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Boston Post from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 1

Boston Posti
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
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,1 din 4 oston orning VJ one half in ivnlv. al V- Duly, per annum, one half paya- a and 'rv tatesman if in 25, if paid lx months and $2 50, it not paid until alter r.x months Irmn the tune of subscribing. contain the news of the mi I commercial and iiv intelligence, and full of the most in; criminal and civil trials in the courts hold- i mi Boston, and frequentlyAn other sections of tlie Cointnonw raiih. i' cl 1 BUSINESS CARDS. ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHY.

W. li A KIPS ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT, Washington sthekt. (Nearly opposite the Holet.) JV. T. Moore's, successor lo ton.

may I I 1 ni IIHNKY POOR A CO. JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY! GOODS, No. Kilby street, Henry Poor. Boston. S.

Flake. Orceins, Jr. DRY GOODS. ELM STREET HOTEL. 9 It El Roani Ileduad One Dollar per Day.

Sub. rilM-r, 2 ral I the heretofore bun, Ihe pleasure to inform patrons til i bat be aliti continues proprietor the Hitvo To i tie of business it" ir. a by any other house in the City, it I ite within 'V oiioiHea walk of the Market, and in loimeiliale vicinity of I'm principal business streets of the Proprietor hns re-eoltv made sorh arrangements now able to accommodate leinen and their the low 1 uronrav.oi’.-I 2 experience imlio husmeas, 7o Jlva atrordcil.hellalier-l himeel. that win Still continue Vo receive his of the public patron- i i It iii-e is a larse and commodious Stable ca- attentive daNIEL CHAMBERLIN. o2't Boston,, I 11 FOR ti KX(51 HOTEL '21 Aim street, opp me The Stock.

Furniture, and Kow, Bos I lie i are offered a rr of business, in the im- fm -ale it IS local. the verv Frank- invest a pii at tavern cannot find HO the present one affords. TILTON, i lf A JORDAN. No 2 Milk 1st Store from Washington st. FVFKY VARIETY OF SHELL CO MBS-HORN POCKET BOOKS-FANCY GOODS AND PERFUMERY.

Combf of every pattern made to order and repaired. if II I FURNITURE WAREHOUSE AND FEATHER STORE, Corner of Union and Ann streets, MosestiMNt. AUCTION SALES. UV THOMAS C0 Office No 8 Central wharf HI 3COM BEK JR Merchant Tailor, has removed from 36 Cone si rest, to 10 Washinsbm street, near Dock Spiare, where, in addition to hi-usual slock Cloths, Lassi meres and Vestings, he will keep an extensive assortment ol Stocks, Gloves, Hosery. Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Shirts cm lars, Bosoms, Suspenders.

which, with his siock Clothing, will constitute every article necessary for the compaction ni a Fashionable Tailoring and Furnishing tsn Garment manufactured by him will lie made in the very b- et manner, and as regards the tiltme of the same, per haps it is only necessary to say, that Mr A. arker continues to exercise his ad ill as cutter. I. M. Jr.

acknowledges with gratitude the very liberal encour agement extended to in, and pledges hnn-clf to the prompt performance of every order. As low prices appear to be the order of the day, he will just intimate that he is prepared to go with the times. a tf All the Accounts yVhcrler, wliich were assigned to neeler a-agent for xm re, Moses Clark, on schedule the names and unsell led on lie i al public auction am! sold at ibo counts will then I ms advertised at Pu above staled time. py 0f Assignees. Ai private sale 14 half pijies port wine ol prime ymlity.

AUCTION SALES. DISSOLUriON OF COPARTNERSHIP THK exDUiif between iPe 1 ers, is day, by muiu il consent, The artairs the ciMicern may be settled by either of the parties, and ail indebted to the concern, that may have arennnis to settie are respectfully requested to cad sml Oclober28, OLIVER HALL. 'IMIK Subscriber will continue the Auction anil Commission Business at the pi ice as heretofore, and respectfully -olicils consignments from friends and I he public ly. Cash advanced on goods as usual. Outdoor sales ol every des- cr.Ttion will be promptly attended WHITE.

tf .125 B. BLAKE Ac OF DRY GOODS AND DEALERS IN WOOLLENS. TS 3 Granile Block Milk street, BOSTON. George B. Blake, I David Nevins, fS ST -GEORGE WHITELIMK, A superior article, landing every week, and for sale by DAVID DAVIS, OVER HOPE INSURANCE OFFICE, STATE STREET, may 2 7 TO LET.

f-K Twisptrin is Chimbers tho second story of the new>.,ie building, No mu Waslnngtor. street, very de CAPFN LYON WEBB, on the pupure of MARSH, i- 023 ireinises LET. Two Chambers over the Auction Store, corner of Devonshire and Water streets. Inquire in the store. MILITARY ROOMS, ashington street JONES, LOWS Ac BALL.

BY 0 10 RNE Ac CO. Office Non 0 A id Fulton street. BOOTS HOKS, BKOGANS A LEATHER. On Thursday, Nov 19, at 10 at ollice 200 cases hoots, shoes and brogans. I I 1 nTiUdelplua and Baltimore slaughter and Spanish sole leather.

Cash advances made on consignme' is. at private sa 100 cases mens thick kip and calf do- 4000 pairs 25 bales negro AUCTION NOTICE. HE Subscriber hereby respectfully gives notice to hn fronds and the public generally, that be may al Auction Store, corner of Congress and Water will attend to Out door of every of 1er chandize, Real E-iate Ac. OLD ER HALL. Boston, Oct.

2-i, 1840. NOTICE. MEREDITH A CO. have taken the store comer of Milk A and Atkinson streets, for the purpose of conducting a Gen eral Auction anJ Oimmissioa Business, under the firm ni it MKRFDITH A CO. ami solicit consignments trom their triemis arfd the public Thev are to make liberal advances in cash on Dry G.t>wl-, Clothing, Cutlery, Jewelry, ur- and all of Merchandise.

Particular attention to out dom sales. Lisle Thread Gloves. Silk, White and assorted do. with elastic wrists, button 11 do. heavy Black do.

and extra size do, do. Cotton Gloves. Berlin do. French do. Castor.

Ac. Ac. Kid Gloves, lined Silk Plush. do do Wash leather. English Kid do do.


Printingind Ruiiiigofevery lescription. feblS tf n't) TE A A WIN ST OR WHOLES LE AND RETAIL, Corner of Milk and Federal Streets. Subscribers have taken the above Store and arermw re- I lb vin-a complete and choice assortment of Articles which they offer upon as moderate terms as can Is. -MOebU- Sherry CUret- Champogne- -Hermit age ami Sicily of different va- JOHN MARSH, No. 77 Washington Street, Buildings.


EDWARD LA B. COMMISSION MERCHANT, for tbs purchase ami sale of DRUGS, DYE ST II FFS AC. No. 86 Statr Strkbt Boston. j28 retail.

Istf 2 teiiea. VIMES Sbfe of France, Italy, 1 t'liif choicest varieties of Black and Green, in canis- recoiveii from the -am. West VRS eh brands, embracing the Reg and he celebrated 1.i-Flor brands. NOYES. POWERS EST COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No.

10 Central Street Boston. S. Noyes, II. Powers, Estes. eptf TJ LOVE CHAFFIN, No 80 Washing ton street.

KidGloves. Assorted, Black, F.xtrasize. Dress, Pearl, White. Buff, Military Doeskin Gloves, Worsted fine Gloves. Cash Gloves.

Fur Extra size Buck do. Berlin Gloves, lined. Meri no fine, ela For sale wholesale LADIES LO A LOTHS NOW OPENING AT THE CLOTH STORE OF C. C. Ac W.

H. CONANT, (Formerly Conant, Thayer 55 ashington tueet 1 hale splendid GERMAN CLOTHS.among which 1 are light and dark of green, brown, olive, b.ark. blue black, dahlia, citron, and other desirable of a superior quality and finish. 2 bales medium quality FRENCH and GERMAN, suitable for CLOAKS or TRAVELLING HA BITS-colors, blue, black, of them very greens olive, smoke, mulberry, bronze, and other fasbiona de ,1 low priced London, French and German manufac all tV above colo-s, and making one ol the best assortments now offered in the city. (J (j A VV hesr leave to say, that the ahovc goods were selected wiih great care and are warrante-l to sustain their lustre after sponging.

All of w.nch will he sold tremely low lor CASH, wholesale or retail, as above 2 ft ll ISAAC DAVIS, WHOLESALE DEALER IN ENGLISH I GERMAN FANCY PERFUMERY, COMBS Ac. Nn. 20, Washington talmofflm irown uinji -Picklfi, Ss 1 i)f from the Country promptly Wines sent to pin the City free of expense. I E. Ai E.

A. HOBART, TA I LORS, ANP IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS. CASSI.VIF.RKS AND No. 1 Congress Square, Boston eptf 3 7 I A Mas recently taken the Mouse JVo. 25 Brattle Street, Where Permanent and Transient Boarders find good accommodations.

CARPETINGS. I OR TABF.R just received at his Carpet Warehouse, No 57 Washington street, four doors north of Court street, a large aud full supply of Carnei of all the various kin-G and styles, and they will be sol. 1 at a large discount from former prices Those in pursuit of Cartings are invited lo call anti examine are assured that the prices shall be as low as can be (bund at anv store in the city. Among the assortment mav be found the following new anil desirable patterns. Three anti handsome styles.

suiters, fine- and commons. Stair Carnetings-Brussels, Three Ply, Damask, twilled and fine Venetians. Straw and Town, superami fine Tufted AV ilton and Buckings. Painted all widths and very handsome patterns. J.

would call the attention of purchasers to the Stock, and' is in to receive a conliauance of that patronage heretofore extended to him. 81 BRITISH AND NORTII-AM ERIC AN ROYAL MAIL. steamshtps of I200 TONS 441) HORsE li POWER From Boston. BRITANNIA H. udktns IN jc 1 ACAIAA.

dwabd C. FI itxkh R. N. Jan. I BRITANNIA, C.

udkins CALEDONIA, ichard B. leland March 1 Rate of passage, No Berth will be secured until paui passage apply to S. LEWIS, No 1 Commercial wharf, Boston. From LiverjKiel. Dec.

4 4 Feb. 4 ORIGINAL POETRY AUCTION NOTICE HE Sutwcribor has taken store No 7 Water street, corner of Devonshire street, for the purpose of transacting the Atic and Com ion Business, and solicits frorr bis friends and the public. ASA COBURN. Best on, Sept 23 Chambers. Inquire as above.

JABEZ HATCH. ffice 166 ashington street THF THE HAIR! THK THK HA III inc. No better evidence is wanting to show the superiority of the genuine Buffalo Oi! over other preparations, number of are endeavoring to imitate it, and foiling SSrir on the public for getiume. is ukmg the plare of "Rother articles to Tm otbe 7 it use gives Kaj and give the hair to curl beaiiiifu nerfmn and gives perlect satis- asaun gloss. It is highly penm will observe the faction to all whohaveeiven Also Buffalo -1 on the Kittle.

In consequence of a counterfeit which Ins recently appeared anil is now for sa.a, I have been obtain a new label engraved copper, for which I have a copy entem Court of Mas- -ni law. Dealers supplied by 0Ves Ke- Sfied'by Fancy Deilers in Boston, Lowell. New Bedford and Worcester mh 19 WINES. large assortment of choicest Old Reserve 01.1 Lnnji.n c.l. f.Jinwino hranild.

vix UDYCia ue.o-AJ»in»-anO nthtr UranJ. CH AMP AG.NK.—Gicsler’s Anchor brand, of the cele vintage of (834-Jules Kagtebvand, in pints an nu the Defiance brand in quarts. PORT brand casks, of superior cpiaD i ly A Particular, of llavnr, In 'hf Colli brand in buns. hbds. tierces, qr casks, a Constantly on baud and for ORKKiOH! je5 or ALFRKDGREKNOUGH.

J. DAVIS, RRAW ESTATE, STOCK, AND KXCHANGE BROKER, Corner of Stale and Exchange streets, a 24 lv FRKFMA (JUVI'RILLK BAND. 4 id Post Horn, ofthfi la'esl pub- Na -t vv.cret, streut, Biwlon. Pupils instructed on the Harp. EMU VAL.

MARSH, CAPEN, LYON vV WEBB, PUBLISHERS. BOOKSELLERS, AND STATIONERS, No (up stairs j3 CHEAP CARD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT: aug29 Office of the Rotary Press. 52 reet. SUPERFINE WINTER GOODS. ILTON SLOCOMB Fancuit Hall Building have received their full supply of Autumn and Winter go-ds, comprising the most choice selection they have ever offired for sale, con- sitting of over coatings of every description: viz: and Pilot cloths, A-phalmm-.

Double Milled Super and Medium Diamond Beaver of English, French and American manufacture, of every color; he-i English Double Hunters cloth, extra super German Twilled Asphaltums coating backs and velvet finish, an elegant article for Dutch Duffi'ls, Pilot Cloths and as nearly proot anv swyhs ever imported into the country. Also Hutch Gnat Hair Cainhlels of very superior quality, together with cription of fashionable, seawnable goods, wliich will be sold a. very low prices by the piece or yard, or inufactured into gar- meets in the most perfect manner nh 1 PFUI LY informs Ibe Lad ies of Boston and vicinity, ho lams, ore. 322 Washington so ic ion (' i vnbers at the corner of Milk and Fed i ce Milk street, oppo-ue Auction l.iio-eu new and extensive assortment of and Domesiic. Fancy which he will sell ii market prices.

new is- of French Boots and Shoes will he mi Tuesday. eplm TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. DIORNF CO Auction ami Commission Noe Fulton street, (near Btackstone st for the sale of Shoes ami l.oalher, ive large -rs ire invited iIcivhil their goods and Adver iMh-ir csiaolishmenl continually in many of the D'Ptr the Union, mr.i ificturcw can join In the benefit of riS.m tfieir with without 7 nm such as is iKv incurred. Liberal a.lvances reitiifi All add will be ior cash on, all other ba subject to the order of the 31 initf.ictnrers can u-e our rivmts ot dispose of their Wl, if i lt-y please, williout Charge. 8 FOR COOKING.

KXTRACT OF LEMON gives to Custards, Pud I dio-s S. 11 IC-. Bancm.nge, Ac, the finest flavor the I ont all bitter and rancid 'vot- A directioos, by most gracers and druggists Keepers I -L a nl Boar.ling Houses inxy obtain it in quadruple size aot- pnF.srOV, Chemist. 70 Federal st REFINED SUGAR OF LEMONS with nure and fine llivorol Lemonade may fie made at any mi on. -Ury alsoin sickness, being i i-r itute tor ths lr lemon.

1 ut KV KRL AS TI NG ids of gold. wuh a alloy, a- much hixrder than tlxe rh.a ho ler wi endure longer than the ru 77 I-Ifieqeiil. It ml and left i s.x constant use of this ele- p-odu'ftd sensible wear. Invented by John I 2 i 1 nisVfi 1 thw liav ami Hy BKNJA (OiClNG A Stalionnrs. 122 Mato street.

I 2 i UN nC VI a TK PRISON NOTICE fi ave P-nkiiife or other blades put mio old rV to depisti the handles, a px unii," name, in Box No Me Lme.B—'on: and call the of the Rooms for them when finished, i I or hinu Gr.o.f-also. Knife Bladcs-Screw i 1.1 White work, usually exe- to- Fri- and will receive prompt alien- lUlHrn CHARLES LINCOLN, Warden July 9 1-ii). oopisAostf noors. shoes and brogans 4 V. XSS Will k-pt constantly on li I tv -eh at and xuctioi sa es, together IV ok.

ui.iiei ile Brii im Sole Leal her, I l.iii-a-.* A A at the lowest cash prices, INE'a Nos 3 1.1 I in Fililo Blxckslotie st. Orders prooiiilly attended Ca- i advances mi on of the 1r HI 5 A SHIP sutiscri-r lias ken VV -jami-d ile for the sale of Wime Oak Ship Plank 'I i A and is now ready to Y-, i it.v -r cia-knesslo be delivered in i who miy be in want will do well to call as we. aliai! this year In in oihis of the finest Plank ever brought 7 irk DAVID SNCW, 2 W.nale,, Vuvwhar, TEMPERANCE LTQUID BITTERS, I (Without Win- or Alcohol 7 HITWEI.I.’S Corieentrated Fluid Extract of the Genuine or Dinner most desirable has liee.n eff cted by moisture, steam arid strong pressure like the real juice of the it is pure ami« terated, and may be taken clear; though mild and deliciously pleasant, it is an effective that a tea spoon full a sufficient rinse. It is alike useful at all seasons of the-vear, strengthen- in'the stoma procuring an appetite, ami assisting lion, and iieing free from stimulus may be safely administered to both sexes and all ages The time when Bitters an.I New Rum w-re svnommous terms is by this process done is very little hetier, and the least calculated of the two to cxiract the virtues of the medicine. To indu medical men to recommend this preparation to th-ir the eotrposinc it are subjoined I he choicest tonic roots of our country are also added Gentian.

Quasha. Ginger. Sarsaparilla, and Rheubarb also, Orange. Peal, Wholtlehcrry Leaves, Lavender, Uas- cariila and Cardamom Seeds in suitable proportions. MEDICINAL QUALITIES For Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever and Aaue, Flatulence, Languor and Head Ache ami all Nervous Complaints, Badness of Breath, Ac.

Ac. It also Cleanses ami Purifies the Bloou in a most remarkable decree, reviving the spirits and invigorating the whole will secure heaith to the healthy, and give strength aud relief to the invalid Zjp- Said at the low price of TiVKN TY-FIVE CENTS for a pint Inttlo, or including the box. Sold at the Druggist Store, corner of Milk and Bath Streets. Copy Right of Label secured. D3- AROMATIC SNUFF, for Headache Catarrh, Dizziness, drowsiness, Hypo, Dimness of the Eye sight, Ac.

This most fragrant, grateful, and cheering composition, mostly made from roots and aromatic herbs, has been in use for mure than a quarter of century. It strongly recommended for those pur- by the late Professor Waterhouse, of Cambridge, and many others. Price 50 and 25 cents a bottle. a27 BRUSHEsT EALERS and others in want of Brushes, are inf ited to call at the fission Brush store. 72 Washington street, near the Post office, a id examine the gr atest variety to be found in the city, viz 1230 Brushes, of every variety of form anrijfinish.

530 do Cloth do with and without handles. do fine ground Piint Brushes (UK) do do tlo Sash do do do do Varnish do do do do Shaving do no Feather Dusters, large eizes PHI do Hearth Brushes, new patterns 230 do Dusting do gilt and plain. 153 do Floor do do Horse do 53 do hair Varnish Brush-s, assorted sizes. 153 do Pconah and Velvet do of all km Nail Hat. Lotnh and Flesh Brushes and Broshes, Ac.

Ac The above were manufactured by the subscriber are warranted of the quality, and will sold at wholesale and retail, at lowest prices. ADAMS, si 4 SHAWLS! MITH A McQUAID, 335 Washington sireel, are jnst ing a splendid of Cashmere de Lain-and D'ghlaml Pla A Shawls-’ prices, from 25 to 4 Red Mermci all wool, low as 'Ni- Black Cashmere as low AM the above shawls have been bought at the New A ork and Bosfon Auctions, will sold at the greatest bargains ever offeie.l in 1 1, is city, who'esale and No Washington south of Wes! st. DH) do 233 do 25 KliBHI NOTICE. PHR AIM WOOD, Draper and Tailor, at his old stand, 360 Washington street, the liberty to inform former natrons and customers and the public, that he has taken intJ pair us 4 IVFWMAN, who been wpoht CO li.ollemen in of by 811 Zof fin 1 a large and excellent assortment of A part 'd the fiit! and winter supply just received ami they will con- tintie to add to their present stock of Cassi me Plot and Beaver Cloths, Vestings, and other articles usut of to him lo at pt.reai# that have accounts against him w.ll present payment. CHINA A GLASS WARV.

Chi Tuesdav, Nov 17, at 9 o'clock, at office. Will h- sold furniture recently contained the Bromfield House, the pr.prietor. bavin? re sling of 100 superior double and single feather beds of the best and single curled horn and hair mattrasses -palm leaf, ralian and 00 o.mforms-UWl blaokets -2(H) linen and cotton double and single bedsteads, most of which are swelled tvam-bOkid- dermiuster caspeta-hearth rugs-pamied oil cloUt carpets- wash stamls-130 cherrv wood toilet tables- 100 lewking of which are French plate-large size mahogany card U- hies dining sofas-330 chairs, part of which art superior w.xxl, cost 50 eech-mahogany and panned toilei la- sets ivory handle table and desert krtives and forks- 150 oz silver tea and table spoons, butler knives, Ac-a large A assortment of while china dining and ware-do toilet silver and Britannia lamps rocking parlor chairs-cut glass tumblers dishes wines, champagnes and celerya-iarge coffee stew rcls-Mnnz- mantel lamps-hair brass pieces for stairs- Bri tanma and tin tea and coffee pots-tin steel fire of pans and ta together with other articles. Sold without reserve and may be examined the day be fora the TABLES, MANGLE, STOVE, CLOCKS, Ac. A snnerior set of mahogany tables in 6 pieces suit a hie first rate mangle-one of Holla largest size cooking Stove superior to any c.a.kine apparatus now in uptight day tune set 6 matched dining tablet, Ac.

private assortment of custom made furniture, at very warranted filled with charcoal. 1530 rolls paper BY J. L. CUNNINGHAM, feics corner of ilk A ederal streets ELEGANT FRENCH OIL FAIN TINGS, Ac. On Tuesday, at 10 In Corinthian on Federal street.

A collection of elegant now French furniture, received from lollet tables, xvith marble remtre table tables- French card 'ahles-work Voltaire in red morocco and French bedsteada and other articles Also A lot of best furniture made in this riiy-compristng pier tables centre do few swelled beam bedsteads, a arU, cle manufactured bv the tale Charles Adams anil may be the last opportunity to furnish with bedsteads of this set of Superior mxhseany Grecian dining tables, on custom balance of the lot of bronze and carton pierre articles it i) per led irom Paris At 12i A collection of nil paintings, mostly by the old masters, comprising sever.l valuable The hall will be on the day before the a. aon.lemeu are invited to examine the collection. The sale will be without reserve. To gallery, suitable for an exhibition mom, for a dancing room or sc.h<s>l of any sort Dear Colonel publish this sonp in the Pi so that we can have it by heart when Thanksgiving Day the way we down, afier dinner, will be enthusiastically thankful! And now that our whig friends are getting over their mutigrubs, and resuming the face of the genus homo we may be able to harmonize in one general, kind, mutual thanksgiving for the abundant pumpkin harvest, to say nothing of the cider THANKSGlVtNG-DAY SONG. Am Horn.

Thankvgiving-day. of all the rest, Is what we Yankees love For, harvest our friends we meet, And send our thoughts above All welcome home, with gratelul hearts, And joyful, smiling eye, The festive board we draw around, And feast on pumpkin tie On pumpkin pie, on pumpkin, pumpkin pie, On pumpkin pie, on pumpkin, pumpkin The festive we draw around, And feast on pumpkin pie, The festive board we draw around, And feast on pumpkin pie, The festive board we draw around, Anti feast on pumpkin On pumpkin, pumpkin pie, on pumpkin, pumpkin pie, On pumpkin, pumpkin pie, on pie! And when the glorious day is past, And eve appears, perchance, We to the gay, enchanting hall, And join the merry dance is there pledge our hearts to love, While time is rolling The board we Ml then forget, And e'en the pumpkin pie pumpkin pie, the pumpkin, pumpkin pie. The pumpkin pie, the pumpkin, pumpkin pie The festive board then forget, And the pumpkin The festive board then forget, And the pumpkin The festive board then forget, And pninpkin pie The pumpkin, pumpkin pie, tYc. A YANKEE in loco. DOMESTICI GOODS 1 ASKS fine Black Book folci l'hcenix Co Bleached N.irtings, styles-4-4 Bleached Shirtings, fine qual il JdObales fTinting Clmhs balesGladdiug fami') Sb eetinrs hexvv Brown do heavy Crown Shirtings.

cor hy a29 tf 1 WILLIAM LAKNED. 73 Water si- VELVET SATIN AND BROCADE BUTTONS MARSH k. 61 Kilby street, corner of ter sireet Liberty have just received-velvet. mohair, sji in, and lasting of the newest plated and coiivex. fo.

dress, and over coaU. I tr-e size-silk an-l mohair irmvrial and round Cords, various sizes, (or dress, frock and over coats. Winter Under Shirts and Drawers, viz: ia, Saxony, Merino Shaker, Cotton, new slid superior article of fine Saxony and Drawers Also, Silk Shirts and Drawers. I ikewisi) an extensive assortment of Gloves and Hosiery. At DARWIN CHAFFIN'S, No 80 Washington street.

ol6 lf ISS M. HAWK, Artificial Florist, No 139 5 ott, one door from Grand street. New York, would inform 1.he autl Milliners who are abom te tbe eityfortUepr purchasing ArtIfi-ial that just a most splendid FaU an Flowers They are manufactured of rench equal to hnporie ffovvers, and are to be had at the and Tabby Velvet-also, Cambric Muslin Leaves $6 00 pr doz Wreaths of Silk Tabby wltl. Muslin Face Wreaths. do do do.

Sprigs for ln.siileof aud Cambric, for sl7 TO THE FURLIC HE Agency for the sale of Double Disti. led Rose Water from Damask Leaves, from the celebrated Nursery of J. M. Prince. Flushing, L.I,” has been transferred to J.

L. i F4VITT. tlireeled to him through the Post Office, or 156 Cambridge street will to mediately and the public may rest assured that they will be lurnisbed with the same article a27 eopisAostf OTHS AND received a few and English, Germ and American Cloths, of various colors an 1 qnal-tiee. Also, cases Foreign and and Doeskins, for sale at a small advance, wtvdesale a ndrel ia 1 1 C. H.

CONAN formerly nr Co 55 W.i#hin?ton st. PAiNTKD CARPETINGS. TOR TABER has just received a large supply of Painted Lar 4 of ail new and beautiful patterns. Fur chasers will do well to call at rooms, No 57 Washington st. our worth of Court st- BROWN SHKKTINGS.

bales 37 inches common Brown Sheetings 53 37 fine do rio. For sale by GEO BOND A SONS, No 9 Kilby st. 20 nl HENISH AND MOSELLE receive.) an invoice comprising Mobile, Steinberg, Johannisberg Marcobruner, in quart and pint Also, in quart bottles, Sparkling Hock and Tokay, Kelsling Geisberg. ahdve are all excellent Wmca sale hy G. BONI! A 024 EEDl.ES.— A large assortment received at from the most celebrated manufactories including head- and netting needles Sold cheap and warranted at 2 Milk st.

SHAWLS. I case high cost quilted Satin Shawls, received and for sale by WHIFAV ELL, VER A CO. PER sHIP lows A 1.1. a variety of New Plved i Sie Tibie Knives and 'led Dessen Knives i Planished I'm l'ish sets mr qu. iHv -Small end Cani Fi.ner Macho i ImI pat terns.

of new and For sale at Washington st. 4w l-Pl ICATIONS lil tfia 2)t: ins notice ill be received at the Office.un- mr the uffi of Wn.iug#Master the Tuli-j accompanied with testi- ions Hili, 10 JONA THAN CHAPMAN, Mayor 2 i nh 1,12 A CARD. A HUNTINGTON, Merchant T.ilor. formerly of the J. A Hnntingion, having remme.l to Ibis cirv would solicit a of patronage from the public He now op mm? a splendid assortment of Gootls, at Chambers 76 VV isl.iugton street, a tew doors south of Slate st from wtiich ha ptap ireil to ScAi I and I far- at reasonable prices Gentlemen wishing to cast, tfieir will receive a liberal discount.

Boston, Oct. 24, 1813. A A SALVO, having connected with L. A. HUNTI NGTON, 76 Washington street, would respectfully invite his friends and customers to call on him.

where they may tie assured of his to suit them. Boston, Oct. 24. 1843. if FOREIGN PERIODICALS.

PEABODY wiUtske at 13 West street, for 2 Peruxlicals. a list ol with the may at the book Bv a special arrangement, she can supply, at a less price by hall than they have hitherto cost, the I rilowmg E.botmrch. Westminster Foreign. British vt-ws si 53 each. The British and Foreign Medical Review, S5 Magazine, 53 the London and linbtirgh« nsojihieal Magazine and World of Fashion, The will come by Cu Line, and can be delivered before the American edtihm are ready, aud will con ain the maps, illustrations.

Ac omiued in the American editions. Foreign Periodicals for October are received at the Foreign Library. which is now open, and the subscription list more than hall filled. TuAFif REFRIGERATORS AT PRIVATE MILK ST. fpHK Subscribers will be with that article, m.ule.

in the best manner to of various and wai ranted an article as can hongiit in Boston l'wu largo size with lured in CLARK A HATCH, ml 7 AI.LENDALF. SHIRTINGS. 33 inch Bleached Shirtings, No 40, for sale by VV 51. F8 6 00 03 1 50 0 75 BY WHIT WELL, SEAVER CO. fpice 75 granitk bi ock ilk strbbt pKW- On Mondav.

Nov 16. at 34 on the (Unless soul at One of the most valuable p. the Lev MrGannets Clnirch, Federal street, being a wall on the western ais.e, No 31. PACKAGE SALE. On Wednesday, at 9J at office.

129 uf English, Scotch, French and American dry Z'P for the aiternoon prevmus to the VALUABLE DWELLING HOUSE. On Thursday, at 12 on the premises. A vatuxnlc brick dwelling house, heine No 13 Sheafe bitRSLstreet, three stories high, built, having two par- mrs connected bv I ing doors kitchen on the same of water. The house now nrmpied hy the Rex Mr Siowe and will lie vacated on the first o( December at BY DANIEL HERSF.Y. ffice os 27 A 29 xchange hTRtET.

1 A A Refined Vanilla Cream, and Cream Rock other kinds of Candies, allowed by all who have tasted to be superior to any confectionary mam. factored in All are praising U. Just a supply from New York, and lor sale bv the or ounce at wil.I.TAM corner of Eliot and Washington Se.e that you gel the true kind. A he Mol Candy (Compound Boneset) for Couf and Colds, is for sale at Lhe same ul 11 DR. HARRINGTON'S ALUABLE prescriptions fortne Syphilue; Gonorrhoea and Glo-t in all its various stage put up in a neat and accurate with directions Ac, to be had office, No 9 Bmllcoii street, Boston, a few doors from Hanover st.

Dr H. can be consulted at all tunes on the day and in hfol at his KirillDGK'SOrigannm Lintniment or Pain Extract- a superior preparation for the cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Swelled and Stiff of the cords the direct tons; also, a n.imber of he given bv the nroprietorof its astonishing elh cacv For sale hy WM. BROWN, 431 Washington street, Hen- shaw.WardACo and Maynard A Noves. Co. Retailed hy all the Druggists in Boston.

PER SHIP ROMAN. ONFS. LOWS A BALL have received an invoice of Shef field Tat'le Cutlery consisting of sets of 51 and 53 pieces, of various qualities Also. Table and Drssert Knives, without Forks, of warranted au ility stl al Washington st. IN3 4-4.

36 Paddings and Buckrams, lor sale by GKO. BOND A SONS. HEATHING and Ship Sheathing P.qwr for sale by GEO. BIRD A 68 Stale street. ie3 A 4JILK UMB for expnrialino red and oth on hand and for sale by WHITWELL.

SHAVER A CO. 4w HEAVY SHEETINGS. Portland and Morison Brown Sheetings, by GKO. BOND A SONS LOOKING GLASSES. TTnionand enplm FFD A first rate who can furnish tir.

Ysi testimonials. Inquire at No 139 Washington st, up stairs, a first rate Sewer inquire as all Sai.k. On Monday al 10 sell the stock of a trucking of 7 trucks, with all the belonging to the establishment, such as stables, one of xvhirh is situated in -Ueei lhe other in Sun ha- street. The sate te commence Zone G.o..

of On Tuesday next, at 9j at office. I shall sell a large and general assortment of house furniture crockery and glassware, stores, and other artr. -The subscriber attends to out door sales as usual, nanv part of the city, such Shop Stocks, House urntture, Ac Weekly sales at office, on ea an lhe patiouage ol his friends ami the public. LITERARY NOTICES. roems.

hy J. N. MrJilton. Boston Weeks, Jordan publication is of rather a larger size than lhe usual volumes of American fugitive poetry, and it contains a great number of pieces on all imaginable subjects. We are giid that in these political times any one can find leisure to indite lhe flowing For our own part, we can scaice'y find time to review the productions afier they are written, printed, bound, and presented.

he longest poem in the volume before us, is Triumph of delivered before the Literary and Scientific Societies ot Baltimore, in 1838. It is in the uarra- tive much so, that it is little else than a relation in verse of the various tyrannies which have oppres-ed the final triumph of liberty, as a matter of course, in Columbia. The versification, with but few exceptions, is very smooth, and the figures are mostly easy and unstrained. The thoughts are sensible, as they could hardly help being on such a subject, and in such a beaten track, as the author has followed. But there are very few passages where inspiration raises the poem above the plain Macadamized tenor of its ways, and we think the whole affair might have been told to equal advantage, and with equal elevation, in common prose.

There is little fault to be found with it it is mostly correct in and expression, and is superior to the pieces contained in many poetical publications ot the American press. But it is not, ia our opinion, a poem, for all that. It is truly mediocre, and will prebably share the fate of it? less worthy rivals and predecessors. There are many other pieces in the volume which will answer to this which are written in an excellent spirit, with excellent morals; and which, were they in worse company, would be noticed with approbation. But this approbation would only be comparative, for the verses themselves just fall short of that originality of thought and expression which alone can give to fugitive poetry a lasting value.

ii Is a very pretty and well written ballad, in the olden style. It is about King Arthur and far fumed queen, with the hundred Knights of the Round Table. The rest of the book is composed of a variety of shorter pieces, in blank verse and every modification of rhyme. There is an occasional carelessness in some of the lines, which might easily have been avoided. In the blank verse, we often see such as the following ply to the wants of man as well to-day as yesterday, and so back to the beginning of time.

Apply this test to any of the ancient or modern writers, who are universally considered The comedies of Charles II have passed away, for they were descriptions of dramas still remain, for they are descriptions of jnen. Anything which is bounded, which descends to the particular, is as sure to die, as each one of us, while our whole race remains as powerful and as numerous as belore Religious poetry is a high order of writing, but it is only when it speaks to universal man that it can endure. General praise, general prayer, general hopes, and general fears will be always unchangeable, and without turning to the Fslams of David as an example of enduring religious poetry, we may notice, that those Hymns ot Dr Watts, most generally known at present, are those which appeal equally to the hearl of the Trinitarian and the Unitarian, the Methodist and the Universalist. Mr McJtUon lias shown in many of his religious poems, a doctrinal spirit, which cannot but clash wuh the views ot many of his readers. We dislike this obtrusion of doctrine, which seems to us to denote a mind far from comprehensive.

but on the contrary, narrow and bigoted. A minister writes a book of who dislike the task of perusing the stuff, puff author admires it, and it dies as quietly as No one thinks of naming the writer, in speaking of religious poetry, he is as dead in their remembrance as father. With some people, religious poetry is any thing which talks of hell and the levil in a serious way, to the tune of Old Hundred, and they think it almost blasphemy not to read and admire any thing of the race which comes 'out. Such people, we might advise to subscribe for a new edition of Dr Watts, to set them right on the subject. To return to Mr McJilton.

Our author excels in the simple pictures of life and of the heart, as those who read any of the pieces named above will readily perceive. He seems to have a penchant for descriptions of Nature, but the paintings are mostly feeble, and at best, descriptions of outward things merely. Ho does not show the effect of Nature upon the senses and soul of effect, in the absence of which, Nature might as wetl have been hideous nnu disgusting. Mr McJ. has not much fancy or invention, as his Triumph of testifies.

He generally wants fire, originality, strength and point. Still, as before remarked, there are many precious jewels in the surrounding irasb, and many of his poems are worthy of perusal and remembrance. BY COOL1DGE HASKELL, ffice os 29 A 31 ater street SALE. Suffolk Boston, 10. 1810.

Taken on siindrv writs and will he at public auciion, On Monday next, at 9J Ai store corner of Milk Pearl streets. All the in meres-calicoe-brown and bleach and sheet.nzs-ho and worsted gloves-lose the'wuh variuus other usually found in a dry curds jobblm the shop furnhure, viz-mahoeenjr ceunure- and tunnel with Per order of Jalwz Pratt, Deputy Sheriff. private 10 blocks Egyptian and Venetian warble. BY F. E.

WHITE, ffice 22 ong wharf refrigerators uspenders ne and utfui jus! receive I Paris, ami sale by DARWIN LHAr- FIN. 83 Washington st UGH TER LEATHER. Slaugtuor for sale by COBB A KINS- I'1 City wharf i A 0 A ES AMBflf.iH SWEET WATER GRATES revived and nie Uv W.M. P. A A.

A tOsTEK, No 48 nom i.ltes siuqi'ie at short and on reason able PRY IT TRV IT It vo. a slurp am! sniuolb or try Patent Meet Hone and Strap, the ir. ir lor ynnr in go order, with the of Ibi now offw 1 wholesale ami retail, al Stai lottery l'use, 77 Washington street. sijtp BUI I DEls IV COFFIN A CO 14 On tra! whirl, have the following 3)3 to 'ham Cablee freni 9 16 lo inches i finished and uufimshd Wlodtaa Ne i ul Deck description nade to the shortest notice. istf mlfi BUTTER AND CHEESE, Iuxnf tubs Welch Butter, a prime article.

133 do do. suitable lor use. casks Cheese. Fur sale a i low es for cash, by GOVE, BROWN A Vo I under Fattemi Hall Market. tl constant supply of Roman Cement Ik jo whole half and quarter from one of the most ap warranted constantly on hand, and at the Importing Warehouse, 3G Franklin Avenue.

Contracts to deliver lvs- quantities, at satisfactory prices. a.iwis&o-'f 1 Fancy Goods Perfumery Store No 2 Mdk door from el. WAN TED. I H. enpt SODA ASH.

4 SHEET IRON WORKER at H. A F. No Ol 127 State sir set. 027 UTFRJOR REFRIGERATORS for sale hy JABEZ HATCH, 166 Washington street. ID WINTER AND FALL OIL.

1 Winter and Fall Sperm Oil. of first qua nr, 1 from Enteyuise sale by BLAKE TRUMBULL, corner of Milk aud Federal o22 NF.ATS FOOT in hbts Foot Oil, of good quality, for sa'e by FI.ETCH ER APPLETON, 2 and 3 India sireet. s3 casksSoilx Ash, for s.le by EDWARD LAMB, 86 street. I o-M WHITE ARSENIC. 1 Crude, for oy EDWARD LAMB, 86 8ute lOl "7 street.

FRENCH WOAD. -j llts landing land for sale by WARD LA MR, 86 Statesi. eop2w i on goo.1 firai Mo-igage in the ciiy HfUU by J. DA VIS, corner of itate and m2 2003 BENJ. POOR, rri Kijbv st.

wool. fine Fierce Wool, just 'received and for sale by a 5 PROM I ON DON creat variety of im malerial for fine liTCKINSON'S Kl (fofo -A Southern g-O shipping order-for sale by FLETCHER A APPLKION, Ntw2and3 iaAoelf sla ml Klanncis; o'v- mixed Yam aud Socke-for sale hy POOR CO .28 Ktlbv street. IIANK AND RAILROAD STOCK by J. VIS. corner of State aud Exchange sire, ts.

I A 11 OC, A CI! AI RS J' Im verv No 77 22 I RECEIVED a assort meid Cha a f.u hy MELLEN A NS, at the cwner 'moo A'id Ann streets. si. CIGARS. 7 SuperiorPriitcipeCigara. I Havana do 13 wharf.

i tioxKV IX SM A. MKXHIAX I M.I AM' D.AMON» RK.AVF.KS—for a KK CO. Nlo street. lo-Moo male. r.hoiCA 9 rece vet! fur sale al A VanltinrtoM street.

H. for Site ED" ADD I State street. rPHFRMOMETFRS One cse quality Japaod Case 1 assorted sizes. 8. 10 and 12 inch, warranted perfect For sale bv the dozen single, at unusual fow 77 Washington at.

ASSES. prime retailing Mo! now landing. For sale by J. VALFNTINE A OEO C. BRIGGS, No 12 erai at.

GUNS. of ou verv superior, of high Sy WHITWKI.L, SEAVER A 75 Milk at reel. AND GORHAM sale by M. BARNARD, No75Siaiestreet He has also Spectacle Island to lease and 33 tons Hay to sell Applv as aitove. ALOES.

1 lbs Cape of Good Aloes, iust landed and 1000 by FLETCHER A APPLETON, Nos. 2 A 3 Ind ia st reel isAost a.3 TkTF PIUSULTRV sale at No 77 iN Washington street, Building, a uery choice variety of Neplua or Travelling of extra finish with the Dressing Case combined. con II WHISKE.V cele'Mraled brand Monutaw Whi-kev. of fine ff in re- ppfrt verv superior For 8-uc iV corner of Milk and Federal Rts. n5 EN YARN.

-a (NiNzx Woollen Yarn, suitable for fflling, will lie low GEO BOND A SONS. nil OOR CLOTH a Tard for Painting, For by G. BUND A SO.N ilby street PROVISIONS. On Monday, at D) At the Navy Yard. Charlestown, 2367 lbs bread-103 lbs butler- 193 cheese-I hbl beef.

jRv order of Leonard REAL ESTATE. On Tuesday. Nov 17, at 12 on the If not previously disposed of at sale. Ash That valuable and eligibly bouse No 15 Tre mont street, n-'xt to lh- St Church, and re- occupied bv Dr Hayward, and one of the most desirable lor, a in the city. For a plan ol the estato and further oarticulars apply to Charle.Hav ward.

No 59 Slate street. Conditions made known at the time and place of sale. BY WM. TAYLOR CO. ffice os 7 A 9 entral street BOOTS, SHOES A Cash On Tuesday, Nov at at office' 250 cases Boms Shove and Bingans Cash advanced on for the above BY CLAPP xY STEELE.

orner of ilk A earl streets DRY GOODS On Tuesday at 13 A assortm-m of foreign and domesiic dry goods. 103 brown BY FREEMAN, ffice No 36 ilk street rose on dark Oniario, day was Emma, thou art bright morning thou must the blossoms A rctutus moved, and the fair PLEiades These are any ihing hut heroic lines. In the rhyming verses, there is sometimes a redundant syllable which may be slid over in reading, if one knows what is coming, but which stops the flow of the verse at the first perusal. Among the mediocrity of most of these effusions, however, there are many beautiful thoughts The last four verses on are very good. The story is of a storm al sea.

Amid its terrors, a soldier stands fearlessly on the deck, and seems to enioy the conflict of the elements. Hts frightened bride rffshes from the cabin, and clings to her unshaken lord, wonJering how he can smile ta such a sccn6 of terror ii jfo word the warrior spoke but he Drew from beneath his vest A poignard bright, and placed its point Against her heaving breast. She started not. nor 'hrieked in dread, As she had shrieked before stood astonished, and surveyed His tranquil features Now he asked 1 dost thou not start May not thy blood be With sweet composure she replied, My husband holds the Dost wonder, then, that I am calm That fear shakes not my form I ran tremble while I know My God directs the storm 0 give me back my is a very sweet and simple production. Among the other pieces which we notice as being really good, in their several kinds, were, I have no father there the last two verges of Procrastination choice the last verse of the Old Elm To a Musqueto and Anv of these deserve a better place than the field of tameness which they are planted.

There is a very pretty thought contained in the following from L.te-a Alter tediously describing life as a garden. in which all are wandering, and all are seeking after ihe one flower of happiness, he concludes by VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS ROOKS. Or. Wednesday, at st office A collection of valuable miscellaneous arri works, Ac. here BY CLAUK A HATCH.

ffice IYI ilk stkkkt A superior hv Traogii.on Anv shin in want of a can rely on firn Hair l-Kh of all w.rit).» at tbe cash jvrie.M. A fresh of hair cloth, ex a nettes. No 9 PURK ndy A ND Cl by SILAS Oflii bids firit qua! tv V' 'f PEIRCE A CO 22 Elm street.' ntPFR for and Braris, of I GEORGE 68 State jc3 extra while nillet for sale BEN I. LORING A CO Sja- 122 State st.

BY SAMUEL A. WALKER, ffice 43 A 45 ilbv street st private wie A tlark anml 6 perfectly kmri. and will fo ui anv h.irtje#» I vehicle. mosl excellent l' pxrtic ariyalafoeri for a i boroe. In- qiiire of the aurtioneer.

BY GEO. COND SONS. Al private xle, 7 English -3 du do Lon I on twle Russia hall a artete 4 cases sine arme-! rv; WHITING, b.v MeriFiue and s'ureery in Haverhil! twenty removed rt-m, ami mw ready alterni the Residence No. 17 Cambrulge nea sqtwre.

itiweiijiitv And few have gained the favored flower, And those who have, its folds between, Have found the sharp thorns intervene. Wounded, alas! they turn to fly, But tall upon lhe spot and die. The flower they strive so hard to save, Blooms fairest near the seeker's grave." The thought is a very true one. but the lines ore spoiled by the word save" being put in merely for the purpose of rhyming with grave We never before heard of the author of ihese poems, but should conclude that he was a clergyman, from the serious tenor of many, and the religious strain of of the contents of the work. He is a so called temperance man.

if not a lelotaler, and has indicted many duDes hi the praise oi water Although we believe in the utter moral impossibility of gelling mankind lo confine themselves to Adam ale, vet on this point we have nothing to say- But as religious poetry fo much in vogue at prevent, it may be as well to set the species in its proper place. True poetry is the voice of mankind, not of an individual. is not cribbed, to a particular sect or it is universal, and will ap- The Metropolitan for October. Boston: IVeeks, Jordan xf Co There is a good deal of tun in the present chapters of and Doings at The madcap tricks of the students remind one strongly of Cambridge in old times, when mighty jokes goaded the poor Faculty to the point of despair. There is much nonsense in these letters, but now and then there is a very comical paragraph.

from gives a queer account of Billy Culver, the oldest midshipman in the service. Billy was very fond of grog and roast goose, and was in the habit of superintending the culinary operation, in propria persona. On one occasion he was absent without leave from his vessel greenhorn of a lieutenant, who had recen ly been entered for provisions on board the Royal William, as vupernumerary waiting for a to the West Indies, atone r. di'agreeably surprised Billy in his usual avocation of basting a fine goose. As the day was warm, Billy sat wuhout his coat, tucked up, and an oversized ladle in hts answer to no other name but Billy replied oar old friend 'bat I see you are heated, swig of my and he presented his large glass, woh the reddrah liquor, to the young officer, who thankfully drank till Billy called, and the officer, after drawing breath, in a courteous manner said, is my unpleasant duty to arrest you, as absent without leave, and convey, you, as a prisoner, on board the Royal William is very as I was to dine with some friends on the fine bird before yon but I will put on 'my coat and attend you to old Grimsby, who is very harsh, as I am only a few days over my leave of absence granted by him.

May I beg the favor of you not to let it burn till 1 can send the cook in So saying. Billy slipped on his coat, and slipped out of the back -duor, and very soon reported himself as come on board to first lieutenant Grimsby. Culver, you have overstaid your time three days, and I have sent Lieutenant Greenhorn to bring you off under an arrest; have you seen tne, how strange said Billy, endeavoring to look verv innocent; taking our nooner together, (by this he meant a glass ot grog, a bad custom in vogue among seamen, even in these days of refinement and reform,) I left him in full uniform, basting a roasting by the kitchen fire of the India Arms, Gosport and if you will to allow me to fulfil an indispensable engagement this day, I will, on my passage, make known to him your him off instantly, sir such conduct is particularly unbecoming in an officer or a And our acquaintance. Lieutenant Greenhorn, was ever alter facetiously termed Goose Gtbbey. I believe objections to being the youngest lieutenant were in course of time conquered, and that he died a rank I never expect to obtain, that of posi Sir Sidney Smith, the hero of Acre, is also brought before upon delicate dish turned the stomachs of all the company.

Both Bentley and the Metropolitan seem to have been in the funny vein for several months past. With bat few exceptions, they eschew melancholy, as bad as Job did evil. I this number, Adventures of a gentleman in search of an is very laughable. The scene is. laid in Ireland.

The sketch of the Irish Barber is excellently done. Besides this, there are and of the French both humorous for the most part. In the latter, is a joke played upon a sleeping gro, who was much disliked on board suip. His wool was fastened by puch to the beam above, and his hammock being cut from under him, he was left dangling by ahe scalp. Not w.rhstandmg our knowledge of the tortures of the poor devil, the scene is ir- re'fotible.

Laugh we must at his French oaths, and comical of pain. History of the and of an Italian are also continued in this number. The poetry, as a whole, is better than usual. Stanzas to though on raiher a used up subject, are very prettily Nine out of ten of the magazines, English and American. would be much improved by the omission of their verses; but onee in a while we come across pieces worthy of remembrance.

Nor can we do better than quote the following lines, which conclude the present number. They express a true feehng for the beautiful, on a subject which, however common, must ever be the holiest in the world SONNET. T. I a mother her first Pressing soft on brow. While hope, end pride, and deep affert blending.

Lent to her tranquil a Of holiest beauty. Feeling without Beamed from her the pure of prater Seemed breathing in lhe gentlx murmured strain That trembled on her a scene That angels, from their homes of ecstacy (Homes, where dark lhe spoiler, hath Approving, might xietv-d to see That a m.u-h Debt bereft, Some share of primal love unsullied mil wivs efi. Ameriten Turf Beeister and Siega- in. November number of i primed periodical ts jno The present num. her contains an of the nner ol the Letrer for IRIO, lull There also, a inhoamph of lhe famous Eclipse, .1,0.

i hi, anatomical and geometrical grams exhibiting nn tl be interesting to ail proportions, i who desire know the beamtiful of their the horse. This number, among other things, I La' a valuable article On the breeding of horses for Le turf and for the and F.ecepis and Prac- Suce, by Fiaak.

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