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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

What Zoa Phora won't do for WOMANKIND no medicine will. For sale bj B. F. Keesllng and Bel rilber. THE Monsoii lypewriter Is a Good Machine.

stundarit ot oxceiiorw. ilitni o( the "ilunsoii" It THE Vou wllkllnil it a vnlunblo assistant In jour of lice. AUUreVs (or pitrtlcalura THE MUNSON.TYPEWRITER CO 240-214 Went Luke ChlciiRo, 111. STATE NATIONAL BANK LOGANSPOliT. IND.

P. Johnson, President. 8 W. Ullery, Vice President. H.

J. Heltbtfnk. Cashier. DIRECTORS. I.

T. Johnson. 3. Ullery. J.

T. Elliott. W. M. Elliott.

H. Snider. Buy and Government bonds. Loan Money personal lecurlty and collater- alf. IMUO special cei-tltlcates of bearing I Jior cent.

Intoreit when left one 2 per cent, per annum when deposited ilx months. Boxen In Safety Deposit vaults of tnll tank for the deposit of Insurance Mllcles, mortgages and ether vailuables, noted at from to US year. KROEQER STRAIN, Undertakers feEmbalmers, 5 610 BROADWAY. SIX SIX: Special Train EXCURSIONS -TO- MaxiuMee Lake VIA THE VANf)ALlA LINE July ipth, 26th, and August znd, 9th, i6th, 23fd. Faro for tlic rouGd trip $1.00.

'Train leaycs Vandalla station nt 0:50 CHAS. L. WOLL, UNDERTAKER NV. -437 Market Btreot. Calls attended to promptly, day or Central Unlpn and Mutual telephones, Offlce, No.

10; Residence, No. 12L L. G. PATTERSON Has opened a and Accident Insurance otnco at 410 Broadway, up stalra, and a share of tha public patronage. None but First CompanKsB Represented.

TfT' (or antho- "LIVES Of McKlSLKI and H'JBAKT" pages, eWKiintly Illustrated. Price only SI 00 Ttie beat nnS cheapest, and ta per cent to Agents mid ttelgttt Books now ready. Save time by sendluu cents In stamps for cntrtt at once. Address. A.D.

WOBTHLNUTON it Hatttord, Conn shop shoes, 05c, value Aaron Grcensfelder's, Third a-nd Mnrkot gtreet, Natural gas bills for tlic month August are now due and paya-blo at the company's office on Pearl street. Supt. of tlie Public Instructions Greeting, lias issued. a township Instl- tute otttlln'e. Tho Interest In the JnsUtvtnte work m'akes It possible to study lines, of professional work which have n-tt Immediate effect on the schpols.

As ft result of this condition the Institute outlines have been made more pro- each year. THE RAILROADS Business and Depression Agitation Cause Work to Stop. FORTUNESQUANDERED General News of Railroads and Railroad Employes. Kf-caiisc lit the general di'presslnn In luisinivs, the Feniwylvanhi ltii.ilt'uiitl cnuipiiiiy luis dfL-ided to slop all work mi its liui's, whenever possibh 1 In order in riHlut-c itxpe-nsi's. tlio jiliiii Times.

tho siuiK- time It imh'i-eil thai" nil coiitL-nipla-ti'd nu'iits should laid To: 1 Tin- pix-v 1'iit, Foi 1 suinc time the company ias bi-i-ii anil only a fi-w i-fi'ks onlor.s were iug nil new work, liivt tin 1 now m-ili-i- more drastic. Its i-ftVct liol'iig slop nil work except at Mount. Joy. I.aiurai^or iiud vhei'e cm oft Is lu-iiig coiustrucii-il. Tho of cliangilutt tlie line al bi-uvi'on ntul l.i-aiiiiin- it'O.

cast Hiirdsbtiiv nnd ('mm Lilly's lo I'dttiW. west of will IIP dlsrourimiod. Tlio tunnel'n'. noar which is par- hilly piimpl'Mi'il. wiM In- li-ft ns ir is.

mill iiotli.iti- tiidiv lie dour for some 0:1 li.ue ar will alsn he disi-Diiriniu-il. All "I' ihcso aiv tin- main Pile of cnastriicihig ii inm biilkhratl slu-d at Dcshrost-'-' XPW and a. now pior at wlinrf No. 20 Xorlh river. New York, has hepu laid aside for tho presc-ut.

One of she vice prcsiilpiifx uf (lie pany says that HIP reason for work is due to NIP lii.K clal trouble and business depression px'ist all over the country, lie said fhc pxpi'rioncP of other corporations leads to Che belief that 'If tho company Oi i ciilcd to llont bonds In order in tlie iinproviMiipiil.s it would lip dlfflciilt 10 do so. except at a saorlfioi-. plfiours In'lho passenger service note. a marked Increase In 'the 'number n'f' preachers' pernvlu boiiiK tincra up. They say rhat the mnnheroi: tile beinnlclarjes ol! the rule half-fare rates to inltiWorjs of the gwpm who arc- guilty of, abusing that prlvih-go Is con- siantly on the lac-reuse.

This slate of affairs, however, lliey are incllnoil 10 aitr.lhu.le to the supposed fact that issiiinsr them have not i i ntlj careful to see that only those entitles to pel-mils have received them. The fact, thai such a I fuses exist, however, lias led in a more rtfcM scrutiny on tin; part of conduetor.s and a man traveling on of any character or nn a half-Care llekei is now likely be regarded no little.suspicion. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE by local applications, as they cup reach the diseased portion ot the There Is only one way to cure deaCuess ami that by constitutional remedies. Deafness i.s caused by jiu inflamed condition of tlio'uiucous llulnjg of the EH- stachiiui Tube. When this tubs gets Inflamed yen have a rumbling pound nr imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed deafness Is the result, and the Intlammatlou can be faken anil this tube restored to its r.or- mal enndltloi).

hearing will tie rt-s- irnyi'd by rata.Th. which Is nnthliig but an lutlameil coiulltlou of rhe ruuncms surt'iice- 1 will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall'," Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free ,1. n-IBXEY Toledo. 0.

Sold Druggists. 1 ilVFORlIATION. Seeri'tary Carlisle' hius furnished 1 the fojluwlug answers (o some Inierrcgator- i ies pi'oiKjii'aded to him which no ilouhi will iii.sinicl njany: That standard silver dollars of the United Stales atv full legal leader In the payment, of ilelits. pmblic and private, without regard to otherwise ispedllcd In tlie eonlrac twceii Hie pai'fliw. Silver cerillirate.s are 1101 legal der for any amount.

C'ipper cents and nickel pieces are legal feiiiliT In I.V extent nf. cenls. Xo silver or cupper or nickel euiiis are redeennilile by law In gold. fi. silver tluit half and dimes, lire legal tender In Ihe extent of $Ki nnd are re' by law ill "lawful money" 1 tin 1 Knlied Slaves presented in sums of and 'upwards.

The mhio: 1 of eupjier n.icke! are also re- ileiMiiabie ill "la-wl'nl money" of the I'nlted, bill Ihe slandan! silver dollar imt by law rcdeemab'e at'all. alilinngli the holders of dollars may deposit them in livasnry and' receive eoriifieates for tliem. .1. G. CAF.USI'.K.

SQ On tbc last pay day of ihe I'onr railway at Wabash a in the employ of that road was paJd a national bill of the denomination if which bore, on face the following legend, written In Indelible red "Tlilri bill represents the of a large fortuno. a.U squandered on women, wine and cards." No sljinaturu was attached The penmanship was llrst-elass, showing Ihe writer to be a man handy wit!) the pen. the wa-irLnK may have Iwen the work of a practical joker, the confession, whether veal or affected, points a moral, and should serve as an object lesson to all Into whose hands the bill may foil. XIXETY-FOUR MILES AX HOUR. A test oC the IJolnum speeding trucks was made on the South Jersey railroad between Cape May and Winslow nlon, Wednesday afternoon.

train to which the locomotive wns-atlnchecl developed' a of ninety-four nnd eleveu-twell'ths an hour. The timu consumed in making the distance was eight and one-qnaTter This wn.s accomplished on a flfty-elglit- pound rail with sand ballasted trade. The best previous time made by' the Holman engine was at (lie rate of elgii- aad uino-toutns. miles an hour over a course thirty-five ami slx-wiitlis miles long on the Camden Atlantic Wcilnosdiiy's traiu carried nearly people, incliullug iroiniiienr oflifials. lute-rested in ihe experiment.

1 KA1LKOAD NOTES, Himllnglon Herald: Jlany K. M'eese was willed to Chlcagu morning lo a run in the raihvay posla! in the 1 'Panhandle betweeivLogansport. mi! Unulforcl. The Southern railway system hns idopled a device by wiiioh'rhe bells of is locomotives'will be steam er wlicuevor the engino is In mo- lion. 'i'hns the bell will Crom the mt'iit the tfaln intil it arrives at the next.

This Is bo- tiuse of comjilalat's that bolls have not been rung at crossings nnd otlKVr danger points. The Pciviisylviinhrs shops nl, Allooua, are said to seceuid in o.nly to the great Ivrnpp gun works at Essen. Improvements niiil exlcaslous were con- to be undertaken nt once, which would li.ive raatic this Ihe largest: Industrial establishment in ihe woi'kl; tlie recent order curtailing expenses wiU, of course, put a stop Id Improvements this At first glance 1t seems somewhat strange flint Ihe'earnings or oast-and west roads do not compare more favorably those of years pnst, when It Js remomlwred that rates are-being nmln- tnlned In manner thai wouldiliave been deemed Impossible three years ago. But'the fact must be taken into nc- count that the in wislncss-ls' ve.ry largely In the high-class westbound 'If''the'falling'off in; freights were confined to'ttie'low-class matter, or even If. the' usual average, were maintained the rontls.

would no.w be ranking.a* much money "as In ordinary years. CIKMS OF OJ1AT011V. Tin- I'ollowinj: nrp a T'opulLstic fx- prpssions iicaril at llip Si', l.oilis cniivi-il- rinii last week: Yon nor ask us to accept rettepm-. abh; Paw. Uathi'i- Ihan vote for such a man (Si-wall) WP would sec him miles below fllu lowest pit.

of Donnelly. WP have nothing to sny save that WP are -fornlnlst the- man from Jfaine. Missouri delogatp. Wa.rsoa will renvaiii on Hie ticket until hell I'l-uiizi-s deli-Wii'i. 1 ThL-i coiivput-ion is going to Itandall of AVi: can defy the legions of hell and of Wall street right delegate.

If the Democratic party swallvvvs Tom Watson it will have more brains and its sronmcli liiau ir had before. (Yells of dollghi.V-A, A. Giuiby. For God Alni'lghty's sake don't give us Arthur rcd-l'iiired Car- oliulan. Oil.

we must endorse this noble man. Gougar. He Is just too'spleudW. Wo have-got to endorse Hnskell. In tho name of God forget your prejudice a.nd unite in supporting now messhih Lease.

Before tliis marriage of the Democratic and Populist p.irUes takes place. I forbid tlic W. Call. Oil, my follow patriots, every time I think of the great and certain victory sciiAitions of unutterable jny caper over me'like goats-on a stable from Cu-lppppor C. H.

IXSl'RAXC'K TiKl'OUTS. The lire life insurance i an: tiling tlieir annual reports with Ihe State Auditor, logeiher wirli aiinnal tax sinreineni.s. snowing tun gross amount of premium revived Ihe Slate and actual hissi-s foi- imnilhs ending 1. On the gross eeipt.s U-'s actual losses paid, tTiey jmy per' cent. Agea.l.s an 1 in have certilientes renewed ly.

pan ies hr.vr high as -100 agenis in the Slate. The renewal fees "and taxes, amounting alxmr go into State The taxes arc payable twice a January and Inly. In the Stale then twelve accredlled woman lusuranci agents. Mistress and Maid both have their -parr in the great savings that come from Pearlinc-. Suppose you're the mistress.

There's the economy of saving- of time, and the actual money that's saved by doing away with that steady wear and tear on everything- the maid. There's the saving of the hardest partof the house- washed. Suppose you're labor; the absence of rubbing, work made easier and pleasanter. 1 But suppose you are mistress and maid, both in one, cloinsj your own work. Then there is ccrtr.inly nvicr: as reason why you should do every lit i r.r.d with Pearline.

Drawings of All Kinds Made by CHEAP EXCURSION'S TO THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. On August -1. IS. September 1.. lj- 20, October 0 20, 1SOO.

The North- Western Line (Chicago North-Western B'yl will sell Home seeders' excursion tickets at very low rates to a number ot poims In the west nnd north west. For full information apply ticket agents ol 1 connecting Hues or ad dress W. B. Knlskcrn, G. r.

T. A. Cliicago, 111. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. A CHILD ENJOYS The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and sootlilns effect of Syrup of Figs, when In need of a lax'atlve.

and If the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its-use; so that It Is the best family remedy known. every family should have bottle. The First of Chri-s: (Scientist) will sen-lees In the 'lecture roon: iu'llie liasembnt'of the Universal- clinreh at Siunlay morning. church will also be opc-n Monday, ami Friila-y CL-OIH IroO 10 o'clock. Also Monday Tuesday evenings t'rnm 7 n'cloelc to 0.

The meetings for fiClcrnooiis and ovon- arc for flic liuvestl- gaiion oC Ihe merits of Christ-Ian Science, and the explanation of the iTiti-liji of Hie Scriptures. The regular Friday evening meetings are for the purpose of explanlng from science and faith, wl'tli a key to the Scriptures. St. Joseph Is a most delightful resort during this.extremely torrid weather.

Fare the round trip, $2,00, Train leaves Vaadalia station at 7:00 m. every Sunday. Subscribe for The Journal. Spring Peaches ISc a Flue for fruit Win. See is recovering from a severe illuew.

Geo. Harrison hns the finest line or hammocks In the city. '30 cents buys choice of To and So cent wnlsts Ree HI'I'K. Don't miss our muslin underwear counter Palace. dress shoes, value nt Aaron Greensfeldcf'- 51 Tliinl Market Natural gas bills for tlie month of August are now due and payable'at the company's office on Pearl street.

Otto Krans says he never 'offered, clothing MO cheap and never sohl so few. Notice quoted elsewhere. G. W. Lecdyof Grennyil-le, 'who was called here by the death of Mr.

I. N. Lee'fly, has decided to again locate In Logans-ion. Ladies, you will lie Imprestefl in Ot- t.o',1 Intost for ren! and Toe boys' straw hals. -Thev (ire perishable nnd must go.

Think of it, waists. Toe; OSc wnlsts. -ISc; waists. 25e; choice oC all llghc wrappers, OSc: Hresden pav- 1 Call: The came to a stands! ill about o'clock afternoon, and ihen. couiineneed falling slowly, From rliat-tlnvc unl.i.1 o'clock fills tnorning fl'P'V wis a decli-ne of nbrait ineh'es.

Tliose enjoy a Oay's oirting 1101 l-o take lulvnntnge of the exceedingly low rate to St. Joseph via the YaiTrtalia. Line. Ti-aiu leaves the WaUon eveiy Snurtay a-r. a.

in. Fare for round trip. W. Bent Wilson, of the Lafayctt? in the cily yesterday, and called on The Journal to confess that he lia'il not boiled the Chicago, platform, nscept In the see.ce of swallowing if Poptilism and all, including Altgeldism, Mir, Wilson is BYRON B. GORDON.

Draughtsman Patent Attorney. Spry Block. Logansport aid Artificial Gas Bills due the Firs of each month, ten day's grace. All bills pay able at the office of theSCompany, 317.Pearl Street. rates on heaters during the months of May, June, July, August and September.

PROTECT YOUR EYES. The Hirchbcrg Optical Co. Tlio wall-known Specialists ot Ken- York have D. A. a.vuit us afitil (ot cJlo'ontid Sunctiolss and If Glosses, evew palrsnunnteeil, A.

HACK has complete nssoranent andlnvltos all to satisfy ihemsolras ot-the great superlorlry or tbese goods OTfr iiny nnniitiictiired, at the store or D. A. HACK, Sole agent for Liwinsport Ind. No Peddlers Supplied. G.

A. AT ST. PAUL. ipecia.l Eatcy vki for Natioual Ec The body of tlio late Graft- Jin. was bronslit liere Thursclayi aud now reposes in the private vault ot tbe deceased nt Mount Hope cemetery.

DISEASES OF THE SKlJif. The intense itching, nnd smarting incl dent tu eczema; tetter, salt-rheum, ana othet diseases if the skin is instantly allayed by applying Cfiamberlnin's Eye and Skin Ointment very bad cases have been permanently, cured by it. It is equally efficient for itcliincr piles nnd a favorite remedy for -sore nipples; ehniipod I'unds, and. sore eysa. For cents per box.

Try Div CaflT'g Condi tl on Poff flcra, are just what needs when in bncl condiuon: blood purilicr.nnJ vermifuge hereiiy righted in Wie oC tlie Populist State cotnmiticc. Tlils'nrtewioou at Hie Kinpr. Drill voi'ks there will bo a public test of a n'atctit appliance Tor the use of firemen outcrins bni-uing buliil'iiK. The af- ra.Ii:"-Is caJlpd a smoke protector, aud the ttel; 'will be given uu'rter Hie direction 'oC Fire Cliilef ot tlie city depnrtmeut. The test will be interest- Ins to iirenicn.

HALF RATES TO OMAHA. Via tlie Nortli-Western Line (Chicago' Nortb-Western R'y) August 13, 1C aud 17, 1SOG, one-fare for the. round trip. OB Aupust 24 excursion tickets at. very low rates' will nlso be sold from to Denver and the famous.Hot Springs of Squtli Dakota.

For full Information apply to ticket agents of connecting lines oraadnss W. B. Kntskern P. T. Cnicago, August CO Hi- Mill 31st aud Scptoaiber are tlio da-lxis upon whic'j rate round trip tickets to St.

Tiuil will bo sold Lines, tiic short rou-le thronffh Chicago. Tickets will bP good returniu? uut'J September 13th, I tuclislve, ami if deposited- wiLli ihe agent n.t Sf. P.iul ou or be. Sop-1 tember 13, the return limit will be es- tended lo Include September 30th. The rates for this occasion will be exceptionally low v'Ja Pcnusylv.inia the only system' of railways over which trains rmi from AVosteru'Pcnusylvanla, West Virginia, Ohio aud to Chicago Union Station, the natural gateway from those Slates to tlie Northwest.

Dciy trains from Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Louisville make "convenient Chicago with St. Paul Arrangements mar be made by G. A. H. Posts or partita of friends -to travel'together special trains or special ears that will go through from starting point to the Eneampment without change, If the number' Justifies -It: Information Hie subject will be cheerfully furnished by representatives of.the Pennsylvania Lines.

Niagara Falls Excursion Thursday, Aug. VIA THE Lake Erie Western R. "Natural Gas Route." On Tliijrsdny, Aufrust Cth, ISM, Uie Lako Eric Woslcrn R. R. will run tbler lar excursion to.

Cleveland, BufCS-'to and Js'logara Falls at llio followlnc very low Blooming-ton 8-23 Lafoyctte 7.S5 Jllclilpn.ii City 7.25 Indianapolis 6.25 Tlpton 6.25 Kate from all stations to Put-in-Bay and return, 54.00, With corresponding reductions from In- termGdlato points. In addition to tnc above, the purchasers of tickets will bo given privilege of special excursion side trips to Lowlston- on-thc Lake, including a steam lioat rids on Lake Ontario, for US cents. To Toronto and return by Lake from Lcwlston, J1.00. Tickets admission to places ot special Interest at or near Niagara Falls, but outside tho reservation, Including toll over the International Bridge to the Canadian side, elevators to tho water's edgo at Whirlpool Rapids on tho Canadian elde. will ba olTered on train at a reduction from prices charged after reaching Falls.

DO MOT MISS This opportunity of spending Sunday at the greatest historical spot in tlie United States. Excursion will arrive at Niagara Falls a. Friday, August 7, 1896., passengers can leave the Falls any day within tho limit their tickets, connecting with Bteamer at Buffalo. which leaves there every day p.

Paasenprcrs can have stop-over trip at Cleveland, We are offering great inducements for ct your trade. Call and'we will please you or pamphlet'giving in shoes and'prices. Aaron Greensfelder. and Market streets. fcm.iB mation; call on any agent lake Erie Western R.

or address C. F. DALY, General Passenger Ajrt. Indianapolis, tnOL.

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