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Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York • Page 12

Dunkirk, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAOK TWBLVIB ownwvra, THUBSDAY, MAT i. SOCIETY NBMS Milton WolnborK of IXvo direct I In Now York city this week, Mary Junes of tho Knta nlur has returned from business Irlp t' Now York. Mrs. J. L.

Snntmoynrs nud Wuorollo of KIIIK Hired arc spoud die Uio day In llulfalo. Mnuul Trottnow of Iluffalo It lioro to this evening In SI John's Evangelical church. Mra. Frniik H. Sautidorn ot Fifth slroot Is Hie Kiiost of her lor, Mrs.

Ilnrry Cartor, In Hroolillnu, Milan. Mrs. Walter II. Vosburg oiitorlaln- ed tlio Thursday contract club at luuchuon today lit lior homo In Swan iitreot. Mrx.

Lnwroncn Sullivan, who been In tho hospital for troatmont, returned to lior homo In Htrenl. Clrtrc'iico C. a i anil Robert Kuuhn uttondcii a nicotine of managers A. nnd 1'. Htorcio hold, Wednesday night I'Jr'o, I'a.

Mr. and Mrs. jM'cOr'aw' (uid Morrlck McGmw of ISaKlo street loft- this mornliiK for Cleveland, called liy tho death of Mlchaol 'McOrnw. UiinlUrk inomboj'H of tho IX A. II.

ivcnt to CaKHiulaga thlH aftornooii to attoiid a inColliiK of iKohjumlir 1'rcs- cott chapter bolng i A number of I)unltlrk people, a ed (ho slven lit tho Silver Creek Motor Uoat club on Wednesday (mining for Ml. Carmcl church. Mrti. Claude Turbos of dlrtlrlct president of tho I'nront- TnachorB' usHoclatlon, Ifl hero today to address St. John's MoUiorH 1 club.

Mrri. llonjainln Bird left this morn- Ing for lior home In Niagara Falls, uftor at tho homo of her par- enlfl, Mr. and Mrs. 'Jacob Wuorstle In street. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Jloguom- honrg, Arthur W. and Edward Ilcn- uomboiirg of HarryKboiirK arp rn Piltsliiirgii lo attend Cninoroii C. Smith. tho funeral of St.

John's Auxiliary Tlio dual business meeting liotoro tbo roccsa wan hold on Weil- 7iesday afternoon by St. John's auxiliary, nl tbo Mm. Latvia N. Murray In West Ij(ko road. The Rov.

Eltnoro Mclvco ot church, Buffalo, was tbo npeakor, anil ho talked of tho mission work-of tho EplHcopal church In China. Steven's Gift Shop New Spring Stock Now Awaits Your Inspection 50 Central Fredonia, N. Y. Phone 173-M MM, Anthony ron, (nd treuurer, A pro urtrn (Iren by a group of cbl grade In In nchool, and of Sclm-li KrcJcrlok IXrllnj (are a talk 01 8t. "Treen," Mm.

Kllln Thomas tho complete i the committee which nerved refresh HI. Mury'H dull attended'tlib moot- mould. Tlio prim I2.DO offor which wan hold on Wedosday ov- eil to the unido which had the lurgcn' nt the K. of C. clubhouse, fjln- attondanco of at meolliiKii of tor at preceded business tlio club durliiK year, award louslon, with Mm.

CharloK GUI, to Mini Margaret Fliniagan'H first hulnnnu In ebarge, livliiK by grade. Thomas Angllm, Mrs. Stephen ftnd Miss Florence lluffcrinin 'Uio ovoniiiK cloned with brldgo, Mrs. Thomun Angllm receiving a prlzo. Variety Shower Mrs, John Sanlmoycrs entertained VVcdjiosday ovonlnK at the home of her Mm.

Jacob Wuors'tlc In King street. In honor ot her nlcco, Mrs. Ilunjamlii Illrd ot Niagara FallH. llnforo her recent marriage, Mrs. Bird IVOH JSveb'ii ot Her frlcmlH nhowerod her with a variety of i Tlioro wore three tables of lirldgo In play, and prlzwj were given to Mrs.

Paul Klttell, and Mra, A Mokiifl. a a i i TWO plays bo ulven lit tho High school a i i on Friday ov- erling by tbo' iniplls of tbo HlKh Hchool, "Through tho Calondiir lo ML Vermin" will bo given by it group of elilldrmi, Uio principal roles being liik.ou Bland, Froil Kle- maun, Jlniiioini llarnes, Drake, Danlul Conny, Charles ther Darling, Michael Spuzlalo, Lucille Wnro. JJevcral chonisen will also ippenr, ami the Junior High orcbos- rn will play. "Htopiilng Ktoncs to play which -was given recently lo obsorvo the Washlngt'ou Bl- will bo ropoatod. Majority Leader However Says No and That the Bill Will Be Favorably Reported.

May 6--(UP)--Tho liouso ways and means committee failed to act at Us executive session today on soldiers' bonus proposals, but Indications were thai vote would he'taken tomorrow. Tho membership Indicated a feeling that prompt action on the controversial subject Is Advisable. Presbyterian Women Urn, John Smith was hostens on Wednesday nttornooii at brother's ciinifi on tlio west lako ulioro, tho uoHtH being tlio members of tho ex- ictitlvo board of tho rreabytorlan Wotnim's nsHOclatlou. i the liuolnoHH muetiug, nt which Mrs. David K.

jjroHlded, phins woro made for Hovoral oveiitw to tako place during May. On Friday uf next week, Fulth circle, nf which Mrs. Martin tinst IB a wilt havo a supper In Woslmlnslcr hall. May IS, tho rocular inootiiiK of tho association i at Friendship House in Lacltawannii, a mlflslon project of the Presbytery. On May 18.

tho association will a concert by the Swiss bollrliiKurs In Westminster hull. No. 3 Mothers' Club Olllcoru nf tho MpUiora 1 club ot No. 3 school wore elected nt tlio meeting hold on Wednesday afternoon at the school In Maplo avenuo. It was tho incoUng ot tlio year, with tlio aUondanco of tho aohnon, about 70 mothers being present.

Tho new olllers arc-: Mrs. Lndctlo Robinson, president; Mrs. Lester Rugger, Washington, May S--(OP)--Advocates ot tho $2,000,000,000 soldiers' bonus expressed confidence us tbo house ways and means commlttel met In executive session today to consider bonus hills, that, despite contrary congressional action the projiosals was possible at this session. "It won't take long lo get such hill Ihrough ellbcr the house or son- ate," Hep. Pulman, author of 0ia "now currency" bonus bill said.

Although May 23 Is tho earliest date a vole can bo laken In the' house, It tho committee fails to report a bill out, Pulman saw passage of tbo measure "within few hours after It gets back to tbo floor." Quick notion also follow In the senate, ho believed. Proponents of the bonus said before tbo i today that they had not given up hope ot obtaining a favorable report from the commlt- Ico, although Hep. H.ilney, majority leader said "everyone knows that Is Impossible." Kalney considers but six members of tho commll- leo, out of 25, definitely aligned on the liontig side, although Palinan claims 11. Figures in Miami Mystery Death BESTMISflF An English scientist has suggested that street lamp posts be made hollow lo servo as vents for gas leaking Irom mains and sewers to lessen the danger of explosions In cities. Sale of ring Coats I FOR EVERY WOMAN WHO THINKS A GOOD FUR TRIMMED COAT MUST COST A LOT OF MONEY $30.00 Sizes 14 to 40 Sizes 1CV 2 to 3 Very newest styles New fubrics Now colors combined with.excellent workmanship-make Jhcsc Coals outstanding at prim.

Including our entire stock of J'olo, Travel mill Coals for Juniors, Jlissej Regularly $45.00 $25.00 Regularly $39.50 and $35.00 $21.95 Regularly $35.00 and $27.50 $12.95 rs. Jessie M. Keith-Miller, 'Austral- Captain W. N. Brlt- avlatrlx, was questioned tor near- Ish flyer, shown In aviation an hour before the county togs, Is reported to havo admitted ury willed is Investigating tli6 leath forging two suicide notes which were Iladen Clarke, 26-year-old writer, found after the death of Haderi 1 Miami, Fla.

Keith-Miller, Clarke, 20-year-old aown abovc was a flying partner of Kla, Captain Lancaster was arrest- W. Lancaster, who has ed'and jailed on a first degree murder accused of hilling Clarke. 'warrant. FIRST IEWF0HD WAS DELIVERED TODAY Tha flrat atw'Ford Ib owntd br Danklrkar WM dellrwtd to Percr The delivered wu four- cylinder according to worthy, local Ford deiler. 'No titra'beeu dtllrerei yet, but one hai arrived at the rooms and, will be 'used for (Ion MSCOVIM SONOS COST IN CINTRAL AVINUI CbarlM K.

boad ulo mat who ha. atarlot at Whlta log, FrMonla, two IB Cvntral Dunkirk, Wednta. day. He found one of them near Fourth and-the. other not tr awajr.

Both were rattier the (or wear, harlnr been under whoeli of automoblloi. nd will require duplication. --A Want Art 'in OUSERV'fiH Right Sort Will Boost Sales, Says Experiment Station Specialist. Asserting that tho consumption sweet corn can be greatly stimulated by offering consumers varieties-that will give tho greatest satisfaction when prepared for the table, Prof. W.

T. Tapley, specialist in vegetable crops at tho stale experiment station at hns prepared a list the outstanding varieties of sweet corn for New York. The list includes sorts suited not only for tiie market gardener, but also for-those who wish to grow corn for sale at the roadside or simply for their own use. Prof. Tapley divides his list Into wo groups, yellow and white.

In tin 1 yellow groups he names five varieties as especially worth while. These are Golden Bantam, Golden Cross Ban tarn, Golden Sunshine, Whipplo's Yellow, and Gold Coin. For the white sorts, ho names Marly Market, Whlp- ple'a Early White, Long Island Beauty Stowcll's 'Evergreen, Crosbjv and Country Gentleman, While these eleven varieties ar considered of major Importance, cer tain other varieties have.long beei popular arid seem to suit local marke requirements. Among these Prof. Tap ley lists Buttercup, Charlevoix, Golden Giant, and Bantam Evergreen for the yellows; and Howling Mob, Itcd Ever green, anil Hickox among the whites Black Mexican is also mentioned as being considered by many as rcprc settling the acme ot quality.

"The number of ears of sweet cori which the larger city markets can use is largely governed by the appearance and quality of tho corn," says Prof Tapley. ''Xew York grown sweet corn can be made available.on the markci front the first of July to the first October by planting varieties whicii are ready for picking in 70, SO, and 91 Hays, ai'il by successive plantings of the early varieties. By careful grad Ing and prompt marketing, consumer desire can be stimulated and a greater market developed." A copy of Prof. Taploy's list of sweet corn varieties, with brief descriptions of each sort, may be obtained freo of charge upon reiittcst to tbo Station at Geneva. AMHERST' N.

Y. MOTORCOP IS REPORTED MISSING 116.50 Spring Sale of Suits AND WHO CAN RESIST THEM AT THESE PRICES $22-50 $18-95 $14-95 Ucgulariy $35.00, $25.00 $16.50 Yoa'H Scarfs, Capes, Fur Pur Scarfs and Collarlcss Styles --and IniSored of line ilisjroual and crcpy woolens, beautifully silk liiittl. are iravy, Mnck, cadet blue. Sizes 14 to 3S. 3 Piece Knit Suits, $12.95 1 2 PC.

Spring Knit Dresses and 3 PC. Knit Suits $3.75 XtgnUrly Buffalo. N. May 5-CUP)-Search was matfe loday for Wiliar-1 E. Hirsch, former Aruhcrst motorcycl? policeman, rciiortwl mlfc.lns since Stmilav.

Ilirsch's milomobllo was discovered ycstonlnv at Niagari Falls; Veronica Hirsch, his Mpresied that serious Inhirlcs Icn rears ago any have caused to lose his memory. Hirsch had been employed garage mechanic. NO. Ol'EKETTA 11 Listen )o the dream call. Co with him in the rnasic dream boat to the ton of the mountain ot ana meet the delightfully romantic characters In the laacfal operclia, "Dream lo be siTM" 13 In the lllfh school audlloriam ny puplid ol Xo.

4 school. Adults 35 cents, cuts 20 CARD OK THANK3 wish io oar friends and ne)fhbcvr who so Wndly- assisted durini: our rpcrnl bereavement. for the ticjitlMttl floa-crj sad mrs imOTHBRS AXD S1STEHS OF THE 1.ATB 1'KTKIt CUJOS. Suitor of Mrs. Keith-Miller Made Purchase 36 Hours Before Tragedy.

Miami, May Clarke, rival of Caiitain W. N. Lancaster for the affections of Mrs. Jessie M. shot to death with a gun which Lancaster purchased 36 hours previously, State's "Attorney Vernon Hawthorne saitl-loday.

Clarke was fouuil dead April 21 in a cottage -occupied the Lancaster and Mrs. Keith-MiUer, internationally famous aviators, attributed his death to suicide. Miami was writing a book for Mrs. Keith-Miller. Tim writer was killed with a pistol which Lancaster purchased in St.

Louis April 19, -while en routs to Miami from California after he had learned that-Clarke and Mrs. Keith- Miller planned to bo married, Hawthorne said, Mrs. Keith-Miller has been absolved in connection with her sweetheart's death, but Lancaster is charged with first degree murder. Ho confessed, according to Hawthorne, that he was tho author ot type-written notes Intended to indicate Clarke committed suicide. The Bade county -grand jury has completed its investigation, of the shooting.

Hawthorne said new and unpublished evidence had been pre- senied-lo tho grand jury. He declined to reveal tho nature of this new evidence- The report of the grand jury is not expected before Saturday or Monday, Hawthorne said. A BLOWS UP Verona, N. dry boiler of the furnace in Thomas Kelly's home exploded, shattering the structure. --OBSERVER Adi raj 3ij.


Members of the Florist Telegraph Delivery I SIDEY'S Hnr ana KslJifT, arc: Aa- Trlttrjffl asil Isrult, Bas- OTiJ Tortia, Hxtnlci IS-anffriine ana Gabriel, Hia-s-allu and and Ksrydlw, HIJ-I A. a SIPPEL Plumbinf Heattnf 421 WASHINGTON AVR. Dunkirk, Hew York PHONE 3454 Hew Bhipmmt of 'f Class Crystal and Topu Mrs. Tefft'i Caady DDlfKOlK CHCTA 1HOP 41h St. Phsnc after tf.m.

Our 19th Anniversary "Quality Gash" Brings You a Feast of Great Grocery Values'! W.44?. Pure Soap Oranidalcd Soap Rinso Large lie Fine for and CMhra Old Doteh Cleanser 2 cans ISc Prercnfe Lifebuoy 3 ekes 19c Cham IbornuKhl, Oaklte 2 pkgs. 25c Naphtha Powder pkg. 17c Puritan MIM and Melloir Flarorrd Coffee Ib.pkg. BrnvHt to yoa fmh (nn the routers.

Flavor preserved ta tftn" Ground btlon roar rrts to wit your method oMrewlnK coffee. Quality Ib 29c Break. Cup ft 25c Mir Drops ft' lOc Jumbo Hoisted Peanuts 3 pkgs. 25c Peppermint Paddies ft 19c Klnc. Oscar NvrwegUn Sardines can 15c Hint Owar Kippered Herring can lOc White Mcitt' Tuna can25c ttembo Salad Dressing 22c CreaaiT wttk a Sffcr IM Wbw Mmrkenr Preserves 29c rwe ad Cane Smftt CWtn Rwil rVkrd Pea Beans 3c IW Mkl Etnmrtral DWi Tmh CnmtfT Butter 2 ws.

45e Ttitr Tui DM Pickles Md tUnt Powder lOc Corn Cat War Beans No. 2 can 10c Crackels Beam 3 cam 20c Macaroni pkg. lOc Wheat pkg. lOc TiMM rolls 19c Teas Ib pkg. 14c Teas Yz Ib pkg.

25c TMt Is "Crratar Year" at -Quality Cash Stores.

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