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Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York • Page 6

Dunkirk, New York
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PACK SIX DUNKIRK EVEXIXG MAT 17, 1938 The Bd i Bwtf Cvcctef fcj DUMDBE ptinnro COMPACT HMO? K. WiiHaaw PncUcot Gerald BL Williams YiM-Preadeot-Ediwr Beery BL WHBaass General Wallace A. Brennaa Associate Editor Herman Cutler Local Advertising Mcr. OFFICE: an4 SECOND ST. FtaM Z3M Member Cntte4 Prew Member Audit Member ot Sew Member Enterprise Xatfeoal DAVID KENT COMPASTT Yert HO East Str I 900 ri Kansas City Coca Cola BWe Atlanta 1318 Rnodes-Haverty BMjj.

Entered at the Dunkirk Post Office second class matl matter. Subscription Rates: Postal Zoatt 1. 2 3. 9 other sooea. S1080: earner.

I8c I I A I A the I TUESDAY. MAY 17. 3938 difficulties eaunot be solved by the meeting of sittere hope Wall Street will its ideas of a at greater uaderstaiwling. eaauot that ib? suyority oo side ax bad as the aixl the paiui it- Too frfjuently tbe die- RETROSPECTIVE of Local Interest From OBSERVKK Files hards and agitators just as personal axwto jrriad politicians. of a THE FUTILITY OF PREDICTION Shortly after the a group of iuvu were Tfcey arere the uuauj.uiow'jly of of 1 TWENTY YEAES AGO-- ins Lieut.

GeraM former casaber of staff, has btto transferred from Camp CusUrr Michigan state agricultural -A-hjere be will act 8s instructor is military tKiu- first itrtet marfcet of ttt in Raijroac! position, that his selection as of President ttoov-veit likely. Todav Governor Karle out of the running. The whole Pennsylvania political picture has been upset, -John I- Lewis is a wrong bid f'jr jnj'A-1-r. Uy tomorrow iiis will lie or, on other hand, br. way of in the pie- niro.

Covp'nior Earle has become involved iu something a His prestige How futile As fnriliwr the futility of Jloovt.T as i i FAST ACTION XEEDKO A srade crossing' has claimed Jives iu ihe city of Dunkirk. This was not llif first trajreiiy in ll and gruesome history of Dunkirk nor will it he the last.unless plans f'r, elimination are pushed morn rapidly in ihe; future. Two projects now under consideration i i would liavt: lar-'d to predict his mean the elimination of more than a score vi.tual Hoover himself hn-s prob- A TW snots in the citv, spots which ahly lost in his nlliinate n-call to in inc ti i )( -(. out this a i has not shared by a pedestrians as well as woloriMs. iiirv.

Still 1 1 1. i i 'jnicii may rise ami whh nipiility i i politii's ami while tin' comohack is r.W. nt and Iln- new prcstijje. For six vears Hoover has bot-n in a political The Church of Christ is plan- cinj; to tear down tfct church structure in West Fourth street which gutted by fire several tnunths and pacs to erect a modem The asarrisge oi Kalpa Bolting or West Lake road and Miss Pearl Gilray look place before the groom left for Camp The board of supervisors elected Dr. L.

P. Alt-Cray of Clymer as chairman and appropriated Si.OOO to purchase equipment for Ihe ProaifrrI Home THUTY YEARS AGO--ISM Edvard 8. Vteeiaod named et? in si tbe Uiei coavenuon held in OitsaJ, D. Obextrifter of FrexJooia. an of Lake Shore Seed company nas granted a paie: on valuable icsprovesceal in esses to display Secretary of War K.

lait arrived in Charleston, S. after a trip to Panama to in- on the canal. Historic Landmark Gives Way to Road Project Defense confiscated a 50-foot ne: they found set in the harbor WASHINGTON LETTER must he passed daily hundred-; of i-hildron on their way to and yotniper i i i may happen. dis- It school. liinyuiinsr may impprn.

Cleveland AVherever it lips i i tin- power of his of intermpsed. iirk officials, thwe prospective WI he pushed with all possible speed. l. 't 'there he no over iinimporsam details. A month's needless ilehiy mij-'ht make a iliffj-renee of several lives.

Fast action will i i ot ji tlmt save unnecessary suifenng. A BETTER A I jicixoii to predict it. TO OH A KM nil NOT TO A It's all a shade confusing about Tahiti. It won't come as much a Tahiti the 'island pitniiliV it us to be. for a paradisal air seems to the general habit amoii iinnnnnees to press and her governmental which definite community.

i After all the proposal is logical. is where she now lives, is radical one best way to seek amicable pro-ram of i-. and ndmimstrn- The employer and the are a reforms. A retorm program, dependent "nnd neither will very far wit.h-!"''f-'"t restore some the other. If the The pnnress anm- Behind the Scenes I a i Politicos Doubt That F.

D. R. Will Act Against Hague, Despite Flood of Protests to White House. she savs. out the co-operation of lion needs anything it is a better niidt-rstand- ml ll injr as between these two groups which are it he essential to production--and to consumption.

I i also that she hopes There must, be a boosters' group behind it somewhere. Or maybe two; one American. But between them, raising the barrier of misunderstanding, is another group the politicians. The politicians know well the employee jrrmip has the overwhelming roiing power. The politicians have you believe tlmt the employer is grasping, avaricious and indifferent to the problems labor.

The politician poses us the sole friend of labor. Now there is a mutuality of interest for.all three groups. Even" the politician can benefit if the employer nnd the employee understand each other and meet on a reasonable basis in which ca'eli has an understanding of the problems of the other. At the 11101110111. by political intercession, they are as wide apart as i poles.

The employer believes the demands of. Hitler's safe in allowing the notes" of the hihor unreasonable, its leadership lawless, and ci Bell to be heard in a coining symphony lire instruments of political umpiring badly! eoill Hc knows no (, 0 dy'd recognize them biased. The employee fools that he is me his share of the fruits of This feeling, right or wrong, is encouraged by; HIP new deal. rest of her days in California, a she's jjoing to California to learn how to keep tourists at a distance? -Scarcely. Well then.

Does the princess really want to keep the touris-ls out of Tahiti or not? If ilmt reform program is going to restore the island's charm, how can it be construed as a measure to keep away charm-hungry tourists? Oh, it rnits-f lie jnsf another publicity stunt. An inventor has discovered that friction can be used as a substitute for domestic fuel. Now why-doesn't somebody discover a substitute for domestic friction? Cows escaped recently from a ruti-awny TROUBLE MAY By KODNEV DUTCHER OBSERVER Washington Correspondent Washington. May 17--A disconcertingly huge flood or protests afiainst Boss Frank Hague oi Jersey City has been reaching the White House. Letters and telegrams began to pour in after Norman Thomas, "rom make the people rumpus, mightier admin act against Hague.

President Roosevelt can hardly butt into Jersey City's affairs just because Mayor Hague denies the right of free speech there. But he could mo.2 to oust Hague from cian in treating gall bladaer U'ou- ole sends some cases into hospital for operation, treats others by medicine, and still others by uut- ining a diet to be followed s'-ricl- y. You have perhaps thought of the gall bladder as a small should be removed if it contains any stones; whereas ii all cases of gall stones operation, ail surgeons could be Kept busy. a matter 01 fact the gall bladder is removed only when there is a new growth excessive stone formation causing frequent attacks of colic, or when the symptoms of indigestion-nausea, vomiting, and painful gas Judge John S. Lambert and- lughttr Rmh of Frtdonia were! exciting runaway, bull neither was injured.

At the close of school today the part of the High school be. and the contractors will start rvorfc on alterations. Howard Putinaa Tastor of Fredonia, special electors, here tods; -IN NEW YORK Producers Had Devilish Time Finding Angel on Broadway By GEORGE ROSS TKEATMEXT OF CALL BLAD- jf ew York, May 17 Th2 lethargic Rialto has been stilted QUIKE SURGERY. ou: oi a Spring trance by "I Mar- I- OR DIET ONLY You may why a physi- his pos: as vice-chairman of the Democratic National Committee nnd he has been asked to do that. Neither Roosevelt nor National Chairman Jim Farley, however, is willing to sever relations with a Democratic machine boss wh" controls a state as pDpulous as Jersey.

Meanwhile, such Republican leaders as former Governor of Kansas and Governor Aiken of Vermont have publicly attacked Hague and his strong-arm tactics. Black Divides Court Although conservative Supreme Court justices have no love for Justice Hugo L. liberals who now Black, it's dominate the the fn-iplit train in Colorado, and the funnv thing Baring down a structure oi There are reasonable, able and understand- Court rulin- and precedents with Court and the split among this group is perhaps the most interesting, definite fact behind the scenes in the current hubbub over charges that other justices were taking cracks at Black. Justice Harlan F. Stone has denied he ever told anyone that Black was incompetent or lacking in craftsmanship.

But Stone's friends know that he and other liberal justices believe Black wants to move altogether too fast earing down a structure of formation make worth living. And jn; me.n on both sides. of the differences hotl can ho resolved hy simple i the front of the engine. "Unr-runy is one nation a million these ays. The sign on that country's consulate in in both jrrnnns piiilty of abnsos.

and Philadelphia was stolen a while ago. and 110- fiiere are ennnjrh of ihe nnreasiinahle io eroate body has been able to think of a reason for fonstnnt riot ion. The problem is to out it yet. "(Court ruim- ana preceaents xvii of the obvious solution which most libera i don agree. metic.

The jrroat majority on eaeh side are reasonable persons, seekin 1 HO more than a ''ast. and sensible share. There are a few. of Toonerville Folks- -By Fontaine Fox Stone and the more cautious liberals want to preceed step by step, without make the Court turn spectacular flip-flops. Black believes in prompt, vigorous attack on what he considers a century or more of constitutional misinterpretation.

Thus his recent spectacular dissent ing the 50-year-old Court ruling thai a corporation was a "person." The dispute between Stone and Black, largely over tactics, seems to be most of the real fire beneath recent clouds of smoke. "I've aken an oalh to upholc the Constitution not to be guided by political exigencies or strategic considerations." saic Black recently when a friend tolc him of criticisms of his dissents within the Court, No Joking: Matter Grade Hall the President's brother-in-latv. has just been in town again. But be: wouldn't talk to newspapermen. They wanted him to tell whether Henry Ford, in prix-ate accounts after he left Washington, or Federal Reserve Chairman Marriner Eccles, in his public statement, had given the more accurate account of what was said ried an an extravaganza from the pens of those Inseparables--Rodgers Hart.

The show has music, a story, galore and lavish scenic effects, and at the moment its only rivals here are M. Cohan show. the nausical leorge lather Be Right" (music by Rodger Hart), and the Ed Wycn show, ''Hooray for What!" departing from these parts soon. It originated in Budapest--this 'I Married an Angel" --'-'where whimsy and drei-viertel takt are not yet dfcad. There it was a music-less charade: a flimsy which told about a man life the hardly results at the abortive Ford-Roosqyelt conference.

Men who talked with Ford understood him to say the conference had been far from amiable and he had heckled Eccles! at some-length. Eccles made a statement denying and reports- President Roosevelt has said nothing. The one sure thing. since Grade won't talk, is dial Ford wouldn't discuss the problem which was worrying President--of huge slowly-snoving inventories of and parts. SHent on Ford The editor of a weekly newspaper in Iowa recently wrote in a humorous column that it was rumored a WPA worker had died of heart disease and that officials had had to examine 24 "workers to see which of them it was.

Curiously enough, WPA -worker did die of heart failure that very day and a delegation of a hundred or more 'WPA employes marched to see the editor, who was out at the time- but trc-m these operations when the patient follows diet and other instructions afterwards, are, in most cases, very satisfactory. However there are some borderline cases, that is when ths physician would like to use medical and 'diet treatment or diet treatment alone, and thus try to avoid operation, and there are other cases that are severe enough to require operation but for various reasons--bad heait, old cge. generally poor condition of the patient, unwillingness to undergo operation--in which diet treatment offers the only.heJp. The usual symptoms of gall bladder trouble are, "belchiag. gas pressure, distress in the upper part of the abdomen coming on after taking.

food, biliousness, sometimes nausea and occasionally headaches, constipation, and loss of appetite." To prescribe a diet to prevent or lessen these symptoms requires much thought and knowledge, not only about food but about the patient himself, his surroundings and his likes and dislikes. The foods to be used, are the non-irritating foods--fruits, some of the leafy vegetablies, meat and fish once a day--never fried, ven little butter, no spiced or smoked meat or fish, plenty of ivater. dilute fruit juices, "milk, buttermilk, and weak tea. The foods to be avoided are; cream, salted, canned and preserved meats and fish, cheeses except cottage cheese, corn, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, raw vegetables, gravfes, pie, nuts, alcoholics, pastry. Tour Way to "Health Send today for this stwcsa, booklet entitled 'Eating "Your Way to Health' (No.

101) by Dr Barton. It deals with caiones vitamins, minerals, and what ant how much to eat. Enclose ten cents to cover cost o' service ano handling and send vour request to The Bell Library? 247 West St, Ne wYorfc, 3J. mentioning the name of this newspaper. Other Barton Booklets available for fen cents each sre; Why Worry About Your Neurosis: The Comrnon Cold Overweight and Underrveighr Food Allergy; Scourge (gonor- rhoea and syphilis): and Your Blood Pressure? nromised he xvould marry only a damsel flown from heaven--and: vho got his wish.

Zorina--A Find Not without travail did "I Mar-; an Angel" finally approach a'Broadway knottiest problem was the role of the angel-j -vife. for this part needed a comely coryphee who could act disarmingly and dance and oeautifully. But-Some, six months ago, "Sain Goldwyn imported to this country an ex-ballerina of the Monte Carlo Ballet Russe--Vera Zorina --and brought her to Hollywooi for t'ne Goldwyn Follies. Having oiroueted her way through that cinema spectade. Zorina came to Manhattan where Rodgers Hart discerned her.

They engaged her for "I Married an Angel" and their hopes were justified at the premier. The audience applauded ier to distraction, ihe reviewers raved. Comebacks Those in quest of colorful mu- GRAPEVIXE 148 SEARS OLD Gallipolis. O. (UP) Th largest and probably the oldest grapevine in Ohio can be seen the Ohio Hospital for Epileptics here.

The vine, which "has" attained a girth of 30 inches 3t a point 3 feet above the earth, was growing at th time Gallipolis was settled by ihe French in 1790. The largest piece of plastic so far molded is a reflector 82 inches and a half in diameter and JJ and a half inches in 3erith. BIBLICAL PLAGUES STILL WEAKEN EGYPT'S HEALTH tale who SCIENCE TODAY By EMILY C. DAVIS Science Service Writer The Biblical plagues still afflic the; land.of Egypt. Far from being a never repeat- e'd'reign of with which Moses frightened a Pharaoh into releasing the" Israelites fearful because of their familiarity.

And they still recur in more Or less serious (like our own and other trials. The sequence of health'hazanl which the Nile brings each year was deplored recently before the World Federa- ion of Education Associations by a physician of the government lealth service in Cairo, Dr. Isabei Garvice. Pointing out the Biblical antiquity of these conditions. Dr.

Garvice said thai every August, then and now. the rising Nile turns blood-red from its load of heavy mud. sical entertainment wOl find "I Married an Angel" fulfills tie recipe to the last soupcon. Those who expect 11 more genuine whimsicality than it provides will be inclined to disappointment. The scenery (Jo is an eye-treat, smart and stylish, and a fitting background to the svelte entertainment that takes place before it.

And the cast affords the playgoers a few surprises. It contains, among others, Vivienne Segal, the famous prima donna of the past who makes a triumphant comeback in it with a still- lilting voice and an astonishingly youthful, appearance. And it also contains Audrey Christie, the youthful comedienne who was the prey of the chase in "Sailor Beware," the successful coniedy of the recent past. Proving affably that she can sing and dance as well as emote, ihe p'etty Miss Christie brings down the house at several points in the show. Shawisms George Bernard Shaw started his first broadcast to America "Hello, you boobs, you dear olc boobs." according Cesar Searchiager who tells story in his book, "Hello.

America." Searchinger. a radio executive, says iaai the great Irish dramatist refused to permit broadcasters toj read ius scripts ia advance. ar.d! once managed to start another radiocast thus: "Joan of Arc had no sex apoeaL" His address drew a comparison between the American and Russian revolutions that was hardly flattering to the former. To drink this water is to-invite sickness and death. the Egyptian peasant is convinced that drinking well water would turn his hair gray and oki before his time.

Rather than risk such calamities, he clings to his year-round habit of drinking from river or canal, and the blood-red water brings the plague of boils- The children, says Dr. Garvke. often have ten to twenty boils on face and body. As the flood waters lessen, come the plagues of frogs, death to the babies. Even the three days of darkness which enveloped the earth in the Bible siege of plagues, is -still experienced.

The darkness takes the form of sandstorms, which are still terrible in upper Egypt and still last three days. "All these things." said Dr. Garvice. "are put down to the will of God and accepted with resignation by the peasant." But the Egyptian government is determined to cope with plagues. Children," under pulsory- are beihj taught" health habits and- giver.

medical, attention. Rural villages are shown hygiene films. Medical renters are established. The conquest of the plagues is advancing --slowlv. PRO PATS 51 MONTHLY OX GOLF BOX OF SI74 New Britain, Conn.

(UP)-Unless Edwin Wolfer, professional golfer, improves his financial condition, it will take him unli' 1955 to pav his bill for gol! balls. The bill amounted to $174 for which he was sued. The finding him financially rassed. ordered him to" pay SI 2 until ihe account was satisfied. Court costs of S25 were sdded.

also on a monthly cos's. A photo-cell device mounted on the instrument panel automatically operates the parking lights. When the sun arises the switches them on, when t' ne un sets the lights are turned off. THIS CURIOUS WORLD 5 William Ferguson THHJR. OWNEKS TO BH WHEN THEMSELVES INTTO AND ANOTHS IS TO FAIR ART DIRECTOR STERX Saa Francisco, CaL The art director ofthe 1939 Golden Gate and International Exposition has Tilled that the nade statues must be such that a mother would be willing to place them oa her manHepfece and bring tip her family about them.

HEAD ORNAMENT TO ATTRACT JTS AAATE. LIONS, ulce man, mature in approximately one-fourth of then- life span. -They live well captivity, some having lived under; man's care for 25 years. Captive lions, although not well muscKd like those living in the wild state, develop more beautiful Hnc fcx in England. Mared the fcBJMter hc.

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