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Weekly Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 3

Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SIGN OFTHE TIMES. LETTER FROM HENRY W. MILLER, OUT FOR FILLMORE. The Nw OrleTin-i IMtu4 the leading of the lyiuu-ian mncrary, openly repudiat Mr. NEW APOTHECARY ST 0R, yirOinia: SALSS.

BY! virtue of the Decree of tbe Court of Equity for Wake County, in -Uie-eause of Catherine JioulhaC, and others, ex parte, the subscriber will "EQUITY THE EDITOU THK. 0. TTME3. U.LiiH, Ja.f IS, 1868. Dcab Sit Ynr Iim be received.

I feel louiphmeuied, by the desire which our. frieuds ex Dress. ihnuh vuii m. wit w. of Uie SUte, and address a meeting of the people, favorable to the election of -Finmore.

Djitin. and Gilmer." It will rive me bleaanre daring the campaign, ifpotsibU. Our opponents are playing a game, which, far I brother, B. H. Sanders, our lodge has been moment, is adroit, but which cannot last, and I prived of one of its best members and this com- make the following sales of Real Estate that is to say in the town of Windsor in Bertie on tho second Mbncl of August next, being tho first day of Bertie Couuty Court, a parcel 'of grouud situatein Winrlsior and known in the plsn of said town as tots No.

10, 107, 1 10, 'i IU, fl'. and U4, beundad by Granville Btreot, beginning vight feet the store-house' onco ownoi by 8 iluiou Cherr on said srroot, and running to Queen street theace: with Queen street to Raccoon branch thence with said 1 1 branch to Mi 11 or Kiug street thnnce tl wn King street to within eigh feel of said store 'nd 1 thence around the store-house and eight iert fnn' the same to the first ftatiou, (so as not to includ tiie-said siore-hoiirto,) which was sold 10 Josopli B. IkmlUac by Mr tJolom9n Cherry excepting thereOut, however, a piece of round Ivinir on Queen strebt, including parts of the Ion, No. 107 09, 111 pud 113, whiph tho said Roulbac sold and couveved to W. Cowan, and HttuSted the Odd Fellow' Hall On the 1.01 conveyed to said Cowaii is situated a goiHl dwi.

house, lormeriy. the mansion-iiouio of said' wuu the neeassary olhces and out. houses, and now in the occupation of P. Ji. Win- ton, as tenant.

Also, at the same time and lace, one equal undivided third part of a tract of land in Bertie County, bouiided as follows 1 be- 1 ginning at Rock point on Roanoke river at a Cy- iress tree known at tbo Quarantine Cypress and running the various cOnws of Roanoke river to the lower coi nor of Coniby Marsh, below W. Keckstall Fish fbolter, ali rhenca down tho various courses ot noaiieiic river lSi John Arnistead's corner jlience south 82 degrees west through tho iwainp io the- eestemmon or middle river fthenee the Various courses there-ol and the thorougtuara to Roanoke river at the first station upiHseU to coma in 30 acres ex. -1 cepdiig outof tlio said boundaries a fishery sold to. Bryan Cooper 011 Con i by Marsh and ia the pos '4 session of W. H.

lluckstall, and excepting also out- of the same one -oilier fishery on Lost river, sold to tnocu earner: which last mentioned prvmliVes. with the exceptions aforesaid, wero'sold aud con- veyed by Wnliam rlummer, r.sq., the Executor of rhe will of Stark Armstead, deoeased, to the iid RoulhHe and Messrs John and Joseph CooP- er, and has been occapied by therrt for some years 3 rs a nsnery. Anu, on uie premises, ta the etty of -Raleigh; on the third Monday of Aagiist next, oernir the first day of Wake County Court, the lollowinir houses and parcels of ground, aaraelri one parcel situate in the said city, and designated 111 ih plan ol the city as. lots No. 10 and.

boundod on the northby Cabarrus street on the east by Fayetteville street on the south by Lenoir street, and on the(went by Salisbury street, vhich was sold and conveyed to said Joseph B. O. Rou1- 1 hie by Lewis L. illiams, Jas. J.

B. Wfrite, and his wife, Kebevca, Lawrence 8. Williams, and Joseph L. Williams, and his wife, Melinda. This, is a most valuable lot.

being a square in the city, containing two acre, more or less, having oa it a I large and valuable jiew mansion house of brick, with olhces. ki.cheus, stables, aud other buildings necessary or useol for an agreeable residence in the 1 most eligible situation 'on Fayelterille street, with a good gaidcn'and Urge aids, containing a num- ber of fine old oaks, and a great variety of thrifty roses and other ornamental shrubs, and git-n house, and with excelleut water on the premise. -Also, on the same dy, andUior parcel of ground in the city oi being part of a lot desig- nated in tbe plan of. the city, as No. 162, lying between the possessions of Wm Thompson, Esq.t and Mr.

Thomas Fentress, on Fayetteville comprising forty-seven feet, fronting on said street, end extending eastwardly to Wdmington street in the rear, which was sold and conveyed to the said J. G. RoulFac, by Kenneth Rayner, and and his wife, and on which thereis a large and valuable store and brick honwe of two stories, recently erected, and containing two tenements or stores' in the first story, with counting rooms in tht rear, end lodging rooms and offices above constituting one of the most Valuable- properties in the The terms of tiie oales prescribed in the drcree, are that they shall be made on a credit ot pne and two years lrom the day of sale, in equal insial- inents, secured by with two or more good sureties, bearing interest from the' days of tale 1 respectively. The decree also vests the power In the subscriber ro make the sales by private'oontract, subject to the approval of the court, and in parcels as may be deemed most advanutfr-ous to Uios concerued and he invites proposals either for the -'-whole or in pMrccU may suit pur- jVHwte I D-jo1 mrrUnjC was bHIin JU-5Pruan pmaded end Ex-Ooveroof Tempi ae- JsaSecrvUry. The -Wagon the Uttl State of Del wu.

has started in WHIG STATE CENTRAL COM KIT- TEE. air 14. The Chairman' of the Wit State Ontnl has convened rtic of the oxnaii'-toe in tLUcity on th 24 th with a trie to the orguixatioa of whig pvtj fr holding a State Convention, NOMINATION'S ENDORSED, Prrrarstf. July 14 The Annrian Execo- ia Committee of Alleghany county on Sat onlay endorsed tbe nomination of Gli-VND AMERICAN RALLT IN NEW JER- XUe AueHcana of Ne Dronswkk assembled in rrrl fjrx on Wednesday night, Three thou- ml persons wr in couociL The Major presi- (J, irtif'-l by eiUea tee 1'nudeuU. The meting addressed by the Iim.

J. F. PiuJvJpb, of tw Jersey, an old -line Whig by luit r. Brvwn, of Philadelphia; Un. H.

W. luris of Maryland Hou. Iteac lleaJehur of and the Hon. Humphrey Mrball, vfKrbtucky. The resolutions were snandly conservative aid th.

highly Aiaerican, endowing the nominations ef ftlLwyv awl Donelsoa in the strong terra of approval. Ne Jewry is waking up to the importance of approaching contest, anj will give a good accent herself in vembT. FILLMORE IN GEORGIA. Verily, the te-ction In fan of has cruix-uce-i in earn all over the coon try. To whatever pwrlioa of the I'uiuQ we turn our eye, miking but harmony, activity aad iu It rank of hu soppo ters.

Aud I k-m rauk are receiving large accesnioo every ilir. In a word, the are bright and c.Wring lot the triumphant election of the stateaman aol patriot. Fnah on the column ir fnnxii in Uo'gia are thoruuxhly artHMed tr Magnine. The editor of the Central it delegate, gives the Mlowiug IMc ring am unt of the onanimity and enthu-wura of the late large American Convention at Mjcoo: -We have just ret anted from the Convention tel-i at Mcon in time to gt in an item or two iu proceeilings. There were promt tout two hondvd and fifty delegates repreaen-iaz sizty-6ve ouuntiea.

We have never witnne ei a meeting where there was such enthbaiaMii aaJ nnanuxity of arnunvnt as there wss in this. Krery voice Pot one distent was for IM1-and DvftcLun. There was a a man there pptd to patting candidates lor electors heRee the iecple of tieorgia, ji on, it nas been every where 're ported that all our leading mn were going over to Buchanan in which there is irord of trulX, so lar as we Have been eiMbfcd to ascertain, and we have mingled with representatives from 65 counties in Georgia, in the city of Macun. toe centre of raiiroaus, ana well nigh the geographical centre of the State. Frujioas's Auast Srnc.

has tmriMtD Omol There has been the greatest change here ia public sentiment since Mr. Fillmore's arrival in New York, that was ever known, even be that individual, the 0(deat Inhabitant." The whole hute is on fire, and shouting for Fillmore and LMicltfuU Toe Wooly-florse-Male-Soap-Catholic men though they hail been shaken out of their Kv They are tutallv diaoouraged since the -T-pka Cuoatitntion' was defeated ia tSe llfc, which shows plainly that Fremont could 4 be elerWd tSere. The larger part ol Fre-o mi's Party ia Ohio now see that they have Un leauing anon a broken reed, and it has pierced him through. JIg Headley. of this SUte, at the Black Re.

pnblian Convention at Philadelpnia, pleded Ohio to give one hundred thousand majority ior-Frenvtit. He yesterday said ia the Court Hous tvif JaWi Aaf rpetcJk had mlrtady rmhteem tai majcriUi ffbi thmuamdt florrah. then, for the cvjiiel Prnodent! Ohio will give Fillmore and DoneUon breay taoetoad avy ority. Let the cews go on the four winds of the Earth that the Buckeye State is redeemed rtLUIOBJt IX KtHTTCXT. LtxrxoTOJi.

Ky July li, 185. Let rue aaMire you that Kentucky will roll up at least thousand majority for Fillmore in November. Indeed, I think that there was as n.uch enthusiasm here, npoo his return from Karvpe, as there was when oar beloved CUy was The people were wud with excite- n.ent, and the Democrats cowed and chop-fal- astasias. The Little Rock (Ark.) Gaxetteaod Democrat ays: Got. Tell, the American candidate for Gov-trajr, has infused a new life into the American vty wht-rever he has spoken, and letters to us Te the most glowing accounts of his prospects in thee counties.

The people are turning out Lear him wherever he goes they remember 1 im as the gallant staodard bearer of the banner in past times, and they jiuh to hear frtcn bis own lips the reason and causes which r.jule him Icve that rot ton concern Frank Pierce Democracy If Yell's health ia spared if he can canvass the ute his majority will be counted by thou-aia U. DxcU5esthx Dianaacz. Amos A. Lawrence, 4 of Massachusetts, having been nominated by tbe Prrmont party to head their electoral ticket in tiat State, declines the "honor," and expresses highest regard for Mr. Fillmore.

GaiaT Ftujioac XIrmso ta Movtoomut, A la Sam a. On the Uth instant there wasa glo-r-Hw assemblage of the friends of Fillmore and I tielm in Montgomery. The Hon. J. E.

Ikber presided, and the meeting was addressed by the Uuo. Billiard, Unit jo. atta, and Btker. The Montgomery Juurnal remarks that air. Fillmore now tanU, la the opinion of vnserva-t ve men, as the only sati-Free-soil candidate be-f tt the people.

Since the days of Daniel Webster, t'tere has been no one but II r. Fillmore who has dared to address Northeru Free-soil assemblages, and tell them the truth to their faces that they are jriilty of. moral treason that the South would rvt. and ought to resist, their ieir outrageous i A Xfr R.l schemes to debase this section. remarked, r.

Buchanan or Mr. Douglas dare -tdo it. The resolutiims and proceedings of aeecing have not been turniahei us. WiTaitaawaLs rux Bccaar The Ark-snaa Shield nf Joly 6th. contains letter! from Hfrv Ai-heUs.

DUba Walker, Absalom More--l'l'T. W. Hi.1, Alfred Miinard, a L. Baylesa, V. B.

Copper. John R. Crosby, Peter Simmons, W. Hicly. and Lemuel Kinder, announcing i-eir witnorfca af from the I'-rrgn Jenxracy, ai thnr adherfnee to the Amcricaa party.

i ne onia says, ail these were pratnlsent aiKl Widins member rj the ao-clled Detaocracy, and rcrer have vte.l any other ticket but the i Mou BrttTtM Ihtbaxa. The Franklin Bmn-r at Minerva, both De-m-wrratk paper, have abarxiwed Buchanan and orrt lor Fillmore and Donelsm. The nail tling on; and the Nichts are getting out th way a fat as tVir legs can carry them. Fi-H'-rmior Washinrttn Hont of New Tnrt ,4 the mt popular men in Sute, has I vet for Flilrnive. derliuin I is Cfnndence I a ff In the the was the ry sire that of men, now are stood uu ken and and He who we puiar next, 'odd all the hobby Iople Cora-Qoiet at Sficts.

I Guano hava r-eenie mnnh reinesd. I 8Jes at, for Peravian kyii I Salt Market quiet, with srnall sales of Marshall eraud at 9170 to 1 80 1 Q. A 1 to 1 40. WILMINGTON MARKET, July 19th, Turpentine. We note aa advance yesterday of Sscts per bbl for yellow dip.

with sales of afi 3,75 fbr virgin, 9,85 for yellow dip, and 1,80 tfr hard and to-day of 177 do at same prices. Spls Sales yesterday of 200 casks at 34 et pw.g&L The market ia quiet to-day, and wt aAar of no transaeHeas. Rosia -Sales to-day of 1600 bhls Common, at 6 fer large bhls. ITothing doing ia gthei grades. Tar.

None on aiarkeL (Her. 1 DIED. Newberne, on the. 14th inst. of Typhoid Miss Martha in the 19th year of her age, inadwick.

jf! In Oxford, N. oh the 6th of July, Wm. F. Ved 9 'months and 20 da vs. infant son of T.

D. aijkd M. A. Kingsbury, of Arkadelphia, Clark sL-a NOTICE. TkN the Idth of August next, will offer for sale to the hi eh eat bidder, on the premises ot BfF.

S. Jones, at the Old Mill Stand, I miles Shmh West of Raleigh, uear the road leading to Holly Springs, upwards of I feet ot pine LtTMBER, embracing rough-edge inch--board-flooring, weather-'boarding, and in short, all ki nds of Lumber. 'i 19 The terms of the sale will bs four months' efedit with interest from date, purchasers giving bands and approved security; or a deduction of te interest in case of Cash paid. t- ow.atKtnson. July 21,1856.

2t 59 TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. PHE 40 th Session will commence on the IT If a. jiojiiii ia noviKssay 1900, aau win Ccntiue four months, under the direction of the following vn SENJ. Vy. DUDLEY, M.

Emeritus Prof of Surgery. S03'T PETER, M. D.y Prof, of Chemistry and I Phannscv JAMES M. BUSH, M. Prof, of Anatomy.

WILLIAM 8. CHIPLEY, M. D. Prof, of Theory i and of Hedioine. ETHELBERT DUDLEY, M.

D. Prof, of Princi- pies and Practice of Surgey. pAMUBL LETCHER, M. D. Prof, ef Obste- rtries aad.

Diseases of Womoa and Children fltENRY M. SKU LMAN, D. Prof. General and Path. Anatomy and Physiology.

pENJ P. BRAKE, M.D.,Prof.of Materia Mediea, 4 Med. Juriep, and, Therapeutics, AMES M. BBUCE, M. Demonstrator ef HkTTickeU te the fall course $105.

Matrjcola-tlen and Library Free $5. Graduation Fee $35. Itaaonstrator's Ticket $10 All astinoi. ood Boarding, with fuel and lights, from $2,50 $4,00 per week. ROBERT PETER, M.

Dean -M. Lexington, Ky 19. 185. 9t 69 $PLENDID LOTTERY uljr, 1856. GREGORY MAURT, Managers (Saccessora to J.

W. Maury Co.) $50,000 Lottery for the benefit of th State of Delaware Class 176 for 1856. Tabs drawn at Wilmington, Saturday. AUg. Vtb, 1800 78 number Lottery aad 15 drawn Ballots.

RICH Prize of do SCHME. $50,000 25,000 ls.000 .....10,000 ...:..7.089 5,000 5,000 6,000 .,000 6,000 1,000 do. 40 405 Ac. Tickets $15 loo Ac. -I alvsa $7,50 Qu'r 8,75 Eighths Cenfs.

of Pkg's of 26 whl. tickets, $176 00 do do 26 half do 87 60 do do 26 quarter do 48 75 do do 36sightk do Orders for Tickets aad shares and Certificates of Packages in the above splendid Lotteries will receive the moat prompt attention, and an account of aca drawing will be seat immediately after it is ver to all who order fron me. Address P. J. BUCKET, Agent I Wilmington Del.

IsOOli AT 1HIS. I A LL THOSE iy DEBT ED TO THE FIRM OF Beokwith ft Clayton, or to I. Beckwith alone, eitaer bynote or account, wm please come and settle their aceofcnts oa or before the first of September, as we am determined to change our mode business, and sell only for cash. All accounts and notes thai are not settled by the first of Sep. tember.

will bm plaoed in the hands of an Attorney Coaieonet xjme all! that want to buj ohesp dry roods and oceriaa. for wearedeternuaed to sail frovx this tioe lor small profits and for cash only. BfcCKJV'TU C1.AYTOJN. Raleigh, July 22, 1856 6V tf MANTEO MILLS. THIS VALUABLE PRQFJSKi situated on Neuse River, in the county of Wake, will be r.

onered loir saie, rosixiv.i, i mo court- House ia Raleigh, oa Thursday, 16th October ext. The property contains all necessary build-nss and fixtures for PAPER, GH1ST and SAW Mill, and has unbounded command of water. A. more particular description is anemia unne cessary, as persons desiring 10 purcnase win 01 course wish to see the property, which will be shown by a person residing on tne premises. Terms, Which will be liberal, maae Known on day of sale.

Undoubted title will be made to the purchasers. For self and others. Ealeigh, July 22, I860. 69 National Intelligencer and Standard copy mi-weekly till day. Steamer Astoria for Portsmouth and Beaufort 1 8UMMER ARRANGEMENT.

THE Splendid low pressure Steamer ASTORIA, MIDGET, Master, having been thoroughly repaired and new Machinery put in her, will commence her regular trips for the SEASON, ON SATURDAY, JULY THE FIFTH, And will run the following Schedule 1 Leave Washington oa Saturday Mornings at o'clockA M. for Portsmouth aud Beaufort. Leave on Monday Mornings at 6 o'clock A. M. for Portsmouth and Washington, 'f Leave WsJhiugton en Tnesdsy Mornings at 6 o'clock A.

M. for Portsmouth aud -aufbrt. LeaTe Beaufort on Wednesday Mornings 6 o'clock A. for Newbern. Leave Newbern oa Thursday Mornings t.

6 it'olock A. M. for Beaufort. Lmv Beaufort on Friday Mornings at 6 o'clock M. for Portsmouth and Washington -I fre from Washingtoa to Portsmouth $2,60 1 fare from i do to Beaufort, fare from Newbern to Beaufort, 4,00 Fare Iron Portsmouth, do 2,60 MEALS Persoas wishing to ge to Portsmouth or Tie athingtoa, can take the Stage, ea the jlaak road leading front Wilson, (a station on the and WeldoaR ,) to Greenville, and aere by Steamboat to Washington; there will be wo daily tines ef 8Uge and also two SteamboaU the Riyer.

Passengers will be landed at Portsmouth or ieaufort jutheat axtra t' B. F. HANKS. C.JM2e.'efr tOftt 1 do oa is H. of ex of rOBTKK BXHIBTXB 'WHF it pleaaed the Almighfy Rale, of the iJniretw, a m.TUrnful dipusatioti ps his Pruviiljiios, 1 1 wj from our ViiiLtt on: worthy S.

IL San lern, we, the memei wnuieai LhmUc, A 9. Ancient lors Ma- m'Q1- the 12th day et Jal 1.868' auJiiisly adopt the following resolutions i Besotted, That by the death of our beloved i tuunity of one of its best citizens. Jieioived. That we cordially svmnathize with I hi heart-strick widow and children, and retiDect. I fully and aSectioaately esiend to them our sin- cere and nearUelt condolence.

I Ruxed, Tliat we will wear the usual badge mourning thirty Jay, as au expression of the re- I Pct, esteem and affection which we cherish for the memory our deoarted brother. BtsnlvL That theforeeoioe preamble and re solutions be sent to the Editors of the Raleieh Register. Raleigh Standard and Spirit of the Age, with a request for publication, and that a copy of the same bo transmitted to the surviving members of brother Sanders family, signed. by the Master and countersigned by the Secretary of this JOHN H. COWARD, W.

M. JUKNaJt Powell, Sec'y. TERRIBLE RAILROAD COLLISION, Philadelphia. July A collision took place on the North Pennsylvania Railroad this morning between an excursion train containing tne saDbatb School children connected with St. ilichjal's church of this city, and the regular train.

Six cars were demolished. Thirty-five of the excursionists, inclucline fatner anenaan, were killed, and 100 wounded. The calamity occurred near Fort Washineton. ana many of tne wounded were brought to Ger- mantown. Sureeons were immediately dispatch- It THE LATE RAILROAD CALAMITY.

Philadelphia. Julr 18. The excitement in relation to the railroad catastrophe of resterdav continues unabated. The depot and streets in the vicinity of th depot are thronged with peo- Ele, Coroner Delavan has commenced his duties viewing the bodies at the houses of the rela tives. The examination of witnesses will not pro ceed till evening.

number of unfounded re- ports were in circulation this moraine of accidents on. otner nwns, indicating a feverish anxiety in the community." The bridee on the Morristown road was said to have broken down, but after investigation it was found to have proceeded fr-nn the fact of a number of the wounded by the dis aster of yesterday having come in that way from Chenut Hill. The list of wounded rrablished miunlv braced only those broght down over the North Pennsylvania Road, and it now appears that there are many others to add to the number. making the total not less thac one hundred. The Bonrd of Directors of the Road held a meeting this morninz.

aud passed a resolution expressing sympathy with he bercived, and expressing a determination to relieve the distresses mviuoni hi taifiuiiiy a iar as 16 may oe ia their power. A subscriptioa has been started to contribute to this oHect. BUCHANAN'S VOLUNTEERIN MR. CLAY. The Louisville Jonrnal tells the following very pungent anecdote, which uiut have told with effect upjn the old Federalist of 1812 and 1815.

The source whence it came, the immortal Henry Clat, whose clarion voice fruiu -entre to circumference, summoning the naiiou to arms, to vindicate the rights and liberties of American: seamen on the high seas, while James. Buchanan opposed the war and denounced tbe administration and all those who favored "the second war of independence," must have inven the retort of great Kentuck-ian a teu (u'ui force i 'Upon a certain occasion in the U. Mr. Buchanan, in- the course of a persoual explanation stated that he had volunteered to go Baltimore in the last war with Great Britain when the British attacked that city. I think have heard something about the gentleman's volunteering, said Mr.

Clay. but 1 understand when he arrived at Baltimore, the British were Yes replied Mr. Buchanan, 'they Well said Mr. Clay, I wish to know whether Mr. Buchanan volunteered because he knew-that British were gone, or whether- the British heard thai the trndeman had volunteered, and therefore evacuated the coast A.

FUGITIVE SLAVE EXCITEMENT IN BOS- TON. Bostoh, July 16. Joseph Williams, a furitrve slave from Mobile, who had-secreted himself 2T TjT a a er I J- rrsaiO sUVVailViliU OTeM VV tempting to secure him, but 'was secured again. tftheJSBur, got out a writ of habeas corpus. Jndge Bigelow is now hearing the case amid much excitement.

As no claim-nt appeared for Williams, the es-capod slave, the Judge told him to go free, amidst great applause from the crowd assembled in and about the Court House. Williams -was then harried "if by his friends, and sent by the first train, towards Canada. The affair caused much excitement in the city. Some unknown poet has perpetrated the I loiiowing How happy Franklin Pierce must be Since he's TC rked out well For he can lc-Aveoff, war, and soon In peace And Ooncokd dwell," AND COUGH CTJ7.ED. Besio.

Ar.gustl Fowls 1 -ar Sir Having been trowblsxt 0r a consid-. r.ahle time with a bad Cough and Rronohinl af-Tection, I was htdueed to try a bottle of DRj WldTAR'S BALSAM OF W1LDC HERRT. which am happy to aay esttirely remor the difficulty aoeu uuuijtiwiw v. as roucn lor tne benefit ef those who may be si milarly sffiicted GEO RGB. H.

DAVIS, Firm of 7.llitt It Davis, Piaae-Porte Boston." I hereby certify that I s.m personally acquaint witb 11 avis, and have the fttl-j couudenw mte aty II. O. BARRUS, Practising Physician. Such tesMm'ny en be relied upon. For sale by W7 LLIAM9 A IT WOOD.

KEPOK'i OF IU. NOBIOLh, JlAltKET. ruRWtntEO-TO TH "BX01ITU," BT I A. M. Mel' BE 7 de CO.

1 Wills' Wharf. I Noarouc, July 19, 1856 Flour' Qod Floir is scarce and meets se6V7i fof F. i1 ftt Extra and fi far tiiy, some uiu a-w lour nu come marker which wsqaots 60 to 76eper bbl highs a is sosree aad rery high. qaote Htfg 6ib, weitern Sides scarce 1(T1U, ehouldtrs 1218, Lard vki Srores. Spts 8788, Rosia eoib- 1 311 40 fine 84V Sales Tar.

roeeries ef all tiads show a great advaaik the market is not very Pally supplied. 1 I FETERS3URO MAEEETS -Jalyl, 1866 Whsat Has no been so active to-day; aoo nave to notice, a decline of 3 to 6 with all sales at $1 40 to 1 60, Tobacco -rOor; market has been more aeu. ois week, and we notice aa improremsnt oa th grades. 1 I Cotton Has still further advanced. Sales 121 Most holders ask 2.

Htook Flour. -Country Superfine $Kg to Extra Icon. Was tera Sides 1 3f to 13J 11 Ta- Heg aVjuml tf 14. i TO I 1 I fi 3 1 'A i of for! .1 6 I A i Buchanan, cecaiM of hu declaratia iu favor of squatter s-jmrignty, in uw letter of accepUnoer ami decure its determination not to support him. It says "We notice that several of our Democratic contemporaries call him "Ab-itiuon Fillmore." This is an unjust impuuthtn.

Whan Mr Fillmore ht nomiiMtod as a canlidte for the Vic Presidency, we aha Llere-1 at the thought of his ekction. We sw that he had riven votes obnoxious to the South, and therefore believed him anavund on the question. Our hcaru sickened at the prospect of his success, and we iweny an violently denounced him. But we are hppy to My; we are agreeably dia-appuintexL aifl that Mr. Fillmore isonexf the MMuxlrat men In the Uaioa oa the subject of Uvenr, aal that he a patriot and statesman.

HisadiuinLttratiiiB ha beau highly conservative. Ue advocated the ontnproraie, arui used alt his influence to quell the storm of fanaticism, while aiia administrate sImwh that his sympathy aad fxelings are with the South. Such conduct is deserving praise, and we are not afraid t- bestow it. SUPREME COURT. The following decision have been delivered by this Tribunal since our last rtport By NA.1H.

V. In Siate y. Palrick. (a slave! from Pitt, docUrins that there is no ernr. Also.

ia Hinaou'rlunz. from Cibarrua. awnrdini; a rewfre Jt moto. Almw in Sim v. Morris, from Meckltiuburg, affirmiug the hidsmeiit.

Also, in lone. Ex v. Gorden, ia Equity, from Pt-rqui. nans. Also, in Browu v.

Fuich, from Rowan, affirming the judgment. By iTLAMsfys, J. Io Hyman v. Moore, from Martin, affirming the judgment. Abo.

in Sut v. Preslar, Irors idoa, declaring there in no error. AL in-SUU Commissioners of Raleigh, from lunm ujjc anrKm iu arrest ot juugment. Also, in ivttij.n v. WUIiains, from Martin, in Equity, dimiMing the bill.

Also, in David-con CuiJejc v. Qiatnbers, in Equity, from Rowan, utiier parties to be uie. By Battle, J. Iu Gunter y. Guntfr, from Chatham, affirming the judgment.

Also, in (iwyn y. Hetxrr, from Ca-well, affirming the nigment. AIo, in Phillip y. Ctrnron, from fVranse. affirminz the fudement.

Alx in Link v. in Eauitv. from Ali in rUrringer v. G-wan, fr.m I' wan. The Waahinton Union endorses Mr.

Fillmore's sentiments. The Union thus speaks of a portion of "Mr. Fillmore's speech, delivered at Albany. "The 4ptj4in ot Mr. F.

's seutiments extorts praise even from his political oppiuents, provided thy are gifted with a soul or any other of the higher attributes of humanity Mr. Fillmore has exposed the disinion character ol the black republican nomination with great clearness and boldness. His argument is unanswerable. The Philadelphia convention took the first step io the work of disunion. It ignored an entire section of the confederacy, and declared by its action that to be a citizen of Southern State was a disqualification for Presi dent or Vice President.

This is nothing more nor less than disunion, and we rejoice, that Mr. Fillmore has raised his voice against so dsngerous an experiment upon the strength of our confederation. To this portion of Lis speech we invite the earnest attention of every lover of his country." JfcfiT The Philadelphia Inquirer," the organ the straight Whig, and a very influential journal, has a strong article in favor Mr. Fill more. It says One thing, st least, certain the election of Millard Fillmore to the- Chief Magistracy of the rcpumic wotua oe a nauooai I easing, tie tus been tried, and he has realized the highest expectations even of his warmest friends.

He is for the Union as it is he is for peace and all its priceless UtftiaMtil ia tnw tm fim tmA '7 Jl. like the immortal Gay, ae would ratAer be right than be rresuienL THE BURNING OF THE STEAMER NORTHERN INDIANA FIFTY LIVES SUPPOSED TO BE LOST. Buffalo, July 1. All those of the crew and passengers of tbe steamer Northern Indiana that were saved by the steamer MisstsoinDi have ar rived at Detroit, where $1000 have been raised for their relief. The fire originated in the wood-work chimney.

fifty minutes the boat was burnt to the water's edge. The boats was in charge of Mr. Wetmore, first mate, who says that none of the passengers would have been lost if they had not rushed overboard. The weather was calm and steamer was towed near tbe shore by the sfwmer Reptibjie, and sunk in ten feet water. There are conflicting accounts regarding the numb lt.

The clerk of the boat thinks there were fifty I ANOTHER CASINO AFFAlIi. Ntw York, July 16. At tbe Metrorlitan Hotel to-dy, Bashfurd V. Vicks. of South Caro- i liria, beat with a cane Jacob tiunwood.

of Mas sachusetts, for saying the attack on Mr. Sumner a brutal and cowardly act. The parties were separated, and Vicks was arrested. It has turned out that Bush rod Vkk, of North Carolina, i the man above alluded to. Ma.

FiLLMoas's PaosrECTs. Tt must be ap parent to every oue, who reads the papers from different sections of the Union, that the prospects of Mr. Fillmore are daily burning more brightly. his friends are increasing iu eve direction for conservaurea of all classes de to have aa end put to tbe sectional warfare which now distracts the country and hey see this cannot be accomplixhed by an election eitlier Buclianau or CoL Fremont. Moderate who are in favor of preserving the Consti tution aud nion, favor the election of Mr.

Fillojure, as the only remedy for the evils which afflict the country and hence, thousands OuckiDg to hia standard, who had previously doubtful, or incliued to one of the other candidates. Hie speeches made by Mr. Fillmore, his return from Europe, have given universal a.t.r.At... .1. i uhmui mcu, wuw im vu uavo uu lections 1 Prvsideut of the He has spo- out plainly, ikily, and with independence sincerity end his sentiments are approved applauded at the North and at the South.

would, as be says, (in the language of Cay.) rather be right than be President," and no man does not hold this opinion is worthy to be Uuei Magistrate ol tots great nation. 'From all the information which we can gather have stunr hopes that Fillmore will be eicru) dv tne popular vote. II the tvie of no- uvor stiuuld continue to now in its present direction, as it no doubt will, until November Mr. Immure will certainly be the next President of the Coited Stites. Public sentiment is rapidly concentrating upon him.

He has down the principles on which he will administer national trtirt, if elected, with snffideut plainneMS and distinctocKs to be understood by men an 1 they are principles which must be spproved by every truly Union loviug man in eoeratrr. He Las mounted no temporary Si power nor are his lips sealed by any party platform. He stands be f. ire tho tho trru and nncomprntnioing frientl of id uuion anl to save these is chief object in comK-nting Co become a candi- fur the Presidency; GENERAL HOUSTON. 1 The Washington American, after an interview with Gen.

Houston, contradicts the report that teimt withdrawn from the Acmfcaa perty. is to oe as be of to in has is and the The II up. the of the most eveu has jvhat uer be. man abuse as as circus, favor, better and that state time to over tried of ami that mop. now the RICH VRBBT.

MEADE. TT. tl06RT3 BAKER iv ,1. Oradunte of the Philade uonege oi KnarmAo i tirirtC 9, D4CD Dm ggiiits, Apothecaries, and Manufacturing j- ruaruHcauaci, TTTAVEjust opened and fitted out an APOTBE CARV and DRUQ STORE, at 186 Main North-west eoraerof Tenth, and just above the New Custom Reuse. They have every ar rangement and apparatus for thoroughly dispens ing and preparing Sledioines and Pharmaceutical reparations, and from their loog experience in the principal Drag House of the' city, fe tuthorised in assuring the publio that physicians' outfits, Family supplies, and oil Pharmaceutical nd Uaenueal Discoveries, will be as promptly tilled, and' scientifically prepared, as by any other 1 .1 1 Mil i i I ipmnTCuiu is mi wimtrr.

inev win at -iraes keep a varied, complete and fresh supph of the Purest and most Reliable Medicine? and rare Chemicals, and Physicians Medicine Chests; Surgical Instruments and Appliances: Frusses in great variety Spices, ground iintl unground, warranted pure, -and selected espeoial iy fer fanulie Soaps, Perfumery -and Fancy Articles: the Finest Imported Ciiars: the best brands Chewing and Smoking Tobacco; and every u-ucle usually sold in a first class Drug Their stock is entirely new, and was selected with great care by tbemseives in person. They have also been appointed Agents for the sale oi those most invaluable articles, THE 'THER'S BREAST CLOTHS, which have been used without failure in a instance. They will prevem the Gathering Breatt or Mammary Abceu, so common to young mother, alLiy all inflammation and cause an eftsy.flaw of milk, if used promptly und applied according to direction. For $1 and 12 cents in postage stamps' a pnir will be sent by mail to any part of the country, accompanied with full directions for their use. July 186.

ww K- Beiiold! ''jHS Subscriber intending to remove to fort," at the close of-the year, offers for salt th place, whereon he resides, admitted by all to be among the most delightful residences of the up country, in' the midst of a most delightful contiguous to good Schools, and lor health situated oa the road lead ing from Halilax and iTarboro to Kaleich, and Liouisburg. and about two miles east of the latter, The improvements are mostly new and comfor table; the dwellings consist of eight rooms with fire places the out biuldtng consuls of all that are useful and conveuif nt, and are well built the water is abundant and unsurpassed. The plan tation embraces about 770 acres of land, which, taken as a whole, I defy to bn beaten, cither for the culture of Corn, Cotton, Tobacco or Wheat It is an eligible stand for a physician and merchant. To any person of the lower country, desirous of removing to the up country, such an opportunity is seldom afforded. To all interested, I respectfully' invite inspection.

JOSEPH B. OUTLAW. Elon, Franklin July 14, 18fi. 57-w3m. P.

81 It would be very agreeable to sell With the plantation my supply of Furniture, (beds excepted,) embracing a variety, and varying quality from the best to common; also plantation utensils, stock of horses, cattle and hogs, the latter embracing a variety of the choicest breeds. i J. B. O. Standard Valuable Mill Property for Sale.

TN pursuance ef a Deed of Trust, executed to I me by Manaaseh Sater, I shall, on Monday ef August Court next, sell to tbe highest the Court House door in the- City of Raleigh, those valuable Mills, known as the Raleigh Paper Mills, situated on Crabtree Creek, about three miles North-east of Raleigh. Terms made known on day of sale. ADONLTAH SATER, Trustee. May 26, 1856. 0 43 td.

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Orrici or Wasbisotom Nat. Mosphknt Socistt, Wathington, July 1, 18S6. IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS 01DBE OF THE Board of the public are requested to pay no more contributions for tbe Washington National Monument to agents heretofore commis sioned by tbe Board. This notice is not to be construed aa a censure on the agents, but it is designed to effectuate a general settlement of the affairs of tbe Society The Board is weH assured of eventual success in the patriotio enterprise in whi ch it is engaged, but it has resolved to suspend further proceed ings by agency, until a plan, now under consideration, for combining efficiency, promptitude and safety is matured.

Balabces due from agents or offerings from in- dependent contributors, are to be sent by draft. Payable to the order of the Trtanurcr of Washington National Monument Society, enclosed in a letter to the under-signed. ByOrd'r: i SAMUEL TORKB AtLEE, Scretary W. N. M.

8. July 18, St 5S i INSANE ASYLUM. ORDERED by the Board of Commissioner. of the Lunatic Asylum, thnt hereafter, those person who desire to Tisit this Institutino, raut soon Thursday of every wceli only. 'Visiters any other day, wiil not be to grain "admittance 'into the Institution, unless provided with a written permission from one or- the com missioners, or from the attending Physician.

It also directed by the commissioners, that all persons should abstain' from walking or riding, either for pleasure or exercise, through the Asylum grounds or around the isylum buildings as such things are sources of annoyance and distraction to the Patients of the Institution Joly 12, '66- i tf 68,. FALL RACES. i WARKENT0N COURSE. 1 THE Fall Races over; the Warrentcn, N. Course will commence oa Tuesday, the 80th of September, 1866, and continue four dsys.

First Dat. Sweepstake for colts and fillies that never won tail heats, $100 entrance, half forfeit two already entered. The purses for the other days will be large, and will be made known at an early Jay. By order of the Club, I i P. TURNBULL, Sec'y.

July 10. '66 w4w to rjTA'iE OF NORTH CHara Countv. In Equ'ty, Spring Term, 1856. Quentii Busbe and wife, Julia, Ann Busbee and Louisa Taylor v. Clias.

J. Williuins and wile, Mary, Jas. F. Murry.Thos. Richardson, M.

R- Arialand wife, Kli.a, J. tcta-vea Bruno, thos. J. Bowles and Mary C. Bowles.

PsTittoit roa satt op Raai. Estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that W. F. Murry, ThosJ H.

J. Richardson, M. R. Arial arid wife, Eliza, J. Octava.

Bruno, Thos. Jr Bowles, and Mary C. Bowles, are non-residents of this Slate, It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh itegister, a paper published in the city of Raleigh, for six successive weeks, for said absent defendants to be ad appear, betpre the Hon udge our next Superior Court of Equity, to be held for the county of Chatham, at the Court House in Pittsboro. on the 3rd Monday io September next, then! and thereto answer, plead, or demur to complainants bill otherwise, judgment pro eoneuo will be taken against them and the pause heard forte as to them. Witness Maurice Q.

Clerk and Master our aid Court, at office in PitUboro the 3rd Monday in March 18 and the 60th year of American Independence. MAURICE Q. i VVADDELL, M. E. July 14, 1866.

rilO 67-w6w 'Andrew J. Stedman. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having removed to PUtsboroagh, N. will at tend regularly the Courts of Chatham, Moore and Harnett Counties, Pittsboro', July 18, 865. 66 tf.

ANTED TWO YOUNG MEN, as Sales- me, who have some experience in the Dry Goods business. Apply to "W.H July 11, '6C. 1 References requireo. ft 8. TUCKER; '-n-'Li.

66 tf A I ia ich, when exposed, as it certainly will be. munt recoil upon their heads with treat nfi't It this. Ther seek, by depreciating the streniKh and popularity of Mr. Fillmore at ike North, create tne impression here, that the contest reafly betweeu BuThanan an 1 Frem ht and men, tney cacu.ateupoO some aid. bv extend mg a rery kind amijxUrommng inviUtion to i us, maUona Americans, olil line Whigs.

1 T1 i uu iucq poiiucai Jtercua (as they have heretofore regarded us) to talce protection Under wetr nag, to enlist in thevr service, to aid in continuing Meirraenin office, in establishing "or ruinous policy i a most gractrmt invitation this indeed to become "hewers of wood and drawers of water" to such apolitical dynasty as now governs mis nation I They may, by throw. rag oat this drag net of deception, and fraud. CatCn a MW bint (I hMrtnrl "HirAm r.mmmm who are ever influenced by what they fancu to be the ttrong, rather than what they know to be tne ngutxae. i pity the man who can be influenced by such a motive 1 He does uot deserve the breath, it be Lot a whiff, which it would cost any party to keep him. He would not deserve the execrable honor of betraying even a bad cause i "I had rather be right than be President" was the noble sentiment of that heroic and more L.

i ww uio iviinau statesman, rJLFMT JLAT, ana no man living could repeit that sentiment with more truth and sincerity, than did" Millard Fillmore, a few days since, before thirty thousand -of his country and wbtn I reed tlx- account of 'us sUnding up before such a throng, the hot bed of Black Republicanism, on the rery r'amptnn ground, the political Se ward, an Buren, Weed and Greely, and rebu- iing with bold and withering invective, and pa ui' tic indignation, those disturbers of tht Na tional peace and haDniness. and nroclAiminD- in their very teeth his detestation of their principles and motives, and that he did not teuh and would not have their tote, my hsrt was filled with ad miration and pride, and I could hut rxclaim "It there a National American an hnirlUat and cracen as to desert sveh a fearless patriot?" I cannot believe it 1 The outpouring n-haiaric reeeprion of Mr. burst of exultation spread like an electric shock through the whole na tion pervading every class and every section ana springing the nation into life, from centre to circumference, the great and spirit-tttirnng gatheriMgs of the people, at Washington City, at Philadelphia, at New York, at Brooklyn, and hundreds of other places at the North, where the whole population seem to have rallied to send forth their rejoicings, and testify their admiration for Mr. Fillmore the thrilling effect throughout the Union of his Albany speech, which has fallen upon the hearts of all, like the blast of a war bugle, rousing up the weak and these things have given our friends, the frieals of Fillmore, the friends of the Union, the defenders of the Constitution. every where.

a bold, confident, defiant air, the air and port of win iwi uioirvauao imjuti, aim inat IttHUSi ana snail be triumphant I With such encouraging signs before them, animated by the consciousness that their cause the Cauie of their country, they bid df fiance Sectionalism and Foreignism combined They have no compromises to make with such ene mies of their country, no fusions, no bar gain, but standing by the Constitution and the Union as they are, with the flag of Fill more flying over them, inscribed with the never dying sentiment, I had rather be rigid than rreaioeut, ana tus voice cheering them to the onset who National American tin be so cowardly as to falter 7 Who is so craven to seek protection imder. the flag of the enemy Dark, indeed, the our country, will the day, when sue a man as Mr. Fillmore ceases to have a place in the hearts of our peo ple: ana aarxer sti'i will be that day, when the of man ce8 to be rue to him, and falter in their support, because the assaults his enemies are increasing in fierceness and malignity 1 In the midst of danger environed by enemies, one is worse than a madman, be is a fool. dash awsy the sword which he has often tried peri'ons conflicts and proved true steel a genm vine Damascus blade, to assume another, which never been tested, and which the first blow may shatter' into fragments, leaving him defenceless I Let us stand to our guns then, one and all 1 TV appearance oi our leader on tbe held of acu already having the effect produced by the ap- 4 pearsnce of the gall-vnt Old Zacn on the bat tle-field of Buena Vista 1 Let us keep up the fun the day will be ours. I am, sir, most truly yours, 11.

YY. MILLER, W. Eaoax, Esq. CONGRESS. Washikotost, July 18 The Senate repealed act for the National Armory at Washington.

building is nearly constructed. Private bills for the extension of the patent of uey's Reaper were discussed. A oill -vas reported to provide for the compulsory prepayment of postage on all printed matter. The Senate adjourned till Monday. Hocsx.

The Illinois election case was taken Mr. Archer made a speech in his own behalf. A resolution was passed declaring that Allen is not entitled to tbe seat. A resolution declaring Mr. Archer entitled to scat was rejected.

A resolution was then passed declaring a vacancy in the 7th Congressional District of Illinois. WHO BUOULD BE PREFERRED 7 The appeals of the frieuds of Buchanan to tb.0se Mr. tmmcfe to abandon the latter and to former for the sake of the Union, the shamelessly impudent that ever 'disgraced that party of brazen effrontery. Where are Buchauan's title deeds to coundence. the times the country In w'ut emergency he ever taken a diatiof uirjried sUad In storm In which the ship of State was threatened with wreck did he grasp her helm and carry a 1 saieiy into a naveu 1 Here is no such incident iu his long life as a political partixan, for par-titan he has been and is, and nothing else cau he To call a mrveless, trimming, vacillatiug like him a Statesman, would be the veriest conceivable of a plain term, aud as applicable, to --Billy Button, the tailor, of Brentlord, to one who has changed his political garments often as the aforesaid Billy changes his in the with this difference, however, in Billy's that the latter at every change, becomes apparelledwhile Old at every transmogrification of his habiliments, looks more more shabby, until it is seriously to be feared if he "pet Is much more, he will be reduced to a of Is such a man, in a which all thinluug men concede to be perilous, be preferred for the chief officer of this nation and above Millard Fillmore, who Mas been in times of periL who has grasped the helm the ship of State wheu tt-mpe't-tost and storm-beaten, and steered her safely into- port, out tn grateiui plaudits of a rescued nation, composed.her crewf Justice forbids, codv sense forbids, the public safety forbids, 44 monstrous idea.

Peters. Jnld. Amoog the aistinguished visitors at the. Fede-ml metropolis is the Hon. Few aad 'jtakiy, ol Saa Francisco, and formerly a nvember of noose xrum X4orth Carolina.

lie looks admirably well, and has been warmly iieoiiwd host of personal friends of all parties here. to ia all to I the a Mr. 1 1 ted lest mea. avd t' chasers until the days of alo. The subscriber will attend iu person to the id'et in lvaleigh.

Ho will, endeavor aUo' to do so at Windsor, but in caao of hit absence. Mr. Thomas 1. Fanning and Mr. Joseph Cooput, of Bertie, are utboriscd to act lor bun 111 the Of the indor jiroperty, and Mr.

Fanning ulone in the sale of Ir tvoulhac said share ot the land and fishery on Roanoke THOMAS UFFIN, i Cominlssiober, July lo, ISifi. co-td- a. Weekly Fayetteville Observer publish till day of sale, and forw ard account to the subsori- NORTH CAROLINA. Gbanvillb Cocstv, Court of Pleas and Qr. Sessions, Me Charles II.

Duncnn, vs Sterling U. Dunesn, and others. Petition to Bella tract of Laud in Granville Coun ty, adjoining the lands of Matilda Askew aad others. 4 In this case, it appearing to tUs ratisfaction. of tho.Court, that Dicy illoward, and'Eliiabtth Campbell, two of ths Defendants 'in -this caune, reside beyond the limits of this State It is there- fore, on motion, ordered by tbe Court, that sdrer-tiseinent be made for six weeks anocevely la the Raleigh Register, ootifyiag the said defendants of the.

aling of this petition, and that un- less they appear at the next Term of Court to bs held at the Cyort Ilou-to in Oxford, on the fim Monday ia Augubt next, and answer tbe Petition, the same will be taken pro aad heard ex parte as to 'them; '). 1 Witness Augustine Landis, Clerk of said Court, at office, the first Mondsy of May, A. 18f6. A L1NDIS, 6. July '6.

wwpV.6 Notloe. LOST or mislaid a due bill against B. K. 8. JoUee for MNETEKV DOLLARS and twenty-two cents, which due bill -1, hereby forewarn said Jones paying to any person, fxeept inybelf, as the due bill has never been transferred by me.

also forewarn airy other person from trading for said paper, as it is yet bUHgiitg to me The due bill was given eouie time in the first cf 1 A. CROCKER. I 1tt C6' wvciik pjlowv 7 2fiTH FEBRUARY, 1W8, (THE vtslatrtd Plow,) awarJed premium at thi last State with cutting bladss in the 1 lt of a moldboard, cuts, divides and furrs over the soil, depositing Uie finer part in. the furrjw, and turning over, the turf, clods, on tiie Is cheap; light, and lasting, abd easy to both driver and team. Admirably, adapted to aliiiot, any purpose for which the-plow is For license to sell, with further inforriition, address W.

"WYCHE Brook ville, Granville Co C. Jane, 19 185C. wlf 60 II. Goocb, Oxford, N. solicits orders fi; the above flows.

1 I FOR RENT. A COMMODIOUS DWELLING nOUSK recently occupied by, Mrs. Evans, now the prjperty- of Gen. 11 W. Apply the Subscriber.

C. B. liOO'iV. Jlaleigh, July 1850. i tf 67 I TO LET.

rpHE neat little Dwelling adjoining tbe cs- JL byterian Parsontgo. A cultif ited gurdtu can be had with it, Apply to JAMES M. I INSANE ASYLUM. I NOTICE is hereby give that FORTt ADDI. T10NAL PAIKNTS ana now be received the Applications can be made to the Physician and Superintendent.

EDW'D. C. FISHER. Raleieh. April 4tb, 185.

t. -1 1 Pof Business Men. SUITS of Cauinwre and MrihVs all sites Just received. i BWIUUMi. Ajrnt.

that will be triumplrtntlj electM. 1 Kate Ih-n Oscar F. Moore, the present "BrpoMiran" K4 CongrHB frrm the Rosa tiiitxkt io i ha declared Limself sfainst Trfsnint; And take the TOinc. 77 I'.

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