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Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York • Page 1

Dunkirk, New York
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88. Highest of ill in Leavening S. Gor't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE ULPtlEtiENTA Tl USINESS HOUSES OF 3 1 I BOOK8 LOCOMOTIVE WOUK8, Edward Nicholi, Preudent.

M. L. Uiiiman, Vice 1 reamrer. T. Ii UequetnlfOiirff, Hee'7- ARilKK, MCliLLY 4k i i Dnalersln MickigaD llroued Lumber.

LKKiri, 1)BA8H RICHMONU. "Tbe ry Gowln, Cloaki, noCcairalAre iiOOM HLNIJEKY-JAMIB IKVINU. IJ prielor, No. K. Hecond iireet, near Bul- lalo ttreeL uunklrk, N.

Y. Magazines, Mn- fcc. bound in all (rler atleaJed to. All work UKCUKK-B CKOUKSUtV UOUHK, W) Central Avenue. Wholesale aad retail dealer in Imported ani Jomeette China, Ulauware, Ac.

HOTKL, lialei, il per day. iTerr and Boat ding Suble IB coDaecbuu, Victor Uider. 1)6 and 987 Lion i iiTY BAKHK: HHOP Ctuu. Nugle, Frop. Under Lake (tbore NaUbnal Bank, corner Outer ami Third itreeu.

A ttae itock ol I'oreign and IJomoatic kigara. UM1UKK BNGINKKKLNO VUMPAJ4V. Kormerlv sellew Poinile. of kngmen, lloilci-i. sifting llangeni.

etc. I'atlerna, and Machine Work to order. TVVMKUtK BH1KT 408, MB and 2U7 MJ Center street, of the. "Cromwell" and "Dunkirk" perfect tilting SairU. ln sale in all leaUiuK furuialiing, oteiliing aud drj houses in Dunkirk.

r. Toosaicr, 444 aud 4J Lion strout, Healer in Floor, Feed, Baled Hay. Phoo akateo, etc. O. FKKRV CO.

Sewer Pipe, Tile, Fire Brick. Kltllnji. UOTttl. and uminit saloon, Union El Depot Kaiy to all and buti- Beal for Com- Travelers. Jotan J.

Murphy, 1'rop. HL.KUS K7 aud K. Tbird street. Furmturtt. Ca'jlnel Wart) ami Picture Kramoo made tu order.

Lit U. 301 Central bej'lers ut Faahiou and ijunllcuiw OiuiUmrs I AtUU.1, 1TKAM HKATINU 11' an lecturers of Steam Jloatmg Ajiparftluri sanitary i A OMK HTKAM LAU.NlKÂ¥. Our BpeciaU-es; Fine shirts, lOc; lo. Cuffs, 4c, an-1 Laco Free ory. A W.

mentor atron II H. OEHM. E. Third cor. of Buffalo Manufafrlnrer and draler in FIDO BootB A BNKV WKILliK'H STOKE, 11)3 K.

Thml su Hooka, Sl-iliuncry, Miibioal In- and Weekly Pa and everyLhiPK pertaining tu it firab bunk tore. tM-hooi Ttookit a 4pjcuvltv. U- HAKKK, Fine a Specialty. KM Central Arcnue. OHN STAFF, Ocutral Avenue.

Manufacturing Jeweler. Everything in the Hue of Watches, Clocks, etc B. VAN BUKEN SUM, Fire. Life, A Accident and Ueneral Insuraoa. leal- iu Heal Katale IxMins.

Pariicular attention paid to tbe onre of property collact- Wl Center 4 nil floor. OB PRINTING of every description at loweet llvleg ratei by Dunkirk Printing Conpaay, 8 and 10 B. secoDil SL ggist And always In Wall Paper, Curtains Ac MO Central Avenue. acBULna, 17 Bast Tbird Mreet, Tailor. will find it to tbnr advantage to oatloa me before purchasing elsewhere.

B. UAJik 338 Lion street. ttenera! Hardware, White Supplies, Oil ran ite Ware. A special- ol Sherwia Paintand Monroe range. UUOLTU Cor.

Third and Buffalo Uealer in dranlle, Marble, F.agglng ami Bulking atone. Uall on ti your sule-walk. CLING, such as blank-books, ledgers, and all kinds of done at Dunkirk Printing Company. 8 and 10 B. Second at.

AM J. oirroKO, sol Central Ave. (Up stairs), tieneral Insurance anil Keal EsUU Agent. Fire, Life. Accident, and Live Stock Prompt attention given to buyinc Mid telling Keal Estate.

ri'OWNB BISHOP. Attorneysnd Counselors-at-Law. I'M Central Avenue. rp C. JONB8, 1.

75 K. Third st, oar. Deer. Kxi'Clsiar Meat Market. Fresh, Salt and Lard, Sausages, and Poultry.

MUCKBK, Merchant Tailor, MUrmtral Van Velsor's Bakery, Main BUFFAXO.N. Y. for Fancy Ice Cream and Ices, Cake ftlled on short notice. BOOM FOR LADIES OEHTLKMXX. CHAMBERS FRASER TAILORS.

Room No. 6, German Ins. BTg. BUTFAXO, N. Y.

LO6T IN THE SAND HILL8. Tbe Kute ol Two I.ltM* Iu Nebraska. A May Tbe two little ters of Hmmnioud wen- lent iu the "and LiH, surt-uuudiiig tbu towu of Tbed- ford. Tlie children, I yeurn, and tbe other 4, wt-nt visit their itiKter, llvw, of Tbedford, and between 4and 5 CM lock they home. They had to go Hbout mile and the led through the Hand hilln.

The chllclreu lost their way and never reached home. Their and the neighborn ear Led the hills mid general alarm was gn en Then the eitizciiHof Thedfiu-d and the durround- mg country out. They took the trail and noon fmind where the children hail wandered from the path to gather The wiirch wan continued until dark and the camped ou tht trail. A rclu-f party went after pruvisionii and couriers were kept in communication i the sean-herB ax went on over the dimiml search of tmre.n Hnndn. The warrh went ou and the party came to a pbu-e the yoiingcBt child had lost one shoe and i-onld ime where the older one had curried hrr Hister a short distance The ouiiKcst chilil was found at foot of a hill hnlf covereil with where NUB bad faiion, completely exhuiiHted.

The i one wan uiicouRcloiix and her tongue was swollen HO that it protruded from her She was noon rentored, however, and when asked where bar Histei wan slip siiicl "sister went on home The joiiinjest i WBH found nearly twelvt miles from the point where the two left I he road to pick (lowers. The search con i and the searchers discovered tin body of Ihe other child ten north of i i i Bluine county, seventy live miles from the place where the chil dreu lost i way. Tramps. SKIMMA, May The principal business block id fourteen mile'- west of i city, wan burned; loss The fire was star-ted by tramps win proceeded to loot the town, as noon as the was well a A ot houses were ransacked and the were terror stricken. Tbe explosion ol Kio pounds of blasting powder in a burning harduare store added to the confusion.

The marshal and an armed posse succeeded in i the thieves to flight, citutur- UK four of them. Armor I'lerclnc Projectiles. WASHIMII-OS, 19 --Tlie Holtxer priv cess of making iinnor pieri'iiiK projectile! 1 baa been ly the Midvale Steel company of i a i a and will be first UHed in Hie manufacture of eight, ten aud inch shells for the army. Tin Hoi shells tire, regarded as the best In the world, and for several yenrs American firms and the ordnance, bureaus of army ami navy Imve been foi the i i i i i i i of the nrucejii ill tht i States i l.v;l'l"lnic. I A I III.

A three miles south of i i in which were stored three tons of "junpowder and two Ions of o'yiinmite, was exploded by i i i A residence i yards away was shattered. it WHS occupied by .1 A his wife and tlnee cliildicn of escaped unhurt. A nmnbet of small houses a quarter of a mile ofl blown down without loss of life. In this city houses were shaken, windows broken aud church bells rung. Onve Them "Rough on Ruts." Ism May Morrif has been arrested on the charge of poison ing her a i and an old man named llenjamin Beckley, wbo boarded with them.

Kstella is 10 years old Beckley had been payiiie attention to the girl but disliked him and put "rough on rats" ii a dish of greeuu with tbe view of getting i id of him. The entire family partook ol greens and were made deadly sick, but all will probably recover. A New Wheel Company. ST. Ixiuis, May Mutual Wheel company has been formed of carriage makers from different points of the country here.

The scheme was brought about by impositions put upon the purchasers of wheels by the wheel trust, which ha? had control of BO per cent, of the wheel factories of this country for eighteen months. The trust here demanded an ad vance of TO per cent, on products. Are Looking- for Reciprocity? WABHINOTOS, May 19. Michael p. Grace of New York and Edward Eyere of Peru are stopping here at the Arlington, where Senor Secor, the new Peruvian minister, is staying.

Mr. Eyere is president of the Peruvian Board of Trade, and it Is rumored It is the purpose to arrange the preliminaries for a reciprocity treaty between United States and Peru. He Forged Checks. IXWISVILLE, May Alphone de Thierry of France, for five years past bookkeeper of the Conrad Tanning company, has left this city several thousand dollars short in his accounts with the company. He used false entries and forged checks to coaceal his stealings.

A Statue of Christopher BOSTON, May a mass meeting of Italians a movement was started to erect and present to the city of Boston a statue of Christopher Columbus, to cost 110,000 or One thousand dollars was subscribed, and to further work were appointed. BLOOD BELGHADE IS EXCITED OVER AN ATTEMPT TO REMOVE QUEEN NATALIE. Her Forced to Enter Carriage and Driven to the Qtiar-- A Number or Betaeh and Drug the Carriage With the Qnee; Back In Triumph Great Eicltemenl Pro rails. VIENNA, May prefect of Bel grade, charged with the duty of expelling Queen Natalie from the country, went her residence on Monday, compelled hei to enter a carriage and drove with her tc tbe quay, where the royal yacht wat awaiting her. On the way a number ol detached tbe and dragged tbe carriage with the queen back ic triumph to her raidence.

VIKNKA, May great deal of ex cltement prevails in Belgrade ova the attempt of the Servian government to remove Queen Natalie from thi city and from ServU. Aware of tbi pubUc sympathy of the queen tb government, early In the morning, cordoned with troops the streets la the vicinity of Queen Natalie's residence, excluding the public. After Natalie had taken n-til XT In her residence, the principal citizens and merchants siding with tht queen and showing their sympathy vpeulj a large number of students gathered tc defend her in her dwelling. The troops, after vainly endeavoring disperse the supporters of the queen, fired upon them, killing twe and wounding many. The most intense excitement reigns in Belgrade.

At 9 o'clock last night the cabinet was still in semion, and M. Pachltch, president of the Skuptchin, received a deputation asking uim to intercede in the queeuVbehalf. AN INVESTIGATION ORDERED. Smoked Fish Cured With Orevaote Cane- Ing Mneh Troaivto. PfTTsni'Ro, May Chief Brown af the department of public safety, yesterday ordered an official investigation of the alarming number of caees of poisoning from eating smoked sturgeon, reported his office by the board of health.

Dr. J. Guy McCandlrss was ordered to proceed with the investigation, and at a hoot yesterday afternoon reported that UH smoked fish bad been cured with creosote. The doctor advised the destrnctlon of at) smoked sturgeon now on sale in the etty. Chief Brown has ordered the proper officers to visit every place where the fish ii sold and condemn It and through the afternoon papers, the chief warns the citizens of the city to eat no more smoked fish.

Almost every physician in the citj reports from five to thirty cases. None of the cases have yet proved fetal, but the people sick from the effects of thi poisoned food niimber in the hundreds. Thirteen physicians interviewed agrei that their patients exhibit syinptomi usually evidence of rammer complaint. Mr. Gledhill, who seems to have cured and sold this particular lot of fish, gayi that only smoke from bard wood wai used and that the will pay expense incurred in a searching investigation.

He says that the flsh were per fectly fresh when received from Bayslde N. last Thursday. Mr. Glerthill posi lively denies the use of creosote In curing the flsh and is unable to account for iti presence. Three Men Killed.

BIRMINGHAM, May freight collision on the Louisville and Nashvillt road yesterday caused the death of men: Costello, brakeman; Peter Brown, fireman, and V). kklmonds, engineer. first section of the freight train standing at a tank when the other crashed into it. Those killed were on the rear sec tion. It Is said that the blame of tbe accident rests with the dead engineer, running ahead of time and at toe great a speed to stop.

Left the Harbor. CITY OF MEXICO, via Galvestou, May United States steamer Charleston has departed from the harbor ol Acapulco in a southern direction. Tht Is general that the Mexican government will allow tbe Esmeralda a small amount of fuel. ALONG THE DIAMOND. national League.

At Plttaburg- B. B. a. Pittsburg 0 8 9 0 0 1 1 1 0-11 IS 4 1 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 1 11 1 Halvta and Mack; Qleason and At Cincinnati-- iu B. B.

Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 1 Boston 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Batterhu-- Nichols and Bennett; Duryea and Keenan. At Cleveland-- B. H. a Cleveland 3 0 1 9 2 1 1 9-1817 York 0 8 1 0 2 0 1 4 1-1214 i Batteries-- Gruber and Zimmer; Rosie and O'Keurke. At Chicago-- n.

H. B. Chicago 1 1 1 0 2 1 4-1311 I Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 5 1 Batterles-Hutchlnson and Klttredge; Carruthers and Khulow. American Association. At Boston-- H.

x. Boston 0 8 2 1 4 1 0 0 0-10 i Louisville i 8 0 0 0 2 8 1 Batteries Daley and Murphy; Enrei and Cook. At Philadelphia-- R. H. a.

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 7 4 St. Louis 3 1 6 0 8 1 1 2 13 I Batteries-- Chamberlain and Milligan; Stlv. etts and Boyle. At Baltimore-- B. H.

Baltimore 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 6 5 4 Cincinnati 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 1 Batteries-- Cunningham and Robinson; Maim and Kelly. At Washington-- R. H. B. Washington 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 6 6 Columbus 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 7 Batteries-- Foreman and McGuire; Oastright and O'Connor.

Kastern Leag-ne. At Rochester-- n. H. 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 Providence. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 (V- Batteries-- MrCullough and Bowman; Foley Sullivan and Burke.

At Syracuse-- n. a. m. Syracuse 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 4 Lebanon i 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 8 Batteries- Person, Link and Qulnn; Anderson and McCaffrey. At Albany-- R.

H. Albany 4 2 0 a 0 0 0 13 4 Troy 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 7 Batteries-- Fricken and Brown; Day.Campau and Wells. At Buffalo-- R. n. B.

Buffalo 0 0 2 0 8 I 0 1-1114 3 New Haven. ...2 4 0 1 0 7 4 Batteries-- Barr aad Murphy; Clarkson and Decker. A SUIT POM BAMAOW. CIIMIJ Alleged Criminal Libel. NKW YOKK, May Evening SOB that the bitter feud between the houses of Mai key and Ilonyuge, California millionaires, which has been raging on.

both sides of the Atlaetic for several years, has at last taken a definite form. Bonyngc him brought suit against Mackejr for The gentlemen have not been ou good terms for some time and the feeling was intensified by a recent fisticuff between them which occurred in the office of a San Francisco bank. There were long accounts published at the time based on the statements of both gentlemen. Tbe statements of course conflicted. Mackey claimed to have "done" his man easily.

Hunynge on the other band told In detail and with evident delight the manner in which he had doue up Mr. Mackey. The gentlemen seemed to be satisfied with their respective versionsof the affair and i lias beeu heard from either in some time. Now the matter Las been revived by Mr. Bouynge, who proposes to obtain damages proportionate to the pile of Mr.

Mackey for alleged criminal lilel in connection Ttith certain published, statements made at the i of publishing hir, version of the fight between them. Tbe origin of whole trouble so far as can Iw learned is intense rivalry for social precedence in London. Mr is ar Englishman, who came to i country when a mere lad. made his a to California, and tin-re budded out a fledged millionaire. A PANIC NARROWLY AVERTED.

Communion Services Interrupted bv Fire. CINCINNATI, May Defiance, dispatch says panic WHS narrowly avoided at St. Catholic church In that city. A class of i i was receiving its first communion and iu the church was packed to its utmost capacity. Suddenly there was a flash ol light and it was discovered that the veil of Mis- Clara Kminger was In flames.

The girl screamed and for a moment it looked as if the vast congregation would make a wild rush for the door, but coolness and promptness of Father Jung and some of liis parishioners averted what would Itave been a terrible disaster If the break had been once made. Willing hands quickly extinguished flames, but not before they had communicated to the robes of tbe sister. It ia supposed that the name caught from tht candle that wan carried by the young woman. A burned some about the face the exercises went on and Miss Emlnger was confirmed with the rest ol the class. A COSTLY BLAZE AT PERRY.

The Damage Done Estimated at Nearly a 100,000. ROCHKSTKR, N. May special dispatch from Perry, N. to The Morn- Ing Herald says: Fire broke out yesterday afternoon in Waters' clothing store. The fire started in some rubbish and communicated to a a i of oil barrels.

The whole row of buildings from tbe National bank to Lake street, comprising Goldwater's clothing house, Herron'a grocery, Williams' general store, Gillett's dry goods store, Peeger's clothing store and Olin's hardware store were burned. The Citizens' bank and the National bank, on either end of the raw, were saved after a great effort, also the contents ol Olin hardware house and carriage store. The total loss Is estimated at about with about insurance. The Castile, Warsaw. Jloruell.iville and a portion of the Rochester fire department were sent to the scene of the fire and rendered much service.

Fred Hoy of the Castile Hose company of Castile was badly hurt by a fall. Have All the Help They Want. CHICAGO, May 19. Tho discharged switchmen of the Chicago and Northwest eru railroad, in compliance with the suggestion of the officers of the Switchmen's union, applied to their respective yardmasters for work yesterday. Iu every instance they were informed that there was no work for them at present.

The lull in traffic lessened the number of men required to perform the company's work and the officials had all the men they desired at preseut. Such of the discharged mon as are unobjectionable to the company's officers were told again later on that if vacancies should occur they would be given employment. Many of switchmen have abandoned all hope of ever again obtaining employment on the Northwestern system. They drew their time yesterday and will apply for work upon some other road. Mrs.

Goodwin's Allowance. NEW YORK, May R. Goodwin, tbe wife of Nat Good-win, has been awarded 175 a week alimony, pending her ac tion for a limited divorce from her husband on the ground of desertion. The judge also allows her a counsel fee of $850. Counsel in behalf of the actor agreed in court to pay her that amount of alimony and a reasonable counsel fee.

Mrs. Goodwin is at a sanitarium in Brooklyn recovering from nervous i resulting from a runaway accident last September in Central Park. Kilted In a Runaway. DE RUYTEH, N. May 19.

Carey was fatally injured near here in a runaway accident. He was pitched headforemost from his buggy, caught between the wheel and box and dragged several rods. He was unconscious for three hours before he died He was about 34 years old and a son of Garrison Carey. Robbed of S2.OOO. LOUISVILLE, May Crowe, the well-known Brooklyn bandicapper, was robbed of in the bettinx ring at tbe race track yesterday afternoon.

Ha stepped up to a bookmaker to pay a 1100- rnarker and exhibited a big roll of bills. The money was replaced in tbe inside pocket of his vest and two minutes later it was elsewhere. A Raging Forest Fire. WATKBTOWS, N. May flre set to clear land from which the timber had been cut in the town of Theresa, this county, yesterday, is still burning, control of it having been lost.

It has burned over acres and 500 to 600 cords of wood, and Is now in the big timber. An Embeztler Caught. BOSTON, May S. Smith, formerly collector for the Boston Post, and who IB wanted here for embezzling tt.eoe fvarn that paper, has been arrested at Whke Rnlphmr Springs. Montana.

An officer Mt Boatcn night to briof aim CQRTE IS GOING HOME TO CONFER WITH THE ITALIAN AUTHORITIES. The Who Wan Areusrd of Giving Rliciml for A ftHamil nation ol Chief of Police IfenneHHey to Accom- imiiy roiixul to Italy--They Will Kxplalii the Orleans Affair to MariiuU i I May Pasquel Oorte, the Italian consul in New Orleans, and Caspar! (irimtiMo or the boy who was accused of having given the signals to the assassins of Chief Hemiessy that the chief was approaching, arrived from New (Ji leans Sunday uight and left last i for New York, whence they will sail for I a where they will mnke a personal explanation of the New Orleau affair to i i i i Mgnor told a reporter yesterday that the reports that lie Imd been recalled by his govern merit for indiscreet utterances was "Tlie very fact that tbf marquis lull suiuinoiu-d me tn Home U. confer i me on the situation Is he said, "of the confidence reposed In me by my government. They desire me tc talk over matters more freely and more in detail than can bo done through ttie medium of letters Tbe consul sas there is no reimon why the New Orleans troubles make any breach between the United States and Italy and he would say i to widen such a breach, lie would hold Mayoi Shakespeare i i he said, for all that had been dune, ills only comment on Mayor Slmkespettre's letter denmmliiifi his recall was a he had been treated on all sides Tlie boy (jrimaldi denied he had given the nig-ml warning the assassins of Hennessey's approach, liefore leai ing Washington Consul a conference i Imperali, the Italian charge d' affaires here. IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE.

PreMtdmit HarrUon the Sentence of Three Blnteri. WASHINGTON. May 19. The president commuted to Imprisonment for life al hard labor the three Niivassa rioters sen tenced by the circuit court of Maryland tc belianged. I i i i i a i President Harrison says: "I have examined with care the papers submitted in these cases and nm not i i that the death sen teuoe should be executed.

The i i was, as to each of the prisoners, satisfac torily established and that it was felon Sous is also clear. Hut the conditions sur i prisoners and their fellows were of a most peculiar character. They were American citizens under contract to perform lubor upon specified terms within American territory, removed from anj i to appeal to any court or pub lie officer for of any injury or the cmeiit of any civil right. Their employers were in fact their mas ter.s The bosses placed over them imposed fines and penalties without any wnibliinri- nf trial These penalties ex tend tn imprisonment and even to the cruel pract ice of tricing men up fora refusal to Ksc.ipe was impossible mid the stale of i such as might make men rec.lvless and desperate. liravery Recognized.

WASHINGTON, May Foster has awarded a sliver medal to Corp. Custis Harrison, Troop I), i United Statet cavalry, in recognition of his bravery on Nov. ijt, in rescuing from drovMiing while crossing a ford of the Red river in Texas, ('apt. Scliuyler of the Fifth cavalry, and Mrs. D.

Thomas and Nettle Thonins, i and daughter ol Cnpt. Tlioniits of the i cavalry. Sec retary Foster declares his conduct deserves commendation." Tho Crulwfr ClmrleRton. A i i May IU. A dispatch was received at the navy department yesterday afternoon a i the departure of the cruiser Charleston from Acapulco Sunday nitfht.

The dispatch stated that the insurgent vessel Esmeralda wa-s still there. No information can lie obtained aa to where the Charleston i go next, but it is thought she will go down the coast to Chili. Accomplished the minion. A I May Sheppard, chief of the revenue marine bureau, yes terday received the following dispatch from Capf Ilealy of the revenue marine cutter Hear at Seattle: "Hear arrived this morning. Mission and satisfactorily accomplished Schooners Premier and DashiiiK Wave lost about Islands in April.

Broughtoneof Premier's crew. Died from Blond Poisoning. ROVIKU-T, N. May 19--On Sunday evening. Nfay 10, Herbert Davis attempted to open a Ixit tie of soda water with a table fork.

It slipped and entered his left hand near the making a deep wound Davis experienced little pain until Tucs day, when he consulted physicians who pronounced it a of blood poisoning The case baffled all medical skill aud Davis dieii jesterday in intense agony. Fruit Crop Injured by Frost. DANSVILLB, N. May m--A jcreat calamity has befallen the inhabitants ol Genesee valley in the destruction of enor mous prospective i crop by blighting frost. Ire formed half an inch thick.

It was tbe coldest snap at this season the memorable one of IKM, i left thf valley aw desolate aud barren of fruit a desert. Hotel Hurned. GI.EKN'S FALLS, N. May 19. Rock well's hotel at Luzerne was totally de stroyed by tire yesterday tOKether with cottage, an adjoining i i and all the i of both.

The total lost approximates jnfl.oflo, i insurance ol The property wa.s owned by George H. Rockwell. Took Part. Green to i Lor-KPoiST, May 1H soner of this city a to commit suicide a i i i Medical assistance was secured in i t-o save hl life. He Is a mechanic in the employ 01 the Holly a a i company Domestic infelicity is the cause assigned for the act.

A Wrecked Schooner. SAN FKAVCISCO, May News was re ceived here yesterday that the schoonei Dashing Wave, which acted as a tender tfl The Dashing Wave sailed from port March 10 far Sand Point. Morphia, aud WhUkey lld It. A example of i i i Is showi case of (il a i agem nf the A i a Expren Company Jamestown. He hat betn accused, am a i his i of opening rrgiftern I iddrtfcped to ihe mpany.

When confronted i i he broke down begged i a child for mercy. He iaj- i cause of his a was i and i i His cttue to light i limner.Gretn, a diiver of one of tbe expreti company's who has been employed by thej, Falconer a a i company to their mail at the Jamestown poitotfice and tc i it Itu them. A few dtyi ugo he got a package of letteri, four 1" of which rrgiitered and when he came to Ike ezprets office tu 1 laid thim on the desk while he loaded his wagon i cxpimi ter. be delivered the package to the company be remarked a Ihure were rcgietered luturi. Tbu ptckage was opened und only registered letter could be He, a told that wag only one.

raid he had receipt ed fur four. investigation a i made at the express aud several letters addressed lo the Falconer cuuipttnj were in the cellar under the i i i was accused of the the ft aud made a complete confeBiion. lie i not probably be itrrtilui! tbe matter ii out of tbe iadiction of Ihe postal authorities. His disrhaiga from a lucrative busineu will he all the puiisbment be i receive. U.

Graham WM in the employ of the American exprcsn company ii the welt and came to Jamestown two ago. lie hts beeu i for the company for tbe a yean and heretofore borne an excellent reputation. Uia unfaithfulness wan a great lurprise to a where he become very popular. Fraat Around There was a heavy frost around Weit Ilclcl a morning that (lid great damage to the grapes especially. Young vines a year old suffered ae tliejr had Htnrted growing.

It Is estimated lLat over U5 per cent of tbe yielding Krape viues were Young set Units bad not started much, so were not lo miy marked degree. Between the frusta a i have been so common i i and the drought, farmeri of this i bo in a bad way if we have a change soon. The ground is drier BOW a in the part of and vegetables that have been planted, especially potatoes are i i in the ground no gardens can be to do well, anil even auparagui will not grow. Straws berrie vines, a a a condition need rain as much as a i to start tUem. They suffered by the frost Sunday i perhaps more than any uiK elke.

A a peari, and other small i a a Literary Notea. Qeorge Laturop has written the for the of Lip. pincolt'v Magazine. It is culled "Ui Id of Pleasure." The eyes of travelers Mud pleature- seekers who weary of the beaten paths are at present i a i is said to possess nine of the finest anil most ic.en err in the world. An article entitled, "Is A a a i by Peikhani, M.

will appear in tbe Lippincott's. Few people know of the earnest and noble which is being done by a i colony of i i young women who have banded therasehei together in New York city. Their young ladies, all graduate! of colleges, are devoting themselves to practical i work among the poor, and have established themselves in a bonne on Uivington street. The College settlement IB tbe name adopted by the col- only for the organization. A history of i i i and a description of the life and work of its members baa been prepared for the Lippincott's by tleiter Dorsey Richardson.

Auk your grocer for The Cleveland Cook Book, the t'leveian I Ilakin rujton street, New 1 ork, i a vrill be mailed jon. Pledge mention thie'a aper. A Few Words Grand Army Men! Our to the veterans is plaiu and simplw. We warrant our Regulation Cloth G. A.

R. Uniforms to fast color and will a new one for every one that fades. Ai for pricts. we guarautee lower than other dealers for same qualities. BOYS'CLOTHINQ SMALL OUTLAY1 GREAT RESULTSI Our Bojs' and Children's Department in brilliant with styles and filled to overflowing with splendid values.

Two or three dollars spent in this department uiaken wonderful transformation in a boy. Our citock is a Full, Complete and Captivating One. strong and serviceable in here at $3 and $4 a Suit. The Btylish and dressy iu fine grades of Cassinieren, Worsteds and Cheviots, at $5, $, $7 up to $10 and $12 a Suit. The People's Popular Priced Clothiers, aio cr Par or The iipleu.litl i i large lut and barn bulldiug, aituatnl on corner nf and leer owned Thuuiui Maloncy la for sale or rent Parliei a great liirgitin.

uo paymenli may apply tu Mrt) Maloney Ueer alroet, or I) Tnoraev. Lloo street. SPECIAL A OTOUUAKT A 71k 1) opp 8. PaUel of. floa.

r-aveou, and MQOIMJ. I Trade Markireviitcrod. All Patent for moderate i Adflos and special tent OB '0. A. Burbee and Wni.L.

Phillips ith tu announce to the iliat tlwy have mlillo anl In HOU.1HTBR Over Lake Shore bank. Teeth extracted without pain. Offloe open rlav and evening. Tui potato not a but a psrt of tbe reot uf the plant, and the crop much moreoo the mil aud cultivation neceaarj lo produce a ous plant than an the uf the piece planted. Still there no getting around tbe fact that a large piece planted i etart much more vigoroua than Barber Business anl will bo found at the old sued ra Third St prepared Iwrlwnuic I hankinfr pant of tho I i i We "Want Reliable Help For all parts of the growi UK Wast.

Meck.nn-* of all H.MIH I'ry Uixids, (irowry (ieneral he- Hfnen(Wl lo Maniige htores. Mfa to Keep on Ranchen and (Jampa; Hotel, Mill ami Kxrin Help: Iron and llrli-k Tmnistm. llvrdrtK, I'lumlxtrs, Tiu- ninitlm, Haru nd rs, Kir. Sor.harcr-n til alflxUen prompily aniwerod. OUIBE Shadiai; the soil II (tore up nitrogen, wblrh Ii the moit costly plant foud The Delighted.

Tie pleasant effect and tbe perfect nafety with which may the liquid fruit larfatire, Hyrup of Figs, uo der all anake it their favorite remedy. It Ii pleading to tbe eye and to the gentle, yet effectual ID ins; on the liver and boweln. NEW lock Dressings --AT-- SALYEES OOHPUtTR LHTB ad Silvu Van! SOLID 4JTD PI.ATSD, DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, LEATHER CLOCKS- ARK AI C. C.

PEHFOLT'S, M4 HfliD BTFF4LO. lv At Vandermulen's GRE lain from a one vtriecv ol lo-xim healihy roeeii s.nd all flow. r. are to make up the hanKinK HI I ayyou Iu call on them, cor. Kagle anl DCNTI PORQE 1 That B.

Harris does rapalrlnfofall u.u^.i,^ sciseors. locks, raroiv carpet sweepen clou. aetting IB tV things aotboro 411 I.IFK or F. T. BARNUM FREE any one WBdlog the name and Mrrs.

all the books tgents loey M-IIi ten A ume over 600 superbly handsomely bound: AlcoUte of Owerul Hher- msn ai Hl.vry ol tbe Inalan War, rtle and free on Wonlml Krery where UbmTTervu. ra man wealth B.lltn 8t No matur how many useless TOU havi- taken, hotr much rtiscoumiced, or what u. body savs. rely it the Ca. Ui a Cure will remove all disexso Irom impure bloo.t whether scrofulous or spcciflc.

'o mineral, uo no relapses. BOldkyv inklr Are You Going To Paint? $155 lEWSPAPERr SPAPERf.

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