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Bryan-College Station Eagle from Bryan, Texas • Page 3

Bryan, Texas
Issue Date:
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LANDED JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME. PATHETIC FATE. Sara POOR MAN! getting NEW G09DS UOAV iSr Yacht May Carried to liicf. When They Were Needeii the til Day now, and its liard to keep the ladies at home. IT Philadelphia, Ausr. May, which arrived today from r- to bronstht report of the ropr peiiiatiVi-s of the National ll-diof cosn- nnsiiion, which was oompo-ied of ill- lain Po'ter, William Van Pw'UHallear, Louis n. Vanoxnrri (h (iratT, who Aveiit to Porto Kicn 10 i the distribution of supplies sent to the sick soldiers by tiie coininission. iho May, which was loaned to the nieiit by Mr, Van Ileiisallear, left (i, and reached Ponce, Porto Rico, IJ, The reiKirt states the coininission reported to Miles' aid, and were by liirn referred to dolonel tireenleaf, chief Burxeon of the army in the field. Colonel (irecnieaf ordered tiic 70 tons of nietiical supplies placed on the lower floor of the cusfoiu house, which i.s now beiiiK used a.s the headquarters of the army in Porto Rico. Afur mj- tails of the diBtnbutioii of supplieH, the retKirt says: In almost every instance we found lU evwry Suppose YOU try puir, army surKcons most anxious to have at their disposition money for the IS REALLY A PLEASURE to Sell Goods that give so much Satisfaction as the C.

M. HENDERSON LINE OF HIGH GRADE SHOES have given the people who have tried them ow Go cl II I canned Rooii.s, and we are happy to rc- are coming in. You are invited to call tlmt in every case we have been See them. HOT WEATHER GOODS are being shoved out to make room. SAM snHGER.

of noiidod luxuries for the sick, such ai fresh milk, ice (when obtainable) pity us iin early visit, it will lie appreciated. C. Bryan Nortiibound No 1 Houthbound No 2 Od Not thiiound No 2:07 am No 4 a ai 1. Ci N. Tiine llearne WEST HoL'-Ml.

1 leaves. m. 0 a. m. KAST HOU-VD.

.3:53 a. .4 p. ni. limWKhN AND BAN ANTONIO. No.

0, leaves liearne ................3 10 p. m. No. 10, at liearne .1 a. rn No.

2 No. 4 EMIiltOIBMltV LESSONS VEN I BEE. From 3 to 5 this affernoon at residence, by Wrijiht, of Waco. invited, i noted teaclicr celebrated embroidery silk, sold only Burt NorwoCKl. (In and after Septeinlfer let, the liouslon Poet will be delivered to any part of the oitv at reirular subscription rates.

For inire fountain and soda Dr. Pepper, and all the latest ned diinks. caitdieb, fruits, 1 on t.L Paraons. II T. C.

NORIU No. 1 arrives. No. 3 arrives. ..2:43 a.

LOCAL NLVVS. Timo Table liearne P. Newman was here from Macy yesterday and said that the in 12.30 p. iiis part of the county were well pleased with the special edition the F.agle i W. T.

James is a livery' man and studies the convenience of his jjialrouB. Calls for meeiuiii trains Rico wun our metiicai Coon Williams was hero from llarvcy piomptly nijilit and day ami; Hospital Bupplies just at a time when yesterday attention. as owiuji to the 1 i Smith and -Miss Kmma Smith, I lack of Steam with which to Two rooms for rent. Mrs. A.

W. Holl- unload the in the harbor and tolrat.ooch. I returm-d to Palestine those hard ajrround on a coral reef, the Milton Nali now has a position the funeral of their medical department could not aecnre us VI 1 alien lug sapplms promptly and consignment John B. Mike. Cora Luole liollman.

had most con- J. Batte has just recovered from every I able to meet the demands made upm us. There are about American soldiers in Porto Rico and on the day of our doiwrturo, Aug. 22. tliere- were over ICKH) men on the sick liHt.

Of this number h.alf were cases which required prompt and careful There was a large number of typhoid but on Aug. 22, thks disease was not on the increase, a fact which indicates the malady had been carried from the camps at home, and not indigenous of Porto Rico. However, there was a very large increase of diarrhea, dyKentery, dengue, or bn ak bone fever, and malarial disorders to the liot anti unhealthy rainy season, just which causes the water supply to with malarial germs, from constant decaying vegetation. All medical authorities in the army in Porto Rico agree the sick list is incnjas- ing and that an alanmng may be exiHJCted unless the war dejiartnient promptly arranges barmckB for the army of (Kicujiation immediately, provides additional tranciKirts (ho-pital ship lielief being insuflicienrj, remove such of tin sick a.s can safely transferreil home, convalesi'eius and those nervated by climatic It is itnixissible for the men from a northern climate to re- cupT.ite 111 a tropical country uring its most unhealthy season. In concJu.sion we are glad to refvirt we Rico with our The poor pallid face and I tattered habillmentB plainly betokened til health and poverty.

He U)o, r. man who had seen better days, and avoided as much as possible close contact with the other steerage pas- on the large transatlantic plowing Its way to New York. He iiad brought on board with him a large goat, and, by way of exi.dana- tion, had stated that, owing to the poor mate of his bcalth, doctor.s had prescribed fresh goat iniik every day for him, otherwise his Ffe would be jeopardized, ant) might terminate at any moment. During the voyage the goat was his inseparable companion, and the man affection for his dumb friend seemed to no bounds. The goat fully appreciated the Invalid's devotion, and they never separated for an instant.

When the iong-whiskered quadruped fell seasick the man held the over the side of the ship, and tended it with a solicitude that touched the hearts of his fellow passengers. The invalid seldom slept, but when he did 80 through sheer exhaustion. It was noticed by those about him that his arms were lovingly entwined about the goat's neck, while its hot breath and beard played about his cheek caressingly. The day on which the steamer reached port the sick man might have been seen leaving the Barge Office hlg four legged, faithful friend by his side, wearily wending their way fiptown. Branching off at the Bowery, they there entered a large store.

iTie man strode rapidly into the back room with the goat, where he was affectionately greeted by a young man, to he bore a striking resemblance. waste any time. said the traveller, briskly, and impatiently, "but gel out the axe and let's start working on this goat right away, A little later on a large show card w'aa seen suspended In the store window, which read: "Great bargain sale. We beg to announce that our Mr. Dothecustora- housky has just arrived from Kurope with a large stock of fine imported diatnnr.ds.

to be sold at ruination prices. my Stable stock of New Buggies that I offer for sale. Will sell for cash or on time. Will take corn or hay in part pay. See me before you buy, as I can give Bargains in these Buggies.

J. F. PARKS, BRYAN. Come to See Me it IK 1 A liere from Well- ten Fieemaii was born ycH'erilay. Alla Board returned from a to Millican Agent W.

(. row.ler of the H. A T. was here Miss Annie returned yesterday from a to Newton, Mi-s. Judge .1.

iHiremtia left for a business trip to Nolan Blue a strictly first class 5c cigar sold oniy by ('. (4. When you waut to enjoy a nice gel one of nobby turnouts. Little Uoremns. who ha.s was better yesterday.

Kev. J. M. Bullock and daughter, Mias Miunie, were here from Reiiance yesterday. For SaU fine piano condition ctieap.

Apply to Joe Lrogtnski. Miss Louise hitle returned from a pleasant visit to Coluinbua and San nolibv inrimuts and leas-nahle charge- are what get at Phone 112. Maj. Cavitt ottering a valuable huililing site Bryan for sale in a card published elsewhere. When vou want the best liverv sei- vice for balls, parlies, picnic-, drives, call on T.

Jaiues. 24b Capt. H. M. Derdjii went to Hearne yesterday and returned accompanied by two ueices from Palestine.

Prof. J. Barnett of Madison county waahere vesteolay (biero where he will teach in the city school. For accident and in-urance either in or straight life eompaides see Joe B. Heed.

Also stdls Hour, rice aud cotfee. R. Moseley, Viser, A. J. Barnett, John ('ammack, J.

P. and H. L. Scott were lieie from Madison county yesterday. A negro was here ye.Menlay who lalc- raptured an alligator lOi long in near the Bra-zos river.

The alligator will be e.v- hibitetl I ere. W. I'. Martin of Kyle, Texas, who taiuing many usoful articles not supplied gradu.ited as a i captain at the A. ho.qmal equipment of the UuitnJ aii M.

College in Juue last, has hee.n Btaie.s army. to she positiou the depart-j Iiieiit chemistry recently vacated by Prof C. acceptance of a com- as sec-ml lieutenant lu the regular army. Uiiver T. Butler of Company sec- on.l infsntry, is hete irom Jacksonville, xiiiting W.

B. Roman. He shares in the cotuuion le- gret of the 80 that they not gel to CO to the front and d. risively at Miami he to land learing as-ocialion." Ladies! blimi man call-' e.linmy store. He pu ked up a cup and is ohi but my new and iKiantifnl line of up-to-date nobby, sty -1 bsti elegant, porcelain are ami fresh.

Thev the eye and make the blind see. Ask- ing you to call. 1 am respectfully, J. Allen Myer-, Tfie Hot Cutter. And bave a quiet, Sweet Chat aVkJUt those Nice Presents you want to buy; atx)ut the Engraving you want done.

have Woved to B. S. Read's Drug Store where 1 have the heaviest Stock of JewelrY, Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Etc. ever brought to Bryan. John M.

Caldwell. f-abled fo National Relief commission on Aiqi- to fwrwani to Porto Rico a cons gnment of light Rtich as comb'asf'd soups, clam broth, also pajauias and umlerclothiiig, all of which are much needed in the hospitals and uot ob- tamabie on the island. to is a letter from ral thuiiKing tke roinmissiou- on lehalf of the army for the sup- phes and lor a of Amei- ican flags. Atidy Smith is a bright boy, and is in no way inclined to hide his light under a bu.sbel. Last suuinier he ran away with a circuB, and when he returned was more than ever disposed to teach the neighborhood, especially the boys with whom he associated.

One day another circus came to the town, acd Andy was promptly on hand, aiisuming all the airs of a proprietor as he showed his friends around. elephant was among the attractions, aud actually made him kneel, and raise bis trunk, and go through other performances. But at last the elephant seemed to grow tired of thia. for he suddenly threw his trunk around Andy's waist and tos.sed him high up in the air. Andy came down with a tremendous thud, on all fours.

cried the boys, thinking it a part of the performance. "Do it again, Andy. That was splendid! Andy deliberately and wiped thp dirt his face. "No. no.

he said; act is never repeated. It would the Forbltlileu. TEXAS BAK AND BOARDING HOUSE. OTTO BOEHME, Proprietor. All kinds of Fresh Bread and Cakes kept constantly on hand.

Supplies furnished on short notice for picnics and barbecues. I am running a Free Delivery wagon and will deliver your order at your doors. My bakery is a home enterprise and deserves the patronage of the people with whom I live and spend mv money. My rates are 11.00 per day for board with special prices by the week or month. Phone SO.

OTTO BOEHME, TEX.VS. SOME VOLUNTEERS DISGUSTED-I Nauibiir 1 Through ileauinoot Wlio hUooleM HiiU In iaiu'v Far liiveii's sake, Doolin. dftber takin" yure teeth fruni out me ear! Don't vez know Simun ft brother of Mrs. M. war department.

here late yesterdax after- belonged to company Third oon at the rei-uieuce of Mr. retunimg to 1... i tA (Vika Beaumoiir, Tex the westlxmiui Southern Pacific tnun Sun- I day night were a number of volunteer soldiers xvho were totally disgusted with the wav they had or neg- uoo ginsky. Mr. tias icily aliuut two aud (lived at Marlin.

loi mer! turning been iu the Clark from Fort St. Philip. They xx ere ragged, aud by sickness coutraeted while camping at i.ii. 1 Fort St. Philip, a nmrshv, maiariouR Ifeimtdtcaii l.uiiA tMiiiuii- I x- i place, about so from Nexx Orleans.

The 'rwentieth judii'ial district They xpresscd n. the effect Thing My friends." said the eloquent minister, the average man to turn and at himself squarely in the and a-k hiraseif what be really needed most, what would be the first reply suggested to hts rubber shouted the pre- urchin in the rear of the room, and in the confusion which followed the goiMl man lost his place In his manuscript and over again. DR. PAUL M. RAYSOR, PHY'rilClAN SURGF.ON, Bryan, Texas.

Offices over James Drugstore, de nee Phone 131. Resi- announcements VVe are authorized to announce G. MINKFRT as a candidate for County Attorney of Brazos county at the ensuing November election. About Perfumery and Toilet Waters Especially, We are authorized to announce A. W.

BUCHANAN, as a candidate for County Treasurer of Brazos county at the ensuing November i election. 4 hat. notice." asked modest creature the the stove, clock repuhliciin liehi and the jiort in takcii from the miniUes of the riie house was to order by K. Kno.v, ehiiinuau. 11.

F. liendrieks xvas cluiirman the convention and V. li 11 um- lu'r sivritary. IN Sledge, S. t'.

Sapp, H- 8011 and R. 'rhornton wen- aji tiointeii a on credentials, ami F. ME Ktio.x, IF Martin and A. H. Colwell a eommittoe on re.RolutioihR.

On motion of II. R- Ward was lor mar- shalship of the norlherii distnet. In the matter of an indor.Rement for the olliee of district attorney no tory conhl he reached and the eonvention ml- jonrned to meet in Calviit, September that hen they are onc'e mustered out, they are through forever xvith niui that they only wear under compulsion again. ACT WAS ILLEGAL. THE "Ever a "Referring.

1 presume," wood box, her holding before her face?" no; not so nimh that as to her habit of running herself said Iho her bands We are authorized to announce J. T. as ft cainlidate for re-election to the of justice of the peace, No. 4, Brazos county, ai the ensuing November election. Order BosC(m, Artoruey 1 Kiioxxltou, in an tqunioa, tlmi tho cent xvar jtsstis.siuent levied by grand hnige of the Ancient Urdbr oi United in this state is illegal.

The opinion says: "A no right to lexy asseivsiiieni.s its for the yxose of paying the proceeds to a coriioratum for the of payn iHMiofits to utirsous not nmmbors ot a corjionirion Further on in tha he "The alli'giance (of grand hnlge) to the suprtTuo lodge be subordinate to ITS obligations uinier the stat- ute.s of Men him and called him came to names; he the right, And ran alj kinds of bunco games; yet he wouldn't fight Contemptuously they by day And wrote of him by night; They did nut Innit what say; And yet he fight. They jostled liim when would pose, AAMth rollicking delight; Aud some xxould vow they'd pull nose; And yet he fight. Me xxas a pugilist by Uade, insult made him throb. Me fight uuless be Big money by the job. Hiitel Taylor, Hearne; ton: Ennis; 1.

Fuller, John Kuigtit, F'. Hatch, Dallas; Walling; Ft Worth; Snotlgias-, Galveston; Miller, Lonis. It pays to be careful. The name of the odor alone proves nothing. Note the standing of the firm from you buy.

Perfumes are a hobby of ours and when you get them of us you know they are right. We have Crown and others, and are especially the odors we excel in. Either in original sealed bottles with all their fragrance preserved, or in bulk as you please. Prescriptions a specialty. 0.

Druggist. AD Eirr Sale. N. W. corner of the block on DR.

H. T. COULTER, which 1 live It is the highest and prettie-t buihling site in Bryan, Cheap for cash if taken at once. axitt. AMll Teach Miss Nannie Berryman announces that she vxill tearh music at the graded this year, giving instrm tion iu haniionv an 1 ou the piano amJ 04 PlIYrilClAN AM) SUJIOEON, Calls answered Day or Night.

Office at B. S. Drugstore. Residence 'Phone 113. Bryau, Texts.

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