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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JANUARY 13, 1032 BRUSHING UP SPORTS Laufer Mini Mavc Tall Cagcrs Plenty of Skill for Campaign on Court. ISY CLAIKi: lll'KCKY M'A Ken-ire Spurts XVrller CKICAGC--AS time in on Iho Ton kns'ttlball r.u'e iion'1 bo 'log snr- if the boys tout lllinoi.s as IV.u next champion of the Conft'U-nte hcop circuit. Tliut, in tplc of frwn NGithv.cEtmi, Minnesota, Michitjan Ohio Tlie tjoitii; rougher lh-j Illiiii swim? into the sccor.d trme.ster of caye A'H? thu Wildcats, (Jouherh, Wulvprinci ai'id IJuckcyes will Seoul tiie path. Jiut tlic way Couch t'iiisy Lamb. i'.

lonti'iulets was lip eiioucu lor of tin; (Titles. ') Illinois contributed th: surprise cf taijjp.ii^'n ,1 year im 1 Hsi five straight panics und linn i-ame bark with seven viclor- a row. Two veterans a'. that aggregation were tost by graduation. But six Icttcrmcn returned, by Captain Babe Kamp and i'is brother, Bob.

Captain Baas on the shelf with injuries, lie return to the when the tpcuid half starts. The Pui'flne leum that Illinois tcoi: camp tlie other nisht wan veteran all the way. Co-Captains Johnny Wooden. All-America for two seasons, cum Harry Kclhr lire aided Vi'lmn Forwards Kd- tly and Porter, Ccnteis Stewart and Winer and Guaids Parmcnter Husar. Purdue isn't as biq as tome oilier rii-als, lliat mwv Uie biggest Handicap the Boif- crmakcrs face.

NcrtliiVEstern's three regulars ol Ihe 1931 champioBShlp-dcfcinliiis team are Captain McCarncs, Joe Reilf, high-scoring forward, and Bus Smith. The Wildcats ar undefeated and have taken Wisconsin and Indiana. Minnesota's big club may be Ihe (lark hers? cf the race, it Illinois im't that. Cor.cli McMillan is without and Behccning. higii- icoring forwards uf last year.

But seasoned vi-tcrans in Bethel, cenlci'; SomrriLr, forward, and Liehl and Captain Mike Cielusak, -A Writ I Gcchacki and Wells Wri-iil, fcr- 4 wards. flic Gophers troimce vclcran (cam, headed by Captain Noim Daniris, wilt be lough fur all rivals. Ihe seasoned Wolverines are Williamson, foot- bui! captain-elect; Weiss-, PiMrJp, Tcisnicr nmi Evcland nnd they've' already made room for Garner, junior center of six feet four inches. 'ihe Wisconsin team (hat N'orlh- Wf.slcrn and Michigan neat by margins is the biggest Coach Itec Meanwell has had years, captain. Pcser aiui Dang Nehon arc Meanweli's veterans.

Ohio State with (wo victories is Mill mi unknown quantity. Coach Ctton'a Buckeyes trimmed" Illinois v.nicli wasn't expected. They teat -own Jii a close Hoircr Is llio best pi Hie Ohio heip from r. Ecphouioru i'air. Colburu and Comad.

Indiana must be weak this sea- ton, liic Hooucr record of I'vo aetiMts ami no victories is unusual Ccacli ncan staricrt v.iih a. live vetrrnns, including tr.ive, teller, Campbell. Dickey Vic Ejiicr. Tiie ifoosicr.s- clicked yel-but ihcy'l! bring 8nL U) Chicago and Iowa may airpiis- I-sit nobody is it. b-j; one veteran.

Jack Kotlov: Ali'iL yciinj center -c-otal E3 far Chicago h'is- Aslilcy. SlephciiFon. Parsens, Rcxiiijcr and Frairirr. ia lo Iliis whii- er. Only and StopJieina,) as regulars Iho icVin THE LAST SCORE, THE HOST FoirlS S2Dft3p IH A 225-Pound Babe again, and here 5011 see Ruth as lie weighed ill at a New York Bym- iiasium.

The scales said 225 1-2 (he lowest pro-training fijiire in ten years. won four bncl: Craig iiair.s before Icsl cislit a to Illinois. or pnst three and a haU years uu i.nt.u- i naJI years ii n.uiu.uiy 15 iree irom al lias announced his resignation f- obstructions. The boundaries are al 'PC (iVG Jriinuirii I 1 llrnO fr-nf- fective Friday, January 22 jttiiuiiry uiifu itei, rcruQVra irtMTl Sloe- Hudson will leave that night for linc or other ob.structlons tne University of Tesns where he Tho CENTER CIRCLE is four iiu uuiii ijiv js lOUl He exricels lo get liis teet 'n diameter, marked Into two rrp ft'nm tlm pnnnl ti master's degree from the universi ty In the summer. The Chicknsatr coach will direct Ihc Blythcville high cagers iii tlie lonrnamenl to be here on the 22nd as his final act as heart or athletics here.

Hitnson lias established an enviable record with his teams in various sports while; here. Hudson's football teams have been unusually strong particularly up -Jntil the past season when a urecn team and linrd schedule forced the ranking of the Chicka- stuvs down. Hudson succeeded in cshednling games with Pine Bluff. LiUie Rock and other strong teams in the state that Blythcvillo had never nisi on the gridiron before dining his slay here. The Chick mnctor who came here fresh from Hemlrix college where lie- was a star athlete plans to (jive up his cloaching when he leaves hero and devote his time to studies.

He plans to continue his studies for several years. iiarbcr Sliop Ciiorrt said barter, Jmnsclf nonchalaiilly with hbi guest's tresses the while. The tail guy didn't take it 50 hard. "Thai's whiil I heard a. while ago," he said.

"Why?" Adoipii told him like The tali guy who (old evcrybojy this: he was 'way ahead the rarer, "Hat vas pulty rank deal. Dal winter 1 droiipcU in at bar- horiss vas tipped all over de coun- ber shop at noon. He stooci penis- try. A gang at de Irack bacfcd ing a scratch sheet ior sovorai down de cdds to I'rce lo five. Den.

ininiKes, ihcn a few words before dc race, dcy bet hun- cn a mile pad. idreds v.ll dollars on anodder lioriss. lie (ore off Ihc flip anrt handcj iVnv chance did a bookie haff? it to ihe barber, a man as vailed till dc last wif AdoJph. Adoipii held the sliejrs a small crowd al de track, laid iwiscd over his left ear 'n de dough on some u-Jder dog. S3 as lie jiccred through the lr 1:1 ''i' uu ULJ jjuan; tr i mo loivcr half Mere's no jxij-off no payoif hi cr.iijf iuiby In; had oihtr! 01 'S glasses at the slip.

is I Chicago cider, no payoff in New that luokcil kind of rhap wiio iias lo whis- 1 South Side In Win OvevOsccoIa u.ii^ LI Linden 01 5i Ico1 1r i "eh center Florence Voian--ir the veterans llcl (ho Kamp brolh- Siill, tho ill: team from Champaign. York." Oil lib en tiaby. Linden Tree' hot tip that same here lead throucli ciOicd i tn .1 lo scratdi sheet odd5, 1 0 1 11 a 00 Kic! an choice, tlie layers we're having a happy altcrnocu -hortly a poM tune for the nrst raco A nickel into OSCEOLA. jan 13 South Sid: H( 3 School lioys of t.reiijjiiiis dcfcalcd Osccola 20 to 10 hi a hard n. ionic, tram unuuji, cm 10: iasi, uio lau guy came awn -m itors tlic iccrc during rc ati on to li vas 1 hcne.

He 'vepncne. He day, ailcr rosier r.aa th- thc olhtr cni 'o: "in tho tall guy came around inc rciuits. JuMirc; Tlis tall guy said nothing. He look up tlie scratch sheet and the pad and wrote another name, and hatid- it to Adolph. The barber peered ol the slip, and "Missus Foster, dal vim's ten lo vim on de line, trendy to vin, you tryin' lo eel riiigc, huh?" "Yeah," tho reply, "and will yon put me on th2 cull for thai cm for a coupla days?" Adolph scowled.

He didn't like to put customers or. tlie culf. But the tall guy always seemed okay. So he acquiesced. Next day, aflcr Foster tot few minutes or the A tiirls game trtvvcc-n Hie hishi team an alumiii 0 1 dropped thi: receiver T', 10 1 1 Iho'other end spot-- CtOlhh "You owe me lie said.

by iho liich schco! u.rl.s his a score of fC to 9 and pale. "Twcnly-nm, Hall Garner Jacks for the Then Adolph went- on shavin panie: Oiccola K.iircl Xost day mil lxno way ahead" came iaio ihe I Mimaliber shop-early. ABOUT BASKETBALL Hudson To Quit Job iic-nry Hudson, director of nth- 4 "i'i" uvt-u pi ay in Jtlies at niyihcdllc liigli sccwl for collri fs a rcclanffular space. Tr.c llic nnst surfncn nnturn IK- rrm. BV CLAIItE BUKCKV riuhl, 1933, NEA Service, Irio.) The approved basketball playlnj, surface naturally is from al least llireo fc-t removed froin side- equal divisions by a wcll-dcnncd line parallel lo the lines.

FREE THROW LANES, as de J3HSV3 fined in the rules, are spaces at either cud of the floor marked by lines at right angles to the end lines at right angles to the cud lines al a distance Ihrcc feet on either side of the middle of tlie end lines. These arc extended in arcs of circles having a six-foot radius, with Ihe center at'the middle Of Iho FREE THROW LINES. The dislonce from (lie free throw line lo Ihe unckboard is 15 feet. ami to the end line 17 feet. Only when a foul has been connmllcd a iwnally free throw- Is awarded do tho tree line nnd lanes have any bearing on the game.

NKXT; Three Essentials to Hit Game. The Brilish Museum has a piece of Iron taken from the Pyramid of iiiiich is believed lo date from 40CO B. and an nxe head of Egyptian manufactiire dnHiig rom 1370 13. c. "Oh, no I don't." was the nonchalant reply.

"I bet Mrs rr at ten to one on the srratrh flue: She ran last, but the form odd show that she was backed down 4 to 5 before the barrier was vn No payoff. Mister AdDlph. oh r.o! What chance lias a got' Wherewith he turned, tlie door and strode out. Yes, sir, air Ot 1 Adolph greeted him sour- AM Adolph turned and Pay oft on dat ShaV hls custollicr BlLLCiXLECToRIS FINOS PEOPLE'OUT. IpltA tiOKtH THMJVS To LEO SMiTH, COURIER NEWS lULS.

Cage Teams Lose To Luxora llnikclfiTs of hluli (Icfealcil lllytliovllle hluh In two Biinics Hi Luxurn Just Jilghl. '1'lHJ girl Cllgl'IS, of (he fnsleit (ciiilnliie nii- H-nntlons In Oils run wild in (rlinmliiu the Ulyllicvlllc Hlrls 'U to 7. 'I'he boys' stune WHS hunt rout lit (lie- ivny with the liiixorii Uoys tiding out th local (inlnt nl the Iliuil wlilMlc, 14 lo 13. "OCIIKSTKR. N.

lUI')-MliS Julia Caisslity luis celebrated her lOIHh blrlhdny. She her secrel ol reaching (he cenlury murk wus icd on lols of II." A formation ot ID U. S. Anuy lilatirs attnliied 1111 nllltnde of tCO ffci, which Is bolievMl lo bo Ihe H'cord for (unnulloii nltiludu AN Scrap Rook RV i Tim Iwtt Winer, In Yeuiir Hut HP Dirt Maiiuic to Ills llatUs and FJCI- YQIIHR Clrliro, (he Aus- iRATH 1WN AGAIN In sluipo was wlieu arlffo WBS trrcMnt a short llmo before a light. 'Him lio'd train In Jan to Miuiy llmo Ms joiilcncc wns set Ughiwiuht nmrvtl, lo keep him behind lliq tars until tor iiflil caiiwd ninny trainers the of a bin flslil bcranio Krny In (he old The I couldn't convince him ll, I ono coiilUbo of HI 3 10 ms nlld gh In it vat touthtn hli fiux and rumli "rul- lr, I hit on piu wuid tor for fijhter before "Iron lii the t'uta In UK bJkclumlthj used to oaoi was ft fluid In thox dtys.

brine alia wu I tteercd Orllto to a shop wliero there WM partlcultr- 11 lron bet him if I throw a oofak In the barrel, lio couldn't nth It out. Or Wo HUJ the tact of Ud wKo would bet on which lump of lly would tlljhl on let you pick your lump. Ke took off liU rolled up his oiwncd his shirt and feined over )Uo tho tub. Finally, altn- junib, around, ho camo up with wet Hand), ariui, face and neck, the coin ami a trlumplunt 'nicrcafter, whenever wo it blarksnilth ehoj), Qrlffo would-- wmil to stop and flsh for coins I'd loss iho bet every time-but I gat Us (aco and hands toughened UD however, Vl Tli nrci( of Montnna Vinro miles. still time to Beat Old Man Winter with Magnolia VI it Service your car against cold wea GET THESE IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS TODAY! 4 Drain CrmWcate and Refill with Correct Winter Socony Motor CHJ.

Grease car including nolia Stecrcajc, Winter Grade of Special Magnolia Lubricants aj recommended by car manufacturer. 2 Drain, Flush and Refill Differential witfi proper Winter Grade Magnolia lubricant. A Drain, Flush and Refill Transmission with Winter Lubricant. If Freewheeling, Refill with grade Lubricant as recommended by car manufacturer. Fill Tank with Winter Gnidc Magnolia Gasoline.

Flush and Clean Radi.ilor thoroughly, putting in Anti-f reczc or Alcohol if necessary. Check Battery and Fill with distilled water, remove corrosion and grease terminals. INTER! caH play feyoc JsrltK your car, if you let it. Just pn.0 'freezing nigHt cari flo cnougK Damage to cause you enollcss ami a sizable; repair till. jWc Have ma3c It pbssiBlc, MAGNOLIA 7, POINT SERVICE, for to enjoy summer performance twelve months in die year.

Study tKe 7 tant precautions at tHc left. Notice tKoroughly they "Winter-Proof" yital points that arc most apt to dam-i ngcd tKroiigK freezing wcatHen ''Winter-Proofing" your car with 1 NOLIA 7, POJNT SERVICE means a ridi dance of winter automotile Drive in, as soon as possible, to 3 Magi nolia Station or Dealer and Have you? STAY WITH MAGNOLIA PETROLEUM COMPANY STATIONS AND DEALERS IN TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA AND NEW MEXICO.

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