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McKinney Weekly Democrat-Gazette from Mckinney, Texas • Page 5

Mckinney, Texas
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With SarsaparilU a tfiUL I ffiftdljr ita I iwtMtstSoa to isflrha iMllW WANT8 tt il AD OM AesewiS im -'i I ma BrttMlM. All tm Hoodl mk it ngr tai Io Silpffdtlij agpeMo. WiOkwiiaiOBltliAASi Ol eratolias tor its lo tek flsiiipp. lag riUa. Now MB teolly wdU, ab4 jwAlk ab4 npidly AS aaj SftXMpArilte ksapi me cheerful and it alio girn MapasiMltoB A Good Appotite.

lialpi my digaition ond I halara oaBBOl gal along withonl it. I oount a naoaaaity to kaap in the hom aU IkA paHUm lima. I in praiaa of Ures Hova hbmok Orockat, H. Xf yon daoida to taka do not be lndaoe4 to buy apg oGiwiaaUad. Inaiai upon Pfflt iTit bfllfriimit Indlgmtlon.

aick baadaolia. im. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION CluaniiMi Charter tlie Oalt For the Meottiig at St. I I ashinoton Dec. Carter of the Repnblioan national znittoe Saturday iaaued the following call for the national oonTontion: the Republican electors of the United States: In accordance with the nanage and instmotions of the Republican national conyention of 1S92 and by direction 'of the national committee, a nMfional conyention of delegated repre- aentatiyes of the Republican party will be held at the city of St.

Liouis, state of Misaoiiri, Tuesday, June 16, 1896, at 12 noon, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for president and Tice.president of the United States to be supported at the next national election, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before it. electors in the states and territories and yocers wdthoot regard to past political aftiiiations who be- Ueye in republican piincipleis and endorse the Republican policy are cordially inyited to unite under this call in Ihe formation of the national ticket. state will be entitled to four dalagates at large, each representatire in oongreai at large, two delegates, and congressional district in each territory and the District of CJolumbia two WAffBQfcrroir, Dws, riva BansU a clatimi In the hoiiaa yaateiday fcr of 9. Bpyaxd, United Stetea to Qtaal for lua nuida In Sng- land and Sooriand. reaoluttmi twonghl forto a aum- hex ot and waa adopted after the wcxda the committee to report by impeachment were atriokmi out by a vote of 90 to m.

The hoitae then adjoumed to Thura- day. The mssion of the senate waa without any special interest. ashikotoii Deo. senate held a short session yesterday. The resolnUon of Senator Allen Neb.) to recognize the Cnbanreyolutioniate as' belligerents was the only busineas up for consideration.

Senator Allen made a speech in support of his resolution. Hrs.LeMmqPlHMfat, mt JTs No aolion. ashinoson Deo. semion of the senate Thursday was short. The bill extending the Chicago port of entry so as to coyer the state of lilinms re- ceiyed the final indorsement of the senate.

After the speeches of Senator Peifar funerals and Senator Call on the Cuban war the senate adjourned to Monday. The session was without special interest, which also adjourned to Monday. PopnlSit PrognuDBie. ashinqton Deo. PopulisI senators hold a final canons Wednesday and decided to place a full lioket in the field for the senate c0loes.

for whom and knowing toe good Dr. Nerrlne has done me. my wish to help others, oyer- eomes my dislike for toe pnbUcity, this lettiw may gtye me. In ot and iSte, fswMteee toul and I was one of first. Resuming duty too soon, with the care of so maay sick, I did not regain my and in a month AbeoMiMe MM AetolftefeA atMl from sleeplessness and the drafts made on my Tltality, that It was a question if I could go on.

A dear friend adrlsed me to try JN-. JteMfwrafftw Aerwf mm I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am in better health than ever. I stliLconUnne Btm MOMMSfMMMl MMrVM as my work la yery trying. A letter addressed to Milwaukee, wUl reach mo." June 6,1891. rs aura O.

bokiox galad Dishes Tea Sets Nut low is Water Sets Coffee Sets Cake Baskets Hair Brushes Hand Mirrors Clothes Brushes Carvlnp Sets kerry Dishes Mirror Trays Mirror Plateaux Baking Dishes Tea Spoons o'clock Tea Spoons Etc. Ete. Bread Trays See our Goods Orange) Salad Forks Cracker Scoop i Sardine Forks! Salad Spoons Berry Spoons Oyster Ladies Cracker Jars Pie Knives Vegetahie Forks Fruit Knives Pearl Handle Knives Rich Bronze Clocks I Porcelain Cl cks, etc And ibices Before SPECIAL SALE on AND BOYS CUbTHIN As we are overstocked in our Clothius departmant We will put our entire stock of Men's and CLOTHING On Sale at a Great sacrifice For 10 days only. People, you cannot Afford to miss This Great Sale. A Get a new suit for Xmas Dr, Mllee'Jierylne is sold on a posltiye Dr.

Nervine Restores Health V. C. COLLMAN. McKlNNEV, TEXAS. they will yote onoe and then step out and allow the Republioans to proceed with the reorganization.

They will nominate Senator Kyle for preeident tern; Hon. Thomas F. Watson of Georgia for secretary of the senate and Hon. H. E.

Taubeneck of Illinois for sergeant-at-arms. Postalelerk Arrested. arshall Dec. postai- derk running Marshall and New Orleans by the luiiue of W. A.

Gilbert was arrested Saturday night by Inspector F. Haiuiltoii, (barged with robbing the United mails- Klllinip of 5heil. Dil Rio, c. A. C.

Shell was killed at Cmistook. Particulars are not known popuKrity of haniberlain Cough Kernedy and the high esteem in which it Is held leads us to believe it to be an article of great vvnrth and merit. We have the pleasure of giving the experience of thr prominent citizens of Redondo Beach, C'hL, in the use the remedy. Mr. A.

V. I'rudell have always received prompt relief when I used Uough Mr. James am satiMied that hamber- Remedy cured my co Mr. M. Hatcher says: three years I have used ChamberlHiu's Cough Remedy in my ar.d Us results have always been For by the City Drug Store.

CONSRESSlON.At FORECAST. Geo. VV. Jenkins, editor of the Santa ICaria in speaking the various ailments of children said: When cfiy children have croup there is only one patent medicine that 1 ever uae, and that Is Cougb Remedy. It possesses some medical properties that relieve the ill tie sufferers immediately.

It is, in my opinion, he best cough medicine in the mar Ifthia reraedv Is freely given as oon as the cmieh it will prevent the attack, it Is also an deal remedy for whooping cough. There is no dangr-r in jr- ing it to children, UR it contains nothing For sale by the City Drug St- re Rogers Sherwood keep all popular brands of chewing ancl smoking tobiicco.s at popular prices. Come at once and get First choice of our large stock. Overcoats, Macintoshes will go in this sale at very low prices. See them before vou I)uy.

A ST. LOUIS THE WINNER. Save Your Money. One box of Pills will save many dollars in bills They will surely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion Will lo Thmt City.

ashinotok Deo. 12 Republican oatioual convention Will be heidi For sick headache, dyspepsia, al St. Louia on June 16 next. That waa 11 deciaiou reached by the RepnbUoan i COnstipatlon antlblilO- committee assembled USneSS, a million people endorse Tuesday aftei aplrited balloting lasting Liver PILLS It took four ballots to settle mat- Goto Kogcis for vanilla apd all kinds of wafers. I ter, which as follows: First Louis, 14; San Francisco, IS; Pittsburg, Chicago, fk Louis, 18, San Franciatx), 19; Piltiborg.

Chicago 9. Louis. 22; San Francitoo, IS; Pittsburg, Chicago, 8. Loui-i, 29; San CO, 16; Chicago, Pittsburg, A congratulatory and informal meeting was held at the St. Louis ters immediately after the annouuce- ov J.

S. Roha snsaii a ka II 111 hii Alto I I sr'vtrti-- ineoj or p. (pri.klv h. poke Boot II japir for cure of rheiiM ih.A I i rr RiicU great relief froiH It my t( turu I Six pounds Arm and toda is our closing out price at the Arcade. Another Promlneiit IVes.

4 kllston 14 H. S. Bundy died here. He was a member of the Ohio elector for Lincoln and member of Thirty-ninth, Forty thiid and Firty-thtrd cotigrf Rses, and father-in-law of ex-(3oy. Foraker.

ment of the result, with a deal of pop- hsd mv vir. McC'fennaa. ping of corks, cheering and speechmak- to a Rupply. After taking I ing Ali the outsiders took their defeat think ten botiies not bad a pain wit or ache since; previous to that 1 tnfier- i ed for twenty-five (25) years, and hinest lot of fruitcakes and net get the least benefit until cake di-ijibiycd in McKiiincy- Sherwood's. ever tried P.

P. and therefore take Kog ure in recommending it to all. Yours truly. J. S.

osamonm LARQenr bros meRRv eonard Deo. Sunday morning, the 8th instant, a young biacksmitii, Mr. Mott, who has been emp.oyetl in J. W. shop of this city, suddenly disappeared, leaving all his clothing and other pcw- behind him.

His sudden dis- caused some uneasiness among his friends, and foul play is feared. Shooting nt allas Dec M. Orr was shot and seriously wouuded here last night by tom Angus over trouble about some business transaction Angu.s had with brother. Angus is in jail. Several years ago Angus killed Bradley, a baseball player here, for which he served five years in the penitentiary.

Expected Until the Clttiitimas abhinoton Deo. 16 will be the last week in the house before the fsosss for the Christmas holidays and practioaily the only thing that will be aocomplished will be the committee or- ganizatioa. The house is oiieratiug under the of the Fifty-first Hi that oongress the membership of the leading committees, like ways and means, appropriations, judiciary, waa 15 members owing to the increrse in the membership of house as a re- of the eleventh census and the admission of the four noithwestern territories in 1890, the membership of those ecnnniittees was increased in the Fifty- congress to 17. It be neo- OMary, therefore, to bring in ameud- ments to the roles upder which the is now operating to increase the metnbeizhip of these committees to It is not likely that the proposition to incroase the membership of the committees referred to will precipitate gea- Mrri debate. There axe now 29 contested! seats in the pieseat house, and the leaders of the houito consider it wise to the comprittee this in order to facility the considerations of the opmmittoes.

The Democrats charge plan is to be pursued in ordMT Demoexate may be prtnnplly OMed frcan their seats, and debate XwM doubriess develop par- rmicor. noriiing of impcnrfance be- foee tenate, and nothing expect- the hoUdaya Potriolic Jmwrn, Dec. Jewish Cemetery association, at a meeting held here, unanimously agreed to donate to the United States a omsiderabte portion of ite property, wanted the Vicksburg Military fMurk. This patriotic action 18 much applauded. ftoth houees expected to adjourn Friday.

Awarded Paift Bobbery at Oraaavllla. rkenvills Deo. house of Mrs. Redmon in north Greenville waa entered by a burglar by cutting through a screen, and $400 in money was stolen from a bureau drawer. No clew.

Nice line of Wall Paper for cut prices Nt tbe Arcade. A. E. Kilpatrick, of Fillmore, had the misfortune to have his leg caught between a cart and a stone and badly bruised. Ordinarily be would have been up for two or three weeks, but savs: using one bottle of Pain I began to feel better, and In three days was entirely well.

The peculiar soothing qualltiea which Pain Balm possesses I have er noticed, in any other llBlment. 1 take pleasure in recommending liniment Is also of great value for rheumatism end lame back. For aale the City Drug Store. Competition asks np pdds at the Ar ade. Bibles, Testaments and Prayer Books a complete stock at Bush Bitok Store.

mttmhrnrtg KmS CsiCACiO, Dec. been sekoted ae (he place for holding the nationai Prohibition convention nmil year. Beittmcire, Dwiver, Cleveland and Ftttebuiv vwe oandidatee fior the ocmvenricMu The date of the meeting vraa fiaed for 27, 1896. ItortiaS aiHiig tm MeBvety. 8Ag Fnaiioteoo, Iteo.

toniey for Theodore Durrani moved yeeteriter lor ordeit to fwsvwri toe toe to etitoi pritoh III toga Qtoaito. Tlte mm toe mm- ipMrilr HmMtoL Toys, ov 8, Toys, Toys! a line of Christmas goods ever brought to McKinney will be seen at our establishment for the Holiday trade. Friends, one and all, we are selling Xmas goods cheap to meet hard times. We know we can save you money. Christmas will soon be here.

We can please you. WISHING rou A NLRRr NEW TLAR; Largent Bros 4 CHRISTHAS IS CONING. IP rou WANT PRETTY NEW VASES, DOLLS, YOUR CHOICE OUT or THOUSANDS OP TOYS, CONE TO THL Nickel We riH WI NEW in 07 h- LO tu -C lU CM CM PM CM teil fio Capes Our entire of Ladies Capes and Jackets will in this sale at abouijhalf former price. We have a big stock of Caj)es and Jackets from $2.50 up to $5 1 hat wi' vs id big I'cductioiis on. ment ot honsc bargains in evmv depart- See the big crowds tiint are rad- I it as e.crv dav Nesv Goods, Low Prices fiiaki's big store ours for TUCK STORE.

POSTOFFICE CORNER, MCKINNEY, 'How to Ouro All Skin MmpJjr Ointment. No rrQoirwt. fetter, ttch. oo Ac etnar, and healthy Nfwlinir and fiy oo r-tli rw'itrdw ur drogtciat for See the mainnuith consignment of candies at Rogtws It. thin forger Ni; Store.

a eotiipleie stock of line roaps at prioA-s to suit evervbo.iy. Don cost yon a nnt to insr-ect stoi aiHi his get prices at the Children Cry for Castoria. Piles! Itching Piles. ra- ir ox- hf Dr.MOi'KAT is under v.ation" Rurrows McLaiiirhliu. publishers of McKiuuev Trade Review, for write-ups of Kin my and Collin county, w' our iTuiders will tiiid iu this is.

When Baby eras her CAifeOfia. When she was a Child, 8 to orfod fcr CeatCMia. When becmme Site, she clung W2um she had Chfidrtnt, she gavethaoi itt'iilne and I nt If continne ju tnrcomiiiK were Hntio. iit tOK. (md jn VUlg, iuid ir le to Dt.ut.,„-s armaov, cast square.

WlliJ A Twootl ore- 'l Quinine Tonic, the finest hi tin f. 1 raingont. Smith The lending from pareti lo 'II ytnialmost any brand of on iinirk. iu any As to prie-on quality of is They bave it in bulk. us Bros.

I he leading tooth and all kinds of toilet articles at drug I Uur are first class. ickel tore Tu, t.KMo< one- candies at fancy a. this "cok. KojJcrs torre I ikoiii Eya and Skin OiatmMit PC will bcuiii llie year tptir, is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, It 1 ilaiM Ghir.nic.soio Lor by druiigists cents per box. vlaor aiubvc trust a Ison unnt- iwu I i rvMiGN i- directed to TC horse ownbrs nF thea fine healthy au IIOI or Poi pi pub-l UU'Ul li.

OOQ- Powders. IV meet ing ol i bey tone up the system, aid cure dub tlu btn disorders and destmy wonns, rivinr new life to an old or over-worked horse. Kverv man ------------G on p-it'kage. For sale by druggiate. Christmas is Coming Prices and Goods fdr Holidays You who fail to buy Goods from me for the Holidays vrill Money.

1 have the Goods you want and will sell them at prices that will catch. i Just give yourself the time trouble to call in and see for yourself if I do.

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