The North-Carolina Star from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 4
- Publication:
- The North-Carolina Stari
- Location:
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Sce foiutl) pac) "cijleKd tip iu the evm uii appeal, iheaid lrVfli.ilW shall liiakH a it llllil of their inCi wJilitJS lit ihe -3 und the just aulhoiiiy of their masters, and their consort-. tSec. 10: Be it further enuded, Thr.t none of the-pro- tPjSIEl with such white 'fU and free jersons of color, they visions of this act shall be construed to extend to any icaLED PROPOSALS, will to Mri. renmin W114 ut defiuuee the power of their masters, cor- swamp in the county of Currituck, lying below Indien a i ih offic of ih Compireller of Pubiu rutJtin? and seducing other slaves, and by their evil exam- Town creek bridge, nor to any swamp lands -which have "nil dy ot May nexi, for eo. 1 1 1 1 1 e.
1 1 1 flosmg Ihe Ccpnul cquar with a fence of Stout pie and evil practices, lessening the due subordination, nd been reclaimed and are now or tmy hereafter be used lcr ni iotu, pUn nwiit iii writu 10 lUe sitl touii, which shall lw consider- i inipatirin realyiho value cf slaves iu ihe distiktcf conn- graicultural jmrposes, or to any slave or tlaves employed 111 herunio uiijoincd; ndon ihe dy above referred try bjrdormg on the said great dismal for remedy cultivating the same, nor lo any slave or slaves, their ow-1 to, tl.c Cpminiiimrf of Bui'dinpi will on rtrtluf lUe kh.ciiii whereof. nors. pmniovers. or lingers, thai mar be teiDDorarilv ell- fu 1 l'1 1,1 1 I Six. I.
He it' enacted by the General Jstemllu of the gaged in-such swamp or iu cutting limber for or-Slutr of Xorlh Carolina, und ii is hereby enacted by the dinary plantation purposes. uuliorily uflhe same, That each and every person, whoj Ssc. it. Vc it further enacted, That this net shall be in shall design lo employ, or jwrmit lo bo employed, iu The force and take' elfcct, from and after the lirit day of March ofllie etnl.nuf amrtiing to tl irvUiiuli of the act ul 1U0 (jruoial Anwiiil'ly ut ill recn.l rnion. U'AI F.
t.LI., Board of Cutitmimr. J'tiblic Bm'lrlingi. Jny S6, 1817 4 am rd and fcCled u-xmi bv the suid ctuyl as ail 4jjetu irtmt j-" liceof pence ia citiicast, is coiifidi-rod uud acted "I' Iwfl lo jury in like manner such appculs art-, ai.d the Mtft evs shrift bo taxed ns in such appeals. Sec. 3.
licit further enacted, That no decision of the question pdttiuagca Ixj mudo hy said freeholder, until is made toapiieitr to ihutti t'int the parlies intended have liad fiveduvs notice ol the lime and pluc nt which, and wlrt'ii ihey will sit to hear the mailer in didn't', and that llipy shall allowed the stun ol two dollars oacli for tvdjir ditaiiu the mutter. 4'. lie it further enacted, That upon the final decision Cl the dispute as lo damages, if parly w1k seeks to recover d.un.ioes for injury done lo upon his lands, dies siM dismal swamp, any slaves, ol which boor she shall lie next. the ownr, or shall have the care, use or management, shall Ratified on the ISlh day of January, I 17. SPF.4 iriCATIOIVS.
An Act to repeal nil act, entitled "an act to repeal the I'l ird section ol an passed in the year '2, chapn 1-72, entitled "aii act to direct ihe maimer in which licenses shall hereafter be issu. lo retailors of spiriluous lapiou, so far as the counties of New Hanover and Kich-inond." Af it oarUillii ihe (ithfrul of the Slut uf Xorih Ul' tile ninntr in lncli ilic Kru f. iicloji Uie I'ublu- S.Ur, iml Cily of Kiigh. on llie Slirte lluu-e i eie. led, is l.uili.' I'll Fence lobe It-ill i a gou.1 anil nolid fuiiinljti.iii t1 t'oue luitl in irni; I lime inurlar, beneulli tile Miitlne n' lli cor id ujtl tu come up lo llm Iftcl of ihe eai4li ji whitli ts lo bo rmjrj a sjliJ, ilni-timl, tin'ic ro ii.g.
-Iv lu bes tiih. ami liilrru ii.e1 i wid a. tj be cigli. I'ctt ie the i ul lln-'J, uw tit licofcuitt iron; lh pannel uiMn to he ncnrcl at before so employing or permitting such slave to ie so employed, produce or cause to be so produced, tho said slave Ivfore the clerk of the court of pleas and quarter sessions of tliJtouuty iu which such slave is so lo be employed, and the clerk shall, upon his examination of such slave, prepare an exact description of ihe said' slave, specifying therein the name and resilience of the owner, manager, hirer or peiMr.i having the care or superintendence of such ihe name of the slave, his or her height, complexion, and Carolina, and it i tnucud by ilit cimhurbg ot' ihe mime, i 'I hat so much of ihealjovc recited act, asrehit lo thecouii- every mark or deseriplion by which such slave may run len nigii, live incurs ktid a liai! 1 ill nn'iei i.ear the base, and four inches ami a I a in ilminiVrf near the lop. as isXmvn i rtu' draw iiu; to I In I- lint recover a larger sum the party mukui entry on ie hold Iras or may oiler hefore the trml, it a ccnitieusaiioii tbr nch ditmatF, then hehall Ik' halle all the incurred, its well ili'ise tflorr! Ihe freeholders, us tho cost? in court Sec.
5. It it furth' enacted, That if any person or per-sous idiall ill'illv nijiire, or d.eface, or remove, fiity signal lnoininieiii, or appendam-s thereto erected, used, by vntne of lit i act, or ihe. act of Congress, lien, in l.elore such person or iiersmis, so offend-in( shall M-verally 'feit mid pay or each and every otfence, ihe sn. of one Isiuc'retJ lo be Mitd for and covered before any witui.J in this State, whose, jurisdiction extends tliiil sum in striis, ly tiny pe may fi the same, half the money to be paid in the treasury of ol Richmond, be, aud the same is heieby repealed. See.
2. 'e it fin enacted, That all laws and clauses oflaws coming within the meaning and purview of this act, 1)0, and the same are hereby repealed. Ratified 3th oi" January, 1S17.J An Act to amend the first section of an act entitled 'An Act concerning the l'ilots and Commissioners of Navigation. low, found, ami Uutnl, with an ornjnn al inn, as shewn in the dim nig. 'I he cxi! r.
liiiif I on the sloi.o cnj.iiij lo bo m.o hiith, and llm ruils of the lresil woik ai cadi i.d Ut imo ihe pannil posts, nnd the tnu oals also Ihe lop rail lo be 2 inches wide, I ol an inch thick Ihe top nf'iLt treiil on which the upriiilil rod art, be a inrlica I wide l.y of all inch thick; the nil of nil to ni 'st elfectuully known and identified; and such written description shall be entered um a book by him to be kept for that pin pos, and shall l.nthw ith make out and deliver to the owner, manager, hirer er person having such care and sutM'rinteiideiice a fair and true thereof, without any iulei iiueatioii or erasure, certified uudei his hand and the seal of the court; and the owner, manager, hirer or other person aforesaid, shall before employing such sluvc, or permitting such slave lo be employed in the said dismal swamp deliver such copy to him or her to be kept about his or her person; and if anyowner, manager, hirer or person having the care and superintendence of any slave, shall employ, or permit, or suffer such slave to be employed in the said swamp without procuring and delivering to such slave such copy as aforesaid, or shall otherwise olleiid against the pro-'visious in this section contained, lie or she shall be deemed gu i Ity of a mjsdemettnox upon con viction. -thereof' shall Beit enacted by the General Assembly vf the Slate of North the county wheiu the olience is cmnnniieu, the other hall to A Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of Ihe same. the Informer u'l-dTurthi-r, he or Ihey shall be ie in an 1 hat hercalter the said commissioners ol navigation ot the action on thorns, for any injury or injuiies so coinnutitd, to be sued and recovered for the benefit, and iu the name of the United States, before any coiut ul competent jurisdiction Ul tins State Sec. G. lie it art her euuefvd, That (his act shall go into elite iron and niter its passage: and that all laws and clan of Jaws couiing lhu.Uieuuiujf purview of this Cape Fear shall be elected on the first day of May.
in each and every year, by the citizens of the town of Wilmington, who are cut ii led to vote for members of the House of Commons of theGrciieral Assembly; and said election shall be held by the higli 'sheriff of New Hanover county, under the same xuled and- regulations: as the election members of the Legislature. Ratified 18th 7. Au Acl to aoicnd the 30ih section of ihe CV. Chapter of tho Revised Mtatnus cntiilcd "Saldrie and Fet." Sic, I. Beit enacted by the Gtnrtat of the State of be tined or- itrrprisoncd fft the discretion of the" totii haVilhg he SJ inches wide by of an inch, iliii-ky Jir upright rods lo be quure, 1 ini hcn in diaiueirr; Mnoiifth the top rail, and rest on the ti p- rail of lire treil work and let -into sockeli-, villi Ihe di(e of ihe rod or angki to the front, with au ornamental head l-ke that bbt-wn in" tlio draw ihg.
Inside of each puin. I poxt iht re is lo he an rod, wrought, ii inches square, lo pu from the lop if the post, and to be firm'y and wvurely f. tetted iu the tone roping. I here are to he fifteen upr Viftt pan4- i Wp dhail -he lour large galea fronting Ihe four entrances of the Male Utftiw lo be twet fptt Tridtf tn'twee tlie pouts; the galea to be folding (ho gste nosu and the gates to bo higher than Ihe of the fence, and in proportion to the fence; and on each gate pott an ornamental lamp, the frame of which ia to bo of caul tin aides to be covered ith isinglaas. The gates, in opening, to turn on iron rollers, running on iron bars let into solid atone; the gate posts and gales lo be alter the same pat.
lern aa the balance of the fence; all ofiheimn work to be of east iron, excepting tile rods which mm Httd Katifukt JSlli day of January, iS iy. cognizance tuereol. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That no free peison color shall work, or employ himself in the said swamp, without having gone before the ck-ik of the prope court, An Act "to amc tid the Laws regulating the inspection of I urpentwe and caused a description of himself to be taken and Sec, I.
it it tnucttd hu the Gtueuil ilxsemlhi of the ISortn VUrounu, ana it i IttreOy tnucttd by the authority of Stult of oYorti -Carolina, uud it is hereby enacted by the isteredin the manner prescribed by the foregoing section, and keeping and having ready to produce the copy of such the tame, lliai to much of Uie Mih section ul the CV. -cl juer of the Revised Statutes, us require ilie unanimous action ot the authority of the mmr, I hat every barrel of soft turtentme description certified by tho cleric as above directed; and shall bo of the weight of two hundred and eighty pounds any free person of color found employed in workius in the gross, free from nuy fraudulent mixture, packed in good inside of I Im posts and no. socksUed. -in the stone-f said swamp without such copy, shall be deemed guilty of and sufUcicut casks, made of good seasoned staves, three a misdemeanor, may be arrested and commuted, or bound county court to esinblisfi and regulate the lees of ihe register, wiihin the limits ia said acl prescribed, be, and ihe same ii here be repealed. Sec.
2. Bt il further enacted, That it shall be in the power of any county court, a majority of the jutuces being, present, to establish and regulale the oi the register in inch county, within the limits in the said section prescribed: and when the coping, 'he whole fence to be built according lo Uie drawing to be secu in the ikinptrolle r'a Orliee. Land lor Sale. over to tfie next court of the couuly in which he may be jurtof9of an weh' thick, and not exeeeditrg- five inches wide, end not 1us than thirty nor more iliuii thirty two -inches Ion, ami heads not less tliaii one, nor mro than so ioiind, and on conviction therof, may be punished bv fine, imprisonment and whipping, all or any of them, at ne ioch nd a half thick; each barret of soft turpeiitiue aid frcs. the discretion of the court.
twelve good hoops, and each barre of hard A fartia for. aide.uiniufl, It' lira1 on the rd'ad between Wartenton and Halifai, equidistant front both places, and has on it a Urae- siMl tv4t finished tlwellii aoJ other hou. MS. Liberal credit will be ei. be found employed or working in the said swamp, without the head placed perpeiidiculurly to the bung; uud if the such copy as is prescribed in the first section of this act, turpc'iuiie shall ve fraudclently mixed, the same shall be -Ttwtdemrwdrhy-tho irispectornrra deliveredrio ihe owucf oil such sfavr maybe arrested by the person or persons find en.
A flna location for a public house. 1 a. ing him or her, and upon being taken before a justice of Parsons tlAsirons of Miouirv or tialli'nn trie peace, shall bo sentenced to receive thirty-nine lashes on the premises, can call on the subscriber, or write uie court ju one year. Sec. 3.
Be it further enacted, Thai ihi acl bliall be ia force from and afler iuiratificauon. HaiiGed 8ih of January, 1817. An Act concerning Orphans and persons nan compos mentis. Sec. 1.
Be it enacted by ttt General Jlweiibty of the Slate of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That whenever any orphan, having any estate, has beea, or shall hereafter be, presented by a grand jury, iu pursuance of the nineteenth section of the 54th, chapter of the Revised Stat-, nreo, and for which oi phans no euilable person wilf act guardian; and whenever any person has been, or shall hereafter be, declared lunatic or non compos mentis, according to the regular course of the law, and for whom no suitable person will act as his or her bare buck; and tho person or persons arresting such slave shall be entitled to demand and havo of and demand; and every barrel of turpentiiie, after the same shall be inspected, weighed, fouud clean, and in merchantable order, shall be branded, or marked by the inspector, the soft with the letter S. and the hard with the letter IF. And for iaiich asit Js to so regulate the size of their barrels, that every barrel shall s-'weieh tlw number of iwundsTCrraired by this ucf, it is lohim ai WsBt Land, Jr. WM.
II. EDMUNDS. West LanJ, Halilax co Jan. 30, 1847. 6tf from the owner, hirer, manager, superintendent or person having the use of such slave, the sum of twenty-five dollars, snd- may recover the same by warrant before any justice of the peace, or may proceed against such slave as a run 8TE AM MARBLE WO KS, 2 ia Jq ib 3 3 5 5 3 -1 i ts ai a 2 2 1 3 Hi 3 -j a j.
-z "2. 3 1 1 -2. 9 J. 3 ti "3 a "5" A a 5 3 1 1 "7) gas i is ill III 3) 3 5 t5 3 3 ft a 5- a 5 -12 s- 3 CL Oi at 5 ca i a -r I 2 a. 2 a -ITS 0, era 3 2 T- R.
e. s-0 a a a auTN a 2-3 tm 3 3SS et ju r- a si S3 a "7 2. sis.5 9 5 V3 a C-O 3 BV 9 a a to 1-S--S 3 5-5 5 5. 03 3 5 3 5. io; 3 S-S 2 -5 Fes a 0 g-2 2.3.
3- 7 fl "3 OT A MS 3 1 3 Kl a -13 a' so cs -I 2" 3 ova 3 2. er "i 3 3 j. ITS a 3' 3 e- eS 9-- 3 aa at a a a a it si em 8 sal se -C 1 "3 1 i- 1 i 3 It 1 'i. I provided that 4he inspector shall make out wo fair bills of away, according to the laws directing the disposition of the same, the one lor the seller, and the other for the buyer, iu which ho shall designate tho quantity and quality of the Above Spriuir Oarden Street. PHILADELPHIA.
runaway slaves, and cause such slave to be detained in custody until the said sum. of twenty-five dollars and all guardian, then it shall be the duty of the court of equity to proceed to secure the estate of such orphan or lunatic, or person same, making aroporiional allowance to ihe seller, when oilier "charges shall have been paid. the barrel shall weigh more than the standard numlcr of This establishment is erected on an improved Sec. 4. He further enacted.
That "if anv slave or anv plan, and by the aid of ifleam Power manufactures all kinds of VtarWe Work la a superior atyle, and non compos mentis, according to the provisions of the act of 1841-5, entitled "An Act to amend (he seventh section of the Revised Statutes, entitled "Guardian and RaiiGed 12th of January, 1817. free person of color having obtained or having iu his possession any such certified copy as above mentioned, shall at the lowest prices for Cash. The largest and test assortment or Marble Man in said swamp consort with, or work, or be employed in tels ever ottered to the public may be seen ai the An Act to amend the 75th section, chapter" 34, af the Revised company with any runaway slave, or any slave uot having such copy, such slavo or free person of color shall be Ware-Koom, to which the attention porchasere ia raspecifully invited. Siaiules, eniiiled "Crimen and Fuuishaients." Be it enacted by General Jissembly of ihe Stale of Aorih Catuliha, und it is hereby enacted by the authority of Uie same. Imported bardon Statuary and Vaaea of Ihe deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished therefor, the slave by order of any justice of the peace by Thai it shall not be lawful for any person or persons lo sell or mrty-nine laslics on his or her bare back, and the free must tasteful design and patterns, made of the finest and handsomest description ul Italian Marble; Tiles for Flooring, imported, and alwxya oil band, and for sale at ihs most reaeonalda prices.
person of color, upon conviction in any court haviiiff iu- barter and deliver, to any slave, or slaves, any gun cotton, fire arms, swords, dirks or other side arms, unless those ariiclea be pound a established by this act, and the same allowance to the buyer when the barrel shall weigh less. fie. 2. JJtitfunlur enacted, That every maker of shall brand or mark every sucfi barrel with- the mitiai letters of his or her name; and in caso of his or her failure, the inspector is hereby required to mark the same with rl. initial letters of (he makers name, for which he shall receive one half cent per barrel, which fee shall be paidby" thojersoii'paying the fee of inspection, and by iliim may be charged to the maker; and every inspector shall keep a book, in which shall be fairly entered the tna-maker's jiarac, aud the number of barrels insjicctcd of tlie "samemmk.
WT Ser 3. ffJuflhtf. enacted, That, if any inspector shall iuspect any turpentine contrary to the directions of this act, or shall give any bill contrary to the same, he shall forfait and pay tho sum of dol lars for each of fence, one half to tho and the other half to the party aggrieved. Sec. 4.
And be i further enaded, That all laws and risdiction thereof, by fine, imprisonment and whipping, all ij Marble CuUers can be aupplied at all tunes. with any number of finished Mantels or Table or any of them at the discretion of the court. fur die owner or employer, and by the written order of the owner or employer of such slave or slaves, under the penally of one I ops, at reduced wholesale prices; and Ihe 1 rade Sec. a. lie it further enactid, That if any white per will be furnished- at the ahortest notice with all kinds of Marble in the block, or cut to" siies for son shall, in the said swamp, consort or work with, or em Monuments, Ac.
JOHN HAIKU, Ridge Road, abote Spring; tisrden St. Philadelphia, 1847. 0. 17u ploy, or engage to work said swamp any runaway slave, or any slavo who shall not have received such certified copy as aforesaid, he or slie shall forfeit the sum "ol one hundred dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt, by any person who will sue for the same, and shall be moreover indictable as for a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall bo puiiised by imprisonment, for not less than tlwee VT ILLIAMADHO.V IK 'S UHBRELLA.l'AttASOL, I'uriisoIcUc fc Shu Shade MANUFACTOUY, No. 86 Market Street, Fhilsd- A illiam A.
Drown invites Southern and West clauses of Jaws, coining iu conflict with the provisions of ern Merchants visiting Philadelphia to examine hundred dollars lor each oneuce, to be recovered, ly warrant, beloie any justice of the peace, and applied, one half to die use of the party suing for the same, and the other half to the wardens of ihe poor of ihe county; and, moreover, may be indicted in ihe county or xuperior courts of law; and the defendant, ou comsciion, shall he fined or imprisoned at ihe discrciiuji of the court; the riiie, however, not to exceed fifty dollars, or the imprisonment three months. Ratified lbth January, 1847. An Act to extend ihe time for registering grants, mesne conveyances, powers of attorney, bills of sale and deeds of gifts. Sec. 1 He it enacted by the General Assembly of the ulcof North Curulina, and it in hereby cuatfed by the author it ij of the gume, That all grants of laud in this State, all deeds of mesne conveyances, jiowcrsof attorney, ider which any lauds, tenements or lieredrtameuts have been, or jnay be conveyed; all otlier powers of which are "required lo be proved and registered by any act of Ihe General Assembly; all bills of sale, deeds of gifts already proved, or which may hereafter be proved, shall and may, within two years after I fie passage of this net, be admitted to registration, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, as heretofore appointed by law; and said grants, deeds of this act are hereby repealed Scev Me it furthtr enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after the first day of June, oue thousand ight htm red aud forty seveu.
Ratified 14th January," Ar I). 1S17. 7" --'Au Act to prevent the citizens of other States from drivius his stock of umbrellas, araanls, Purasolettes and Sun Shades, which will be found the largest and moat -complete assortment of desirable A'ew mouths, or fined, at tho discretion of the court. Sec. G.
Be il further tnucttd, That if any free negro, who shall be convicted of any offence under this in and sentenced by the court to pay a fine, shall bo unable t. pay or procure the same to be paid, itshalt be the duty of the court to order him or her to be sold for the said fine, according to the directions of the Statute providing for the sale of tree negroes for fines fnolhef cases. Sec. 7. lie it further enucltd, That any person or persons who shall apprehend any runaway slave in the said dismal swamp und t'eliver such slave to his or her Good in the market embracing evtiy variety from the lowest price Iu those at the their stock into this State-to at large tho forest rauge.
Sec. 1, Be it tnacUd bu the General Atsemblu of the Uwin? to a rreat rsduclton in some materials. Slate of Qrth ParoUnayaMiL i hereby enacted by, the of which I havo availed hpyst II, I ran ofler in-diicemenls to purchasers that Cannot ds fUind authority of the same, That if any person or person, who elsewere. My price will be fuund lh htwet 1- 4W muster or owner, or shall deliver such slave into the jail of are uo(4resiucui citizens oi inis oia, or go hoi own lanu in any county in the same, shall or cause to bo driven. the county wuicu such apprehension shall lake place, eiiy, and the Goods wartaJtUid of lite, tie niaicu.
fsclnrr. shall be entitled (besides any reward which mav have been into any county of this State, any' horses, mules, cattlo or PhiluJelphia, IU7. 3i. offered for the apprehension of such slave,) to demand and receive ot and from such master or owner, tho sum of sheepi from any other State, between the firt day of April and tho lust Jay if November, in any year, and still, them to ran at largo hi the forest range thereof, Shall for every fitvuliiahle Faiullv omiiiiiiioii- pi IX LECTURES on the lEsi Ut" TUB 2LO'GS. Csures, Pwvenlion ai.d (Cure of Con- tWenty-fire dol lars, paid bu demand, to recover t-such offence, forfait and jjnythe sum ot four dollar, for eve-' sumption, AslhniSj and of Ihe Heart.
1 ry bead of horses, mules, cattle or sheep so brought and On tb liwa of LoiiKevity, and ode of preserving ma and female health, aymmitry and Leaa- of mesne conveyances; powers "of attorney, bills ofsala, and deeds of gifts, shall be as good and valid as if they had been proved and registered within the time, heretofore allowed: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall he const nied to extend to mortgages, conveyances iu trustor to swamp lands, in fhe eastern of the State. Ratified 21st of December, Ail Act iu addition to ihe Revised StaluUs, entitled '-mills 4yt enposinjj onuses and thoer dicener thst ruduce Uottauniption, or shorten life, as af factions of ibe Skin, pine, Ktpmarh, Bowels, Kidneys. Liver, femfula, Piles, Jtael, and Fe-Btate Complaints. Its rules, eauy, practical, vd puie, form a lo perfect tirahh and long life. ti 324 rises.
50 cent. IVsisne the ramcrny-waTrant before unyjrancG -of the peace: Sec. B. Be it further enacted, 'Ihnt if any person shall falsHy niake, ibrge, or counterfeit, or cause, or procure to bo falsely made, forged, or counterfeited, or oid or asist in the false making, forging, or counterfeiting of any writing, purporting to be a coy of the registration of the description of any slave or free person of color iti this act mentioned, he or she shall be deemed guilty of a' misdemeanor, and on cocvictioii in any court having cognizance thereof, shall be punished by standing iu the pillory for one hour, by whipping, imprisonment for six months, and line: all, or any of ifmn, at the discretion of the eouit, due regard being had to the nature and circumstances of the olience. Sec.
He it further tnacted, That it shall bo-tue duty of tho several clerks of the comities of Gales, Chowan, Perquimans, Camden, and Currituck, to procure from the Secretary of State, whose duty it thall be to 9 l.tceuu. Uy SAMUEL 8HELD FITCH, M. M. at 707 UKOAOW.AV, YORK. Any person remitting fift cen'e, free; wilt to-etive one ccpy I mail, to any purl, 'the supplied.
Jan 147. 7-301. and inilUrs." Sec. I. Beit enacted by the General Assembly of the IS! ate of North Carolina, and it is hereby enactid by the authority of the game, That no (rial proceeding, now pending, or which may be hereafter commenced, according to ihe provisions of ihe said Revised Statutes, shall bo abated, by ike death of either the plaintiff ot defendant, or the mar-riace of any female plairiiifl'or defendant therein; bnt every offered to run at large; lo be recovered before any justice of peace of the county, eitlwr by warrant or attachment; one half of said forfeiture to the use of tho county, tho'otficr half 'to the use of the person' suing for the same: Vrovidid ul wayrt that no person who lives within live miles of the North Carolina line, shall be subject to tho penalties of this or any person who owns land in any county 'in this State, when he, she or ihey shall not bring more than twcii ly iicad of horses, or sheep, for every two hundred acres of land by them -owned iu said county.
Sec. 2. He it further enacted, That this act shall be in forco frriiu and after tho first day otApril ltflf. Ratified 1 1th of January, 1S17J Au Act to provide for the apprcheiision of runnwoy slaves iti 'the' great Dismal wamp bud for other purposes. WiercJB, many slaves belonging to persons.
rcsidmg or havfug plahtafioiism tho neighborhood ofj the great dismal swamp, ha vo left tho service of their masters and taken refuge, in ihe said swamp, mid: by the, aid offreo persoiHioi iolar and of hile nicif, havo beeii and to elude il utteinjrfs to w.rurc iheirpersonsT ami induce them again BIIOWNLUI', CO such suit nnu. proceeding shall be held and tateen to be with- turnisn tuein wun me same, printed copies this act, wlnchi ni the first Kiv wiinn iU Stot PET EKSUUKU, Va Ate now receiving tlieii FALL SUPPLY of iu ery large and well assoneti, embracing nearly every Article in their litit. They invite the attention of Merchants and Calton Planters to their stocfc of Cotton Uaggicg, Bala Rope, and Tariite. AUo ery lare supply of- Sole aud Upper Leather, at iMitusll' low i rn-es. Orders from lie eeantiy will aatct villi prom aUentkn.
i rerburg, Sent. 7, tf-3m they shall hare put up at the court house dooisof their res- culud "abatements," in the same manner, and to the ptclive counties by ihe first day of IVIajth next: that tho 5nnw as if such suits and proceedings had been ex, expenses of ihe same, if any, defrayed from the treasuries pressiy named therein. of the several counties, and that lor a failure to comply with, And be it further cnncUd, That this act thall be the requisitions of thisacf, the clerks of the said counties; force from and after its ratification. shaltba Itibiit to Jtidicttueut in the county or -superior and on conviction shall be filled at. (ho discretion of 'the Ratified Sth of January, 1847.1 -It i COttft.
second pngi.
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