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Times Union from Brooklyn, New York • 8

Times Unioni
Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY. THR.BROOICLYN DAILY' TIMES DECEMBER 20, 1930 r- 8AMC8 vr 8TOCK qrday; Coiupjelc Stock Excliangi Prices total Today 1:021.200 Jali Street previous Day's I 187. IQ0 ni. Itlali SalMh We. Tloker at 12.05 ISM.

ANN ARBOR VOTES $27 AND PFD. DIVIDENDS Tha Ann Arbor Railroad oUy deularad a dividend o( 117 on the law. Oke II tj Last Nu4'f ITiH. tin I Hi. Well, low, I HitL La.

a 'liurs Wsth hi 1 Wen. 800 ltrf fi .1 nfFil- Ills I riraat of A. Park Utah Mm 10 14 1,1 Adama Kxpraaa a II; leu IBH )4 1 1T 41 11 1 A IU Klr.t Nat Hlor. 14 WUk Hub lira. 10 'A 11k 0 EXPORT 4 lo 100 11 1 1 44 IHK J' tl mm I rioraheim Hho, I oatar oundation Co.

4) iav ttuniftiv p( .10 Alrr lac, l.lAlr lli1urtlon. Alal .40 Alaeka Jubeau. Alhany Wr 'a Allahany Corp common itovk and' A' dividend' 10 -I i l' 4t lie- 4' As -aiH Vt -BUYING LARGE 1 lift If JIU 14 II Tour Nt Inf. i en the preferred, both payahla December II, to stockholder of Tin Nwt rnni Co mp of tho Stock Markot, Buying of copper for oxport an I ro aa an 4 as 10 It Inrreaport Tsf IIjS'II 1.10 Alia xt 110 w. I .10 l'anaale Tran.

18 1 fallie 2 14 M. 1 8 1 Pann PUIa 11 II 4 Penn Kallroad, 80 tl 4 Penner (J C). 18 I Peouie'a Ga rta. 'I 1 Petrol 81 10 Phelpe-lMKlne II 10 I Phil IU, 1 4W I'hlla A Read. 14 11 IbPhllllpa 74 Pleroa Oil 8 Plerea Oil pf.

4 1,1 Pierce 10 ill 1.4 Pitta aVr A 4 record Ixloembar On July 10. last, tK Initial i-nnual dividend of all 4 I count coiUnud la especially heavy volume today. Additional tonnagee 14 110 1.10 Alls Pf 140 1 Allied Chem a 4 laawfc 107 141 41 $1' was paid on the common and purchased late yesterday, coming to kit Urs one of or lh preferred. Mia 114 UK 101 lll im ania uiBimera, AIdIw (Jemeiit Arnerefle, Corp, imArCk pt et. IcAnr Bank Wota The roaa waa puronasea oy Morka IMnptay Vtrpt Tar Although profit taking caused (light eaaln frotn the beat flour of tha short' esIoa Avar the close, most of the leading Issue rontlnued, to maka profrea on' tha light brought Friday ngaged export up to Almost lilQO.000 ounda At.

tha aatne a 11 I 11 14 17 41 4 104 it I IV st At the. and of 1121. the oompauy time, purchAaea today for txport Am Brown Boy I aggrfrated 'close to 5,000,001 111 110 oAmerlcan Can. M1UIl'1)4 Amer Can T'S I '1' Pitta. Umtad'; "i a poor 4 Co 18 wti 140, pound.

i had 40.000 haraa of preferred stock and 11.500 har of common" the, Wabash owning IT.4I par cent, of tha total tk 8 im lite. ff Am, Car aVFdy l. ir The. spurt of buylpar from abroad 1 1 im 111 tU Uahrlel BtiUO A 10 IM Itt -T Oeu jAm In. 18 It I Qn Am In tor.

2, 18 U. ImOen Am 4' 81 1 II i I Clen 141, Bronsa, 8 i 0 C.bla 12 114 18 Oen Cable 'A', 18 10 4en Clasre 4 4 4 1.1' Oan Kleetrio. 1 7t 45 11 .41 Oaa 12, it 444. I Oan Foods Co 41 .4 40w(ln OAS A It lOOAKovprA1 28 47 Oen Outd Ail. 2 7 40 I General 12 41 i 8 4 Geo Mills 8 8714 I1U tlcOen ..138 15.

lti IsOea Pub IB 18 11 I Gen Rv8lrnai 11 87 Oen' Real :4 Ilia IwOea BeAUtpf. 1 88 llA 1'eOen" Retraet 10 42 Gen Theatre n. II i 1 PR. Am Toa a Poet A pf, 4 I Prairie AO. 10 lePralrla Ploa 18 Prasaed Btl Car 10 top.ido In the early dealinc.

Turn-ovf we lighter than tha preceding but stocks mad an 'Imp r-fotva display of strength And aoroa a pedal issue, nch aa United CJar t-tore preferred, gained a much Ilhat, has occurrej tha 'past few day, 'or lnc the eipbrt price io outstanding of each issue. iSSt ill 1Va It II to Car 4k pf I Am Am Com ArchL, Am Europe eV Tor Pow. Am ror Po pf. Am Tor -pf The company states dividends mi. 101 ft waa reduced to 10.10 cent a ppund Mra lit.

ara being paid out of aurplu. I European porta, ha resulted tOM 8 14 14 1814 1814 ail 63 81 71 72 841, 04(4 12lt I2SI4 107 10714 MAB4 8 40H 40(4 100, Lip. total sale td foreign purchaser Mv II a a- i I AmAfP latv of 101 ei DU PONT OFFERS WORlCtRS 1.4 Proof -A Oamb. BO 1.4 Pub Bery Jv 40 4 Pub Ber'l wl 8 Pub Barv Tat. 4 I Pub 8 EAO pf, I 4 Pullman Corn.

Pure 48 4 PuMtv Baking, It for the current month to' date I litt 4.1 Am Horn Prd. roadhlng' cloaa to 17,100.000 pounds. DEBENTURES AT S117 -Wilmington. Dec 10. J.

41 II IcAio .11 '14 I Am lnternafl. Am ta Fro as 7 point. The entlr list, with tha eiceptlon of rail, was up from fractions to ore thQ point UO-ti) tha atari of tha final half-hour. Industrial mada rood ahowlng undxr tha leadership of V) S. Steal -which moved aa high HIM and Yield c1oe to the 1(1 mark throughout Utilities were, firm, olle w-4 to' IRVING TRUST'S 50-STORY Du Pont de Nemours as 101-11 Am lMO.S..r Hit' 10 104 24 i- U4t.

41 lI.ll AmMoh today announced that It 1 offering tl 11 17H irk -47 aV Fdr 4k M. 11' Radio, 1 84 14 47 Radio Cor Pt A 47. tl 4 Radio pf 'Bj. 27. 18 14 Radio Kth dr.

147 17 1 Am Metal IIH 1IH Ita debenturo tock to employes at BUILDING READY SOON; TO BE HEADQUARTERS Authorisation for tha removal of 94H- (4 17144- Am Men HIT per ahara. Payment for the 421 41 1 11 1.1 Raybaatpa -Han 10 Mt at 4) A ar D. BUI 40 took may be mad In full at th I8I4.H eo 17H 22 -4 20 10 at 21 IB 80 10 11-4 Gillette Ras. 14 I GUI Daf Res pf 4 Olmbel Broo. '-7 Glldden Oobal (Adolf).

I Gold Dust 114 -e Ooodrteh I IV I Goodvear TAR Goth Hosier A- Gould Couo 'A 11 M'f- II 1 1 11 tha headquarter of Irving Trust 18 to 8 Uraa of purchaoe, or on a monthly mm aj miiwtr uwut it 14 1.4 Rem'gton Rand 7 Rao kotor Car 11 11 Co. from 111 Broadway ta tha com neld fairly well, amusements were In fair demand, and tha mall order fcharee higher under thetleaderahlp Heart Roebuck and Montgomery The ralla War week In the early trading and generally lower, but did better In tha final ii 4 4 111 "I 1011. IT I TIH ttv. payment, '1314- (4 43 14- 1.8I4-.H iS-. Vt4-' JH J4 13M 14 panya new, 10-atory building at 1 11 Rap.

Bteel Corp Employe with en year or more 13 9i'- tiifc ii- tvt II. -i RaoBtl Cor Pf. 11 1 Revnoldo Uetls 9 88 11 70 42 70 of aervlee, and whose salaries do not exceed 11,000 a year are eligible. Purchase are limited to Wall Street; 1 asked in. tha notice of the Irvinga' Annual' Meeting, which, is.

being sent to stockholders Hit 40 .1 RavnoldeToh Graham Palee. i 64 Granny Mining 10' i I Am Paw IA. i Am Rad Bt 81 Am Bepublle. i tbAm Roll Mill Am Bar Raaor. Am Bh 4V Com.

4 Am pmeltlna. Am Bolv I Am Steel dry. St'ore'a. 'Am Bumat Tpb 1 Am 'Tal I Am Am Tobacco p. Am Tobacco of Am-Wat Wka.

11 4'w ,9 ,5 4. 8(4 17 IT 10 ahare per person. Bubacrip- llOrand Silver. 11 11 1 II- 11 11 fl 70 11 11 47 It 1 11 momenta aia news of Ann. Arbor's Mj dividend and Bangor A Aroo--uck'i probable earnings lof It.

from tha wast that Goodyear ,1 AW today, The notice reads; tlona may be mada for stock at the 4 Bloh field- US I Rh 20 6i, 114 I 'Roasla lna Co. 10 17 oval Dutch. ..1218 at 14 17Vi are pleased to Inform you .11 ubsoription price to an amount noi 11 38 SB' 1 108 HI 109M 114 4 loo Grand Un Co. Grand Dn of I Granite Cltv St 1 Grant Co. I Graa4 TJnHS nt that the Irving.

Trust Coi Building exceeding I par cent.i ot me uu at number 1 Wall Street la rApldly 5-2 22 II 41 101 11 14 It4 10 cribar salary. The eomnanv reserve th rlgh 74 118 108(41 101 14-114 124 fBi 14 11 46 45 22)4 SJ2 49 18 nearlng completion, witn. over 10 IJi MM tl 174V UT 1101a 111 114 101 I0U 44 44 11 Tim Rubber would men to Ita payrolf during 1111. aided the rubber ahare and virtually all of these moved up. Trade revleik were mixed With Rradstreet Indicating that DecenW 108 4 100H 114 tl 94 100 a a per cent of the apace In tha build to limit BubacrlpUon 46-l .70 2 v24 70 68 Ing now under lease (including the 17 80Oraat tor Ore a Grt Wast Burr 1 "a Grlasbv Oruno.

IHt Oblf Bta Steel. 15 24 lower un floors and share. CXJTTON 1 too. three- floor to be presently oc Am WK VM Am Woolen. Am Woolen of.

Am Wr Poo pf. 1 Anacnnda Coo. 18 17 AO 4 27 ber null, trade -will equal that ot la-at year' la volume, but will be lower In value and Dun maintain lna; that, holiday trade ahowa diminished pubjlo purchasing power. cupied by our company), and that tha 'total, expenditure for tha land and building will be less than our BO I II 10 I Aoaoona wu. 40 13' 4 49 3)4 5)4 1 11 11 2N 21 27H 1314 14M Opto.

79gh. Lew. 43to. Oon, 21 1 1 Hahn Dept Bto 11 18 8 Bohn XtepSt pf 11 40 aeHarblaon Walk 10 8i Hartpoan 17 I Havea.Bodr It 14 Atl.tO Bereuloa Motor 49. original estimate.

4f j4 3. "'It la expected that our head- 9.60 9.70 9.60 B.63 B.6S 9.60 9.75 9.60 B.74 9.60 887 10.06 8.87 10.00 If IS 7N 41 17 1JH 141, 1" 4 6)4 St 24' 19 -45 -1 1 87 1 I 40 4 B0 .4 1 4 14 23 7 66 5 16 quarter in the, building, will be ready for occupany prior to March 1. and pur stockholders, will be aaked to authorise the change lo the location bf our principal place Kay. .10.20 10.90 10.20 10. 29 10.20 tut that recant occuranoea in ua ateel Industry hae ahown promlaea of better conditions to come.

As a the financial dla. trlct haa bean way from the usual werek-end gloom and rising market haa brought) about a much Improved outlook -for' tha Christ. 118 38-1 4 14 July. 10.47 10.83. 10.42 10.OJIO.4J 101 10 I Hershav 101 II CcHerahvr II 4 Houda-JIer 'B'.

111 IIU lOsHouaton Oil 11 84 Houa Oil vto n. 81 II I Hudson Motors 11 T4t Huoo 1 1 K-H' 17 11 11 4 11 SOU 11 41 10 141 101 3ia 24 22)4 178S4 of bualnesa at the Annual Meeting BUj 28 2 to pe held January 11, ln. 7- 65)4- emoAOo oiuM mow Wlwal. 11 1.4 Anchor v10 A 11 Archer Daniel 1 Armour Dal of. Armour Iir-'A'.

1 Armour III B. Arnold Conatab 4 to 1 Act Metalo. 10 4 Apparel, 11 ls60 Asso Dry Oda. Ill 10 Atch A 8 Fo. 100 Atch TiSKe of 17 lOcAtl Coast Una.

11 Atl fit) 11 lo Atl IbAtlaa Storea, (0 4eAuburn Motor. 1 Aviation Corp. 134'H 67 S4 4 J4 5 21H 24- 22)4 178J4-SH 103 1 107 34 -B '53-- 104-! B4 HI 21 Low maa. holidays. In fact, many or tn representative With prominent Interests haw Indicated their belief that first of the year 16 10 Dae.

.) 4 4 March July .41 tnBafewav Storea 64 11 IcBt Joeeph Lead 41 a BtUA Banrr, 't 11 4 Bt LASTPf. 17 It St A So West 14 II BtLASWpf. 4 ,11 I Savarc 10 4 Sohulte Rat St Seab AIr Una. 17 41 lm6eare Ttoebuck 15 a Baoond Nat Inv A 1 l.twBeasravea 1 8an4ca Copper. 8 1 Bervel.

Ino. IB Sharon IB 11 Sharp A Dobra 0 ,10 1 Shattuck (TO) 10 6 Shall Union Oil 16 IS 1 Shall Oil Pf. 18 444 Bhubert Theat 10 11 Blmmona Co. 55 1 l81ncUlr .40 10 1 Snider 2. 1 Snider: Pack pf 40 1 So Cal 1 South Dolrv 6 44 1 Solv Af of ww.

2 It 6 Sopth Pacific. 20 10 1.40 South Port Bug 8 47 Southern Rwg. 16 10 I South Rr Pf. 7 60 4 So R.M A Oct IB I 1 Spark 10. 1 1.1 Spenc Kellogg 7 Solcer 12 4 Spiegel St n.

5 14 110 Stand 48 6t 1 Stand A E. 25 11 8 Stand 6 pf 2 1 Stand Invest. 42 1 Stand Oil 16 Dividend Actions 14 180 4 103 7 107K $7 1 IB 11 reports might even, be discounted If I iji Con 1031 107 34 18 The United Cigar Store declared -3 the market la able to hold Ita pres-l 10 .87 .7014 four quarterly' dividend of 11160 Pee. m. liareh Oata Dm.

4114 not trend, on tne. otner nana, 14; 43 1 17 Sa 14 8 eaon on the preferred atocx. pay others feel thaf the present-. ad I 81 14714 ta 44 tO 84 11 41 Illlnola Central Indian Motor. Indian Ref eta.

4 Indua 8oln6raoll Rand. 4 Inland Inspiration Cor Interboro T. 1 Interlace Corp. Int Agriculture Int Aar prt of. tnlnt Bua Maohv .3 Uareh JUi 111 IT, 11 41 114 111 II 10 ii ti i 117 11 111 109K10JH a in 3 9 12 22 7 65 5 16 10 10 2J4 8 43 1V 92 15 12 .55 82 71)4 .9 10 8 7 16 10 1 able, Feb.

1, May 9, Aug. ,1 and to atock of record Jan. 7, April 10, July 10 and Oct. 9. re- vanct Is an artificial one tobetter prices for year and reports.

1 176 174 174 60M 60)4 60)4 6 7 29 28 28)4! 12 12 12 3)4 3 48 47 48 1 rxo. IT54 11 1.75 Baldwin Loco. 13 pectlvely. No dividend have been Je5 .46 I0.80 9.S8 88 Maroh Lord DM. 10.40 11 7 Bait A torn paid on: tnia issue unco Aug.

55 -2 82 a May 10 4 Bait A Ohio pf 1 1.40 Bangor 4V Aroo 1938. 10 11 3 14 43' 3 94, 96 12 69 82 72 9N 10 8 7 16 60 94 1 46 17 111 144 142 144)4 1 71 4 II 111 14 14 14 It 70 4 1 Barnadall A 10 It tO-l B2I4 80 81 -1 1 1 IN Bonds on the Stock Exchang 14 Tl 23 ii 71 72(4 19 68 80 2 17 3SH S3 119 23 68 6 1 mt Carriers 10 4 Int 1 Int Combust. It1 Int Combust pf 44 a Ill 7 Int Harvest pf. 15 13 15-8 71 85 11)4 68 bo 3 17 34 92 115 22 67 18. 1930 COTTON GINNINGS UJaDER PRt-VIOUS YEAR Waahlngton.

Dec, 10.s Tho Can. ua Bureau, of the Department of Commeico. reports 11,161,411 run-nlna; biles of cotton ware ginned front- the crop-of 1110, to Dec. -11, against 11.454.TU bales last year. The! following table glvee the r.

umber of round bales ginned from growths of 1111 and 1111 by 7 16- I Balea-tn Bonds I Lata 1 riicn. 1 low. Hlfh. 66 Lata, 61 8ChiGW 4 611 11 Iwlntl Hydro 8 4 1 12 1 66 so 2-r 17- 34- -3 115 1 22 66 18 17 J4 16)4 60 103 rlH 6 Liberty 4a101.10101.30 8 Lib 1st 4 102.28 102.28 101.10 102.21 II 10 70 7 CM BtPAP6'76 4 Beatrice uream 4 Beech-Nut Pa. Balding Hero 1 Bandit Avtat'a Beat A 8 Bethlehem StU 7 Bath Steel of.

Bohn Alum IcBorden Co Bora? Warner BrlMs. Mfa- 4-a I Brian A 6tra. 4 Bkhrn-Man Tr. I Bklvn Un Oaa. Bruns-Balke 10CMP-P15 2000 28 Iw.

65 70 21 tl 17 17 10 Lib 4th 4s 101.20 10t.lsil0t.20 41 14 10 41 111 11 10 II 11 11 17 11 10 45 I7 1 W487 88 9T 87 6U8T. I43 101.09 101.09 103.01 6 UST 1'47 102.14 103.14 102.14 81 IT IT 3 Ul KIAPff 4'14 18 17 principal Btatoa: 16 I Cnu COP 6'47 ibs mm-- 45 100 47 21 1 6 Foreign Bonds 111 141 14 II II 44 til 11 ii 4t 11 40 14 'IB 50 48 50 134 134 133- 22 22 22 16 16 16 87 56 97 15 14 15 116 116 116 -1 5 5 4 4 4 2)4 2 2)4 32 30 30 -1 13 13 13 38 38 38- 4t 49 49 22)4 22 22 16 13 16- 15 15 15 tClov UTr477 101 101 ioo 47 22 3 6 Haiasia 101 100 100 4' 22 3 6 32 ColAS rf4 l16 100 Lets. lew, 61 88 103 103 Hlfh. 100 lougs. 11 11 lit 6 4 to II tl 41 21 14 47 18 110 114 II 10 10 18 15 71 171' 10 11 41 11 14 74 43 11 4 tl Int Marin eta.

4 Int Match pf 1 Int Nickel 1 Ih Nickel Int 4k 'A'. Int A Int.PAj 1 Int A pf Int Print I Int Bait I Int Brio 1 Int Tel A Intrat Dop 8t I Intertrpe 1 Inv Ko 1 94 ICInvTr 6 '4 9 94 4 tMS 1.01 1 ann.ini l.twt.ii 2 Antldq 7SAT4B 2Antlon 7eB'45 2 AntloS 7sC45 4 Ulnvrr 6'48 AtabOJM 1.XI1.0RI ArkiiiHl r'ore-la l.tma.Ki tulinn 1M.K4 Mtl.lppl No. 7R.4 S.V1.MI rlahow Ki2.V 1,046.410 to. .81 M. T40.WS T.nnnm M0.724 420 67 66 66 66 105 106 104 106 1VI 106 Bueyroa Erie.

14 Stand Oil 10 II i Stan Oil axp pf 4I lc8tand Oil 85 Sl 1.6 Stand Oil Y. 47 1 Sterling Sec 'A 5 8 l.t Starllng.See pf. 6 10 Sterling. 8 ov pf 14 Stewart Warn. 40 4 Stone A 11 Studebaker Co.

10 Sub Boat Corp. 6 1 Superior 6 Superior Steel. 7 4 Symington 'A'. 67 66 66 66 91 1 CTabR 4'41 57 64 66 II 91 )4 11 tl ,0 ,12 24 .1.4 BucyruaB ov-pf 6 CCoalMd 560 2 i TM.7MI 2 Anuoq ibjj 2 Art-en 8 A'57 Budd Mfg. 91 107 CONT 6'46 107 W7 32-17 43 22 54 1 7 5 90 90 5CubaN 6'42 4 Arcen itt B'68 T2ra 4,549,001 'I 17 "17 44 42 22 22 1-' I 7 7-5 4 1.

Budd Wheal Rullard j. 12 -I .10 10 to io 12 12 24 2 454 4 o2 12 12 11 It 22)4 21 1J4. 10 10 42 41 It 40 65 94 90 40 66 14 ICubaRR 662 3 Arcen 6s'66Ju 49 66 12 1 11 1 6 5 B- 91 2, DftBQ 4'36 I 1 1 11 1 10 11 10 91 11 90 11 91 2 Arced s'690c 6 Arien' 6s60My 91 104 104 104 10 IMtai'58'4 41 41 S4 S4 Johns-Manvllle Jordan a Bulova Watch. 1 BurrouKha Add 7 10 Butte Con Ze 2 -7 Butterick 21 Bvers 21 -l 10 4t 90 90 1 DodgoB 640 13L 0 Erie 4s 96. 10 91 17 11 9 9 7 Arcen 6 Arcen 6s'61Fb 2, Arcen' IstlMy 84 81 10 10 84 81 80 10 I 111 Erieacvt 4D76 81? 10' 80 91 11 91 20 IS.

1 Kaufman Store 6 15 15 IS -41 14r 3.1 Karser Juliua. 69 15 15 lL'i Kellv '1 1 1 104 5 Erie rfc 6 '67 104 1 'Austrian 7s 48 104 BROOKLYN BANK STOCKS 4ue44 ky Braaklya Ceaaaeree Oa, Ul Maatatar at. Malleaal Baaka Bi B14 Aek tl- ISOirort OreMau as tineonhurat. ar, lOntLsftntta Nt. ill JINat tl It 'tanpeo Net Idi.Jne ton Kriebon) ..140 lGomtdarwoel IM Btate Baaks-'v Ak' Ask 33 8SV3 4ex, 102 1-OenMotA '87 102 102 101 101 i Belgium s'66 101 rt 1IW 4 Keisev 7 21 20 21.

an 6 11 91 107 107 107 lOenStl 6 49 Ooodr 647. IBelgum 6 49 4 Berlin 6'SS 11 tt 76 62 14 32 33-- 6T 67 61 71 17 At 14 44 4 11 -18 -11 44- 74-tl4 6t 71 'Tl 38 36- aGoodyTR.6'67 87 17 71 10 Berl 650 78 Ti 18 18 106 67'2 47 101 99 91 106 Tt IGrTrunk 6'; 6 GNorth ist'i 30 30 itw tv Kemnator Cro 12 20 .1 Kennecott Cop. 93 21 21 21 i 1 I Koiatar Radio, 1 1 11 II- 1.4 Kressa 29 26 26 26 Kresa Deo Str 2 5 5 5 11 10 1.6 Kreuaer-Toh 21 22 22 22i 41 11 leKMrer 6 2QT 2p 20 99 99 ll 3 Berl El 8 '01 1 BerlEl 6 '69 BerlEl 6 71 71 71 47 Citteeae t1 8GNor 4E77. 97 tT 71 11 17 11 IT 151.40cTeUutoTaoh 4 7 1 Tennessee Corp 7 21 I Texas Corn 21 40 4 Tex Gulf gulph 18 4 Texas PC A O. 6 10 Texas Pac Ld 32 1 Thermold.Co.

.4 4 Third 7 16 2 Third Nat'l Inv 14. 1.4 Thompson Prd 5 Tl 5 Tide1 Wa Oll pf 8 6 .10 Tide Asso Oil 16 .10 Tlmken D- Axle ti 40 Tlmken RoH 31 Tobae 4 7 Prod 10 1 Tranaamertea 39 1 1 Tran Wm Btl 5 4 Trl Com Corp. 11 6 Tri Con. 7 10 l.JrTruscon 8 (OrNor 6'52. 106 4 11 4H 6' tl U.

73 6 9. 41- 2 10 3 7 1 Bolivia-7 '60 106 109 -Ak Bi4 Art 106 109 102 rn u- 4. I OrNor 7A'36 10 66 66 65 4 Budapest 6'62 GuMo4N6 60 41 112 71 10 11 10 6S 11 45 101 lie 101 101 3 Canada 4 16 rs-uukisiv eTSiKnae ClokA 110 MI4ood. wl0 TMeftal tvaat anally Harety aai Callahan Z.A 11 Calumet A Arts 7 Calum A Hecla 10 Can Dry 11 S.I Can Paciflo It l.loCannon Mill 21 1 CanlUI Ad ofA 11 I Case Thresh. 11 IcCaterplUar Tr.

1 Celanesa 1 Celote cts.v. 11 lCnf tl Cerro de Pasoo 2 Certam-teert -v-I CertalrMeed of. 14 1.1 Checker, qab 11 8 Ches 12 1.4 Ches A- Ohlo. Chi A Oil A Alton of. Chi Ort It Chi Ort Wtrtf.

1 94 66 94 66 5 4 18 11 78 6, 9 43 2 11 14 7 -6 11 3 Hav El 6 '62 100 100 100 104 2 Canada '81 4 Canada 6a '62 66 94 66 66 73 97 104 9 434- 2H 11 13J4- 714 33 34 18 50. 104 27 11 '4 29 25 2 ii 42JJ 41 20 '6 104 3Hu Coal 6 62 IHAMad tnl'67 66 71 74 73 97 13 Chile Is '60 2 Chile 6s '61 6HAMref 6A67 97 T4 14 74 T4 1i 74 74 74 10 Lambert 11 1 Lehhrh Cem. 444 Leh Vat Coal. 40 4cUh Val 12 Lehman II I Uhn 10 Ubbr 11 JcUmr 11 Lima Loco II 4 Liquid- Hit Al TA 7 tt tl 99 99 6T .99 47 6 74 T4 74 74 5 Chile 6'61Jan 2 Chile 6'eiSept 67 101 27 v-11 20)4 24 2 6 19 I9)t 9 84 103? 10 II St debl'40 6. IntbRT rf6s lint Cem6s 48 tint Hat 6'47 25 4-1 19- 42 39K-1 6 20 1 6r 92, 92-2J 23 74 5 Chile 6 '62.

17 9T 1T i Bid. Aek -r Art Ukijrrf kills. MO 4M'V I .108 IM Kiniilre-TlUe SO ll'Net Tit Oear as 'id 830' OrNX gat 7 89 It Him 4X-. aW. v.

'KC Aa -j 'Bid Ask jisoiita Clerk 41ntrt 1st Bohmck(nw). 'S TO'LoBf Do 1841 l( bklyn A efll 4. dsltrsa bkn W'hM III -NY In. ltpf ii Buab iUMi 40 aoiMIIItt ghpif 3 Int Pap 6 66 95 97 61 16 85 lilt 41 6 TJnderw Elliott 54 75 75 75 67 11 11 19. 10 17 tt- 21 46 81 acityAntw 5'68 1 Milan! '62 aCy 0lol'46 16CyRome'62 2 Int TAT 6 11 1 Union 'B A 6 II 101 101 11 95 97 61 77 88 69 81 60' 3 Int Hvdro 6a.

HH Loewpf.wvr,. 106 61 16 Union A Ci lll 41 .46 111 '8 11 III lit 53 54 1(4 10 'IOH- 6 57 12 2274 179., 17S 23 23 Kr 77 14 77 14 4 Loff Ca'ndv 69 60 20 IrnUniOn Oil Cal. 10 22 CyVtennaes-62 61 81 AlV CM. 8t PAP-Of tint 3LSAM8 3 97 6 LautaroN 664 81 242 10 Union Pacific: 10 180 ,8 8 61 67 69 67 6SnAarL'68 50 38 103 60 Ihiiim HuUH I Nat -Ljconc. za II tt 1.6 Z3 61 6T 92 97 Do i Lon Bell J.6cLoee-.W Bisct Lorlllard Loula Nash.

Ladlum 140, 104 104 6 LlgetAMy 5'51 104 i 103 4 zimve oo aa Tk WRob 114 Pit lCophgn4'6tl 99- 11 United Aircraft 120 77 41 Unit Alrorft pf .4 24 2414 49 4, 49a4 42K 92 97 CofiBK 92 97 90 90 SNiagarasn 6 '15 7 10 101 46 2 Iff 21 2 Cuba 64k 'bl. warn, no Ruimcio i Gaul 83 64 80 27 54 81- II 17 17- 8 ManS 7 42, 37 OobeinH WP snawlbk 4 37 t9 110 110 I st asMld 110 HO 10 MktetR 3 40 BraaPcT pf.iie iua, ve 90 89 110 110 94 2 6 4 12 21 20 21 1 4 4 4144- -7. United -Bosch. 14 14 1 United '6. United 68.

'26 UC1 6 of. 12 2 12. 100 5MetEd 5C 63. 100 100 94 94 4 Chi. A North w.

1 Chi ft pf Chi Phen Tool 1 CM a Pac. 1 ChiBIAPt Chlckasha 0 1.4 Child 1 CKrvsler .10 Cltv Stores Clark Eoulp. 6 Coca Cola. Coca Col 3 26 25 16 I '5 S3 Bl OS 3 100 Uoo 94 94 84 100 2 Cwsho-Slo t'51 aCsecho-fil 8'6t 4 Denmk 4tt'62 1 Pnmrk 6'65 a DeutBkl ct'13 3 Dresden 7s'4 5 1 Finland 6 16 aim 42 24 1 17- 13 17 17 62 1 .10 United rCoT-P. EW YORK BANK STOCKS 41 88 MKT 4D 78 7 MKT aj 6A 67 MoPae cn4 76 6MoPac BO 78 14.

1 11 6 United Ooro of 97' 81' 39 96 11 19 97 tl tl 37 92 -4 '5J4 21" 6 35. 6J4 19- 6 iy 5 17 tt 1441a 1414 15 148 11 111 11 11 16 41 11 10 11 4t ii 17 16 17 45 45- 4S 3 2 274 52 fp SOU -2 27 2 2H- 23 23 23 6 1 1 130 I MoPao 6 491 9t 12 v- ewets4 4f lawihira CsBimeree 4 nMm I-'- Bi4 Asi mr inloxlOO ltMln)M I9n Etc of Amr3 60 2 ld.nliots KB. i 110 It French 7 4. 4 It 70 2 80 50 SOf 110 126 12.6 68 11 91 19 14 11' 14 111 13 McKAR It 19 IMoPao tH 94 I 94 Collins A Alk 81 1 Col Fu A Iron.

ltl 41 12 1 10 II tl 16 French 7 41 aOarCABkt tt. aOorCA BklOJI 6 OCABkt 40 t3 23 33 1 101- II TO 61 II TO 70 IKDPd 5'4t. 98 11 5NRadla6'47 14 14 70 70 37 36 97H24 4 a 4 6. 8 7 8 2 Cof Oaa A Eleo 4 Col aaaAEl or. IcColumbia Carb.

71 Columb Graph. 101 100 NETAT 4'61 100 10O 101 101 5Ger Ext 1 41. 7 '7 7 21 2014 SOU' 76 1 NET4T 5s 11.1107 107 107 10 1 6 7 -816 INTCcon 498.l 9t 91 93 T0 12 tt 91 BOOT Intl65. 3 0CE1PJP7 44. lOOreekOovt 68 1 Un 12 4 Un' Frulf.

34 l.t United Gas Im 20 3 Un Piece Pre. 4 Uftit Btor 11 1 United Store pf 7 11 tUSFreiahtCo 1 A For Sec. .71. 4 US A 8 lof 6 1 1 Hoffman. 60 7cU Ind Atchl.

8 Leather 'A 64. TUSXthroriPf 11 'IV Ploa A 11M 1.1 ui paf 1 16 UB Re Almnr 11 TT Rubber. Bk oll'lA I 4lMldtowa 18 Hi Tark ef BkAT SO Brranl 1 aS'Ptnn ,0 r.haa.Msl.r SBIM Mania a. City MlPrisoe ta SM ISOtPuMIe Kt. ''vnireM left t'8wtr4 Nat.

TO Fifth 1200l8trim 1J3 fin I2J'8terlln :7 (ir.iT at lTtll 4 Hurbor 'U Bmit Karri mas lecxXWt.h Sq 14. ,11 tnrtiMtrlal aiM IT" World ta. 1' 21 l.lrCom Inv Trust. 93 tt 7 77 774 88 11 MXCn 81 88 14 14 lmcom Boiventa 0 -5 IH 4 i I 8 80 IHIMHH 4'66 80 79 10 Italy Ml. 7 Common South.

11 1 26 16 0 1 7 17 59 87 5BH 34 28 30- 6 -68 .71 15)4 Bv 1 B4- ll- 7J4 40 -2 13V4 21 tt 80 30 Its 10 10 27 INIUWIH4 65I ZT 27 Ital COH7A 17 11 I Com Aownf 91 90 90 41 IN Tel 141 106 106 106 a It Const7B 47 Hi 11 6 6 66 68' 848 a 27 2T94 1 IB ,17 1794 HIWB 4'46 77 77 77 6 Japan! I 111 12 11 11 II no ii- 17 16 It 10 104 18 11 11 27 21 111 106 1 11 94, Hf 71l 17 1 11 4 Mack- Truck II tcMacy H. 'I .40 Mad 80 Garden 11 1-Magma Cooper I Mandell 14 6xMan 1 1 Manhatta Bhlrt 11 t.t Marina Midlnd. Marmon Motor Math 17 t.t Marshall Field. 21 inMav Deet Btor Mavtaar It 6 Msylaa- lat t. ll'V Mataa, pf ww 41 6cMcKeaB Tin 4644 1 HcKea 4k Rob.

6i jlcLellan Str. 6 a Mehirel 1 Max Saab 7 Miami Copper. 11 S44tMlch 8U 11 a Mid Cont Pet. 11 Mid Steal Prod lf- Mln Mot Power 14 MoXan, A Tex. 10 1 Mp 10 Missouri 71 6 Mlss Pac pf.s.

.1 'Mohawk Mills. 1 11 Mont Ward. Mothar tl a Motor 14 8. Motor Wheel. 1 MuUlns 11 4 Munslncwear I tcMurray Body.

T- 1 14 3 Myers (FE B. I lot 101 INlafLOP 565 101 101 101 162 a Japan 1 64. Ubrnr 40 eo-Tormiue as se WnhtM It '81' B-41vl4n4. 1 12 91 67 IN Am jsat 5'57 97V4I 97 16.KrrerATt 66. 26 27; 2 1 16- 61 61 68 INrAEd l'65 101 101 lilt II 13.

23 38 101 26 16 s8 92 it 21 26 12, 16 84 102. 2 20 2 67 6 11 73 6 101 22 33 .8 26 12 20 2 67 46 10 42 3 8 10 72 6 68 II B4 101 a no lot ioi INN wai-7 a Wal6s'l8 6Ndrd R6'I0 US Rub 1st fef 14S4 13 1394 25 23 24 19 19 1 l96- M. TRUST COMPANIES 101 101 3Pan-A PC4'40I 71 16 161 76 I Conaoleum i li 4 ConsTes Ciaar, 11 6 ConaClirar 11 I Conapl Film II 1 Conaol Flun of. Tl 4. Conaol 43a 4 Con Ga pf 1 Container 'B 17 Cont Bakms; A.

1 Cont Baklna- It Cont Baklnr pf 41 1 Continent Can. 1 1 Cont Dla A Fib 17 1.4 Contia Insur yiv. 114 I Para T. L4a47 90 90 99 100 10 100 tt 11 44 in IT-. 11 IT tl 11 161 141 1.

ti 10 11 11 41 16 Norway 6 I7B 141 140 14994- A US Smelt A 8 8 Steel 181 101 101 70 INorw'y 'S6 Old. A Bid Art 144' 4,141 141 141H 1X 6 Paths EZ7CI7 70 70 IPRRcn4D 91 16 101 105 5 IB -1 70 31)43 68 -1 106 tt 105 3 Norway '4t lMBcUtlllt PAL 'A. MM -gt 7 -MX 91 Bancs, 91 1 101 nemks ioi ioi mm.w z.iurunaTmniy mi S7.1llnr1iicTnist.I2H S4U 105V(lMuiu(act'ra 224 4H 6iMol nf WJ.KJ 40" Bxpnm.WO' taOrOttarasty ..4 4ST I Nf HEB'17 4 Par LAM7a'il 141 .44 4 Vanadium Corn 195 IP Rt'llll07 107 106 101 101 07 Ti 64 1 11 t5-' 2K 1IH IS rnnatjo -7 i 9 99 3 Prov Ala'61 4 1 V-CAr 6 14 Va CAC4tf. 8 61 90 I Phil Pet! 191 81 tltt 0 41 4 RpPnamal'61 a Rep PeroA'40 IPilUbryFl 6'4t 104 104 104 wy Haa. 18 HiXv Tark ..147 lii Bronx 4flfT1roS 7 1T A 131 VMmm.

MT 10- 14rrw PI' Chrai t4 C'inttncnt XOHlUa tno 40 tt 10 67 2 Rep Pern I'll 1. Onf Conflpenlal' Oil 14 i Continent 8har 4 Corn Product. 68 90 40 34 61 40 66 85 rem ti I 6P8EA9 4'67 101 lOt 10 16 31 3J4 15 86-. K)4 41.. 41 I7 44M 8394 1IH 4M 101 61 86 mT 44 23 11 15 87 30 Rep Pern I'll a RtoOd8ul I'll Wwt mfniA IPAleTSMt7 1 IU 40 9 II 40 16 II- 17 9 20 67 46- 10 4jJ41H BJ4 11 AO1 38 iuj Com t'attntr n.Ill S3 11-TWabeah 2 II- 4 Wabash -of A'.

4 11 1 Waldorf Systm. 8 10 1 Walworth Co. 8 1 Ward Bait I Warner Plct.i. 269 II II Warn Pict 3 I Warner 'Oulnln 4 WsatehssUr 10U a vow Mm. k.

90 40 61 II Empire 47 4 fureuu it 90 -1 90 IRaadlnr 4 17 100 160 tt 4 Croelav 100 Sa-4lvldMd. I Rio Jan l'4 1 STbrackn I 'It 4 Btfl Paulo I'll wr 44- 23(4 11 3. 18-; ST so 2 91 10 IrCruelble Bteel lei: IRmR 6'47w 84 84U wr 17 17 4 14 47 86 rVrVlj 1 Kienneiauu II 104 104 101 IBwedn 1 '14 QUEENS BANK STOCKS isa a i vw i a ail Cub-Am Buaar. SO '149 I Warren Bros. BtLIMA I tl 108 160 100 7 11 4 Kash 4 44 Nat Acme 1 Nat Bella Has IIUMOcNat tu Cuba Dm Boar uar kr I'awfctja Cisiamsi Ctu.

4 U8Mx 4'lOasad 3 USMex 4'10ge 8 -4W West Dalrv -8 8 '9 40 StLASF 47I 71 71 4SaabAL4tplo 41 42 I '6 9 11 16 I 26 26- 1 7 7- '3 .3 76. 78 81 324 38 39J -I 11 42 16 BIS. 4ll ,84 14 26 IS 129 9 9' 9 11 1 11 28 3 USMex 4'lOsm tUroruay I '60 west-Maryland Wart Pacific of I West Un 18. 4eNat Cash A 41 11 4 Cpdahy 14 1 Curtis Wrlarht 90 11 Curtis Wr 'A. 14 90 II 't Cgtler-Ham Mf a eeaoAii eni'dol is 6-ShellUnO 6 471 It 1 1 71 16 66 127 II 1.6 Natl Datrv Pr.

20 II 36 I Weatph 611 11 11 11 14 11 41 11 11 mm 129 lw 3)4 32 V4- 14 B'l- 1.VWNwtmi BO IMXCaeae Park 140 IT Klmhorvt aoiQwralwra. tan 61 1 Weattnch-A B. 8 32. 32 II 96 11 lit l- i to at BTokoham.6 61 .1 WeaOnch MfX. 121 12 13 13 peit 95e OS It Davlaon Cham.

vmmt Hill, lid 1lr. Roek' Bk 16 91 Doaieatio Bond 8 20 II r.r Rivk anico'4 farjw I 11 20 136' 1 Weatvaco Ch. ISInConO 8ll 91 91 I Blncl Oil 7 '17 91 91 tSinCrO 4'll 169 100 I Sine! PL I 41 99 91 So Pac rf4'l5 94 94 100 I 41 II I 11 iV 34 42- 43 10 1 41 14 111 Hf Jamai-a Wot414 U0 Whlta Motor I 10 10 6Abltibl -a 43 94-H 10 111 11 t. I i' tat Mat.Deot Btor 10 o)4j Nat Pow A Lt 12 36 33 3 NuBteel 4-43. 42 .6 Nat "30 45 41 Nevada Coooer 16 10 0 Newtosj 4 13 13 2.4 Air Brake a 23 23 23 118 116 83 42 41 0 14 23 White SewMcb, 100 ,1 100 1 AllisChal 6 871 106 B341 C- 4 .1 694 71 71 60 11 191a a 20 20 4 138 136 IB 63 63 i 30 ,2 16714167 6 10 14.

14 63 63 71 71 1 AllecCorp 144 3 AllecO 6 411 tBPaOra 477fll 19 BouRy n4ri4.i It I 86 47 11 71 1211 111 23 tl I 1.4 coera pr 9 Del; A Hadson. TcDal Lae A Wea Den' ROAW of. I Detroit Edlaon. 1 Lt Dominion Stra. 4 Drar .4.

McDdPOnt de Nm 6 ptt Pont 101 nt 101 4AmArC 14U16t 101 ii6 -a 104 ia 4 34 6 8 5 8 6 8 36- 34 57 20 -64 a bo li Wilcox' A O. WIHts Oerlnd. 4 Wllaon Co 'A', tl Wilson Co 11 I.I Woolworth 47 Worth Pump. 4 Wrirley Jr. 1 AmF 11 I I- 76- 11 18 4 86 .11 17 17 IftouRy cnl'14.

144 104 tSooRy6'64 161 19 8TeoEPw 647. 101 166 9 38' 8S 61 66 71 11 .76 -4 7-2 AmIOCI 41 II 3 55H-. 63 IH 71 98 14 1 67 68 67 tl lamNUIH 41 II .8. 1004 141. .10 111 114 BTOXCopRct 6.

108 100 IThlrdAv al'IOl 17 I 27 117 Hi 7 117 164 114 164 17 6 NTNKAH. .378 76 4 On A We 4 Norfolk A Sou. 12 6 '7 -4- 17 lOaNorth 0 64 64 4 Nor Am Avlat. 4 .4 1 Am Bur IT. 37H Chase Securities CWORA TON CO Cedar Stiwt PVwyoA JarariMCa 141 111 17 11 111 11 191 104 194 2 A TAT af I 40 64 151-K 13 151 111 141 IcEaatman Koda.

104 104 11 If 4 11- 10 21 Tel A Coach Touny Bp A 8 Union 4s'4l 91 91 tUn 47 11 91 1I4 1 21 IO 214 4 Am TAT a 46 10, 18 14 .14 106 108 7 11 1.1 Eatoa -10' '1 E1tln.Behlld 191 1 A TAT.648 IU8Rnb I '10 70 79 3 8 3 11 Nor Am Ed ot 7 100 100 10074 41 North Pacific tl 614 80 60 14 2 Zenith 8 2 2 2 BAT -Del5 41 It 54 lit rcu 5 441 91 111 It 6 Eleo T4 IT tB-4lvt4aa. a-rtlht. elBclwMae miu kPuahte tm M. 14 67 81 14 it 61 1IATA8F (4 16 101 14 1 Klec Bew A 14 FIB 31 19 70 1U 44 If IS 7 91 lou 9 100. awn.

ePartlyiatta. ePliwatraa. tl0e la eeanoa ataek. Ptas3e stork. 19BAOcv4 tl 11 lit It 7 El Pow A Lt Pf 8 Ohio 25 1 Ollrer Fm Eo.

IB 17 Ollrer ort pf 56 II 19 4 11 arayuw is pranrna staeK. irm la aMek. IPartMe enar-f onlxb 4 40 100 61 2 160 109 109 2 BAOrff 1000 BUt I Wabash 6aB7l 86 1 Warn 6 '11 Mar 4a 'it 1 6WMar677 It Pae 1st 44 90 61 i4 100 61 37 42 27 36 Tngi County Trust Ccinpny L.a xoes. sraraue aerm. atnas ta stock, a Wtm I la atoek.

-rPtns ta stack. aPayable at stack, tpsrsbi SH' 161 1 BethBtl I 'II 101 I t4 90 44 19 11 l5f uiiver er 7 1 Omnibus u.i aaaa ar ataca. arayaew Mai 71 47 6 Eler 81 or Bat; 11 17 6 Endlcott John, a II- Lt Ena Pub Sam 11 11 Erie 474 If Eri 1st Pf IT 7 4 Boat A 117 I BAi'TAL 4'l6 97 11 1 OU Elevator 22 64 83 mwn 27-34 27 HI 10 IPUnFJ 6 att 101 101 WPa PwlA'4 161 it 10 -10 Wll Bteej. 101 101 101 108 108 tmtll VIIUM.II T'll THIS' r.i a oi ii)Acc or ixvtaTuai 4t TLT0.1 STREET' CAPITAL $500,000 TOLl-iCE or 1110 t.l0,l?0, 11 1 Faah Park "A' 10 41 1 t4 Federal Water. 10 UU 1 Pad MAB 11 41 16 Fid P8 Fire In.

It lf 1 riraataa T-B. 18 0 11 3 HI 27! afTOCX SALES 4rorrapondlng "Day 11)9 1911 1.411,070 3 II 2.IS9 1.144459 IPUnCii ts4( ICal OA El I I 7 lCaoPac 4 40 4CertP 1 41. 1 ChpO 47.. 101 6W Eh 4a 1111 IWvaCAC 4'l II 11 14 lj 147 44 8 Pae Oaa A El. I 44 8 Pacific tiaht.

IB It .60 PackaM Motor 90 IT Pan. Am Prt B. 11 tl. 4. Pami.

X-jX-lz. 66 4S 81 9 101 11 11 17 14 101 11 7 ii 141 11 6 40 101 lev; 91 II 17 14 I W7via 5H4S 3IH r' 1 4T 98 -II Ml 11 11. iwru levis I won rM'49 i ari a fA 1 410.000 44- ss -1 Dae. It Dec- 11 raorTTS 18 3 ICtt I a II. I Te- r.r.

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