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Laredo Weekly Times from Laredo, Texas • Page 7

Laredo, Texas
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NUMBERS, Ties Has become A Necessity Of Late, To Continue Their Service And Protect Our Forests. COURSE OF TREATMENT. Hard Work in Office Has Affected His Health, and He Wants to Be in Readiness For the I Coming Campaign. Uy I'liiit-d Hri'ss. WaHhingtoii, 22 Foienl Service of the Agricultural 1 gives out the following infonnatinii.

A railroad in Horidiiias which has just hcen to traftic as far as ('eil)H. miles, was huilt with creosoted lies from the United Stales. I he inereased value of wood thus is now well reeognized hy railroad men. life of a rail- Knglish dailies todav. All of them road tie may he greatly lengthened treat tiie meeting as serious ami and sometimes more than doubled strangely eontrusting with their by treatment.

In a attitude year ago when ibe move- i humid liinate like that of Honduras, ment was retfarded dei isivt'lv or i a pine tie in its natural state would lightly. The enormous crowd was I he ijuii kly destroyed by fiingu orderly save aoout the platform I.urge I'liUfil I-iOndon, 22 crowd of three thousand, mostly women attended inilitunt suffragettes demonstration at Hyde park this afternoon. Appreciation of the rapid growth and great strength of theeampaign fur female was retleeted in the All of them railroads of the United where Mrs. I'arkhurst was speaking. Her organized hooillums threw little liomlis tilled witli ill smelling slutT.

rang bells, whistles and started tights treat ith preservatives many, or all, of tlie new lies put in is to treat It) 000 a day. lilew 1 he increasing diffieulty of proeiir- andiiiiii new ties, with the A iiae alarm was turned in about twelve last night and the boys made the run in record breaking time although most fo them were in supposed to be. The tire did not amount to anything, merely an out house North oftheTe.x. Mexican Railroad track. As the proved it was a mighty good thing it was not some building of importance, for after attaching all the hose to the nearest plug the firemen were still I short two hundred feet.

Tills is a condition cf affairs that should not be permitted to prevail longer. If there should be a big fire some time and it became necessary to play several hose at the same time from considerable distances the firemen would be most wofully handicapped and there might he a big destruction of prop- ertv. by Wliitp Plains, N. Klihu Hoot, Secretary of is expected to arrive at -Muldoon's Sanitarium ne.xt Wednesday to undergo another course of training in his preparation for the arduous duties of the coming presidential campaign. Mr.

Root was a patient of Muidoons last Fall. Hard work in connection with his office has he Fire Department has stated again affected his health and Mul-1 througli these col- doon expects to place him in needed, at least, five physical condition. It is also fmndred feet more of iiose. As ported that Mr. I aft may go intoj tPese men give their time to this training at camp to the city and, as Declares The Republican Plank Is A Gold Plated Brick By 1 Prt-sii.

I.ineoln, June 22 .1. Bryan, in an attack on the anti-injunction plank of tlie republican platform, declares it is a most transparent fraud and that the resolution committee of the republican convention must have been bunkoed by trust lawyers. He declares the plank offers nothing to labor but is a crude piece of deception that has no more value than a gold plated brick and says it starts out with a defence of the courts when tliey are not being attacked and concludes without offering the slightest relief from injunetions which have been inflicted on labor. crushes. Many woiiicn screamed 1 prices, compels railroads tu make and fainted.

them last as lung as possilde. It Upwards of 'liirty were sent to has lieeii e.stimatcd that the railroads the hospital for treatment. 1 1 was i of tlie Stales demand in a expected that G. H. Shaw would single year tlie ties grnwing on a appear in Hie parade.

Imt though forest strip one mile wide and tliree he viewed llie procession and snap miles long, sliotted somu of tlii' liaraclcrs in It is worthy of note that wliile it he did not march. He said to a creosoted pine ties are lieing sliipped reporter: "I did not walk liecuuse from tlie United Stales to Honduras, I did nol want to do anytliing to i iiardwoods arecomingto the spoil tlie demonstration rs. SSiates lidiii tlial country. Amer- Shaw walked tliough. 1 told tier icans are doing tlie slFqiping liotii picpaii- ioi liie cauipuigu.

Vriieii asked about Hie report Muldoon laughingly rnaylte he will come to my liut 1 don't know when. 1 think he will first see wito is nominaleii ity tlie democrats against him, so lie can estimate what kind of training I shall give him. Should Bryan be nominated, he would need onlj a light course, but if John.son should be liie nominee, should iiave to iik imks understands, pay dues to the Department for the privilege, it certainly is up to the property owners to fully equip them. Tlie additional liose required could be bouiitit at so small a cost to the property owners tiiat no one of tliem could feel the outlay. Game As tlicre was no game scheduled witli an out of town team vcster- put him tlirougii a course nf hard i (dav.

a game was arranged tietween the Laredos and the Frankes. It St wavs traii of 8,000 in Honduras lias lieeii secured an i-oiupany whiclt will cut the maiioganv (ttlicr valuable! hip tliem to tht I would come on the single condition that should wheel me in a hatli chair. This iuis been essentially a women's demonstration ami if 1 had my way 1 svould not uitow 1 and a single man to walk in it. 1 idled Only jeers from tiie crowd were direi ted against tlic men pa' udiiig. I I.omlon has never seen a proces-j BERLIN INCENDIARY Sion wliere tlie average uf looks was higher, The women walked well, not a single one fell i.

out, yet a few days ago during Watchman Arrested Police Who Laid A Trap And FIRES By tierman luunouevres men fell out. Fven the Kaiser liimsclf was overcome by heat. When asked what was tin- most sti'iking feature of ttie demonstration, Shaw said: single baby carnage drawn bv a man and single dog by a woman. Caught Him. i Iiic-l Pr.

FAMOUS BALL Berlin, mystery of numerous incendiary fires which liavc been occurring in this city i for the past six months, in whiclt tliousands of dollars vvortii of property has been destroyed and at I least six lives lost, was solved to- tlay in tlie arrest of I I I Ssytkewski. niglit watehman. The I became suspicious of liim on account of the fact that tlie fires ioccurred in the territory adjacent KRESS THE RETIRED tu tliat wliich he wutciied and laid trap for him and eauglit Itiin in till' act of tiring a house. It liad uy been tlie iiabit of Sytliewski after tire to houses to make a report to tlie lire department and secure a reward, it is said lie has handsomely by these operat ions. HARRY MILLIONAIRE BALL PLAY- KR WANTED POLICE.

"OH FATHER FORGIVE THEM WAS THE DYING EXCLAMA- 1I0N OF AN INSANE PREACHER. WHO WAS RIDDLED WITH BULLETS. Affected With Homicidal Mania, Was In The Act Of Killing His Wife. When He Was Shot To Death By A Crowd. Nature has provided the stomach with certain natural fluids known as the digestive juices, and it is through these juices that the food we eat is acted upon in such a way as to prtKiuce the rich, red blood tliat flows through the veins of our body and tliereby makes us strong, healthy and robust, and it is Hie weakening of these digestive juices that destroys health, it is our tauli It we uestroy our own heaith, and yet it is so easy for any one to to put the stomach out of order.

When you need to take something take it promptly, but take something you know is like Kodo! For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Kodol is pleasant to take, it is reliable and is guaranteed to give relief, it is sold by Drug Store. dll The Case Of Steve Adams Charged With Murder Of Arthur Collins Is Up For A Hearing. By Ptiilea Grand June The trial of Steve Adam.s on the charge of murdering Arthur Collins. Manager of the Smuggler Union mine, commenced today.

O. Hiiton, counsel of the Western Federation Miners has promised to of the biggest sensations for years. Adams will repudiate ail his alleged confessions. Tfiere are a horde of deputies guarding the court to prevent any outbreaks. A SENSATIONAL TRIAL ILLS.

FEDERATION OF LABOR TAFT ATTENDS THE RACES Will Witness The Contests Be tween Boats At New Haven To Matron. STONE WOMAN TO Faslers" May Be Arrested In Chicago. was a case of "Skidoo' for the Crankes, score standing 23 to 4 in favor of the i.aredos. The game was a comedy of hits and errors, f.a- redos making most of tlie hits and tlie Crankes making most of the errors. Buenz who pitches for the Crankes made a baloon ascension in the 3rd, inning and before lie By cr.

fame down tlu- Laredo's had scor- Chicago. Ills, June 22 ed 13 rims. Taylor begun an investigation into ithedeatliof Mrs. Adam Tliompson, A Grand Family Medicine, i wife of the Cult "Devi! Fasters. 1 gives me pleasure to speak a womans body was terribly Igitod word for Electric Hitters, alleged the "Fast: writes Mr.

rank Conlan ot No, f'' who believe in satiuu euier. Ueb Houston New York. "It disease made the woman fast a grand family medi. ine for dys -1 days. It is expected itepsia and liver complieatiitn while uvfeset wiii follow tiie in- Hy New York, June Taft with Frank H.

Iveliogg and of Ciiiciiuiuii. arrived today to meet ids wife and son, and started for New Haven where lie will witness tfie boat races Thursda). Taft and Wright, lus successor, are going to Oyster Bay to consult President Taft declin. ed to talk politics, except to voice the satisfaction with Sherman as the candidate. He made light of the escape from ths wreck last night when the en- DEATH train broke a piston rod near Denison Ohio.

Endorse John Mitchell For Governor And S. J. Drew For Lieut. Governor. By Springfieid, June Ii.

linois Federation of Labor endorsed Jolm Mitchell, a.s the democratic candidate for Governor and S. J. Drew Republican for Lieut eroor. Eight candidates of the general a.ssembly are also endorsed as labor candidates. EX-MAYOR OF CHICAGO TERRIBLE HEAT IN CHICAGO.

Two And A Score Of Prostrations Reported Today. for iame (lavk and weak kitini'vs is i cannot lie loo highly recoimmmd- Electric Hitters regulate the digestive functions purify liie blood, and impart renewiai vigor and vitality to the weak and di'lblitated af lioth sexes. Sold under guarantee at all druggists, 2 vestigation. ENED. Accused Oi Leaving His Young Wife Penniless And FJuping With Another Young Woman.

Bv 22 'The pidiee of all large eiliesof eouuiry bave heen asked to keep a lookout fur Harry Kress fainoiis iiall pitehei and business man, lio has Kress lias with Maroaret bis IT vear old stenographer. Ivress is a pretty yoiing wife of lo ycars witli iwo and tias lieeti left withoiit a 8 Miss ('arroll are Iwoof preltiesl young women in Pittsluirg iiiiil liad heen hoHOiii eompanions liefere her marriage to Kress, Tliis iiiarriage made a eoolness and sinee wed.ling -M II roll has not spoken to Mrs. Krt'ss. DeWitt Kidney ami Hhidder Iblls are prompt and tiiorougli and will in a very siiort strengthen tlie weakened kidneys ami allay trouldes arising from influmation of tlie iiladder. They are recommended every hy Reed's Drug Store, di! TWO AUTOMOBILES CRASH.

Millonaires Big Machine Runs Into Another Auto With Fatal Result. By iiiif.l New York, June racing with another macliine on tlic Bctli Page turn of tlie pike, tliis afternoon, a liig touring auto of "Hoots Durnell a miliionaire man run into and eruslied a little ligiit ear eonlaining the family of a well to do Sp.niiaid. Arosemena was thrown from his seat and killed. His wife and two young daughters, Inez and Josephine and the (Tiauf feur, Hripnuin were all thrown out seriously hurt. By Hill'll Hermann, June "Eallier forgive tliem.

for they know not wiiut they do, Riddled with iiiickshot from guns of a dozen memhers of his congregation. Rev. Valentine Strauss of the German Evangelical church, returned to sanity a few seconds iiefore deatlii today, and witli his last words he for. while kneeling and! bareheaded the men wlio luui killod I liim. Tiiey have been exlionerated.

Rev. became insane two montiis ago witii a lionricidal mania. He began roaming the; 5 Fatholic country at night witl. a shot gun Have received For A Sprained Ankle. As usuall) treated, a sprained ankle will disable the injured per son for a inonfli or more, but iiy ajiplying Fhamlierlain's lanimenl and observing tlie directions with each bottle faitlifully.

a cure may lie off'eeted in manv cases in less CATHOLIC THREA F-; tlian one week's time. This liniment I is a most remarkable Try it for a sprain or bruise, or Anonymous Letters Received Warning Them Not To Attend Laying Corner Stone Of Church, wlien laid up with eiironic or muscular rlieumatism, and you are certain to lie deliglited witli the proiiqit relief wliich it affords, i Eor sale by all Itruggists. 2, By fiiili'il Kansas, Fitv Mo. June and rifle and from tops lie fired at men. women and children, wounding three men ami several women.

Today lie attenjited te kill liis wife who tied to a blacksmith sliop, Stiuuss followed firing at lier ami tlieii a lialf liozen men in tlie sliop ritidleu Inm witli tmlh'ts from shot guns, TAFT HAS A CLOSE CALL Engine Drawing His Car Breaks Piston Rod While Running 60 Miles An Hour. anonymous tlireatening lieatli if Tliey attend tiie laying of tlie corner stone of tiie new church yesterday. Tlie writers promised to be in a crowd and shoot tlie clergymen. Ail attended and no violence was attempted. The police regard Hie threats seriously ami are hunting the autlior fear, ing attempts revenge will i made.

THE YAQUI INDIANS. American Troops Patroling Mexican Side of Rio Grande To Assist in Killing Them. By Chicago. His. June 22- terrible heat still prevails with two deatlis, and a score of prostations.

The weather bureau is promising relief tonight. Tlie therinometei was 7 all night. 500 POUNDS OF CANDIDATE Taft Weighs Over 500 Pounds And His Running Mote Sherman Weighs Over 200 pounds. By Wasiiingtun, Taft and ids running mate Sherman will tie tlie fat men's ean- didutes, comtiined weigiit of the two being over five hundred pounds. Taft vveiglu's over tliree and over two pounds.

LOCOMOTIVE EXPLODES By riuifii Mexico ('ity, June 22 ing to advices received liere today, American troops arc patrolling the Mexican liank of the DioRrunde with the consent of Diaz in aiding Hie government's campaign to exterminate tiie Vaqui Imiians wlio are on another rampage. It is tielieved a is imminent lieiween tiie Amerieun troops and Indians as tlie soldiers crnvvsling Many Large Works Are Started Up tiiem l.eavily from tlie south. Again At Pittsburg Pennsyl- BIG TRADE IMPROVEMENTS. Engineer Thomas Pieces And Both And Brakeman Hurl. Blown To Fireman Fatally By Unie-il Imlay Fity, June 22.

-A locomotive on the tirami 'I'ruuk fast freight exploded lotiay. Engineer Thomas tiibhs was blown to pieces. Fireman Hrovvn and Hruke- man were fatally hurt. FINED TWO THOUSAND LARS. DOL- Bv Ciiili'il New York, June 22.

Federal Judge Hough, has lined twenty manufacturers of Manila lihre paper 2 eaeli on pleas of guilty of violutinif anti trust law. vania. Uiit.slmrg, 22 Mr. Taft an exeiting experieiiee eiiiavile from Uiiieitiiiati to Pittsliurg last night when at Oliio, ua miles from Fittsliiirg, while speeding at sixty miles aid.our. tlie piston rod on tlie eiig'ne liauliiig tlie ear eoiitaining 'I aft and his party gave way.

Taft, along with the other members of the party re- HyiuiI Castings Fo. will eeived a jolt. Tlie secrelary was I week. Steel men say not seriously shocked. It was of a month Dt.umi men who close i-all, iiowt'ver and been sinee Novendier will train readied the union station at working again.

an early hour this morning he was still awake amlaliil nervous wlien lie DeWitt Little Early iiisers By ('iHln! Riltsburg, JuiiC 22. are great improyement in trade conditions here. The and Tin Fo. employing men iiave resumetl full time at the Sliaron Steel Hoop Co. The Nat- learried what a narrow escape liad from peiliaps injury.

he lie famous little liver pills, are i obi liy Iteeii's Drug Store. dl HENIOUS PLOT DISCOVERED Stevedore Arrested At Hamburg For Dynamiting Ocean Liners. By I Hamburg June 22. It is lieliey. ed a plot has been discovered for the wliolesale dynamiting of the Hamburg American line steamers.

Tlie explosion on the at I'hiladelphiu is laitl to a bomb. It is further befieved other sti'amers have iieen A score of stevedore here liave heen arrested as suspects. NEWSPAPER MAN APPOINTED President Appoints John Callan Secretary To Japanese Exposition. Bs Uiiilct! Oyster Huy. June 22, Rresident Roosevelt lias announced that John Callan.

a Washingttm neyvs- papernian has In'cn apiiointed to tlie Japanese Exposition Fonimission. The repiorts tliat the secretary will be made national (Tiuirinan is ridiculed here, it is pointed out tliat it would talk of the Rresident directing the campaign. Tlie president won't allow tins. Heads Petition For Pardon Of Herman Billek Convicted Of Murder. By CiiUf-d Chicago.

June 22 Mayor Dunne heatls the committee of citizens colh'cting funds to carry the of Herman Bilek the condemned munierer to the U. S. Court. PERSONALS. J.

Harkeney, R. A. W. Ludlow, E. Moffet.

S. Z. Nieto, A. M. Walker, A.

N. J. Head. J. fl, Allison.

C. A. Baker, H. Quick, C. and Thos, f).

Wiison were among the arrivals from Mexico going north today. Mr. fieorge Marshall and wife passed through Saturday en route to City from Chicago, on a visit to his father, Mr. R. Marshall of that place.

Engineer Biggerly of the f.uis Division arrived yesterday mornicg for a visit to relatives, the family of Mr. W. L. Giddens. Dr.

Rnbt, McCullough Jr. came in yesterday from the North on a visit to his parents and Mrs. Robt. Mr. rank Lattig came in yesterday and spent the day with his family and returning last night to Mexico.

Mr. A. Wright who has been spending a few davs with his sister Mrs. J. W.

Mii.ssett left for T.uis Rotosi. Mr. L. Wyler and party en route from Mexico City to New York and Europe passed througli today. Customs Inspector H.

Camp- returned Saturday from a short visit to relatives at Beeville. Mrs. 1 Ryder of Mexico Citv through Saturday en route home from Chicago. Mrs. Rratt, mother of -S.

Rratt. returned from a visit to California Saturday. Mr. Geo. Walters of Lange Soap ('o.

of arrived in the city yesterday. Mr. D. H. Hall returned Saturday evening from a short visit to Antonio.

Mrs. Fraley and Miss Fraley left last night for New York. Mr. Fug. Yglesias of Galveston arrived in the city yesterday for a short visit.

Judge Don Bliss, a prominent lawyer pf San is in the city. -Mr. K. F. Wager left yesterday for Chicago on a three weeks visit.

de Tarnava of Monterrey was a visitor in the city yesterday. -Mr. J. H. Scarte of Monterey arrived in tlie city this morning.

Mr. 1 Kenetly of Zarita was in the city yesterday. Mr. r. Lddings of Monterrey is in the eity R.

Stiff, St. Louis; E. Denison, Saltillo: Card, MoorejJno. (L Ken dv, Santa. Tex, Don A.

Bliss, San C. do Tarnava. Monterrey; Jno. C. ivoliy, Waco; R.

W. Davis, Menor, Coah, D. R. Kant E. M.

Hurst, San Antonio; J. F. Dewitt, Sheldon, la. J. M.

Houston; Harry Gibbs, Failon, J. Searle, T. Etldings, Monterrey; Arnulfo R. (iurcia, Coah. Ross: Yaunato, Monterrey, Mex H.

H. St. fjouis, J. Denison: Chas. E.

Neal, Cotulla, Texas; Vega, Lampazos; C. Johnson Kansas Citv, Cure you.

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