintr. wmovine Mr and Mrs- Frank Watkms birthday nun WUBUIIC puHic-'Bet- 1 A-tpnensB -tnn was sDent'in playing 'Mnniri -nvf son Delbort came Monday even An Amfetican t-n. CDO ine One of the A sonsis. be easily started and would Murphysboro to visit Mr.

xvithout lie-ht Tha SnnKitinn is Mrs- John Watkins a few. day carus ''ThelRehckahs wfll neet in their at Odd Kail next Wednesday n'gbt, Tho' Insn lit. ni be elven by the ri, Sun- hv all. i that the Coupe was; towed sway b6-i 'Mr. Walter Zager camft fromf.

-4ber-2f, at 8:00 O'cloes av enioved by 'Wrw cent floods and to meet running ex-" pensee in the daily care of two hun-: dred and fifty inmate. We have had calls from thdse in distress1 in foreign dimes-snd have responded 'to 'them. Here is-s S00 if0k right here at -(' home that has- met serious trouble and is'noV asking His for help. Lat all OSJ, o'clock; be ed at I tftven hind a large car, wheh, was een in nignt to visw rrwt that rjioighborbood the tirme Mrs. Fred Schmidt came from lithe car was stolen.

Sheriff Ragen of Wednesday after spend.ig the serv f.r. Immctnun nig ght The proceeds ae to the bulling nd fr. be Via GY wkh relative and mvy mow fh flontll CaT'yls was notified aind dame ovorl carlv Fridav nir-miiiir mtJt tntit npr- ah' trxili npr- Mr. Elmer SrhUette mne'e a tnjo A 'est Hv, V'-i sale g. soral charge phoncl to -sp s- 'A.

ni1v? Mr. lea t-cnmun reuinieu 10 v. 1 store. I'i t- jXT- EYT AT MINK --r-r send something, at ana help to Pt the borne of tf little" -children back on its.fovt. Address The Home Coon-! ulay night.

no of the gtpnen out far It was re Mr. nrman Chsney Lou-s! findav vr-nii'sr is'' emit, hot has boon I a 7 dI 8t cil "-WHO'LL WIN Breese Athletva ft XT YfF? Jtet BaTI Associsf i i see..

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