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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PACT fttfr BLTTHEVILLE COCKIER NEWS imn oc, nsussou 6. it, 1 uhcT EAKBtC (ARK.) COURIER NEWS -'Artintu Hew York, Chicago, Mratt, St. iMiii, Htllu, KUMI City, Ultfe Aoet- PubUibed Ertry luept 'wscond class matter the post ttythevl! lc, Arkansas, under tcl October 1917. BenrM by Preu MATHS By curler in' the city of BlyCievllle, 160 per ireek' or $6.50 JHT yeat In advance. By mill within a radius ol go mllca, J3.00 per $160 lor tte months, 85c for Ihrfc months; By la poiul tones two to six, Inclusive, per year, In urnci and eight, $10.00 per Jo Restitution walked into a KIIMHIW City drugstore (lie other day and insisted oil giving the manager 50 cents.

He explained that the store had' given him SO cents too much clmiigt! upwards ol two yours and it had been preying on liis mind ever since; given it duo thought, he finally canto in and made restitution. Little incidents of this kind aren't uncommon. Almost every storekeeper hasI them. Public officials are forever getting tiny suiiu from consciericcrsli-idccik citizens who got away something on their tax bills a or more ago. It happens all the time.

the funny thing is that it's almost always on such picayune little wrongs that conscience docs its most effective work. 'When a man decides-' to restitution for sonic long-dead misdeed, the total cash involved is generally something under five dol'ars. better able to live with mortal with venial faults, likely, is due to a queer quirk in human nature; quirk that to get along with our, by picking out for iilonc- hiehi sonic perfectly'trifling peccadillo our creditor' has long since forgotten; ancient 50-ccnt kind o'f saive that cases the larger debts which never will be paid. iiiay be that that is simply our that we are less, For the really damaging mistakes that bits of folly "arid blindness that keep us awake things, for which we can njgver, by any means, make restitution. The friendship.that shattered, years ago, the whose ideals we care.

the pcrsoii Ayhuse we'helped by prejudice or misunderstanding tliese things we cannot remedy. To try to turn, back the clock is foolish; to try to set right an old wrong is, in niany cases, equally futile. we pick out some litlle thing, put it right, and hope that conscience be appeased. Cation. Flying for Fun The student flyer in Kentucky who went up in a plane on prficlice (light and decided to keep on and make an impromptu crosscountry (light, because the tinjjje of the crisp, cool air and the sheer pleasure (if llyinjf were too much for him, seems tu us to have an extremely good umlerstaiul- iug of the potentialities of aviation.

Airplanes cmupier spaco, link dislanl cities mori closely together, and provide admirable for war, as have oflun been told; but (he chief reason why mankind is interested in thorn is because they seem to brim: closer to realization (hose old, gaudy dreams of aimlessly sailing through the air, free with a freedom that the earthbound can never know. To fly just to bo Hying, and not because Hying the fastest method of trunsporlalion avail- is what most of us earlh- lings are really looking for; and Ihis Kentucky yotmgstev scouts to have gratified this ancient impulse lo the lull. All world powcit; i-xcept (lie United Stall's nre Invited to a Curouran debt ifarlcy. Evidently don't want America to jwrltz loo. A writer says Poland is ritilllni; the tabor.

Bo Is Japan, nnd If India stnrts, It's likely lo become racket. 'J'lic iMvy lias nl last agreed to football trmjo with nnny. Now sides can major In fool hall. Finland voted for of prohibition. But whlli; the war with there isn't what, ii is here, it was a Unlit lo tho A Spanish king mis seen to smtlu only three times In public.

Calvin Ccolldgc would have thought lilni silly. A denntUoloaUl slates llmt Ihc average woman has 16 fquara feet of sfcin. ma course Hint ttatcment covens a lot. Democrats tire Jubilant about, the recent over- dim In New Hampshire. Moses have tough time lending the.

Republicans out of tills wilderness. An Ohio limn, out of wcrk, has dcddwl to lay his cards on the ana auction himself In the highest bidder. High or low, Jack is the same. The nnny Is maintaining stations, though In many ot them no enlistments are open. Ho the recnillity "officers have nuditug to do lull soldier.

If all the gold In the United Slnlcs were melted Inlo a lump It would fill a box car. But wllli things as they me, it probably wouldn't have silver lining. Just to prove (lint.they don't want Mancluiv- la, the Japanese are going right on into china. But accorclhis; to while the Imla-hnln Is hoi, if it's well done it Isn't raw. Yet, while business most places is at, a standstill, in th 0 hiila-lmla (here's slill plenty ot movement.

Some ot those jobless Broadway heelers might help things liy gomg to Hawaii ami showing Die unlives how tho hul.i-huia is done. OUT OUR WAY By Williams LOOKXT MiSSU-3 Toil ME. FIX OP WEALS AM 1. 'BOOT GOT 'BOOT BREAWFue FOOD OUT -VW Ci-UCv(iKiS DANGEO EF I'M AGOiHS 1 BE UP -SALADS OUT TUESDAY, JANUARY SIDE GLANCES By George Clark a nv smvia. mt.atn PAT.

orr do 'not ramcmlKr as well a. formerly need have no fear Unit Die condition is prjgresslve. it merely a part of (he general de- clino In mental and ness ot attention which occrrs ID advancing years. Elderly persons frefluenlly repent the same tlory, appear to exaggerate facts snci, in ways, show losses memory for which (hey ate lit 113 way re- spcmlblc. It is tntit ihis lack of be recognized by who in judgment on Hw uet3 of the elderly, The lyp; of loss memory that fs Hies! mlous Is that which suddenly and 13 accompanied by coufuflon.

Such less of memory may be rapidly and associated with fhs mental disease. el the nrtoi-les of the brain, the excessive use of alcohol, and chrei'lc Inllanimallcn ot the brain Ihsiu may about changes which have Eerious elfccts on the ability to rancmlwr. People who are disturbed slion be Inforined that there Is no reason to Lfllevc that gradual hul- wc cf indicates 'I lie beginning el lusaiiily. Such people need only BL-OJ advice In mcnlil hygiene. "I'm not sure he mi-ans all that, or I wouldn't let von it." WASHINGTON LETTER Farm Board Insists thai erica Meat Packers in New York Practically All Reductions In l(c tall Food Prices Came Out of the Fanner's Hide.

liV HODNfY DUTCHK1! NEft Service. Writer WASHfNOTOIfA-Ill 1020, sold for $3 bushel, 1000 ushels of tho grain would retire a 3000 mortgage on a farm. At tho wttom of the wheat price ilepros- lon last October, when wheat Ml he lowest prices in modern his- ory, ii would havfc taken 12,000 ushels lo retire the same mort- age, nml evrn today conditions arc ot very much better. Bui this Isn't the complete pic- ure, for the Federal Fanii' licarrt nslsts llmt practically all the lucllon in retail food prices tliai mvc occurred recently havo 'been nlcen out of tile farmer's hide. Tanners are receiving much less nr live hogs than Is Justified by trices consumers arc paying for inrk products," says C.

II. Denman, i member of the board, ns he quotes irlces on certain day of- last nonth. '1'liese show that prices at New York retnil markets for good grade mfn nverage.1 26 cents a Toimrt, a reduction of 1 cents or 21 cent from t'nc price of the ami; day ono year before; limn, 22 cents a pound, a reduction of 7 1 onts or 25 per cent; sliced "i cent's pound, a. reduction of 3 cents or 22 cent; lard, 13'i cents a pound, a reduction of 3 cents or 18 (jcr cent. In tin; sums week, prices nf live logs in Chicago avenged S4.18 .00 pounds, computed to S1.92 for the corresponding week in 1030, a reduction ot or )v cent.

"With nscncies between the farmer nml (he consumer making little or no reductions in thoir margins lirncllcally all the burden of supplying tlie consumei- with low- priced prodiieli Is carried by the farmers," Danman. iKrccntagc farmers receive nf retail prices of pork products is the Miiallcst on record. Current retail prices warrant considerably higher prices for hogs than farmers are cceiving." AddrcEotng the Institute of Ain- recehtly, Denmaii called upon ihem to narrow the gap between producer and consumer. 'The livestock industry," said Deninan, "Is entitled to reduction in (ho cost'of meat distribution. producers have had to bear the burden of high mer- chandizing costs since, the pre-war period.

During the past two years, when all prices have declined, the fanners have received a decreasing proportion of the prica the consumers pay for meat. Thv cost of processing and me'rchnudlztng a unit of meat has declined very little from the relatively liiif'h levels prevailing before the depression. undue proportion of the burden resulting from reduced consumer purchasing power is he-ing passsd on (o the farmer." A dassic instance was died by I John Simpson of. Oklahoma City, president, of the National Farmers' Union, in his testimony before (he Senaie Agriculture Committee recently. Submitting canceled checks and sales records as evidence, Simpson developed this: VV.

B. Eslcs. a raiser residing near LilUe- lon, shipped seven to A. A. Blakely, a Denver commission merchanl.

Blnkely's company two of the sheep to the Hurlburt Packing Company of Denver for Sl.25 and the olher five to Swift Company for $3.03 or a total of $3.30. From this there was deiuct- cd $2.55 for insurance, nmt commission. Sheep Raiser Eslcs for his seven sheep, got a check for tile balance, 75 cents, which he gave lo Simpson and which Simpson waved before Hie senate committee. Estimates by tlie Department of Agriculture representative at tlv packing plant, Simpson went on, showed that the consumer would pay for seven sheep, when bnlchcred. $83.10.

On a dining car near Chicago, Simpson ordered two lamb chops for his lunch. His bill was 85 rents 10 ccnis more than Sheep Raiser Eslcs gol for all his seven sheep. "Now- something Is (lie matter." Simpscn told th; senators. FKENCH WAR AIMS On Jan. 12, 19118, the French Chamber of Deputies adopted a resolution approving the British ancl American war aims.

Previous to this, on Jan. 5, Lloyd George had set forth the British war alms, and on Jan. 8 President Wilson hod forth his ruinous ''14 points" as the American war aims. Approval of both of Iheso statements had rung through the press of America. England and France, ami had denounced officially anci by the press of.

the central powers. On Dec. 28. 1917; M. Pichon, as minister of foreign affairs in the Clemenceau government, had spoken in a debate in the French chamfer defining France's allltude toward Russia and the issues of the war.

The action of the French chamber on Jan. 12. llien, solidified the sentiment of tlic allies as to war aims. HUGE KCSKRV01R To safeguard Melbourne, Aus-. Iralia, against water shortage in I Sry seasons a reservoir has been I constructed that next year 'wilt' have a capacity of jallons.

Memory Loss May Result from Disease or Physical Injury RY OH. MORU1S Ildilnr, Medical of H.rgcia, tlie liralth Memory is so nn attribute to success itni nnthor- ities In conditions of mind hare given It ninsi t.n. con- iidcraticn and Memory is developed cnrly hi hie. If the imrtions of i.raln hv M'd In memory arc inured by or physifal or if they are niTectcd by changes that come on will) oicj o. memory ixgms to weaken, iiv changes wilh involve, of the nitcrles and a eir- culalton of to ti 1)a rts of ihc that lake c.iii- cf memory.

There arc many cnly apjurenliy 1 i member well. This, the of Ercoccupation. lailure tn give adrr.u.iio atTcntion rather than any discvrtcv of memory. a.v, moreover' many. people who hav? sFecbi faculty for highly developed through tracing, wlio arc lliercby more successful In' occupalir.ns i which memory is nn Imiwrtnnt attribute.

Doctor Eanjcr pomU out that iwrfous past i 10 to y. ic ver. is of (he Announcements Tlio Courier News nas been authorized to announce the following candidacies, subject to the Democratic primary. August 9. For Sheriff HOL.UJD GREEN County Treasurer W.

W. (for 2nd term) Circiiil Tour! Clerk R. L. "BILLY" GAINKS (for 2nd tcrin) County Clcrit W. If.

"DOC" SCARBORO MRS. JOHN' LONG (Re-election) I'or Couritj- Aurssor JOK S. DILLAHUNTY (for 2nd I term) CITV Tuesday, April 5 City Clerk S. C. CRAIQ dor TODAY ANNIVERSARY THIS-CURIOUS WORlfl SHRINKASe op THE CCOL- EARTH ms IB" flAOiOS ABotf 3X.

0 IY SIRVKt. WC. CHURCH EXCUSES George W. Barhanir Jim, Dial's my resolution on Years eve night that he would attend some of a church at least once a nonth this year. But, my observation has taught me that rtsolu- made under certain cuncii- lons, especially when one Is with he kind of crowd he was with, are £oon Since he has not mentioned it I doubt very much he has any recollection of having made one.

I nm convinced more and more day tha.1, we- should nave brought our church letters with us and cone into, our church ten ngo, when we first moved lere. Of course, it is not always jest to rush right into a thing. I he.ird cf some who rushed nto a church and alter they were while found out they anct the church were both mistaken. I -ion't know of anything tliat be wovse Mian, to find ones seif -In. charch.

Though iposa solue all of them. I tcld my husband- I that unless Ihere had been somjl changes in our church-in the las tew years it certainly was ill best of them aH. you can't a regular- member our chnrc unless you lmvv real religion. Village Han Of 30 Years Is Deal GLCWS PAWS, N. Y.

(Ui')-, Dimcan Mclntosh, native of EnJ land and former member of tlJ French Foreign Legion, who wa regarded as Glens Falls' mysterl man, is dead. I Mclntosh, who moved to this vll cinily 30 years ago. -lived In a shack and re-fused io make frbnd with neighbors. The contained books ol fi- Ihors ani highly Ads Pay. NOW can advertise it' Products are nearly always put on the market before they are advertised.

Quite frequently, changes have to be made in an article before the public generally will accept it. Color, design, are some of the things the public has to be consulted about. Sometimes a product won't sell all and simply has to be discontinued. As soon as people show that they welcome an article and as soon as all refinements' and improvements have been added, then you could hear the manufacturer say, if you could be in his office, "Now we can advertise." When you buy advertised goods, you may know they have gone through the experimental' stages. You may be sure that the manufacturer knows they.

arc right and that he is willing to stake his reputation on them. You may be confident that you aye buying goods that have sold and that would continue to sell without any advertising at all. For advertising merely lets all of the people considerable numbers would find out by word of mouth ten years from now. Of course, advertising goes a step farther. Word of mouth hardly ever tells all the uses of a product.

It often doesn't give the real reasons for its superiority. Advertising tells people all about a product and the numerous ways in which they can use it. Whatever you buy, therefore, let the advertisements be your guide. When the manufacturer says, "Now we can advertise it," you know that you can safely say, "Now we can buy it.".

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