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Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York • Page 6

Dunkirk, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I PAQB SIX. I I I PRTDAT, JUNB tlksu ruje for successful saving is being practiced by millions of peoplewlio liavo bank accounts, and who liavo learned llic wisdom of saving as they earn. Interest deposits made before 'July 10th will draw compounded quarterly from July 1st. Dunkirk Trust Co, CUSS NIGHT EXERCISES AIJUB CREEK Class of 1922 Gava Original and Interesting Program Monday Evening. Silver Crock, Juno utage at (JoUncr'n Tlicatrc waa profusely decorated with flowers Monday nighi to welcomo the graduating class of 1922, na they tho final jolll- llcatlou of class night.

The High School orchestra was playing an appropriate soloctiou; tho I largo hall was filled with interested friends, aa, greeted with hoarly applause, the 2G graduates inarched down tho aisle and onto tho stage. Tho program was carried out without preamble, Marvin Maekey, president of tho clans, making tho opening ad dress, greeting those jircsoi in he- half of tho clasn. Mr. Mackoy then introducud the members of the class to Ihe audience by presenting fi se rloa of cartoons with entertaining coininonls. Jl was a most, original method and proved the arttstla out of the speaker.

Tho class history was given by Allco Clark, Harold vVclnborg, Philip Hawkins and Almon Lndotnan--the Hccno waa Office" and tho pupils were recalling the trials, csca paden and pleasures of tho high school yearn, MLss Gemldino Jollos road the class poem, and Miss EdiM Shultz very daringly K'ive some genuinely clever Items of school history under the title oE "Class Slams." Onn of tlio most laughable numbers on tho program was (he "Gifts to the Juniors' by Hazel Hall and Helen Tho tardy one was given an alarm clock. Tho woefully particular hoy was handed a "beauty box," and the tall, thin boy was invited onto the stage and given a spoonful of elixir to make him grow. One energetic lad, who evidently was general was given a huge strip linen with which to tie up his mouth, and Mi as Lonmx insisted upon adjusting llih at once. Bertram Brett who gavo "Advice to tho Juniors" was the recipient of all tho attention bestowed by tho Juniors, this ciuno in tho form of lonious, but Mr. Brett, after' tho first one, veiy deftly caught the others, In no way letting this Interrupt his proceeding That the ndvice was needed Mr.

Brett easily proved-(hero was no indication given that It will be heeded, Tho Junior response by Kemlriok Smith closed with hin presenting the class i $30 as the Juniors' donation tgwaid tho Washington trip. The song, by Wilbur Welnhorg ua-j sung by tho rl.iss and voiced Its pleasure lit being "through--all through." lluth Huer rend tho "Class i The class prophesy was given by na Hall, Ethel Weir, Paulino Live oro, Erin Tlmmormtu, Joopli All KOlluo and gum Prlvltora, being a series of rerolniicentcj while taking a trans-continental aeroplane trip In 19i2, the passengers (IncUiix each hat been a student at 3. C. H. 3.

and one of the class of '22. The rest of th BH wore located and the list of iiro fcBHlons being followed ran all the way fjom prize fighter to Christian minister. The Old and the New" was a ulior history of tho old school buildfnf, which has been tho scene ot gradu ntliig classes for -11 years. Miss Lydia jiiulhcr giving tliln; and Miss Doris Muas welcoming tho erection of the now school building for the clashes tc 'ollow. Music by tho orchestra clos od most delightful and nrovok- jig evening.

Surely the class of '22 its 20 members will be remembered, not alone for its being tho last hiss to bo graduated from the "old sohooV hut for Us originality and gen- "us shown on "Class Night," MRS. VIVIAN WOODMANSEE DIES IN GERRY ormerly Resided in Forestville Where She Has Many Friends. Forcslvillo, Juno Vivian Voodmanseo after a short illness died nt her home at Monday, June 9. She is survived by her husband Wood in an see, four children 'earl, Lee, Meiton and Dorothea; her mrcnts, Mr. and Mis.

W. Snow of Forcstvlllo, also two Bisters, Mrs. Jlenn Colvin Cherry Creek, Mrs. arncs Gorman of Perrysburg and two irothors, Murray and Ira Snow of "'orcstville. Her age was 30 years and six noiiths.

I 1 June Clearance Sale Starts Thursday, June 29th Will Last For Ten PREPARING FOR T1US SALE MONTHS ACJO, WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER THE GREATEST VALUES IN Til 1C HISTORY OF OUR CLEARANCE SALE; ALL SPRING GOODS MUST BE SOLD AT BELOW COST. COME JN AND GET BARGAINS. $25.00 and $30.00 Chinchilla and Polo Conts at sale A Big Line of Spring Tricotine and Poiret Twill Suits, latest styles at HALE PRICE All Wool Velour and Tricotine Wraps at HALF, PRICE Small Lot of Polo Coats at Sale Children's Spring Coats at HALF PRICE All Wool Full Length Tweed Coats, tegular price $29, at Sale Price-- Silk Jersey and Taffeta Petticoats and Pettibockers from-- S1.25to $2.50 Children's Gingham Dresses up from- All Wool and All Shades Bathing Suits from-- S1.25 to $4.95 Big Line of Washable Gingham and Organdie Dresses, at Sale Prices, from-- S1.95tcS3.75 White Washable Skirls at Sale Prices, from-- 98c to S2.98 All Wool Prunella and Serge Skirts from-- $4.95 $20.00 to $30.00 Dresses, Canton Crepe and Taffeta Satin at Sale Price, from $6.00 to 10.00 Special Lot of Millinery from-- 49c to $2.95 Cotton Petticoats at 3 69c- 5' Special Price tin Silk and Woolen Slip-ons and Tuxedo Sweaters. I. Haber, 67 E.

3rd Dunkirk, N.Y. Ppen Evenings Phoae 45S5 LASS NIGHT EXERCISES HELD AT I I Jrving. Jmif Class Night xcrciaca Friday evening were well Uemlcd. Many commended them very Ighly. Tho attendance was eoually ood Mondity evening.

Following the ivocailon hy Itev. C. J. Baker, was a nost helpful and inspiring addrebs cm lding" by Rev. E.

T. Jones, im- rusBing un both 301111? and old that aio all buildiiiK now for time and ternity. Ovei 50 promotion ceiUHcatcs were lescnteil to those who earned itijn. Tho weather was ideal for the 'hoot picnic Wost Irving Reach itnrday 21. About fiO sat down dinner Otliors joined tho rowtl during the afternoon.

Those Im HO thoughtfully furnished trans octillion to and from the beach an i tlietfi. who loaned bo.Us and a big) an filluit with cohl dter for the unmiutdu ilebervo liuaity thanks from' II who enjoyed thoso piovisions. Dorothy )lm master lias completed lio Noinial course In TJnJfalo and will to.ich in Silver the 1 coming school year. Virginia Averlll i omitinuo her Nonnal course dur-! Ing tho Hummer. Edith BnrniaBtcr it a Junior in Silver Creek High in spending some time with her cou-' sin CiilhuHiiQ Snckott, dining tho com-j nieiiconu'iit festivities.

Helen Kosjon has completed her course in Fioilonia Nonnal anil has contract to teach Crudes 2 anil 3 in I i for tho your M.itgarot KUBR and Mrs. A a M. Hchrens will attend Buffalo Nor-" mill i i the summer term. CASSADACA Mis I'oclcr and dnnglitor, "Miss Peeler, of Dunkirk, wcru calling ou Cflbsadiiga fiiendo, a a i noon. Mis.

1). Jj. Dobbins oC Oerry and son Clyde Uotrinns of CleviMaml, weie stR on Thursday of Mrs. Sara Phillips and Merit) Watoinuu. Mrs.

Corydon Turner letui Thmsday from Itliacu i she went with Mr. Tinnoi to bo present at the comutuiicuniGiit exei cises of Cornell Turner bungs the ileasfiif; news a Mr. Turner won ho James (Jordon liejiuott priro of $50. lor his efficient work in clinics nl care and attention given tho anl- nals. Mr.

and Mrs. M. W. Hanington wont to Mesdville, Saturday to at- ond tho woddhig of Llieh grand- laughtur Miss Doiothy Harrington; buy leturnod home Sunday evening. Tho W.

C. T. U. will hold its annual iicnic on Thursday at the home of Urs. Aaron Smith in Ilirjh street.

Tho C. T. L. of Stockton will moot i bom Mrs. Sherman Sloan ia entertaining icr brother Miles I-awronco ot laynosville, La.

Miss Margaret FOIL of Mayvillo wna liome over Sunday. ami Mrs. N. E. McBcath loft Sat- inlay Cor Saratoga Springs the will attend the State Medical Coii- entfon in session there this week.

Aileno Grout entertained the mpils of her room nt her homo in rnnvsberg, Monday. The youngsters the trip In automobiles. Tho liACcMaurinto sermon given unday evening in tho Baptist Church tho Her. D. C.

Kuffinan was lote i gems of thought and conn- il for all piosont as veil as the gratl iig btudonts. There was a largo ttondanco and many were tho words appreciation for Mr. Kauffman's of- ort. Mr. and Sirs.

Perlo Richardson and on, James, visited friends at Kali Saturday and Sunday. Ror. D. C. nnffman announce that loro will bo no preaching nt the Un-ed Brethren Church next Sunday ev- iiing on account of him going to County lo apeak on that day.

Frank Stead man of Jamestown waa town on business Friday. WEST Misa Marion Colo praduatcd from te Forcstviiie High School on Titos- ty evening and Haxol Hall from the Iror Crook High School Wednesday Walter Hall, who has been 111 for tvcral weeks, la spending a week in inkirk. John Hubockor Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mm.

Gew-Re Brans and na Melville and Morloy, of Fredon- apcnt Sitndnr at the homo ot orge VILLENOVA Mr. and Mri. Charles Priest and family were llie guesti of Mr. and Mrs. N.

C. JVHscm tho first of tho week. John Smith speut Monday with his son Klrin and family lu Leon. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Pulmer and Bon of Silver Creek were callers at tho Hart and SI ml en homo Wednesday.

Prof. Clalr Sweetlaud of Elmlra and tho Mlssoi Arlcno and Doris Sweet-; land of Uuffalo were hero for the gra-i diluting exercises in South Dayton High School. Their brother Jlohert was one of tho graduates. Mrs. Sadlo Priest and son Elmer' were tbo guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Bartli Monday. Mrs. Carrie Thomas and children of Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs, George Grosi; and children and Mrs.

Coia Tyler of Cherry Creek were visitors at the Elton Warner home Sunday. Mr, am! Mrs. Price Easterly went to Brocton Sunday. The remains Mrs. Woodmansee of Gerry were broujjht hero Wednesday.

The funeral was held at the borne of Eliworth Hal! with Interment In tho cemetery at this place. Carey Bennett atid Woiler Langworthy ot Silver Crook were callen on Mrs. J. Hart and C. E.

Sfndeu Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Aim. Eleworth Hall visited friends in Dayton Sunday. While Mrs.

Price Easterly was preparing her gasoline flat Iron for use last evening in some manner her clothing caught fire. Mr. Easterly being near by ran to her assistance and succeeded In putting out the flro but liad his hands painfully burned Mrs. Easterly escaped with one band burned but was lucky In escaping uioro serious injury. and Mrs.

Ernest Tanner and family wore entertained at tho Stanley. Kice homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G.

L. Longhouse, Mrs. Hunt and Miss Hazel Hunt and Dick lionghouse oC Dunkirk wore callers at the Hart and Slutleu farm Wednesday evening. Mrs. A.

D. Longhouse returned homo with them. --Head what our advertisers Imva to say In the OliSEUVER today. It will pay you. Rheumatism at 60 S.

S. S. TKeroucbl? RkU Body Rktumitua tnothar Is itifferlnff to- nlghtt ucourre of rheumatism has wrecked her body; limping bent forward, aha atwa bat the common ground, but her ared heart still belongs to the stani Doet anybody cure? S. 8. IB ont of greatest Wood-purifiers and It tielpB build more blood Ita Iclnal Ingredients aro purely vegetable.

It nevor disarranges the stomach. It is. In fact a splendid tonic, blood maker, a blood It hanlahee rheumatism from joints, muscloa and the entire body. It builds nrm riesh. It Is what somebody'! mother coedi tonlghti Mother, If you can not KO out to get a bottle of S.

S. 3. yourself, Burely somebody In your family wilt Somebody, bottle of 3. 8. 3.

now! Let Homebody's mother bigtn to feel 1 Joyful again tonight. Mayba, miyba clorlous yoo win fed, ntUiw, ira your mothC ri S. 3. 8. la Mid at frhcB yonr I.

Jt nil dniff Stores, in tWO BiMA, Tbjt B. 1.8. dolt. It will boUd you op, ulxo Is tho more economical. The Greatest Bargains Ever! of Regular fkwoHl Women's PUMPS AND OXFORDS Uhe KegularPrice Stamped on Pair You Save $1.35 on Every Pair! Tomorrow we i our Midsummer Clearance Sale of NEWARK White Pumps and Oxfords at savings so great that thrifty women everywhere will hurry to make the moat this wonderful opportunity.

All that for example, are now reduced to $2.15 and lesa. The assortment embraces White Canvas, Kid, Nu-Buck, in all the favored styles of the season, with Military, Baby Louis, and new Flapper heels. All sues and widths. The regular price ol $3.50 is embossed on the soles ot every pair-so that there can be no doubting your saving. Also Included--Big Assortment at f.

Formerfy Priced $3.50 to The assortment presents every conceivable style in White Kid, Canvas, Nu-Buck, in plain and sport models. One and two- strap pumps and walking oxfords. All the newest leather combinations in Black, Russia and Buck. AH sizes and widths. Positively the greatest bargains in this city in years.

DON'T MISS THIS SALE! Early buying tomorrow is advised! Th. UriMt SUM A- UmteJ I DUNKIRK STORE 326 Central Opp. Safe Store I All N.W.A Orw S.lmrd.r l.A.n»»ili "1.

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