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The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri • 1

Kansas City, Missouri
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CrHE iillotyzing KANSAS CITY STAR) SUBSCRIP110 RATE memning Evening and Sunday (IS paper a delivered by canners in Katniae CR) and victrilly 10 1I'LLE By mall postage prepaid Inc a week one year150 All wall ubberiptioust are payabl In dvanc( SUBSCRIBERS Failing to receive the Morning Evening or Sunday Editions should report the tact Vie ano 0 by TELEPHONE 20 MAIN 6MINEI 1 it! 4y214 A i VOL 73 No 96 KANSAS CITY APRIL 22 1910-FRIDA EIGHTEEN PAGES I 10 ENT') CENT YEARNED FOR A BROTHER OP 4 OISTRUST CUMMINS SAYSi VISSOF-111 SHOWLIM Town SCHOOLS OUTGROWN AGAIN MARK TWAIN HAS LEFT us GttlEF AND EODILY PAIN ENDED FOR H'M LATE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON I HE PROGRESSIVE SENATOR EXPLAINS RECENT REPUBLICAN DEFEATS THE BOARD ASKS 3-4 MILLION IN BONDS FOR NEW BUILDINGS Kase Me My Glasses" the Cant Weirdo He Over the Deaths et His banrhier and Friends Hastened the End eters Are Prolamine to Weeder Wartaee Patine liervanta Are an Alert tor he People as for the Inieresie His itimonomle There Is Grossing Demand for High Settoot Out Northeost and I Mord Go to toter Nest Mouth Leonard Lois Han Away From McCune Farm but Hasn't 1eleomed Home Fear that be would be whipped if he went home and desire to go home to see his 4-yearold brother were two conflicting forces that influenced Leonard Lots 8 years old of 2613 Askew Avenue in his wanderings yesterday He was sent to the McCune Farm ten days ago because his father could not control him Early yesterday morning he ran away and started to go home At daybreak a farmer overtook him south of Independence and invited him to ride From Independence he came to Kansas City on a street car Passengers on the car paid his fare Up to the time be stepped from the car in Kansas City he had been eager to reach home but suddenly it occurred to him that bis parents would not welcome Fair mad Cooler Weather Predicted for Katmai" and Oklahoma The Washington forecast Is Nlissouri and and cooler Friday Saturday fair Friday cooler in east part Saturday fair warmer in west past Friday cooler in central and east parts Saturday fair warmer In west part East Friday cooler in north and west part Saturday fair cooler in at part brisk to high winds The maximum temperature in Kansas city yesterday was 84 and the minimum 53 The maximum a year ago was 67 and the minimum 36 Yesterday's readings of tbe thermometer follow: 7 a 57: 5 84 8 a 60 6 St 9 a 54 7 78 10 a tu 661 It in "6 11 a -0 4 in 74 12 noon 74110 73 "DIM IN trEnr STATE IN 1980" LAWYERSCAN'TMUDDLEHER Joh Sobieski Veterans Lecturer hays Ms Job Won't Last Longer John Sobieski of Los Angeles opened PEARL KELLAR THE SWOPE URSE the statewide campaign for prohibition A MATCH FOR HYDE'S COUNSEL last night in a opeech at the First Christian Church tie has lectured for Ali Their Notes Conte eee ee sad eagles' forty-three years in every state which 1 of Her 1ttmouy time to hail banished or has attempted to abol- Ilia Against the Atate's ish the saloon he believes that the Star Witness passing of the saloon will come within the next ten yeats aud that the liquor I How many men either for that answer correct ly for three hours the questions of an I expert cross-examiner trained in all the tricks of lawyers to tangle a wit Dens? Substantially that is what Miss Kellar a nurse did yesterday aft- ernoon in the trial of Dr charged with murdering Col Thomao Swope A careful review of the ex-Now lamination failed to disclose that the stumbled in any' particular de-saloon tail But to say that Miss Rellar answered questions three hours is sing the tamely She waa called tat to describe quickly and without ER poQle I of an in all wittt Miss lay aft- Hyde l'homao the erit the lar de- swered the called rttbout REDDTIgGy Com April longhorn Clemena died peacefully at 6:30 o'clock tonight of Elena pectoris Ile lapsed into coma at 8 o'clock this afternoon and lever recovered consciousness It was the end of a man outworn by grief and acute agony of body Yesterday was a bad day for those WAtlifINOTON April 21--At the end of a FpPech on the Railroad Bill this afternoon Senator Cummins of Iowa talked very plainly to his Republican brethren He undertook to give reasons for the recent terrific 106140 to the Republican party In Massachusetts and New York In doing so he told his party associates that It Is a question of public confidence In the good intentions of the men who bold office am Republicans We sometimes wonder what is wrong 'traffic will be stamped out by 1iI31) It job as a lecturer urn end then he says Mr Sobieski la of Polish royal blood He was sixth in line for the throne of Poland His ancestor John the Great helped to save Christianity from the Mohammedans He came to America when 13 years old and enlisted in the Union Army as a bugler His time since the war has been devoted almost exclusively to prohibition work Now that the campaign is on In Mis-1 souri Mr Sobieski will lecture on anti-' saloon shbjects in this state until the election in November "We will mar-1 shal all the educational and moral organizations of the state for a strenuous I campaign" be said "Speeches will be made in every district Missouri will line up with the other prohibition states November 8" SOFT FOR THE RUNAWAY HORSE1 traffic will be stamped out by 1iI30 Ills job Re a lecturer urn end then he says Mr Sobleeki la of Polish royal blood He was sixth in line for the throne of Poland His ancestor John the GreatI helped to save Christianity from the Mohammedans lie came to America when 13 years old and enliated in the Union Army a a bugler His time esixnecieustilTieelyattior 11raoshibbeietutondeootred almost that the campaign is on in Mis- swirl Mr Sobieski will lecture on anti- shbjects in this state until the election in November "We will mar-I shal all the educational and moral or- elite nade in every district 3lissouri Again Kansas City hag outgroAn its 8ehoo1s The board of education believes another high school building and several new ward schools are needed It decided at its meeting last night to ask the people to vote million dollars In bonds for new buildings The special election probably will be held next month One result of the bond issue probably will be the erection of a high school in the northeast part of the city The Northeast Improvement Association pe-' titioned the board last night for a high school in the territory north of Fifteenth Street and east of Woodland Avenue Twenty-five residents of that I part of the city with four spokesmen appeared before this board with statis-! tics to show that about eleven thousand 1 pupils from seventeen ward schools are attending the three Kansas City high i 2:4 I 3-i Ott' 7" t4 schools Many of the high school pu- Mee Williamsburg Bridge Gates topped pils the spokesmen asserted had to go 1 the First One Unhurt I long to school 1 Nsw Yoatt April new run' 'The high schools of Kansas City are away gate at the Brooklyn end of the overcrowded and anothPr one on will 'Williamsburg Bridge was put to a sue I have to be built" said Edward Scarcessful test today when a horse beyond I rift an attornev "The Northeast has i boosted all Kansas City propositions the control of its driver dashed into the and we think that something is due us contrivance and escaped within turn We hope to have crosstown out a scratch Heretofore it is claimed car lines and it is certain that we will per cent of runaway horses on this have them by the time a high school 1 bridge were killed when they plunged can be built for us" into the big gates formerly used to Among those who appeared before stop runaways the board were: Judge John Park! A horse was driven by John Romaine president of the Northeast Improve- AS the wagon rattled past Policeman ment Association Fred Fleming 1 If Crowley instead of running out into secretary of the Kansas City --e In- the roadway and trying to head off the suranee Company and Waters "1' runaway he pushed a button which notified Policeman Rose at the Brooklyn side that a runaway horse was approach- LMV4 PUS1tON'T DISC CAS IT i ri digliQo git '1 7 lo -4 '11 i 4 1 6 47 '''N --A 0 i i'----q1L' 04 4 1 '1''e'('' 11 '11 '1 de 1 I'l '''C 'NA -5ii-)ir: ri ------4---ig-" 7t-- ---4- 5 (17 '4 kie A -kx4'(- if e14 aro41 --4 -14 14 11c ''tc' z'' 4 -a4 1 5L'Ir 76--- Rat 1 i NI z-ft 11 4 Oilir ------exc 14 C41111' reej eof- --7s a''01t -C2)'' 1- -'i lt 4K: 0 7 ii 1--- li--- ji' ZLel fr rf ii t1 0 4 'tii-ti tz4' I e-4- ii --'t( -'r1: 4s tgliY13' iip 1 i It OA: a Ni: I I 1 if '1 kallz 4 0 7 1 IL4 '1i41' Nst-: s1tr WI' 1 't le t-li It 4-1 lh Aticr -wt484z -t 3 411-law '-a elparJ 19A1 if (14 1 i Is t--4 41 alio- -I I' Vs f4 7 rl All 1 A rk' f4110' IV -a ilk fltVf 1 11 i 111 11' 'il -zot sa kl -4 WO 1 1 rt lk 'N1 7 'V' St 11 ds ow ttles it lie 4ry 0 nes for lent iug of tra in ted CSe ry cm id id nt ie A a Rose touched another button latieh set in motion the motor that fur nished the power and swings shut the shaped gates The gates were slowly to as the horse dashed into Ahem and there it was wedged bard land fast Although running rapidly when It leaped into the gate neither horse nor driver was injured eo- TREWIlf AGENTS STUDY TRADE Motet Valet Jimmie City to Regard Me tte a the Aetreets Said CHICAGO April Dunn whose home is in Kansas City was asked tonight about her divorce from Harry Beresford and her marriage to John Stokes Both Incidents in the aetms's oecurred gome time ago but did not become knOWII until yesterday "Oh no I don't want to talk about that" Mrs Stokes said That is my private life and It belong to me They don't want that sort of publieity about me in Kansaa City You know that's a place that is dear to my heart because they ere so good to me They feel that I rather belong to them and I'm going back there now and I don't want them to think of me as a divorcee Tbere has boon no secret about it but that sort of publicity is objectionable Please excuse me from answering your questions" This wag between acts at the Grand Opera House where she is playing the title role in "Nlother" Stokes ia in Frohman's The Harvest Moon" at Powers Theater He sent word he would not be interviewed Friends of theirs say fthe was divorced from Beres-ford about a year ago She has with her a 6-year-o1d daughter Mrs Stokes will play in "Mother" at the Shubert I Theater in Kansas City next week STUIFE Iv A CONtiftESS 1 78i1 i) in 71 with the Republican party" Cummins I 2 idnight 70 Said "I am going to speak a moment 3 In 111! I a tn 70 4 a in 89 ni 2 now to my Republican associateC We I 84 were shocked a little when we heard Sun The Almanac! Today the returns of the election in a Massa- r4 ti Il SrIP't8" O' :4 chusetts district We are overwhelmed 1 and dismayed when we read the dits PROPS THE 1ECLESRET SUIT 1 patches announcing the outcome in the zutot the Indian la Paid and New York district Some people at- I for Illhoree this disturbance this loss MUSKOGEE Oa April 21---The putt fa ith In the Republican party to the I brought by John Zufall an Indian of tariff some to the Postal Savings Bill! Muskogee for $25000 damages against some to this lati and souls to other i MeCluskey 1'is-president of the things Let me- remind you however' National Reserve Bank of Kansas City my fellow senators that it is not due I MeCluskey of Muskogee and to any particular law Adolph Hill of Ardmore for the alienaWILiT THE PEOPLE WANT 1 tion of Zufall's wife's affeetions was settled out of court here today Zitfell "The people of this country are not I was paid $4500 The agreement earries insisting upon equality of conditions with it a provision that Zufall is to obBut they are contented only so king as i tain a divorce Zufall evidenced his I they believe that their representatives good faith by filing the suit for divorce are intent upon full and complete jus- this afternoon 1 tice only so long as they believe that i married Geraldine McCluskey their governing bodies whether they a tedeaeu golift et eo oCt eSt dltet rceenlduasnk telly in an dt the ae I be legielative executive or judicial are doing what they can to give every man damage ault against the wishes of the McCluskey familn and shortly after 1 a fair and equal opportunity in the strug- Mrs Zufall left ler husband Zufall gle of life This result in Massachu- based his suit for damages on the I I setts this result in New York the tur- grounds that his wife was taken away 1 buient waters that are stirring every- from him by her relatives where are limply evidencee that the 1 AlcCluakey Mrs McCluskey and I people whether right or wrong are their daughter Geraldine ItieClusitey 1 wondering whether the Congress of the Zufall are living at the Ormond Lin- I United States is faithful in the dis- wood Boulevard and Trooet Avenue charge of the high duties that have de- The dispatch from Muskogee was read toNI MeCluske last night I whether our ears are as keen to bear volved upon it They are wondering "That ends the case absolutely" be i I Bahl "We have nothing more to say" I the complaints of the people as they s----- are quick to listen to the wants of the THEIR FRIENDs' NOT 'CARED FOR' Interests One of them as I say may feel that this law is wrong and another Ivwere Boone Go Begging Now la may feel that another law is wrong (It Kam and so they go If we aceumulate this The old ward politicians who for discontent this simpleton this want of years have dictated how the politleal I confidenee in our public servants then pie should be cut are trying to make 1 theme people will to paraphrase a rouble for the new commissioners in thought of Horace Mann work their Kansas City Keg wills in an orderly peaceful revolution 1 The men who have been accustomed In polities' affairs Ito say "who should be who" in the city I rot GAINS FOR THE DEMMRA1S 'appointments are demanding that some 4 "I am not saying and I do not be- )city appointees who have filled pos1-1 'neve that this political disturbance Is I tions of trust for several years be re- I I moved without cause in order that their because the people have any more faith I friends may be "cared for" Under in the Democratic party than they the Commission Law fitness in city poIbefore I do not believe there has been alone must be considered Any any change of public sentiment upon of thie would make the coin' i that question but it is due to a gradu- Imissioners liable to removal The pol1 1 ally weakening confidence In the nubile I iticians have been told this but they servanta who have been endowed with continue to vieit the newly elected power by the Republican voters of the I commiasioners and insist that the civil United States law be "stretched" "The time has come it seems to meI 0-to take counsel together with respect 131-0Y'T RENEW SUEZ 'WAN-CHEST: Ito these things Our people are de- I votedly attached to the Anti-Trust Law I The Canal Caltilkar'll Offer of 20 Million for a i and they believe that it has in the I 50-Vear Extrusion Hefumed yeare that are gone proteeted them I Yaw Toms April demand for I I agattist the oppression of greed and of ia 50-year renewal of the unexpired ft-midi la varice and of power best represented I chime of the Suez Canal made by the i in the railway companies of the United present administration wee refused at and when we take away from la general meeting of shareholders here" them this protection as it is sought to says a dispatch from Cairo to the do in this section let us be exeeediugly Italian Herald of New York "Only one careful that we give to them something vote favorable to the extension was met we believe will be as effectual as a The administrators offered 20 million shield between them and avarice as the dollars for the franchige Anti-Trust Law has been" "The present coneession ends in 1956 THAT DIDN'T SATISFY CUMMINS and can be renewed for a term of not I less than fifty It was known The bill in the first instance permit- that the present lioldere intended to try i ted railroads to make traffic agreements 1 to obtain control until 20(i6 and cons like the old Trans-Missouri Freight As- siderable agitation had been raised by 1 sociation agreement by simply filing a the Nationalists The refusal of the franchise extension IS regarded by them i copy with the Interstate Commerce Commission hard pressed by the pro- ae a amp towards the independence of greesives the majority in the Senate ISgypt" backed away twice by making small i concessions the last being an amend- 181 Vs St WA 5 DULL ASKS 14m)! intent by Senator Crawford providing 1 that the agreements shall be subject to of Cutting a Timber It Tore Ilk I approval by the Interstate Commerce Band Droste Warlield Cbargea Commission But Cummins said that Because Dessie Warfield a laborer l'ittide the bill no better than it was be-WRS given a dull saw to cut hickory I fore and argued for his amendment axiee at the wagon shop of John says that no schedule of freight Morgan 1620 North Thirteenth Street and no claesitication of freight Kansas City Kos he brought suit be effective until approved by the against Mr Alorgan for $1500 damages -commission The hearing began before a jury in the I The Senate adjourned to meet at 11 Wyandotte Court of Common Flews yes-a 1 o'clock tomorrow morning to resume terslay afterneon 'discussion of the amendments Worflold allowed that the saw was so 1 7811 71 2 8012 midnight 70 Zprn 811 1 a tri 70 4 84 3 a in 6 9 I Ward Boone Go Briggina Now to I City Kato The old ward politicians who for years have dictated how the politleal pie should be cut are trying to make rouble for the new commissioners in Kansas City Keg i The men who have been accustomed to say "who should be who" lu the city 'appointments are demanding that some 4 i city appointees who have filled post1 tions of trust for several years be re-I moved without cause in order that their i friends may be "cared for" Under i the Commission Law fitness in city p01 sitions alone must be considered Any disregard of this would make the comi 1 miasioners liable to removal The politicians have beeu told this but they continue to visit the newly eleeted commissioners and insist that the civil law be "stretched" 1 RENEW St-EZ FHA YCHISE imrhe Coma ComPlior's offer 04 20 Million for a 50-)ear Extension Hefuned IYaw Yosw April demand for a 50-year renewal of the unexpired frau- of the Suez Canal made by the i present administration Willi refused at 'a general meeting of shareholders here" says a dispatch from Cairo to the Italian Herald of New York "Only one vote favorable to the extension was met The administrators offered 20 million dollars for the franchlan "The present coneession ends in 1956 1 and can be renewed for a term of not than fifty year It was known that the present holders intended to try 1 to obtain control until 2006 and con1 siderable agitation had been raised by the Nationalists The refusal of the franchise extension is regarded by them as a atep towards the independence or ISA US S-43V WAS DULL ASKS 14144104 1- I inotead of Cutting Timber it 'Fore ilin i Hand Demote Worlield Cbargem I Because Dessie Wartield a laborer was given a dull saw to cut hickory axle a at the wagon shop of John Morgan 1620 North Thirteenth Street Kansas City Katt he brought suit against Mr Morgan for $1500 damages The hearing began before a jury in the Wyandotte Court of Common Pleas yes! terday afterneon Warfield alleges that the saw was so MARE MAUR SAIrt71 LANGTIORN LEMFNS wbe watched at the bedside The pulse ssnk steadily but late at night lark Tuain passed from stupor into the first natural sleep be had known since he returned from Bermuda raid this morning he rsoke refreshed even faintly cheerful and in full possession of all his faculties him He was picked up by a policeman last night and taken to Mrs Johanna Moran police matron "Can't you fix it up so that I can see my little he asked the matron "Tell mamma that I will he real good if she will let me come back to play with him I like it real well out at the McCune Farm but my brother Isn't there so I had to run 'e- Le it II In 1 dull that he unable to hold still pieee of timber while sal ing it and that an axle which he was cutting: struck him on the right and breaking 1 1 I i I I Q11111011 of Ina Al lamed the 'Amato In Party Cam" WAS tirsarroN April Factional strife broke at today's session of the I nineteenth continental congress of the National Soeiety of the Daughters of the American Revolution When amendments to the society's constitution re-1 lating to the discipline of officers and members and the question of "states rights" of the state auxiliaries were presented to the congress at its after-1 noon session the delegates aligned iii their respeetive "ptirly" camps found themselves enmeshed in a parliamentary entanglement The result of the election yesterday was the choice of nine vice-presideptg general the majority of whom it was said nre administration supporters The nine vice-presidents general elected are: Mrs Egbert Jones Mississippi Miss Virginia Randolph Shackelford Virginia Mrs La Verne Noyes Illinois Miss Ellen Ttlecum New Jersey Mrs William Stanley Kansas Mrs Edward Randall Texas Mrs Sterling Connectieut Mrs Emily Moore Vermont and Mrs Andrew KGault Nebraska LION CUB FOR DOLLAR 0- 47r11! IThe Bauman City Southern Men Agnew 1 1 bled Here- I 1 Twenty-five freight agents of the Kan- i City Southern Railway from all parts of the Untted States are meeting i PRAM IKIMIArt BA I SWOrr Nrass wise hi Kansas" City this week for eonsulta- itrNera PIXTERFIFIALT WITH 211F 142PC with the chief of their department tAwvras vESTFEDAT Smythe general freight agent to study the Southwestern trade situation for words the faltering or groPinft "We want theta to understand the events the conversations the most Int needs of tbis' section of the country for and apparently trivial Orem they are really emissaries of the South- happenings and acts connected west" said 'Air Smythe "Manufacturers with the Swope tragedy beginning Sep-seeking a location In this part of the ternber 26 when 'she entered Colonel country frequently consult them forlSwope's service She had only bor openings Farmers wanting to Weblish homesteads and others desiring to ntemory to depend upon locate out here consult our agents" I WAISH ritoMilt WITH TrAPS: A meeting will be held in the Bahl- i Frank Walsh (-bier counsel for more Hotel this morning Tomorrow i the defense had eopies of the testi- 1 the agents will start on a tour of the th -it A IIPAS gave at the coroner's Kansas City Southern territory inquest In Fehrnary in the taking of 4 To ADO TO 110SPIT4L ideposition8 in two cases the latter part of that mouth in the grand jury room The Building IN Boacdole Will Be Made in March and finally her direct testito Aecommotinte 200 Bede 1 molly yesterday morning lie was as-A $50000 addition to the hospital sicted by suggestions from four assoconducted by the University of Kansas 'dates whose only duty- was tti watch at Rosedale is assured The Kansas I for weak spota and do what they mightt legislature appropriated that un propriety to add to the witness to be paid July 1 and the state arelti- eutbanaastnent The lawyer would ask teet has been ordered to draw plans for a question taken from the inquest notes a 200-bed addition to the present hoe- another from the morning's testimony pital which now contains only thirty- one from the grand jury bearing and five beck Plans will be made within the next ten days and submitted to the then skip lightly back without an in-faulty of the school for approval iatant's hesitation to something said In Dr Cl lioxie a physician with the depositions offittea in the Argyle Building is dean i Every seat in the courtroom was of the school of medicine of the Cul- filled every foot of spriee within the ratl versity of Kansas It is known as the tt sadying Eleanor Taylor Bell lentorial Hospital log wa oecupied by lawyers The school owne seven aeres of ground the procedure Attorneys sat two rows eurrounding the sehool and hospital deep around a long table stacked st ith 4-- 'formidable hooks aild papers The jury SAYS THE LIONS SEIZED HEIL kas cloaely attentive the judge alert Filo Slay Cushing tialte mow for What for both sides The defendant and his Their Clawa Hid wife and friends were roaring and listen-A suit Wail filed in the United States 1 lug to every word the prosecuting wit Circuit Court for the Western Dietriet newt and her immediate adviser following of Missouri yesterday afternoon against question and answer hoping that the Parker Amusement Company i no mistake might be there for $5000 damages in the name of Ella In a chair nailed to the high platform May Cushman by her father George so that no neryousuesa could move lit Cushman The petition alleges that 1 the nurae calm undisturbed by the Ella May Cushman suffered permanent rapidity of the Inquiries or the Injuries December 26 1908 when two i leys of objections and exceptions and ions reached through the bars of their cage at the Hippodrome Twelfth and the rulings of the court Charlotte streeta and attacked her AND Sint WAS READY' Mt NIORE The petition states that her face arms MPS Kellar made no important mtsand hands were cut and torn by the ohe maintained her self possesclawa of the animals and that It hap- 1 sion throughout the trying afternoon I WI ed through negleet of the company and a o'clock was still gazing es- 1 a Ipectantly and interestedly at Mr Walsh I ready apparently to continue the exam- i Nation another three hours And she I may have It to do this morning for the defense was not more than half through 1its cross-examination when court ad-o'clock journed Oecasionally she drank from wr glass of ate to relieve a slight mtiweolteelboarsenestr: but it was notieed and commented upon by many that after she I had emptied the glass banded her by 1G Paxton blot drank no more although I John Lucas assoeiate counsel for Doctor Ilyde gallantly banded her an- other in his most courteous manner I "Now" lir Walsh the quail- tins begin with was I your hypodermic case when Colonel Swope died October oio my room upstairs locked in my case" the witness replied smiling 1 Mr Walsh sprang up so quickly that la 111: TOOli ErF A A I 4 1 1 roan sitting nearby tipped over a glass i of water whieh he Wait about to drink A Thief Didn't Overlook Vitals in Booms The lawyers face was radiant Ile had on Twenty-Fourth Street caught the witness: While Friek Logan and "Now isn't it a feet" he demanded sharply holding some typewritten pa- t' Robson who room at littri East Twee- 1 per in one hand "the' in your depost- Street were gone yesterday ty-fourt Street Don you said you always )(Apt your case their rooter' were ent ered and their le Colonel Swepo's room?" bonbon 111shes stick pins shaving sets i hair bibs and mandolin were 1140111'o litst to4 stolen "I did" Nitta Kellar replied and lean- The value of the property Is $200 leg forward courteously she II I l'OOli ErFx A if AN MAI A Thief OlfIn't Overlook Itineb In Rooms on Twenty-Fourth Street While IL Friek it Logan and (' Ro)son who room at 9008 East tyfourt li Street r(' gone yesterday their rooms were entered and their boniNin itisheq A tick nins shaving twill hair bnizilies and mandolin ((ere ellstolen The value of the property le $200 AX- I c7 I Is Africa Hay Ind' 'tubber Mr nynkoolo Mnde a Elve fItork Dent Nrw Yoag April 21--G Wynnoop a director of the Night and Day Hank was a passenger on tho White Star liner Alajestic which arrived today Aocom PERMED IN 000D Palma Re recognized his daughter Clara "al" The police sent word to the boy'm Mrs Ossip Gabrilowitsch spoke a ra- home to find if the parents vi tede their tional word or two and feeling himself child back Pia father came police unequal to conversation'Wrote out in headquarters hut said be did not want well: bim 'Give roe my glasses" "Take him to the detention home" They were his last 'Words Laying be said "Tomorrow you can send him back to the McCune Farm We can't them aside he sank first into reverie do anything with him" and later into final unconsciousness air Paine said tonight that the book THE OF AOHLF ROSS Mark TtvalD took up from the coverlet beside him when he asked for hit An InAentor Alba Made 000410 on One lases was Carlyle's "Watery of the Patent Lots( It on Another French Revolution" his inseparable corn- Noble (I Ross an Inventor died at Anion and greatest favorite the home of his daughter aliss Iliad There was no thought at the time Ross 2743 alercier Avenue yesterfiewever that the end was so near At A his wife air Ross is sun 5 o'clock Dr Robert Halsey who bad Besides continuously' in attendance old: vived by a daughter Iliad two sons been "Mr Clemens is not so strong at this James 1924 Central Street and Charles IL 2743 Mercier Street both hour as he was at the corresponding hour eeterday but be has wonderful maehiniets a brother Thomas 2712 vitality and he may rally again" East Twelfth Street also an Inventor dr Pis BIOGRAPHER WITH HIM and a Eimer airs John Sayre Rails County alissouri At the deathbed were only Mrs Mr Ross had lived In Kansas City lathrilowitsch "Clara Clemens" her eighteen years Ile patented several husband Dr Robert Halsey Doctor inventions The most important was a Tlintard Albert Bigelow Paine who 4-barbed wire for fencing which he sold 'vitt write alark Twain's biography and for $60000 For several years Sir Ross tbs two trained nurses ReSIONHAVe8-- land his brother Thomas lloss digitalis strychnine and worked on a rentrinigal cream sepaadministered but the patient failed to rater In this Invention the two men rosnond lost the small fortune they had accuA tank of oxygen still stands uocall- mulated ed for at Redding station Oxygen was air Ross was 74 years old He moved tried yesterday and the physicians ex- here from his farm in Rails County plaited that It as of no value I l- alissouri Funeral services will be held cause the A alvular action of the heart tomorrow morning at le o'clock from was not disordered There was only! the home 2743 Mereler Street Burial an extreme and increasing debility at will be In Forest Hill Cemetery 'amPanied by labored respiratiou sk taws's DIE IN PAIN 31II HICK IN LINCOLN Sedatives soothed his pain but in his momenta of consciousness the mental' Ile'a "Not tantildate for heastor" and depression persisted On the way from! esvon't start Prohibition Paper" Bermuda be said to Albert Bigelow! laNcotss NSe April Bryan Pale who had been his constant corn- returned to Lincoln thia evening after 71nion In illness: Ian absence of over five Months Sir "This Is a bad Job well never pull I Bryan was welcomed by his daughter through with it" Grace awl other relatives members of On shore once more and longing for le serenity of the ew England hills the Lincoln-Cotninercial Club and a few se took heart and said to those who close political friends He said he was anted his enfeeblement in sorroa not familiar still local political condi- "Gtse me a breath of Redding air tions and could not diseuss Nebraska once more and this will pass" intelligently but reiterated his sumo or TIM ritilir roR 1IIE I dellial that he was a candidate for But it did ntl'i pass snd tired of body l'nited Slates ermator or any other 4ild weary of spirit the obi warrior! ()ffi'-e lie ticoles I hat he hos any intention away" The police sent word to the boys home to find if the parents wanted their child back Pia father came to police headquarters hut said he did not want bim "Take him to the detention home" be said "Tomorrow you can send him back to the McCune Farm We can't do anything with him" THE DEATIT OF NOBLE ROSS away- The police sent word to the boys home to find if the parents wanted their child hack Pis father came to police headquarters hut said be did not want bim "Take bim to the detention home" be said "Tomorrow you can send him An 11 tan Made 000410 on One Patent 14ost It on Another NObla (I Ross an inventor died at the home of his daughter Mies Iliad Ross 2743 Mercier Avenue yesterday Besides his wife Mr Ross Is survived by a daughter Iliad two sons James 1924 Central Street and Charles 2743 Mercier Street both machinists a brother Thomas 2712 East Twelfth Street also an Inventor and a sister Mrs John Sayre Rails County Missouri: Mr Ross had lived In Kansas City eighteen years Ile patented several inventions The most important was a 4-barbed wire for fencing which he sold for $60000 For several years Mr Ross and his brother Thomas Ross worked on a centrinigal cream separator In this Invention the two men lost the small fortune they had accumulated Mr Ross was 74 years old He moved here from his farm in Rails County lissouri Funeral services will be held 8 ir 'et at II 'le It ci r'' l' ft It 2 Is it zmorBEicK Si l'ED $0000 Frank Nelho ot Jere City Itetirem to Live Ott Ills tient' the thumb and teartng tits band War-field lives at 1937 North Thirteenth Street Kansas City Kits 1 I 1141tVAR1) WON 711E noir 4CE JERSEY CM April 21--Fra1k Nelsba Jersey traveling bootblack ho for the past fifteen years has shined the shoes of Jersey City's mayors officials policemen and firemen threw his box aside today and announced: "Boys I've made a small fortune I'm through No more work for me" It was learned that Neighs has saved more than $10000 in the last fifteen years lie has bought a 6-story tenentant and owns otirr property in Jersey City and on the heights Neisha has shined the shoes of every mayor who has been elected in Jersey City during the last fifteen years MRS TERKES ENGIGTD? panying Mr Wynkoop was a fluffy cub l'OILED THU BANK ROBRERS lioness which he got in the wilds of Africa A Pouth Dakota faahler Fired ad Mr Wynkoop went to Africa last De- Friahteaed Three We Away cember to negotiate the purchase of Mrrctim April 21--An anew-rights In a rubber forest in the Niandi cessful attempt was made about 2 country lie found au abundance ol o'clock this morning to rob the Stitte rubber and saw much wild game At! Rabid a village he saw a lionelle and Bank at Kay ler a small town between Scottland and Tripp on the Milwaukee a cub driven to bay by natives the it rte Three men tried to enter the lioness fighting desperately until her fired upon by George Cartwright cashier of the bank body was riddled with spears The cub building They were escaped unscathed and 31r Wynhoop 1 Ms bought it from the natives with a dollar aim was good as was shown by stains on the outside of the build- watch Ile will present the cub to the ling The men tote a team and started Bronx Zoo toward Scotland At the same time a 4 041 MEUTIVG THURSOAT sheriff's posse started from Scotland The posse came upon the men and im- '1'br atrikors and the Oorralorn Probably mediatcly opened fire One of the rob3 ili Aare Then I hers badly Wounded SVa14 captured The The next meeting between the emit I others escaped l'OILED THU BANK ROBItERS A South Dakota (-ambler Fired ad Frightcard Three Men Away Mircram April unsue- cessful attempt was made about 2 this morning to rob the State Bank at Kayler a small town between Scottland and Tripp on the line Three men tried to enter the building They were fired upon by George Cartwright cashier of the bank Ills aim was good as was shown by blood stains on the outside of the build- big The men Plole a team and started toward Scotland At the same time a sheriff's posse started from Scotland The posse came upon the men and lin- medially opened fire One of the rob- hers badly wounded Walt captured The others escaped The Newt t'reve Unt Doom to Detest ou the Severn Meer Vtaterdatr ANNAPOLIS Mo April a gamely contested struggle that for the first half of the 2-mile course was nip and tuck Harvard's 8-oared varsity crew this afternoon defeated the midshipmen by between two and a half and three lengths on the Severn River Harvard did the distance in 11 minutes and 1 seconds while the Na time was nine seconds slower The race was rowed over the outer course and while the Severn was as calm ite a mill pond a cold drizzling rein chilled the spectators prominent among whom was Secretary of the Navy Ileorge Von Myer Mould Improve Locoot and Niottl The property owners on Locust Street from Eighth to Twelfth Street and the pir perty owners on Ninth Street from til'and Avenue to Troost Avenue will meet Friday night at 8 o'clock at the Itcnamore Hotel to consider plane tor immediate improvement on these two newt That She Ill Marry William Lower a New 1 ark Haeheloe Nrw YORK April Charles Yerkes widow of the traelion millionaire whose name was again brought to mind by the rent disbursement sale of his art works for more than 2 million dollars and the suction of his Fifth Avenue palaee is reported engaged to William Lower a baehelor but a memher of no clubs lie is ro years old It has not been so long Rime Mrs Yerkes freed herself from her marriage to Wilson Miner operators and he miners will be hfId I at the Savoy Hotel at 10) o'clock Thursday morning At that time it is pre- dieted trlaltarv will bP settled The Joint meeting at the Savoy itotel Yesierds) afternoon 'aloud for several Twee-hours No agreement PPP reached Niamiel of Mohorly Alm see retary or thp NI illum A 6Awin- tion nnd seeretar( o'' the Joint confer- enee said last night that the beet feeling existed between the two sides teeutig rAilluvu 1ML'V Etikire 4gt4lnst shams a nd snobs said faintly 1 of starting a i'mhibition newspaper or lo his nurses: that ci res esi to IllYrri he Prohibition "11Y do you figt1 to lieep n'te 9 IIP! qtvvtion into tuitional pllitiCS lio says 11 days of life are as good to rue aa four" lie (toes not expert to SIP Oar question a paramount issue during his lifetime It is eertein to be revelled that Itark Mr Bryan will remain ill-Lincoln and (Continued oa Eleventh rage) Nebraska three weeks or a month lreatis I 1.

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