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St. Joseph News-Press from St. Joseph, Missouri • 10

St. Joseph, Missouri
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10 WOOD. PLAYS AND PICTURES. Sunday, In order that th members of th congregation may fisv opportunity to stteaAtb memorial meeting. FLEET OFF TO GU3A Bi- Great Outpouring It Expected at the rpfteum espionage act, was to be read In federal oourt here today. Th verdict, returned last night, waa reached after the Jury bad deliberated an hour and a half, Albert protested ha loyalty, to this country, aad testified thai tha period during which he was declared to have made- the utterances ass a blank to him, because of Intoxication.

HINES URGES REGIONAL OPERATING CORPORATIONS. THE ATLANTIC SQUADRON GETS READY FOR MANEUVERS. Roosevelt Memorial Service at the Auditorium Sundsy Evening. There is every reason to bellev that titer will ha AHiMurfM at the AT THE TOOTLE. "The Escape" i provlna saceedtacty popular at tha Tootle Theater and tba stock company haa been greeted by tars audiences thla week.

Tha story of tha play la a gripping; on and the work of the members of th east la -f exceptionally hlRh order, especially that of Miss Xan Crawford, who has tha strongest emotions) part she haa yet essayed Director-General Says Better Service; Roosevelt memorial ejerels In St, Jo- YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE Leu Is M. Aleett'i Famous Stery, "LITTLE WOMEN" Don't Miss the Wonderful Pathe Review (To Be Shown Tomorrow Also.) Could Be Expected With Cvemment Sunday evening, when Oen. Leonard 1 Long Column ef Ship li Led by the Dreadnought Pennsylvania, Admiral Mayo'a Flagship Due te Arrive In Guantanamo Bay Saturday. Wood will deliver the address st the HOPE TO SAVE v. Societies Organixlng In Germany to Keep Former Emperor From Being Handed Qver to the Allies.

b. a. Societies to "save the kaiser" from being handed over to the allies are being organised la Germany, according to The Volka Zeltung of Osaahruck. Ehet second son of th former emperor, la ssid to have written a letter to Premier Ebert demanding that th government asslat in the plan. Representative Membet of Boards of Directors.

J'- 1 St. Joseph. v' Auditorium. Upon arrival is Bt. Joseph early Sunday evening General Wood will be escorted by1 the committee to the -Jlobldoux, where he TOMORROW, FRIDAY A NO SATUHOAY WASHINGTON.

Feb. t-Mrector-Gen- "A DAUGHTER OF THE SUN." A Daughter' ef the 'Sun." which" will era! Ilfnea yesterday explained to the ln Electric LAST TIME TODAY be presented at the Lyceum Theater Friday night and Saturday matinees and serial interstate committee w. w. how he bended a reorganisation of ntettatn4 at the rsllroad. Into a few regional corpora- ot J.

D.f Smith, Klnth and tlon. operating privstely under close gov- "ooldoux streets ii. w. The doors of th Auditorium will be night, is sv story of an Hawaiian butter-fly. a love etnrv.

rare and imnte. It 1 out. Tbl. h. sjavocted as tha ulUmst 1 o'clock and there wilt be a U8ES INTOXICATION FOR ALIBL PORTLAND, Ore, Feb.

V-A sealed verdict In the case of Henry B. Albers. wealthy Portland miller accused of seditious utterances in contravention of the Naziinova sJESSEt-LASrCf yewsvns. Wallace "The Dub" solution of the. railroad problem and to develop neoeiwr, legislation he thought 004 0 olock.

A feature will said to be beautifully played and staged, and to present numerous scenes in the famed Pacific Islands whicto are of appealing grandeur. The advance sale of seat will open at the Lyceum bog office tomorrow morning. JfORTOLK, Feb, to en by three bi aecpteBM, the Atlantic battleship flee part of which served with thO'Brillsh Grand flee during the war, steamed from Hampton Boda yesterday for Guantanamo Bay. Cuba, ior spring maneuver It i due id Cuban water 7 The dreadnought flagship of Admiral commander in chief, led the long column of ship, composed of the Mississippi, Oklahoma. Arisona, New Tork, Texas.

Nevada, t'tahv Arkan-. Florida. Wyoming. Michigan, Louisiana. Nebraska anil New Jersey.

The collier Prometheus and the converted yacht Xokorois and lrt also were vlth the v.i... iiu fleet are already In of the present 1 a cuorus oi a five-year continuation control should be autborlxed. Many persons are expected to come from There should be not less than six nor AMi'SEsiKvra, the adjacent towna and country for the more than twelve of these regional operat exercises, and It is believed that th ca "EYE FOR EYE" I'icture Adaptation of Drsina Occident." AT THE ELECTRIC. Xailmov In "Ky for Eye" ha It last pacity of the great bail will be taxed to LYCEUM- ing corporation, he said, wltir government "representatives on the boards of director of each, Thla method, Mr. Mines suggested, would result In more competi tta utmost.

It la possible that some of toe churches win bold bo evening service showing at the Electric tonight. Th Wilhat troupe of comedy cyclbtts. and Johnny and "Wis, dancers and musicians. TWO NIGHTS, Friday nd Saturday, Feb. 7 and a.

Mstin Saturday. Return ef Last Yr's Big Novsltv Hit, OANDV VAUOEVIULE I ACTS it i tion, and better, service than wotild be rendered by a single national corporation. are th vaudeville numbers. Tomorrow comes Will Rogers (n Re Beach story and would give a "local touch" to the THIN PEOPLE Cuban water or on the way there. Today, Matinee and Nights, Adults 15c, Children 11c entitled Lauening Bill Hyde managements, Regional consolidation would hive to vaudeville numbers will be Charles Millard and company, ta a rural musical TOOTLE be directed by the government end some TOMORROW S.

federal sgency also would have to de comedy offering, and the llerson Trio, MANY SHIPS TO PARTICIPATE. Eleven Dreadnoughts and 27, Destroy tri to Cuban Waters. dancers, singers and Instrumentalist. termine, on plans for exchanging securi ties la th consolidation. All roads.

In cluding short lines, he said, would be In Beach's Drama of Redemption, SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Llk Plain Bltro-Phosphat te Put en Firm, Healthy Flesh and Increase Strength Vigor and Nrv Force. THEATER NOW PLAYING THE 'AT THE ORPHEUM. "little Women." the famous Louisa M. Alcott story In film Is easily one WASHINGTON. Feb.

S.Elevcn dreadnought and twenty-seven destroyer either hav lathered at Gsantanamo for the swing or ar on thetr of the best picture productions ever presented her. Jt will he seen at tha Or- way there, the navy department an cluded In th regional system. 1 In response to sen tor' questions, Mr. Illnes explained that he believe the best solution of the railroad problem could not be worked out within twenty-one months, the present period of federal control, and for this reason urged the extension. Government management during the twenty- nounced yesterday.

Soma of the fourteen pheum for the last time tonight, along In elder battleship fitted for returning Escap with Paths Review, a scientific reel. Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, Wallace Raid will head th bill lh "The Dub," a new comedy-drama of the light va troops home aim are to take part In the fleet drill, but moat of them, with ten armored cruisers, will continue In. the ill one month would be of a temporary nature, he aaid, and would not necessarily Influence the final determination. Judging from th countless preparations and treatments which are continually being advertised for the purpose of making thin' peoPl fleshy, developing srms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hallows ssd sngles by th soft curved lines of health and beauty, there ar evidently thousand of men and women who keenly feel their xosiv thinness. Thlnneaa and weakness are uausllV due Oversea transport service and to the fleet soon will he ''added the battleship riety.

Th Paths Review will be shown for the last time tomorrow, a new weekly With VtVUL ROOER3 Missouri and the cruiser Pittsburg. BANK AID FOR BUILDING. Beside the shin sailing from Norfolk replacing It Friday and Saturday, AT YHE flOYAL. today, the dreadnought Korlh Dakoui 13 What advantage are you giving your children? What wnnld happen If they ahoiild ESCAI'K to the streets, to avoid Hi unpleasant horn lire? Ar you giving ihein tit OPpor. unities you did not have, or do you think that "what was good rmitich fr you la good enough for to go to Guantanamo.

The New Mexico, CHAS. MILLARD CO. Musical PIERSON TRIO Singers and -Dancers. Suggestion Made That Federal Reserve to starved nerve. Our bodies need moreJj phoaphste than Is contained In.

modern foods. Physicians claim there la nothing thst will supply thi deficiency so wall the organic phosphate known: amung the newest battleship, to at Brest to company President W'Uson'a ship home. The cruiser Columbia, flagship Of the Institutions Be Authorixed to Make Loans to Encourage Construction. A Plar of Love snd Resuty With a Croat Cast of 2S People, Including Musician and Singer. PRICES Night, JS, 3S, SOe, 7ie, 1.

Saturday Matin, 2e, I60, SOe, i. SEAT SALS druggists a bltro-phosphat. which Is in- commander of th destroyer force, also I with th active fleet and the submarine MATINEE 11c TO ALL penetve and Is sold to seated pacaagn only by wm. b. Klnnison.

4tn ana WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 Encouragement of public building with a resultant employment of thousands of men through the granting of authority to federal re Paul Armstrong's Sensational Drama, "TH ESCAPE," Deals With This Subject. (- itsJi been ordered to Guantanamo. mond StA, 7tb snd mood Sts in St. Joseph, and most ill drusaisrs under a The battleship equipped for Inir traoos.

are the Connecticut. Sew guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Tomorrow only the' third episode of "Th Lure of the Cirrus" will be shown at the Royal. A special offering will be "Her Prosy featuring Violet Mersereau. The comedy will be "Charlie, the-Little Daredevil." Last time tonight, Carmel Myers In "Who Will Marry Mer and the Lyon-Moran comedy, "Marry My WJfc.V AT THE COLONIAL.

Evelyn Nesblt Thaw in VI Want to Forget" Is presented at th5 Colonial. The story deal with a woman's conversion from an Idle butterfly existence to a life of usefulness through awakened" patrlol- Bv leedlns the nerves orrecuy ana oy serve banks to make conservative build Hampshire, Georsta. New Jersey. Kansas, blends They Will Tell Special Matinee Saturday Ohio. Louisiana, T.hode Island, Mrchuran, leans nee This ishow.

South Carolina, Mlnnesnta, Vermont, Oooner A t'oleman tirsska and Virginia, and the cruiser are the Charleston. Frederick, Huntington, ''Cart You Tame Wild Wimminf "Who'll Iove Tou While I'm Montana, North Carolina, PueMo, Rochee- tZ 1 Gone?" And Cone?" And many Other That ing loan was suggested to the department of labor today by Mark Temple Dowllng, chairman of the Massachusetts committee to revive building, Congr, Mr. Dowllng said should give federal reserve banks the power to loan 76 per cent of the actual' cost of the land and buildings for a term of five or ten years, st a rat not to exceed per cent. The loan should carry an emortisation-provision that V-i per cent be paid on account of the principal each year. supplying th body cell with th neces-1 sary phosphoric food elementa.

bltre-1 phosphate quickly produces a welcome transformation in the appearance; the In- crease in wt'lgbt fretiueiiUy being aston-' ishlng. Thi Increase la wetglrt- lo errle with It a seneral Improvement in th health. Nervousness, sleeplessness nd I lack of energy, which nearly always accompany excessive thinness, soon dts-: appear, dull eye become bright, and pal cheek glow with th bloom ot perfect' health. i CAUTION: Although bltro-phosphat Is I unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, 1 leenlt aaneaa and coneral weakness. It 1 ter, Et.

Louts, Seattle and South Dakota. Will Keep YOU uauttiliiK TONIGHT- ism. which leads her Into the government SHERMAN FLAYS FORD IS YOUR LAST CHANCE To See snd Hear the Funniest Negro Comedians That Hsva Evrr Been la St. Joseph. Their Songs Are ss Bis; a Hit as Their Personality, 6 Other Good Acts Which Makes This Great Show.

i' Complete New Bill Tomorrow. secret service. It wilt close tomorrow night AT THE CRYSTAL. Th current vaudeville bill at the Crystal Theater will cloe tonight, and the new program starting tomorrow cornea highly recommended. should not, owing to It remarkable flesh- 1 growing properties, be used by anyone CALLED ALLEGED "SUPERMAN" BECAUSE HE INVENTED ENGINE.

RECORD SALE OF ART PRINTS. THUR80AY ONLY LURE OF THE CIRCUS The Third KpUwde of This Portal. A VIOLET la the rtoeclal Feature Film, "HER PROXV HUpAND' the Uproarious 1 Kov Comedy, "Charlie, the Little Daredevir JEW YORK, Feb. collection of wrto' ooes not oeairs himii, advertisement. i etchings and lithographs by Whistler, valued at and owned by Howard Mansfield, a trustee of the Metropolitan Illinois Senator Makes Bitter Attack on Administration, Declaring Nation Is 4 Museum of Art In thi city, has been KEEP NATIONAL GUARD? No Longer Republic of Self-Governed People.

sold to a collector of Whistler prints. The 'purchase price 1 reported as The ssle I said to be the largest eingle transaction in art ever handled in thi country. WASHINOfON. Feb. t-Senator Sher-tREEO WOULD CONTINUE IT AFTER ITS DISCHARGE.

FOR THE LAST TIME TONIQHT rsrmel Myers In "Who Will Marry Mer" and the' I.yrns-Mnran Comedy, "Marry Also the Lrftleet Current gee nihrillllC Another Provision of Missouri tnk-tor's BUI Gives Present Officers Who Served In Field Same Rank Upon Transfer to New Organization. WORSE EVERY YEAR Plenty of St. Joseph Readers Have tfh Same Experience. Don't neglect as aching It generally Bet worse every year. The Greatest Name in Goody-Land WASHINGTON.

Feb. bill designed Ta cure kidney backache you rxfhgtl man of Illinois, Republican, delivered an-; ether addrea In the senate yesterday assailing President Wilson and hie administration; He took the subject "Superman Government And Self-Oovernmenl," and asserted that the president was a superman Jby virtue of usurping authority. Much of the speech was devoted to an attack upon Henry Ford, Senator Sherman said, was "an slleged superman" because he lnvente4 an Internal Combustion engine. "The United States." said Sherman, '1 no longer a republic of self-governed Tnrople. It Is the rule now of the alleged superman at the head of a group or class aggregations seeking their own advantage.

Neither Is It a government of law. It la rule of some men, selfish, greedy, ambitious. Impractical and dreaming. Others onia cure ine kidneys. to continue national guard organization after their discharge from the army waa It you don't, other kidney ills may IOIIOW VrtBary troubles, danger ot aropey, W' gravel and Bricht's Follow the advice of this St.

Joseph citizen. W. A. Craighlll, prop, grocery, 1623 Introduced yesterday by Senator Heed of Missouri and referred to the military affairs' committee. Senator Reed said the measure was designed aa an amendment to (he army appropriation bill now in the house, and that Us pprpose was the preservation of the national guard system.

He explained that it was drafted by national guard officer to meet the situation created by war de Olive SLrt says: "After my experf know the enre with- Doan's Kidney Pills I am huild a class despotism founded on spolia The IIouff of Surrir Feature. TODAY AND TOMORROW EVELYN NESBIT THAW. "I Want to" Forget" A ricture of Intense Huntxrl Interest, fllveii a flii re and Beautiful Late News Weekly "What fnd Sam Will fo Cent" FT.IOAV AND aATURDAV Gfcorgo Walah Sniilino; Bill Parsons tion. Another group shout revolution and pillage unrebuked In public places." glad to endorse that fine remedy. It was about fifteen- years go that I suffered with my kidneys.

At first I only bar! slight pains through my back. Declaring that the nation "hover on partment orders, which, he 'said, would but before long 1 was in pretty bad shape. When 1 bent down to lift any realm of childhood dreams is a land of sweets. thing, a sharp pain caught me in jny kidneys. My kidneys were in need of result in disintegration of national guard units upon their demobilization.

principal provision in the bill requires khat within sixty days after discharge sToni thearmy, national guard unit which ar certified by governors ot state aa being recruited up to GO per cent good cleaning out and building up. the borderland between peace and war," and pointing out that American ar fighting and enduring hardships In many ellmei, Sherman While they risk their lives and endure hardship In ViHen lands, our president spend nine weeks In ceremony, banquets and visiting with kings, the powerful ot the esrth In endless stately palaver. Xt Is the, old story, of magnificence' and VV a ft After I had used Doan's Kidney Pills I was all over the trouble. I bt their original 'enlisted strength when called to the colors, shall remain as state That was some 'years ago, but I still use Doan's occasionally as a The most last units. i i.

Price SOc, at all dealers. Don't Another provision would tve present nWVIS THS MST RESUUS. UOtT. ostitis SMITHSONIAN eowteo national guard officers who have served simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that in I he field three their same rank upon discharge and transfer to the Mr. Cralglilll had.

Fotter-Milnurn Buffalo, N. Y. Advertisement TrfU55 pew national guard organisation. MOLD IN AMY misery, of splendor and suffering, of selfishness and sacrifice. While he Coins new phrase and chases Infinite abstraction lilt? th empyrean heights of Impossible human' yearnings, the American nation drift in Russia.

We drift in MjTexlco. We drift on the brink of( war and We drift on industrial reconstruction. We drift' oa domestle policies snd Internal peace. Th only definite goal is profligate expenditure end huge taxes out the grossest 'of egotism took him to the peace conference, where ing way to make some of those dreams a delightful reality is to take home Train Your Stomach To Eat Heartily Plain Food is th Rule Today But no executive. of any other civilised poa-er alts.

He cannot resist th tut of the Is Heavy for Many Stomachs, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets i. Will Digest Any Food. limelight The group to which pan ders applaud. The averag man looks on It ailent but with undisguised disgust BATES IS DEAD. Ruptured People Should Know.

that nn Ill-fitting tAiss or neglect nay cause1 strangulated hernia or death, and that external medication toevsr effect a cure. A nroberly fitted true give Snd. Come to Aged Arrriy Officer In )fp frequently. How about; tonight? The Modern Watch Watches have Improved so wonderfully in sits, shape and outline that the trten carrylag an old model. Seems woefully of date.) Our rebruary Watoh Balej Includes Wgln and other' seed makes.

Also Wrist Watehes. ST Beside' good looks, ae- euraoy and dependability distinguish the new watches we ar Th price are moderate in Sen Diego i-Wai Retired From' Active, Service In 1906. SAN WBQO. CaL, Feb. John Coalter Bate, V.

8. retired, died land comfort to tbo wearer, snd often-ttimes a complete curs Is produesd. Aher early yesterday, was seventy nine years old. rVnl S2S We have spent many, years in the General Bates waa appointed from ourt lieutenant in the 11th United fittiDg of trusSoB, elastic wear braces of every description, and for all parts MIT 'Y'S SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT titate infantry In 1WU becoming a CaP' tain 1M3, major in 18S estonel In 1692, -uur uusrsnts is veur fgurd" ti a Wk lsyi far Our 1 Elgin Special X.O SURE TO CETVmGLEYS and In Uss became major general of vol' nf the body, and atsoiuuiy guarantee all of our work. Private Fitting Rooms at our Seventh and Felix streets UnteerS.

His appointment to. flag ra.nk in the regular army cam in ll, nd'he HI 1 was mads a msjor-genersl in the foi 'W. Maxwell an fbluc ar Nothing ti Mdre I'tterly WaMefiil Than 1 lowing year. St. Joseph Drug Co.

SEVENTH, AND FELIX TS. Leave rtateful ef tend llekeo AC In IMS he waa comtnlmloned lteuten Thisv Flavor usiuiiMglistJ''iai'suf People.who nibble at food can recall Lausua, ant-general and chlef-of-etf f. leaving i sft.anTisii the time when they ate heartily the service the same year at his own reJ TesrVfJRV5VS41fy- ttl anything tbey liked. There was no -quest I'jr, retirement after forty year STOMA dyspepsia then," no stomach ttouble, service, Lasts! CATARRH VANISHES because there was a plentiful supply ot digestive juices. You can bring 700 CITIES TO HONOR T.

R. Thefe to ewfeP hat rslKf I oftc brooht by back the good old timet 11 you follow fters'ls One Treatment That All Suffere'rs Can Rely 0por Memorial Services for Lst -Former each meal with Stuart Dyspepsia They relieve hour stomach, water brash, heartburn, gas, rumblings. "5f sr-a. I President Next Sunday Wilt Be Gen If you Want th drlv catarrh-and all Its disgusting symptoms from your system In bad breath, coated tongue and dead, dull, stupid feeling. PRICES 30c.

60c, HJtO tne snertest possioie time, go to your urug. sis' and ask for a Hyomei outfit todsx. Sit down to your nest meal and eat Dreattt Jlyomet and let It fid you of eral Throughout, United States. NEW TORK. Feb.

t-Memortal service for Theodore Roosevelt wilt be held ua-der the auspice of ihe Americsn Defense Society In' more than seven hundred cities throughout the, t'niled State next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. It was aa-tnnnejid today. Services also will he held Enjoy your food In peace. Let your appetite have full play. When' all through, take A couple of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablete and feat1 no consequences.

Thosuands have eatarriti give sucn qoics reiier tnar an who use li for the first time are astonished. Hyomei is -a psre pleasant antiseptic, which Is breathed Into the lung over the inflamed membrane; It Soothes the. sore PattBros. BT JOSEPH' HIOH-CUAS TAILORS-; SlI-FItANCIS ST. all taken this advice and been glad they epotSj snd nests an lnnaramstion.

-Don't suffer another day with catarrh the disease I dangerou and often nds In consumutton. tart the Hyomei treatment today, io stomach dosing, no sprays did. Get a SO-cent box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets from your druggist, same boor. The New Tork memorial service will be held at historic Trinity rtturch. mwmmmwam liiiiiiiiiiii or emmHtcs-.

just ercatn it nt an Ask Wm, S. Advertisement if.

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