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Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York • Page 1

Dunkirk, New York
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fTODAVS ISSUE 'IJ6M A OBSBl ESTABLISHED 1882: FULL-LEASED WIRE' SERVICE UNITED -PRESS YESTERDAY'S PREs's. RUN: 4611 Trir 1 'Slow flarrlM tonight and Sunday. to- algal. csv. NO.

74 'DUNKIRK, N. 8ATUHDAV, DECEM11EH 20, 1021 fir With II.It. i (.,. MIDDLE WEST STORM CONGRESS TAKES m. -XMAS RECESS Two Important Measures.Have Been Disposed of Since December First.

Some Sharp Fights Ahead. I By PAUL R. MALLON I (United Start Correit.ccJ.nt) Washington, Dec. an Incomplete record betbi and an uncertain future ahead, congress will adjourn today for the Christmas holidays. Daring the past three weeks, two Important measures hare been finally disposed of--the deficiency and natal reconditioning which were hanging orer from tie last sesslin.

On Muscle Shoals and the postal salary raises the senate got Into such a muddle that none of the leaders can foresee the outcome. The thirteen appropriation Lills which the house Is making short work of, will require the senate's attention as coon as It reconrcnea. Opponents of the Underwood Muscle Shoals bill today watched carefully to make sure that no Tote upon the measure was-taken. Kncourago by their 41 to 29 victory on the Walsh amendment making leases subject to the federal waterpower act, they felt confident they will be able to defeat the measure alter the recess. Senator Sterling, who Is In charge of administration plans to rash his bill for Increasing postal rates to meet proposed raises In salaries of postal clerks, declared be hoped to hare his bill before the senate hy January 9.

the dato scheduled for consideration- of the measure vetoed by President Coolldge. Hearings will be opened Tuesday and speeded during the holidays. The house- postoQce committee has been requested to join In the cession so that a separate hearing will not be necessary on the house tide. Congress will recontene Deccm ber 25. ML STREET IS TO Mrs.

Osborne C. Wood Declares Stories of Immense Wealth i Gained In Market Are true--Wants Divorce. Philadelphia, Dec. Press)--Lucky In Wall Street, unlucky at lote. C.

Wood, son ot the governor general of tho Philippines, who Royalists of Spain Are Keen to Punch Ibanez For His Tirades Against King Alfonso. Menton. niasco Ibanet Is to bate his face slapped. It a defender of King Alfonso can find the author who has taken refuge at Menton and "taken measures to protect himself from physical tlolenre." Ibanet announced today be had en- ANOTHER MOMENTOUS By MORRIS) (To oH HACK INC DOWN PR TREES ve WOflT HAVE ANY PJRESTS came Into prominence through-his fcagcd bodjguard becanse of amailngly successful speculations con- of violence. Henljno Varela.

dlrrctor ducted br cable from a yesrjof the Royalist newspaper. Monarauta. ago. Is to ta sued (or dlrorca br bis.baa challenged the aalhor wife, the latter confirmed todar. in a duel He has Moreoter, In a statement not nn-lwritten the -challenge -and published tinged with a little bitterness.

Mrs. i It ID four languages to that Ibanez uld ber young husband, who Isjcannot mistake his meaning. To make at present In France "Is not.a success certain Varela ho Is romlng to financially." And the eten Intimated the didn't bellete he had recently cleared up JI.OOO.COC In the ball market because he bid cabled her to send him (16,000. course I did not do It." the added. Mrs.

Wood, who is at her fathers come In Gri-entllle. Del, said she and her husband-had-hern separated for temal months and "I shall start lull for dltorce. I do not know where jet, nor do I know on what grounds." The couple were married In Manila 'April 1922 and hare two children. Menton to slap the autior's llunci recently came here to rrc- psro another tirade against bis king. MUilSUPPLY BILL OFPJJEPiTINT both boys.

The youngest child was Department Also Asks lorn Notember t. this year. i for Appropriation That Will Help to Prevent Rum Running. i year. Mrs.

daughter of Henry II. Thompson. -r-i turer, met.young Wood In Manila while the lantr Philippines as aide 10 his father. (irn- rnl Wood, who was goter- norcneral.of the Islands, i After his marriage Wood began "playing" the stock market and re- reports were circulated that bis marital affairs were not as sue- crttful a his ones.

Mrs. Wood Intimated that hf.r has- speculations were not as sue- estimates for ISIS of Washington. Dec, house appropriations committee has reported the combined treasury and post- offlcK annual supply bill carrying-a total of representing an Increase ovtr the 1323 appropriations for the two departments of Ul.SOO.- bat a decrease nnder the budget ceMU'J ii reported from tlina to time. am tired of the wide-spread 1m- rrceilon that my" husband Is worth a i-rtnne," she said. "Why only about weiks ago he cabled me for an iauiense sum of money.

"As far as the lams be has made In the past, I am too poor'at figures to remember the exact amount of his winnings at tarloui times. Hut It Is a wrong Impression to regard him as man of wealta. So far as 1 lauw i' has lost practically all he made." The bill carried (126,911,107 for the regular expenditures of the treasury, a decrease under 1925 appropriations of 110.7IJ.eo5.M and a decrease compared to the president's budget estimates of For the postoBce department was protlded, an-Increase of a pantomime with McCoy at 'this to show tbe slrugile. I Gelsler turned McCoy oter to tho 1 stale for cross-examination at the con: elusion of his testimony. Deputy District Attorney Frlrke asked McCoy about a box of antiques found In a warehouse under his name.

"They were my property," McCoy 1 of Frank Dotterweich Returning to the death room, Frlcke asked McCoy If he tried to lift Mrs. Declares Mrs. Mors Killed Her- Mors' body from tho floor. "I tried to." he said, "but I couldn't. So 1 let It lay there.

I lay down beside things went blink. 1 didn't know wh-t was happening until almost o'clock tbe next uornlng." Questioned regarding his sneer Mrs. Mors the night of her death. Me- Thousands of Telegraph and Telephone Poles Broken Under Onslaught of Sleet and Wind--Damage Runs Into the Millions. Ike.

1'ress.) --At least fifteen persons were killed as a result of tho subiero weather centering uier the middle west, according to data obtainable today. Four were killed In Milwaukee. three In Oklahoma, two In St. Louis, two In Chicago. In Detroit, one near Kansas City, and one Kansas.

The deaths were due to fires from oterhcatcd stores, falls. raffle accidents anil exhaustion from cold. The polar weather should Hit from his territory within the next hours, the weather bureau stated. In the meantime the middle west Is itruggllng with the gigantic task of tearing up the tangle of broken telegraph and telephone and poles prawllhg OTer the countryside, dls- communication and slowing up railroad and Intcrurbau serrlce. Where snow and sleet catered rails do not slow down traffic to a snail's pace, lack of wire facilities forces el- Ireme caution.

The storm has shifted to Ohio where the temperature dropped 49 during the night. Zero weather Is lu prospect. More than I DO wire poles aro down, disrupting communication. Nearly all of Illinois, with the exception of the northern portion, la practically Isolated. Limited K-rilco Is obtainable to St.

taula and other southwestern Missouri points. Heteral thousand persons are stranded In lit. Louis because of slow train service. Tralna aro running from eliht to twelte -hours late. Nearly all trains from the west are hours lair, according to railroad dlt' palchen la Chicago.

Property damage will rua.lnto millions of dollars. It wts estimated. ALLEGED ASSAILANT OF GIRL ARRESTED self--May Plead Insanity if Things Go Against Him. By A E. SWISHER (United Tress Start Correspondent) 'Los Angleles, Dec.

McCoy. puglllst-lorer, took tho witness stsnd late Friday afternoon la. tell his story of the death of Mrs. Teresa Mors, his paramour, whom he Is arcnted of slay. Ing.

McCoy appeared rater for the ordeal. He was dressed In bis best suit. After the usual preliminary lions, ibo Gelsler. said: attorney, Jerry Tell the jury the story of what happened the night Mrs. Mort died." McCoy looked toward the jury box and commenced his narrative.

"I went hone with Mrs. Mors about 10 p. ra, August 12." he began. "As we went Into the apartment I threw my gun on a table which 1 always did because It was heaty and I didn't like Coy explained his driving away from the apartment of fowls H. Jonrs.

her attorney, and tearing her there, with the statement: lt Is Understood Will Receivo His Share of Big Estate. Maytlllo, IK-c. So Controversy oter thfl estate of Mrs. Maria T. DoUcrwelch ot Dunkirk, came as end on Friday afternoon, when terms of settlement uerc agreed to by altornrfs and parties in tho trial of thn will runtrst, which was on In County Court for the lart ten While tho terras til the tettltrnrnt bate not been announced II Is under- ourttt Ward Youth Released After Furnishing Hearing on December 6.

John Domlnlak, young man lltlng ii Itucknor street, arrested lato Frl- ay afternoon by 1'ollco Chief Ti'arren nd Officer Ilrooks. on a charge of (tacking a young roman la Doughty trect on the night of December II, ras released on (1,000 ball, this morn ng. granted an adjournment to )eci'mber 24 In order tu obtain an at orney. Tho nunx woman was almost In of her home when a young man hretr his otercoat oter tho girl's ead knocking her down. Just at tat time another man appeared and liased tlio actalbnt awajr.

Tho In. estimation made by the police re- ulted In the am st of Domlnlak. William F. Wachowlak, It years Id, Lrmlng street was found guilty of a (hargu of third di-greo assault I placed acalnst him by f.t. II.

J. llahn and Patrolman Centner; and was fined 1(25. Wafhknwlak was arruscd of us- jlng itbuslto language and nf laying Ibis hands upon Lieutenant Italin. He I wan ri-manjc-il to Jail to await payment of his fine. Crank llajikl, 12 years old.

tard street and Stctcn Kacilnskl. Si )csrs old, lloliorts road, were each fined 110 aflrr pleading guilty to a charge ol Intoxication. They were arrested early this nornlnK by Lieutenant Knoll- me to drlto down for her. She said I stood that tho contestants, father- for me to tnrn the gas out In the Inr, Frank and Mary, minor child- kitchen, hut I forgot It." rrn of the late Frank Dottrrwelch, will recelte a much greater share or Los Angeles, Dec, McCoy lb tal8 llun them under Ihr man nnd Kuntlrr. Patrolmen Klcfian and may plead Insanity It things ga against him at his trial for murder ol Mrs.

Theresa Mori. Although tho forner pugilist has clared he would not permit an Insanity plea In his defense, depositions from aged resident' of his boyhood borne In Indiana we Introduced alleging N'orman felby'a -tarents "were of unsound mind" 30 ago. thowtd that the mother She said ber feet hurt so helped hrr take her shoes off. Then she said wss hungry and I went to the kitchen scd got her a sandwich. After we ale, l22.C2tJ19.T5 oter 192! appropriations 'he lit a cigarette and I got up to take Romanoff Family to Hold Meet- i ing in Paris as Soon as Grand Duchess Arrives From York.

Paris, Dec. of 15 nembera sf the Romanoff family will conroked as soon as the Grand Cyril, who recently vUlted America, arrives here. larvcuc of the council will be pennade the dowager empress to tbe legitimacy ot the Grand take Cyril's pretension to the throne ef Daub. lIMht empreu still demands proof but a decrease compared to the 1SZS budget estimates of Jl.106.550. Tbe committee recommended an appropriation ef (11,000,000 for the enforcement ot prohibition and narcotic acls.

which Is 11.779 less than the UK appropriations bat JJSJ.KO more than was recommended In the budget. The appnprlatlon reported would permit the continuance of the present bureau organization of 7J. the pres- jent Held force of 3,137 and also for Ian additional II field agents. The appropriation of for the coast guard was recommended, the same amount aa recommended In the budget. This appropriation would permit greatly Increased actltltles of the coast cuard In combatting rum smuggling.

The committee pointed ont In Its report that the new ships and personnel for the coast guard wosld be put folly Into use daring the coming fiscal year. The appropriation contemplates the coast guard actltltlet will be to ed as to employ 710 men on Ita reg- nlir-wrrk and M3S on the prevention ol ram smuggling with 75 ot lit ships on regular work and It! ships, 20 of them destroyers tut naiy them motorboata, employed In the. prevention ot ram snccgllng. The (11,000,000 Increase In for tat report uM TTS- necessitated by an Increase fa tlin postal hnslncM and woali be ker son. the lite exar, was mcrtwcil.

uptnjcd almost entirely (or Increased tie council Is prtparcj to fomlsh lu twiS tire mtll the plate back to the kitchen. "She was making a noise, tapping with a knife on a card table we ate ca. We talkeJ for a while, mostly about the way Mors was acting and her diacultles with the goternment agents who selied some of her jewelry. Teresa said things were In a terrible state. "1 laid I mltht go to New York nntil the trouble blew oter and remarked about my.

not being able to go the store until Mora got bit property oat. That seemed to break her up. 'Norman. you wouldn't leate me, woald yonr she said. "I told ber It would be only for taro or three- weeks.

"She Into teara. can't get along without she said. Then she tnrned the knlfo toward her breast and attempted tu stab berself-llki this-." McCoy, who was holding the knife, dramatically.went through the mote- ment and Innged out of the witness stand chair as It depleted his "She was exceptionally strong that night," the Kid continued. "In' the struggle, while I tried to get the knife away from ber. It struck her In the lip.

That's flitn its (creamed. Then she grabbed lie gun In her left band and i tried to wrest both the gun and knlfs from her," wis daring IHs slrnggla that the shot It sappostd to hate been fired rhlch killed Krs. Mori. Dtfcntt Attorney Otlsler wtst tbo Insane for three months In 1S9S. The defense has nearly completed Its case the big high spot of which was McCoj't own story of his struggle with Mrs.

Mora Just before Ibe fatal ihot was tired. Ills version Is tbat the woman killed herself. STOCK MARKET Kex York, Dec. mercantile reviews emphatlied the tendency of general business to pick dp In a period when normally a slowing down was In ctldtnce. Ilaldwla saowtd an adtance ot mcro, than.a point to 111 1-2 on the Initial transactions.

U. a Realty, which hsd been depressed to 129 by a market order ot uteri! thousand (hares In yesterday'! Dual dealings came back to 121, while Mack Track gained a full point to 117 Opening Prices U. S. Realty 121. np 1-2.

U. S. Steel 118 1-2. U. S.

Ribber 40 1-4, n3 1 Kew York Central 111 1-2. cp S. Ilaldwlii 131 1-2. np 111. Texu Company 4 1 I I np 1-4.

Btudebakrr 4C. np Centra! Electric 271. up 1-2. Allied Chemicals It 14. off lUlilmore and Ohio SO 1-2, np H.

Mack Tracks 117 12, np 1. ttsa Calf 101. np 1 I Norfolk and Western U7, up I. New Hiten 31 1-4, up Radio and wireless apparatut made 'a Iho United States and lent to othtr There were seven children ol the decedent, Mrs. Dotlerwelch.

and It Is understood tho contestants will receive tbe share which would hate come to their father under tho law, had no will bcenJroade. Under tho will the threo grandchildren were left tho sum of (LOGO as a trait fund until they becouo of age. While It was announced that the estate was worth to (110.000 were glten In Ibe lestl mony representing tin-, taluo of the otale. When the case was originally begun, tbo fito children of the lite Georgo Dotterweich, another son, wire parties to the contest, hut they withdrew a short time ago and were for the contestants In the trial The caso was tried once before, about a year and a half when tbe Jury set aside Iho will, bat a retrial was granted by a higher court. After It was announced, yesterdsy afternoon, that terms nf settlement had been reached.

Otlaway directed a terdlct by which the probating ot the will la to permitted. Thomas P. Heffernan. of Dunkirk, with Judge John 8. I-atnbm of Fre- donla, represented- the contcstanti and-John L.

Ilurlbcrt, Dunkirk, and William B. Stearns ot IVedonla. the other side. MRS. MARY A.

GILRAY DIES IN SHERIDAN Well Known Resident of Main Road--Funeral on Monday Afternoon, BURN GRASSHOPPERS AT NIGHT The grasshopper pest appeara In the whtat sections eter so often and Kansaa State Agriculture College has called to the attention ot the fir- men, thit the hoppers roost at eight on weeds along the edge ot the field and that ont of the most effrctlie ways of letting rid ot them Is to burn thn weeds at nltht. The entomologists say that If the grasiboppera ran be held down lone enough for the second leaf of the wheat plant to get under way they will cot likely do cidcb A Laty carriage that bay folded countries hate total ralne twice thit nto a resembling a salt cate of a year ago. baa tx-ca Intented. M. General of Placed Under Arrest by Red Troops Who Follow i llerlln, Dec.

20 --Red troops suu-. porting Ifoa TroUky nntlnlfd at Moscntr and arrested tf. Etllln, retary general of the Communlit parly. Imprisoning him In their bar. racls, according to a dispatch to Ilia Pcrllner Zeltung am Mlltag from llu llucbarest correspondent, who qtiotcic Odessa reports.

Tbo Ihn rrtxjit said, weia angered by Sotlct circulars braml- Ing Trolsky as a traitor. Premier Itjkor went to tho racks and sought unsuccessfully to ublahi titallu's irlease which wac agreed only ts upon randltlon that Rtalln resign the tccrelirjihlp ct tbo Communist larty. Ixx-al troops, to Ibo n- port, then stormed Ibe barracks and many killed In tht fighting that ensued. Two gcurrals ere reported to haio romn out publicly for Trotsky while tbe ratter's selied and occupied public buildings In many partu llussls. It reported that sup.

porters of.Tretaky In NIJulnotcoro.1 in.1 Kasan oterwhelmrd bcckers nf Zlnotler. The dispatch concludes: "It Is belleted that In other clllcy Ihn conflict between Trotsky and Zlr otlet has assumed the character ot Itll war." Thn Russian rmbasiy at branded the report as "propaganda, and lies, oter which wo shrug houMers." Mrs. Mary Ann Gllray, widow of James Gllray, died Friday afternoon ttout nno o'clock st tbe residence In the Main road, Slmldan, following a long Illness, sged, 71 months setcn days. Mrs. Gllray was born -In Clarksburg.

Canada but resided Sheridan for tbe last 22 rears, andj pretlously lltc.l1 In Ilamlct and ndicted For Accepting a Bribe Cherry Creek. 8ho raj a memlxr For Giving Easy Job to. Boot- EX-WARDEN OF ATLANTA PRISON IS OUT ON BAIL 1 of Iho Shcrldin M. church. She surtttetl her husband 17 years.

Mrs. Gllray leares sit socs and sli daughters as follows: Samuel Gil ray nt Clean, Munio Illlray of South Dayton, Mrs. lUrl Corey ot Cherry Creek, Wllllirn Gllray of Spokane, Mrs. Georgo Goldberg of ona. Mayman (illrar, Leonard Gllray and Hugh Gllrtr ot Sheridan.

Mrs. Charles Swee; and Mrs. Clarence rate ot Fredonla. Mrs. Ralph Iloll Ins of Dunkirk and Sirs.

Jack Christy of Sitter Creek; one brother and three -sisters, Mrs. Kiaitni Hanpblll of Hamlet, Mn. Georgo Jegklr. IIIn Susan and Samuel Wblto of Clarksburg. Canada.

Tbe funeral will be Monday afternoon at two o'clock the residence In Sheridan, burlsl In Slier Idan Center cemetery. Pardeo will officiate. Ret. Mr. FIRE tit A Montreal.

Dec. (United Press.) --A (200.000 Bra early this morning "I business blorks when the prlnclral Falrman Ilnlldlng on St. Catherine street, west. inght flre. Owing to the quick lesponsa of the fire department, the Falrman llalld- nc suffered lut (S0.004 damage, but occupants.

Including a book store, men's clothing stora and a beauty parlor and perfumery, suffered to the extent of legger Serving Time. Atlanta, Ga, B7c. E. Saruiib deposed warden of Atlant.t llary, was br a federil grand jury afternoon, charged with bribery. Indictrneat of former warden lowed his arrest on similar charges on federal warrants growing out of Inteitl- ratlon ot conditions at the tlary by department ot Justice agenlf.

PrnJs wera fixed at (S.OOO which promjtly made. The Indli-tment charged specifically that Eartaln recelted from Chestey C. Satannah, bootlegger, for appointment as feur to Dr. A. F.

UcQalllan, prlso-j physician. J. Fletcher, eidecnty warden, was also Indicted aad requested to poit tS.OOA lit was accused (t receltlng (3,000 from ler. New York bootlegger, far appoint' men! ai librarian. Tto earth trattls at H- twenty miles a recred.

3 MORE SHOPPING DAYS Until Christmas Anto slclshs hm been Intitittd. i.

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