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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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MISSION WOEK EN JBIJL Bishop Vidal Has Had Nineteen Arduous Years of It. Cannibal Goes Baolt to Franco to Got jlssistanco and Spread the Good Work Among Other Bishop Julien Vidal, of the Fiji islands, is spending- a few days in San 1 TVancisco on his way to France, where lie g-oes in search of financial aid and more missionaries to continue the work of Christianizing the South Sea islanders. He has spent nineteen years in the work, sixteen in the Samoan group and three at his present post since his appointment as bishop. Bishop Vidal is in the prime of life and of powerful physique. He is of medium height, and his face, which has been tanned by the tropical sun, is made yet darker by a thin black beard which he wears.

His 'thick black hair is spotted here and there with gray, but the years have evidently dealt kindly with him. Speaking to a Chronicle reporter of his mission he said: "Twelve years ago the Fijians were cannibals. At the present day the 'Solomon islanders, among whom I intend to go, are cannibals. Bishop Epalle was killed by them three years This cross I wear belonged to 'liTm. In the Fiji group are 200 islands, 80 of which are inhabited.

One lialand is 132 miles long and 110 miles -wide, and another is of about the same There are 135,000 natives and 1,800 Europeans in the group. In the Suva, there are 700 Europeans, land at Levuka about 200. There are jabcrat 300 Irish Catholics in the group. I Imvo IS missionaries and 19 sisters, sisters are engaged as teachers Ijn the native schools, in' which there ijtre about 4,000 native children, and the (Other four are in the white schools. are 14 churches on six of the islands.

We have about native converts and ISO native iCatechists. We have prayer books, icatechisms and hymns printed in Fijian, and I am about to print the vespers and gospel in Fijian also. This work is done by the missionaries, all of speak the native language. The printing is done on a small forty-pound A.FIJI WAEKIOR. press I took to the islands.

The lan- jjuage is not hard to. learn and a missionary can learn to speak it well in six We instruct the children in their own language and teach them history, geography and the four iroles of arithmetic. The books in Ithe native language. The geography is a general idea of the countries of the world and we have about 40 pages about Oceanica. We also instruct them I in the history of the church since Jesus 'Christ.

"We have a few catechists, who we jeipect will assist us greatly in our t-work upon the Solomon group. About lone thousand Solomon islanders go to (Fiji to work on the plantations there, i and we have baptized some of them. Wo 'expect that they will live in villages to- 'gether, to which the missionaries will go and from which, with interpreters, theymav go out to work among the 'natives." I-want seven, more mis- 'gionaries, who will make twenty-five in diocese, which covers nine degrees latitude, from 12 deg. south to 21 deg. 1 south, and 6.deg.

of longitude. "The Samoans are far superior both physically and intellectually to the Fi- but the Fijians, being of a more 'zealous nature, make better converts. The Fijians are of a far more warlike nature than the Samoans. The Solomon islanders resemble the Fijiana more than the Samoans. The Fijians ilive very simple lives, their only care Joeing to have enough to eat.

Their 'dress, which is merely a skirt from the troubles them but little. They dress the hair in many fantastic fashions. They have no use for money. The converts devote much time to prayer." Pinching Versus Pruning. Pruning, says T.

T. Lyon in an exchange, is always more or less -injurious. Pinching, so far as it can be made -to obviate the necessity of pruning reduces the loss or injury to a minimum. Young trees, pinched, at the proper height for the heads, will rarely start branches enough to form satisfactory heads; in which case these must necessarily be cnt away the following-spring. In such a case the pinching will have proved of -little or no advantage.

Trees pinched and Branched as suggested will thereby more stocky. fa feipoultry 'must be kept confined parted the run should be spaded up daily for the hens to scratch Xxmis Republic. AN INTERESTING ANIMAL. The Cryptoprocta Jnst Received In En- rope from Madagascar. The zoological society of has.

recently acquired a very rare carnivorous animal (Cryptoprocta from Madagascar. It has no English name, says CasselTs Magazine, but is general- known as Bennett's Cryptoprocta from the first secretary to the zoological society, who named a specimen sent to Ingland more than fifty years ago. Since then specimens have been- exhibited in Rotterdam and Paris, but till now we have had no opportunity of seeing this animal in London. Rev. James Sibree, late a missionary in Madagas- BENNETT'S CJJYPTOPBOCTA.

car, says that "when full'grown it ia about three feet long 1 with a tail of equal or slightly greater length. It resembles a small leopard in shape, with a thick fur of a uniform warm brown. "It is greatly dreaded by the natives for its ferocity and destructiveness, and from its mode of attack appears to he like an immense weasel, but preying upon wild hogs and even buffaloes." This is about double the -of the specimens in the gardens, which, though incessantly in motion, does not give tha visitor an idea of such terrible ferocity; and its canine teeth, which it displays freely enough, are scarcely larger than those of a full-grown domestic cat. This animal is extremely interesting from the fact that it forms a link between the family containing the cats and that containing the civets. Like the cats it can draw back its claws into protecting sheaths, though, them, it does not walk on its toes, but puts nearly the whole, surface of the foot on the ground.

In the character of the skull, also, it occupies a position between the two families. It agrees with the civets in having a pouch just under the tail, and when violently enraged is said to emit a most disagreeable smell, like that of the skunk. A REMARKABLE WOMAN. She Has Just Attained the Great Age of One Hundred and Sixteen. Frau Margarethe Kreitschik, of Vienna, who has just attained the great age of 110, is her baptismal record be a genuine oldest woman we have heard of in recent times.

She is still active, and personally sweeps and cleans up her own house, being able'' and always ready to talk to visitors, for whom she has ever at her disposal a fund of anecdotes about old times. Aged as Frau FRAU KKEITSCHTS, OF Kreitsch i is, yiESSA, AGED 116. she gets up every morning before eight o'clock and sets about her round of household work, which she goes through with conscientiously, even when necessary mounting a chair to dust the pictures on the walls. After this -she generally spends her-day seated at the window musing over friends dead and gone. She is -unable to do any cooking for herself, and her meals are brought her.

She has lived in Vienna since 1824, her husband carrying on the trade of a wood-splitter. "SWIM, FISH, SWIM." A Kice Little Eipcrlroent That Will (Unnse a Company. Cut out of a piece of ordinary paper a fish of natural size, similar in shape, says the Detroit News, to the one in our illustration. In the center of the fish cut a hole communicating with the tail by a narrow canal. Fill an oblong shaped pan with water and place the fish on the surface so that the under, part.will be thoroughly wet, while the upper part will be perfectly dry.

Propose to your audience to make this fish move touching or blowing on it. All you have to do is to let a drop of oil fall lightly into the opening; this oil will try to 771.1 spread itself over the surface of the water, but this can only be possible through the canal. By the effect of reaction the fish will be pushed inversely to the direction taken by oil, that is to say, forward. This motion will last long enough to allow tha to see with astonishment the movement of a simple piece of paper on the surface of the water, without knowing how the effect has been obtained, unless an explanation is given them. IMPROVED LIFE.RAFT.

Admiral Ammen Is Sure That TMa "Just the Thing." In this cut is shown Admiral Ammen's latest improvement upon the well- known life raft invented by him to meet certain war time exigencies. The admiral, writing in the Washington Post, is quite sure that he has hit upon "just the thing." A Mute Cow. Alexander Skerkoff, the Russian veterinary surgeon, reports the case of a deaf mute cow. She is twelve years old, of Algava breed; belongs to a Kussian nobleman and has never showed sighs of hearing or been known to bellow. Seeing that other cows bellow she tries to imitate them, stretching out her head and opening her mouth; not, however, producing the least semblance to a sound.

Two of her offsprings have been curiously- malformed. One had its tail directly between the eyes; it lived but a week. The other is a full- grown cow of five years, with her udder in her flank, about eight inches from her backbone. up Life's JK With youth, vigor, ambition and an indomitable will to help us, is no such grevious matter, but tottering down again, afflicted by the ailments which beset old age our backs bent with lumbago, our elastic muscles and joints stiff and painful, is a woeful piece of business. For the infirmities which the decline of life too often brings.

Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a beneficient source of relief, a miti- g-ating- solace always -to he depended upon. No regulating tonic evolved by botanic medical discovery is so well calculated, so thoroughly able, but without undue stimulative effect, to help the aged, the delicate and the convalescent to resuscitate the vitality of a frame which time and physical decline have impaired as this. Kidney and bladder weakness and disorder, costiveness, malarial complaints, dyspepsia and rheumatism are among the bodily afflictions which this sterling recuperant and regulator overcomes. to29 Something New In New Kilo Meal. This process retains all the sweets and nutriments of the corn.

It is this process that has given Kentucky and Yirginia its great reputation for corn meal. To be had at the leading groceries. We are also manufacturing pure whole wheat flour. This is also on sale at all the leading groceries in one-eighth barrel packages. There is more nutrition in this flour than in any other made.

We are now prepared to grind corn for feed in any quantities D. C. H. Urn. Southern Antidote for MaJnrla.

It is generally known that Simmons Liver Regulator is relied upon to secure immunity from all marial disorders. This is proven by its popularity, and anyone who has lived in the South has seen its curative effects and the protection it gives against this weakening and dangerous malady. It acts more promptlythan calomel or quinine, without any of their injurious consequences. to2 IT'S A If anything in the world will make a man of common sense feel meaner than anything else, except when he pinches his fingers in a crack of the door, it is when he has had a quarrel with his wife. Quarrelsome people usually are bilious, and have a bad liver, and should always keep a bottle of Dr.

White's Dandelion in the house as a safeguard against family jars. Sold by D. Pryor and B. F. Keesling.

to2 A Foiil-Moiitlied Woman is even worse than a foul-mouthed man. no one need be foul-mouthed if they will only use SOZODONT and rub it in well. Don't spare the brush and spoil the mouth as some parents do -with their children when they withhold the rod, to29 Over Fifty Years. An 013 and Well-Tried Kernel "WLnslOW's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years to Millions of Mothers for their Children While Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Soitens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cure Diarrhoea.

Sold hy druggists In every part or the world. Be sura and ask 1'or Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottla. BncJUcn'a Arnica Solve.

The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or. no pay reaulred, It Is guaranteed to sive perfect sat-. Isfactlon, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. FOB SALE BY B.

F. Keesling. (ly) Miles' Serve and Wvcr Pills. An Important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves.

A new, principle. They speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation Splendid lor men, -women and children. Smallest mildest, surest. 80 doses for 26 cents. Samples, tree at B.

F. Keesllng's, 1 Pain attend the use of most catarrh remedies. Liquids and snuffs are unpleasant as weU as dangerous, Ely's Cream Balm is safe, pleasant, easily applied into the nasal passages and heals the Inflamed membrane giving relief at once. Price 50c. THE REV.

GEO. H. THAYEK, of Bourbon, says: ''Both myself and 1 wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Consumptive Cure. Sold by B. F.

Kees- SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure la the remedy for you. Sold Keesling. 2 Biliousness, constipatioa, torpid liver, cured by Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. Free samples at B.

Keesling's. (3) CATABEH COKED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. Sold B.

F. Kees ing 3 Fits, spasms, Sti Vitus dance nervousness and hysteria are soon cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Free samples at B. F.

Keesling's (4) ADVICE TO If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Menstruation you must use BRADHELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR CARTEHSTI'JiE, April 2fl, 1880. This 'will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after ImvinR Buffered Cor Years fro 31 Irrcjrularlty, tuinc treated without benefit by physicians, atlonpthcompletelycuredbyona bottle of BriuHicld'H Female Its effect is truly wonderful. J. Vf. STRANGE.

Book to WOJIAN mulled FREE, which contains valuable MrormaOou an nil female discuses. BRADFIELD REGULATOR ATLANTA, GA. JFOJB SALE XX A.LI, DKUGGHSia. Sold bv Ben Fisher 4th street. G6LD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878.

W. BAKER Breakfast Cocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, ia Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicats are used in its preparation. It has more, than thret times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, EASILY DIGESTED, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health.

Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER Dorchester, Mass. We we have thorough knowledge of the ins onts of newspaper advertising, pained in experience of twenty-five years of Advertising placing contracts and verifying their fulfillment facilities all departments careful and Intelligent service. We offer our services to all successful contemplate spending or $10,000 in newspaper advertising and who wish to Of t'be- uln most and Until Dest H6VK advertising for system Vnrt the 10 money.

business; have the best eonipped 10 far Spruce comprehensive as Of well Ol.f as the most convenient 0 PINE-APPLE SYRUP FOR YOUR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA AND it 18 unexcelled as a CROUP REMEDY. So pleasant that children cry for it. Cures all Throat, Lung and Bronchial troubles, and is pleasant, positive and For sale by J. Cb.3 rpODTffANTELS CHlCA AYE CATALOGUE raarohl7iI3ra REMEMBER LING IS THE NAMEOFTHAT Wonderful Remedy That Cures CATARRH, HAY-FEVER, COLD in the HEAD, SORE THROAT, CANKER, anil BRONCHITIS, Ertce 91.00. For Sale by leading Druggists.

Klinck Catarrh Bronchial RemedyCo 82 CHICAGO. CUKE FOB BRIGHTINE DIABETES, Correspondence valuable free. discount to ande. TT5I. T.

tt Salle Street. Bllmentc Chlcn-ro. HI DO YOU WANT TO BE "IN IT" On the Ground Floor IF YOU DO Read Carefully, OM Decide Wisely, Act Promptly. For a Week, or Perhaps Ten Days, THE DAILY JOURNAL Will offer the Citizens of Logansport and vicinity a full year's subscription to the Daily and Sunday Editions, also a complete set of the Americanized Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ten Large, Handsome Volumes. S30.00 The Encyclopedia FOR BOTH The World's Present History Embodied in the columns of THE DAILY JOURNAL.

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The Statistics of the present Census of the! United States, together with all the informationJ on every subject of interest in the 'Whole! Universe, has been compiledand brought down to date. I A An Entire Library in Itself, WitMn the reach of every household in this, broad land, and on these remarkable terms: fp The Daily Journal and the Encyclopedia in ClotK down and $2.50 a month for eight months. The Daily Journal and the Encyclopaedia in Sheep down and $3.00 a month for eight months. The Daily Journal and the Encyclopedia IB Halt, I Seal Morocca Binding down and $3,25 a. month' 1 for eight months.

Our galemen will call upon you with sample copies. of the work and arrange the terms. This offer is for a very limited period and those de-i siring to secure great premium must contract for itj at once..

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