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Times Union from Brooklyn, New York • 11

Times Unioni
Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


THAT LONG Mr. and Mrs. John Schwegler Celebrate Golden Wedding on Scrub Oaks Farm. SMITH Vlt.I.K SOUTH. Doc.

On Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. John Schwcg-ler, of this village, celebrated their golden wedding. Both were born In New York City In 1842.. Mr.

Schwegler, who has read the Brooklyn Times over fifty yerfl-g, was formerly a member of Rllaworth Hose Company, No. 4. on South Third atreet, Wllllainsburgh, and served as a fireman a number of years. He Is now a member of the Brooklyn, E. 1., Exempt Firemen's Association, and was secretary and a member of the Board of Trustees of the association over fifteen years.

He Is' still a member of Crusaders Lodge, I. O. O. and Yew Tree, F. and A.

M. Ho retired from active business seven years ago to live at his farm on Long Island called Scrub Oaks." Mrs. Schwegler (nee Caroline HaufY) wore her wedding dress of fifty years ago, made in the Dolly Varden stylo, she was a prominent society belle of her day. The happy couple received numerous gifts from all parts of the United States. Music and dancing were indulged in until the wee sma hours, when the guests departed, assuring their hostess that she was Just as charming as fifty years ago.

ave, 2-atory frame dwelling, 22x37, shingle roof, 1-famlly, coat, owner, Illll flection Co, 193 Montague st: architect, I Podge, 881 Fourth ave, Y. BEACH FORTY-KJOHTH S'J a. 80 flurf ave, 2-story frame dwelling, 22x37, shingle 1-famlly, cost, owner. Hill flection Co, 193 Montague at; architect, I Podge, 381 Fourth ave, Y. i CYFRKSfl AVE, 160 Highland ave, 2-atory frame dwelling, 22x35, shingle roof, 1-family, cost, owner.

Hill flection Co. 183 Montague atjarchltect, 1 Dodge, 881 Fourth ave, Y. AVKNUK 122.6 Ralaph ave, 2-story frame lead works, 76.4x33.4, slag and gravel roof, coat, owner, National Lead Co, 111 Broadway; architect, Frank Quinley, 99 Nassau at, Y. STEUBEN ST. 100 a Myrtle ave, 2-story brick stable and dwelling, 125x100, slag roof, 1-fainily, cost, owner, Wm A 8haw, 645 Lafayette ave; architect, BenJ Priesler, 153 Reinsen st.

Alterations. SOUTH NINTH ST, 95 Berry st, plumbing, coat, $150; owner, Leuia Golaflnger; 228 Roebllng architect, Glucroft Glucrott, 34 Graham ave. 8TAGG ST, a 72 Manhattan ave, Interior alterations and plumbing, 2-story dwelling, coat, $500; owner, Philip Rich, 97 Graham ave; architect, Glucroft Glucroft, 34 Graham ave. BROADWAY, cor Welrfleld st, exterior alt and plumbing, coat, owner, John Ohland, 86 Fulton at; Jamaica; architect, Wills, 1,181 Myrtle ave. ST MARK'S AVE.

cor Franklin ave, exterior interior, alterations, coat, owner, Hy Schroeder, 582 Franklin ave; architect, Chris Bauer, jr, 6 Bedford ave. MARLBOROUGH RD. 6 Church ave, extension to 1-story conservatory, cost, owner, Garret Oldenbrlck; architect, Iiutchlnga Co, Elizabeth, J. HICKS ST, 76 Mlddagh st, new plumbing, cost, $85; owner, Peter 8 Bogart, Seventy-fourth st and Second ave; architect, Louis Shanley, 156 High st. LEONARD ST, 175 Meserole st, exterior and interior alterations; cost, $250; owner, Ignassio Dl Salvo, 133 Leonard st; architect, Cannclla, 60 Graham ave.

ClRtilfled Advertisements re received si the following Agencies st ofTIcs rstesi JACOB ORAL. f08 Broadway. ALTI1EIMEK Coney IilaaL THOMAS COATKg. 109 Park street- Richmond Hill. KOftGE E.

CUNNINGHAM, 6911 Nsw Clreelit avenue. CENTRAL ADVERTISING AGENCY. 1159 llvriie avenue. A. 1..

HAKKAVY. 1013 Bedford avenot. 9 RED ARUM A 46 Fifth avenue. A LIKED HKKNHE131, 780 Broadway. A.

KlVARXOniiZ, 764 Gravesend avenue. Brooklyn, N. V. A. K.

faNYDEH. Elm atreet. Waatfleld. N. J.

H. ROSENTHAL. 1744 Fulton street. A 8APADIN, 167 fteventb avenue. 6NOWDEN ADVERTISING AGENCY.

401 Uoulrvard. Roekawar Beach. MKYKK ELLNbfcY. Tel. 4669 Bedford.

965 llaisey street. A. GROCHOWSIU 9 Bedford arenas Graud street. FREEPORT BRANCH. Railroad avenue, opposite I.


MEETING AND THE elect. on of Directors of the Thomas Burkhard, Incorporated Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of tho Thomas Burkhard. Incorporated, wli: be held at the office of the company. 494 and 496 Flushing Brooklyn Borough, New york Hy. N.

Y-. on tho 14th duy of January. 1913, at 4 ork In Ihe afternoon for the purpose of electing three directors for tho ensuing year and two inspectors of election to serve at the next annual meeting, and for the trans- action of such business us may properly before said meeting. Transfer come before booka will be closed from Januaiy 3 January 15, 1913. THOMAS BCJiKHARD.

JXCORPuRATED. THOMAS Secretary and Treasure. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK-holders of Guild Garrison for the election of directors for the ensuing ear and for the transaction of such other business an may properly come before the meeting will be held at the principal office of the corporation. No. 463 Kent In the Borough of Brook.

yn, city of New York, on Wednesday, the eighth day of January, 19)3 at 2:36 o'clock in the afternoon WILLARD J. GOULD, Secretary. LOST THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DIA- mond brooch, heart-shaped, containing ten diamonds, rlther going to or In Abraham Sr Stiaus' Htora from DeKaib and Nos- trand via DeKalh ave liberal r. wanl. M.

K. MUOBK, Hart I LOST HANK BOOK NO. 177.144 ON TUB WHMomsburgh Savings Bank. Any per- i son having claims upon this book must present the same Within one week as said book shall be cancelled and extinguished uml a nose one issued In lieu thereof. I I BOWLING South Brooklyn A.

League. (AT THB UNIVERSAL ALLEYS.) PUBLIC NOTICSa NEW YORK 8UPREME JUDICIAL DISTRICT. In the matter of acquiring title by Tha City -New York to certain real estate at and near, the northwesterly comer of ELEVENTH AVE- NUK and SIXTY-FIRST 8TRBET. In tb Thirtieth Ward of the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, fur the porpoee of malts-v talnlng. preserving and the supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of -aid city.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THA6 application will be made to the Supreme of the State of New York, at a Special Tern thereof for the hearing of motions, to be- hehl in and for the County of Kings, at the County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, In The City of New York, oh the 1st day of February, 1913. at the owning of court on that day, or as soon thereafter os counsel can be beard, the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal to ascertain and appraise the compensatiou which ought Justly to be made by The City of-i Now York to the owners of or persona Interested, I in the real estate In the Borough of County of Kings. City of New York, sought to he acquired herein for the purpose of nato i twining, preserving and Increasing the supply i pure and wholesome water for the use of Tho City of New York and affected by this pro-'ceding. The boundaries of the real estate to be quired or affected, are as follows: I All that certain piece or parcel of real estate situated in the Thirtieth Ward, Borough of I Rrooklvn. County of Kings, City and Stato of i New Yiirk, as follows: i Beginning at a point In the Intersection of the northerly side of Sixty-first street with the westerly side of Eleventh avenue: running tbeme northerly along the westerly side of Eleventh i avenue 100 feet: tbcncu westerly and parallel to Sixty-first street Bk) feet; thence southerly and p.mllel with Eleventh avenue 100 feet the northerly side of Sixty-first atreet: tbem-d i easterly along the northerly aide of SIxty-firat i street loo fc-vt to the point or place of begin-.

nlng I Al! of the aforesaid property Is to be jr-l ouired by The City o' New York in fee simple f.r the purpose of maintaining, p---. serving nnd Increasing (he supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The Cily of NeiY York. Borough oi Brooklyn. The eaM real estate Is more particularly shown by the parcel numbers 1. 2.

3. 4 and A respectively, upon a map entitled City of N2. York. Department of Water Supply. Gas a-a Electricity, Borough of Brooklvti, map showing binds in The City of New Y'ork, Borough of Brooklyn, Kings Count v.

to be acquired for tbg purpose maintaining, preserving and In-creHvIttg tin- supply of pure and whoh-some water for the of Tin- City of New York, Borough of Kj-ooklvn, which map was duly prepared and-signed hy Henry S. Thompson. Commissioner, of Water Supply. Gas ami Electricity, and adopted Lv the Board of Estimate and Apportionment I pursuance of the provisions of flee- tion 46 uf Chapter 406 tim Lass of 190D ns amend' "ts September 11. 1912, with a eertifi- of adoption thereof, signed by WiUlsm J.

Gaynor. ri nv or. and bv Henry S. Thom pso.t tHssid of Water Supply. Gas ami Eleerrieity.

A c-py of said map was filed on-Septenilwr 19. 1912. In the office of the said CommDsioner of ater Supply. Gas and Eire-trpity. and a ropy of which ssld map wos fled oi.

the Kith day of Deermh'T, J9I2, in the offica of the Register of the County of Kings. All of the parrels, respectively designated snld map as Nos. 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5, arc to ho, si quired in fee Moiple, as hereinbefore m4 forth.

Dated New York December 1 1912. ARCHIBALD It. WATSON. Corporation Oottnso). Hall of Records.

Bonvngh of Manhattan. Per20-27-JanJ-10-17-2431 New York City-- SHERIFFS SALES. SHERIFFS SALK. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECrTTOST Issued out of (be Supreme Couit. Kings ContiHv to in direct'd and delivered, wherein the I.

Burrowcs Votnpnnv 1i I'lnintiff, nnd John fl: lobbett Defendant. I vill cxjKxe for kt public nu'tion the highest bidder nt Utfl Brooklyn lbnl Eato Exchange, Sfontngttt hircot. In th" Borough of Brooklyn, County of" Kings, ciu and State New York, on the 1Uh da of Fermirt. 1913. at 12 oclock nooti.

b.Y William I. Rue. Auctioneer, all the right, titld ami In It tv-1 which tlt defendant bad on the KJtli day of March, 1012, in and to the followlrtgf property: All thoo certain lot, pieces or par cels of land situate, lying and beiug In the Borough of Brioklvn, In tlio County of Kings nnd City and flratc of New York, known nnd designated oil a certain map filed In the offied of the KcgDtcr of the County of King, entitled MauhnUiin Terrace. in (lie Citv of New York, i Bormigb of Brooklyn. Thirty-first and Thlrty-erunil Waida.

Mirvcvod 10O2 by Samueiw 11 McF.lrov. Cil Enplm-er nnd City flurveyon and hy the r.t Numbers 51 and 52. in RioHi 6710. and which uid lots tsku togetheu nre hoiinde! and described na folltps, to wit: Be ginning at a point on the westerlv side of r.i;t l.ightoenth stn'ct, di-tant ISO feet sutn-rly fomi the corner formed by the Intersection of the t'flld westerly ide of East Bigliteenih Mrect with the southerly side of Avenue running thence westerly parallel with Mild Ateduo 100 feet to the centre line of tho block between mid Last Eighteenth street anl EatVf Seventeenth street: thence aoutherly parallel with said East Eighteenth street feet: lienee easterly ffgain parallel with said Avenue 100 feet to tb; westerly side of East Eighteenth street aforesaid, and tbenco northerly along the said westerly si! of East Eighteenth street 40 feet to the point or place of beginning. To- getber with all thy right, title and interest of the said defendant uf.

in and to said East1' Eighteenth street to the centre thereof, lying Iu front of and adjoining said premises. CHARLES B. LAW. Sheriff of Kings ARTHUR R. SEWARD.

Deputy. Tc206w- LEGAL NOTICES. $10; good pedigree, throe first prizes; A friean -grnv Pat-i rot. splendid talker; tame ring-tail Mon-I key. Artistic NO.

471. 4M ON THE inx our spcoiully. CORK FOOTBALL TEAM BALL. The annual ball of the Cork Football Team, under the auspices of tho County Cork Men's Protective, Benevolent and Patriotic Society, will be held at Sulzer's Harlem River Park to-morrow evening. The Cork team Is one of the most popular Gaelic football organizations of New York, and the event of to-morrow Is expected to be as successful as any of tho previous undertakings.

The society, of Vbirli the team Is a part, was organized. In New York city In 1SS5, for benevolf-nt and patriotic pur- i poses. Its members reside on Staten, Dong and Manhattan islands, and In Brooklyn. Jersey City, Newark. Kearney.

Bayonne, Weehawken and Hoboken, in the State of New Jersey. Secretary T. M. Hayes, long a resident of Brooklyn, expects a big turnout from this borough. Prof.

Lynch has arranged for suitable music for all the lovers of terpslehore. LEGAL NOTICES. county Court, kings countyjoiin Mayer- plaintiff, against F.JIa Wingate Ireland, Edward A. Williams and others, Defendants. In pursuauce of a judgment of foreclosure and snlo duly made and entered in th al)ove-entit9d action, and bearing date thp 12th day of December, 1912, the undersigned the referee In said Judgment named will sell at public auction, i to the highest bidder, by Charles Shongood! I Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Ex- I change, No.

189 Montague street, In the Borough I of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on the 6th dnv of January, 1913, at twelve o'clock noon tho premises directed by said judgment to le sold, and therein described as follows; All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land together with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brook-Ijn, City and State of New York, and Imundcd and described an follows: Beginning ut the cor. uer formed by the Intersection of the northerly side of Albemarle road and the westerly side of Stratford road formerly Fust Eleventh atreet; running thence northerly along the westerly bide of Stratford road, formerly East Eleventh treer. one hundred tlOOj feet: thence westerly parallel with Albemarle mud seventy 70i ieet; thence southerly and ugutu parallel with Stratford road, formerly East Eleventh street, one hundred iluO) feet to the northerly side of AlUmrarle road; thence easterly along the northerly side of Albemarle road seventy 70 feet to the point or place of beginning. Together with all tho right, title and Interest of the party the tlrst part of. In and to the struts l.Ung in front of and adjoining said premises to the centre line thereof.

Dated December 12th 1912 EARL J. BENNETT. Referee MILTON HERTZ. Plaintiff's Attorney, 391 Fultoo street Brooalyn, New York. Dclli Jw-FATu SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY THE Park Mortgage Company, Plaintiff, against Aaron Greenlterg and otheia.

Defendants. In pursu- ancp of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, duly made and entered In the above-entitled action, and bearing date the 26th day of April, 1012, I. the undersigned, the referee in said judgment named, will sell nt public auction, to tln highest bidder, by William H. Soiith, Auctioneer at tlm Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. 1S0 Montague street.

In the Rorongh of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the 13th day of January, 1913, at twelve o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: AH that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and leiug In the Borough of Brooklyn. City vff New York. County of King and State of Now York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on tho northerly side pf Rodney street distant one hundred and forty-four (144) feet easterly from tho corner formed by the Intersection of the northerly side of Rodney street with the easterly side of Bed. ford avenue; running thence northerly parallel wlih Bedford avenue ami part of the distance through a party wall one hundred GOU) feet: thence easterly parallel with Rodney street twenty-two t22 feet; thence southerly parallel with Bedford avenue and part of tin dlstum-e through a party wall one hundred GUOi feet to the northerly side of Rodney street; thence west-erly along tho northerly side of Rodney street twenty-two US2) feet to tho jniint or place of bo-ginning.

Dated May 7th. 1912. EDWARD GARVAR. Referee. PETTRETcH SBYBKU Plaintiff Attorneys, 41 Park row, liorough of Manhattan, New York 'City.

fanl 4 COUNTY COURT. KINGS county CATH-erine Jacobs and David Jacobs, Plaintiffs against Mury F. Dngan and others. Defendant. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure urd sale, duly made nml entered in thn nhove-entltleil action, and bearing date the 19th day of December.

1912. I. the undersigned, the referee In said judgment named, will sell nt public unction to the highest bidder, by Charles Shongood. Auctioned, at the Itnsiklyn Beni EnImIh Exchange. No.

19 Montague street, jn the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on the Bub dsv of January. 1915, nt twelve oVk uoon, the premises directed b.i said Judgment to be sold, and tiievfdn described ms follows: Ml that er- tHln plM, piece o1 parrel of land, with i.i buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, 1 lug and being In the Borough of Rrooklvn. Vounty of Ktngs. tliv and Snito if New Vork, Isninded and described ns follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Seeley street, distant easterly twenty-three (23) feet from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly stde of Seeley street with the easterly side of Eighteenth street; running thence southerly parallel with Eighteenth atreet one hundred (100) feet; thence easterly porallel with Seeley atreet forty (4))) feel; thence northerly again parallel with Eighteenth street one hundred (100) feet to the southerly side of Seeley atreet.

and thence westerly along the southerly able of Seeley street forty (40) feet to the point or piaco of beginning. Also nil the right, title and Interest of the party of the first part of, in and to the land lying iu front of and adjoining said premises to the centre lino thereof. Dated December loth 1912. JAMES II. RCRIMGKOUR.

Referee. JACOB M. PFYSKR. Plaintiffs Attorney, 26 Court- atreet. Brookljn, New York city.

Dee20 3w-FTu SURROGATE'S NOTICES. Long Championship. Lynbrook Sales. The Windsor Land and Improvement Company sold at Lynbrook to Cr n. Snoke a plot 44 by 1115 on Clifford street! to H.

Beckmann, a plot 40 by 125, on Chrlstabel street. The same company old at Valley Stream to M. Moynlhan a plot 40, by 100, on Crowell street; to N. Gallagher a plot 80 by 100, on Maujer to la. Murray, a -plot 40 by 100, on Grove street.

The same company" sold at Hempstead a plot 80 by 100, to E. Thell on Booth Btreet. Bale at Cedarhurat. Allen' 3. C.

Schmuck has sold to John Smith for McPherson Kennedy, three plots containing thirty lots In the Ken-rldge section of Cedarhurst. To Extend Greenpolnt final report of the Commissioners of Estimate and Commissioner of Assess, ment In the matter of the opening and extending, of Kent street, from Oakland street, to Provost street; Meserole avenue. from Jewell street to North Henry street; Diamond street, from Greenpolnt avenue to Meserole avenue; Moultrie street, from Greenpolnt avenue to Hum-bold street, and Humboldt street, from Greenpolnt avenue to Norman avenue, in the Seventeenth Ward, will be presented for confirmation at the County Ooyrt Hohse, on December 31., Uew Equitable Futldlng Flans Filed. Plans, for the new Equitable Building, to occupy the fire ruined block bounded by Broadway, Nassau, Cedar and Pine street, were filed with the Manhattan Building Department yesterday. The proposed structure will take the form of a hugd II, having spacious courts at the Broadway and Nassau street sides, thus making it practically four buildings In one, the courts to be of the same width as "Cedar and Pine streets.

The Broadway sections will be 50 feet wide, while those at the Nassau street end will be 60 feet' In width. The plans consists of a set of eighty-five drawings, and Indicate that the building will he thirty-seven stories and 486.9 feet high above the curb level. Its cost has been estimated by the architects, F. H. Andrews at $8,000,000.

The land Is under a contract of sale for $13,000,000. title to be passed to the new owners, the Du Pont Company, January 15. next. Sales at Brightwatera. B.

Ackerson Co. have aold at Brightwatera, In the Oaks section, a plot, 100 by on the northwest corner of Penataqult 'Drive and Pine Acres Boulevaard, to George W. Wood, and a plot In Bay section, 25 by 120, on the west side' of Windsor avenue, south of Windsor place, to Ella I Alger. Northport Tract Sold. William Donahue, of Manhattan, has purchased a tract of land consisting of 35 acres and located at Fort Salonga, near Northport.

L. from Emma For-tuna. The owns the adjoining property which he bought a few months Theodore S. Hall was the broker in both transactions. JUDGMENTS.

The name of tbs Judgment debtor i first Frost, Jesse Frank and ano $227.4 Bishop, Leopold same 7.4 Bonaccl, Dqinonlck Bramhall. Deane 38.60 josepii Mutual Alliance Trust Co Lewis, Abraham same 506 09 Kamentsky. Alex Henry Wampele Co 27.01 Tlmony, Thos and James Henry Both Bids Co. Midwood Contracting Co same o6Z.0O Riovdan, Cornelius 51.42 Coletta, Eliza Gazsolo et al. Blank, Adolph A Great United Kales Corp Lyons Braunsteln.

Alexander City Y. Braudel, Arthur same Chas, Jr same. Berry, Henry same Bevell, John same Butzefl Jessie same Bernstein. Nathan same Burns, Thomas same Butler, David same Butler, Israel same Brougham, A Leonard' same Bondhus, Samuel Butts, Harry H-samo Bhimenfeld. Benjamin same Ash, Ernest same Alexander, Morris Armstrong, Gordon same Keuler, Henry (Infant) by Minnie Brooklyn Heights Co 109.40 Kakalanckos Bltantas Bklyn Jits OConnor.

John Brooklyn Heights Co 80.36 Noble, Wm Brooklyn Heights 100.15 Noble. John (infant) by Wm same 109.15 Buckley. Edmund A (Infant) by Mary came 83 40 Parker. Jusepbine--saine 116 40 Kaufman. Jacob Rose .2,129.

62 Lasarow Itz, Mollis Tt Co. Lazarowitz. Bernhard same Gaghegan. Mary same Pastore Jos --same Fitch, Mnrv Stein Tuck, Jacob It J. Preston Tully, Margaret A Tully, Margaret It Beer Hamilton.

Henry Schmeadeke 125.51 Harber, Hyman Rappaport 43.45 Harber ft Rubin same 45 45 Rubin. Harry same 45.45 Rutherford. Little Michaels 32.25 Lippman, Mitchell Dorman 172.40 StaTk, Joseph same 172.40 Katske. Max A Commonwealth Glue Co 150.47 fichechter, Herman Swift Co 85.31 Lufty Abad City 32.54 Lutklns. Theodore same 93.44 Lopes, Jaa or Jos 215.33 Lurie, Samuel same Loorya, Hyman same Lahm, Isaac same Lanter, ChftB--ame Leonard.

Henry same Elizabeth T) same PendeL Elizabeth Davidson. Geo I Tecla Sr Do. Pedonato, Domenico Dachillo. 80.40 Gallagher 'iVm WA Prendergasi, Controller, etc 46.8,1 GUI, Chas TV Smith 309.17 Jewell, Edw Atlantic Blangaj Co 197.31 OBrien, llarry Metropolitan Tobacco 34 10 ficott, Theodore same 100.50 Jaeger, Fredk Keystone Varnish Co 210.02 Hesliu, Chas Jos Beck 116-91 iBeggs. Charlotte American Slicing Machine Co 85.60 Manhattan Shoddy Mills Xass.

974.60 Pasternack, Max and Rosie Sea Clift Bank 42193 Harry Lizzie Smith and ano as exors 161.90 Moser, Chat Josephine Toerge and ano 27.40 Herman, Isaac Nollman and ano 147.97 Norton, Max same 147.97 fimLth, Sidney A Nugent 81.90 Taub, Meyer Mlretzky 447.78 Sol (Infant) by Morris Brooklyn Woven Wire Mattres Co 106.62 Schulze, Frank and Louisa Bank of Coney Island 589.63 Ottate, Tony Michael Bros 126.20 Pltropofsky, Jack same 91.40 Prince, Simon same 46.40 Ernest, Trlblehom (Inc) A Roeb- llng's Hons Co, 120.37 Tlbblts. Henry B. doing business Tibbetts Co Western Electric Morris, Benjamin city Y. Noethlger, John A Nelson, Alexander same Nell, Wm same Noonan, Walter same Nesselhauf, John same Nelson, Chas same Nelson, same Mechanics Liens PROSPECT PL. 100 Ralph ave, 820x100, Sam Zltowsky agst Miller Bldg Co $4650.

HOPKINRON AVE, 100.3 a Livonia ave, 100x150. Phllllppo Lopreatl and ano gst Michael slaacs, $415. HOPKINSON AVE, 1253 fl Sutter ve, 60x100, Morris Epstein agst Adelaon Rosensteln Realty Co, Wolf Rosenson and 6amuel Adelstein as President and Secretary $125. COLUMBIA ST, No 418, Sam Bassewltx gst Fulton Land ft Mort Co aand Vincenzo Polito, $50. AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION BY Expert teachers on domestic and foreign cars; newest, most perfect ayitem of Instruction; reasonable terms; always open to.

Inspection; day and night classes -course $15. Bedford Auto Garage, 229 Clifton ok. -near Bedford KVnWl.TON Proprietor. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRL TO MAKE HERSELF generally useful: must bo Btrong.

willing and neat; references. 182 South Ninth st. WASHING IRONING WANTED. WANTED WASHING, 9 CT8. A FOUND, table and bed iiom ironed ready for uvei underclothing starched, dried, ready to Iron.

IAVIILY I.ALNDK, 327 VAN BU-REN bl. TELEPHONE 2k6 1 BCMlUltK. SALES BY ATTCTIOK. J.W.& W.H. REID, Auctioneers Friday at 10:30 A.

M. Willoughby, cor. Pearl St. HOISEHOLD FIKSITIRE. i Excellent assortment of Parlor Suites, Curio and Cabinets, paintings, Mlr- rorw Oak Buffets.

Cr.tstaJ and China Closets, Tables Leather Chair, Rockers, Brass Beds, i)re8MMi Chiffoniers, Bedding, Rugs, Lino- jeumf etc. I ALTOS FOB SALE, I IIDPMOBILE TOURING CAR. LATEST model; fully equipped with speedometer and extra tire like new; will sell cheap for cash; car can he seen at lou Putnam ave. Telephone 75hU Prospect. J.

CAR. FOB SALE CIGARS. Guaranteed 7 full Havanas, 50 for $1.50. 50 little Havanas, $1.00. Special for holidays.

23 full Havana Cigars put up In neat box, 75c. FRIEDLANDER'S good taste cigars, 463 Central corner Putnam. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Pnnnv whUe Inodl-- su1. f-.

White English Bull rrler, good for stud; Toy White SHk Female Poudle; full grown female Boston Terrier, extra good for breeding; Manrh. male lov Black and Tan; male Fox Ter- I JIARDT 1316 Broadway; one I block below Gates ave. station, )W Bushwjck. ROStOll Bull, Collie and Toy POOdlC LEON Puppies, Talking Parrots, Nluglng Canaries. Goldfish and all Bffd, Dog and Fish Supplies.

Stuffing and mounting of birds and animals our specialty. HOr.MANK RELIABLE BIRD STOKE, 1134 Broadway. Near Madison at. MISCELLANF0U3. FURS TO ORDER, REPAIRED And altered nt summer prices.

Old furs taken in exchange for new. JACOBSON, 272 Sumner between Gates ave. and Quincy et Telephone 4192 Bedford. Open evenings. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION.

OXK OF FERRYS CELEBRATED MINCE PIES 2Sb Court 754 Union 1137 Fulton st. hAVe YOI II KIGS, CAKFETS, cleaned by the vacuum process at your own priee. Hand nnd power xacuum cleaners for sale. STEEGM 1. 1.

Ell. 795 East Eighth Flatbuh. Tel. Main 4577 for appo.ntnient. OLD ARTIFICIAL TEETH In any condition; call any time.

The old original SCHNEIDER. 1059 Herkimer near Howard ave. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Leather beds Also furniture bought. HARRY.

224 Stockton et. Tel. 5087 Winsbh. Also furniture bought; pay highest dollar. Try un before von write to others.

Charles. 125 Nostrand av. Fbore Ii75 Wmif LIVEBY STABLES. FLATBUSH CARRIAGE SERVICE Chureb Avenue. TFfLFIlONK 4181 FLATBUSIL E.

E. WHEELER, THE ORIENTAL STABLES Corner South Eighth and Berry Sts. Telephone 83 WHilamaburgh. RAILROADS. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD.

Trains leu rLAiObdU AVE. suiuoa for Bir-erhead and pnuclpol stations to Greeaport tt.oo A. 1., 4.08 Riveraesd only) P. AJ. 0:40 A.

4:18 p. il. Central l'ars auu pnu-ipal stations to Ronkos-konja 8.80, A. 6:61, 6:48 V. M.

0:11, (Uonkon-koiuj A. 4:18 P. M. AmsgonsetL Iho Hampious, bug Harbor and Moricnes 0.35 A. 3.38, xe4 :44, o.20 P.

Al. 4:35, 0:11, A. 6:41 P. Al. Patchogue, leiip, Bay Shore 7:11, 0:11, 0:35 11:00 A.

3:38, x6 14 10 25 1. aU.26 nlgnt. bon. 4:35, 0:11, 10:40, A. 1.JL 6:41 P.

M. Baojiou 7:11, 7:59, 0:11, 11:00 A. 1 1 1:30. 1:57, 3:33, 6:51, 8:15, 12:26 I'. M.

6.Ji 0:11, 10:40 11:40 A. 1:37. 6:41. 6:67, 10:22 p. 12:38 night.

Pori Je0crso5 sod luteruiedUi si ns on Wad-lug River Branch 5:44, A. 3:00, 4:30, 111:28 M. 10:01 A. 1:12, p. Al.

(W Runs to River.) Oyeter Bay, Oien Cove, Sea Cliff. Roslyn 5:44 0:00. 11:00 A. 1:01, 1:57. 3:38, 4:30 6:29, 16:14, 6:46.

8:13, 10:25. P. M. 4:35, 0:00, 6:61, 11:21 A. 2.00 4:44.

6:32. 0:67. 8:07. 11:00 A. M.

Garden City, Hemp tend 7:01, 7:59, 0:00 10:11. 11.00 A. 12.30, 1:03, 1:67 3:00 3:38. 4:44, 6:38. 6:14.

8:48, 8:15, 10:25, 11:28, 12:28 I M. night. 8:00, 9:11 11:21 A. 1:12, 2:00 8:00. 4:44, 6:50.

8:41, 8:07. 0:35, P. M. Fur Kockaway, Arverue 6:44. 6:13, 6:37, 7:40 7:60, 8:45, 0:35, 10:12 11:00, A 12.30.

1:30, 2:07, 2:28, 3:09. 3:38. 6:00, 6:20, 6:41, 6:35, 1,7:13, 7:46. 8:13, 0:21 10:25, 11:23. 12:26 P.

M. 4:35, 10:03, 11:05 A. Al. 12:30 2:10, 4:18. 4:41, 8.08, 0:57, 7:57, 8:80) 0:28.

10:22, 1,11:08 P. Al. (Fur ltoekaway only.) Long Beach 5:48 7:21, 0:11, 11:10 A. II OS, 2:07, 4:08, 6:51. 6:14.

8:13, 12:26 P. M. 3u. 6:26, 9:11, 10:03. 11:21 A.

1:37, 3:05, 0:47 P. M. Rockaway Beach 6:68, 7:00 0:10, 10:00, 11:17 A. 1:10, 2:10, 8:40. 6:47, 6:21, 6:42, 8:20, 10:12, 11:45 P.

Al. 12:26 night Min. 7:05. 0:16, 10:16, 11:16 A. 12:40, 1:45, 2:15, 8:07 8:55.

6:10, 5:63, 7:20, 8:15, 0:20. 11:20 P. M. fSat. only.

twd. and Sat. only. Mmrlcbea only. aSat.

nights only. A Except Aloriches. eExeept Snturdavs. Except Nov. 23, Dec.

23. Jsn. 1. Feb. 12 nnd 22.

LEGAL NOTICES. COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY ANNIE Arnuuuth. Plaintiff against Israel Mesobnicfc and others. Defendant. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and enteicd In the above-entitled action, and date the fourteenth day of December, 1912, the undersigned, tho referee in suld judgment named, will sell at publle action, to the highest bidder, by Charles Shongood, Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Heal Estate Exchange.

No. 181) Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on tho sixth day of Jauuar.v, 1913. at twelve oviock noon the premises directed bv said Judgment to le sold, and therein described ns follows; All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements theretn erected, situate, lying and being In the Seventeenth Ward of the Borough of Brooklyn.

Countv of Kings, City and bounded and described as follnna to wit: Bo- State of New York anriiMin ribed as follnna to noeu as louona. to wit. Bo- I A XMAS PRESENT. Two-family three-story basement frame, 12 room, 2 baths, nuar here; $1,000 cash: bargain. EVERETT KUHN, 471 Sumner ave.

MORTGAGE LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN. Loans first and second mortgages; Brooklyn property; reasonable feet. GEO. W.

PALMER A Phone (irempolnt. 781 Manhattan ave. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE. Union Bank Properties FOR SALE At Fair Market Prices FACTORY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1046 to 1052 Myrtle Ave. APARTMENT HOUSE 601 and 603 Marcy Twenty-two apartments all Improvements.

Other properties in choice location. Coll Write or 'Phone 7300 Main. E. L. DODGE Special Deputy Sup't of Banka, 44 Court Street, BROOKLYN, N.

Y. BARGAIN SALE. THREE-FAMILY BRICK, water, gns, tubs, range; rental, $432; price 2.9(H); owner. 62 1-2 Taylor st. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE.

TELL US WHAT YOU WANT Many good Income properties to exchange for lots in any section; exchange propositions of ad kinds solicited. WILLIAM VN WERT. DOWNTOWN 16 COURT ST. TO LET BUSINESS FUBP0SES. KING l.OFT WITH OKKICE, NEW building; manufacturing or any business; verv light; theap rent.

1532 Fultun near Albany ave. station. TO LET LOFTS. LOFTS TO LET. Steam power and heat.

Good light. Low rent. 36-38-40 Penn Brooklyn. TO LET FLATS. NEW FLAT, $21; MIDDLE FLOOR, SIX rooms, bath; all Improvements, above banking 20H Broadway.

Brooklyn, fronting bridge plaza and South Eighth st. JUST THINK. RENTS $11, 12 AND 12.60 for five rooms; bath; don't miss this chance. 1840-1842 Broadway, near Sumpter st- TO LET PABTS OF HOUSES. PARLOR AND BASEMENT FLOOR TO lf-t.

a all Improvements. Inquire 107 Houth Fifth near Bedford ave. WANTED ROOMS. BROTIIKR AND MPTER WANT TWO heated, unfurnished rooms and board with refined private jamlly; state terms. Box 11, 203 Broadway, Brooklvn.

TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED SMALL ROOM, also handsome back parlor with private family; appointments first class; telephone; no trar.aclents; reference. 132 South Ninth et. 286 HALSEY ST. Three large handsomely furnished rooms; single or cn suite; owner; suitable for doctor.

92 flOFTH TENTH ST. Newly depurated, clean laige rooms; housekeeping or gentlemen; running water; also parlors; furnace heat; reasonable. SUNN FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE neatly furnished; bath, suitable for two; conenient to bridge; $3.50 per week; 111 Ross at- 144 SOUTH EIGHTH ST. Franklin ave. cais passes the door; rooms and furnishings comfortable and neat; prices erv re-onHble.

MRS. DlNNE. 203 SOUTH 9TII ST. Large and small rooms; block from plaza THREE FUR NIflIlED-ROOM APART ment; piano and telephone use. 70 Division ave.

BOARD. 134 MACON Near MARCY Aleovo and sunny square nil eomenicnccs; running water; phone. room; heated; hot and cold THK BEII'OKD. 555 Bedford largo room to let. -with board- parlor; dining room; table board.

Telepone 3287 WLUamsburgh. 82 LEE AVE. Near Wllllainsburgh Bridge; nice rooms; good board; furnace heat; hot water; moderate terms. LEGAL NOTICES. COUNTY COURT.

KINGS COUNTY TITLE Guarantee and Trust Compuny. Plaintiff, against eronicu Koehler, If sdie In living, nnd if she be dead, any and nil persons unknown to plaintiff. having or claiming to have an interest in or lien upon tin real property descrlled in the complaint in this ucthm. through or tinier sold Veronica Koehler, mi-i unknown iktsohs being herein generally deri'rilw'd and being intcmlcd to be included in the following designation, child or children, descendants, holr.s at law. oext of kin.

devisee, legatees, creditors, trustees, executors, grantees, Itenors and assignees, If any, of said Veronica Koehler, or of any person or persons deriving any tntereat In or ban utun or title to the said real property from any or either of them: The People of tbe Stata of New Aork. Charles E. Teale, ns administrator with tho will i annexed, of the eatati of Veronica Koehler, de- teased; Bolen V. Williams. Defendants.

Summons. To the above-named Defcndanta and each of them: I You are hereby summoned to answer the com- I plaint in this action, and to arvo a copy of your answer on the plalhtlffa attorney within twenty days after tbe service of this summons. exclusive the day of service, and iu case of tour failure to appear, or answer, Jmlgiucut will ite taken against you by default, for tbe relief i demanded Tn the complaint. Dated Brooklyn, New Y'ork City. November 2d.

1912. HARRY L. THOMPSON. Plaintiff's Attorney, Ofllrp an Post Office address. No.

176 Hemscn I street, Brooklyn. New York City. I To Veronica Koehler, if she be living, aod if she be dead, any nnd all persons unknown to plaintiff, having or claiming to have an interest In or lien upon the real property de- scribed tn tho complaint in tills action, through cr under said Veronica Koehler, such unknown persons being herein gem-rally described and being intended to be Included in the following desiguatton. child or children, descendant, helra ot law, next of kin. devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, executors, gnin-tiH-, lienors and asslgm-es.

If any. of suld Yeronlca Kehler, or or any person or persons deriving any Interest in or lien upon or title I the said r-al property from any or either of them; defendants above named and each1 of thftn: I The foregoing summons is served upon you hv indication, pursuant to an order of Hon. Lewis Fawcett, dated the nineteenth day of November, 1912. and flh-d with a copy of the complaint In the office of the Clerk of Kings County at the Hall Records, Borough of Brooklyn, Citv and Htat of New November 19th, 1912, the original uf said coqjplaint Having la-eu filed in sittd clerk's office NoVemner 7lh, 1912. HARRY L.

THOMPSON. Plaintiffs Attorney Office and Post Office address, 175 Rernseii atreet. Brooklyn, New Y'ork. Nov22-6wF HUPRIOME COURT, KINGS COUNTY THE Tax Lieu Company of New York. Plaintiff.

against Isaac Levlugson et Defendants. In pomianre of a judgment of foreclosiite and aniu duly made and eutered In tbe above entitled ac- tion an1 bparu thp 301,1 of Novcinlier. Citizen Tournament (AT THB SUBWAY.) First Series. Universal. Totals Second Series.

Universal. 1st. Hooker. 1st. Dougherty HeHtse Voorhrfs Totals 478 515! Total 548 473 Third Series.

Germania. 5 Hooker. 1st. 2d. 1st.

M. Nutter 200 1t Ffnkbelner 178 184 Bowman 211 168 198 Andcnson 172 215Putnp, sr 183 157 Totals 573 S40j Totals 529 539 Export League. First Series. 158 166! KInkbelner 214 183 159 Ruth 149 137 ISHMPump, 185 COUNTY COURT. KINGS COUNTY PAUL Arres and George W.

Smyth, as trustees, Plala tiffs, against lxul Christensen and others, 1-fi-ndants. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered 1q the above-entitled action, nnd hearing date tho dav of December. 1912, I. the undersigned, tttf leforec iu said judgment named ill soli Rt- fplh a. lb- miction, Uio highest bidder, by Chart hong'M'd.

Auctioneer, at the Brooklvn Rea Fa late F.tchaug. N. 1S9 Mmtngne street, fwtha Brough if Iountr of hT. tha -mh dav Jammry. at twelve o'clock hoots, the pi'Mnisea direciod by said judgment to-rb vcbl.

and tlierein described as follows: All tht certain 1 piece or parcel of land shown snt deiguatcd on Map ts at Bath tion. Tin of New Urreeht, rounty uf Kings,) New York, Mirvcyed August. 18 5, by TJ. McKltoy, Ci'H Kngiueer and City likd In Up office of the RoglsA of the County of Kings. July 10.

a aud by Jxt No. 063, In Block No. whb--t-akl let. according to said map Is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point onhq southerly aide of Fifty-seventh street distant one hundred and twenty (120) feet easterly treux the corner formed by the Intersection of thn southerly side of Fifty-seventh street wtth'Yha easterly side of Thirteenth aveuue; thence aotrth-' erlv parallel with Thirteenth avenue one hundred (100) feet two (2) Inches to the centre Jine of Mock between Fifty-seventh and Fifty-eighth streets: thence easterly along said centre llnrf of-the block and parallel with Fifty-seventh 'atTet twenty (2m feet: thenc northerly and agato pKrnll'ii with Thirteenth awmtie one nundrea Horn feet two (2i Inches to the southerly side Of Flftv-Kcventh street, and thence weatorly aTpi' along said southerly side of Flftr-serenth atrPeJj twontv (201 feet to Urn point or W7 Dated Drs-einbcr 14th. 1912.

PHILIP G. (fllUSS, Referee" F. STKONGTN. Plaintiffs' Attorney 1S0 Moutagne street. Brooklyn.

N. Y. 7 Dect6-3w-MftF LOST PANIC Williamshurgh Savings Bank. Any per- pon having claims upon this book must present the name within one week as said book shall be cancelled and extinguished and a m-'v issu. .1 Heu thereof.

L(ifcT ON lr: 'EM BEK 26, A SOLID GOLD barrette on Rodney between Brdfoid nud Wytho reward; return to 101 Rodnev st. ROST UN DECEMBER 25. WHITE French male; return to DR. PETERSEN, 1161 Bushwlck reward. LOST LIBERAL REWARD WILL BE paid for the return of lady's gold watch and pin; owner.

MRS. MAXWELL, 963 Greene ave. DANCING. THE STERN SCHOOL FOR DANCING 050-052 Broadway, corner Myrtle Brooklyn, N. Ilione 4043 liustiwirk.

Stage and ballroom dancing, glide, waltz. two-step, fcunda s. Always open, Including FIRE ESCAPES. IRON FENCES, FIRE ESCAPES AND railings. Metropolitan Architectural and Ornamental Iron Works, 1323 Gates ave.


Ladders and Clothes-Poles. PHONE 4910 BEDFORD. UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING, $11.00 Five-piece suit, re-upholstered, finest tapestry. silk cord and gimp; 5 pieces slip covers, best Bvlgltim linen.

$5 49. Beat workmanship guaranteed. D. GOLDBERG, 1055 DeKaib ave. Phone Bushwlek 3269.

UMBRELLA REPAIRING. HOLIDAY OFFERINGS. Re-covering and repairing of all kind done; rovers 39r. nnd up: assortments of silKH and handles at lowest prlres; school umbrellas made to tinier, 39c. nid up; repairs of all kinds called for P.nd delivered.

GEO. MKJIRMANN. 426 Central ae-. between Woodbine and lalmetto sis. F.K-GofKltlNli A 1 HEI'AIHTNli OK AM.

kinds done; ctn i rs 39c. and up; nsf-ort-mrnts of dlks ami handles; repairs railed for nnd ibdlvem GEO. MEM HM AN N. 426 Central between Woodbine and Balmetto st. OLD UMBRELLAS RE-COVERED WITH French Silk Gloria.


HEAVY. MAHOGANY, upright piano; guaranteed 10 years; also beautiful oil painting; pictures In large gold shadow box frames. $1.25 each; best bargain ever offered. MRS. HILL, 600 llnrt one door from Myrtle ave.

LEGAL NOTICES. NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. KINGS Comity Mary II. King, PlaltPiff. against William the corner formed by the Intersection of the northerly side of Herkimer street wlih the westerly side of Buffalo avenue; running thence northerly jmrallei with Buffalo avenue and part of the distance thiough a party wall one hundred feet, thence westerly parallel with Herkimer street sixteen feet eight inches; thence southerly parallel with Buffalo sveotie and part of the distance through a party wall one bunun feet to the northerly side of Herkimer streec.

and thence easterly along the northerly side of Herkimer street sixteen feet eight tnehes to the point or place of beginning. Together with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the mortgagor in and to said premises. Dated New York Docendr 11th, 1012. CHARLES HARWOOD. Referee CARY CARROLL.

Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office and Post Office address. 50 Wall street. Borough of Manhattan. New York. N.

Y. NEW YORK SUPREME COURT KINGS Countv Bay Ridge flaxings Bani Plaintiff, against Helen K. Harris and Jacob Harris, her husband; and Jennie allot, Defendants. In pursuance of a Juogment of foreclosure and sale, duly made and entered in the above-entitled action, nd hearing date the -lflt day of I)ccemlKr. 1912.

I. the uiHlerslgncd, the refereo tn suld Judgment named, will s' nt publle Ruction to ilic highest bidder, by William li. Smltb, Anctbrneer. nt the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No.

1S9 Montague Atreet, In the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, on thi ltuh day of January. 1913, nt twelve o'clock noon, tho premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the building thereon, situated In the Borough of Briwklyn. City off New York. County of Kinga, nud laumded and described as follows: Beginning st point on the Southerly side of Forty-eighth Street, dl-tant two hundred and sixty feet (2i) easterly from the southeasterly corner of Forty-eighth Street and Fourth Avenue; running thence Southerly parallel with Fourth Avenue ami part of the distance through a party wall one hundred feet (lob) and two Inches (2i; thence Easterly parallel with Foi t) -eighth Street twenty feet (20); thence-Northerly parallel witli Fourth Avenue and hart of the distance thrmign a party wall one hundred feet Hunt anti two Inches (2) to the southerly sde of Forty-eighth Street, and thence Westerly hlong the southerly side of Forty-eighth stree twenty feet (20t to the point of beginning.

Dated N. Deoomler 10. 1912. J. GRATTAN McMAHON.

Referee. WILLIAM J. BULGER. Plaintiff's Attorney. 140 Broadway, Nvw York City.

Dec20 3w-FftMftJan9 IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON. HERBERT T. KKTCHAM, Surrogate of thn County of Kings, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against CORNELIA WINTERS MOUNT, late of the County of Kings, de-ceased, to present the same, with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber Ita place of transacting business, at No. 198 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings. City and fltate of New York, on or before the firat day of Juoe next.

Dated New York, tho 21st da of November, 1912. HOME TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Ex ecu I or. HARRIS. GORW1N.

GUNNISON ft MEYERS. Attorney for Executor, 130 Nassau street, New 'County of Klngn, Ity and Mate of New York, York city Nov22-6tn-F 'bounded and deacribed as follows; Beginning at Ja point on the northerly side of Herkimer atreet distant one hundred ami fifty feet westerly from PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THB M. Mellish and others. Def-ndmd. In pursuance of judgment of forerloeurp and tale duly tnude and enten-d in the action and bearing date the 27th day of November.

UM2, I. the undersigned, the referee in a.ild judgment named, will aril at public auction, to the highest bidder, by William H. Smith Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. 1H0 Montague atreet. Borough of Brooklyn.

City of New York. County of Kings, on the 3d day of January. 1013, nt 12 o'clock noon on that day, tho premises directed by said Judgment to le aold, and therein described as folium: Ail that certain Jot. piece or parcel of laud, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Third Scries. N.

Y. and S. A. Line. I Luuliam A Moors.

Jet. 2d.) 1st. 2d. J. Rvan 126 153! farter? 114 119 A.

Ryan 121 14S rioben 145 142 Evaus 166 164 Mulbolland ..10 H. Totals 413 4t5 Totals "399 44 Ben Franklin League. (AT THE BROADWAY ALLF.TS.) First Game. Biitterlek No. 1 Strasscll 134: Casey, 148; Hummelluger, 153; Muens, 167; Henderson, 180.

Total. 782. Hutterick No. 2-Eberhardt, 116: Mullens, 165; Javcox, 130; Rasa 108; 137. Total, 044.

t. Sec nd Game. Bntteriek No. 1 Strassell 166; Casey, 144: nuqimellugcr. 110; Muena, 153; Henderson, 170.

Total, 733. Trow F. Scherer. 100; Rodgers, 168; Powers, 173; Frank Scherer, 157; Gordon. 177.

Total, 775. Third Game. Butterick No. 2 Eberbardt, 159 Malleus, 126; Jaycox, 132; Rusaell. 125; Crosslaad, 151.

Total, 602. Trow F. Scherer, 133; Rodffera, J22; powers, 133; Frank Scherer. 156; Gordon, 177. Total.

721. Knights of Columbus League. (AT THE UNIVERSAL ALLEYS.) First Game. Isabella 150; fltortr, 176; Schmidt. 198: McAuler, 153; Pouobue.

173. Total, 850. Morning Star Healy. 149; Maaterfin. 164; Harrington, 151; Flanagan, 188; Frinty, 136.

Total, 738. Second Game. Isabella Grlaener, 136: Stortz. 177 Schmidt, 146; McAiiley, 12; Douohue. 159.

Totsl, 780. Jamaica Brlalln. 153; Hyland. 112; Sullivan, 123; Noting, 147; Zimmer, 191. Total, 726.

Third Game. Morning Star Healy, 166; Kinney. 170; Mas-terjjon, 146; Flanagan, 144; ITlnty, 196. Total. Jamaica T.

Brlalln. 145: Hyland, 156; Sullivan, 174; Young. 234; Zimmer, 180. Total, 888. Fourth Game.

Jamaica U. Brlalln, 184; Hyland. 199; Sul-ltvati, 142; Young, 131; Zimmer, 122. Total, 778. Palos Cleary 160; Smith, 107; Bums, 141; Ilcneman, 131; Hennelet, 180.

Total, 669. To-nights Bowling. Fire Insurance League Royal vs. Commercial Union, at Grand Central alleys. Gotham Palace Five-Men Tournament Atlan.

tic No. 2 vs. Ocean Hill, at Gotham Palace alley. Telephone League Seventeenth Street Simp vs. Treasurer, at Subway alleys.

Red Men's Tournament Narragflnsett vs. Tonmhnwk, at Atla Hall alleya. Junior O. U. A.

M. Gen. Grant. Gen. Wayne and Col.

Pulne. at Gotham Palace alleys. Arcanum Tournament De Forest. Fulton. teeriesH: De Long, Burnside, Franklin, at Sunerba alleys.

Foresters of America Nightingale vs. U. 8. Grant, at Gotham Palace aJicya. New York Dock Company League Accounting Warehouse, at Graud Central alleys.

COUNTY COURT. KINGS COUNTY' MICH ael 1, Kelly, Plaintiff, against Acme Hornet Company et Defendants. In pursuance of Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made fid entered In the above-entitled action, and bearing date the 20th day of December the undesigned, tho referee in sala judgtflht named, will soli st publle auction, to the high' est bidder by Charles Shongood. Auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. JS0 Montague street, in tho Borough of Brooklyn, Countv of Kings, on the 13th day of 1913, nt 12 oclock noon, tbe premises directed by said judgment to lie sold, and therein described as follows; AH that certain lot, piece or of land, with the building or buildings, or improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Borough of Brooklyn, County of' Klugs.

Tho City and State of New York. bounit. od and described as follows; Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Fifty lxth strtrafc distant one hundred forty feet easterly from she southeasterly corner of Seventh aveoue and Fifty-sixth street; runoing thence aoutberly nllel with Seventh aveuue one hundred feet? thence easterly parallel with Fifty-sixth ono hundred forty feet; thenco northerly again, parallel "tth Seventh avenue one hundred ftfet to the southerly side of Fifty-sixth street, and thence- westerly along the southerly sid.Pf, Fiftv-sixtti street one hundred forty feet to. the point or place of beginning. Together with ail the right title and interest of the party or 4b first part, of, in and to Fifty-sixth street, Ijrtotf in front aod adjoining the ahove-deSrrJtd: premises to the centre lino thereof.

iid premisos shall bo sold subject tn'the Bills of conditional sale of defendants Harry-Kaplun nnd Louis Schlepp, Hudson Mantel and Mirror Company, William Kerby Company aud Graff Furnace company. Dated December lldt J. HUNTER LACK, Referee. CHARLES J. RYAN, Plaintiffs 26 Court street, Brooklyn, N.

Y'. SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY fcOSA Ijohtnnnn. IMalutlff, against Charles Ixbmaun. 1 defendant. Action to auuul a marriage, fluta mens.

a tlie atxive-named Defendant: You ore hereby summoned to answer the oom plaint in this action, and to serve a copv tA vour answer on the plaintiff's attorney wltbiit twenty davs after the service of this summons. exclusive of the day of service, and lit case jour failure to spiauir or answer, judgment wtU be taken against yon by default, for tbe relief 4 demanded in the complaint. Dated November 21st, 1912. WILLIAM S. BUTLER.

Plaintiffs Attorney, Office and Post Office address, No, 188-190 Mon tugue tnet. Brooklyn. N. Y. the above-named Defendant.

Charles Loji niintn: f. Tin foregoing sunimona Is servod upon you b.l publication pwsuant to an order of the Hon Imiuc M. Knpper. Justlee of the Supreme Court, Kings CouNty. duted the 6th day of December.

1912 nnd filed with the original summons complaint in this action. In tbe office of th. Clerk of the County of Kings, on tbe said 6tk dav of December, 1912. WILLIAM S. BUTLER, rialntlfTi Attorney, IN Hon.

HEKBKHT T. KETCHAM, of the County of Kinga, notice is hereby gLen, according to law, to ail persons having claims against ANDREW WIS.SLL, late of the County of Kings, deceused, that they nru required to exhibit the-. same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at the office of Tomes, flberk and Palmer, attorneys for the administratrix, at No 44 Court street (Uooin 20), Borough of Brooklyn. New York City, on or before the 10th day of March. 1013, next Dated August 80th, 10lX CHRISTINE WISHEL, Administratrix.

TOMES, tsIlF.RK ft PALMER, Attya. for 44 Court street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Aug30-6m-F IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF the Hon. Herbert T.

Ketcham, Surrogate of tha County of Kings, notice is hereby given, according to law. to all persons hav-lug claims against ANDREW J. MoCOBD. late of the Borough of Brooklyn, Countv of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at her place of transacting business. No.

2211 Benson avenue. In the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, on or before the 15th day of Feb ruary next. Dated Julv 26tfi, 1012. JULIA McCORD.

Exeoutrlx. H. BERNKOPF. Attorney for Exeoc trlx. 794 Broadway.

Brooklyn. N. Y. July26-6mF KKRW1N. JOHN.

IN PURSUANCE OF AN order of the lion. HERBERT T. KETCHAM. Surrogate of the County of Kings, notice tk beroby given, according to law to poisons having claim against JOHN KERW1N. late of the County of Kings, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subacriber, at the office of th Nassau Trust Company, No.

136 Broadway in the Borough of Brooklyn, City nnd fltate of New York on or before tho 30tb lj of December, 1012. next. Dated June 97, 1012. ANDREW T. SULLIVAN CHRISTOPHER C.

MOLLENHAUPR. Executors. COOMBS ft WILSON. 260 Broadway, Brooklyn. N.

Y. EDWARD T. HORWILU 215 Montague street Brooklyn N. Y. jnn2k-6m-F Attorneys for Executor FOR OTHER CLASSIFIED ADS SEE PAGE 2.

irty i WTjjin: rz i srz enfle avenue ono hnnlred (1IK)) feet; tlieuce 4 a-T, VM 7 1 hooq sonthetlv parallel with Diamond street twenty by Samuel Goldsticker. Auctioneer, (2U) feet: thenco westerly parallel with Meserolo i I'rem 1 IrJT vfl avenue and part of the distance through party I nJ lSU Ind ni lk S5 Tn df', wall one hundred (100) feet to the easterly side jcriptloii. hecthm 12. IUj ,.1 of Diamond street, ami thence northerly along i csTiptlon, l)11 the easterly aide of Diamond street twenty (2o oca tion, south side of Kt Now York avenue, feet to the1 point or place of tbe beginning. letwcen hester an alreets.

Dated niviniiier lfith 1912 New York, Decemar 7tn, 1912. JAMES V. SHORT, Referee. L1)YD STRYKER, Referee EDWARD J. UKILLEY.

Plaintiff's Attorney, I WILLIAM LUSTGARTEN. Attorney for Plain-142 Norman avenue, Brooklyn, New Y'ork. Uff, -68 William atreet. New York, Dccl6 3w-JI1F tl)R undersigned, tho referee in suld N. Y.

Dec98w-MftF New Buildings. CHESTER ST. 125 Sutter ave, 1-atory frame tailor shop, 22x55, slag roof, cost, $500; owner, Samuel Konkin. 176 Chester st; architect, Adelsohn ft Feln-berg, 1,776 Pitkin ave. SuRF AVE, 87 Beach Forty-eighth st, 2-story frame dwelling.

22X51.6, shingle, roof, 1-famlly, cost, owner. Hill Section Co, 193 Montague st: architect, I Dodge. 331 Fourth ave, Y. CYPRESS AVi 200 Highland I i 'Jl LL It.

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