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Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York • Page 15

Dunkirk, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1990 DUNKIRK BVBNIKO OBSERVER CITY AND VICINITY Be Ahead of the Rush This Tear Hsve jronr Clniftmtf tkrdi printed etrly to tint yon eta make fint selection frosn the, bantifttj nzietj of cards Unit we hire pro. Tided for holiday greetings. The nost bemnti. destgas and most appealing eo the cards that always become exhausted They ue on display lie Dan. kirk Printing Company.

Dunkirk Printing Company PHONE 2326 I WI tHOMtZt IN CHIIDBIN'S SHOSS htm 111 tlcc. YOU CAN AiWAYS SAVE AT I 306 Central Phone 5458 Thi Wnthtr Cloady toolttt and Thnrsday slightly colder Tbartday and la north west portion tonlfht NailmuD tenpmlart la last tl Minimum lemperattire la ln( hours. 19. Today's thermflneler readings: Sa.rn. It 12 Nooa IT a.

m. 12 1 p. m. IDs. 14 2 p.m.

11 a. m. 31 3 p. m. --A rood at tUS.

Eerrire Hardware Co, K. 4th St. --For sale-- Bedstead complete aad drewer, cheap. I East Front St. --A complete clock of Mirror aim Insm.

Serrlca Hardware --EJectriesl supplies and vlrtas Tbe Lumber Store, --Window only Illo Serrke Hardware Co, K. 4th. wood. The Lumber Store. --Tbe la lay now si Me.

Serilce Hardware Ca --Ressor beaters, islne at SJJi, The Lumber Store. --Shop for Christmas at Roslai's tale Thursday. See rale ad. t. --D) friendly, tire a photograph Good Studio.

--How about that Atwater Kent ra lo for XmaaT Serilce Hardware o. 4ta. --For sale, fat boK- 0. F. Swamp pbone I3A-M-I.

Fredaila --Toar Xmas clab check fM.QO Is rood for 155.00 at Ue Serrlce Hard aro Co. K. 4th. --Special, pink sherbets, robkts id footed tnmblera, at IliO per tot. unklrk China Shop.

--Modern Cat for rent. 305 1th or without range. Inquire 310 wan SL or (071. --For rent. How.

West Fonrto. nijulre L. W. Kolplen. 107 West onrth.

--Iloier eleetrle Iron cnaranleed life, only IJ.9S. Eerrtca Hardwire 1.. 29 E. 4lh SL --Women's fall fashioned Pare silk base, special tor Thursday, tic a pair Kndleott Johnson, 30 E. 4th.

all priced from tZ.K ta 110.50. Serrlce Hardware Co, XJ 4th. --lira, IX Lord of Lily Dale. Spiritual trance and baslness dally. Ill Mala SL.

apststrs. --Modern spartment for rent, steam heat furnished. F. A. Jordan, 23 4 Ik EL --3-whrel pedal with bell at J3.JO.

Serilce Hardware JJ 4ih. --Notice--If yon bare an eld car Observer's Employment Bureau Published Free of Charge POSITIONS WANTED EXPKIUKNCEI) ttrBOcraphcTwoald Ilkt perauncnt position. 1'tions JS73 EXPERIENCE!) ileaocrapher bookkeeper weald like a pvsllka Phono 5(03. YOUNG married man with Iw children desires employment, lit bid Mound fitr years tiperiecce, can Jrnre a or, but will mf to do 1). Fields.

8 Conrtney St, DunVirk, K. Y. Houtekeeper POSITION lj respectable lady. I boasekctper tar (mail Umllj leatlemaa, or cleaning work by day flther Fredoola or Dunkirk. XX.

care Obserrer. Will Do Anything YOUNO maa or 1' would like to net rack dellrery or tier slur preferred bat will do any kind ot work, Phone JSJJ. Nurte KXPKniKNCKI) unu desires work once. IB or out of town, day ir ljtiit, cr the week. Personal la tenlew by appoIntmeEt It ilcslrttl Dial UK.

Miscellaneous roU.N'Q tun. rradmte of Onnktrk lcn school, wonM like work la store Addrus II. Ix. Obserrer. WANTED-- A petition 11 a sales dctk during the rath or permanent position.

mono tKt. At drctj JD3 Swan St. YOUNG married man wishes work la any general repair wivk, un- to call itti. Xtonklrk Auto Wrecking near end Ilallroad Are. --Beautiful CortlcelH tllk boo In ill tie new shades at the Jnllette Stoptc.

--Jcap Horal rioehrifcr electric perculator. only $3.50. Scrrlce Hard rare Co, ZJ II th. --Old-time dance. FreJonb Grange lall.

Friday. Dec. 5. Ticked. SO cents Eitra lady, Not Completed But Mov.

ing Along Rapidly--Expert on Job. Jifroin to fbe cily police call system which wii tcriuiuly dimaccd by a short circuit Uu Sunday Digit jre bcinc nude rabidly and while not completed the ijitnn again ia opti. The Rteateit daira was done la the roatral board at telife hodaoar- terf Waller II Jukion, eapeYt ol tte Gamrwell Police It Fire Alarm ipmy, ta 4Ti Ur uklon armed here Monday from Upper Ken ton Kalis. Mass, and will remain until repairs arc complete. When the system was short circuited police call boxes in two wanli put ont ol commission.

By Monday altcrnoon the factory expert uU made inJficirnt repairs to enable to vrrralr but further repairs been delated pending Ike armal here of new parts frcm ne factory. The police system was damaged then a high tension line fell acroit at the intersection ol 1'aik atcnne and Sixth jtircl. OFEir xvziraras UHTTL 10 P. M. drrttands plumbing and electrical appliance repairs.

Call ltd. Frank Matacynski Taken III At Sandusky. Ohio. While With Fishing Ffeet Frank liaUezyiuil, a reteraa General Ilaller't Polish army, durlnc World and a lllelons resident ot Danklrk. died Tneaday alter noon at hli resldcntr, 23 North I'm- rolln street, after a brlet tllnesf.

aged years. He. wu rbblnic out of Eandnsky. O. tor Morris Wlcki when be taken 111 on Saturday, and decided to come to his home.

Ho arrlred la Dunkirk on Mouday nUbt and waa taken to mldenre where ba became worco lnK the followlni; afternoon. lie enlisted In the Polltb army Fort Ontario during the World --Entire new line, ot women's serred at the front for about two misses' dresses, ranging In size Iron to now being shown at The Jill- ctte Shoppe. Central ATC. the new electric corn pepper MADMAN LUMBER COMPANY Dunkirk, N. Y.

all nlckeL Scrrlco Hardware Co. --Women's allruhber blati. gun metal and dark years In Onera! army. He was passed once. He returned to Dunkirk at the close ct bis terrier about eight years He was a member of I-ake City LUMBER SASH DOORS MOULDINGS and INTERIOR FINISH le HOMES FOR SALE- Farms for Sale or Exchange for City Property FIRE INSURANCE CASUALTY INSURANCE BONDING Anglim Real Estate Ins.

Agency 522 DEER STREET Phone 2464 broirn, for Tbnrjday Endlcott Johnson. 3) E. 4th St. --Fire bonr special. 5 to 10 p.

in, Monday, December tin. marrel, nnc- cr ware, water ware or shampoo SOc. The K0a Shop. Krcdonla. phone tlL --Electric heatlns priced from Hoie company No.

3 and ot the fleece-lined I ri Imn 's He Is surrlved by his wife. anj lire children. Ilayiaond, Helen. Irene, Acicllne and Jennie or thli city; his Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph 1'awlowfkl; two ajti) three sitters. Walter Mataexynskl ot Hamtarmlch. Harry Uataeiyn- ski of Dunkirk. Mrs. John Domtt and Mrs.

Harold Hudson of this city and sirs. Stanley Dlalauewskj Lacka- wkere friends may call. The funeral will be held there ca Saturday morn. Inr at 3:20 o'clock and at SL cloth's church at a o'clock, will be In the parish craelery. "Bnnu Sayi STOWS Coal Bunts" COAL and THE CHRISTMAS CLUB J4.IO to JS.OO.

Sertico Hardware Co. ZS 4th. (wanna. --You'll te doing yonr Christmas I Tbe tody baa been taken to the BOW. Send yoar wash to eoae of bis 22 Leailnc strtet the lanniry aad sain another day.

Dunkirk Laundry Co, Inc. --See the new Oonlon electric Iron er at the Eenlce Hardware Co, ts El 4th. --Thursday economy day. on all rubbers and house slippers. Cndleott Johnton.

30 E. 4th SL --Bird eifti aad priced omplele at I3.M. Eertlce Hardware Co. --What would make a nsefnl cllt for mother, lister or friend, than an all wool coat sweater? All shad's oc-lodlar black and trey. IJ.SI to 15.00 Stdey'a.

and'etai-s priced at ISJJ per pair. Eertlce Hardware Co. 4th SL --Growls; tlrli' brown kid strap panip. Cnbaa heel, rtcvlar Talse. special for Thursday 1.71.

Endlcott Johnson. Jfl E. llh SL --Coalcn electric wasker prlcnd al I79.SO and J3J.CO. Serilce Hardware Co, 2 E. 4th.

--A tarkej will be serred at the Fredonla II. E. ctmrch Tharsday lec. 4. from S.J3 to 7 p.

m. AdalM cUUrcB. 4Cc. --See that Vamaa CBS Horton electric waiter rrlcM at l1.00. rednrH froa IKS00.

Sertlce Hardware Co. a EL Miss Katherine Clow of Fredonla Spoke of Paris Experiences. The Chantanqna County Science association met Monday in tbe Dunkirk school cafeteria. After a dinner scried by the Orls ot the bome- maklnE department and rendered doubly satisfying undercolac the baaards Intolifd in drislnc from Ike more distant of tbo coonty tbe procram opened. In the absence Herrc-y Fenner ef Falconer, the president ot crzan- Isatlon.

Xllldred Hepburn A. llepbnrn, chairman ot ronalfiee for this meeting, presided. Katberine Clow of the Predo- nla Normal health department Kara a talk based oa her eipetlencea last summer In the Parla Her alk centered trounj French asnlta- lon and made ercry ono realize more clearly the adrantates la America. One amusing Incident related wa, he story ot tn Irate donkey drlier uullag a load of unwrapped bread in ils earL He reached behind for ota ot the lone char- ol the country and with cat the donkey Into a faskr pacr. At.

er which work tbe teat waa re- nrnej to Its former position to re- nme the onllaary rente of French bread Kuch unwrapped are often left with the milk bottle en the steps, window or similar pbre are rarely Inspected, ami Bsnally unsanitary. Ireqnently to typhoid bacteria, showlnc the need for the American hospital In ciow Uowed plclurea and told some about Ibl, hos- Wlressrd the lack of araUon and Intatcf cn Frenclr erlcan Give A Kodak fOB ALL-YEAB PLEASURE Nut year ami in years that follow, joy without will tcmc from this ttasen'g (lit a Kodak. Joy to youngrfers and grown-ups alike, for crcrjlody (in ihare the pltaiure and UirilU that will alwayi abide in pictures. lare a larfie aworttnent of camcraj for your inspection. We'd like to asiist you in making your ChrUtmaa pft Jeltttiorw.

WE HAVE THE NKW BEAU BROWNIE A farorife Christmas gift in a brilliant new dress. Covered in black, blue, pmn, brown or rose, the Beau Jlrowuie Jj furihcr cnrichcJ by a modern design in front in metal and culnr enamels. Prices fnr No. 2 anl $3 for Xo. 2A.

Caws to match, ritra. On dirplay icrc. "YOO CAN BUY IT FOB LESS AT HABPEB'S" milk with which our Am have of their training coan Princtpil I. nierel Koreatrllle swnmarUed the, of hi. nnal th.

and city pupils the aubJecL I lead to considerable dls- I amon those ort.enL DUNKIRK MERCHANT GOES IXTO BANKRUPTCY At Conclusion of Hearing Warrant Charging Reckless Driving Served on Defendant. Alei Eiscaro. JI yur, old. bra stretL wbo was arrested fetrrj sro follawus an antonoblle accldraL pleaded rullty to drltlnt car wltaoat aa Uceate when arraltned before John J. Ilro- Janice of the Taeaday afternoon.

The court retoird HUcaro's ownership card and. saipended tente. lamedlstely after tbe court proceed. another nre Hiiraro was rcrir-1 warrant cSarjlas rcctirrs Tte cLarre Is aa oaUrowth of tho sc ciltct aad It uas bern ajjosrsni for nearisc. amUameat waa jearo's trtmi a cf accl- aiess'.

at Champion Furnace Coal, per 730 Original Pocanontas Egg, per ton. Sterling Coke, per ton $1030 Ambricoal Briquets, per ton $12.75 Susquehanna Chestnut, per Susquehanna Stove, per ton $14.25 Dry Seasoned Cord Wood Stove and Fireplace Sires Buckwheat Pea Iluncnc r. s.rrocc 1 and EggSizcs-in Genuine Susquehanna Anthracite i HUS mc.rDcci?sl LUMIU COAV dent. Sereral weeks be Is al to haif drlrea bis Bacblse Isto a car drirea frsncli Ilrortcn.

la Jjk. road crar Holy Croi 1 A rai -tit ia lost tie fm Bsfislo. DfC. J-A la was fid la ftd eral ceort hew by Arttrr a it cf ut Hfied at I7JCS of i real Is or clisdl.a stota. SI.712 ail tcm.

Id. Carl E. Darilac ef kbk as atlorcry Sum Turned Loose This Week to Members of Dunkirk's Christmas Cfufasj Seteral hnndre.l thrifty Duklrk rltuens are recelrlac Irora Christmas ciab of Uw local banking this week, A IM.cee ta checks Is belax Ij tie local most of which win be spent asak Cbrlitmaa or tailor care of other club, were Inaasiirated ia Unklrk tome ten act- aad tate sot only bees the cf rro 'Wins amounts for icaay cltl eai for the fbrlstmaa bat alio hare taartt haltts of to eaty. MEN to fill steady ttjlac W. to a week, rrattlral Ttn ta ow wmputtlj Ubersiorlee Ia Balfalo Vrlte Daiklrk Eiralcr.

Ottcrret 3os 'o. It In rr.a ralalne katlat Ue suse cf tbe accii'at fii.ti t'j cr tbe WUa be wu ra-ty srl Telephone No. 2109 ar4 cm Uncle Skosla k'rblatki dtcidod today to report dltacrettaect. woill Us basedtalfly ra Nerrls (or tcirra- Uliur cf atl BUFFALO MAW ADDRESSES LARGE AUDIENCE IN SILVER CREEK CHURCH Crwk. Dee.

J-C. Darrett Rick of Estate, wbo was easy chut tor tte Anerkaa eacUecut of Bo? al Uw wxrld JaatfenrM la (lat ta UU. Ue at a lyterlaa ciarch. last etcalas. LocsJ key were aaeas aaaitara.

TVs a HFfot btM la ly terlaa Meetingsj PHONE 2044 Paper Hanging, Decorating and Painting KIPLING CCEtractlaa and Ctwcrtally Chtii 220 Central Avenue To. No. I of line for Thursday 1. at taklsg atilna ca tbe MiUrijaikL p. ol --If yna tste to aJrertlxorat Is tie TOJ ct it.

Tit onregt ia Pottery Pitehcn, tad other irticlti jatf reetJftd. THE nrzEB oirr SHOP Z. ifc OaaJdrk. N. 7.

I for Ihe -LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM BED ROOM KITCHEN Lamps Ranges Linoleums Card Tables Rugs GLABERSIAN Furniture Co. 200 Msin 6t Ccr. Steoad Telephone 2U4 Dunkirk, New York Health Is Not EXPENSIVE Says H. H. H.

n. n. n.r Name of WONDER ITtEPARATIONS for MOST COMMON AIU UE.NT3. How Come they Utaltb IS NOT upcnslrt. H.

H. Preparations coat I I a Uotlle rhil'a mort than the AVERAGE COST ot medlcuie. YES Silt Dtrr-mark this well a II. 11. MEDICALS AHE MORE THAN AVERAGE MEDICINES.

THEIIE-S A BJG tatnaa, to why abculinl taert bi a lit Ue dlCcresce is jrlce. Hare some ARlTllMEriC-- If ONE BOTTI.E of It. li STIltT FUE CULJJS Jilt coils ti-tt WUI CUBE COLD IN 21 HOURS. HOW MUCH SO Jib OTHElt KIND COST thai talcs a WEEKS SELLS FOIl 4JC. Yea are PA TING Full EXACI LT WHAT IOU GET.

Hat's ALL yn bate a rlfbt ti EXPECT. YOU WANT A.M LUIS OF IT L'SU II. 1L II. PP.f fAIUT10X. Ctt IIKSCLTS fcr liONET.

rial's WE uy. HEALTH IS t.ME-\ilVt Office to M. Phone 2C53 The H. H. H.

MFG. CORP 421 ttaia 122 Uopird DUNKIRK. 7. ADVERTISEinHI.TS.

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