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St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri • 8

St. Joseph, Missouri
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Dosrll delay. Come and let us show tee. Ne t-aA WANTED Railway mall clerks: seiery 1104 FOR HINT Furnished rooms lor light bj, -layoffs," Examination housekeeping. Also slseplng rooms Steam. Joseph May u.

common education suftt- hot and cold niu, 43S eleventh dent; candidate nrenared free. Writ ln- Ogdea House. mm eonaldered, Booker Wllilaaaa Baraaaaja, nwdlately for fmi prticulara FrenkitB m-etltele, Kocheoter. N.


WANTS and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING is aco wm a mm "ANY" SOAP FOR RENT Large modern frost roeaa, fur- I An, And niBa. sta es. raone esia. CD til 118 farm 9" I and board. Alo mlddl-eg man and wile, woman to do housework and man toL.

1 work, p.r mn( board. Want I married mea for farm work, IJO per jaontn. bona, garden apot and com turnishsd. mta-dla-aga women to go to country. Oartlena Employment Offloa, opposite union atatloa.

FOR RENT Twe elaele rooms for llaht 11 eaeh month, without Interest er taf ee, a t-aore tract on the Ovlf of Californle; Mexico. Oraaaea, rtga, 70 bush, wheat to acr-l I crops alfalfa, growa ea these la ad a KlmV bar Howard. II Logan blk BC Jaaapa, Hoi nouerkeepinff, with ail modern End Comet In San Antonio, Where) Ho Hod Gone With Hlo Wife, Hoping Her Health Would Be Benefited Funeral at Hiawatha. alenoee. Idiewild Hotel.

Freacie at. "Watch the Results." Drug Store Caaea are full of Soaps. to HfF'ROVBD farms miles south ef Keni I aaa City; fine corn, wheel end grass landa. gend for llsta i. B.

Wilson, Drelel. Mo. FOR RENT Nice furniahed room for all. mea; eieo I unfurnished rooms for light BouaekeeplBg. tit gytvaale.

ANTED A atudent to wait ca table. Ap yaeauMe advertising In Obese ewtaeaws and ply riuHi Hotel. The chief difference between them la having the ausaereee addicesid rare of The will nleae auk for e-rwerk to eBw- years of age. Dahlars, WANTK0Boy, the wra'pinT. The Druggist can't dis FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping noma.

Sos s. loth at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. able them se their totter, aa aone will be delivered eewept on peesentatioa of rhevke. All anawera So aheuld be In-.

criminate -Uoean't pretend to tie mwmwrn IMS. FRANCIH, 40 KLBOANT T-ROOM. frame realdencei racptloa hall Parlor, sitting room and dining room la quartared white oak; vary hlsbly flnl.had; WANTKD Laborers; good pay for good FOR RENT Modera furnished rooma loth. mmI aa aa eavelone. Md esare ehnnld be man.

BUDerlor Burnt Ballast viarae- knowa that moat Boa pa are merely eoap. taken hi seeing that they are properly ad- data. Mo. FOR RENT Nice furalahed aooth rooms for KODAK finishing. Write for Kodak Catalog WANTED Calkerfc Apply at pleat Morris aioaping er iigM aouaaaeesing.

lis jt. lath at. wai. w. utiles an, 714 Francis gt, ana lompeny.

cbb, sutler a pantry, I aloe oeo csam-sera end appar hall In quartered oypreea, auartared while oak floore, veatlbule end atalrway, panel burlap decorated, eoatly i SAN ANTONIO, 'Texaa, March U. Edmund Needham Morrill, former governor of Kansas, banker and financier, whot. bom was at Hiawatha, died yesterday at Banta Rosa Hospital here. Ha waa eeventsr-flve yeara of age oa February 1. last.

In January Governor Morrill accompanied bli vita. who had bean III for noma time, to San Antonio, where. It was hoped, her health would be benefited. Heart trouble I aald to have bean the RURBE1R mending tissue, sheet er roll. Mease WANTED Recietrred drugxlat.

with refer FOR RENT FurnUhed rooma. lltl Franetst no houaekeeplngi bath; phone. ence. Aadreee il, K.we-rreee. nBf i rraacie as.

FOR RENT Furniahed room. Call after oroa mantel esata, beam and also nek beam eolumas and pedeatala betwaea living room and reception room; heavy oor-nioe afreet, with picture mould; lavatory en nret floor, nice combination electric light and gas flxturee, large porcelain bath with Blrhel eapoaed plumbing, medicine cabinet, large o'elock. 401V. Francis. iBcubators, the highest teal-'" the lowest price; la use; ft and better belches guareateed.

gee WANTED km to lrn earner trade; taw waeka computes; cheire oonetently buey; varaful Inatruatora; toole given, diplomat granted, wasa gaturdaya; positions FOR" RENT Alcove room, ateeanttv for 11 It la to your Interest to ask for RESINOL SOAP and to ret it. ss aiamona eu, at. joeapo. er Write the huuh.tuu. Ik.

niehadi new modern flat; private family: reaeonabla, 731 K. I sob Oe Clay Center, Neb. 'tain. waiting, wonderful demand graauaies. Writ for catalogue, Moler Barber Collage, Kansas City, Mo.

FOR RENT South front room, alcove, two JfOR gALE Egg, Barred Plymouth Reek, pure stock linen eloaat, nice upper hall, with speaking httehaBi clothes cloaen, hot and "star In bathroom, lavatory, kitchen and laundry: first -olaae hot air furnace, cellar rurnace, laundry end fuel rooms, refrigerator rooma. I Uise pnrrhea. south front! noueakeeyuig; meaera; refareneaa. 1011 Edmond. WANTED Man to drive carrlax.

and work in houa end yard; reference required. eggs, 1. Chaamora'e Heed itora 407 Felix. Apply (tie N. sth at.

elwte. t2ck. "ALE My entire outfit, eoastottag't a eewere elt la Thle keeiirl aenneerv ta I nnAJtrH nrTirE or HIS, E8-I'KKS8 IK UN AUII AT an Hixi hill UU TKI.H'HONK tarn BOrTfl. FOR RENT Twe eeaneetlng rooma for-Biahed for light housekeeping; good location, lis a. at.

transrar liaa and kuii.u.. aa aoeAae. I r. n.r.- 7 1 WANTED Ssparlenced traaafer dnvara, s2i s. oth.

tltloa; most aell for eaeh; leavlag tswa. lAg- su-aea i.e. Newe-rraaa. Reslnol la not like other Boa pa. It la the moat vn I liable and helpful "Soap WANTEE Two paintrrs at once for season.

Aitdrwa a. D. UrUHteed, MaJtisnd, Mo. FOR RENT Twe connecting rooma for housekeeping; furnished Bew. modera.

12. Jul. FOR gALE dry, split kmsilag. OBITUARY. situaiad la one of the most desirable blocks In ths city.

nmfs. ncpnn panne Apply Mre. Buckmastar, WANTED Barbar. I1IH ttta t. ever enclosed In a wrapper.

It la the only Soap that feeds and nmiriahes the skin a well as clean- it. It In the FOR iALB Twenty glga, Mills. Farm, i FOR RENT Furniahed front room, bath. II por month. ut n.

Id, WANTKD Boy. Koha Engraving cor. tth and chailee. FOR gat. sV 144.004 brink.

Inoutre ef C. HEATH RAg MOVED TO SOUTH IT TELBl-HOKliS lis. FOR RENT Small furalahed room, 11.10 per week. 80S N. 4th.

only Soap that contains KESINOL the wpragua in seetia Karaie or no. moNt healing and noothing akin emol- WANTED Voung man for portar work; muit underaland hie hustneea thorousbly. Aply Plymouth Clothing Co. room. 11.14 FOR KK NT-week.

SIS FOR 74,004 feet of eeeoBd-haad tam-ber. fnautre ef C. Snraxua at Tka -Large furniahed a. nth. ilent known to medical skill.

I Tootle (state office. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooma 401 N. th. Phone (140. RESINOL SOAP la at once a cleans- FUNERAL NOTICES.

$11) gM.V!ialSiri3iT FOR HA LB One 14x14.11 cooler, 4-tnrb. tn. STENOGRAPHER, young man. today; ateu-oimtphlc work: ao Hmtt to chance for pro-motion Call Bualnma Mea a Claerlug House, uT tdmond. euiattoa, packed with mineral wood: Ire lng Soap, a healing feoap, a nourishing NiOWAKD John M.

Howard. 11 yeara. FOR RENT Desirable room, cloee In. nice neighborhood. Phone 4014.

chamber I feet: suitable for hanging whole carcass beef. Freuad Peaking and Maa- facturlng Ca Soap. No other Soap can take the place of It. No other Soap can begin good, honeat. actr real ee- hlsn-cla pmpoaiiion for the Lwou.

Morgan St Peppen, 0T FOR RENT Two connecting furnished houaekeeplng rooma t. aa children. 121 WE WANT. tate man; rlfnt party, Kdmoud. to benefit your akin as RESINui, FOR SALE Bast paying restaurant in ally, cheap for caeb.

Addreae 1H, Mews. Pre. aiau euriaay, at trniana. nnu. n.wu mo father of Rov.

L. Howard, fnrnn-rty of tft OaJtlajid park M. i.Iium h. anil lnvntor or the Howard stoves. Two aone and one dauffhtar reiMde In this tflty, w.

K. and Charles Howard and Mrs. Ida Kematna will arrtvfr nera tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon Ht 1:30 o'clock. at OaJtland Tarlt M. K.

at t.M o'clock. Burial at Aiftland. Jrlnd. Invited. J4J0 IAFATKTTE.

40 ELEGANT NEW frame cuttag of I targe, wall finished reome; nice oak mantel and grata in eartori SOAP CAX. FOR RENT Two furniahed er unfurnished rooma. so, Francis. WANTBD touns man for lunch counter. Anply rnton nation Lunch Counter.

I. 1 atckel exposed plumbing: hot FOR SALE Computing cheese cutter, chase, uurss a.i, Kiei-rrtH. water in nathroam aad kitchen; furnace heat; nice electric light and xaa fix- FOR RENT Modern front room for gentleman, with er without board. N. urea; pantry, I clothes eloseis.

atlie floored, FOR RAI.g (toed prairie has. 14.4 tea. WANTED Toung man, 18 to 31. for railroad office; must writ neat, rapid hand. Make long-hand application at one.

Ad-dres S4. f. e. 6. Ulgslow.

Mo. J. ChuBlnx. Rise. wn at.

a. ana rear porchea. cellar under note bouae. ateeet low. MO.

I4 eottded. Easy terms, 4 per cent. FOR RK.VT Furnlehsd room, and board, to FORMER GOVERNOR MORRILL. FOR SALE Cheep: hot.l and fursltur ta wnea soiau tWQ fir two Seat eniM mnln.i. WANTED Young man for general orfir one block from Union car line.

Jl McDoaaid outh ceatral Nebraska; doing good busi HKftOHONG Augusta Heaehong, widow of the late John V. Heachong. aaa yaara. dlad at 3 o'clock Hunday afternoon, at the home of her daughter. Mrs.

Fred Mueller, lied N. Id at. Nlie 1. aurv(vd by one daughter and two O. A.

and W. A Heachong. Funeral will be from the above rcaiUtrice Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock. Burial at Ashland. Friend.

Invited. work; state age ana salary ness. Box 40. Neb. ave.

rnone 4174. wanted. Address al 13, Newa-Press. FOR RENT Two modern furnished roams FOR RALE flood farm team, one wages. WANTED Young man for office work: high one set harass, itoi Walnut at.

ror sleeping. 1011 King Mill ave. school student preferred; position mr rlrht party. 43, News-Frees, stating age. experiencs, etc Reslnol Shaving- Stick Is the "ere me da luxe" of nhaving soaps.

The Reslnol In lt.f soothes and heals the skin, making the te of lotions after shaving unnecessary. Buy one cake. Try it thirty days. Watch the Results At All Druggists. Resinol Chemical Co Baltimore, FOR RENT Front room, nlcelv furalahed- FOR gALE Nearly new milk wagonBBd dirt wagon.

2013 Seattle st. reaaoeable. 411 N. loth. at once.

W. I cause of his death. He was taken ill about three weeks ago and ten days ago was removed to the nosDital. About a reek ago It became necesaary for Mrs. Morrill to again seek, a change of climate, and she was removed to the home Of her daughter.

Mrs. B. Baker, at Kansas City. Frank Morrill, a son, was the only relative at the ex-governor's bedalda when death although the Rev. J.

WANTED -A baremskr, ttt rHAKCJ kit irkicT vvnv toirrT FOR SALE Horse eh mere, fancy, single FOR rent On. furnished room, 1 1.80 par Meek, Klmo, Mo. LKDICREtt Chrtlln Lederer, age SS years, died March 14, IS08. at the residence of her son-iu-law, Mr. Charles gohwarta, one rolls north of Krur 1'urk.

The funeral will ba held at the Tuesday. March 1. at 1:30 p. m. Interment In Ashland Cemetery.

Friends of the family Invited to attend. drivers, extra nice and sound; gentle. Ill floor has itvrc hmi ir-ln wiin s. itin. FOR RENT Newly furntehed.

lee WANTED SALESMEN. tout in rtsmr tor ir risv.r room In private family: no other M.m.. 4101 FOR SALE Five English bull pups. ghsrmaS South St. Joseph.

married cotipl ladles, employed, nre- nw it rhmhn, mnA pore Lain "nth, eiotbM cioui: fi-Am WANTED A thoroughly enperlenced oil rerrrn. lZ0it eaiesnian lor St. Joeepn terniory; no otner tvy. All of rrKwTigi on trt tlonr unii (ry n1cl7 fin.shM sn4 in ANN6UNCEMENTS. FOR SALE Incubator, lie eggs; 14; guar-antaed 314 g.

llth St. need apply. Address Wllboit, Hprlug-fleld. Ma. B.

Richardson, formerly pastor of the ttongregetional church at Hiawatha and an early friend of Governor Morrill, was vg, wlw nvawaoa iioor. r-arora Hiiry FOR RENT rurnlehea front room, and board, to two gentlemen: 44 per weak! prttat. family. Prospect ava nsiUfiai ntngj. tl rU atir Ht.

I Psnta to Order. Heme) gfi I Tailor's 414 FranolstsJtSoSJl! nfinw with him until 'the end. WANTED AGENT8. iru- bt ruid tmn fiiur. (rout run BIM-Nice furnished leeai.

ee e.r mash The body was shipped last night via Xansaa City, to the old home at Hia, gewuirt irt.e cnwiitold 4i(M; rr 4--lrltg, lofaxtloo; only on bltwk Jui For Burglar Proof Ccal Chutss Be, C. H. BUULTZ, 1 Board of Trade, IV. lth I alll i 1M fcattMVfttt I 114 8. th.

now resting In Oakwood cemetery, will I- wp. tt.vvu rgvan: i Mnd I w-etiai a per WANTED FEMALE HELP. food ran, ftaa-e--nritlt dr Mfflmstlt bwda, klteA watha, where Interment will probably LEATHER chair ar mlxhtv eomranakte. In the near future, it is announced, be CHlROPODtaT. DR.

A. RKBD. take place Wednesday. mi Tvttt ttieaaed tr you sea r-Hi. WANTED Pant and ovrall makers; hlgh- re-Interred in Spiegel Qrove, whloo for neater to snow i alga Lounge Co, Hue.

oivifi-t, dtntn abu. btra raok-raF rarest, ruia, Jr box. washiDff tnaehtn, 191 ftapbaphona. haddttif. aC It fRoa laaoit. sreda work. Toetie-canipwii ury uoous i CORNe, BUNION and ail ailments or tne faet treated vary skilfully; over 10 years praottoe in Si- Joaeph. Cor. sth and Kdlnond.

Co, 1U S. id at. many years was the home of the president. The grove is now owned hy a eon. PROMINENT IN KANSAS AFFAIRS.

Phone 161S FOR RENT lrge furnished room and 5 yti, TOR ALK---atr. en almtxri nw 4-4rr hath. 74 K. Sth Mlfa EDNA ORAVFa, Battle Creak Bantta- 404 PENN, 40x114 FT, VERT VICE 1 ttfr cswrn-t. Hoti rlum.

nost-granuate raaateus ana nura. a early new I room frame residence Webb C. Hayes. The bodies will be planed in a vault on the crest of knoit, to which point the Hayes monument will be removed. assage at your home.

phone lis. MAgEBtt WHO AHU 1SXPK1UBNCKD CAN get good work at the Hundley sectary, 4th I FOR ALB On tamaj Botrtoa Urrtr. ne ret-epnon nail, parror, dining room sitting room, kitchen and efcine FOR RENT FLATS. OHva, end Asgetltiue eta MADAM JEANKTTE, Fortune Teller, 11U lemenieo caller, nice front stslrway. gee.

on kkk e-our-reom steam-heated Frederick, charges roaaonabie, ena floor has halt, two alee bedroom rOH BALE. To tha hewt rt-stauvrmat at No. 4 (Summit Plane, and rlaa. .4 bathroom not fitted with tub); room I th ataia of Kanaai. Addr ail lttr ttn DR.

B. lvONO, specialist in reotai dis. leganiiy II Oleosa na- nanared with BASS 1 1, Holtan. Kan. MANY VISITORS EXPECTED.

OVERALL AND BHIRT OPERATORS. gteady work; inaxpertencad paid wbtis learning. Our help earn highest wages, J. lultlaln 3d and Juls sta easaa 421 lCdmond. lhone ults.

costly paper, clothe rioaeta, elaetrl. Covtrnor Morrill Waa Conspicuous Figure In State Politics. Special to The HIAWATHA, March li. Edmund Needham Morrill was born In Westbrook, Maine, February 12. ISM.

He graduated from the seminary there in ISM and came to Brown county in t37. In that year he was selected a member of the first territorial legislature, as a representative from Brown county. In 1B68 he waa a member of the Lecompton conference and I FOR RENT Modara flat. rooms end ksuv FOR ALEeDrtpbfad lftfr aawtoa mft ugnt wttn nine rtxtures Nlo front porch, city water In house, sink IB kltchsh A HAND-FOROED knives made to order; muu aae rwaaa an. ta.

chins. tomllilfn; attakmnta. Htm land. 1 It and Edmond. everyone guaranteed.

0.x K. stn. pretty hums; vary reasonable; doe ta Wyalt Kytvaat, -t mi a. vela WASTED FANTMAKKRH FOB PART FOlt RENT Modern lower flati will rent FOR gALE Elsht-teot umbrella eaae. saa: Local Colony Plane Reception to 6t Joseph Visitors at State University on High 8chool Day.

gpeoial to The News-Preaa St OHK. HUNDLEX FAClUKr, 41U A.U whole house. Ill N. rh. laoutra Mra PERSONAL.

eie enoa Apply riymouth Ce. AM.Kl.lviL'K, Wachter. 414 Felix Phone Tl. FOR SALE ginger eewtng mechisa, pee-: i.antlra t'sa Dr. LaFrance'e Compound; WANTED Shirt, pant, overall ang coat FOR REN' IT March tl, 411 Fleming makers; ftoeet workroom tn in city; east feet order; good as Bew; all attachments.

1111 Mitchell ave. flate, to COLUMBIA, March antiol-patlon of many visitors from St. Joseph, eafe rename; -en, arugg-a-a or man; oooa-t free. Dr. La Franca.

Philadelphia. Pa. j-r, w. A.

Flaming. prioea Heeler A Matter, na ana sjivaaie. FOR KENT Six- room strictly modern fiat. 1411 FAR AON. 10x171 FEET VERT K1C 7 -room frame residence, room alt on one on high school day.

May at the state FOR SALE Houdaa cock tings, leautre 1701 girls lor stltca- en. anieiig.a WANTED Four machine log III N. Id sL I'uocsn at, teett paeae ssii. university, the) St. Joseph club of the in floor, nice porceleln bath, hot and cold water UNDERTAKERS.

bathroom and httcsnn. bat air furnaea. FOR RENT Four-room nppar flat, en oar stitution, has appointed committees to FOR gALE Cheap; mare, buggy, gaeottaal WANTED Girt for general aeueowork; good nice gas flxturee, gae connection with fur um jmmb ava aa.K Slov. jiu tin gy. MEIERHOFFBR.

THE UNDERTAKER cook. Ill N. itn: nace; reome ere large and atcety papered; e. inciuning water. Lrfiaan.

SIS Edmond prepare entertainment for the St. Joseph people. Tot the last three yeara. Lady attendant, stn ana r-eiix. Phones 114.

FOR SALE Femfly bore. 10 ee 11 rearer. cnina closet, six rlotbe cloe.ia front halt, emaled furnace room, cellar, 3 targe porch- WB WANT experienced pantmakera and will I em: waigna aooui i.e. peusae; sis easn.i rge delegations of high school students O. BLDSNFADEN.

undertaker and give beat our new tactory to iirsi esate ireni eoecri wail aad kai FOR RENT HOUSES. Aaoress jes. Newe-rrese. balmer. Sll-311-ttS N.

10th. Phonos III. i tret and wr work- all comnlela: SDullcaiue. Apply at tsmporary factory, 111 and townspeople have taken advantage of the diversions offered on high school a. Tooila-Campbell Dry Ooods Co.

wearatl Isn FOR gALE teams FARIg roR ent Four-room house, lloi toth. 411 bam for horss and carriages; shad -and fruit. A flrst-elase neighborhood: wlihln easy walking distance ef business district. BARBER, funeral directors. Phones, old 44.

new 40. 1014 gt. Jesep In iWl he enlisted in Company C. Seventh Kansas cavalry, and the following year was appointed chief of the commissary department by President Lincoln. He was mustered out in 1S66 with the rank of brevet major.

From OSS" to 1870 Mr, Morrill was clerk of the district court of Brown county, during three years of which time beginning in 187 he was also clerk of the county court, holding the latter Office until in. Mr. Morrill was a member of the state senate from 172 to 1880 and during a part of that period waa Its presiding officer. In 1882 he was elected to congress from the first district and was re-elected three times, serving until 1890. As a member of the governing board meres.

avs. 111.40; T-reom house 1411 Faraen. iii Felix. WANTED 'Whits girl for general house day to visit the stnte university, and the local club of students from thst city are raone less. work.

Mrs. Marvin Davla, 411 N. Ith at. oasn, per cant, FOR SALE rheap. at Dunhsm yard, tie! 8IDENFADEN.

uudsrtsker. Lady attendant. 1101 Frsd. avs, Both phone 1144. e.

stn, is aeaa ei iwo work mare. FOR RENT Mx-reom house. 1111 J. hoping for an increased number this year. viKTltlw Three S.needls girls for tnseams water and gas; III par month.

on overalle. pants and Jumper Can glrs On that day, the university offers med FOR SALE gerend-haed typewriter at bar work to about 1 Smgls needle operators. als tor championship games of basketball gain, sei xamonn. pnea 4411. FOR RKNT Fire-roem dwelling; water and SITUATIONS WANTED MALE.

experienced preferred. McDonaia. penn St. gaa rrwptne THE Oliver typewriter model Ko. g.

rear and baseball. These are conducted in the morning while In the afternoon a track R'ANTED Ftrst-olass whits cook; must bs WANTED To keep light set of hooka by an 11x140. WITH 1-STORY DOl'BUS TCS'C- FOR rknt Hsoera s-roota bouse, mi strictly No. 1: wilt pay 140 par month. experienced bookkseper.

A a area, g7. mot xrm aou; js. tzi od Tie n. loin, rnona ev. meet, to decide the atate supremacy, is Newa-press.

Apply bstwesn 10 and II a. 110 N. 7th. an Oliver typewriter; pay gt rat tl it dav If you Ilka Tom can rent aa Otteert tipewrtter, with oak tsble. for II per BTthj Stenographer supplied and position ftlledl without charge to either otivefl held.

At night there are essay contests wiKTEO-ToiiM whit girl to take care ef "9.R sfarch 14 heaee -741 a BITUATIOX WANTED By all-around oak habv afternoons: references. Call 301 reams ana Beta; ia. c. A. siemlng.

llth, veh tld bv, prlor. Utlitf rtxim. dining room, kitrhen, jxinlry, ehfna eloMt; Moood floor hall, nlr bd ehrabrsv loth claat, inrclat bath, hot tad oal wtr; lAr- f.frfd, sprt tic. frnt and rr porohes; for Mithtin, er; proivra VUL iuwu juu. evtua eve the university auditorium.

In order facilitate these affaire, the visitors iypwrnr i ill stn at. Joaal of the Leavenwporh Boldtsre Home, N. Mulberry MaryvtUa, Mo. 1 7b st. mo.

v. w. donneoa, restflenf manager. FOR RENT Four-room house, close to ear mostly arrive In Columbia, the preced line, inquire i.e. reirx.

SITUATION WANTKD By experienced At'CTlON gALE Household goods. 1 LAD1B9 are invited to Inspect the superb selection of l.nwenberge. 710 ing day and tor these the St. Joseph alub young man ana wite on ram. 2124 Sa yipa zor uwing-; bsw nf(tr lit fcllf for bath.

pUniy room to rot ia seta I dining (ablea. 4 dining chairs, fold to 1W4, Mr. Morrill accomplished many reforms asked by the veterans. In 1894 lir. Morrill was elected governor of Kansas by a majority of 90,000.

FOR RENT Feur-roenv house; gas and bath. Francis. Our wring Illustrated catalogue vannah ava. a making special preparation. Ail trains ing bed, I bedroom suits, gasoline etoes.

inquire jets ien. la ready for distribution. I boss who hsrs Olenee, new spring vtsna rev and hoeae will be met by the committees, who will SITCATION WANTED By hoy. tj years ft houaej north dcubi. tnmnt: a flrat-claaa with prMty slvw (tniat front Stth stp ha asphalt toa tabl.

A vTy dirable ptoparty to own. been overlooked pleas call. Fast Savannah road, 1 mil north Krvg FOR RF.NT Foar-room house. Call 71 g. old.

on farm: hav had acme experience: He served one term and thereafter prac see that all are shown to rooms and con ara. iiuis jeneen. isth at. will work for IIS par month. Address 00, WASTED At once, experienced trimmers tically retired from politics.

wall and bad, with nic yard and venient places of entertainment, News-Press. at JTreymann stliunery. e-w reus. Mniiaa rould Hy "rm(dlrt Into aa FOR RENT Four-room modern house. In The authorities here are practically SWAPPERS' COLUMN.

Rant tlncta rsi'1nr, Biich boautlfiil quire 1414 N. stain at. WANTED Aa clerk tn gro wanted Ineioerlenced girls: South Bu Mr. Morrill was active in the building of the St. Joseph A Grand Island railway and was a member of one of the first sure of securing low railroad rates to ijrounat ana viw.

part cash; i par cery; haec or- references. Address Joseph girls preferred. Pearl laundry Co, jeyu FOR Re. NT Modern 0 room house, tsi FOR SALE OR TRADEt-Feur-rooea house! Columbia and they are putting forth Nswa-PKa. Jones St.

Inquire of Dr. W. Rosa, rnon and corner lot la Biwoeej, Bear el hoards of directors of the company. every effort to make the day a success. WANTED flirt for general homework, to go home nlghtx Apply Robldoux St.

19, aittngar oiog. urrice phone 4210; rest rater and school, ea mala street, Fhoni 81TCATION WANTED Aa coachman, yard Hiawatha has two substantial monu Every department of the university will asnee ezos. till Msln. or Janitor: atrlctly temperate: heat of ref ments to the memory of Governor Morrill erence, Addreae I 91, News-Press. WANTED Housekeeper by widower, drees 4-J.

News-Presa be thrown open to the visitors and students and instructors will be In the va IFOR RENT flu-room house, modern ex. WANTED TO SUY. cept furnace. 711 N. tilth.

WANTED Permanent position aa collector He gave the city Its free public library, founded Hiawatha acsdemy and ha heen rious buildings to explain the methods of or etmllar outdoor work: young man. e. six NKATi atiuearlng, energetic ladles to FOR RENT Four-room house: cistern. J01 (WANTED Msa's second-head slathHig cllent reference; bond If necessary. Address ths work and the intricacies of the labor.

president of the Morrill ft Janes bank, hoes: hlgnset price paid; beat srvlc iiu jo one, alter clock. 84, Newe-Press. travel demonstrate and aell doalera; references hut experience not necessary: permanent position. Goodrich Drug atory equipment. I drop postal.

Arch Cable, 104 g. Ith. TsL lt the chief financial Institution In the county, since 1871. It is estimated that his es SITUATION WANTED By young man as oordon ft Koppel Kansaa city. 11 o.

134 S. 4TH ROCK ISLAND BLDO. FV'RNITURB and atovae bought; highest WANTED TO RENT. laundresa and two bookkeeper and general effire. work, or city salesman: c(tn glvo good reference Address 04.

News-Frees. prices. Aiwn-niunii, .24 a. ita. let.

1144J WANTED Competent EXPECTED PACIFICATION. FOR SALE In Maple Heights, one-acre Iota. Clsiers- Hospital. girl for dishwashing. tate will exceed one million dollars.

Governor Morrill had taken part in every public apirlted enterprise In the history of Hiawatha and Brown County and the Btcelv located: twe s-acre tracts. Miliar WANTED TO RENT A 4 or -room house Farm. Asblsnd road, A. Millar. bv March 34.

with gaa and city water WANTED Ts buy good 4-or 4-room keueej en car Una, not mors than 14 hiecsta fsona center of city. Phon 4043; laundress; call even Naivete of the Americana Sometimes atate prtfe. Addrsea 44. News- Frees SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. No.

J7111 asneca sc. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. WE HAVE a number ef very attractive first WANTED Smstl Pony er pony outfit fori cttlsens of the locality; will offer fitting testimonial for the regard in which he MfX Jsmes 1 WANTED Cook, good wages. Makes Selfish Traits Seem Charming. Address 41.

Nswe-Preee. 1 IHtls girt mortgage loans ror seis in amount of LOST AND FOUND. N. Burnes, Ayr Lawn. SITUATION WANTED By good girl to assist with housework In some nice famljy.

Address 3002 8. tth or call Sunday. 41.1.0 10 43.100. netting investors 4 and 4 V. was held.

Washington Star: Mra. Henry Tannan, per eeat- Insurance policies with mortgage WANTED TO Bt'T Small secend-head eafe, general house- WANTED A gtrl. to help lobt On the country road n. a of elt is expected that the governor's re Cheap lor cssn, Address 7v. KewaJ the wife of the noted aeronaut, said ta aa ork.

730 Charles st. eleuae. abstract witn certificate by Joa Morton, accompany eaeh loan. attend le col. pair nose glasees.

win reward nnaer no- SITUATION WANTED By a middle-aged mains, accompanied by hta son Frank free. erally. O. M. Spencer, soil arson.

woman as housekeeper for widower with Interview In New Ifork: I lection ef Intereet, see that taxss are kepi WANTED Qlrl for housework; no laundry. Morrill, will reat-'h here some time to WANTED To buy large flat teg oak desk, 'What I partioularly like about you LOST From 1104 llth st, female fox 404 K. Sth. 1 out small children; wages and up; permanent If sulied. Belle Richmond, Station A.

City. morrow forenoon. The body will be taken pal etc. WILLIS R. MUNOER.

417 Frencls St. Phone 1343. taerlar. wntte wttn crown neaa WANTED Girl to assist In housework snd Dearborn llcenaa tag No. lSl return for re Americans is your naivete.

This naivete often makes selfish traits seem quite charming. For lnatanoe: WANTED TO BI A I to l-renm eottege. lake care of ills rtioennaugn. ward. B.

M. Fenii. Dearborn, Mo. at once to the Congregational Church where It will He In state until time for the funeral, which will probably be held WANTID Position at pattern counter; FOR SALE One lot, 40x110 cheap. Mala near the high school.

Will pay cash. An pertenced. Address 80. News-Press, 171. swer fully.

Must buy at ones, Addrsea Oil, children; reference. WANTED Nurse for txiRT gold watch Jast 1 Thureday I lunched the other day with a Brook Xewe-Preaa 1 Eldlnworka engraved on back; lib some time Wednesday. The public Apply 152J Edmond. EXPERIENCED nurse wants private nurs FOR SALE Cheap. 3 of ths nicest building lots on ith ave.

Call or address 3119 Ed- lyn woman. After luncheon, aa we took eral reward If returned to this office. ing or position In Institution: best of dne- Ices will be held in the Armory and the WANTED Immediately, experienced white our coffee in the drawing room, my hos mend. torr references gtv.n. Phone 4948.

Mra Malott. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. local Grand Army of the Republic, Ma ett-t re ennklna and general nousework lady's gold watch. FOUND On B. Juls tess' son, a little lad in white, came in.

no washing and Ironing: wagea II per week; Call Jute su eons and Knights Templars' organizations FOR HALE By owner, 31-acra tract. Just outslds limits, near Rochestsr road. A. heel references required. 1125 hanes.

He talked to me politely for a while, WANTED Room and soms meek 14 days fe will provide escorts for the body. FOt'ND Lady's watch. In front of Conssr SITUATION WANTED By widow as housekeeper for widower or tn rooming houss. Call S01 Francis st. montn: on car 11ns: eioee la preferred.

Aa Harold, city. then he crossed the room to his mother. WANTED Dining room gtrl and woman Compljing with the governor's wishes, laundry, call isit r-eus. arose kit, newe- he said in Ms little hard, nasal 104 Francia st. FOR BALE 1300 equity In 60-foot lot I6lh expressed some time ago, his body will LOUT Pochetbook, between 13th and llth, WANTED TWO young men to beard situation WANTED As stenographer: 7 Yoioe, 'did you buy Harold a birthday end Angeiique: a dollar a week handles WANTED White woman cook.

401 N. 3d. on Sylvsnle. Return to miss Lyons, Lehman room, 1. per week private rami v.

mod te wrapped in silk flag, presented to him about six years ago by the veterans tne remaining laso: no interest. Addreae yeare- experience ln wnoieeala house. Ad-dress 41. News-Press, or 17X0 old phone. Phone receive reward.

1 ess, sws-rrss. em convsniencee; references exchanged 111 8. llth. present when you" were out this Tes, aald ths mother. of the Leavenworth SoMtera' ItomavAS WASTED White girl, tn risen, ons day out STRATED Scotch coll Is.

SITUATION WANTED By good gtrl to as I months old Telephone Mein of each week. Apply Mrs. juerrui, .1. testimonial of their appreciation for his white and same; rewara. sist wttn nouseworx in acme nice family.

TRUNKS. tth st. "'And. he went on. "what did you (084.

Addreae t03 B. JSth St. or call after a aervicea toward that KdDrlfci Joseph clock. I LOST Between Prim's hall and Hotel Robl buy to pacify me 'cause it ain't my birthday If yes buy a doux. commercial man pin, attached to Mr.

Morrill was a charter member of the local organisation of Maaona. Grand Army of the Republic and Knights TRUNK, bao er auiTCASg WAXTED Small gtrls at Hundley Factory, 4th and Ange-llque I dence progrem. Return to .711 Fsllx; re- AUTOMOBILES. tail-Estate, Imu yoa set the beet that's made-Low erteee for aigh-eleas I ward. Templars.

TWO DEATHS MAY RESULT. goods Herbold Trunk Factory WTETH AUTO ft BT PPLT CO. LOST Abstract snd Bote Inside given by Sit a. sin. -rsispnoae sua BtTCK.

OLDSMOBtLE, BTEVENg-DURTEA. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam w. E. Winter to Ida Redding. Return to afargaina eecona-nand cars, uarage, 2d I tie N.

4th st. and receive rswsrd. ily of J. 524 N. th St.

TO MOVE HAYES BODIES. Fatally Shot Texan Attacks His Assail ano saraon er. joaeDn, Mo. FINANCIAL. for Mondaya Ap- WANTED Washwoman LORT A smsll gold elsse pin, S.

c. "04 Ply tie nth at. engraved on it. nnaer piesse lease at ant, Inflicting Wounds Which May Cause Remains of Lite President and Wife PRINTERS. Neudortr hardware etore, 114 g.

4ih Mmi for. Safaris ITcopIs': WANTED Esperienced salesgirls for varl. ous densrtments; these having- had ex Will Be Re-Interred In the Near Future. FURNISHED without eeeortty. quickly perience will he given preference.

ep- LUFKIX. Texas, March Ii. As the climax of a dispute yesterday between the two men. J. C.

Brown, an engineer, waa MIDLAND PRINTINO COMPANT Removed to 410H EDMOND. BASEMENT. Commercial Viock. PIANOS, ORGANS, ETC SELECT TOnt LOT ANT PART OF pucattens. bv mall or in person, treated with qnistiy ena i.

weys lowsst. Cell end set my tersu. D. Di strict confidence. Hirsen.

Bros' D. Co. uraae, sm shot and fatally wounded by J. T. Nutter.

FREMONT, March bodies of the late president Rutherford B. Hayes and his wife. Lacy Webb Hayes, the city, will buy lot. buna Bouse and arrange monthly psy menta 413 EDMOND T. Telephone Mala 4010.

SALARIED people money apoa I halt HEALING OIL. workman, After receiving the wounds which later caused death. Brown at ORNAMENTAL FENCES. tacked Nutter with a knife. Inflicting In wn Bam wuoous aeTiniy; aay pay menu: offices in 44 principal clllaa gav, youraelf money by getting mr terms first Tolman, roeex 14.

Balllngar bldg. OOOD for Aak your druggist or juries which may cause Nutter's death, see wane star Msa. sig N. 3d. FOR SALE HOUSES.

AT PRESENT WE HAVE A NUMBER OF SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS IN SLIOHT- lT HID AND 8ECOND-HAND PIANOS. Don't buy a ptene enywhere until you see our etook or write to as for ear eomplste list. Note the following: a gtelnway upright, used, but la fins condition 1371 An Klburn upright, dark oak case, like AKranlVh Bach unglght, like gig 2 Standard Herlngton upright, ussd a few months 304 New Brook upright 114 New Norrie a. Hyde upright grand, mahogany caea 334 New Regal upright grand 144 sis to 411 eaeh, end 44 to II eieathlv. PER80NAL PROPERTY LOANS.

CARPET CLEANING. ENTERED WRONG ROOM. FOR SALE 3011 Washington, 4-room houss; water and sewer connection, large yard, shrubbery and fruit trsse; on paved street; blocke from car line. Inquire of L. F.

Hauck. cere Tootle-Campbsll D. O. Co. alt kinds gXECTRIO CARPET CLEANER Carpers eieaned and fsathera renovated; best work Mlstgken for Burglar Iowa Youth It trsonal nrap- In etcy, hi.

sa.l. t- n. iwia, xsi Mulberry. an i.e. roess erty, diamond, etc.

People'a L01 Slain in Des Moines. 014 BBOBS 413, Hughe bldg. aTETJBNER CLEANING 1101 g. nth ORNAMENTAL Window guards, flower guards and trainee. M.

K. Fence 414 N. Id St. Joseph, Mo. Phone 304T NO OTHER association in ths state matures lte loene aa quickly as the South gt.

Joseph Bldg. A Loan at Park Bank. Phone 1181. Wa clean by compressed sir! The world is with the man who smiles when the Coffee Hurt i ta gone and P0STUM has, town a k. -There's i DEB MOINES.

March If. A. L. Ryan, twenty-one yeara old, son of a prominent fanner of Beaconafteld, Iowa, Is dying as The beet war. wientai ruga a specialty.

CLAIRVOYANT. with Interest at 4 per osnt, will buy sny et mum SUia Mm.vrwae i.uut.inil. HOTELS. the result of being shot when attempting REAL ESTATE LOANS. the above, ws nave many more, write todey for complete list.

Address JENKINS MUSIC ST. JOSEPH, MO. MADAM HILL 1424 Colhoun. seven! I M. McKINNET Rugs manufactured from old carpels.

1111 Olive. Phon 1337. daughter, bora with a veil, ogpleraa averrj to enter Ute rooms of A. Genetxkl, iRuaaian yesterday. HOTEL RT AN Euro peas; steam heat, cloee to buslnees center.

Rooma. 40c per day and 414 and 414 8. 4th gt, Joseph. Mo. REAL ESTATE LOANS.


Ryan mistook the hallway for the one STOVE REPAIRS. thing peat, nrsewnc ana luture: sivee eevsf on lovs affaire: tslla how te recover I net val uablea: cures pi lea sexual and kidney die eases, lung troubles, weekaees. Inflammation rheumatism, dropsy and Irreguler perloBa white and aethma of ladles. Ogee) daali leading to his apartments. OenetsU declares he took Ryan tar burglar and ROOM AND BOARD- IS PER WEEK.

JAMES HOTEL. 31-meel ticket, 14.00. Prompt service. Clsrka and bualnsas mea eoliclted. v.1- 1KB the new Indian motorcycles; bteyoles for rent, sele or trede: supplies and repairing.

A. McCarthy at Son, 414 Frederick ave. LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST, Repairs for ail make of stove or furnace. A. 8.

IMMutb, 1410 4tk St. Phon 41. 1 FRTVATB money toened without com. en Improved property, M. 6c Most, 104 g.

4th. and gundaya fired through the door..

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